What is the calorie content of oatmeal with water? Calorie content of oatmeal with water

People whose goal is to lose weight should honor oatmeal and rejoice in its existence. Oatmeal is a universal dish, best suited for breakfast and lunch. Being one of the most dietary cereals, natural oat porridge is characterized by the presence of complex carbohydrates, which give energy to the body throughout the day. Let's see what the calorie content of oatmeal with water is, talk about the beneficial properties and tell you options for preparing oatmeal.

How many calories are in oatmeal with water?

As already noted, oatmeal is a low-calorie dish suitable for anyone to eat. Anyone can afford this delicacy.

Let's estimate the calorie content and BJU of the product (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates):

  1. 100 grams of oatmeal cooked in water contains 88 kcal.
  2. Per 100 grams of product there are 3 grams of protein, 1.7 grams of fat and 15 grams of carbohydrates.

Since we have determined how many calories are in oatmeal with water, let's move on to the benefits of oats for the health of the human body.

Why is oatmeal such a healthy food?

Among other grain porridges, oatmeal has a unique ratio of proteins and fats. No other porridge has such nutritional value. Residents of megacities will also appreciate the fact that numerous dietary fibers contain adsorbents of heavy metal salts.

The benefit of oatmeal with water lies in the truly incredible composition of the dish. Cereals contain a lot of vitamins A, B, E, K, PP. The microelements calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, iron and magnesium are presented in good proportions. Boiled oatmeal contains essential amino acids that are so necessary for humans and are quickly absorbed in the body.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are also beneficial for humans, add a few calories to oatmeal. Doctors and nutritionists talk about the benefits of oatmeal in order to prevent atherosclerosis, diabetes, and liver diseases. However, the trump card of oatmeal, its feature should be its ability to boil and release gluten, which gently envelops the stomach and facilitates digestive processes. Fiber helps get rid of waste and toxins, clearing unnecessary debris from the intestines.

Methods for preparing oatmeal with water

First, let's figure out how to cook classic oatmeal in water.

For this we need:

  1. Oatmeal - 50 grams
  2. Water - 1 glass
  3. Salt - to taste

It’s not even worth describing this process step by step - it’s too simple. First you need to bring the water to a boil, then add the cereal. Reduce heat, stirring occasionally. When the porridge thickens, add salt. Cook for a few minutes until the cereal is completely cooked. You don’t need to take too long either - it’s delicious when they’re a little hard.

As for other variations, the recipe will be similar, only at your discretion such delicacies as honey, berries, nuts, fruits. Experiment with taste and lose weight!

Hours in the gym, long runs, strict dietary restrictions...

What sacrifices do women make for chiseled and slender legs! And the results will certainly become visible sooner or later: the buttocks are tightened, fat disappears from the thighs. But the shins do not always respond to effort, and sometimes even become larger.

Voluminous calves look inharmonious, interfere with wearing short skirts and tight trousers, and cause complexes. Sometimes the desire to reduce calves reaches the point of absurdity. Thus, in the United States, plastic surgery to correct this part of the body is becoming increasingly popular.

In order to quickly and correctly get rid of large calves, first of all, you need to find out the main reason for their appearance and try to eliminate it.

The main “culprits” are an excessive layer of subcutaneous fat, too bulky muscles that appeared as a result of training or are a hereditary feature.

Genetics. If large shins are your genetic feature (you can verify this by looking at your parents and closest relatives), then it will be extremely difficult to reduce the muscles in your calves.

You can try to slightly change the proportions of the body and adjust the features of the anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achilles tendon, which connects the back of your heel to your calf muscle, your calves will appear larger. This is due to the fact that the muscle has to stretch far downward to connect to the short tendon.

If the tendon is long, then the place where it connects to the muscle is located higher. As a result, the calf muscle “sits” high, the lower leg looks thinner and more graceful. Unfortunately, it is not possible to lengthen the tendons. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to avoid loads that provoke the growth of the calf muscles.

Gait and movements. Repeated activities day after day can affect the shape of your legs. For example, constantly walking on your toes, with your body weight resting on the forefoot (as when wearing heels), can cause your calf muscles to build up.

It is also worth analyzing your gait: if the rest of the leg muscles are weak, especially the tibialis anterior, the calves can compensate for the entire load, increasing over time. The solution to the problem is comprehensive strengthening of the leg muscles.

Fat deposits are another very common reason why calves appear large. Each person has their own specific problem areas, from which fat is lost last. If it's your calves and ankles, you'll have to be patient and persistent to achieve the legs of your dreams.

  • Remember that it is impossible to lose weight locally; along with your calves, your hips and buttocks will shrink. You may need to add isolation exercises for them if your goal is to get in shape.
  • To lose weight in your legs and dry out your thigh and calf muscles, cardio training with minimal or no resistance is recommended. This means that you need to choose a flat place on the street, and set the minimum incline on the treadmill. It is with such training that your legs and calves will lose weight and at the same time acquire a beautiful shape. Endurance running helps reduce the calf muscle and the fatty tissue around it (as throughout the body), which is what makes your legs look bulky. Double benefit - burn fat and reduce muscle!
  • Avoid exercises that focus primarily on developing leg strength, as they cause muscle growth and make your calves look even bigger. For example, short and intense cardio training, strength exercises for the legs (squats, lunges), step aerobics, and mountain hiking are contraindicated. Walking uphill, including on a high-incline treadmill, makes your calves even bigger.
  • Don't jump rope and generally avoid jumping with high leg lifts. Swimming, walking, cross-country running and exercise on an elliptical trainer are more suitable for losing weight in your calves. The elliptical machine is a great tool for low-intensity cardio workouts as long as you set the resistance to low. Instead of burning calories by increasing resistance, increase the time you perform the exercises. Long walks can also help you lose weight in your lower legs by lengthening your hamstrings and calf muscles.
  • Avoid step machines and other exercises that simulate climbing stairs or hills, as they will primarily increase the size of your calf muscles. Remember that your goal is to make your calves thinner, not to pump them up even more.
  • It is better to avoid resistance training or perform more repetitions with light weights. Weight training that uses your calf muscles will only make them bigger, even if your goal is fat loss. It is absolutely impossible to reduce the size of your lower legs with their help. Effective methods for getting rid of calf fat are diet, low-intensity cardio and liposuction.
  • Stretching exercises help stretch and lengthen the large calf muscles, including the “pumped” ones. For this purpose, you can attend stretching classes, yoga or Pilates. Great calf exercises can be done against a wall. Stand facing it, one foot at a distance of 25-30 cm from the wall, the second at 70-80 cm, feet parallel, heels on the floor, and toes facing the wall. Bend your front leg while keeping your back leg straight, bend over and place your hands on the wall. You should feel a stretch in the back of your leg and especially your calf. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, switch legs and repeat. This exercise helps stretch the calf muscles.
  • Pilates is great for creating toned and lengthened muscles. Even with intense training, your calves will not swell.
  • The following simple exercise to help stretch your calves can be done at any time, at work or at home. Sit on a chair with your straight back pressed against its back. Raise your left leg and make 6 clockwise rotations with your foot. The amplitude should be maximum. Repeat the same number of times on the other side, and then do the same exercise on your right leg.
  • There are many ways to visually reduce large calves using clothing and shoes. By resorting to them, you can make your legs look a few centimeters smaller in girth.

Remember, you can be in good physical shape, fit and slim without bulging bulges of muscle. The main thing is to correctly create a training program that includes strength and cardio exercises and avoid exercise and diets that provoke muscle growth. With this tactic, volumes (and not just calves!) will steadily decrease.

Each woman decides for herself how to treat full calves. For example, actresses Mischa Barton and Katie Holmes are not shy about these body parts and look great. Even if you can't reduce your calf size, don't stress about it. Focus on the best parts of your body and highlight them.

How many calories are in porridge with water is largely determined by its type, which must be taken into account when creating a menu. But in any case, this is an ideal dish for those who are watching their weight. Dietary properties are due to the following reasons:

  • increased protein content;
  • low calorie content;
  • high content of complex carbohydrates, they break down slowly, so they are not stored “in reserve”, but provide the body with energy.

Important! The basis of cereals is fiber of 2 types. Soluble helps remove harmful cholesterol from the body, and insoluble absorbs and removes toxins and waste.

If you look at the calorie content of cereals in the table, you will probably notice that most cereals have a fairly high calorie content - about 320 kcal/100 g, but this is not a reason to exclude them from the menu. Against. Firstly, as already mentioned, cereals contain complex carbohydrates, which will not allow you to gain weight, but will help you gain energy for the whole day. Secondly, most cereals have a medium or low glycemic index, which helps maintain normal sugar levels. Finally, thirdly, when cooked, cereals swell and absorb water, which leads to a decrease in calorie content: 100 g of porridge will contain 3-4 times fewer calories than the same amount of cereal.

But a positive effect is achieved only with proper preparation. Cereals cooked in milk, with the addition of sugar and butter, give a richer taste, but such a dish cannot be called healthy for the figure.

Porridge with water is perceived by many as “empty” and tasteless. To fix this, you can add some nuts, fruits or berries. It is better to replace sugar with a small amount of honey. You can add fresh herbs to rice or buckwheat porridge. They improve the taste, but will not significantly increase the calorie content. How many calories there will be in water porridge with such additives can be calculated using a special calorie calculator.

Calorie content of oatmeal

Oatmeal is best for those who want to lose weight. Most often, everyone who is losing weight is recommended to start their morning with a portion of oatmeal. The most valuable thing about oatmeal is that it is rich in protein and healthy fats. The composition includes dietary fiber, which helps remove heavy metal salts from the body.

Oatmeal is rich in vitamins (PP, E, B). It helps to compensate for the lack of these beneficial substances in the body. Most often it is prepared from oatmeal, and quite rarely from flour. The choice of cereal directly affects how many calories are in water-based oatmeal. Regular cereal contains 342 kcal per 100 g. However, after cooking, one serving (100 g) will contain only 73 kcal. To make the dish tastier, you can add honey, nuts, fruits or berries or dried fruits.

Five-minute porridges are very popular. They are made not from the usual cereal, but from very thin flakes, do not require cooking and are perfectly suited to the modern lifestyle. The whole process takes no more than 5 minutes. You just need to pour the flakes from the bag into a plate, add a glass of hot water and simmer under the lid.

But few people think about how many calories are in oatmeal porridge with water prepared in this way. Five-minute oatmeal actually has 5 times the calories of regular oatmeal. However, it remains a faster and more modern breakfast option.

Calorie content of buckwheat porridge on water

Buckwheat porridge has an unusually rich composition. Especially high in unsaturated fatty acids and multivitamins. This helps speed up metabolism and lower levels of “bad” cholesterol, which contributes to successful weight loss.

Note! Buckwheat is rich in protein, so it can be a substitute for animal protein for those who decide to give up meat.

Buckwheat is most often boiled in water, only then adding milk if desired. However, buckwheat is tasty on its own and rarely needs any additions. This dish is considered dietary.

Thanks to its composition, buckwheat is actively used for weight loss, even without taking into account how many calories are in porridge with water. The buckwheat diet in its pure form is tough, often inconvenient due to its monotony, but helps to quickly lose weight. Weight loss during the diet is 3-5 kg. If you diversify your diet by adding fruits, vegetables and dairy products in addition to buckwheat porridge, your weight loss will slow down somewhat. But in the near future, such a menu will help you switch to a healthier diet or quickly recover after heavy feasts.

However, not everyone knows how many calories are in buckwheat porridge with water. Like other cereals, the caloric content of buckwheat is quite high - about 355 kcal/100 g. To reduce the caloric content, it is recommended to cook the cereal in more water. This simple measure allows you to “remove” approximately 150 kcal. Salt may be added during cooking. If you add a little of it, the taste of the porridge will be much better, and the calorie content will increase slightly. It is worth noting that a serving of buckwheat porridge is slightly smaller than a serving of oatmeal - approximately 90 g, so the calorie content is generally lower.

Calorie content of millet porridge

Millet porridge is simply irreplaceable for those who want to lose excess weight. The point here is not how many calories are in the porridge with water, but the lipid effect. These beneficial substances included in their composition help remove fat accumulation and slow down the absorption of incoming fat. Thus, existing fat accumulations are spent more efficiently, and new ones are deposited more slowly.

In addition, millet effectively removes heavy metal salts from the body and helps restore digestion after long-term use of antibiotics or other gastrointestinal diseases (with the exception of gastritis with high acidity - then you should not consume millet).

For all these reasons, those who have decided to normalize their diet may be interested in how many calories are in millet porridge with water. A serving of plain millet in water with a little salt (100 g) contains only 90 kcal. Moreover, almost 80% comes from healthy, “complex” carbohydrates. The protein content in such a serving is 14%, and fat is only 7%, so millet porridge can confidently be called a dietary dish.

How many calories are in wheat porridge with water also depends on the additives that are used to improve the taste of the dish. Millet porridge contains a lot of unsaturated fats, which improve the absorption of vitamin D and carotene. For this reason, nutritionists advise adding pumpkin and carrots to millet porridge. The combination of millet and pumpkin is considered the most successful, since the first component prevents fat deposition, and the second accelerates metabolism.

Calorie content of rice porridge on water

Rice porridge is one of the most popular due to its taste and beneficial properties. It acts as an adsorbent, absorbing and removing harmful substances from the body. Rice porridge helps normalize metabolism and also satisfies well. Therefore, those who monitor their health need to know how many calories are in rice porridge with water.

Calorie content may vary slightly depending on the type of rice.

Advice: Unpeeled brown rice is considered the healthiest. It is best suited for weight loss, since 70% of all nutrients are in the shell.

In general, the calorie content of ready-made rice porridge is about 144 kcal/100 g, which allows the dish to be considered dietary. Eating rice has a beneficial effect on the body and promotes weight loss. So, on a mono diet you can lose about 4 kg in a week. Regular consumption of rice in combination with healthy foods also promotes weight loss. The fiber contained in rice normalizes digestion. In addition, rice grains do not contain gluten, so people with gluten intolerance can consume it. However, nutritionists warn that you should not get too carried away with rice, as the body may lack potassium.

Calorie content of pearl barley porridge

Pearl barley was popular in ancient times. At that time it was not yet known how many calories were in pearl barley porridge on water, but they knew for sure about its beneficial properties. It is not for nothing that porridge made from pearl barley was also called “royal”, and the word itself comes from the obsolete “pearl” - “pearl”. But over time, the cereal lost both its meaning and popularity, although its properties, of course, remained unchanged.

Pearl barley porridge is still one of the five most useful. It contains vitamins (PP, A, B, D), calcium, iodine, zinc, bromine, nickel and many others. Therefore, pearl barley porridge is still included in the menu of hospitals and kindergartens. In addition, barley is superior to wheat in terms of protein, healthy carbohydrates and fiber content, and contains very little fat.

The calorie content of pearl barley depends on its type. So, the cereal is quite high in calories - 324 kcal/100 g. But what is more important is how many calories are in the finished porridge with water. Pearl barley is a dietary product. Since the cereal is saturated with water, the calorie content is significantly reduced, and 100 g of the finished dish contains only 121 kcal.

Like many cereals, pearl barley helps not only replenish the norm of nutrients, but also cope with excess fat. When you consume one pearl barley, you lose up to 5 kg of weight in a week. But such a diet is too strict and monotonous, and therefore is not recommended for long-term adherence. To diversify the taste of the dish, pearl barley cooked in water can be combined with vegetables and herbs. For example, you can make a vegetable dressing from carrots, tomatoes and onions.

Calorie content of corn porridge

Corn porridge is less popular than buckwheat or rice. But at the same time, it has a number of beneficial properties, therefore it is recommended for dietary nutrition. Before talking about how many calories are in water porridge, it is worth saying a little about its beneficial properties.

Constant consumption of corn dishes improves metabolism, thereby improving the condition of skin and hair. The fibers included in the composition stop the processes of food rotting in the intestines. Corn rarely causes allergies and is considered a good remedy for preventing heart disease.

Corn belongs to the group of complex carbohydrates, therefore it is recommended for dietary nutrition. It gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time and energizes you.

How many calories are in corn porridge with water is determined by the additives and method of preparation. Simple corn porridge contains a minimal amount of calories. 100 g of the finished product contains slightly less than 81 kcal.

Due to the low calorie content of the dish, eating corn porridge is not recommended for those who are on a weight gain diet. Unlike some other types of porridge, corn porridge has contraindications: it is better to exclude it from the diet if you have an individual intolerance, as well as with diseases of the stomach and duodenum, especially if they occur in an acute form.

Oatmeal is very good for health. It is good on children's menus and diet menus. Prepared from flakes (usually) or flour. Boil in water or milk. You can diversify the dish with raisins, dried apricots, fresh fruits, honey, etc. Cereals are valuable for their vegetable proteins and fats. It contains dietary fiber that adsorbs heavy metal salts. The porridge contains vitamins B, E, PP, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. How many calories are in oatmeal cooked in water? What is the calorie content of popular five-minute porridges?

Nutritional value of oatmeal

Let's analyze the calorie content and energy composition of dry oatmeal.

Now let’s cook the cereal in water and see how the energy value changes. How many calories are in porridge?

Classic oatmeal recipe and its calorie content

Necessary products for oatmeal with water:

  • flakes (rolled oats) – 50 grams;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • water – 1 glass.
  1. Pour water into a saucepan and place on high heat.
  2. When it boils, add the flakes. Mix.
  3. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally.
  4. The porridge has thickened a little - add salt. And stir again.
  5. You can turn off the heat, cover tightly with a lid and let the cereal cook. Or you can leave the stove on and finish cooking the rolled oats.

Energy value of the dish:

This simple water dish will be an ideal breakfast for those losing weight, fasting or eating separate meals.

Porridge minutes

Many oatmeal manufacturers pamper consumers with instant products. I poured it in, let it sit for a minute, and it was done. By the way, many people prefer just such products. The frantic pace of modern life and busy work schedule leave no time for cooking. And some do not know how and do not want to learn how to cook porridge. No-cook oatmeal is made from grains that have been flattened into fine flakes. It is available with and without additives. Just pour boiling water over it for 5 minutes. And if you cook, then for about a minute. Prepared with milk, water or juice. Energy composition analysis:

The calorie content is almost 5 times higher than in regular porridge.

How to cook “five-minute”:

  1. Bring water or juice to a boil.
  2. Add flakes at the rate of: 2 parts liquid – 1 part dry product. Mix.
  3. After a minute, turn off the heat and cover the dish tightly with a lid.
  4. Simmer for 5 minutes.

Instant oatmeal can also be poured into yoghurts and jelly.

How many calories are eaten

Manufacturers indicate the calorie content of the dry product on the packaging. Different manufacturers have different numbers. And for those who count calories, even 10 units will be significant. Not everyone likes Lenten porridge. Sometimes you want to flavor them with butter, diversify them with raisins, dried fruits or a spoonful of honey. How to count calories in a finished dish? To make mathematical operations easier, let’s cook standard rolled oats in water.

  1. The packaging of oatmeal says that 100 g contains 305 kcal. Water – 0 kcal.
  2. If we prepare 100 g of rolled oats, then the porridge will also contain 305 kcal.
  3. To find out how many calories are eaten, you need to divide the total amount by the portion of the dish consumed.

Let's assume that 100 g of dry cereal produces 400 g of porridge. We ate 150 g. We make up the proportion: 400 g - 305 kcal (the number of calories during cooking does not increase or decrease); 150 g – x kcal. In one serving that we ate: (150*305)/400 = 114 kcal. The calorie content of porridge with butter, raisins, apples, bananas, etc. is calculated using the same principle.

  1. Find the calorie content of the products used. We determine their total calorie content (sum up).
  2. We calculate the energy value of the finished dish (based on output weight).
  3. Using the proportion, we find the number of calories in 1 serving.

Let's show it with an example. Ingredients for oatmeal with butter (in parentheses - calorie content per 100 g is multiplied by the amount taken for cooking):

  • Hercules - 1 glass, 90 g (305 kcal * 0.9 = 274.5 kcal).
  • Water – 3 glasses, 600 g (0 kcal).
  • Butter – 25 g (748 kcal * 0.25 = 187 kcal).

The total calorie content for oatmeal with butter is 461.5. Weight of the finished dish - 400 g. 400 g - 461.5 kcal 150 g - x kcal With one serving we get (150 * 461.5) / 400 = 173 calories.

Ready solutions

We calculated the energy value of popular oatmeal porridges cooked in water. The basis of all dishes that will be discussed below is oatmeal (1 cup, or 90 grams) and water (3 cups, or 600 grams). The weight of 1 serving is 150 grams. In brackets is the amount of ingredients taken for cooking.

  1. Oatmeal with raisins (30 g). The total calorie content of the products is 351.90 kcal. One serving contains 132.
  2. With banana (1 piece – 110 grams). Total energy value – 370.60 kk. In one plate - 139.
  3. With strawberries (0.5 cup – 90 grams). All products – 309.60 kk. One serving – 116.1.
  4. With sesame seeds (30 grams). The overall figure is 442.20 kk. In 150 g – 166.
  5. With maple syrup (30 grams). The amount of energy in all products is 350.70. In one serving – 131.5.
  6. With nuts (50 g). The value of all products is 600. One serving is 225 kk.

Oatmeal is famous for its slow carbohydrates. They provide a feeling of fullness for a long time and do not store fat. To prevent porridge in water from being tasteless, add berries, nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Tasty additives do not have much effect on calorie content.

Oatmeal for breakfast is a wonderful start to the day. Let us explain why. Being very affordable and extremely easy to prepare, water-based oatmeal is a wonderful dietary dish. It is rich in vitamins and other substances valuable for the body. A bowl of oatmeal can provide a person with a burst of energy for several hours without loading it with excess calories.

Anyone who cares about their well-being and slim body cannot leave this product without due attention. At the same time, everyone is certainly interested in how many calories are in oatmeal with water?

Calorie content of porridge on water

Oatmeal porridge in the form of dry flakes contains only about 305 kcal per 100 g. Accordingly, if you prepare this amount of product in water without adding sugar or butter, the number of calories will remain unchanged. The end result will be two good servings of a nutritious and tasty dish. Thus, you can once again be convinced that if you are on a diet, then it is oatmeal with water that is relevant for you, where the calorie content is really very low.

In this case, we are talking about those flakes whose cooking time is at least 15 minutes. If oatmeal is prepared from them, then the calorie content and benefits of such porridge are optimally balanced. Many, due to the lack of free time, prefer to purchase instant cereals or those that do not require cooking at all. This option can hardly be called acceptable if a person’s priority is health and slimness. The benefits of oatmeal porridge brewed in a mug with boiling water are minimized, and the kilocalories in it are many times greater.

Benefits and effects on the body

Such a simple product as oatmeal contains an impressive set of elements necessary for the body:

  • amino acids;
  • organic acids;
  • B vitamins;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • vitamins PP and K.

This is not a complete list!

Oatmeal is a real healer for the digestive system; the dish is especially recommended for those who suffer from any disorders in this area. At the first signs of gastritis, the attending physician usually immediately prescribes a gentle diet to the patient. The menu always includes oatmeal cooked in water.

This dish has enveloping properties, thanks to which it can produce a pronounced calming effect on the irritated mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal walls. One serving of oatmeal boiled in water in the morning is an excellent means of preventing gastrointestinal diseases and obesity. It is important to note the following.

  • Despite the abundance of carbohydrates that oatmeal is rich in, its calorie content is very low. They belong to those wonderful “complex” carbohydrates. Digested over a long period of time, the substances gradually replenish the energy supply without turning into hated fat.
  • Everyone knows that the condition of the skin largely depends on the health of the digestive tract. This suggests the following conclusion. Eating oatmeal helps maintain attractive skin and the absence of cosmetic problems such as acne. The product cleanses the body of harmful cholesterol, toxins and other chemical debris.
  • To keep bones, hair and nails strong and healthy, it is also very useful to eat this wonderful porridge.
  • Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the heart, liver and kidneys, and also improves brain performance.
  • The plant protein contained in oatmeal is very easily absorbed by the body, which makes this product especially valuable for people who follow a healthy diet and avoid consuming animal proteins.

Are additives needed to brighten the taste of porridge?

If someone is accustomed to eating sweet milk porridges, generously sprinkled with butter, and even a snack with a bun, then extra pounds and centimeters on the waist will not take long to appear, and with them various diseases will appear. It is better to get used to healthy food from childhood, so that later you do not have to struggle to change your already established eating behavior.

Be that as it may, it’s never too late to start, and for this it’s worth asking how many calories are in oatmeal if you cook it with a milk base. When the milk is not too fatty, a 200 g serving will contain approximately 240-250 kcal. And if you add a cube of butter, then the plate will contain almost 300 kcal. The difference is already quite noticeable! However, this is unlikely to add any benefit, but it will do a lot of harm!

Worried about how many calories are in oatmeal, but at the same time not being able to refuse gastronomic delights, it is better to replace animal products (butter, milk) in the porridge recipe with no less tasty fillings. It can be seeds, nuts, dried fruits, raisins, honey. Oatmeal porridge is amazingly tasty with the addition of fresh raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and wild strawberries, banana and apple slices.

Of course, these supplements contain some calories, but this is offset by the undoubted benefits of these products. But, for example, oatmeal cooked with sweet and aromatic pumpkin is almost no different in calorie content from a dish cooked in water - only 94 kcal.

Alternative to porridge

You can eat oatmeal with great pleasure, bypassing the cooking process. Instead of buying ready-made muesli for a fairly high price in stores, why not create a nutritious mixture yourself, based on your own preferences?

There is nothing easier than taking a handful of oatmeal, several types of nuts, some pumpkin and sunflower seeds, a little raisins, mixing all the ingredients and adding fresh juice or smoothie from vegetables and fruits, a drop of honey.

The result is not just a healthy breakfast, but a real vitamin bomb! The energy will be overflowing until lunchtime. And it’s impossible to describe in words how delicious such breakfasts turn out, you need to try and experiment. By the way, the absence of thermal processing of food is another step towards a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.