Educational literature. Where to find literature lessons

Mendelssohn's march sounded, like a wedding took place in a dream, gifts, congratulations flew by and... There is a baby in the house, lying in a cradle, looking at the ceiling, drooling and demanding increased attention. A year and a half will pass, and caring parents who want their child to be not only healthy, but also developed, will ask the question: what educational literature is suitable for their beloved child? The solution to this problem can be found by reading our article.

Educational literature for preschoolers

It is a fact that fiction plays main role in mental and aesthetic development child. Therefore, experts in this field advise parents to read books to him from the first years of his child’s life. This is necessary for the growth of thinking and imagination, for subtle perception native language and correct speech formation. Therefore, it is important that educational literature for children preschool age met all the requirements of teachers.

How to navigate the modern world?

Unfortunately, modern parents allow their children to spend too much time watching TV and the computer, and this negatively affects the physical and psycho-emotional health of the child. Children unconsciously copy the behavior of cartoon characters and often become aggressive and uncontrollable.

Inexperienced parents can abruptly prohibit their children from watching their favorite cartoons and programs, which is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to gently remove the child from a dependent state with the help of games and conversations. This is another reason to spend more time with children, reading or telling them fairy tales or interesting stories.

The first thing parents should consider is the age and interests of the child. Teachers have up to today There are endless debates: which educational literature is more useful for preschoolers, how much literature should a child under seven years old be familiar with, how does it affect the child’s personality, and so on? It is children's books that shape speech development. And the more often the baby sees a book in the hands of his parents, the more he will trust it.

Before putting the child to bed, parents are advised to read a fairy tale, poems, or sing a lullaby to their son or daughter. This should be done regularly and become a tradition. You need to know that the more clearly the words are pronounced by the parents, the faster the baby will remember them, and he will begin to use them in his speech.

Educational literature for children

Parents whose children are growing up are advised to make the book “My First Book. The most beloved", published by the publishing house " White City" According to parents' reviews, this book helps a one and a half year old child to distinguish geometric figures, distinguish passenger car from a truck, a crane from an excavator. The baby easily remembers the names of fruits and vegetables, distinguishes colors and their shades, and so on.

Which children's publishing houses have the best books?

The “Educational Literature” series includes books from the publishing houses “Mosaika-Sintez”, “Smart Books”, “Swallowtail”, which are indispensable for children two to three years old. With their help, parents teach their children the first letters and the basics of mathematics. In a playful manner, children begin to distinguish time, put letters into words, and so on. A simple and accessible form of education is primarily appreciated by parents.

Currently, educational literature for preschoolers is diverse and takes into account all the nuances in raising children. For this purpose, they produce toy books that can be bitten and shaken, and at the same time they combine games and learning and develop children's imagination. This series includes the rattle book “My First Words. Mom and kids" high quality drawings.

Not long ago an interactive book was released in Russia French artist Herve Tulle " Living book" The reaction to it was mixed. Some parents were delighted, others doubted its benefits. It is interesting that the book is not a writer, but an artist, in which the “main characters” are multi-colored circles. To distinguish whether it is educational literature or not, you need to look at the reaction of children. Typically, children under four years of age enjoy looking at pictures and playing with books, developing their imagination.

How to develop a child

Another book foreign author, who received greatest number reviews - this is “Secrets of Plasticine” by Roni Oren. It shows so simply and easily how to sculpt from plasticine that not only children, but also adults enjoy doing this activity. Following the author's design, preschool children not only develop hand motor skills, but also learn good taste. You can easily verify this by going to the author’s page.

Of course, native Russian and Soviet children's literature begins with fairy tales and poems by Korney Chukovsky, Samuil Marshak and Sergei Mikhalkov. It is impossible not to mention Alexander Volkov, Boris Zakhoder and other equally beloved authors of the grandparents of modern children.

Books that teach goodness

Educational literature for children is an invariable assistant to parents in raising kindness, sensitivity, and compassion in their children. Thus, the book (and cartoon) “Cat House” by Samuil Marshak with illustrations excites the imagination of a child who begins to understand how important it is to be able to feel sorry for, love and give shelter to homeless and defenseless people and animals.

Fairy tale modern writer Elena Rakitina with drawings by Victoria Kirdiy about a hedgehog, called “Serezhik”. She was loved by both children and parents. And there are many similar examples. If previously special educational programs in literature were developed only for schoolchildren, today the same programs exist for preschoolers.

And this is correct, since an abundance of useless information seeps into the mind and soul of a child, causing it, rather, harm, and Toolkit for parents will help them navigate correct formation character in their own sons and daughters.

As you know, children need to read books from the very beginning. early age. This is how children will quickly develop speech and hearing, as well as attention and memory. At the same time, today there is a huge selection of educational children's literature on sale, designed for different ages, for the development of intelligence and imagination. In addition, you and your child can make crafts with your own hands using an educational guide.

Buying educational books for children today is quite expensive. On our website you can download books from best writers, which contain exciting programs for development different abilities your baby, in fb2, txt, epub, rtf, pdf formats. You can also read online.

Children's educational books are designed for different ages. For the little ones this is simple stories with big beautiful pictures, where you need to count animals or find the right letter. Such books help to remember information, study animals, plants, and learn letters and numbers. In addition, pictures help to learn colors. The literature is intended for ages from 0 to 6 years.

For older children we have books about the world, scientific discoveries, secrets of the Universe, wonders of the world. Your baby will begin to study the life and traditions of other countries, discover new animals, study the fauna of marine and ocean floor. At the same time, he will understand how much interesting and fascinating there is on our planet, what mysteries and secrets it is full of.

Developmental literature is often interesting not only for children, but also for adults. We don’t always remember what we were taught at school, but sometimes in such books you can find something really exciting for yourself. Studying such literature with your child will give you great pleasure; it will help the child, with the support of an adult, learn to live in the world, study it and strive to constantly learn something new and interesting.

At different ages, children are interested in books in different ways. Newborn babies perceive mainly bright pictures. Children under 6 years old are interested in fairy tales and educational stories. Schoolchildren are passionate about science, discoveries and mysteries. But all children love to make things with their own hands. We have big choice books where you will find many crafts that you can repeat with your child, which will contribute to the development fine motor skills, imagination, and will also make him a creative and creative person in the future.

Download free educational books for children of different ages will help you diversify your child's pastime. A love of literature must be instilled from birth, and good book will help you do it quickly. You can also read your favorite publication online with your child on our website.

Literature is one of the most important school subjects. Reading fiction In general, it is very useful for both children and adults. When reading, imagination and memory develop, and lexicon, horizons broaden and literacy improves. By reading books, a person develops his emotional sphere: learn to love and forgive, empathize and analyze. In literature lessons, children study the history of the development of literature. Students learn about diversity literary forms and styles, will learn to evaluate the actions of literary heroes.On our learning portal you can watch literature lessons, complete assignments for lessons, or ask a question to the teacher. Even if your child is homeschooled, he will be able to learn from the best teachers.

Development of literature

In literature lessons, children get acquainted with many works of art, various forms and writing styles. The study of literature occurs gradually. First, children study myths and fairy tales, then become familiar with the concept of ancient Russian literature and gradually move from it to Russian literature XIX-XX centuries.

Old Russian literature arose along with the advent of Christianity and the church in Rus'. The first books were brought to Rus' from outside. These were mainly church texts translated into Russian. The main theme of literature at this time was the history of Rus' and the meaning human life. Old Russian literature describes life historical figures. There is almost no place for invention in it. The authors are faceless and write about what is happening around them. All this determines the fact that ancient Russian literature has great importance for history, because it contains a lot of historical data. For example, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” is one of famous monuments ancient Russian literature that has come down to us. This work tells about the unsuccessful campaign of the Russian prince Igor Svyatoslavovich against the Polovtsians. " A Word about Igor's Campaign» although it refers to ancient Russian literature, but contains folklore and pagan motifs that are intertwined with Christian ones in this work.

On the portal you can also find out the point of view according to which - “ A word about the Irogev regiment"nothing but falsification late XVIII century. And also why this work contains traces different eras from the XII to the XVIII centuries. Another rather difficult work of Russian literature to study is the poem of the great Russian writer XIX century Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol " Dead Souls " This work was intended to be three volumes, but only the first volume was published.

In the poem "Dead Souls" there is a lot lyrical digressions that create a special mood. In them, Gogol expressed his thoughts and deep experiences. In the literature course you will learn about the meaning of the title of the poem “ Dead Souls", the history of writing the work, as well as the historical context that Nikolai Vasilyevich put into the poem. One of the lyrical digressions is analyzed separately - the short story “The Tale of Captain Kopeikin”, which is part of “ Dead souls", But for a long time was banned by censorship. There is still a lot of literature in the course wonderful works both Russians and foreign writers and poets who allow us to appreciate the diversity and richness literary genres and ideas. This is A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, A.A. Blok and many others. And each of them is given enough time in the literature course so that students can become familiar with their work.

Where can I find literature lessons?

To study literature, you first need to read a lot. But you can’t do without a teacher who will pay attention to important points, will explain what is unclear or raises doubts. And for this it is not at all necessary to look for a tutor. If your child is studying at home, you can always go to the educational portal site where school teachers The video tutorials presented all the material in an accessible manner, and if something remains unclear, you can always ask a question directly on the site.If you are a teacher yourself, you can also refer to video lessons to compare your delivery of information to students with that of other teachers.

Lecture No.. 1 Subject of methods of teaching literature, objectives of the discipline.


1. Subject, content and structure of the course.

2. Research methods in the methodology of teaching literature.

3. Interdisciplinary connections of the course.

The methodology of teaching literature as a science has existed for more than two hundred years.

But even today the question of its content and tasks is being debated. A number of teachers believe that the methodology of teaching this or that subject, and literature in particular, is not so much a science as an art. The success of teaching, they note, is determined by the teacher’s personal abilities, the absence of which is not compensated by knowledge of the methodology: all that is needed is knowledge of the subject itself and love for it, and pedagogical talent and practical experience will ensure high quality teaching.

We cannot agree with this, since not a single profession, including teaching, can develop and improve by relying only on talent. In our opinion, we should talk about mastery, about actual knowledge of the educational process, about educational skill; mastery, based on skill, on qualification, resolves the issue.

In the process of teaching and upbringing, the personality of the teacher, his human qualities, worldview, love for his subject and for children, passion for the profession, and the gradual systematic accumulation of teaching experience are of great importance.

Any science has the right to exist as a separate, independent branch of knowledge if three conditions are met:

1. a subject of research that is not studied by any other science;

2. the social need to study this subject;

3. specific methods of scientific research.

The main task of the methodology for teaching literature as a science is to discover the laws of this process, which cannot be reduced either to literary laws or to didactic and psychological laws.

Literary criticism studies the patterns of development of fiction, didactics - general patterns teaching, psychology - patterns of human mental activity. The methodology is in direct contact with these sciences, relies on their data, but at the same time solves its own specific problems.

Based on the discovery of the laws of the learning process, the methodology develops the basic principles of teaching, as well as private rules, which represent the initial data for guiding practice.

Methods of teaching literature is a pedagogical science, the subject of which is the social process of educating schoolchildren about literature as an academic subject and the task of which is to discover the laws of this process with the aim of deeper, correct guidance of it.

The social significance of the methodology of teaching literature is due to the enormous educational significance of fiction.

Literature training included integral part into the work of the school as a whole, therefore the methodology is closely related to didactics, which develops a general theory and general principles training.

The methodology of teaching literature is closely related to literary studies - methodology, theory and history of literature. This connection is found in determining the purpose, content, and structure of the literature course. The methodology of literature also influences teaching methods.

The methodology is also connected with aesthetics; in the process of studying literature, philosophical, ethical, historical, and linguistic issues are also touched upon.

In solving a number of problems, the methodology of teaching literature also comes into contact with psychology. This connection is revealed in two ways: the psychology of artistic perception and the psychology of learning, mental and moral development of students, and their upbringing.

But psychology and methodology do not coincide in the subject of study: educational psychology studies the mental life of children; methodology-pedagogical learning process as social phenomenon, students’ assimilation of a range of knowledge, general and literary development, the formation of skills and abilities.

The pedagogical process at school is a very complex phenomenon in which the teaching work of teachers and academic work students by different subjects. Therefore, the methodology of each subject should study the interrelations of various, especially related subjects - language, literature, history, music, fine arts.

The structure of each science reflects the structure of the subject of its study. The structure of the literature methodology reflects the process of teaching literature at school. The main elements of this process: learning goals, educational process, teacher, student.

Learning goals influence the selection of material and the system of its organization in the educational process; the academic subject dictates the system and methods of teaching it to the teacher; The teacher’s activities shape the knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

The methodology of teaching literature develops the problems, goals and objectives of teaching literature at school. The literature course must meet the educational and educational objectives of the school, the requirements of scientific and age characteristics students.

The methodology guides the creation standard programs, which indicates the works to be studied; the range of classroom and extracurricular reading at different levels of education has been determined; a system of knowledge and skills in the theory and history of literature and a system for the development of oral and written coherent speech have been developed, interdisciplinary connections have been outlined.

The development of teaching methods is associated with solving the following problems: the relationship between content and teaching methods; the method of science and the method of teaching, the essence of literary development, ways and techniques of analyzing a work of art, etc.

The methodology also develops the problem of textbooks and teaching aids, the problem of visibility and the use of technical teaching aids.

The methodology, like didactics, distinguishes the following forms of organizing the educational process: lesson, elective classes, extracurricular and extracurricular activities (clubs, excursions, literary evenings, exhibitions, etc.).

Of utmost importance is the question of the professional training of a literature teacher, his creative laboratory, and his profile as a specialist.

The subject of scientific research in the methodology is teaching students literature as an academic subject. It is necessary to distinguish between the practical study of the teaching process by a teacher to improve personal skills, theoretical study with the aim of developing the theory of methodology, and improving teaching practice in general.

Good knowledge of school practice is a necessary condition for R&D (scientific research work) in the field of methodology. The best way to learn practice is through direct teaching.

Generalization of best practices is one of the methods of scientific research in methodology. The researcher must clearly understand the problem posed to him, isolate it from the complex pedagogical process, and organize a sequence of monitoring the progress of teaching.

The chosen problem must, first of all, be studied theoretically: the researcher must become familiar with the relevant scientific literature, as well as with what material school practice can provide for its solution.

Then a hypothesis is put forward, i.e. a theoretically based assumption about how the problem posed should be solved. A hypothesis must be confirmed by scientifically established facts, taken in connection with other facts under precisely recorded conditions. Facts are demonstrative if they can be reproduced under the same or similar conditions, if the researcher can prove with sufficient convincing real connections these facts with these conditions, if cause-and-effect relationships are established.

Pedagogical facts must be accurately recorded: tape recorder, transcripts, protocols, written answers, diaries, etc.

The most common research methods are:

1. Slice method, or mass simultaneous survey method

2. The method of targeted observation contributes to a detailed study of the progress of the pedagogical process, in accordance with the problem and hypothesis posed by the researchers.

3. Natural experiment method (close to the observation method).

4. Laboratory experiment.

Observational and experimental methods require preliminary and subsequent theoretical work.


1. Belyanin V.P. Psycholinguistic aspects of literary text. – M., 1988.

2. Belyanin V.P. Models of the world in literature. – M., 1999.

3. Bondarevskaya E.V. Theory and practice of student-centered education. Rostov-n-D, 2000.

4. Bugrimenko E.A., Tsukerman G.A. Reading without compulsion. M.: Knowledge, 1987.

5. Voropaeva I.P. Correction of the emotional sphere of younger schoolchildren. M., 1993.

6. Vlasova T.A.. Pevzner M.S. To the teacher about children with developmental disabilities. M., 1967.

7. Kalmykova I.R. The mysterious world of sounds. Phonetics and speech culture. Yaroslavl, 1998.

8. Lopatina A., Skrebtsova M. Stages of wisdom. M., 2003.

Lecture No. 2. Methodological foundations of special methods of teaching literature.


1. Special methods of teaching literature as a science.

2. Theoretical foundations of a special technique.

3. The formation of methods of teaching literature as a science in the 19th century.

The methodology of literary education is not only the result of the analysis of other people's experience, but also the result of understanding a number of theoretical problems of teaching literature in a special (correctional) school.

The methodology for teaching literature (special) considers a number of issues, among which are:

Peculiarities of perception of fiction by preschoolers and schoolchildren with speech impairments;

Methodology for analyzing a literary work in literature lessons;

Organization of reading and formation of reading interest in children with developmental disabilities,

Conducting literature lessons, the relationship between teaching methods and techniques.

The combination of theory and practice characterizes the first major methodological work, the famous book by F.I. Buslaev “On Teaching the Russian Language”, the best methodological works of V.Ya. Stoyunina, V.P. Ostrogorsky, A.D. Alferova, M.A. Rybnikova, V.V. Golubkov and other Russian literature teachers.

The literature teaching methodology course is designed to help develop creative beginnings the personality of a vocabulary specialist in a special (correctional) school of type V, to form in future teachers an idea about the literary development of schoolchildren with speech impairments, about the historical change in methods and techniques of teaching literature, about the most characteristic types of professional activities of a teacher. Of particular importance is the formation of a complex type of relationship between teacher and student, preparing the student for an independent creative search for the formation of oral and written speech of students with speech pathology, individualization and differentiation of teaching literature.

Special methods of teaching literature as one of the pedagogical sciences. Theoretical foundations of a special methodology (methodological, psychological, literary, linguistic, correctional and pedagogical).

The connection between special methods of teaching literature and basic sciences: literary criticism, linguistics, pedagogy, psychology, speech therapy, ethics, aesthetics, methods of teaching the Russian language and literature in secondary school. Basic methods for studying the educational process in literature lessons at school for children with severe speech impairments (studying scientific literature, generalization of advanced pedagogical experience, observation of educational process, survey method, experiment as a way to test the effectiveness of methodological and pedagogical research; use of quantitative and qualitative criteria).

The relationship between the theoretical foundations of special methods of teaching literature and school practice.

From the history of special methods of teaching literature.

The formation of methods of teaching literature as a science in the 19th century.

Development of methodological thought in the works of F.I. Buslaeva, V.I. Vodovozova, V.Ya. Stoyunina, V.P. Ostrogorsky and other outstanding methodologists, the significance of their works for the development of special methods of teaching literature. Using programs and textbooks to work with children with special needs.

Formation and development of a special methodology for teaching literature at school for children with severe speech impairments as a private method of independent academic subject in the 50s XX century.

The significance of the main provisions of the scientific and methodological works of M.A. Rybnikova and V.V. Golubkov for the development of important areas of special methodology for teaching literature. Determination of the theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching literature at school by leading methodologists of the 60-90s. (T.G. Brazhe, N.I. Kudryashov, N.O. Korst, N.V. Kolokoltsev, G.I. Belenky, Z.Ya. Rez, T.F. Kurdyumova, etc.).

Search for new forms and methods of teaching by practicing teachers in a literature course at school for children with severe speech impairments. The current stage of development of the methodological science of teaching literature at school for children with severe speech impairments.

Special methods of teaching literature as a science. Theoretical basis special technique. Special methodology for teaching literature as one of

pedagogical sciences. Theoretical foundations of a special methodology (methodological, psychological, literary, linguistic, correctional and pedagogical).

The course on methods of teaching literature provides for self-education of students in the process of mastering the specialty. It is important for the future teacher not only to understand the specifics of teaching literature in a modern special (correctional) school of type V, but also to acquire a certain perspective, an idea of ​​​​the possible paths of his own creative work in schools of one type or another, about the principles of creating original programs and teaching aids. The immediate prospects for the development of literature teaching methods: humanization of the educational process, differentiation of teaching, integration of subjects and specific methods, bringing the level of teaching closer to the level of development modern science and culture, the creation of new lesson technologies, variable programs, the intensification of methods of teaching literature, the search for new forms of teaching.

Improving the teaching of literature in a special (correctional) school of type V involves strengthening the moral, aesthetic and emotional impact of a literary work on the student reader;

Determination of systemic connections of the school literature course at different stages of literary education;

Fostering self-awareness and independence;

Correction of speech disorders;

Development of reader perception and interest in reading and studying literature;

Development of imagination and sense of beauty;

Formation of a creative approach to literature.


1. Bondarevskaya E.V. Theory and practice of student-centered education. Rostov-n-D, 2000.

2. Vlasova T.A.. Pevzner M.S. To the teacher about children with developmental disabilities. M., 1967.

3. Graudina L.K. Russian rhetoric. Reader M., 1996.

4. Lipkina A.I., Omorokova M.I. Working on students' oral speech during reading lessons in primary school. M., 1967.

5. Lubovsky V.I. Development of verbal regulation in children. – M., 1978.

6. Negnevitskaya E.T., Shakhnarovich A.M. Language and children. – M., 1981.

Lecture No. 3 Principles and methods of correctional pedagogical activities in literature lessons


1. The concept of the principles, methods and techniques of teaching literature at school.

2. Principles of justification of methods: A) methods determined by the form of knowledge acquisition; B) methods determined by the nature of students’ cognitive activity and the teaching role of the teacher.

3. Requirements for the personality and professional training of a literature teacher.

4. The main aspects of the activity of a literature teacher: research, design, organizational, communicative activities. Teaching literature as creative activity teachers.

In the pedagogical process, the teacher plays a decisive role. The activities of teachers and students have their own specifics and goals. The goal of the teacher is to teach, educate the student, imparting knowledge to him, develop his mind, culture of feelings, form moral concepts, a spiritually rich, active personality,

The goal of the students is to complete the teacher’s assignments.

The learning process is carried out through the application of teaching methods.

Teaching methods are “ways of work of the teacher and students, with the help of which mastery of knowledge, skills and abilities is achieved, the worldview of students is formed, and their abilities are developed.

The teaching method is implemented through private methodological techniques.

Reception of training - details of the method, its elements, components or individual steps in the cognitive work that occurs when applying this method.

In the practice of school teaching, justification of methods based on the source of knowledge is common:

Word (lecture) of the teacher;

Independent work, etc.

Yes, during the lesson the teacher speaks, the children listen, or the teacher asks questions and the students answer, or the children work on a book according to the teacher’s instructions.

The teacher’s word in a literature lesson can have different purposes and different content. It can precede reading a work in order to emotionally prepare students for its perception. A teacher can tell students about the life and work of a writer, convey historical-literary or theoretical-literary knowledge - in this case the word will have a different purpose, a different content: teacher

can analyze a work, simultaneously revealing to schoolchildren the essence, goals, methods of analysis, etc.

A conversation aimed at activating students’ perception of a read work can also be very different in purpose and content: conversation-analysis on the teacher’s questions; generalization conversation.

Independent work can also be varied - consolidating the material presented by the teacher, researching new things, etc.

Naturally, in all these cases, the student’s work will be different both in content and in the degree of independence. Therefore, the terms “lecture”, “conversation”, “independent work” mean forms of communication between the teacher and students, but not methods.

The criterion for justifying the methods is the content of the teacher’s teaching activities and the corresponding work of the students. Lectures, conversations, and independent work are common in school practice, but one should clearly understand what specific goals and content are included in these types of classes, what students should understand and learn from them.

Researchers M.N. Skatkin and I.Ya. Lerner in “Didactics in Secondary School” (Moscow, 1975) note that the traditional classification of methods according to sources of knowledge does not determine the nature of students’ cognitive activity. AND I. Lerner justifies the following general didactic methods:

1. Explanatory and illustrative, or information receptive;

2. Reproductive;

3. Method of problem presentation;

4. Heuristic or partially search;

5. Research.

The first step in the logic of literary knowledge is the perception of fiction. The process of enriching schoolchildren with literary knowledge and skills, the process of their literary, aesthetic and moral development is carried out in teaching, when the teacher applies a system of methods and techniques that correspond to the specifics of literature as an educational subject.

Each teaching method used by a teacher is directly related to the corresponding methods, techniques and types of educational activities. (M=P+ WOOD).

Kudryashev N.I. in the book “The Interrelation of Teaching Methods in Literature Lessons” (M., 1981) he substantiated the following methods of teaching literature:

1. Creative reading method;

2. Heuristic or partially search;

3. Research;

4. Reproductive.

For creative reading method The following methodological methods are typical prims:

– expressive (artistic) reading by the teacher;

– reading masters of artistic expression;

– teaching expressive reading to students;

– commented reading;

– conversation that activates students’ immediate impressions;

– posing a problem (artistic, moral, socio-political) in lessons;

– creative tasks based on students’ life observations or on the text of a work.

Types of educational activities (WUD):

– reading works of fiction in class and at home;

- expressive reading;

– learning by heart;

– listening;

- planning;

– retelling close to the text;

– artistic storytelling;

– drawing up scripts, illustrating the read work with drawings;

– reviews of what you read;

- essays.

Thus, each technique should evoke a corresponding type of learning activity.

Heuristic, or partially search The method includes the following techniques:

– building a logically clear system of questions (based on the analysis of the text of a work of art, on a critical article...) for a heuristic conversation;

– building a system of tasks based on the text of works of art or critical articles;

– statement of the problem by the teacher or at his suggestion by the students;

- holding a debate.

– selection of material from works of art, from a critical article, textbook and other aids for answering asked question;

– retelling with elements of text analysis;

– analysis of an episode, scenes, the entire work according to the teacher’s instructions;

– drawing up a plan as a method of analysis;

– analysis of the hero’s image;

– note-taking;

– speaking at a debate, etc.

The research method includes the following techniques:

– the teacher poses a problem;

– preparation of reports and speeches as an opponent;

– independent analysis of a work not studied in class;

– performing creative tasks.

– independent analysis of the work;

– comparison of two or more works;

– comparison of the work with its film adaptation;

– independent assessment of a performance or film;

– writing reports, speeches, articles.

The purpose of the research method is to develop the ability to independently analyze a work, evaluate its ideological and artistic merits, and improve artistic taste.

Reproductive method(students receive knowledge as if in a ready-made form) provides the following techniques:

– a teacher’s story about the life and work of the writer;

– overview lecture;

– assignments from the textbook, teaching aids.

– recording the plan or notes of the teacher’s lecture;

– drawing up a plan, notes or abstracts of the textbook articles read, critical articles;

– compilation of synchronistic tables;

– preparation of oral answers based on materials from the teacher’s lecture;

– preparation of reports and essays.

In school practice, methods do not exist in pure form, but intertwine, intersect.

Currently, the classification of methods is being adjusted in connection with the optimization of the entire educational process at school.

Under optimization is understood, according to the definition of Yu.K Babansky, “the best teaching option for given conditions in terms of its effect and the time spent by schoolchildren and teachers.” (Optimization of the educational process. - M., 1982)

– methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities;

– methods of its stimulation;

– methods of monitoring its effectiveness.

There are three methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities:

– verbal (story, lecture, conversation);

– visual (showing illustrative tables);

– practical (exercises, independent work).

Principles and methods of teaching literature in school for children with severe speech impairments. Basic principles of teaching literature at school (scientificity, historicism, unity of content and form in school analysis, accessibility, consistency, systematicity, etc.). Specifics of using didactic principles of teaching literature at school for children with severe speech impairments. Definition of the concepts of “teaching method” (method as a teaching system and method as a way of teaching). The originality of the refraction of basic teaching methods in the practice of teaching literature at school for children with severe speech impairments. Various approaches to classifying methods. Classification of methods according to the nature of the interaction between the guiding teaching activity of the teacher and the cognitive and educational activity of the student. Explanatory and illustrative method. The importance of visual aids for the development of associative and figurative thinking of children with special needs in the process of using the techniques of this method. Reproductive method. The importance of reproductive exercises for the development of speech in students with speech underdevelopment. The heuristic method and its special place in the process of enriching students' vocabulary. Research method. The dependence of the choice of teaching methods and techniques on the goals of study, educational material and the level of preparedness of schoolchildren with speech pathology to perceive, understand and comprehend literary texts in a literature lesson.

The requirements for the personality and professional training of a literature teacher were clearly and almost exhaustively defined by methodologist M.A. Rybnikov.

“Today a teacher,” she said, “needs perfect mastery of his subject, knowledge of the school and students, a clear understanding of the requirements of the state, of the public for the school, for the teaching of literature, the ability to solve educational problems based on literature and methods close to literature, to teach work in a thoughtful and clear system, based on an understanding of the nature of one’s subject and the laws of student development.” Based on modern research, psychologists of pedagogical work can name the following aspects of the activity of a literature teacher as the most important:

Research - analysis of the phenomena of the language of works of literature and art, application of scientific works and manuals, study of students, own work, experience of colleagues;

Design activities of a literature teacher - development of a teaching system, literature lessons, extracurricular activities, determination of the stages of student development, types and forms of their work;

Organizational activities of a teacher of literature - implementation of planned plans, organization of one’s own work, educational and extracurricular activities of the class team and individual students;

The communicative activity of a language arts teacher is establishing contacts with students, creating an attitude favorable to solving problems, speech activity, expressive reading and storytelling, the use of textual and visual aids and TSO.

Of course, all aspects of a teacher’s work are interconnected, interact and are aimed at teaching, educating, and developing students. A literature teacher, like a teacher of any specialty, comes to his students to guide their cognitive activity and guide their development in accordance with the requirements and ideals of society. His task is to introduce his students to the art of speech and thereby influence their views and beliefs. To this end, he takes care of improving the speech and artistic sensitivity of schoolchildren, helping to understand the basic laws of language and the art of words.