Bazarov in the work are fathers and sons. Conclusions about the characteristics of Evgeny Bazarov

Greatest creation Master of Psychology I.S. Turgenev. He created his novel at a turning point, when advanced people societies were interested in the future of Russia, and writers were interested in the search for a hero of the time. Bazarov (the characterization of this character clearly demonstrates what the most developed youth of that time was like) is central character of the novel, all the threads of the narrative come down to it. He is the one bright representative new generation. Who is he?

General characteristics (appearance, occupation)

As a writer-psychologist, Turgenev thought through everything to the smallest detail. One of the ways to characterize a character is the hero's appearance. Bazarov has a high forehead, which is a sign of intelligence, and narrow lips, which speak of arrogance and arrogance. However, the hero’s clothing plays a big role. Firstly, it shows that Bazarov is a representative of the raznochintsy democrats (the younger generation opposed to the older generation of liberal aristocrats of the 40s). He is dressed in a long black robe with tassels. He is wearing loose trousers made of coarse fabric and a simple shirt - this is how Bazarov is dressed. The image turned out to be more than telling. He does not chase fashion trends; moreover, he despises the elegance of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose appearance is completely opposite. Simplicity in clothing is one of the principles of the nihilists, whose position the hero took, so he feels closer to to the common people. As the novel shows, the hero really manages to get close to ordinary Russian people. Bazarov is loved by the peasants, and the children of the courtyards follow on his heels. By occupation, Bazarov (characteristics of the hero in terms of profession) is a doctor. And who else could he be? After all, all his judgments are based on German materialism, where a person is considered only as a system in which its own physical and physiological laws operate.

Bazarov's Nihilism

Bazarov, whose character is certainly one of the most striking in the literature of the 19th century, adhered to one of the most popular teachings of the time - nihilism, which means “nothing” in Latin. The hero does not recognize any authorities, does not bow to any life principles. The main thing for him is science and knowledge of the world through experience.

External conflict in the novel

As noted above, Turgenev’s novel is multifaceted; two levels of conflict can be distinguished in it: external and internal. At the external level, the conflict is represented by disputes between Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov.

Disputes with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov concern different sides human life. Bazarov is most irreconcilable in relation to art, primarily poetry. He sees in her only empty and useless romanticism. The second thing the characters dialogue about is nature. For people like Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich, nature is God’s temple in which a person rests; they admire its beauty. Bazarov (the character’s quotes confirm this) is categorically against such glorification; he believes that nature “is a workshop, and man is a worker in it.” In a conflict with Pavel Petrovich, the hero often behaves rather rudely. He speaks unflatteringly about him in the presence of his nephew, Arkady Kirsanov. All this is shown by Bazarov not from the most the best side. It is for this portrayal of the hero that Turgenev will subsequently suffer. Bazarov, whose characterization in many critical articles affects not in favor of Turgenev, was undeservedly scolded by the author, some even believe that Turgenev is slandering the entire younger generation, undeservedly accusing them of all sins. However, one should not forget that older generation Nor is it at all praised in the text.

Relationships with parents

Bazarov's nihilism clearly manifests itself at all moments of his life. Parents who have not seen their son for a long time are waiting for him with rapture. But they are slightly embarrassed by their serious and educated child. The mother pours out her feelings, and the father sheepishly apologizes for such incontinence. Bazarov himself strives to leave as soon as possible parents' house, apparently because he is afraid to suddenly show warm feelings. According to German materialism, a person cannot have any spiritual attachments. On his second visit, Evgeniy also asks his parents not to disturb him, not to bother him with their care.

Internal conflict

The internal conflict in the novel is obvious. It lies in the fact that the hero begins to doubt his theory, he becomes dissuaded from it, but cannot come to terms with it. Bazarov’s first doubts about nihilism arise when he meets Sitnikov and Kukshina. These people call themselves nihilists, but they are too petty and insignificant.

Love line in the novel

The test of the hero by love is classic for the novel genre, and the novel “Fathers and Sons” is no exception. Bazarov, an inveterate nihilist who denies any romantic feelings, falls in love with the young widow Odintsova. She captivates him at first sight when he sees her at the ball. She differs from other women in her beauty, majesty, her gait is graceful, every movement is royally graceful. But her most important trait is intelligence and prudence. It is prudence that will prevent her from staying with Bazarov. At first, their relationship seems friendly, but the reader immediately understands that a spark of love flashed between them. However, none of them is able to step over their principles. Evgeny Bazarov's confession looks ridiculous, because at the moment of revelation his eyes are more full of anger than love. Bazarov is a complex and contradictory image. What makes him angry? Of course, his theory collapsed. Man is and has always been a being with a living heart, in which the most strong feelings. He, who denies love and romance, is conquered by a woman. Bazarov's ideas collapsed; they were refuted by life itself.


Arkady Kirsanov is one of Bazarov's most devoted supporters. However, it is immediately noticeable how different they are. There is too much romanticism in Arcadia, as in his relatives. He wants to enjoy nature, he wants to start a family. Surprisingly, Bazarov, whose quotes addressed to Pavel Petrovich are harsh and unfriendly, does not despise him for this. He guides him on his path, realizing at the same time that Arkady will never be a true nihilist. At the moment of a quarrel, he insults Kirsanov, but his words are rather thoughtless than evil. Remarkable intelligence, strength of character, will, calmness and self-control - these are the qualities that Bazarov possesses. Arkady’s characterization looks weaker compared to him, because he’s not like that outstanding personality. But at the end of the novel, Arkady remains a happy family man, and Evgeny dies. Why?

The meaning of the novel's ending

Many critics reproached Turgenev for “killing” his hero. The ending of the novel is very symbolic. For heroes like Bazarov, the time has not come, and the author believes that it will never come at all. After all, humanity endures only because it has love, kindness, and respect for the traditions of its ancestors and culture. Bazarov is too categorical in his assessments, he does not take half measures, and his sayings sound blasphemous. He encroaches on the most valuable things - nature, faith and feelings. As a result, his theory crashes against the rocks of the natural order of life. He falls in love, cannot be happy only because of his beliefs, and in the end he dies altogether.

The epilogue of the novel emphasizes that Bazarov's ideas were unnatural. Parents come to their son's grave. He found peace in the midst of beautiful and eternal nature. Turgenev depicts the cemetery landscape in a pointedly romantic manner, once again conveying the idea that Bazarov was wrong. The “workshop” (as Bazarov called it) continues to bloom, live and delight everyone with its beauty, but the hero is no more.

I.S. Turgenev had amazing intuition. The genius of the writer lies in the fact that he knew how to listen sensitively to Russian life and find in it the sprouts of the new, the most relevant. So in the late 50s and early 60s he saw in Russia new type a hero who replaced the hero-nobleman.

The image of Bazarov is a new hero of Russian literature

The first hero in the gallery of such images in the writer’s work was Evgeny Bazarov.

The hero-nobleman is replaced by the hero-commoner

I.S. Turgenev wrote in the article “About “Fathers and Sons”:

In that wonderful person(prototype of Bazarov) was embodied... a barely born, still fermenting principle, which later received the name of nihilism. The impression this personality made on me was very strong and at the same time not entirely clear.

Bazarov's childhood

We know very little about the hero’s childhood. We learn that his grandfather was a serf

"My grandfather plowed the land"

the hero proudly declares.

His parents' marriage was not based on love. But, reading the portraits of Arina Vlasyevna and Vasily Ivanovich, we understand that they respect each other, madly love their Evgeniy, therefore we can assume that everything that was necessary to give their son an education, to raise him, Bazarov’s parents did.

The hero's father is a former regimental doctor. Evgeniy is studying medicine at the university, which means Vasily Ivanovich also had some influence on this. In general, Turgenev talks a lot and willingly about the past of other heroes, but we know little about the past of this character. Maybe because it is not the past that determines the essence of the hero, but the present. We know that he is studying at the university, but all the characters in the novel, even the hero’s opponents, are aware that medicine will not be the subject of his future outstanding activity.

Bazarov - commoner

And that, perhaps, says it all. He is a self-made man. He is a man of action. It’s not for nothing that Turgenev writes about spending time in Maryino:

“Arkady was sybaritizing, Bazarov was working.”

Evgeniy is first of all very strong man. This new strength all the characters in the novel feel. His strength is manifested in all his actions: in unhappy love, in categorical statements, in attitude towards other people and, of course, in death. No wonder he wrote:

“To die the way Bazarov died means to accomplish a great feat.”

The image of Evgeny Bazarov as a man of action

He is kind in his own way. Let us at least remember the scene of the first meeting of the hero and Arkady with Fenechka. She, the mother, first of all notes how calmly the child walked into Evgeniy’s arms. Children really feel the essence of a person. He is a doctor. And this essence of the doctor is manifested in everything in his image:

  • in relation to the inhabitants of Maryino,
  • in how he helps Pavel Petrovich, wounded in a duel,
  • The fact is that he dies, having become infected during the autopsy of a typhoid corpse.

Evgeny is proud. His relationship with Madame Odintsova, after the explanation, evokes respect for him. He can be touching with his parents, it is about them that he thinks about before his death (respecting their attitude towards religion, he asks Odintsova to console Arina Vlasyevna). He, who rejects all feelings, is capable of great love. He, who rejects all moral standards, essentially lives by high moral laws. But in everything where and how the hero manifests himself, his commitment to the theory of nihilism is reflected.

Bazarov is a nihilist

Therefore, Turgenev is extremely interested in the ideas that his character preaches. Bazarov calls himself a nihilist, that is, a person who does not recognize anything. In the novel, he preaches the ideas of the positivists of the mid-nineteenth century, who proclaimed the primacy of practice over speculation. One can feel the influence of the aesthetic concept in Evgeniy’s attitude to art

(“Beautiful is what is useful”).

The hero rejects, first of all, what is not amenable to experimental research.

There are no feelings, there is physiology. There is no love, but there is physical attraction. There is no “mysterious look”, there is a lens, a cornea, light refraction... and that’s all.

For Bazarov, practice is the criterion of truth

Practice is for him the criterion of truth. Experiment - the only way nature studies. At the same time, art and beauty turn out to be unnecessary concepts. The practicality of the position in the image of Bazarov is expressed in his words:

“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it.”

Evgeny Bazarov as a man of ideas

This is why it is interesting to both the writer and the reader. But his ideas are fruitless, their basis is destruction, this is where the hero sees his purpose (“to clear the place,” which recalls the words of the Russian translation of “The International” - “to the ground”). The position of the main character of the novel is unacceptable for Turgenev.

Bazarov's strength of character is evident in his death scenes

The strength of character of Bazarov the man is manifested in the death scenes. First of all, death is something that cannot be denied. So eternal nature argues with human theories. Secondly, in death Eugene becomes a person, sensitive, gentle, poetic, courageous. The phrase he said before his death is noteworthy:

“Russia needs me... No, apparently, I don’t.”

This is how the hero himself answers eternal question Russian reality and Russian literature - the question of the hero of the time. In the epilogue of the novel, Turgenev, describing Bazarov’s grave, speaks of the eternity of nature and the vanity of human life.

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The image of Evgeny Bazarov is unique in that he combines the features of boundless intelligence and recklessness. Bazarov is the herald of new orders and new philosophy.

Biography and family of Evgeny Bazarov

Social status Bazarov is very difficult. It is not related to the type of activity young man, but with its origin. Evgeny Bazarov was born into the family of a retired “headquarters doctor” and a noblewoman. This fact turns out to be disastrous for the young man - he is on the border between the world of ordinary men and the aristocracy. High society does not accept him because of his father’s humble origins, and simple people They consider him a step above themselves. And although the men treat him favorably, his appearance brings less embarrassment into their lives than an aristocrat, they do not feel the usual constraint and embarrassment, while the men do not consider Bazarov absolutely their own in “their eyes, he was still something of a clown.” "

The father early noticed his son's passion for natural sciences and contributed to the development of his knowledge in this area. Later, Evgeniy continues his father’s work and becomes a doctor. “I, the future doctor,” says Bazarov.

He doesn't have much love for medicine, but the opportunity to do research saves the situation. Thanks to his experiments and endless hours behind a microscope, Bazarov achieves impressive results and becomes a pitcher big hopes in the development of medicine and natural sciences as a young person.

Parents dote on Evgeniy - he only child in the family, and also very talented and smart - a reason for pride.

The mother misses her son very much, but Bazarov is in no hurry to reciprocate - he loves his parents, but his love is not like the generally accepted one, it is devoid of tenderness and affection, more like respect. Parents are saddened by this attitude towards themselves, but they are not able to change it. The father believes that this is a necessary measure in Eugene’s life - he must be in society, and only then will he be able to achieve something in life.

Appearance of Evgeny Bazarov

Evgeny Bazarov is a very charming person. He is young and handsome. Tall and slender build.

His face was “Long and thin, with wide forehead, flat at the top, pointed nose at the bottom, large greenish eyes and drooping sand-colored sideburns, it was enlivened by a calm smile and expressed self-confidence and intelligence.” Thin lips, dark eyebrows and grey eyes– his face is attractive. His hair was “dark blond”, thick and long.

His hands were like the hands of musicians - refined, with long fingers.

Bazarov did not follow fashion. His clothes are not new. It is already quite worn and is far from in perfect condition. This fact does not bother Evgeniy. He doesn't express displeasure with his suit.

Attitude towards other people

Bazarov is not known for his friendliness, but at the same time he is not initially hostile towards others. He does not tend to become attached to other people; he easily breaks up with them.

Difficult relationships He gets along with Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, his friend’s uncle. Pavel Petrovich is a classic representative of high society. He is an aristocrat from the roots of his hair to his toes - his manner of demeanor in society, dressing, taking care of his appearance - everything corresponds to the ideal. Evgeny Bazarov considers aristocratic existence in its classical manifestation to be empty and useless, so the conflict between these heroes was predictable.

Bazarov is confident that he is right and behaves rather reservedly and arrogantly. Pavel Petrovich is outraged by the young man’s behavior and breaks down from time to time. The climax of their conflict is a duel. Based official version, the reason was ideological differences. In fact, this is just an excuse - Kirsanov witnessed the kiss of Feni (the lover and mother of Nikolai Petrovich’s son - his brother) and Yevgeny Bazarov. Evgeniy does not feel remorse for his actions. For him this is a meaningless action. For Pavel Petrovich this is an insult. His brother received this man into his house, and he repaid him with ingratitude.

During a duel, Bazarov behaves calmly, he jokes a lot, and shoots at his opponent without aiming at him. After the duel, Evgeniy realizes that he should no longer be on the Kirsanov estate and leaves.

He also has a difficult relationship with Arkady Kirsanov, his friend. At the beginning of the novel, Arkady is in admiration for his acquaintance, he is his unspoken teacher. Life on my parents' estate opened my eyes to many of my friend's negative sides. Evgeny is ready to sharply criticize everyone, no matter what, when it comes to his acquaintances - this did not affect Arkady, but when his relatives - his father and uncle - became the objects of criticism, the attitude in Bazarov begins to gradually change for the worse. On Bazarov’s part, such behavior was extremely ill-mannered and intolerant.

For Arkady, family has always been something sacred, but Bazarov took on the forbidden. Kirsanov gently defends his family, trying to convince them that both father and uncle good people, they have changed a lot under the influence of certain life tragedies. “A person is ready to give up everything, he will part with every prejudice; but to admit that, for example, a brother who steals other people’s scarves is a thief is beyond his strength,” Bazarov concludes. This state of affairs shocks Arkady. Eugene’s authority melts like snow in the sun. Bazarov is rude and Cruel person, he is ready to step over everyone, even those whom he called his friends just yesterday.

Evgeniy treats women with disdain and does not even try to hide it. “You despise us all,” Odintsova tells him, and this is the absolute truth.

Regardless social status and position in society, Bazarov calls all women with the rude word “woman”.

The young man believes that women are needed only from a physiological point of view - they are not good for anything else: “It is better to break stones on the pavement than to allow a woman to take possession of even the tip of a finger.” Men who glorify women and allow them to rule over them are not worth a damn.

Philosophy of Evgeny Bazarov

Evgeny Bazarov is a representative of a unique philosophical movement - nihilism. He, like all nihilists, vehemently opposes everything connected with the aristocracy and high society. “We act because of what we recognize as useful,” says Bazarov, meaning the debunking of generally accepted principles and postulates. "Denial" becomes key concept his worldview. “At the present time, the most useful thing is denial - we deny...”

Bazarov denies any principles: “There are no principles at all... but there are sensations. Everything depends on them.”

He considers usefulness to society to be a measure of integrity - than more benefits the person brings to those around him, the better.

Based on this position, Bazarov rejects the need for any type of art: “Raphael is not worth a penny, and Russian artists are even less.” He considers scientists much more important than writers, artists and sculptors: “A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet.”

He has an unusual view on the problems of morality and human upbringing. Negative qualities he compares it to diseases. “Moral illnesses come from bad upbringing, from all sorts of trifles that fill people’s heads from childhood, from the ugly state of society, in a word. Correct society, and there will be no diseases,” he says.

Personality characteristics

In the novel, from time to time the characters call Bazarov " a simple person" This connotation looks very strange in view of the fact that Evgeniy has complex character. In fact, the epithet that has become permanent for Evgeniy concerns the everyday part of life. When others say about Bazarov that he is a simple man, they mean that Bazarov does not like ceremonies, he is not used to luxury, and calmly accepts the lack of comfortable conditions. The explanation for this is very simple - Evgeniy has always lived poorly, he is indifferent to luxury and does not strive to begin to get used to excessive comfort.

Bazarov does not like tenderness in him, “all kinds of “explanations” and “statements” constantly aroused an impatient feeling.”

In difficult situations, Bazarov knows how to quickly put his thoughts in order and not fall face down in the dirt: “he was not timid, he even answered abruptly and reluctantly.”

Evgeniy denies rhetoric; for him, the ability to speak beautifully becomes negative characteristic person. “I find it rude to speak beautifully,” he says.

Along with the denial of art, Bazarov also rejects the romance of relationships. He claims that there are no loving glances - it’s all nonsense and nonsense. “And what is this mysterious relationship between a man and a woman? We physiologists know what these relationships are.”

Relationship between Evgeny Bazarov and Anna Odintsova

It was easy to deny any affection and love when I myself had not experienced such a feeling. The meeting between Bazarov and Odintsova was like thunder among clear skies. Eugene felt the influence of love for the first time. Anna Sergeevna completely captivated the thoughts of the young doctor. No matter how hard Evgeniy tried not to think about her, he couldn’t. Bazarov sees that his feelings are mutual and, in the end, decides to confess: “Bazarov stood with his back to her. - So know that I love you stupidly, madly. This is what you have achieved." Anna Sergeevna does not dare to reciprocate - she is in love, but is not ready to bring changes into her life.

Death of Bazarov

By the end of the novel, Evgeny Bazarov finds himself in an extremely difficult situation - he finally quarreled with Arkady Kirsanov, Odintsova rejected him.

He has no friends left to whom he could go, so Evgeniy returns to his parents on his estate.

There he is quite bored, and then begins to help his father and soon succeeds as a doctor.
An accident determined his future - he became infected from a typhoid patient.

Bazarov realizes that his death is not far off. “In a few days you will bury me,” he says to his father. “By evening he fell into complete unconsciousness, and the next day he died.”

Thus, the personality of Yevgeny Bazarov is deeply sympathetic to both the author of the novel and the readers. Turgenev depicts before us ordinary person who made himself. And this is inspiring. We take into account that no one is perfect - everyone has their own bright and dark side. Bazarov is aware of his shortcomings, and that is why his image is attractive and sweet.

Characteristics of Bazarov in the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev in quotes: a description of the personality and character of Evgeny Bazarov

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The image of Evgeny Bazarov occupies central place throughout the novel. Not surprisingly, out of 28 chapters, he does not appear in only two. That is why all relationships are built around this hero and characters are grouped.

Bazarov's characterization is a complex chain of sequential events connected with a new worldview. Evgeniy can be characterized from four sides:

1) Bazarov - “ new person» . The time described in the novel was a time of heterogeneous revolutionism, and Eugene was just a person who seems to deny everything - he is a nihilist, but at the same time presents himself as a democrat, that is, a supporter of a new trend in political thought. The outwardly unattractive hero surprises with his originality, intelligence and self-confidence. The characterization of Bazarov is also based on his materialistic views, similar to the views of many famous scientists (Mechnikov, Botkin, Pavlov).

2) Bazarov is a revolutionary. Bazarov’s characterization confirms his revolutionary views: the hero openly argues with the liberal aristocracy in the person of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, he is harsh in his beliefs and judgments, claims that society must first be corrected, and then there will be no diseases. Bazarov’s characterization may also indicate that Evgeny completely denies beauty and any aesthetic pleasure.

3) Bazarov - theorist. The novel “Fathers and Sons” (the characterization of Bazarov, the main character of the novel, is compiled exactly from the pages of the work) changed the minds of many people. The hero sought to build his life in accordance with nihilism - the theory of denial of feelings, experiences and “all rubbish.”

4) Bazarov - “ folk hero» . Bazarov's characterization shows that he knows how to deal with men, since he grew up in the village; he has a folk style of speech; he is distinguished by ease of communication.

The entire novel is built on the device of antithesis: the contrast of Yevgeny Bazarov with Arkady, with his uncle Pavel Petrovich, the contrast of democracy and aristocracy.

The hero’s confidence and determination every time force him to enter into an argument with everyone, but in his relationship with Anna Odintsova full characteristics Bazarova opens up from a completely different side: it turns out that this always brave and harsh young man, who denies beauty and feelings, is capable of deep and true love.

IN love conflict his best traits appear: the ability to take a blow rejected feelings, but Bazarov emerged from this “battle” with dignity and won a psychological victory over the selfishness of his beloved woman), the ability to deep emotional experiences, reassessment of one's values. It is to Anna that Bazarov dedicates his suicide note, in which he asks to take care of his parents.

Why does Turgenev kill his hero? This question is difficult to answer unambiguously. The main reason is considered to be loneliness. Bazarov's characterization emphasizes this: his rejection of everything led him to doomed death.

In the novel “Fathers and Sons” by I. Turgenev, thanks to Bazarov, the conflict between the old and new generations is revealed. He is a nihilist, a follower of the trend that was fashionable at that time. Nihilists denied everything - the beauty of nature, art, culture, literature. Eugene, like a true nihilist, lived practically and rationally.

What is Bazarov's character? He is a self-made man. He believes not in art, but in science. Therefore, in part, nature for him “is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person is a worker in it.” His beliefs in many ways prevent him from truly appreciating human relationships - he treats Arkady exclusively as a younger comrade, their communication is based on an interest in nihilism. He treats his parents, whom he sincerely loves, condescendingly. They are timid and lost in front of him.

It would seem that a person who denies any human weaknesses, feelings, lives only by rationalism, will achieve everything. He will convince everyone that he is right, because his arguments are based on facts, science, and reasonable arguments. Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov gets lost in arguments with him, and Nikolai Kirsanov is completely afraid to enter into arguments with him.

Bazarov's views on love, due to nihilism, are also specific. He views the relationship between a man and a woman exclusively from the biological side; he does not see anything mysterious or romantic in it. “Love is rubbish, unforgivable nonsense,” he says. When Arkady opens up with him about the “mysterious female gaze", Evgeny only ridicules him, explaining to his friend the anatomy of the eye, claiming that there is no mystery there; All eyes are anatomically the same. But fate played with Bazarov cruel joke: She tested the firmness of his convictions with love, but he did not pass this test.

Acquaintance with Odintsova became fatal for Bazarov. Communicating with her, he finds “the romance in himself.” For a while, Evgeny forgets about his views. However, when he does not receive reciprocity, he tries to convince himself that this was only a fleeting obsession. That he is still the same old nihilist who doesn’t care about romantic nonsense. He tries to forget about his feelings, get busy with work, and get distracted. But internally he experiences completely different emotions. All his actions after leaving his beloved are nothing more than self-deception.

Bazarov dies from being infected with typhus due to carelessness while working with a typhoid corpse. It would seem that he could have treated the wound and prevented such a tragic ending own history, but Evgeniy relies on chance and treats with indifference own destiny. Why does Bazarov suddenly give up? The reason for this is unhappy love. That factor whose existence he refused to accept.

Bazarov admits his defeat to Odintsova when she, at his request, comes to him before his death. This is, perhaps, the first time when the hero admits to himself that love has gotten the better of him, he has “gone limp.” In fact, he repeated the fate of Pavel Petrovich, he went along the road that he despised.

Perhaps it was this stubbornness, unwillingness to reconsider his rules that led Bazarov to lose. I will lose to fate. But the fact that he admitted defeat is not a victory? Victory over yourself? Even if very shortly before his death, the hero found the strength to admit his failures, admitted that everything he believed in unconditionally turned out to be not so strong in reality. New Bazarov defeated old Bazarov, and such a victory deserves respect.

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