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In the morning, sometimes you don’t want to cook for a long time; it’s better to get some sleep. But to be healthy, you need to take care of a nutritious and healthy breakfast. There is a way out - porridge instant cooking, cereals and breakfast cereals with delivery from Dozen. Moreover, we have such a rich assortment:

  • oat flakes;
  • multigrain flakes;
  • cornflakes;
  • oat bran;
  • milk pads;
  • oatmeal;
  • muesli and much more.

Reasons to buy breakfast cereals at Dozen

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With milk. But are breakfast cereals really healthy as their manufacturers claim? In this article, we will take a closer look at breakfast cereals and their effects on human health.

What is breakfast cereal?

These products are cereals made from processed grains. They are often eaten with milk, yogurt, fruit or nuts.

These grain products are often fortified with vitamins and minerals. This means that extra nutrients are added to make the dish healthier.

How is breakfast cereal produced?

As a rule, it includes the following stages:

Processing: The grains are processed into flour and exposed to high temperatures.

Mixing: The resulting semi-finished product is then mixed with ingredients such as sugar, chocolate and water.

Extrusion: Many breakfast cereals are produced by a high-temperature process that uses a machine to form the flakes.

Drying: extracting liquid under the influence of temperatures.

Molding: The product is formed into various shapes - balls, stars, figures or rectangles.

Breakfast cereals can also be puffed - in the form of flakes or various geometric shapes. The snack may also be coated with chocolate or glaze before drying.

Breakfast cereal is made from refined grains, most often through a process called extrusion. This technology is high degree processing of the product, during which many ingredients are added. Most of these dishes end up containing a lot of sugar and fast carbohydrates.

Potential Harm

Added sugar is the only but very significant drawback in the production of dry cereal snacks. This may lead to excess weight and other health problems if you consume such products regularly in large quantities. The main difficulty is that many people try to follow healthy eating principles by eliminating sugar from their diet, but still get it from processed foods.

According to nutritionists, breakfast cereals are one of the most commonly consumed processed foods high in added sugars.

However, in most of these cereals, sugar is listed as the second or third ingredient, which means that if you do not read the label carefully, it may not be noticed.

What could this mean?

Starting the day with a high sugar breakfast will cause your blood levels to spike and insulin production to increase.

After a few hours, your blood glucose levels will plummet and your body will begin to crave other foods that are equally high in carbohydrates, creating a vicious cycle of overeating.

Excess sugar consumption may also increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

What conclusion can be drawn based on this?

Most breakfast cereals are high in sugar and made from refined grains. Excessive consumption of this product may have harmful effects and may increase the risk of a number of diseases.

As a rule, on the front side of the box it is indicated that this is a healthy product enriched with vitamins. Packaging often includes misleading labels such as “low fat” and “whole grain.”

But if you look full list ingredients, you can be sure that the majority of the product is refined grains and sugar. Other useful components will be present, but their percentage is usually too small. This means that the benefits of breakfast cereals that are promoted long time, is highly doubtful.

They are overly processed foods that are made with added sugar. A small amount in the composition does not negate the harmful effects of other ingredients.

Impact on children

A huge problem is that the manufacturers of these food products conduct promotions aimed at children. Companies use bright colors, cartoon characters and various colorful figures to attract the attention of young consumers.

Not surprisingly, this leads children to associate breakfast cereals with entertainment and fun. Classic example- Nesquik breakfast cereals. Every child knows the cheerful bunny from the commercials selling chocolate cereal.

This also affects taste preferences. Research shows that children prefer foods that have pictures. popular characters cartoon on the packaging.

In addition to attracting children's attention, these products are often misleading about their health benefits. For example, Nestlé breakfast cereals are presented as a special children's breakfast rich in vitamins and microelements, which is doubly useful with milk. It actually contains the declared substances, but the sugar and chocolate content significantly reduces the benefits.

Does this mean that breakfast cereal should not be eaten?

In fact, these snacks are not completely unhealthy. Sometimes they can be consumed without any fear. If you want to eat breakfast cereal every day, you must adhere to certain rules.

Ideally, you should choose whole grain cereals that contain less than 5 grams of sugar per serving. Read the contents of the labels to find out what substances are contained in the product and in what quantities.

Secondly, fiber content is important. Breakfast cereals that contain at least 3 grams of fiber per serving are truly healthy. Eating enough of this substance has many health benefits.

Third, pay attention to the serving size. Breakfast cereals tend to be crunchy and tasty, which is the reason why you can consume a large number of calories at one time. Measure how much you eat and be sure to use the serving size information on the package.

Final verdict

Read the ingredient list very carefully. Ignore the list of healthy arguments on the front of the box. Check the full list of ingredients. The first two or three components are the most important, since the product mainly consists of them.

However, food manufacturers can sometimes use tricks to hide the amount of sugar present in a snack. If it is listed several times under different names, it may not be in the first three items.

You can make your breakfast healthier by adding some protein to it. This will help you feel full faster and reduce your appetite. A tablespoon of nuts, seeds or natural yogurt is good choice for serving with cereal flakes. You can also add a little fresh berries or pieces of juicy fruit.

Crispy corn flakes and balls are not a healthy breakfast at all. But you can get benefits from them if you use them correctly.

Appeared by chance. There was a sanatorium in Michigan owned by the Kellog brothers. One day they decided to pamper the guests with a dish, but while cooking, the cook got distracted. The dough broke into unappetizing lumps and became unsuitable for cooking. I had to somehow get out. As a result, the dough was fried and served with marshmallows and milk. The residents of the sanatorium liked the new dish and became part of their regular diet. The brothers experimented a little with the cooking method, and in 1894 they patented a recipe for corn flakes.

Ideally, the cereal should consist of salt, corn flour, sugar and a small amount of butter. There are unsweetened variations to which sugar and its analogues are not added.

Before talking about the harmfulness or usefulness of this product, you need to understand what is included in its composition. And a lot goes into it.

  • Macro- and microelements: potassium, iron, sodium, cobalt, chromium, magnesium, zinc, copper.
  • Vitamins: A, B1, E, PP, B2, H.

Corn breakfasts also contain a lot of fiber, glutamine and other amino acids, and starch.

In other words, this food contains a lot useful substances. But it can’t be done without a “but”. Vitamins B this product appear by enrichment, that is, they are synthetic, like pills from a pharmacy. The benefit from them is insignificant or non-existent. Most crispy products are generously flavored with sugar syrup and flavoring additives, and even if they make the flakes tastier, they are certainly not healthier.

Beneficial features

For mood and brain activity

This product contains tryptophan. In the body, this substance is converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter. Thus, a portion of crispy cereal gives a person an optimistic mood and a good mood.

Glutamic acid accelerates metabolic processes occurring in the brain.

Starch helps strengthen nerve cells. Therefore, eating “ready-made breakfasts” made from corn helps to quickly increase intelligence, and in the long term, maintain strong nervous system and excellent memory.

Benefits for the gastrointestinal tract

This product contains a lot of fiber, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines. In general, eating cereal stimulates the gastrointestinal tract and helps relieve the body. It is advisable to use them for people suffering from constipation and colitis. To improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, flakes should be eaten together with live yoghurts - then the effect will be stronger.

It is also an excellent snack for people suffering from appetite disorders. Such food provides quick satiation, which short term replaced by hunger. As a result, cereal helps to awaken the appetite and solve some problems that arise in people who “forget” to eat from time to time.

This type of breakfast cereal can be eaten in small quantities by people on a strict diet. A small snack will help prevent gastrointestinal upset associated with dietary restrictions and improve your mood. But do not forget that the product is not dietary.

What harm

And although corn breakfasts made by conscientious producers are not dangerous to health, some can still cause harm.

  1. Synthetic vitamins, which are generously flavored with flakes, are absorbed differently than natural ones. But the latter disappear from the grain during processing. According to some reports, artificial vitamins are harmful. A German cancer center stopped giving vitamins “in tablets” to children, as it was found that they cause tumor growth. Therefore, you should not get carried away with cereals enriched with vitamins, especially for people with a genetic predisposition to cancer. And it’s better for children to eat fruits rather than synthetics.
  2. Research has shown that different products made from cornmeal have different effects. For example, women who consumed hominy lost weight. Those who were on a “diet” of corn flakes, on the contrary, gained weight. Therefore, a passion for cereal can ruin your figure.
  3. The product increases blood sugar levels. This property can be beneficial when a person’s blood sugar drops sharply, but is more often harmful to health.

Good breakfast

Advertising has conditioned people to think that cereal is an ideal breakfast. The plot of the advertisement, where a stream of milk hits a plate of sun flakes, and rosy-cheeked children happily spoon up this wonderful food under the gaze of a happy mother, is not very true. In terms of breakfast, the advantages of cereal are obvious: they do not require cooking, and you can quickly snack on them when you are late.

But the benefit is only in the absence of hassle and saving time. As already mentioned, ready-made breakfasts made from corn are quickly digested, and then awaken the appetite, so they do not give a boost of energy for the whole day. Having a snack like this, you will only have enough strength to get to work without falling asleep.

Scientists insist that breakfast should not be sweet: this creates incorrect taste habits and can also trigger the development of diabetes. Finding unsweetened corn flakes on sale is not an easy task.

How to use it correctly

Cereals should be a guest in the diet, not a lodger. You can enjoy them once or twice a week. If the situation is critical and there is no time, please do so. But then you need to add a couple of sandwiches to the menu, and use yogurt or another fermented milk product as a dressing. Of course, this combination of products is not very healthy for your figure, but it will help you overcome hunger until lunch.

In other cases, “ready-made breakfasts” should be eaten in the middle of the day as a treat or snack, but not as part of main meals. IN in rare cases You can eat a handful of cereal before bed to get rid of a hunger attack that provokes insomnia.

Choose a product whose composition does not contain suspicious letters and numbers, but only corn flour, salt, and oil. For sweetness, you can add honey to them, but not sugar.

You should not eat cereal dry - it can cause bloating, abdominal pain, and nausea. To bring the cereal more benefit, combine them with “live” fermented milk products.

For whom are they contraindicated?

  • those suffering from caries;
  • diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • with cancer;
  • small children;
  • for allergy sufferers.

Certain components of the flakes may cause individual intolerance. Read package information carefully, including information about trace amounts of nuts, dried fruits and other potential allergens.

This article will help you choose a healthy breakfast cereal in the store without fear of harm children's health. We will tell you what muesli, cereal and sweet breakfast cereals are made from. You will also find out which foods are safe for children to eat and which are not recommended.

Reasons for popularity

Breakfast cereals are very popular these days. There are three main reasons for its popularity:

1. Does not require long preparation

This perfect solution for busy people. Just pour the mixture into a deep plate and add liquid (juice, water, milk) or yogurt; in 5 minutes the dish will be ready.

2. Great taste

Sweet breakfasts for children are especially popular, but dry cereals, cereals and muesli are not far behind.

3. Affordable price

Breakfast cereals can be purchased at fairly low prices, although there are also premium products.

Dry grain products were invented for medicinal purposes

The first dry cereal product, Granola, was invented by Dr. James Caleb Johnson in 1863. He came up with it to help people with gastrointestinal diseases in a medical sanatorium where he worked at that time. “Granola” was produced in briquettes that needed to be soaked for a long time, so it was not very popular.

Modern equipment in the production of breakfast cereals has solved the problems of grinding. Today they are prepared quickly and easily.

Help the body

By eating breakfast cereals, we satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, and our body receives substances that are beneficial for the body. For example, grains are a source of fiber, which is essential for a healthy diet. Fortified with vitamins and minerals, this breakfast cereal contains prebiotics to help support the digestive system.

The child will love to drink milk

Some children do not like to drink milk pure form" Breakfast cereals solve this problem: they are filled with milk, and it tastes much better with cereal or muesli.

How to choose a healthy dry breakfast?

Not all breakfasts are created equal. The positive effect is wonderful! But, alas, a small part of breakfast cereals is considered healthy food. Before you buy a product, read the ingredients on the package.

1. Choose breakfast cereals with the least amount of “chemicals”

The product may contain:

  • Preservatives
  • Sweeteners
  • Dyes

2. Do not buy a product with excess sugar, salt, fats

Often breakfast cereals contain an excess of substances, the use of which should be limited, especially in baby food. These are sugar, salt (sodium), fats. Sugar should be less than 5 g per serving.

3. Whole grain breakfasts are the healthiest

Whole grains are the best because they preserve greatest number useful substances. Healthy breakfast cereal is high in fiber: more than 3 g per serving.

4. A good breakfast has everything in moderation.

Excess bran, for example, leads to disruption of the stomach (discomfort, bloating, flatulence).

Types of breakfast cereals

There are three types of breakfast cereals: sweet breakfast cereals, muesli and cereal. We will tell you in detail about each variety.

Sweet breakfasts

Sweet breakfasts, or snacks, are the main part of the range of breakfast cereals. These include honey stars, glazed rings, chocolate balls and stuffed pillows. The sweet breakfast range is aimed at children and children really love this type of food. But are snacks as healthy as they are advertised to be?

Food not for every day

“Sweet breakfasts” are, in fact, not breakfasts at all. There is almost no fiber, since cereals for snacks are ground into flour. It is then mixed with fat, sweeteners added and baked. The more fat and sugar in breakfast, the higher the calorie content it is. For comparison, 100 g of sweet breakfast cereal can be equivalent in calorie content to a donut with jam.

Delicious afternoon snack

However, if your child loves sugary breakfasts, it's not the end of the world. This product cannot be eaten every day, but it is a good option for children's afternoon snack or dessert 2-3 times a week. Traditionally, sweet breakfasts are topped with warm milk.


Muesli (German mus - puree) is a breakfast food made from raw or baked cereals, wheat germ, bran, nuts, dried fruits, dried berries, chocolate, honey and spices. Muesli is poured with yogurt, milk, fruit juice or still mineral water.

History of the dish

Muesli was invented in 1900 by Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner.

Rumor has it that a local shepherd gave Banner the idea by sharing with him the food he ate every day. A mixture of ground wheat, berries, milk and honey turned out to be not only tasty, but also healthy. The shepherd said that the recipe for the dish was passed down in his family from generation to generation, while his father and grandfather were long-lived and rarely got sick. The doctor took the prescription into service.

The story of the shepherd may be a legend, but the facts confirm that Benner included muesli on the menu of his hospital patients as part of a healthy diet.

In the 1960s, residents Western Europe and the USA began to take an active interest healthy eating and low-fat diets. In the wake of such a hobby, muesli became widely known and extremely popular.


  • Natural muesli made from raw cereals

Natural muesli does not contain preservatives. In addition to cereals, they may contain processed oatmeal, seeds, dried fruits and nuts.

Be careful!

It is not recommended to give natural muesli to children under 6 years of age. , since the child’s stomach does not digest unprocessed grain well. You can give it either boiled or soaked (leave the muesli in hot milk for 2 hours).

  • Muesli made from baked cereals ("Granola" refers to them)

This muesli is baked at low temperatures. Before baking, cereals are mixed with honey, nuts, natural juices and sometimes with a small amount of vegetable oils. After heat treatment, the taste of cereals becomes more intense. Due to the additives, the muesli becomes sweeter.


Breakfast cereals are thin plates of compressed grains. Before use they are poured hot water or milk and let it brew under the lid for several minutes. “Hercules” and corn flakes can be poured with yogurt.

Oatmeal - the first breakfast cereal in history

The first cereals that do not require cooking were produced by the German emigrant Ferdinand Schumacher. At first he sold oatmeal in his store (Akron, Ohio, USA). In 1877, Schumacher registered a product called Quaker. Cereals"Quaker" became the first registered trademark ready-made breakfast cereals.


  • Cereal flakes

Cereal flakes (for example, “Hercules”) are usually made without additives from various cereals, putting them under a press and cutting them into plates; then they undergo heat treatment. If you pour boiling water over them, they are almost as nutritious as traditional porridge; beneficial features fibers are preserved.

  • Cornflakes

These are sweet dessert cereals. Corn grits for corn flakes are boiled in sugar syrup for several hours, cooled, dried, pressed and fried. When the flakes acquire a golden color, a layer of caramel is applied to them.

The beneficial properties of corn grain completely disappear. Caloric content increases due to fat and high carbohydrate content.

Now you can choose a healthy breakfast cereal to suit your taste. We wish you and your children good health and bon appetit!

For many, breakfast cereals have become a common morning meal because they are delicious and do not require time to prepare. There are different opinions regarding the benefits of these products.

Types and features of the production of breakfast cereals

The benefits and quality of breakfast cereals are influenced by the production method and technology. This food was pressed bran without additives. They weren't particularly tasty, but they were healthy and cheap. Gradually, production technologies developed, and breakfast cereals acquired the appearance familiar to us. You can find the following types of product in stores:

  • Flakes– are made from different types cereals without additives by cutting and flattening into thin slices. Flakes that do not require cooking undergo additional heat treatment. To do this, the grains are steamed, boiled or treated with infrared rays, then flattened and dried.
  • Muesli– are produced by adding additives to the cereal: pieces of berries or fruits, jam, chocolate, nuts or honey.
  • – these are pillows, balls and figures made from cereals. They are steamed from rice, oats, rye or corn under high pressure to retain maximum vitamins and minerals.

Often breakfast cereals undergo other types of processing. They can be fried in oil, ground, ground into flour and glazed. This affects the composition, calorie content and quality of the product, and therefore the health benefits.

What are the benefits of breakfast cereals?

Nutritionists have mixed opinions about breakfast cereals. This is due to the fact that there are many companies producing such products and they use different technologies and additives. The cereals from which this food is made are healthy and should be present in the diet, but those that have not been processed and have retained all the beneficial substances.

Corn flakes contain a lot of vitamin A and E. Rice flakes contain all the beneficial amino acids needed by the body. Oatmeal is rich in magnesium and phosphorus. Dried fruits contained in muesli enrich them with iron, pectin and potassium, and in combination with nuts and grains are perfectly digestible. Nuts contain polyunsaturated acids that are beneficial to humans.

Sweet cereals with kefir, yogurt or milk and the addition of honey, chocolate and sugar allow you not to feel hungry all morning hours. This kind of food healthier than breakfast consisting of sandwiches.

These dishes are prepared quickly and easily. Even a child can make such a breakfast.

What harm can breakfast cereals cause?

English experts on food products Research has been conducted on several breakfast cereals. famous manufacturers. During the test, they were able to find out that one serving has the same sugar content as a donut, piece of cake or jam, which is 1/4 daily value sugar for an adult.

Snacks, a favorite type of breakfast cereal for children, deserve special attention. The harm of the product lies in the peculiarities of its preparation, during which most of the beneficial substances are removed, and due to frying they become greasy. This type of food lacks the fiber the body needs. Therefore, breakfast cereals for children do more harm than good. They impair the functioning of the intestinal tract and stomach, and also provoke obesity.

Frying the cereal in oil, adding molasses, honey, sugar and chocolate increases the calorie content of breakfast cereals. It becomes like cookies or candy. It is also increased by the additives included in breakfast cereals - on average they provide 350 kcal per 100 grams.

Corn, rice and wheat flakes contain many carbohydrates that are easily digestible by the body. They are an excellent source of energy and “charge the brain” well, but at the same time they have a bad effect on the figure.

It is worth mentioning the products and additives used in the manufacture of breakfast cereals. They are often fried in palm or hydrogenated oils, which increase cholesterol levels in the blood, leading to heart disease. Many of the products add flavorings, leavening agents and acidity regulators, which cause a lot of harm to the body. You should be wary of the lack of sugar in breakfast cereals, since substitutes or sweeteners were most likely used instead.

Of all the types of breakfast cereals, the healthiest are the unprocessed cereals found in muesli or sold separately. However, when buying even a healthy product, it is worth considering that it is recommended to give it to children over 6 years old. Moreover, nutritionists recommend eating breakfast cereals as an addition to food, and not as a main product.