Interesting series of fairy tail. How are the seasons of this animated series tripled and how many episodes are there?

Anime is special kind cartoons that are produced for teenagers and adults in Japan. Today, there are hundreds of animated series of this type, but only a few of them have gained popularity far beyond the borders of their homeland. Among these lucky ones is “Fairy Tail,” or as it is also translated, “The Tale of Fairy Tail.” What is it about, and how many episodes of the project were released on this moment? Let's find out about it.

"Fairy tale"

This animated series is based on the manga of the same name by Hiro Mashima.

Despite minor differences between the plot and the personalities of the main characters, the anime is otherwise faithful to the graphic novel.

The first episode of Fairy Tail was released in the fall of 2009, and since then this project, with short interruptions, was constantly broadcast until the spring of 2016.

Main characters and guild system

Fairy Tail takes place in a fictional world, in an era similar to the Middle Ages. There is magic here and numerous wizards who use it. They unite in guilds. In such organizations, magicians not only communicate with their own kind, but also earn money by carrying out various tasks.

As the name implies, at the center of all the events of the anime is the Fairy Tail guild of sorcerers. Despite a large number of its members (the number of which is constantly growing), the main characters of almost all series are the wizards Lucy Serdobolia, Natsu Dragneel, Erza Titania Scarlet and Gray Fullbuster.

How are the seasons of this animated series tripled and how many episodes are there?

How many episodes are there in Fairy Tail? Currently, two seasons (277 episodes) have been filmed, as well as two full-length cartoons("Priestess of Phenex" and "Cry of the Dragon") and nine bonus episodes.

All episodes of the Fairy Tail anime (except for bonus ones) are divided into separate story arcs. Each of them can last from two to thirty-one episodes.

To date, twenty-one arcs have been filmed (excluding bonus issues and featurettes).

Because of this device, when considering the list of Fairy Tail episodes, it is rational to do this according to storylines. It is also worth briefly mentioning the events of each of them.

"Fairy Tail" (1-2)

The viewer meets the young golden-haired sorceress Lucy Serdobolia (Heartfilia).

She accidentally makes acquaintance with the dragon slayer Natsu and his blue cat Happy.

New friends help the girl cope with her problems and invite her to join their Fairy Tail guild.

"Dawn" (3-4)

To earn money for life and an apartment, Lucy and Natsu form a team and take on a task. They need to get into a heavily guarded mansion and steal the novel "Dawn" from there.

For this seemingly tiny service, friends are promised a lot of money, but the task turns out to be far from simple.

"Eisenwald" (5-9)

In this story arc of the Fairy Tail anime, there is a closer acquaintance with the powerful sorceress Erza Scarlet (Elsa Scarlet) and Gray Fullbuster.

Teaming up with Lucy and Natsu, these heroes encounter the dark guild Eisenwald, which plans to use magic to summon scary monster, capable of destroying the entire world.

"Galuna Island" (10-20)

It all starts with the team of Lucy, Natsu, Erza and Gray going to Galuna Island to help the local inhabitants lift the curse. So, everyone living there turns into monsters when the sun sets.

Trying to find the root of the problem, the heroes encounter the monster Delior, imprisoned in ice.

In this story, more is known about Gray's past and the death of his teacher, and also tells about the acquaintance of Happy and Natsu.

"Phantom Lord" (21-29)

In this story, another magical guild decides to declare war on the main characters. This time it's "Phantom Lord" ("Phantom Lord").

To lure the fairies into a trap, the lords kidnap Lucy and find a way to deprive the guild leader Makarov of his magical powers.

Believing that in this way they have weakened Fairy Tail and will be able to destroy it, Phantom Lord attacks the light guild.

"Loki" (30-32)

The main character of this arc is the wizard of the guild - Loki.

One day, Lucy notices strange behavior in his behavior and decides to find out what the problem is. After conducting her investigation, the girl finds out amazing secret his guild colleague, and decides to help him get out of this situation.

"Fortress of Paradise" (33-41)

Continuing the list of Fairy Tail episodes, this story arc tells about Erza's past, which overtakes the sorceress at the most unexpected moment.

It turns out that before joining the guild, the girl, along with other orphans, participated in the construction of the “Fortress of Paradise.” Erza managed to escape from this terrible place, but some people important to her still remained there.

Now the wizards from Fairy Tail will have to not only save Erza’s friends, but also stop the return of the mighty evil sorcerer Zeref.

"Fairies vs Fairies" (42-51)

Makarov’s relative, the young and strong beyond his years wizard Laxus, dreams of seizing power in the guild. To do this, he takes advantage of a beauty contest held among the sorceresses of Fairy Tail and organizes a coup.

Having captured the members, Laxus forces the guild members to fight each other.

"Oracion Seis" (52-68)

The next arc included in the list of Fairy Tail series is the story of the confrontation with the powerful dark guild Oracion Seis.

This organization is so strong that to fight it, members of several light guilds had to unite. This alliance included: “Blue Pegasus”, “Cat House”, “Lamia Scale” and, of course, “Fairy Tail”.

In addition to all this, it turns out that Erza’s former friend Gerard (who was considered dead since the days of the “Fortress of Paradise”) is still alive, and is starting a new villainy.

"Daphne" (69-75)

A certain girl named Daphne appears in the city. She claims to see dragons, although they are extinct. Being a dragon slayer and a raised dragon, Natsu is very interested in this and tries to find the girl and find out more about her visions. However, it turns out that all this is a cunning trap for the wizard Drangil.

"The World of Edolas" (76-95)

The next story arc in the list of Fairy Tail episodes tells about a parallel dimension - Edolas. Here, magic is outlawed, and for each wizard character there is a double, with a completely different character from him.

Natsu and Wendy are the only ones who got there who were not caught by the Edolas authorities. They decide not only to save their friends, but also to help the inhabitants of this dimension change their lives for the better.

"C-Class Test" (96-122)

Returning from Edolas, the guild members decide to send eight pairs of their members to pass the qualification test to become a C-Class Mage. However, all their plans are confused by the arrival of mercenaries from the dark guild “Grimoire Hearts” on the island (where the test is taking place). Now the subjects will have to engage in an unequal battle.

"Year 791" (123-127)

After the events of the previous story arc, the most powerful wizards of Fairy Tail were considered dead for seven years.

During this time, the guild weakened. However, it turns out that the friends did not die, and now they were finally able to return home. How will their native guild greet them after such a long absence?

"Key of the Starry Sky" (128-150)

While Lucy was away, her father died. In the suitcase left behind, the girl finds a certain magical artifact with strange writings. Trying to find out what they mean, Serdoboliya learns the story of the Clock of Eternity, which is associated with a mysterious object left to her as an inheritance.

"Grand Magic Games" (151-175)

The first season of Fairy Tail ends with a story arc about a tournament between various magical guilds. What awaits the heroes next?

"Grand Magic Games: The Sequel" (176-203)

The competition is already nearing its end. When not fighting in the arena, Lucy and several other spirit whisperers are drawn into a story involving the creation of a portal for time travel. Its creators call this project “Eclipse”.

Meanwhile, Lucy from the future appears at the guild, warning that the Eclipse will lead to an invasion of thousands of dragons from the past.

"Eclipse Celestial Spirits" (204-226)

Having prevented the invasion of dragons and won the competition, Lucy and other spirit charmers decide to grant their charges a day of freedom. During this period, wizards undertake to fulfill the wishes of the spirits themselves. This leads to a lot of funny situations.

Soon after this, something bad happens to the spirits: they demand freedom and are ready to fight for it with all their might. But its price is too high, and the sorcerers have to engage in battle with their charges.

太陽の村 (227-233)

This story arc is called "Village of the Sun". In it, Natsu, along with Gray, Erza, Lucy and Wendy, go on a special mission. Their goal is to help the inhabitants of a strange village who are encased in ice.

"Tartaros" (234-265)

Over again magical world a threat looms. This time it comes from the dark guild Tartaros. Despite the fact that all their attempts to seize power were stopped, in the finale Makarov decides to disband Fairy Tail.

Zero (266-275)

This story tells how the Fairy Tail guild came into being. In fact, this story arc belongs to the so-called “fillers” (additional material not included in the main plot of the anime).

"Avatar" (276-277)

A year after Fairy Tail ceased to exist, Lucy meets Natsu and Happy. It turns out that Dragneel dreams of reviving his native guild.

Suddenly it turns out that a certain dark organization, who dreams of returning Zeref's spirit to the world of the living.


This abbreviation refers to bonus episodes that are not included in seasons. There are nine of them in total. Each of them tells about a separate adventure of one of the guild members. The titles of these special issues are:

  • "Welcome to Fairy Hills."
  • "Fairy School: Yankee-kun and Yankee-chan."
  • "Memorable Days".
  • "Fairy Training Camp"
  • "Welcome to Ryujutsu Land."
  • Fairy Tail x Rave Master.
  • "The game "Punishment of fairies"."
  • "Natsu vs Mavis"
  • "A Fairy Christmas"

Full-length cartoons

Considering the list of episodes, it is also worth mentioning two full-length films:

Since 2016, the Tale of Fairy Tail project has been on vacation. However, viewers are looking forward to new and entertaining stories about wizards, their friendship and exploits. Let's hope that Hiro Mashima and his team will not let you down and Season 3 will appear soon.

Makarov contemplates the possibility of retiring and handing over the leadership of the guild to someone else. Lucy, Natsu, Happy, Gray and Elsa unite into the best team in the guild.

Episode 31. "The Star That Cannot Return to Heaven"

Loki is acting strange. After he said that he would soon die, Lucy began to conduct her own investigation and learned that Loki was involved with the spirit whisperer Karen Lilica. It turned out that Loki is one of the twelve zodiac spirits - Leo Leo.

Episode 32. "King of Spirits"

Loki tells Lucy about his sin. He is a hermit spirit who killed his caster, which is why he cannot return to the world of star spirits. Lucy is desperate to save him, and furiously declares that she will change this law. Because of these words, the Celestial Spirit King appears, who, after talking with the girl, agrees to the exception and allows Leo to return.

Arc 7. "Tower of Paradise"

Episode 33. "Tower of Paradise"

Natsu, Happy, Gray, Lucy and Elsa are relaxing at the resort. Juvia announces her desire to join the guild. Elsa meets her old childhood friends, who unexpectedly attack her and take her to the Tower of Paradise, which has been built by Gerard for the last few years.

Episode 34. "Gerard"

Siegrain proposes to the council of magicians to use Etherion to destroy the Tower of Paradise. Sho tells Elsa about Gerard's plans, and that he decided to sacrifice the girl for the sake of resurrecting a certain person. Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Juvia enter the Tower, where they neutralize the guards and move on. Elsa manages to escape from the cell where she was kept. Along the way, she meets up with her friends from Fairy Tail. At their request, Elsa talks about her childhood.

Elsa says that during Gerard’s imprisonment, he changed a lot - the spirit of the dark magician Zeref entered into him. After leaving the Tower of Paradise, she vowed to renounce her past forever. Having finished her story, Elsa meets Sho and Simon, who agree to help her in the fight against Gerard.

Episode 36. "Paradise Game"

Natsu manages to get out of Milliana's room. Gerard announces the beginning of the “game”, and at the same time, he sends his special squad of assassins guild - the Raven Trinity. Natsu and Simon begin the battle against Fukuro (the man with the head of an owl), and Juvia and Lucy against Vidaldus Taka.

Episode 37. "Armor of the Heart"

Fukuro weakens Natsu and "eats" him, but Gray's intervention allows him to be saved. Falling under the spell, Juvia attacks Lucy, but she manages to return Juvia to normal, after which they were able to defeat Vidaldus Tak together. Siegrain informs the Magic Council that Gerard is trying to resurrect Zeref, and the Council agrees to use Etherion.

Episode 38. "Destiny"

When Etherion is almost ready to shoot, Ikaruga stands in Elsa’s path, masterfully wielding a sword capable of cutting anything. Elsa defeats her, managing to discard her armor and comes face to face with Gerard. At the same time, a boat with other heroes sails from the island to protect themselves from the power of Etherion, and Natsu and Simon go to help Elsa. 7 minutes before Etherion's shot, Elsa defeats Gerard in battle and puts a sword to his throat.

Episode 39. “Pray under the divine light!”

Etherion shoots at the Tower of Paradise, but the people there remained unharmed. It turns out that true essence This structure is a huge lacrima that absorbs energy.

Episode 40. "The Fall of Titania"

Trying to protect Elsa from Gerard's attack, Simon dies. Natsu, in a rage, devours Etherion's magic and converts it into fire, after which the true power of Dragon Slayer awakens in him and he defeats Gerard. Meanwhile, the Tower of Heaven spirals out of control, and in an attempt to stop its destructive effects, Elsa gives her body to the lacrima.

Episode 41. "Home"

Elsa comes to her senses and concludes that Gerard sacrificed himself to direct the power of the Tower's explosion into the sky. Sho, Wally and Millianna go on a journey to find new friends. Fairy Tail members move into the newly rebuilt guild building. Makarov allows Gegill to join Fairy Tail, but some perceive this coolly, and Laxus, who returned to the city, seriously beats him and declares that “this was the last straw.”

Arc 8. "Fairies vs. Fairies"

Episode 42. "Battle for Fairy Tail"

Laxus, with the help of his loyal assistants Freed Justin, Bickslow and Evergreen ("Thunderbolts"), plans to seize power in the guild. Taking advantage of the beauty contest, Evergreen turns the girl members of the guild (including Elsa) into stone statues, after which Laxus tells the other guild members the purpose of the “action” - to find out who is the strongest (the statues serve as a kind of guarantee of playing by the rules). After this, he declares all of Magnolia a battlefield. Guild members, hoping to save the girls, are forced to fight among themselves to find out who is stronger. The Thunderbolts also join the battles.

Episode 43. "Win some friends to save others"

While the other guild members have already dropped out of the "game", due to the barriers set by Free, Makarov, Natsu and Gegill are forced to remain in the building, unable to fight the Thunderbolts. Due to her artificial eye (which weakens the effects of magic), Elsa returns to her normal appearance. Mystogan arrives in the city to fight Laxus and his squad.

Episode 44. "Thunder Palace"

Elsa defeats Evergreen, and she is forced to disenchant all the girls. To force the guild to continue playing by their own rules, Laxus creates a Thunder Palace above Magnolia (a ring of lacrima crystals charged with lightning). Lucy begins a battle with Bickslow, during which Loki comes to her aid.

Episode 45. "The Coming of Satan"

Lucy and Loki defeat Bickslow. During the battle with Freed, Mirajane awakens her seemingly lost power, and the girl, already in the guise of a demon, defeats him.

Episode 46. "Battle at Kardia Cathedral"

Mystogan fights Laxus in the Cardia Cathedral. During the battle, Mystogan's mask was torn off and Elsa and Natsu, who arrived at the scene of the battle, see him true face, after which he runs away. Natsu begins the battle with Laxus, and Elsa prepares to destroy the Lightning Temple.

Episode 47. "Triple Dragon"

Using Warren's telepathy, Gray contacts Elsa and the other guild members, and together they destroy the Lightning Temple. Gegill came to Natsu's aid in the battle against Laxus, during which it turned out that the latter was also a Dragon Slayer. Laxus uses Fairy Law, which Makarov used to defeat Jose.

Episode 48. "Fantasy"

Because of Laxus' true feelings, Fairy Law did not harm anyone. Natsu again entered the battle, during which he was saved by Gegill from the Lightning Dragon's Halberd. After defeating Laxus, Fairy Tail returns to preparing for Fantasia. Laxus was expelled from the guild and at the same time forgiven by everyone. “Fantasy” took place in all its glory, and Makarov received information from Gegill about the location of his son. Also, an unknown person named Grandina visited Igneel and said that Natsu would not always be lucky.

Episode 49. "The Day of the Fateful Meeting"

A reporter from Wizard Weekly comes to Fairy Tail for an interview.

Episode 50. "Special assignment. Beware of your lover!"

Juvia decides to bewitch Gray with the help of a magic potion, but the merchant who sold it to the girl turned out to be a scammer and the decoction acts completely differently. The guild members begin challenging each other to a fight, with Gray summoning Happy, Makarov - a barrel of alcohol, and Elsa - a pillar. However, over time, the effects of the potion wear off and everyone returns to normal condition. At this time, Lucy believes that Natsu really loves her and is very worried. Natsu invites the girl to an important conversation, blushing a little, which gives Lucy even more reason to worry. In the end, it turns out that Natsu only needed the Virgin to dig up the treasure.

Episode 51. "Love and Luck"

The father comes to Lucy to ask her for 100,000 coins, but she refuses him.

Arc 9. "Oracion Seis"

Episode 52. "To arms, allies!"

The light guilds Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale and Kate's Blood create an alliance to confront a strong enemy - the dark guild Oracion Seis.

Episode 53. "The Appearance of Oracion Seis"

The union of 4 light guilds meets Oración Seis for the first time and suffers an unconditional defeat in the first clash - already at the first stage, the Angel from the dark guild deals with Itiya and Yura. Master Oracion Seis Brain, who was planning to use an unknown spell against his rivals, suddenly stops when he sees Wendy.

Episode 54. "Heavenly Priestess"

Wendy and Happy are captured by Oracion Seis. Elsa is poisoned, the poison spreads throughout her body, and, sooner or later, will lead to death. Wendy is revealed to be a Sky Dragon Slayer with healing powers that can cure Elsa. At the same time, the Oración Seis are counting on using Wendy to resurrect Gerard. Itiya and Yura regain consciousness and rejoin the union of light guilds.

Episode 55. "The Girl and the Phantom"

Wendy, under pressure, resurrects Gerard, but contrary to the hopes of the leader of Oracion Seis, he is not going to listen to him. Natsu manages to free Happy and Wendy. Gray engages Racer in battle. Other members of the Union of Light Guilds fight the minions of Oración Seis.

Episode 56. "Deadly Grand Prix"

Leon comes to Gray's aid, and together they manage to defeat the enemy. The racer, realizing that now everything is over for him, activates the explosive belt, and in order to save his friends, Leon pushes him into the abyss, where he falls with him; an explosion occurs.

Episode 57. "Darkness"

Gerard begins activating Nirvana, a pillar rushes into the sky from it dark light. Elsa, cured by Wendy, is sent there. Nirvana begins to act and good and evil in the souls of doubting people change places. Sherry, believing that Leon is dead, becomes angry. Hotei, a member of the Oración Seis, on the contrary, becomes kind and joins Yura.

Episode 58. "Battle of Celestial Spirits"

Angel (one of the Oración Seis members) tries to kill Natsu, who is incapacitated by "transport vomiting." To help her friend, Lucy intervenes in the battle. During the battle, Angel reveals that she was the one who killed Karen. Hibiki decides to help Lucy and broadcasts a powerful spell into her head, which she eventually uses against her rival.

Episode 59. "Memories of Gerard"

Angel is defeated. It turns out that Lyon is alive and Sherry becomes kind again. Together with Gray, Natsu and Lucy, they gather in one group and go to the pillar of light. Elsa finds Gerard, but it turns out that he has lost his memory and, intuitively knowing about the danger of Nirvana, decided to destroy it. He casts a self-destruct spell on Nirvana and himself.

Episode 60. "March of Destruction"

Brain (leader of Oración Seis and master of techniques) manages to remove the self-destruct spell from Nirvana and activate it - a city appears on a large octopus-like structure, Brain directs it towards the Blood of Kate guild. All positive characters heading towards Nirvana; Natsu engages Cobra in battle.

Episode 61. "Aerial super battle! Natsu vs. Cobra"

Hotei (turned good under the influence of Nirvana) enters into battle with Midnight. Natsu continues his fight with Cobra.

Episode 62. "Yura, the tenth Chosen One"

Unexpectedly for everyone, Brain himself finishes off Cobra, hoping to recruit new henchmen. Yura engages Brain and defeats him, but despite this, Nirvana continues on its way to the Blood of Kate guild. Midnight defeats Hotei.

Episode 63. "My star, shining in the night skies"

Brain using last strength, sets a trap for members of the light guilds and causes an explosion: only thanks to Yura they manage to escape. Gerard and Elsa engage Midnight in battle.

Episode 64. "Zero"

Elsa manages to defeat Midnight. After this, the seal of the six members of the Oracion Seis disintegrates, and Brain is transformed into his alter ego - the magician Zero, who was once imprisoned in his body. Zero attacks Natsu, Lucy and Gray. Nirvana prepares to shoot at the Blood of Kate guild building.

Episode 65. "To the fairies - from Pegasus"

Thanks to Hibiki, the heroes manage to find out how to stop Nirvana - they must simultaneously destroy six balls that concentrate energy. Members of the light guilds are separated to each get to “their” ball. At one of them, Natsu faces Zero. Gerard partially regains his memory.

Episode 66. "The Power of Feelings"

Gerard helps Natsu by giving him fire to strengthen him. The twins decide to help Lucy and, turning into her, are going to destroy the sphere. Other members of the union of light guilds intend to do the same.

Episode 67. "I'm with you!"

Natsu manages to defeat Zero. The spheres are destroyed and Nirvana stops. The heroes manage to save Kate's Blood. Lahar, the captain of one of the detachments of the new Council of Magicians, arrests Hotei and announces that Gerard should also be arrested.

Episode 68. "Guild for one person"

Gerard is arrested. The master of the Cat House guild reveals a terrible secret - he is the ethereal body of the one who created Nirvana, which turned against his people, and in the end only he survived. Soon the magician died, leaving behind only magical power, which created the etheric body and other illusions - members of the Cat House. After this news was announced, the master and all the guild members disappeared. Wendy and Charlie had no choice but to join Fairy Tail.

Arc 10. "Daphne"

Episode 69. "Call of the Dragon"

The heroes return to their guilds. Wendy and Charlie are welcomed into Fairy Tail with great joy. Elsa is attacked by an unknown person; the girl manages to repel the attack. Gray begins to behave strangely: he tells Natsu that a certain Daphne has appeared in the city, having seen dragons; Natsu and Wendy find her, but fall into a trap; Gray himself attacks Dragneel.

Episode 70. "Natsu vs. Gray!"

Elsa and Lucy go to help the heroes, but they are opposed by animal-like creatures created, as it turns out, by Daphne. Daphne summons an artificial dragon, a draconian, and captures Natsu, attempting to drain his magical power.

Episode 71. "Friendship conquers death"

The heroes capture Gray; Makarov interrogates him. Daphne directs the dragonoid towards Magnolia: the members of Fairy Tail are preparing to defend the guild and intend to attack the monster, despite the fact that Natsu is inside it.

Episode 72. "Wizards of Fairy Tail"

Gray says that in such an insidious way he involved Natsu in the matter so that he could destroy the artificial dragon from the inside, which he, with the support of his friends “from the outside,” manages to do.

Episode 73. "Rainbow Sakura"

The people of Magnolia celebrate cherry blossom day. Natsu, Gray, Elsa, Lucy and Wendy go to the mountains to get the miracle herb.

Episode 74. "New big mission Wendy?"

Wendy, Happy and Freed go on a mission that members of Fairy Tail previously carried out: at the request of Rabian, they go to the city where the theater he runs is located. Elsa, Lucy, Natsu and Charlie set off in pursuit, but by the time they all arrive in the city, things are looking up at the theater.

Episode 75. "Daily endurance race"

A daily competition is taking place in Fairy Tail: guild members must run to the mountain, take a wyvern scale from there, and then return with it to the starting point. Unexpectedly for everyone, Happy wins, and the last to arrive are four at once: Natsu, Gray, Gadzill and Jet. As punishment, they are required to pose for the magazine in indecent costumes.

Arc 11. "Edoras"

Episode 76. "Gildarts"

To the guild after a three-year absence caused by the so-called. Gildarts returns from the “hundred-year task”, which he nevertheless failed. He tells Natsu that he saw a dragon during this mission, and the young man, together with Happy, decides to go there in order to find out everything.

Episode 77. "Earth"

Wendy, worried about Happy Charlie's sudden anger, goes looking for her and meets Mystogan. Soon after, all of Magnolia is sucked into the Anima, a portal to another world called Edoras. Only Wendy, Charlie and Natsu and Happy do not disappear. Charlie states that she and Happy are from Edoras, and it was their fault that Magnolia was carried there.

Episode 78. "Edoras"

Natsu and Wendy decide to save their friends and go on the wings of their comrades - Charlie and Happy to Anima, after which they find themselves in parallel world Edoras, where they find out that it is impossible to cast magic there. Soon they find the Fairy Tail guild, but for some unknown reason the magicians there behave very strangely: Lucy loves to fight, Gray is always cold, Levy is a villain, and Elfman is generally a crybaby.

Episode 79. "Fairy Hunt"

Natsu and Wendy tell the members of Fairy Tail of Edoras about where they are from. To their surprise, they meet Lisanna at the guild, although in their world the girl died. The members of Fairy Tail, who are being hunted by the royal troops, having teleported the guild to another place, barely manage to escape from Elsa, who is one of the mage hunters in Edoras.

Episode 80. "Key of Hope"

Natsu, Wendy, their cats and Lucy (Edoras) go to the capital of the country in order to find out details about the missing guild. It turns out that Gadzill also ended up in Edoras and is also trying to find out details about what happened. In one of the cities, Natsu, Wendy and Lucy (Ed.) are attacked by royal troops, but they are saved by the real Lucy, who, to everyone’s surprise, is capable of using magic in Edoras and summoning star spirits.

Episode 85. "ETD Code"

Elsa (Ed.), under orders, tries to kill Lucy by throwing her from a giant height, but she is saved by Charlie and Happy. Taking advantage of the commotion in Extalia, the king of Edolas declares a coup to destroy all the Exceeds who have led the people for so long. Natsu and Wendy begin to be drained of magical power for use in future battles. Charlie, Happy and Lucy are attacked by Elsa's (Ed.) squad, but Gray and Elsa come to the aid of their friends.

Episode 86. "Elsa vs. Elsa"

Elsa enters into battle against Elsa (Ed.). Gray and Lucy find Natsu and Wendy. Happy and Gadzill try to destroy the crystal containing the remaining members of Fairy Tail (only Elsa and Gray were previously destroyed), but they are attacked by Pantherlily, one of the commanders of the Edolas army. Gray, Lucy and Natsu encounter Hughes and Sugarboy, two other commanders. Wendy and Charlie travel to Extalia to warn the Exceeds of the impending attack on them.

Wendy and Charlie try to warn the residents of Extalia about the impending danger, but the Exceeds do not believe them. Members of Fairy Tail attempt to use the Dragon Cannon to disenchant the crystal in which the rest of the guild is imprisoned, but troops led by Elsa (Ed.) manage to regain control of the cannon. Using a giant hook, she directs the flying island with the crystal located on it towards Extalia. On the Legion, a huge flying creature native to Edoras, the members of Fairy Tail travel to the crystal.

Episode 90. "That Guy"

Queen Extalia admits that she does not have the mighty power that was attributed to her, and declares that the country of the Exceeds is doomed. However, members of Fairy Tail, with the support of the same Exceeds, manage to stop the movement of the island. Soon after this, the crystal on him disappears: Mystogan appears, who says that he managed to return the guild members home. General rejoicing begins, which is interrupted by a new attack by the royal forces.

Natsu, Gegill and Wendy defeat Faust. Mystogan begins redirecting Edolas' magical power to the world of Fairy Tail. Flying islands begin to fall, magical weapons stop working: the population of Edoras is in panic. The prince tells Pantherlily about the “villain king” plan, according to which he must execute the “villain” Mystogan in front of the people and become the savior and king of the new world.

Episode 94. "Farewell Edoras"

Contrary to Mystogan's plan, the role of the villain is played by the Dragon Slayers. In a staged battle, Natsu loses to him. After this, as well as the previous magic, all members of Fairy Tail, as well as the Exceeds, are transported to Earth, while Mystogan remains in Edoras as the new king.

Episode 95. "Lisanna"

Queen Shagotte admits that she did not give the task to destroy the dragonslayers, but saved the children, as she had a vision of the destruction of Extalia. The Exceeds fly off in search of the “rescued” children. Panther Lily brings the “captured” Lisanna, and she tells the team her story: she did not die, she was pulled into the Anima, to Edoras, where Lisanna pretended to be Edo-Lisanna.

  • We will search among the fandom characters

Character Groups

Total characters - 129

E.N.D. ("Tartaros")

4 2 0

Zeref's most powerful demon. Currently trapped in a book. According to Silver, he is a fire demon.


Azuma ("Grimoire Heart")

0 2 0

Tree mage, one of the "Relatives of Purgatory". He was one of the first to launch an attack on Tenrou Island, destroying the council ship at anchor. Capable of merging with trees, manipulating plants, growing trees of any shape and size, creating exploding buds, during a battle with Elsa he knocked down the main tree of the guild island, due to which all members of Fairy Tail began to lose magical power, despite this, he was killed by her, after death he turned into tree sprouts.

("Heart of Grimoire")

Acnologia (Akunorogia, dragon)

2 2 1

Dragon King. An evil black dragon with a blue pattern on its back. The dragon of destruction usually appears during fierce battles between good and evil, without taking sides. Appeared in chapter 252 of the manga. According to what Zeref said: "He considers people to be trash and will never speak to them." He was first met by Gildarts, then everyone else saw him. Destroyed Tenrou Island and flew away. No one saw him again. In chapter 301 of the manga, it turns out that Acnologia used to be a human, a dragon slayer. However, he began to kill dragons and, having shed too much dragon blood, lost his human appearance and slowly began to turn into a dragon. Acnologia is later revealed to be the Dragon King. Seven years later he appeared in Magnolia, during the battle between Fairy Tail and Tartaros, and then entered into battle with Igneel who appeared. According to the spirit of Zirconis, known as the jade dragon, Acnologia was once a human who wielded dragon slayer magic. He shed rivers of dragon blood, and the mere mention of his name spread fear. This “man” continued to bathe in dragon blood; Over time, his skin became scales and his teeth became fangs. He became more like a dragon than a man. He became the king of dragons. Some believe that it was Zeref who turned this man into a dragon.

Angel (Enjeru, "Oracion Seis")

0 3 0

Dark magician from the Oración Seis guild. The only girl in the guild. Gifted Celestial Spirit Mage. Killed Karen Lilika, after which she received all her Star Keys. Despite his appearance and the name is quite cruel, does not mistake her Star Spirits for people, plays with their feelings. Together with the rest of the guild members, she was looking for Nirvana, the legendary magic of destruction. She fought against Lucy Heartfilia and Hibiki from the Blue Pegasus guild. Being, in fact, an S-class magician, she easily suppressed Lucy’s magic and practically won, but Hibiki, with the help of her Archive magic, “downloaded” knowledge of a higher order into Lucy and for a limited time Lucy received highest power the Celestial Spirit mage, thanks to which she instantly defeated the Angel. The angel survived, but her further fate is unknown. After the team returns, Tenryu uses a very powerful type of magic - Angel Magic. She was defeated by Gray Fullbuster. She is Yukino Agria's older sister.

("Oracion Seis")

Arana Webb

0 0 0

The sorceress from “The Mermaid’s Slipper.” Her main magical ability is to create webs, but she can't stand real spiders.

Alzack Connell (Aruzakku Koneru, "Fairy Tail")

0 0 0

Originally from the West. Immigrated and joined Fairy Tail. He actively participated in the battle against Phantom Lord. He is in love with his partner Viska Mulan, but is too shy to admit it to her. Once, when talking to Loki, he jokingly said: “Since you can’t confess, then perhaps I’ll take her.” Arzak took the joke seriously and considered Loki his opponent. However, after it turned out that Loki is the Celestial Spirit Leo, he stopped being jealous. In the end, he married Viska, and it was she who proposed. They have a daughter, Asuka, whose name was derived from her parents' names (Viska + Arzak).

In the world of Edolas, Arzak is not so shy. He openly declares that he loves Viska, and goes everywhere only with her. In general, the direct opposite of Earthly Arzak.

("Fairy Tail")

Aria ("Phantom Lord")

0 0 0

The most powerful magician of the Four Elements. Aria's element is emptiness, like a variant of air. He is always very sad and cries often. Always wears a blindfold; According to Mirajane, “this is how he restrains his magical power. Aria must be defeated before he opens his eyes, because when he does, a enormous strength and no one will stop him." Contrary to popular belief, after Aria untied his eyes (in the battle of the Phantom Lord with Fairy Tail), he was able to defeat Elsa Scarlett.

("Phantom Lord")


0 0 0

Squadron commander of the Holy Knights of the Cherry Blossoms of the Kingdom of Fiore. Honest, noble, completely devoted to the royal house. Participated in the “Eclipse” project.

Asuka Connell

0 0 0

Daughter of Arzak and Biska Connell. Due to his young age, he is not yet a member of the guild, but he wants to be a magic shooter, like his parents.

0 0 0

Chief of Staff of the Royal Army of Edolas.

Beth Vanderwood

0 0 0

A young sorceress from “The Mermaid's Slipper”, whose ability is to grow fruits and vegetables, and she also uses them as weapons.

Bickslow (Bikkusuro, "Fairy Tail")

2 4 0

He is a member of the Thunderbolts team, which guards Laxus Dreyar. Has the Fairy Tail mark on his tongue. Shows his creepy appearance by hiding his face, sticking out his tongue and laughing maniacally. He treats the five dolls he controls as his children, even giving them names: Pippi, Poppo, Pappa, Peppe and Puppu. He doesn't like light magic, but he likes perfume.

("Fairy Tail")

Gemini (The Twins)

0 0 0

Celestial spirits, the key of which belongs to Lucy Heartfilia. Jamie and Mini, brother and sister. They can copy the appearance and abilities of any creature they touch for five minutes, while recognizing its thoughts and memories. In their usual form they differ from each other only in the color of their clothes, in the “appearance of an eclipse” they are a boy and a girl. In the “guise of an eclipse” they could transform others, not themselves.

Bluenote Stinger (Burunoto Sutinga, Grimoire Heart

0 0 0

A powerful mage of the Grimoire Heart guild. He is the deputy of Master Hades, as well as the second most powerful in the guild, second only to the Master himself. He was defeated by the most powerful mage of the Fairy Tail guild, Gildarts Clive.

("Heart of Grimoire")

Bora (Prominence)

0 0 0

Magnificent Bora. He was expelled from the guild for theft, after which he gathered his own gang and continued to engage in dark deeds under the nickname “Salamander”. He dated Juvia Lockser, but the relationship did not last long. He abandoned her because it rained all the time where she was, which annoyed Bora very much.

Brain (Burein, "Oracion Seis")

1 0 0

The leader of the Oración Seis guild, which consists of powerful dark magicians. Their goal was to find the ancient destructive magic of Nirvana, which was lost. Does not respect his opponents, calling them "trash". He is cruel even towards his comrades. He was very afraid of his second self, Zero. He has a son, Midnight, who is also a member of the guild.

("Oracion Seis")

Weisslogia (dragon)

1 0 0

The white dragon who taught Sting dragon slayer magic. This dragon was so attached to his pupil that one day he ordered him to kill him so that Sting, having bathed in the blood of Weissology, would gain greater power as a Dragon Slayer.

Wakaba Mine

0 1 0

One of the older generation of Fairy Tail magicians, he uses smoke-based magic. old friend Macau. Married to a non-sorceress, Millgan, and has a daughter who is not named in canon.

Bacchus Groh

0 0 0

The most powerful magician of the Four-Headed Cerberus. Uses a mixture of martial arts and magic techniques in battle, focusing magical energy in the palms and thus striking incredible strength. Loves and knows how to drink alcohol in large quantities.

Warrod Sequen

0 0 0

The fourth most powerful of the Ten Magician Saints, and thus included in number of four gods of Ishgar. One of the founders of Fairy Tail, but is not currently a member of the guild.

Wendy Marvell (Maiden of the Sky, Dragon Slayer)

6 4 0

Heavenly Maiden, Divine Dragon Wendy, Dragon Slayer

Wendy Marvell (Maiden of the Sky, Dragon Slayer, Wendi Maberu, "Fairy Tail")

Her power can even heal wounds inflicted by a dragon. The source of this power is the air, and the cleaner the air, the stronger its magic. Therefore, Wendy cannot use magic in particularly dirty places. The dragon who trained Wendy, Grandine, disappeared on July 7, 777, as did the dragons Natsu and Gadjeel. She thought that Natsu knew where to look for dragons. It also turned out that she knows Gerard because he saved her as a child and brought her to an old man in an abandoned village. This old man turned out to be the last of the Nirvits, the creator of Nirvana. For the sake of the girl, he created a whole guild of illusions, which he called “Cat House”. He admits this and dispels the illusion, and Wendy joins Fairy Tail.

Wendy from Edolas is about nineteen years old, while the earthly Wendy is still just a girl. Edo-Wendy was just as kind to the Exceeds as the earthly Wendy, and protected Charlie and Happy during the battle of the two Fairy Tails against the royal army. Edo-Wendy has a noticeably larger height and breast size.

("Fairy Tail")

Vijeeter Ecor

0 0 0

A dancer magician whose spells can strengthen his allies or weaken enemies within a radius of ten meters. He also likes to dance just for fun.

Bisca Moulin/Bisca Connell (Bisca Mulan, Bisuka Mu

0 0 0

Bisca Moulin/Bisca Connell (Bisca Mulan, Bisuka Muran, “Fairy Tail”)

Originally from the West. Immigrated to join Fairy Tail. Mulan changed her last name to her husband's last name, Connell. Very polite and charming. Admires Elsa because they magical abilities generally similar. She has feelings for Arzak, but for a long time she could not admit it. In the end, she was able to propose to Arzak and married him. He has a daughter, Asuka, who was named after both parents. At the Grand Magic Games, together with his comrades, he supports both Fairy Tail teams participating in them. On the fifth day, he fights dragons with his guild.

Edo-Viska - the direct opposite of Earthly - openly declares that he loves Arzak, calling him “Arzi”. Dressed very revealingly (bikini, hat and boots). He always sits on Arzak’s lap and always goes with him on missions.

("Fairy Tail")


3 0 0

Celestial spirit, one of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. She has the appearance of a mermaid with a jug in her hands, she can control water, and water is also needed to summon her. The Aquarius Key is currently held by Lucy Heartfilia. Aquarius is extremely hot-tempered and aggressive. In “Eclipse form” she looks like a little girl.

Wally Buchanan

0 1 0

Erza's friend, who, like her, was a slave in the Tower of Heaven. Younger brother Richard (Hotey).

Gajeel Redfox (Kurogane Gajeel, Dragon Slayer)

17 19 0

Steel Gadjeel, Dragon Slayer.

Gajeel Redfox (Kurogane Gajeel, Dragon Slayer, Gajiru Reddofokkusu, "Fairy Tail")

Like Natsu, he is a dragonslayer, but not of fire, but of metal. He was trained by the metal dragon Metalicana, who disappeared on July 7, 777, just like Igneel, who trained Natsu. He joined the Phantom Lord guild, where he became second in strength after the master. After the defeat of the ghost guild and a fight with Natsu, during which both opponents struck each other equal amount damaged and collapsed in exhaustion, he joined Fairy Tail as a spy for Makarov’s son and Laxus’ father, Ivan, master of the dark guild, but in reality he was a double agent.

Unlike Earth Gadjeel, Edo-Gadjeel does not have piercings. Dressed in a blue jacket and blue hat, wear glasses. Always writing something down in his notebook. Writes books that no one likes. Earth Gadjeel believes that he is absolutely "like him."

("Fairy Tail")

Gildarts Clive (Girudatsu Kuraivu, "Fairy Tail")

3 2 0

The strongest mage of the Fairy Tail guild after the master. Took on the most difficult work, proposed by the Magic Council - the “Hundred Year Task”, but returned three years later due to the intervention of the Black Dragon, who, as it turned out in Chapter 253, is Acnologia - one of the dragons of the Apocalypse. Lost in the battle with him left hand, a leg and a couple of organs. Uses Destruction magic, which turns everything he touches into dust. It `s Magic the highest level. He became the fifth Master of Fairy Tail, but did not remain there for long, because he escaped responsibility by transferring the guild to Makarov, but at the same time giving several orders in a letter.

Nothing is known about Edo-Gildarts. Perhaps he is dead or was on a mission all this time. But, according to Natsu, he could be a frog there (which made Gildarts very angry).

("Fairy Tail")


0 0 0

Founder and Master of the “Four-Headed Cerberus”. Once a member of Fairy Tail.


2 0 0

Porlyusica (Gurandine, Porlyusica, Poryushika, dragon)

The white air dragon, a female, taught Wendy dragon slayer magic, but was unable to teach her combat spells. She loves people very much, and her love was passed on to Wendy. First appeared in chapter 101 of the manga in the form of a clot of energy white. Edo-Grandina is Porlyusica, who lives in the forest near Magnolia and hates people.

Gran Doma

0 0 0

Former Chairman of the Council of Magicians. Killed during the Jackal's attack on Era.

Gray Fullbuster (Gurei Furubasuta, "Fairy Tail")

16 14 3

Frostbitten. One of the main characters in anime and manga. Ice mage of creation. Uses ice as a weapon, giving it different shape. Persistent, purposeful, shows slight indifference, distrust, a tendency to loneliness, and is prone to exhibitionism. The Fairy Tail tattoo is blue, on the right side of the chest. The color of magic is blue.

Edo-Gray constantly puts on a bunch of clothes to keep warm, and is very friendly with Edo-Natsu. In love with Edo-Juvia.

("Fairy Tail")

1 1 0

Celestial spirit, one of the twelve constellations of the Zodiac. She appears as a young girl in a maid costume, but can change her appearance to suit the tastes of the owner of the key. She has obvious masochistic tendencies, and in the “form of an eclipse,” on the contrary, she showed herself to be a sadist. The Virgo Key belongs to Lucy Heartfilia.

0 0 0

One of Zeref's demons, called Deliora the Destroyer. A huge monster, whose victims were many people, including the parents of Gray Fullbuster. Deliora, at the cost of her life, was defeated by Ur, Gray's mentor, imprisoning him in the Ice Tomb.

0 0 0

Previous master " Saber tooth tiger"(whether he is also the founder of the guild is unknown). A powerful, cruel magician, obsessed with power and strength. He was defeated by Sting, who then took the place of Guild Master.

Jenny Realight

0 0 0

Sorceress from Blue Pegasus, model for Magical Weekly, and current holder of the title of Miss Fiore. Mirajane's friend and rival. Uses the magic of “capture” (“spirit of the machine” - it can copy mechanisms) and transformation.

Jet (Jetto, "Fairy Tail")

0 1 0

Included in one of main commands"Fairy Tail" - "Shadow Gear". He is clearly not indifferent to Levi, has remembered her all these seven years and is still lonely. After Levi returned, these feelings made themselves felt again. No matter what, Jet just wants Levy to be happy. Doesn't like shrimp. A tall, slender young man of average height with orange hair sticking out to the sides of his head. It has a sharp face and teeth with prominent, sharp, triangular-shaped upper canines and deep chips on the lower jaw. Guild mark on the left shoulder blade, white and orange.

("Fairy Tail")

Juvia Lockser (Jubia Rokusa, "Fairy Tail")

3 17 0

She was originally a water element from the Four Elements of Phantom Lord, but after the defeat inflicted on her by Gray, she fell in love with him and joined the Fairy Tail guild. Since childhood, it was always raining around her, which scared everyone else away from the girl, making her lonely and unhappy. After developing feelings for Gray, the rain stopped. Her body is made entirely of water, making her invulnerable to physical and most magical attacks. Always talks about himself in the third person. Very sweet and very dangerous: “A strong stream of water can cut even steel”, “If you underestimate the water, blame it on yourself.” He follows Gray everywhere and tries to take care of him, respectfully addressing him as “Gray-sama.” Considers Lucy his rival in love after Gray's phrase: “Lucy is my friend, you will only get her through my corpse.” However, this did not stop her from saving Lucy's life.

Juvia from Edolas is a business-like, confident girl who is building Edo-Grey. Not particularly favoring him with her attention, she constantly asks him to shut up. Edo-Juvia also scolds him for wearing too many clothes, and demands that he only come to her when he gets rid of them.

("Fairy Tail")

Jude Heartfilia

0 0 0

Lucy Heartfilia's father and Layla's husband. Once a member of the “Love and Lucky” merchant guild, later the owner of the Heartfilia concern. However, the concern collapsed, and Jude was left with nothing. He died before Lucy returned from Tenrou Island.

Jura Neekis (Jura Neekisu, "Lamia Scale")

0 0 0

Belongs to one of God's ten chosen wizards. He uses the magic of compacting the earth, which is why he is known by the nickname Jura Iron Cliff. In the battle with Oracion Seis managed to defeat Brain. After the timeskip, he became the fifth most powerful among God's ten chosen ones. He was defeated by Laxus Dreyar on the 5th day of the Grand Magic Games. After that, he fought with his guild against dragons.

("Lamia Scales")


0 0 0

One of the ten strongest magicians of “Saber-toothed Tiger”, to the team for the Seventh Magic Games not included. Possesses some form or subtype of fire magic.

0 1 0

Fairy Tail Mage. He is a member of the Shadow Mechanism team along with Jet and Levi. Uses in battle magically grown plants. A childhood friend of Jet and Levi, he once confessed his love to Levi, but she immediately rejected him.

Jellal Fernandez (Jeraru Ferunandesu)

4 10 0

Initially, Gerard was kind and helped his friends during the difficult times of slavery. Most likely, he himself lost his parents, like most children of slaves. Gerard was ready to help his friends in everything, including being punished for Elsa. But, having come under Zeref's control, he changed dramatically. He was overcome by an insane desire to complete the Tower of Paradise. Unlike the previous owners, Gerard treated the slaves better: he gave them clothing, introduced days off, and improved working conditions, which added enthusiasm to the workers and led to increased productivity. After he was defeated, Zeref lost control of him, and Gerard quickly came to his senses. During the Guild Union's battle with Oracion Seis, he is resurrected by Wendy Marvell, but when he comes to his senses, it is discovered that he has lost his memory. The only thing Gerard remembered were the names Elsa and Natsu. When Elsa tells him about his sins, he wants to commit suicide, but Elsa does not allow Gerard to do this, saying that he must live to atone for his sins. Later, Gerard voluntarily becomes a prisoner, believing that he deserves it. During Elsa's battle with Azuma, Gerard helps her continue the fight. Seven years later and one year after Acnologia attacked Tenrou Island, Ultear and Meldy freed Gerard from prison. The three of them form an independent guild “Sin of the Witch” to destroy the dark guilds. Gerard's memory returns. Then they meet Natsu and his friends. During this meeting, Gerard and Elsa kiss, but Gerard last moment changed his mind and lied, saying that he had a fiancee - because he believed that he was unworthy of her. Elsa immediately saw through his lie, but did not tell Gerard about it. “Sin of the Witch” and “Fairy Tail” are going together to search for Zeref or his minions at the Grand Magic Games. At the Grand Magic Games, Gerard was included in the Fairy Tail B team as Mystogan. In love with Elsa Scarlet.

Jose Porla

0 0 0

Former Master of the Phantom Lord Guild. Was once one of the Ten Magician Saints. After the Phantom Lord's attack on Fairy Tail, his guild was disbanded and Jose was stripped of his status as a Mage Saint.

Zancrow (Zankuro, "Grimoire Heart")

2 1 0

A dark mage belonging to the Grimoire Heart guild. He is a member of the Kinsmen of Purgatory. Long disheveled wheat hair and red eyes. He is cruel, even towards his comrades, whom he does not value in any way and is ready to kill at any moment if necessary. Like all the “Relatives of Purgatory,” he was taught magic by the Guild Master himself, Hades. He is a fiery God Slayer, which hints at the possible "diversity" of God Slayer magic and some similarity to Dragon Slayer magic. During the battle with Natsu Dragneel, his magic was not much different from the magic of the fiery Dragon Slayer, but there were still differences: the flame of the Fire God is completely black, unlike ordinary flames, and is significantly stronger than the flame of the fiery Dragon Slayer. In addition, a God Slayer can easily eat dragon flames, while a Dragon Slayer can eat fire god flames much more difficult. He was defeated by Natsu and Makarov, and then killed by Zeref.

("Heart of Grimoire")

Zeref (Black Wizard, Zerefu)

9 5 0

Main antagonist. Immortal dark magician. He owns a special magic called “Living Magic”, with its help he created “Lullaby” - a demon sealed in a flute, with the help of this flute the dark guild “Eisenwald” tried to kill the guild masters at their meeting, and Deliora - a demon who destroyed cities and who killed people before being sealed by Ul. It was Zeref who tried to resurrect Gerard, but this was prevented by the magicians of the Fairy Tail guild. The main goal of the Balam Alliance, an alliance of dark guilds, is to bring him back to life.

When Zeref woke up, it turned out that he was sleeping on the island of the Fairy Tail guild with Mavis. He looks like a young man no older than seventeen, with dark hair. He has the magic of “deadly hunt”, which destroys all living things around him, but he cannot control this magic. She often breaks out and kills everything around her without his desire. The only one who could resist this magic is Natsu. His scarf changed color to black, protecting him from death. It is unknown where, but he knows Natsu, while Dragneel himself does not know him (or does not remember). Zeref admitted that he did not want to take any more lives, however, upon learning that the “Grimoire Heart” had arrived on the island with the goal of taking it over, he became enraged and, after the end of the battle, appeared on the “Heart” airship, killing the guild master, Hades. After completing the Magic Games seven years later, he appears on the outskirts of Magnolia where he tells Mavis that he will give this world universal destruction. Then Tartaros appears at the headquarters, where he meets Natsu and asks who will “get” to him first, he or E.N.D, then disappears again.

Eve Team

1 0 0

Mage of the Blue Pegasus guild. One of the team "The Trimens", goes by the nickname Eve Bright Night. Like his teammates, he's a ladies' man. His spell is based on snow and cold. He studied to become a rune knight, but left without completing his training and joined the Blue Pegasus.

("Blue Pegasus")

Ivan Dreyar

0 0 0

Former Master of Raven Tail, a dark guild disbanded after the Seventh Magic Games. Makarov's son, after quarreling with him and leaving Fairy Tail, founded his own guild to oppose them. Laxus's father. Considering him too weak, he implanted dragon lacrima into him.

Igneel (Iguniru, dragon)

3 3 1

The red fire dragon replaced Natsu's father and taught him magic. Hot-tempered. Hiding among volcanoes, first appeared in chapter 101 of the manga, in the anime appeared at the end of the fantasy arc. In chapter 400, it became known that Igneel was inside Natsu the entire time.

Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki

0 0 0

One of the strongest magicians of the Blue Pegasus. Either the commander or the mentor of the team “The Trimens” (Hibiki, Ren, Yves). Uses scent-based magic: he can use various perfumes to influence both himself and opponents or allies.

If the question arises: “What else can you watch from anime?”, and when choosing, the main criterion is the absence of problems psychological plan, then we can recommend Fairy Tail. The light humorous series will take you to fantasy world where magic rules. If the large number of episodes doesn’t scare you, then enjoy watching. A list of Fairy Tail episodes with descriptions of current events will help you avoid getting lost in the intricacies of the story arcs.


The Kingdom of Fiore is famous for its large selection magic guilds of different stripes. But what to do if for you there is only one and only one, getting into which is no more or less the goal of your whole life? That's right, don't be discouraged! And look for someone who can act as a guarantor. After all, “Fairy Tail” is not a simple and closed establishment, and they don’t admit anyone from the street there. The young sorceress Lucy is not embarrassed even by the fact that in order to fulfill her dream she will have to leave native home and set off on a long journey. Although not in vain: after numerous ordeals, the girl meets Natsu Dragneel, who turns out to be a full member of the guild and gives Lucy the coveted recommendation. This is where the real adventures of the heroine begin.

List of Fairy Tail episodes, season 1

The season consists of 175 episodes and 15 story arcs. In the first episodes, the viewer gets to know the main characters and magical world where the main action takes place. And then... Light and dark sorcerers, the eternal confrontation between good and evil, friendship, betrayal and, of course, love...

"Fairy Tail"

The list of Fairy Tail episodes from the first story arc includes only two episodes, united by a common meaning. main character Lucy manages to get into yet another scrape in a small provincial town. For help beautiful lady red-haired Natsu and his cat Happy arrive. The city survived Lucy’s rescue and escaped with numerous destructions, but the young sorceress received a happy “ lottery ticket" Natsu turned out to be a representative of the famous Fairy Tail guild and invited the girl to join it. Lucy naturally agreed. Soon the sorceress met other wizards and received a trademark insignia - a tattoo worn by all members of Fairy Tail. The first task was not long in coming.


The partners’ new case is connected with the book “Dawn”: the employer promised to pay as much as 2 million for its destruction. Quite decent money, but not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The book has its own secret, which the young witch manages to unravel.


The list of Fairy Tail episodes continues with the following, consisting of 9 episodes. The head of the Fairy Tail guild goes to a meeting of masters. Meanwhile, the main characters receive a new task: led by Elsa, they will have to find information about the mysterious “Lullaby”, which can destroy people. But the team falls into the trap of members of the dark guild Eisenwald and learns the real goal of the villains. Having defeated the monster summoned by “Lullaby,” the guys, together with the head of the guild, manage to save the entire village from the monsters created by the negligence of its inhabitants.

"Galuna Island"

Happy, at Natsu's request, steals the mission increased complexity, and the red-haired magician and Lucy go to the island of Galuna to remove the curse from the local residents, who turn into monsters when night comes. Gray and Elsa join them. The team learns that the monster Deliora, defeated by Gray's teacher, is imprisoned in the eternal ice on the island. Another student of Ur, Leon, is going to rescue him from captivity. So, in addition to the curse of the islanders, the team will also have to deal with a new problem.

"Phantom Lord"

The new story arc continues the list of Fairy Tail episodes.

Wizard guilds do not know how to live in peace. So the “Phantom Lord” decided to start a conflict with “Fairy Tail” and kidnapped the Girl. Natsu manages to save her, but the head of “Fairy Tail” Makarov completely loses his. Taking advantage of this, the members of the “Phantom Lord” attack the wizards guild, and battles begin. Having regained his abilities, Makarov, with the help of a powerful spell, defeats the head of the Phantom Lord, and Fairy Tail emerges victorious from the fight.


In the world of Fairy Tail (the list of episodes of this story arc is direct confirmation of this), fights do not always occur.

Natsu, Happy, Elsa, Gray and Lucy are recognized the best team wizards guild. Lucy notices that Loki is starting to behave strangely and decides to watch him. The girl learns that Loki is actually the spirit of the zodiac, who became a hermit due to a serious offense. She decides to help the unfortunate man return to his native element.

"Paradise Tower"

While friends are vacationing at the resort, Elsa's old acquaintances appear, kidnap her and bring her to the Tower of Paradise. The girl learns that she is going to be sacrificed for the sake of resurrecting some person. Lucy, Gray, Natsu and Juvia are not going to leave their friend in trouble and go to the rescue.

Friends learn that Gerard is going to bring Zeleph back to life, and the Council of Magicians decides to use Etherion. However, events spiral out of control and Elsa sacrifices herself to stop the destruction of the Tower of Heaven.

"Fairies vs. Fairies"

A revolution is brewing in the guild. Laxus decides it's time to change the head of Fairy Tail and turns all the girls in Fairy Tail into statues to force the guys to fight each other for the title of the strongest. As the event progresses, Laxus is forced to adjust his plans and create the Thunder Palace. As a result, he is defeated and expelled from the guild.

"Horación Seis"

The appearance of a new enemy on the horizon forces all the light guilds to unite. Each society exhibits best magicians to resist Nirvana. The first battle ends in failure, but the heroes were able to find the enemy’s weak point and, through joint efforts, win.


A certain mysterious Daphne appears in the city - a girl who has seen dragons. Natsu goes looking for her and falls into a trap. It turns out that Daphne intends to get his magical power. Friends come to Natsu's aid and they manage to resist the insidious opponent.


Magnolia finds herself pulled into another dimension where her magic does not work. The only lucky ones were Natsu and Wendy, who were away on business. And now they have to save others from trouble. Arriving in Edoras, they realize that everything has been turned upside down: Lucy has become a fighter, Levi has become a villain, and Elsa has become a hunter of magicians. Later they find out that these are doubles of their friends, and the guild has been turned into crystal. With the help of the Exceeds, the friends manage to figure out what is happening and return home in full force.

"C-Class Test" and "Year 791"

16 wizards are sent to Tenryu Island to pass the test. But the course of the planned event is disrupted by the arrival of members of the dark guild “Grimoire Heart”. A battle ensues between them, in which Fairy Tail and with great difficulty manages to gain the upper hand. However, events attract the dragon Acnologia, who destroys the island.

Seven years later, the weakened Fairy Tail manages to find Tenryu, who was saved from destruction by the spirit of the first guild master, and the friends return home.

"Key of the Starry Sky"

Lucy becomes the owner of an inheritance in the form of an incomprehensible book, which many want to own. Friends have to find out what they are hiding mysterious writings, and in Once again stop Evil.

"Great Magic Games"

Fairy Tail decides to take part in a famous magic tournament to restore past glory guilds. They will meet the strongest and most insidious opponents who are not going to give up victory easily. It will not do without mysterious third forces.

"Fairy Tail", season 2: list of episodes

The second season has 102 episodes and 5 story arcs.

“Great Magic Games” continues to tell about the battle of the main characters with other clans. In addition to wizards, Fairy Tail's opponents will be dragons.

"Star Spirits of Eclipse"

The list of Fairy Tail episodes continues with new episodes about the adventures of the heroes. Something strange is happening in the world of Celestial Spirits. They refuse to answer the calls of wizards and demand complete freedom. The magicians will have to work hard to stop the riot.

"Village of the Sun"

Having won the Magic Games, Fairy Tail again becomes a popular guild, and a new task is not long in coming. Friends will have to go to the village and help local residents deal with their problems.


List of Fairy Tail episodes ( summary episodes we presented to your attention) will help you understand the intricacies of the plot of this arc. appears on the horizon new enemy: The dark guild Tartaros is trying to seize power over the magical world. The main characters, led by Natsu, Lucy, and Elsa, resist their insidious plans. However, despite the victory, Makarov decides to disband Fairy Tail.


A year after the dissolution of Fairy Tail, at the next magic tournament, Lucy meets Natsu and Happy. And where these two are, new adventures are sure to appear, especially since Natsu is determined to revive Fairy Tail. Fortunately, a new worthy opponent has turned up - a new guild that extols Zeref.

At the moment, filming of the popular anime has been suspended; it is unknown whether it will continue. However, in order not to say goodbye to your favorite characters, you can rewatch your favorite episodes again or refresh your memory of events by looking at the list of Fairy Tail episodes in Russian or a foreign language.