Artist Leonid Osipovich Parsnip. Leonid Osipovich Pasternak, biography and paintings

Leonid Pasternak wrote his first commissioned works at the age of six, and throughout his life the artist called his customer, a local janitor, “my Lorenzo Medici" Later in creative biography Pasternak portraits of relatives and famous contemporaries, canvases and drawings with Leo Tolstoy, as well as illustrations for his works. The artist’s works are kept in Russian and foreign museums and private collections.

Graduate of the Munich Academy of Fine Arts

Leonid Pasternak was born in 1862 into a Jewish family in Odessa. WITH early childhood the boy drew a lot, using charcoal he made instant sketches of everything he saw around him. First customer little artist appeared when he was 6 years old: a local janitor asked him to create sketches on hunting themes. Each drawing cost 5 kopecks, which Leonid Pasternak spent according to his age: on sweets. However, the family did not welcome the frivolous hobby of drawing. Parents, owners of the inn, saw youngest son in the future as a doctor, pharmacist or “at worst, we plead for business”. Despite this, Pasternak attended the Odessa Drawing School.

Yielding to his parents' will, in 1881 Leonid Pasternak entered the medical faculty of Moscow University. However, he did not like medicine and after 2 years he transferred to the law department of Novorossiysk University in Odessa. IN Russian Empire Students of only this university could travel abroad.

Almost immediately after entering law school, Pasternak left for Munich: at the same time, he decided to study painting at the Royal Academy fine arts at German artist Johann Caspar Herterich. Coming to Odessa to take exams, Pasternak published cartoons, humorous and everyday scenes in local magazines.

In 1885, the artist brilliantly graduated from the Academy and as an external student from the Faculty of Law. After studying, the graduate had to serve in the army, and in 1885–1886 he was a volunteer in the artillery. The habit of making quick and accurate sketches did not leave him in the service. One of the sketches of that time became the subject for the large canvas “News from the Motherland.”

Returning to Odessa, Leonid Pasternak met the talented pianist Rosalia Kaufman. In 1889 they got married and moved to Moscow.

"The first Russian impressionist"

Leonid Pasternak. Debutante. Sketch. 1893

Leonid Pasternak. News from home. 1889. State Tretyakov Gallery

Leonid Pasternak. Illustration for Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Resurrection”. 1899

In the same 1889, Leonid Pasternak gave Pavel Tretyakov his painting “Jewish Woman with a Stocking”, and a little later, at the exhibition of the Wanderers, the patron purchased his work “News from the Motherland”. Pasternak invested the money from the sale on a Parisian trip. He studied french art and tried new painting techniques. Critics noted that after the trip the artist’s hand became "more free and refined".

Returning to Moscow, Leonid Pasternak, together with portrait painter Viktor Stember, opened a school of painting and drawing. In 1890, the artist became the editor of the literary and artistic magazine "Artist" and became close to Vasily Polenov's circle, which included Valentin Serov, Konstantin Korovin, Isaac Levitan, Mikhail Vrubel. Later, the Union of Russian Artists grew out of this association. The members of the circle promoted complete freedom in creativity, and Leonid Pasternak was the first Russian artist to call himself an impressionist.

However, he regularly participated in exhibitions of the Itinerants. At one of these exhibitions in 1893, Pasternak met Leo Tolstoy, who looked at his painting “Debutante”, and later admitted that he followed the artist’s work. After some time, the artist was invited to visit the writer, and soon the Pasternaks began to visit him often - both in Yasnaya Polyana and in Moscow.

“Summing up the past, remembering Lev Nikolaevich, I ask myself what I did to deserve the happiness given to me by fate, not only to be a contemporary of this legendary man, but also to know him personally, visit him, talk with him, draw and write him.. How can I convey the bliss I experienced when one day, in a conversation with me, N. Ge remarked: “Tolstoy loves you - this is a great happiness.”

Leonid Pasternak

Gradually, the artist created a series of family portraits of the Tolstoys. In addition, Pasternak made illustrations for the novel Resurrection, and these works received a medal at the 1900 World Exhibition in Paris. In 1902, Leonid Pasternak’s painting “Tolstoy with his family in Yasnaya Polyana» purchased for the Russian Museum Grand Duke Georgy Alexandrovich. Another Grand Duke, Sergei Alexandrovich, personally approved the candidacy of Leonid Pasternak for the post of professor at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

By 1902, the Pasternaks already had four children: two boys - Boris and Alexander, and two girls - Josephine and Lydia. The artist wrote family portraits and scenes from home life, these works were successfully sold. Family friends joked that this is how children feed their parents.

Portrait painter, researcher, founder of Leniniana

Leonid Pasternak. Congratulation. 1914. State Tretyakov Gallery

Leonid Pasternak. Sons Boris and Alexander. After 1890. Private collection

Leonid Pasternak. Lydia and Josephine. 1908

In 1905, the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts elected Pasternak academician of painting, but with the outbreak of the revolution and unrest in Moscow, the family left for Germany. In Berlin, Leonid Pasternak organized an exhibition of his works and painted portraits to order.

Soon the Pasternaks returned to Moscow. In the 1910s, the artist painted many portraits of cultural figures and politicians in Russia and Europe. Composers Alexander Scriabin and Sergei Rachmaninov, writers Maxim Gorky and Konstantin Balmont, Valery Bryusov and Vyacheslav Ivanov, microbiologist Ilya Mechnikov, English director Henry Craig, and the creator of the ideology of anarcho-communism, Prince Peter Kropotkin, appeared in his portrait gallery. Leonid Pasternak is also considered one of the founders of Leninism. He was the first of the academic artists to begin making sketches of Vladimir Lenin and other revolutionary figures at congresses and meetings.

In the early 20s, the Pasternaks and their daughters emigrated to Germany. In Berlin, the artist continued to paint portraits of writers, artists and scientists. Among them was Albert Einstein. The couple met him on musical evening at the Soviet embassy, ​​where Rosalia Pasternak accompanied a scientist playing the violin on the piano.

At the same time, Pasternak became interested in the topic of Jewry in the history of art: he published the monograph “Rembrandt and Jewry in his work”, 2 albums about figures of Jewish culture. In 1924, Leonid Pasternak participated in the Palestinian historical and ethnographic expedition, from where he brought dozens of sketches and drawings to include in the monograph. took place in Germany personal exhibitions Pasternak in 1927 and 1932.

Leonid Pasternak. Portrait of Leo Tolstoy. 1908

Leonid Pasternak. Conductor V.I. Bitch. Not earlier than 1906. Donetsk regional Art Museum, Ukraine

However, at that time, Nazi sentiments had already begun to manifest themselves in the country: almost the entire circulation of Pasternak’s monograph with memories of Tolstoy was burned, and the next exhibition was banned. When Adolf Hitler came to power, the rules became completely stricter. Negotiations about returning to Soviet Union dragged on. In 1935, when the Nuremberg Racial Laws came out, the Pasternaks moved to London. There was another personal exhibition of the artist.

On August 23, 1939, a few days before the start of World War II, Rosalia Pasternak died. The artist continued to work on his canvases. His last and unfinished work was a portrait of Vladimir Lenin. Leonid Pasternak died in Oxford on May 31, 1945.

“My art has one advantage over the word, literature: it is international and understandable in all languages. Painting, drawing, landscape, portrait - whether it was written by a Swede, a Frenchman, a Russian or a Jew - is understandable to everyone.”

Leonid Pasternak

Today the works of Leonid Pasternak are kept in famous Russian museums and abroad - in Paris, London, Oxford, Bristol - as well as in private collections.

Leonid Osipovich Pasternak - Russian artist, representative of Art Nouveau, original painter and graphic artist, master genre compositions And book illustration. Father of the poet Boris Pasternak.

The name of Leonid Pasternak is well known to lovers of fine art, primarily as the creator of illustrations for Tolstoy’s novel “Resurrection.” The artist’s works are kept in many museums in Russia and abroad. Numerous creative heritage includes both paintings and graphics, in which drawing occupies a significant place. It is in this technique that the talent of Leonid Pasternak is especially clearly revealed.


Leonid spent his childhood and youth in Odessa. According to the artist’s recollections, he “began to draw early and really loved this activity.” Pasternak combines his studies at the gymnasium with training at the Odessa Drawing School of the Encouragement Society fine arts, which he graduated in 1881 with a silver medal. Did his parents not approve of his aspirations? professional pursuits art. Therefore LeonidParsnipentered the medical faculty of Moscow University. In Moscow hetried to get into the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Zodiacchildhood, butthere were no vacancies. It is translated intoNovorossiysk University, his Withstudents had the right to travel abroad.

In 1882Leonid Pasternak leaves for Munichen.The Academy of Arts in Munich was considered one of the best in those years art schools Western Europe.

In 1885 Pasternak returned to Odessa, graduated from university,receiving a law degree. He needed to go military service and he doesto the artilleryvolunteer.Impressions from the warriorservice were reflected in the first great job“News from the Motherland”, with which the artist debuted at the exhibition of the Partnership of Mobile art exhibitions in 1889, it was a success, and Tretyakov acquired iteven before the opening of the exhibition.

News from home. 1889

The drawings made in Munich also made a great impression on the audience. In my memoriesLeonid Pasternakwrote: “I soon established a reputation as a real draftsman, not only among young comrades, but also among famous old Itinerant artists.”

Pasternak goes home to Odessa, and here, in his homeland, he meets and falls in love with charming girl, the brilliant pianist Rosalia Kaufman. She had a dizzying musical career, was a professor music classes Odessa branch of the Imperial Russian musical society. But she preferred quiet to her success and fame. family happiness. Rosalia's parents were rich; they had a monopoly on the sale of seltzer water in the south of Russia. The wedding took place in Moscow in 1889, where the artist moved from Odessa.

Pasternak with his wife Rosalia Isidorovna

In Moscow, Pasternak became close to the artists grouped around Polenov: Serov, Korovin, Levitan, Vrubel. This art group played important role in the formation of Russian art of the 20th century. The artists were united by the desire to convey paintings direct vision of the world, the desire for emotional and decorative expressiveness of color. These tasks were close to the creative search of Leonid Pasternak. In the drawing “Artist N. D. Kuznetsov at work” (1887), the free, soft manner of execution conveys the light-air environment of the workshop.

In 1894, Leonid Pasternak was invited to teach at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.

Light becomes the basis for the emotional expressiveness of the drawing and creates an atmosphere of creative concentration. In the paintings “Debutante” (1892), “Reading the Manuscript” (1894), “On the Eve of Exams” (1894) light and color scheme not only create a certain mood, but also reveal the inner state of the characters. The artist was especially attracted to the effects of evening lighting.

On the eve of exams. 1894

The marriage of Leonid Pasternak and Rosa Kaufman turned out to be extremely happy. A year after the wedding, the young couple’s first child, Boris, the future great Russian poet, is born. Three years later - son Alexander, a future prominent architect. His wife and children often visit their parents in Odessa, and Leonid Osipovich also comes here in the summer. Rosalia Kaufman gave birth to four children for her husband and never regretted leaving the musical field.

Sons Boris and Alexander

LeonidPasternak createdportrait gallery of prominent cultural figures:writerth L. N. Tolstoy and Gorky, poets Verhaeren and Rilke, musicians Scriabin, Rachmaninov and Chaliapin, artists Korovin and Serov...

The work of Leonid Pasternak attracts with its sincerity, professional skill and constitutes one of best pages Russian graphics.

Leonid OsipovichPasternak was one of the founding members of the Union of Russian Artists, which arose in 1903. Along with Serov, Korovin, Nesterov and VrubelParsnipstood at the origins of creationassociations. Exhibitionspaintings by artists of this union were major event, from them it was possible to judge the paths of development andsuccessesRussian art.

Portrait of son Boris, 1917

Boris Pasternak will write about his father:"Dad!" But, after all, this is a sea of ​​tears, sleepless nights and, if I were to write it down, volumes, volumes, volumes. Surprise at the perfection of his skill and gift, at the ease with which he worked (jokingly and playfully, like Mozart) at the multitude and significance of what he accomplished - the surprise is all the more vivid and ardent because comparisons on all these points shame and humiliate me. I wrote to him that there is no need to be offended, that his gigantic merits are not appreciated even in a hundredth part, while I have to burn with shame when my role is so monstrously inflated and overestimated... I wrote to dad... that, ultimately, he triumphs yet he, he, who lived such a true, unfictional, interesting, moving, rich life, partly in its blessed 19th century, partly in loyalty to it, and not in the wild, devastated unreal and fraudulent twentieth..."

In 1921, Leonid Osipovich and Rosalia Isidorovna left for Germany for treatment: the artist needed eye surgery. Their daughters go with them, and their sons Boris and Alexander remain in Moscow.

When leaving, the Pasternaks thought that it would not be for long and kept their Soviet passports. But a happy fate saves them from returning to the USSR: after the operation, Leonid Osipovich’s eyes appear so much interesting topics and the work that needs to be completed in Germany, that he keeps postponing and postponing his return.

In 1927 and 1932, two personal exhibitions of Pasternak took place in Berlin. During this period his interest in Jewish theme, he publishes in Russian and Hebrew the most interesting monograph “Rembrandt and Jewry in his work.”

In 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany, and the dark era of Nazism began. Pasternak and his wife leave to join their daughters, who by that time already live in England.

In June 1935, Boris Pasternak was in Paris at the anti-fascist congress. Thirty years later last time saw my brotherJosephinewrote down the impressions of this meeting: “In the summer of 1935, in Munich, our family received news that on such and such a day Boris would spend several hours in Berlin on his way to Paris. My parents were with us at that time in Munich, and since they did not feel completely healthy and could not accompany us, my husband and I went to Berlin alone.<…>It was clear that he was in a state of acute depression<…>But the more I looked and listened to Boris’s words, the more I felt the pain of parting with something infinitely dear to me. I so deeply loved his uniqueness, his incomparable truthfulness, the purity of his poetic vision, his unwillingness and inability to make concessions in art.”

Died in August 1939Rosa Kaufman - artist's wife, from a heart attack. As Josephine Pasternak writes to Mikhail Poizner, shedied during a thunderstorm, which she was very afraid of. Two days later, World War II began.

Despite bereavement And old age the artist continues to work. During the war years he created the paintings “Bach and Frederick the Great”, “Mendelssohn conducting Handel’s Messiah”, “Tolstoy at his desk”, “Pushkin and the nanny”, “Scenes from Soviet life”.

Leonid Pasternak greeted the message about the victory over fascism and the end of World War II. He died on May 31, 1945. He was eighty-three years old. A life-long journey that reflects an entire era.

To relatives 1891

Under the lamp, Leo Tolstoy in the family circle. 1902


If you mention the surname Pasternak, then, most likely, most people will continue by association - Boris. The name of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak is known to everyone in Russia cultured person. At least to those familiar with school curriculum on literature. And they know Pasternak primarily as a poet. But the father of the Nobel laureate Leonid Osipovich Pasternak is a man of no less talent and fame, albeit in a different field of art.

Leonid Pasternak: drawing in spite of

To the question “How do you live?” he answered: “I don’t live, I draw.” That’s probably why he was able to go through the suppression of his parents, even to the point of physically destroying the drawings. Leonid Osipovich Pasternak was born on March 22, 1862 in Odessa, into a poor Jewish family (although, according to family tradition, very famous medieval figures were among the ancestors - the philosopher and politician Don Isaac Abrabanel and his son the poet Yehuda). Osip Posternak (this is how the surname was originally written) maintained an inn on the outskirts, his wife Leah took care of the household. They understood their son’s happiness and success in their own way and wanted “him to go out into the world.” In other words, he received a “normal Jewish profession” - he would have become a doctor or a lawyer.

But Leonid turned out to be a man - although still small - but already with character. So he didn’t even think about giving up drawing, and still found ways to release his creative energy. For example, he painted the walls with charcoal. (It would seem like nothing special, how many of the boys didn’t draw on the walls? But here is a reason to once again think about the talents of the children and take a closer look at young artists, singers, actors, magicians, etc. more carefully.)

At the age of seven he received his first order. From a janitor who lived nearby. He asked the boy to make several paintings about hunting. The master completed the order, and the janitor, whom the artist later jokingly called “my first Lorenzo Medici,” was satisfied. And he even paid a “substantial” fee of five kopecks. True, for each “canvas”.

In 1881 Leonid graduated from the Odessa gymnasium, and already next year tried to enter the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. However, the vacancy has already been filled - and not by anyone, but by Leo Tolstoy’s daughter Tatyana. At the same time, Pasternak was already studying at the medical faculty of Moscow University - perhaps this can be called a tribute to the wishes of his parents. From there he soon transferred to the Faculty of Law, and in 1883 he entered the Royal Academy of Arts in Munich, from which he graduated as a full-time student, and as an external student.

Returning to his homeland, Leonid Osipovich became the happy husband of the talented pianist Rosalia Kaufman.

A year later, a son, Boris, was born into the Pasternak family. Then - son Alexander and two daughters, Lydia and Josephine. They all grew up to be talented and highly cultured people. But it was Boris Leonidovich Pasternak who was destined to win worldwide recognition, surpassing his father’s fame.

Boris Pasternak: the path to poetry

The children in the Pasternak family grew up in an atmosphere of the highest and somewhat orthodox culture, rather typical of the 19th century. Mother is a wonderful musician, father is wonderful artist. Family friends - what is the list of names worth - Leo Tolstoy, Sergei Rachmaninov, Rainer Maria Rilke and many others outstanding people. All this, of course, shaped the inner world of that young man who would soon become one of the main poets of the 20th century.

When parents think that poems, drawings, music lessons their child is just a hobby that will soon pass and be forgotten, and it is necessary to get a serious profession - this situation, you see, occurs so often that it can perhaps be considered the norm. Leonid Pasternak's parents wished well for their son, and they can hardly be blamed for hindering the future artist's passion. Another option is when relatives take it seriously creative quest child is rather an exception. And most often we see this approach in families where the parents themselves are artists in in a broad sense words. This is how Boris Pasternak was brought up. Father and mother wanted their son to find his place in life and be happy. And they encouraged his hobbies in every possible way - in all their creative diversity.

Before you consciously and irrevocably make a choice creative path, Boris enters the Moscow Conservatory. Here, too, one cannot do without family connections- V in this case, we're talking about about Scriabin, a close friend of Leonid Osipovich. But soon the future poet leaves thoughts of musical career, despite, as they say, “all the data.” He becomes a student at the Faculty of History and Philosophy at Moscow University. And in 1913 he went to Marburg, where he studied philosophy under the supervision of Professor Cohen, head of the Marburg Neo-Kantian School. However, his passion for philosophy also does not last long, Boris falls in love, returns to Moscow and finally realizes himself as a lyricist - more than a logician.

The first one comes out next year poetry collection Pasternak's "Twin in the Clouds", the poet meets Mayakovsky and other futurists, graduates from the university and completely devotes himself to literary activity.

And yet, as one good song says, “nothing on earth passes without a trace” - both philosophy, and especially music, will always have an important place in the poetry and prose of Boris Pasternak. Critics and literary scholars will write about this, from Marina Tsvetaeva to Dmitry Bykov.

Boris inherited a lot from his mother - the ability to live through art and in art, creative and life-giving dedication.

You can find a lot with your father common features in creativity. The artist Leonid Pasternak tried to capture the moment; this was one of his main methods, largely formed under the influence of the experience of impressionism. He made sketches literally “on the go.” In fact, the poet Boris Pasternak did the same thing in his texts. From a certain sequence of metaphors and images “the more random, the more true,” the effect was obtained as if it were an instantaneous frame, which can be examined in detail. A certain impressionistic “photographic” blur, generated by the rapid movement of the “camera”, is also similar to the brush of Leonid Osipovich and the word of Boris Leonidovich.

Poet-father: “I had to give up childishness for a while...”

In 1921, Leonid Pasternak with his wife and daughters left Soviet Russia. As they thought - for a while, for treatment. As it turned out - forever. They live in Munich, where the artist undergoes eye surgery and writes a lot. In the thirties the Nazis came to power, normal creative life quickly becomes impossible, and in 1935 Leonid Osipovich moves to Oxford, where his daughter Lydia, who married an Englishman, is already waiting for him. Sons Boris and Alexander remain in their homeland.

Soon after his parents left, Pasternak married Evgenia Lurie, a talented portrait painter. Their marriage did not last long, but in this marriage, in September 1923, the poet’s first-born, Eugene, was born. My father was very happy, as he admitted in diaries, letters, and conversations. Although, again, according to his own assurances, he was not yet ready for fatherhood.

“I was poor. We have a son.
I had to give up childishness for a while.
Looking at your age with a sidelong glance,
I was the first to notice gray hair on him,” Pasternak wrote about this time in his novel in verse “Spektorsky.”

The boy grew up very similar to his father - the resemblance was literally a portrait, moreover, the son resembled Boris Leonidovich both in voice and even in handwriting. Their relationship was trusting and close, and the son became a true friend for his father, and later a thoughtful researcher of his father’s work, the author of many works related to the biography and literary heritage Pasternak.

In 1931, Pasternak married again, this time his chosen one was Zinaida Nikolaevna Neugauz, who in 1938 gave Boris another heir, Leonid. The pregnancy occurred during the difficult and terrible time of the winter of the “Great Terror.”

“But the boy was born, sweet, healthy and, it seems, nice. He managed to be born in New Year's Eve with the last, twelfth stroke of the clock, which is why, according to the statistics of the maternity hospital, it immediately went into print as “the first boy of 1938, born at 0 o’clock on January 1.” I named him Leonid in your honor,” Boris wrote to his father (January 6, 1938, Moscow).

Boris Leonidovich's relationship with his second son was perhaps even more tender, attentive, and sensitive. It is difficult to judge what kind of father he was, but from the children’s recollections one thing is clear - they loved, respected, and were interested in their father. And it was mutual.

Poet-son: “I wrote to dad...”

From the letters of that time one can understand a lot about Boris Pasternak - both as a son and as a father. Moreover, the attention of Boris Leonidovich and Leonid Osipovich relates not only to the creative, but also to the everyday side of each other’s lives.

Here are typical excerpts from Boris Pasternak’s letter to his father, dated one of the last peaceful days of 1941, June 19.

"Dear Dad!

<…>Depicted on the card is your grandson and namesake Lenya, the most timid, amazing and vulnerable creature I have ever seen, main passion which is drawing and which to the question: “Who draws best? ” points his finger at your magnificent graphic and oil sketches on the wall and answers “My grandfather.”

<…>Among other concerns, I am busy with “Romeo and Juliet,” half of which I have already done in Russian. Don't judge Hamlet too harshly. You, accustomed to good old translations, will never like it.

And now, goodbye! Don't torture yourself by writing letters frequently. We have enough, as before, of your telegrams. Forgive me if I have upset you in any way with my words.
<…>I kiss you tenderly.

Yours, Borya."

Leonid Osipovich Pasternak passed away on May 31, 1945, at the age of 83. Boris Leonidovich learned about this from a telegram that came in response to his unsuccessful attempts to find out the fate of his letter to his father.

He sent a telegram to his remaining relatives in Oxford, which, among other things, contained the following words:

“How to survive irreparable loss and a dark, colorless life without this amazing big man, artist and life example. Poor, poor, dear dad."

(translation from English)

Boris Pasternak once wrote about his father like this:

"Dad! But this is a sea of ​​tears, sleepless nights and, if I were to write it down, volumes, volumes, volumes. Surprise at the perfection of his skill and gift, at the ease with which he worked (jokingly and playfully, like Mozart) at the numerousness and significance of what he accomplished - the surprise is all the more vivid and ardent because comparisons on all these points shame and humiliate me. I wrote to him that there is no need to be offended, that his gigantic merits are not appreciated even in a hundredth part, while I have to burn with shame when my role is so monstrously inflated and overestimated... I wrote to dad... that, ultimately, he triumphs yet he, he, who lived such a true, unfictional, interesting, active, rich life, partly in his blessed 19th century, partly in loyalty to it, and not in the wild, devastated unreal and fraudulent twentieth ... "

You probably shouldn’t look for better evidence about the relationship between “fathers and sons” in the family of Boris Pasternak.

Leonid Osipovich Pasternak (according to the documents of Avrum Yitskhok-Leib, or Isaac Iosifovich, Pasternak, also Posternak; March 22 (April 3), 1862, Odessa - May 31, 1945, Oxford) - Russian painter and graphic artist, master of genre compositions and book illustration; teacher

Pasternak L.O. Self-portrait. 1908. Pskov State United Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve

L.O. Pasternak took part in illustrating the Collected Works of M.Yu. Lermontov (1891, Kushnerev). He created 15 illustrations for the drama “Masquerade” (the location of the originals, with the exception of one, is unknown). Inner world the characters of the drama are revealed in living mise-en-scenes; great attention paid to postures, gestures, facial expressions. The artist showed the multifaceted, controversial nature Arbenina: in accordance with changing artistic tasks, he used different techniques- a picturesque spot, shading, silhouette.

Pasternak L.O. Card game. Illustration for the drama by M.Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade". 1891

Pasternak L.O. Nina. Illustration for the drama by M.Yu. Lermontov "Masquerade". 1891

Volume 1 contains illustrations by L.O. Pasternak to the lyrics of M.Yu. Lermontov. The illustration for the poem “The Dying Gladiator” successfully combines the real - the suffering of the defeated gladiator - and the fantastic - his visions depicted in the background; the illustration for the poem “Airship” in Kushnerev’s edition was mistakenly attributed to the poem “The Last Housewarming” (in the guise of Napoleon conveyed tragic loneliness). Illustrations by L.O. Pasternak’s lyricism is not of equal value: the drawing for the poem “Angel” is not free from sweetness; 2 illustrations for the poem “The Death of a Poet” (“Shooting Dantes” and “Pushkin in the coffin and the Muse mourning him”) are marked by naturalism. The drawings for the poem “Poet” are inexpressive.

In the 2nd volume of the same publication, Pasternak’s drawings for Lermontov’s poems appeared: 3 illustrations for “Hadji Abrek”; screensaver for “Mtsyri” (“And now the pedestrian sees / The pillars of the collapsed gate...”) and 4 illustrations, the most significant of them “Confession of Mtsyri”. The artist created an image full of romantic pathos: an excited, haggard face, burning eyes, the impetuous movement of an outstretched arm, contrasts of light and shadow - everything conveys the indomitable, rebellious spirit of young Mtsyri.

Pasternak L.O. Illustration for the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Hadji-Abrek"

Pasternak L.O. “I look sadly at our generation.” 1891

Pasternak L.O. “I knew only the power of the thought...” 1891

Pasternak L.O. “Then I fell to the ground. And he sobbed in a frenzy...” 1891

Illustrations by L.O. Pasternak for “Masquerade” and drawings for the poem “Mtsyri” are a valuable contribution to the artistic interpretation of the poet’s heritage.

Lermontov Encyclopedia. M., 1980. P. 367

Leonid Osipovich Pasternak(1862-1945) - Russian painter and graphic artist Jewish origin, a magnificent master of book illustration, and also versatile and very talented person, who managed to convey his talent and Creative skills to his children, among whom was worldwide famous writer Boris Pasternak. But, unfortunately, the name itself genius artist Ironically long years was in oblivion." alt="Self-portrait.

The Pasternak family, being one of the oldest and most respected Jewish families, believed that their lineage originated from King David himself. And mother and father dreamed that their youngest would become “a pharmacist, or a doctor, or, at worst,"ходатаем по делам"».!}

masterpieces" with ordinary black coal. And one day the janitor of their yard asked the boy to draw pictures on a hunting theme and promised to pay five kopecks for each work in order to decorate the janitor's room with them. The boy coped with the task perfectly: at the age of 6 he received recognition and his first income .

And years later, Leonid Pasternak, remembering that fateful janitor, will call him “my Lorenzo Medici.” Yes, and a passion for drawing with charcoal and with a simple pencil, laid down from childhood, will remain with the artist until the end of his days." alt=" “News from the homeland.”

The talented young artist returned to Moscow with a whole arsenal of experimental educational works, which were instantly snapped up by collectors. And then the time came for Pasternak to go to serve in the army, where he also free time worked fruitfully on painting. A large canvas, written under the impression of the service - “News from the Motherland”, was bought straight from the easel by Pavel Tretyakov for his collection." alt=" L.O. Pasternak and his wife." title="L.O.Pasternak with his wife." border="0" vspace="5">!}

Soon the artist marries a fairly famous pianist Rosalia Kaufman. The newlyweds will settle in Moscow, and after a year their first child will be born, who will become a laureate in the future Nobel Prize- master literary word Boris Pasternak. Then a son, Alexander, a future architect, and two daughters, Josephine and Lydia, will be born." alt=" Portrait of Boris Pasternak against the backdrop of the Baltic Sea. (1910). Author: L.O. Pasternak." title="Portrait of Boris Pasternak against the backdrop of the Baltic Sea. (1910)." alt="Leo Tolstoy at work." title="Leo Tolstoy at work." border="0" vspace="5">!}

Once, at an exhibition of works by the Itinerants, where Leonid Osipovich exhibited his work “Debutante,” the two met talented craftsmen- pen and brush. The Pasternaks were introduced to Leo Tolstoy, who later became frequent guests in his house.

Mirror" by Leo Tolstoy - this is what Leonid Pasternak was called in those years, in confirmation of which it should be said that the artist created not only great amount illustrations for his works, and thirty-six portraits of the writer." alt=" Leo Tolstoy on arable land." alt="“Students. The night before the exam." (1895). Author: L.O.Pasternak." title="“Students. The night before the exam." (1895).

In addition, Leonid Pasternak painted a huge number of portraits of great and famous contemporaries. Rubinstein and Scriabin, Gershenzon and Gorky, Mechnikov and Einstein posed for him. He had friendly relations with the latter for many years. The artist created a series of portraits of the famous scientist." alt="Self-portrait with his wife.

The first personal exhibition of the artist’s works in the USSR took place in 1979 at the Tretyakov Gallery, and 22 years later another exhibition entitled “Pasternak in Russia and Germany” was held there. On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth, the master’s creations were exhibited in his homeland - in Odessa. Today the master’s canvases are decoration largest museums world and collections.

fashion" style, which these days are sold for tens of millions of dollars.