How to draw a picture on a fire theme step by step. Drawing a fire truck

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a fireman for young children using this lesson, but if you have great desire- then you can try it. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a fireman we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Many professions are chosen, but some are not. It is very pleasant to draw a firefighter; this profession is very unique not only in its type of activity, but also in its costume. The artist needs to draw not only a person with all the anatomical and physical nature, but also a costume that can be more complex. I highly recommend looking at the photos before starting to work on this character.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that each item, each Living being, each phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. Build this way complex subjects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Step one

The essence of our drawing is a person in a special uniform, in motion. First, let's outline all the main parts of the body: the large part, the skeleton of the body, we'll show the joints with dots, and the palms with ovals. Let's draw horizontal line, passing through one of the palms. Later it should turn into a special fire extinguishing hose.

Step two

We dress the person in: pants, jacket, shoes, helmet. Let's show the width of the hose.

Step three

Now let's try to give the whole picture smooth lines. We will also define the outline of the mask. Behind the fireman's back is a cylinder.

Step four

Let's draw the uniform. There are a lot of decorative luminous lines on both the trousers and the jacket. We'll show you the mask in detail. He has gloves on his hands. Let's not forget about shoes.

Step five

We see a person through the mask. Let's draw an eyebrow. Let's finish drawing the helmet and cylinder. We will show the relief on the air tube. And on the clothes there are many, many folds that will give life to our drawing. I think it's ready.

How are you? Happened?

The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Ulyanovsk region is holding a competition of children's drawings to mark the 25th anniversary of the emergency department. A child’s imagination allows him to take a fresh look at the profession of a firefighter and rescuer: he is not only a firefighter who bravely saves people in a fire, but also true friend and a mentor warning about the dangers of playing with fire. Children's works reflect the interaction of all emergency services during the liquidation emergency situations- firefighters, doctors, police. Some guys clearly illustrated the rules fire safety that both adults and children should know.

The technique used to perform the work is also varied. These include pencil drawings, appliqué, watercolor, and oil. Some contestants even came up with entire three-dimensional exhibitions. On this moment About a hundred works have already been submitted to the competition.

The guys, mostly children of employees, send their works from all over the region. There are many drawings from Ulyanovsk and Dimitrovgrad, several drawings were sent by pupils of the sponsored Baranovsky boarding school in the Nikolaev region, two works came from the city of Rostov-on-Don. Age of participants art competition from 3 to 17 years.

The results will be summed up by a special competition commission on December 18. The winners will be awarded at the solemn ceremony celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which will take place on December 25 in concert hall Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after. I.N. Ulyanova.

When drawing people, you have to pay attention to the fact that there are certain characteristic differences when depicting workers of a particular profession. For example, it is enough to “dress” a doctor in a white coat and a cap with a red cross, and a ballerina in a “tutu.” I wonder what is different about the appearance of a rescuer or, to be more precise, a firefighter? Let's get acquainted with the features by trying to depict the indicated image on paper. It will be quite easy to complete the job if you know how to draw a fireman step by step. The pictures accompanying the detailed instructions will help with this.

How to draw a fireman with a pencil? Stage one - making preliminary sketches

  1. Start by laying out the proportional layout of the torso. Since the firefighter will be leaning forward slightly to hold the hose, main line the back looks like a slightly curved arc.
  2. Draw the lines of the arms emanating from the transverse shoulder area directed forward, and draw the palms as small ovals.
  3. Mark the line of the fire hose on the model. The line indicating the hips will be almost parallel to it.
  4. Draw models of both legs with slightly bent knees.
  5. Using the main baseline lines, outline the outline of the future firefighter's suit, which consists of a loose jacket, pants and a helmet.

Stage two - making the costume

How to draw a fireman in such a way that you can immediately guess his profession based on his appearance? To do this, it is necessary to depict several characteristic details when drawing a costume:

  1. A helmet with a train hanging down to the shoulders at the back and a glass shield covering the face.
  2. A mask that covers the face (preferably with a hose leading to it behind your back).
  3. Loose suit with signal stripes along the edges of the sleeves, jacket and legs.
  4. Protective gloves on hands.
  5. to extinguish a fire, preferably in action (that is, with water sprayed forward and to the sides).
  6. Rubber boots (both with legs tucked in and legs falling down).

Stage three - clarifying the details

Named characteristic features will be quite enough to understand how to draw a fireman in the most realistic way. By following the advice, instructions and drawings, even a novice artist will easily be able to depict the required image. More capable craftsmen can additionally design the following details of the costume:

Tissue folds in the elbow, shoulder and knee areas;

Falling shadows in the groin and with inside left hand;

Clearer finger contours;

Large gathering of the jacket under the belt;

Small finishing details on the oxygen cylinder and mask.

And, of course, before applying clarifying subtleties and, at first glance, invisible secrets to the almost finished drawing, do not forget to remove all the layout lines drawn on the sheet at the first stage of work.

The final stage of how to draw a fireman is to color it

Agree that black and white drawing, although it has many characteristic features, it lacks liveliness and originality. What to do? Add some color! It is saturation individual parts costume by decorating with pencils or paints in combination with skillful selection of the right shades will allow you to fully realize your plans. After all, a bright yellow suit with red signal stripes in combination with a blue stream of sprayed water is a clear indication of suitability for the firefighter profession.

So, you have become acquainted with recommendations and tips on how to draw a fireman. Perhaps it’s worth trying to translate representatives of other professions into very real images? Agree that this is very interesting and exciting!

Step one. Let's do it geometric shape parallelepiped (I hope you know what it is). Let's fit the typewriter into it. Step two. Let's sketch out the frame of the nine light long strokes.
Step three. Let's start drawing all the parts in more detail.
Step four. Let's add shadows for realism, voila - even better than in real life:

How to draw a truck with a pencil step by step

Step one. To begin with, we have to mark on paper the locations of the structural parts of the truck. Using straight lines we will sketch out such a frame.
Step two. Let's start drawing the body, cabin and wheels.
Step three. Let's add details: glass, mirrors, and other little things.
Step four. Let's remove auxiliary lines Using an eraser, add shading for realism. Here's what happened:

How to draw a carriage with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's sketch out the location of the objects with lines.
Step two. Now let's sketch out the sketch. We will enter the necessary elements into each of the segments
Step three. Let's outline the contours more clearly, even add shadows.
Step four. Let's remove unnecessary lines and add shading. It turned out pretty good:

How to draw a sailboat with a pencil step by step

Step one. Sketch out a few lines that vaguely resemble a ship.
Step two. Mark the locations of the sails.
Step three. Draw the hull and other structural parts of the ship.
Step four. Next we have to more accurately draw all the elements and outline the contours.
Step five. Let's add shading, shadows, and draw waves from below.

How to draw a Lamborghini with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a polygonal shape to place the car inside.
Step two. We clearly highlight the body with headlights and hood.
Step three. We complete the body of the car, add wheels, side mirrors and other parts.
Step four. Add hatching and remove extra lines.

How to draw a Kamaz with a pencil step by step

Step one. Divide the paper into several square sectors representing different parts of the car.
Step two. In the appropriate squares, draw the car's wheels, body, cargo compartment and Windshield.
Step three. First sketch out the front part, apply shadows, license plate, draw wheels and windshield.
Step four. Do the same with the other half, sketch it with large hatching.
Step five. Clean up the drawing and erase the extra lines with an eraser.
Step six. Add shading if necessary to make it look more realistic. This is how it should look:

How to draw Lada Priora with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw the car body and front wheels.
Step two. Add headlights, rear wheels and other details.
Step three. Outline everything with a thicker line.
Step four. Shade and write Lada Priora instead of numbers.

How to draw a fire truck with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's start small, select the area for drawing with a geometric figure, as in the picture below.
Step two. We sculpt the shape of the car, add three wheels in circles. At the top, use a short horizontal line to mark the place for the water cannon.
Step three. Let's round out the shapes and make softer transitions. Let's determine the centers of the wheels by drawing perpendicular lines.
Step four. The basic form is ready, now we just add all the accessories and elements: headlights, bumpers, doors, windows.
Step five. Let's darken the bottom of the car, create the image of tires with short lines around the wheels and finish adding various bells and whistles.

How to draw Boomer with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw an oval circle.
Step two. Carefully turn the drawn pseudo circle into a car body. Smooth lines We highlight the structural parts: doors, hood, roof.
Step three. We make the shape more rounded and even, highlighting the windshield and door windows. We also carefully draw two wheels.
Step four. The main elements are ready, let's move on to the smaller details. Let's draw the headlights, bumper and side spoilers, side mirrors, and don't forget the steering wheel.
Step five. We draw the tires, create a shadow under the car, lightly shade the windows and hood.

How to draw a tractor with a pencil step by step

Step one

We will place large figures in the center of the sheet and set the shape and position of our drawing. There are two parallelepipeds - the tractor cabin, huge uneven circles - the wheels, and behind there is a trapezoid.

Step two

Let's outline the outline of the cabin and give it a shape. The large, uneven circles should become large, massive twin wheels. Behind, inside the trapezoid, we will draw buckets.

Step three

Let's draw the tractor cabin. Let's draw the pipe and the front part. Let's outline the wheels. Let's pay attention to the ladle.

Step four

Let's show what we can barely see inside the cabin. We will place all sorts of lanterns on top. Carefully examine all the details on the body and try to transfer them to your sheet. Inside the wheel we see a disk.

Step five

Since we have a tractor, the tires have high tread. The radiator trim and a few small things are missing. OK it's all over Now! The tractor is ready! Congratulations to you!

How to draw a sports car Audi S 5 Coupe

Step one.

Let's draw the body of a sports car.

Step two.

Let us denote the windows and the location of the wheels with lines.

Step three.

Let's erase the auxiliary lines. Let's outline the contours of Audi.

Step four.

Let's add doors and front bumper.

Step five.

Now the details. We draw the door handles, tank, rims, headlights and Audi brand badge.

Step six.

All that remains is to darken the front of the car using shading. This is how the drawing of the sports car turned out:

How to draw a bicycle with a pencil step by step

Step one

First, let's show the outline of the bike, its main lines. That is, you and I should get two oval wheels connected by a frame, a base for the seat and steering wheel.

Step two

Let's outline the oval wheels and make them wider. Let's show the steering wheel line smoothly. We will outline the existing seating base and give it a shape. From the saddle down we draw another line, draw the front sprocket and pedals.

Step three

Draw the thickness of the rubber. There is a wing above the rear wheel. Now let's turn to the frame and wheel fork. Let's design the saddle and show the seatpost. Let's move on to the steering wheel: here are the handles and the steering column.

Step four

Now let's pay attention to the details. We still don't have enough wheel rim with nipple. Next we draw the cassettes on the rear wheel and the chain. Let's draw holes on the star. Let's make the pedals voluminous. There are stripes on the bicycle handles. On the saddle we will draw a line separating its sidewall.

Step five

There is very little left to reach the goal. Namely, a box for a chain and spokes for wheels. Now you know how to draw a bicycle with a pencil. It's a shame you can't ride it. But I want to!

How to draw a bus with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Let's draw the base. It will serve us as a huge parallelepiped located in the very center of the sheet. That is, you need to remember a little geometry. By the way, if you remember about the “vanishing point” from the lesson about the room, then this is very cool. Because this trick works with the top and bottom lines of our bus. And somewhere far, far away they intersect.

Step two.

Let's draw the wheels. We remember important rule: those objects that are close seem large, those that are further away seem small. And if you look at an angle, then the visual effect is such that you see the circle as an oval.

  • or parallel to the base of the bus,

Step three

Let's divide the resulting windows into sections. Perhaps there are already passengers sitting inside.

Let's add rectangular headlights to our drawing.

Step four

We will make our drawing more voluminous and lively. For each line of the window we will make a parallel. We'll show the rims inside the wheels.

Let's remember the details: these are the wipers, the rear-view mirrors, the door, and the turn signals. Ready:

How to draw a motorcycle step by step

Step one

The first thing to do is draw a horizontal center line for the wheels. This way we will immediately give directions to our drawing. Now the wheels themselves. Let's outline the horizontal axes. The visual effect is such that we see them not quite round, but slightly elongated vertically. Moreover, the wheel closest to us is larger.

At the top is the angular outline of a motorcycle.

Let's connect the grain of the ear with a horizontal line.

Step two

Let's make the wheel closest to us three-dimensional. Let's show the width of the rear wheel tires and its wide fork. On the body of the motorcycle itself we will need to make a lot of straight reference lines, which we will need later. Look carefully at the drawing and try to do the same.

Step three

We continue to draw wide wheels. Above them are wide wings. Let's show the seat and front tail.

Step four

All the details of the two-wheeled friend need to be transformed from angular to smooth and graceful. We carefully draw out the details.

Step five

Let's outline the outline of the base and make it brighter. Here, our brainchild is already visible.

Step six

There are a couple of barely noticeable inscriptions on the case. But we noticed them and will draw them. Now we need to give shadow to some of the details located in the depths. Well, you're done!

How to draw a car with a pencil step by step

So let's get started.

Step one.

Draw an outline. All lines are smooth and smooth. Minimum sharp corners. We start drawing from the base, outline the top of the car, and then show the lines of the hood and windshield. More precisely, at this stage, these are auxiliary lines. We draw the wheels: what is located closer to us is a little larger than the one farther away. Step two.

Now we need to draw the windshield. In this case, we focus on the drawn auxiliary lines. Let's draw a rear view mirror. Step three.

From the hood we draw the side windows. At the same time, we will, as it were, continue the line of the hood to the trunk, and then we will draw the windows themselves and show the side-view mirror. We will draw a line along the side that will give relief to our car. Ahead, at the intersection of the auxiliary lines, we will draw the radiator lining: several almost parallel lines, and on the cross itself - the brand name of the manufacturer. Next we draw the headlights. In this case, again, we rely on our auxiliary lines.

Step four.

Draw the bottom and outline the bumper. Notice how we can see the wheels from under the wings. Let's show the doors. Go ahead. Step five.

On the hood we will show the lines of the body relief. Let's draw the cross of the Mercedes icon. Let's draw handles on the doors. Now you need to draw a picture on the bumper. The drawing should not be flat, but voluminous. To do this, on the one hand, we seem to repeat the contour of the figure.

The very last thing remains. Here you need to try: wheel rims. Let's draw both the cross and the arcs to show the wide tire and voluminous rim. Step six.

We erase all the auxiliary lines! Well, the car is ready! You can trace the outline!

Step one.

Let's draw the main ones geometric figures, which will help us in the future. The first is an elongated ellipse. It is not located horizontally, but slightly at an angle. You need to place the figure closer to the left side of the sheet. We should still have some space left. From the ellipse we draw two lines to the side - the axis of the tail of the aircraft. Inside the plane there is a long center line. You can cheat and draw it using a ruler. Let's draw a small oval to our ellipse - the future turbine. So, the main defining parts are ready and we can move on.

Step two.

This step is more difficult than the first. As carefully as possible, starting from the turbine, we draw the contour line upward, drawing the contour of the windshield. Next we draw the roof, which should be parallel to the long axial line. We are gradually approaching the tail section. Here the tail axles should help us. Based on them, we need to draw a tail. Happened? Let's move on!

Step three.

We draw the second turbine of the engine, and then draw it in detail. Now we need to connect the body of the aircraft with a smooth line to the tail. We will show another almost horizontal line from the aircraft body at the rear. Step four.

On the body of our aircraft we draw another long line parallel to the axial one. Continue draw an airplane step by step - We depict the details as shown in the figure. Step five.

Along the long line we draw: a windshield, a hatch for landing and for an emergency exit, portholes. Step six.

Now we erase the auxiliary lines. Take a soft pencil or black felt-tip pen in your hands and trace the outline! Step seven.

Most final stage: Let's color! It seems our plane is ready to take off!

STEP 1. As in the previous lesson, we first draw the elongated shape of the car. And also draw two lines, as shown in the figure, on which the windshield will later be located.

STEP 2. Next we make sketches of the future shape of the car. We start with the far left wing and then move to the right. Draw the wheels, hood and windshield. Sketch out the headlights. You can also roughly outline the location of the wheels using two lines, as shown in the figure.

STEP 3. Here we have to add a lot of details to the car. Let's start with the lower grille, spoiler and headlights. Then we move on to the trunk and wheels. You can depict the rims on the wheels that you like best, or copy them from our example.

STEP 4. We already see good drawing cars, however, are not everything. It is necessary to add more parts on the body and hood. Add some stripes also on the roof of the car, make ventilation holes. Draw a round shape for the tires.

STEP 5. It remains to add the finishing touches to drawing the car. Let's make the rear-view mirrors, draw the headlights, and start applying the pattern to the tires. You can also add wipers.

STEP 6. Erase the extra lines with an eraser and trace the remaining contours of the car. This is how it should work out for you.

STEP 1. The first step is quite easy. All you need to do is make an elongated shape for the future car. It should look like an oblong box. It even somewhat resembles a guitar or violin. Try to repeat exactly as shown in Figure 1.

But if you want, you can use a ruler to draw the car windows, and later round them off manually.

STEP 3. Start drawing the glass. The windshield comes first, the passenger side window later. Some Barbie girl or famous singer Debby Ryan might be sitting there. Next we draw the headlights.

STEP 4. On pencil drawing of a car we only see the car from one side, so we draw only one door and the running boards under the door. Add window frames. Don't forget to make a handle and a keyhole.

STEP 5. Move on to the hood. Draw two lines on the hood and a grille below. Next, outline the lining for the spoiler and the bumper.

STEP 6. We are all ready to go. All that remains is to draw the wheels of the car. Please note that the wheels are not round! Under the weight of the machine, they become a little flat at the bottom. It will look more realistic. Well, of course, the tires are not perfectly round.

STEP 7. And finally, we carefully draw the rims. Try to repeat it as in the picture, or you can draw your own version, so they can be different types and shapes, for every taste and color.

STEP 8. Remove unnecessary auxiliary lines using an eraser and trace the contours. This is how it should turn out:

How to draw a train with a pencil step by step

Step one. Using long, drawn-out lines, we will create the figure of a train in motion with a small chimney on top.
Step two. Let's add a lot of wheels, headlights in front and other accessories of the locomotive.
Step three. Let's carefully draw every detail, especially taking a closer look at the wheels. Let's remove the extra lines.
Step four. Now let’s sketch everything thoroughly with a pencil, and most importantly, create a beautiful, lush smoke that comes out of the chimney.

How to draw steam with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw the body of the ferry and the water line with straight lines.

Step two. We add a deck to our ferry, all sorts of antennas and gadgets. We complete the lines of the body so that they stand out more clearly.

Step three. Somewhere on the horizon we draw the earth, insert a pipe for the exhaust for our ferry, draw lines for the windows.

Step four. All that remains is to complete the windows in the already marked places, make some adjustments to the structure of the ship and its appearance, and, voila, the ferry is afloat. Take the helm, captain, we're waiting long haul in the world of creativity!

Step five.

How to draw a helicopter with a pencil step by step

Step one. First we draw all the lines thin line. For this we can take hard pencil. Let's determine the position of the helicopter and the angle at which we will look.

We draw an oblique triangle - this is the outline that determines the future aircraft technology. At the top of the triangle there is a continuation of the sides, and above them there is a curved line. This is the back of our helicopter. The angle facing us is the front.

Step two. Starting from curved line, almost vertically upward or at a slight angle, draw a structure on which the main rotor will be located.

Step three. The task is not easy: let's draw the outline of the helicopter around the main triangle. The upper corners, “ears”, attached to the main device, will later turn into engine turbines.

Step four. Now we need to show the wings. We look at our main triangle: its side farthest from us is the reference line. Mentally, or perhaps with a thin line, draw a line parallel to it. And already on it are the wings of a helicopter. The wings will create additional lift, and this will increase the flight speed.
Step five. We draw turbines: large ones at the top and small ones under the wings. We carefully draw the nose of the helicopter on the corner of the triangle closest to us, and the wheeled chassis below. Step six. Using thin, barely noticeable lines we draw the windows, contours and corners of the body.

Step seven. Now let’s take a swing and draw a cross-shaped rotor. Step eight. Almost forgot about the tail. It is slightly visible because of the screw.

Step nine. Well, that's practically all. There’s just a little bit left: erase our supporting triangle with an eraser. And then, using a soft pencil, outline the outline of the main large parts. Coloring the helicopter is at your discretion.