Pencil drawing of a pig step by step. How to draw a pig with a pencil step by step

Many people believe that pigs are very dirty, aggressive, unfriendly animals. However, this is not at all true - when you get to know pigs more closely, you will understand that they are very smart and sociable.

Some even keep them as pets - of course, we're talking about about small decorative breeds.

And if you want to learn how to draw animals, then figuring out how to draw a pig will be very, very useful.

Pig under the oak tree

IN wildlife Pigs often feed on acorns, so if we want to depict these animals in their natural environment, then choosing oak for this purpose is the best idea. So it’s worth understanding how to draw a pig under an oak tree.

First, let's depict the pig itself. She will be plump, happy, with her mouth open. And, by the way, it is absolutely not necessary to make it bright pink - in practice, the color of these animals is very light. Let's also add gray dirt spots.

Now let's move on to the landscape. It will depict a bright blue sky, lush green grass and spreading an old oak. To make the picture look more interesting, let’s draw a dissatisfied face on the oak tree (of course, since pigs often damage the roots of trees), and also draw a crow sitting on the branches. She croaks angrily at the pig and tries to drive it away.

Drawing a funny pig

In the last section we drew a fairly realistic version of a pig. Now let's depict something more childish and fun. We will do everything step by step - we need to learn how to draw a pig step by step.

First, let's draw the eyes and snout. Although the line of the mouth has not yet been drawn, you can already understand that our pig is very perky and cheerful. In order for the look to be joyful and smiling, the lower eyelid should be in the form of a semicircle, arcing upward.

After this, we’ll outline a round muzzle, drooping ears and a contented, sly smile.

And then - a plump body, shaped like an oval, short legs with hooves and a provocatively sticking tail.

Let's add colors. Since we are not striving for high realism, we can make the pig bright pink. The piglet will be a little brighter than the rest of the body and head.

That's it, our cheerful pig is completely ready.

Realistic drawing of a pig

Time to move on pencil technique, because it is she who is the basis of all the foundations in fine arts. This time the image will be in realistic style- this is how we will learn how to draw a pig with a pencil.

Let's start with the auxiliary figures. IN in this case this will be two large circles for the body, a smaller circle for the head, two elongated shapes for the ears and the front of the muzzle, and a line for the legs.

At the next stage we will work with the muzzle. It is necessary to clarify the shape of the ears, depict the eyes, draw the muzzle - a nickel, the line of the mouth, the folds on the neck.

After this we will work with the torso. Add thickness to the legs and draw hooves, outline a round tummy, add a curled short tail with a tassel at the end. Don't forget about the folds of skin - there are especially many of them at the base of the limbs and on the neck.

To make the animal look three-dimensional, it is necessary to shade the shadow parts - both on the pig itself and in the space under it. Hatching should be careful, neat, stroke by stroke. It is better not to put pressure on the pencil, but if necessary, add another layer. It is important to remember that each next layer should be at a slightly different angle (but not at a right angle!) in relation to the previous one.

Now pencil drawing completed.

Draw a pig in a couple of steps

Often, beginning artists are hesitant to take on a particular task because they are afraid of not being able to cope with it. However, it is quite possible to learn how to draw a pig easily. So grab a pencil, pen or marker - we're getting started.

Let's start with the muzzle. An oval snout with nostril holes, drooping ears, small funny eyes, the line of the mouth - we will draw all this first.

Then we will add the line of the back and the back leg.

And now - the stomach and front leg. All lines should be smooth and neat. If you doubt your abilities, you can first draw lines with a pencil and then draw them.

After this, we’ll draw two more legs and a spiral-twisted tail.

That's all - the drawing of the pig is finished. Very simple, isn't it?

Pig in the meadow

If pigs are rarely seen in factory conditions sunlight, then in rural farms they are grazed daily in the meadows. So rummaging through the grass in search of goodies is a typical pastime for rural pigs. They often find acorns, fruits and nuts that have fallen to the ground. Let's draw one of them during this lesson - it will be very useful, especially if you are a beginner artist.

At the beginning general forms. The entire figure will be built on basic shapes - ovals, circles, cylinders.

Now we draw the main contours and clarify the details. We draw ears, hooves, a nickel, small eyes. And, of course, the tail.

Example for a child

Children, as a rule, love animals very much. Including those that can be seen in the village: cows, goats, geese, pigs, rabbits and chickens. So figuring out how to draw a pig for children will be very, very interesting.

Let's start with the eyes and snout. You should leave a white spot in your eyes - a highlight.

Then we will add the body - oval and quite plump. Which is not surprising, because pigs have quite a lot of subcutaneous fat.

And also - sharp triangular ears, short legs and an erect tail.

After this, let's color the pig - make it bright pink, almost crimson. We did this with pastels, but you can use paints, pencils or markers if you wish.

That's it, we've finished drawing. Now you can hang your masterpiece little artist in a frame.

Piglet in three stages

All this time we were drawing adult pigs, but we didn’t spend any time on the little piglets. Now we will fix this and figure out how to draw a pig. Small, chubby and very, very cute.

Let's start with the muzzle. She will be round, with triangular ears, oval black eyes, a neat snout and a smile. There is no need to draw the lower part of the muzzle.

Now the little body. Since this drawing is more of a cartoon, the piglet’s body will be significantly smaller than the head. The legs will be short and thick, and the tail will be curled into a spiral.

And where would we go without bright colors? The piglet's body will be crimson, and only the inner parts of the ears and the nickel will remain light pink. If you want, you can draw a blue sky and a green meadow with lush grass.

That's it, we're done - the drawing is done.

Piglet in a sitting pose

What could be cuter than a cheerful pink pig with green eyes? Believe me, learning how to draw a pig step by step is very, very interesting.

First, let's make a light pencil sketch. For now, let’s depict the torso, head with huge cheeks, a snout, a perky smile, protruding ears and huge eyes.

And, of course, we need to add legs - for now we continue to work with a pencil. The legs will be short, plump and with hooves.

Let's draw all the main contours with a marker or soft pencil. Auxiliary lines can be carefully erased with an eraser.

Now let's color our pig. Her skin will be pink, and her eyes, as agreed, will be green. The hooves can be made light brown.

How to draw a bird feather


How to draw a pig with a pencil step by step

Already drawn +1 I want to draw +1 Thank you, great lesson +32

Thanks to our lessons, you will accurately draw a pig with a pencil with your own hands step by step. Our lessons are simple and therefore suitable for beginners. All you need is paper and a pencil.

The first step in our tutorial will be very simple. You need to draw the outline of a pig. We will use circles, there will be 5 of them. First the head, neck, ear, torso, and hind legs.

Now let's start sketching out the face. Let's draw the pig's face, and start with the nose, it will be smoothed in the shape of a cup. Next we draw the mouth, make the outlines of the nostrils in the nose. Next we draw the outline of the eyes and neck. We make the transition to the front shoulder. And at the end we will draw the hind legs.

Here we will draw the lower half of the pig, namely the legs and toes on both feet. Let's outline the shape of the belly, and don't forget about the nipples. Draw a path back to the back leg and finish the sketch from there. Don't forget about your fingers and fat pocket, which is located from the back knee to the end of the stomach.

In this step we will be working on the pig's head. Let's draw wrinkles on the face, first near the nose in the form of three curved lines that are located one next to the other. We draw a sketch of the upper part of the head using the hair, and then we draw the ear in the form of a triangle. We finish drawing the hair a little above the ear. Add some hair on the shoulder, and finally draw in the back leg.

At this stage we outline the parts of the body. Perform the same technique as on the head, starting from the back. Next we outline a long straight tail with hair. Let's go back to the face and outline the ear, don't forget to outline the hole inside the ear. Add a couple of body hair lines. Now we erase all the lines that we made in the first step.

This is the kind of good pig you should get. If you liked the lesson, leave comments on it.

Video: how to simply draw a pig

How to simply draw a pig with a pencil

Let's draw a pig. She has big torso and short legs. Please note that in a pig, the head immediately goes into the body.

Draw the ears, nose, eyes and tail.

We continue to detail the pig's body

Now you can color your pig drawing.

How to draw a little pig with a pencil step by step

First draw the outline of the pig, which consists of two main parts.

Continue the drawing, slightly changing the shape of the first outline so that it looks more like an animal's head. After that, draw two ears, an eye and a mouth line, as well as a nose with two nostrils.

The last step is to draw the tail and paint over the pig's hooves. We also advise you to pay attention to the eyes, nose and ears, filling them in with a pencil. Congratulations, you have finished your drawing!

: how to draw a pig for kids

How to draw a pig with a spoon and a fork to a child

So, we draw a circle, and in the center there is a patch. Compared to all previous noses, it is round. Well, at least not so flattened:

We draw dashed eyes and a smile with serifs at the ends (or you can do without serifs):

You'll have to tinker a little with the ears, let's take a closer look. We start from the head and draw a line diagonally upward, and then turn it almost horizontally (the angle can be sharp or smooth) and draw a shorter line:

Again we draw the pencil diagonally, but this time in a slightly arc:

Now we connect its tip with the very first “corner”...

...and add the missing touch: the ear is ready!

In the same way we draw the second ear:

We drew the head, but it turned out very well. Let's take care of the belly. I recommend drawing it slightly flattened (so that our pig grows not in length, but in width):

Let's put a bib on it: first we draw its outline right from the points where the body departs from the head, and then with a quick movement we decorate it with frills: blah-blah-blah...

Let's draw or write something on it. I wrote "Oink!" You can draw a flower there or (if it fits) “Sale, 1.8, 1993, xenon” or whatever else they write on the tint with a white marker.

Now the arms and legs. I’m sure that by the tenth anniversary lesson you will have already coped with this without my help. Just don’t forget that the pig has cloven hooves. By the way, the giraffe, too, somehow I forgot about this last time, is to blame.

IN last moment I remembered the ponytail. A little observation: if the tip points up, it’s more fun:

Since the pig is in a bib, let's give him a fork and spoon. Of course, no one eats this way, but for a pig this is already a significant breakthrough, you must agree:

And so that the piglet feels in his native element, we put him in a puddle: smack!

: how to draw a funny pig for a child

How to draw a cartoon pig for a child step by step

Since our animal is very large, we first need a base, namely one circle and one large oval

Let's draw some elements that will give the appearance of our pig. These are two circles that form the cheeks and a pair of lower legs in the form of hooves, and part of the side hoof.

Now let's draw another side arm. Draw two curved lines and a W-shaped hoof.

So we draw a pig and what kind of pig do we have without a nose? Let's draw a nickel for her, and a pair of eyebrows under which our eyes will be located. A couple of curved lines on the body that will create a more voluminous pig and a belly button.

We have very few details left that need to be drawn. These are eyes and a small mouth in the form of a curved line.

That's all, now you know how to draw a big pig on a fence or on the asphalt.

In anticipation New Year's holidays And winter holidays most children are looking for interesting hobby. So why not combine business with pleasure by learning how to draw a pig for the New Year 2019. Pet or according to Chinese horoscope- the symbol of the coming year depicted on paper with a pencil will become a good gift for family and friends, will help in decorating a house (apartment), and will also become an interesting thematic craft for kindergarten and schools. A cute pig, a plump boar or a family of piglets - it doesn’t matter at all which drawing the child prefers! The most important thing is that the drawing turns out successful, and its theme is close to the festive one, or at least it is against the backdrop of a winter landscape. Then enjoy creative process will be rewarded in full!

How to draw a pig (symbol of 2019) step by step? Tips and tricks

  • No. 1 - tip for beginners

If your child has never drawn a pig before, you shouldn’t come up with your own version of a New Year’s pig, relying on your imagination. It is much more correct to start drawing artistic sketches with ready-made options that provide step-by-step photo instructions.

  • No. 2 - ambient background

To make the drawing remind you of the upcoming holidays, just add a festive cap to the pig or a Christmas wreath as a necklace. It is also acceptable to depict a winter landscape against the surrounding background or Christmas details: a spruce branch, New Year's toys, festive fireworks or a Christmas tree lying on the branches of snow.

  • No. 3 - complexity of the drawing

Below in the article are several options for drawing a pig. Some are easier and suitable for beginners, others are a little more difficult. The choice depends on your drawing skills and free time.

The lightest pig has a hooked tail and a heel nose

Step by step drawing a pig for the New Year 2019 is a simple and very exciting task. Especially if you have it on hand step by step photo instructions with the necessary tools.

Items to draw:

1) white sheets of A4 format (it’s better to take several if you don’t manage to depict the symbol of the year the first time);
2) a simple pencil (soft);
3) eraser;
4) colored pencils for coloring or markers.

Step-by-step instructions + photos:

1) the beginning of the sketch is the muzzle. To depict it you need to draw curved line, nose, eyes and ears;

How to draw a pig for the smallest ones? Chunya and Peppa - drawing in the photo

For children preschool age need simple and clear examples drawings. Therefore, in the photo below there is an elementary photo instruction, consisting of simple geometric shapes and lines.

As color range for coloring you can choose not only pink and peach tones, but also those that are relevant for eastern horoscope- yellow, orange and brown.

Waddles - a pig from Gravity Falls

For lovers of good and slightly magic cartoon Gravity Falls will definitely love the sketch of Mabel the pig. Pukhlya is the name of our next character.

Peter the Pig

If a child loves to read, and one of his favorite books is Peter the Pig, then as an idea for a drawing you can take one of the illustrations of the adventures of the good pig from Lyudmila Petrushevskaya. As an option: “coming to visit”, “... and a tractor”, “... and a car”, “chords”.

Babe - pencil drawing photo

Funtik step by step

How to draw a pig (symbol of 2019) step by step? Pencil drawings photo

What could be better than waiting for your favorite holiday in a pleasant atmosphere and with good mood. It can be lifted by a festive drawing with the symbol of the coming year. How to draw a pig with a pencil step by step detailed instructions, which will be understandable even for children. Such a pink animal will be drawn not just on paper, but with New Year's attributes - with a spruce wreath and a red cap.

Materials for drawing a New Year's drawing with a pig:


Simple pencil;

Colour pencils;

Black marker;


Drawing a pig for New Year 2019 in stages

1. We form the body of the animal in the form of two circles, which are located on top of each other.

2. On the side of the upper circle, draw a hat with a bubo, where on the right side of it there will be a pig’s ear. We outline the shape in the form of simple schematic lines and move on to the next stage.

3. Add another oval to the upper circle to form the lower part of the muzzle. Let's add a large snout, small round eyes and a wide mouth in the form of an arched line.

4. Draw the outline of the hat and right ear in more detail, and then go lower to draw the head and muzzle of the pig for the New Year 2019.

5. Draw the body below in the form simple lines and circles. For example, the front legs. Then, in the lower part of the circle, draw hooves with corners. We “dress” a circle around the neck, which will then turn into a New Year’s spruce wreath.

6. Draw all two pairs of legs with a simple pencil using an eraser.

7. Around the circle that is drawn around the neck, draw fir branches. So the line will turn into a beautiful spruce New Year's wreath.

8. Draw berries and a mistletoe leaf for the wreath. We also clarify the contour of the body and adjust it if necessary. Then you can use a black marker to outline the drawing for the New Year 2019. The round eyes can be completely painted over, leaving small gaps for highlights.

9. Use a red pencil to paint over the main part of the New Year’s hat on the left side of the pig’s head. We also use red for the berries on the wreath. Then we use a green pencil to color the spruce branches and mistletoe leaf on the wreath.

10. Paint over the pig’s skin completely beige color. Then we create highlights with pink and dark brown. We also paint over it completely. pink tint the snout, the lower parts of the paws and the middle of the ear. More dark color create shadow in these areas.

11. We complement the drawing with black highlights and shadows.

12. We get this adorable one New Year's drawing pig with a spruce wreath and a festive hat on a sheet of paper. Thanks to colored pencils, the illustration for the New Year 2019 became bright and colorful. However, you can achieve even more colorfulness if the drawing is painted over with gouache or any other paint.

Already drawn +8 I want to draw +8 Thank you + 128

Hello! Now I will tell and show you how to draw a cute pig holding a bag of gifts. For this we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • black gel pen (or marker, whichever is more convenient for you)
  • pencils or markers
  • corrector (can be replaced with gouache)

Draw a pig in a New Year's costume with a bag of gifts

  • Step 1

    First, let's draw a circle. This will be the base of our pig's head.

  • Step 2
  • Step 3

    Then we will draw several triangles to build the cap. Let's also draw a circle below, this will be a bean.

  • Step 4

    We finish drawing the arms and legs of the pig. They are approximately the same size.

  • Step 5
  • Step 6

    We erase excess from the face. Add fur on top New Year's hat and the string of the bag.

  • Step 7

    Draw a sketch of the snout and mouth from below. Also lines for constructing eyes.

  • Step 8
  • Step 9

    We detail the knotted part of the bag and the scarf with which it is tied. Don't forget to draw stripes on the scarf!

  • Step 10

    Then we will draw the suit and fur on it. Let's finish drawing the hooves and boots.

  • Step 11

    Now let's draw the face along the lines. Pay attention to the eyes, draw the iris, highlights and eyelids with eyelashes correctly.

  • Step 12

    The sketch stage is completed, we outline the pig and move on to important stage in which the illustration will take on colors. Let's move on to the coloring stage.

  • Step 13

    Let's start with the eyes, the pig's eyes are brown. Draw the eyelids according to the principle from dark to light or from shadow to light. Add highlights with corrector or gouache.

  • Step 14

    Let's start painting the patch, using the same principle. Let's not forget about the highlights and the mouth from below!

  • Step 15

    Completely paint your face pink color, make shadows in in the right places raspberry. Let's add highlights.

  • Step 16

    We color the ears, leaving bright places above. Here it is better to proceed according to the principle from dark to light.

  • Step 17

    We color the bag and fur on the entire costume. We make the scarf with which the bag is tied red and white. We make shadows on them.

  • Step 18

    We paint the suit and boots. Add shadows to them. All is ready!

Video: How to simply draw a PIG symbol of 2019

Draw a pink pig with a New Year's gift

Hello! And today I will teach you how to draw a cute pink pig on New Year! For this we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • pencils or markers
  • corrector or gouache
  • black pen or market
Everything is clear with the materials, let's get started!
  • Step 1

    First, let's draw 2 ovals, one smaller horizontal and the second larger vertical. This will be the basis of the body of our pig.

  • Step 2

    Then we will draw the base for the ears. Try to make them the same as shown in the picture.

  • Step 3
  • Step 4

    Draw a patch to make it easier to decide on placement, draw a middle horizontal line.

  • Step 5

    Draw the cheeks and eyes. Draw a circle around the left eye, this will be a birthmark.

  • Step 6

    Also draw a spot on the pig’s body. Draw the dirt at the bottom and don't forget to draw the tail and leg.

  • Step 7

    Draw the ears. Draw a hat, be sure to draw a balabon at the bottom.

  • Step 8

    Draw a gift. It's not difficult at all. You can do it, just draw a square, then a couple of ribbons and a bow.

  • Step 9

    Circle the pig black pen or a marker, do not erase the stain! Tip: If you trace with a pen, wait 1-2 minutes before wiping off the excess.

  • Step 10

    Color the patch bright pink and make shadows on it. Fill in the spot with the same pencil you used to make the shadows.

  • Step 11

    Completely paint the pig, don’t forget to make shadows, the pig will look more beautiful with them.

  • Step 12

    Let's paint the dirt brown. It’s better to make the shadows black like the hoof.

  • Step 13

    Color the fur on the hat. We do the same with the balabon.

  • Step 14

    Then we paint the cap bright red. The shadows on it are dark crimson.

  • Step 15

    Let's color the gift. We will paint the box green, and the ribbon and bow red.

  • Step 16

    Using corrector or gouache we draw snowflakes on the cap and dots on the ribbons. That's it, pink pig with New Year's gift ready!

How to draw a pig in a skirt, symbol of 2019

Hello, now I will tell you how to draw a cute pig in a crown holding a sign with the inscription 2019. Interesting? Then this is what we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils and markers
  • marker and black gel pen
  • proofreader or white gouache
Let's begin!
  • Step 1

    First, draw a trapezoid with rounded corners (you can do this with a ruler) this will be the basis for the pig's body. Next, draw a rectangle on top of the trapezoid, this will be the basis for the sign.

  • Step 2

    Draw the bottom the base of the skirt, and also a line for ruffles. Attention! Start drawing the skirt from the body, not under it.

  • Step 3

    Draw a snout, eyes, the base for the ears (2 triangles) and blush. Also draw a crown, try to make it as symmetrical as possible, you can also draw auxiliary lines like I did.

  • Step 4

    At this stage, we draw ruffles and polka dots on the skirt, hands and the inscription on the sign. For decoration, you can add a Christmas tree inside the zero.

  • Step 5

    We finish with the sketch. We outline everything with a black pen and move on to the next stage, leaving the polka dots on the skirt and the blush.

  • Step 6

    Let's start the coloring stage. We paint the piggy pink, make the shadows crimson. The blush should also be crimson, and don’t forget to put highlights on it.

  • Step 7
  • Step 8

    Let's paint the pig's crown yellow. Let's make brown shadows, and also add highlights with a corrector.

  • Step 9

    We make shadows on the ruffles and the sign. We paint the Christmas tree inside the zero.

  • Step 10

    The final stage is to paint the numbers black, decorate them with white dots, for beauty you can outline the piggy with a green felt-tip pen. Done!

How to draw a full-length pig in a New Year's costume

For the lesson you will need:

  • Colored and simple pencils
  • Black helium pen
  • Eraser
  • Step 1

    First we need to make a small sketch of the head. To do this, first draw an oval, then add top part heads.

  • Step 2

    We draw the head more clearly along the edges. This will give it shape.

  • Step 3

    We draw the nose, mouth and eyes of our pig. After this we outline the fur on the hat. At the same time, it’s barely old enough to fit a pencil.

  • Step 4

    After this we begin to draw the cap. Then add the ears.

  • Step 5

    We begin to draw the central part of the fur coat. After which we move on to the legs, and then we begin to draw the arms.

  • Step 6

    We draw in more detail the clothes and the pig itself. We don't touch the fur.

  • Step 7

    We outline everything except the fur with a black helium pen.

  • Step 8

    We begin to color, starting with the fur. First, we draw its borders with a blue pencil (as if we were drawing drawings, it’s very similar to that). Then add a little more blue around the edges from the inside.

  • Step 9

    Take a red pencil and start coloring the clothes. At first we don’t put too much pressure on the pencil, but gradually approaching the shadow areas we increase the pressure on it.

  • Step 10

    We paint the pig's body in the same way. pink. To apply blush, take a bright pink color. Closer to the center we increase the pressure, and further from it, vice versa. All that remains is to color the eyes and mouth, the drawing is ready.

How to draw a cute New Year's pig with an open

In this lesson we will draw a cute New Year's pig with a card with a pencil step by step. For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • black felt-tip pen,
  • eraser and colored pencils.
  • Step 1

    We draw the outline of the head and two ears.

  • Step 2

    Then we draw a hat and a balabon.

  • Step 3

    We draw out the eyes, eyelashes, snout, mouth, blush and eyebrows.

  • Step 4

    Then we draw a postcard that our pig is holding, the inscription Happy New Year on it, and Christmas trees and houses inside it, and we draw gloves and snowflakes on the gloves.

  • Step 5

    Then we draw out the sleeves of our pig, a coat, and boots.

  • Step 6
  • Step 7

    Let's start coloring. First we will decorate our postcard. Take a blue pencil and color the sky, take a blue pencil and lightly color the snow with it, take green pencil and decorate the Christmas trees with it, and take a brown pencil and decorate the houses with it!

  • Step 8

    Then we decorate part of our pig's coat, part of her hat and gloves. Let's take it yellow pencil, and decorate the sleeves, the bottom of the coat, part of the cap and the balabon on the cap with it! And take a green pencil and decorate the gloves with it!

  • Step 9

    We take a red pencil and decorate the mouth, heels and blush with it, take a black felt-tip pen and a blue pencil and decorate the eyes with them, and take gray pencil and decorate their eyebrows!

  • Step 10

    Then we take a pink pencil and decorate the skin of our pig with it. And we take a brown pencil and decorate the shoes with it.

  • Step 11

    And the final stage is to take a red pencil and decorate the second part of the coat with it! And that's it!!)))) our cute New Year's pig with a postcard is ready!!!)))) good luck to everyone!!)))

How to draw a girl with a garland dressed as the symbol of the 2019 year - the pig

Now I will tell you how to draw a cute chibi girl with a garland dressed as the symbol of 2019 - a pig. For this we need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • pencils or markers
  • corrector or white gouache
  • pen or marker
Let's get started!
  • Step 1

    To begin, draw the girl's head spiraling into a circle. Don't forget the ear!

  • Step 2
  • Step 3

    Then draw the hair as shown in the picture. Also add a bow.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    Let's draw the costume along the previously outlined trapezoid. Don't forget to draw the hooves.

  • Step 6

    Draw the lines as shown in the picture. This will be the base for the hands.

  • Step 7

    Let's draw the handles and the garland she is holding. Let's also draw a small tail.

  • Step 8

    Then we draw the face and mouth. Add some blush.

  • Step 9

    We outline everything with a pen or marker. Leave only the rosy cheeks and iris and the highlights of the eyes uncircled.

  • Step 10

    Let's start coloring. First of all, we paint the face, make the shadows brown, paint the eyes green, blush with shades of red and pink. Add highlights to the blush using a concealer.

  • Step 11

    Dye your hair orange. Make the shadows brown, add highlights with a corrector.

  • Step 12

    Paint the hood pink. We make the shadows crimson in those places as in the picture.

  • Step 13

    We paint the bow and all the hooves. First we paint the hooves brown and then add black on top. The bow is first brown and then red.

  • Step 14

    We finish the suit with pink. Make the shadows crimson. Be careful around the garland!

  • Step 15

    We paint the garland. We paint the light bulbs red, blue, green and yellow. Add a highlight to each light bulb using a corrector. Ready!!!

We draw a New Year's pig in a New Year's hat and with a Christmas tree

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's pig in a New Year's hat and with a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step. For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • eraser,
  • black felt-tip pen
  • colour pencils.
  • Step 1

    Draw the outline of the head.

  • Step 2

    Then we draw out the hat, the patterns on it, the balabon, the ribbon on the head of the hat and the bow on the ribbon, and the ears.

  • Step 3

    We draw the muzzle, chin, heels, eyes, inside the peephole, eyebrows, blush and mouth.

  • Step 4

    We draw the chest, paws, hooves and a Christmas tree in the hands.

  • Step 5

    We draw out the body, the tummy with hairs, two more legs and hooves and a tail and hairs on the tail.

  • Step 6

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with black gel pen and erase everything unnecessary.

  • Step 7

    Let's start coloring! We take a black felt-tip pen and decorate the eyes and nostrils with it, take a dark pink pencil and decorate the heel and blush with it, take a red pencil and decorate part of the hat with it! And we take a green pencil and decorate the Christmas tree, part of the hat, the ribbons from the hat, the bow from the ribbon and the Christmas tree with it! And take a light green pencil and decorate the balabon with it!

  • Step 8

    Take a brown pencil and decorate the hooves with it.

  • Step 9

    And at the final stage, we take a pink pencil and decorate the head, ears, paws, tummy, body and tail with it! And that's it!!)))) our New Year's pig in a New Year's hat and with a Christmas tree is ready!!!)))) good luck to everyone))))

How to draw a funny and cute New Year's pig with colored pencils

In this lesson we will draw a funny and cute New Year's pig! For this we need: an HB pencil, a black gel pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

  • Step 1

    Draw the outline of the head.

  • Step 2

    Draw the hat and balabon.

  • Step 3

    We draw out the heel and mouth.

  • Step 4

    We draw eyes, inside the peephole, eyelashes, muzzle and blush!

  • Step 5

    We draw the scarf, sleeves, paws and hooves.

  • Step 6

    We draw out the overalls, the buttons on it, two more legs and hooves.

  • Step 7

    Then we draw patterns on the jumpsuit like in the picture.

  • Step 8

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen and erase all excess.

  • Step 9

    Let's start coloring! Take a red pencil and decorate the overalls and part of the hat with it!

  • Step 10

    Then we take a green pencil and use it to decorate the sleeves, scarf and Christmas trees on the overalls! And take a yellow pencil and color the patterns on the overalls and buttons!

  • Step 11

    We take a pink pencil and use it to decorate the paws, face, head and ears of our pig!

  • Step 12

    The final stage is to take a blue pencil and decorate the balabon and the second part of the cap with it! And take a brown pencil and decorate the hooves with it! And that's it!!))) our cheerful and cute New Year's pig is ready!!!)))))))) good luck to everyone))))

Cute pig with a big inscription Happy New Year

In this lesson we will draw a cute New Year's pig with a large card with the inscription Happy New Year and Happy New Year's toys! For this we need: an HB pencil, a black gel pen, a black felt-tip pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

  • Step 1

    We draw the outline of the head and two ears.

  • Step 2

    Then we draw out the hat, balabon and Christmas tree branches on the hat!

  • Step 3

    We draw the eyes, inside the eyelashes, eyebrows, heels, mouth and chin!

  • Step 4

    We draw the body, paws, tail, spot on the paw and hooves!

  • Step 5

    Then we draw big circle, this will be our future postcard.

  • Step 6

    Inside the card we write the inscription Happy New Year.

  • Step 7

    Then we draw New Year's toys and branches of the Christmas tree.

  • Step 8

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen and erase all excess.

  • Step 9

    Let's start coloring! Take a pink pencil and use it to decorate the head, ears, body, paws and tail! And take a dark pink pencil and decorate the heels with it!

  • Step 10

    Then we take a brown pencil and decorate the hooves and eyes with it! Take a black felt-tip pen and use it to decorate the inside of the eye! And take a green pencil and decorate the branches of the Christmas tree with it!

  • Step 11

    Take a blue pencil and use it to decorate the balabon and part of the cap. And take a red pencil and decorate the second part of the hat with it!

  • Step 12

    And we take a crimson, red and yellow pencil and decorate New Year's toys with them! And we take a green pencil and decorate the branches of the Christmas tree with it.

  • Step 13

    The final step is to take a red pencil and decorate our big postcard with it! And that's it!!)))) our cute New Year's pig with a large card with the inscription Happy New Year and New Year's toys is ready!!)))))) good luck to everyone))))

How to draw a New Year's pig on skates and in a scarf

In this lesson we will draw a New Year's pig on ice skates and wearing a cute scarf! For this we will need: an HB pencil, a black gel pen, an eraser and colored pencils!

  • Step 1

    Draw the outline of the head.

  • Step 2

    We draw the cap and the stripes on it, the balabon, the ears and inside the ears.

  • Step 3

    We draw out the necks, heels, mouth and big bow!

  • Step 4

    We draw eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, a scarf, blush and a big ball.

  • Step 5

    We draw the overalls, front and back legs and hooves, and skates on the hind legs and patterns on the overalls, as in the picture!

  • Step 6

    Carefully outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen and decorate the eyes and eyelashes with it!

  • Step 7

    Let's start coloring! Take a green pencil and use it to decorate part of the overalls, part of the scarf and part of the hat!

  • Step 8

    Take a red pencil and use it to decorate the bow and patterns on the bag, the second part of the scarf, and the second part of the hat!

  • Step 9

    Take a yellow pencil and use it to decorate the bag, the third part of the scarf, the third part of the hat and the second part of the overalls!

  • Step 10

    The final stage is to take a pink pencil and decorate the face, head, ears and paws with it, and take a blue pencil and decorate the skates with it! And that's it))) our New Year's pig on skates and in a cute scarf is ready)))) good luck to everyone))))

How to simply draw a pig in a New Year's hat for a child

In that simple lesson In 10 steps I will show you how to draw a pig in a Christmas hat. We will need:

  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • colour pencils;
  • black felt-tip pen.
  • Step 1

    To begin, draw the head and ears.

  • Step 2

    Now draw a New Year's hat.

  • Step 3

    Draw the body. Draw the front hooves of the pig.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    Draw the pig's eyes, mouth, heel and eyebrows.

  • Step 6

    Carefully outline everything with a black felt-tip pen and erase the pencil lines. Paint over your eyes.

  • Step 7

    Let's start coloring! Color the hat with a bright red pencil.

  • Step 8

    Paint the pig's heel dark pink.

  • Step 9

    Brown color fill in the pig's eyebrows and hooves.

  • Step 10

    Paint the pig's head and body light pink. That's all! Ready!

How to draw a happy pig: symbol of 2019

In this lesson we will draw a pig! We will need:

  • colour pencils;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • black felt-tip pen.
  • Let's get started!

How to draw a cartoon pig with a hat and scarf

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a pig with a hat and scarf. We will need:

  • a simple pencil and eraser;
  • colour pencils;
  • pink, red and black pen
  • .

Draw a cute pig in a New Year's hat, a symbol of the new year 2019

Hello! Now I will tell you how to draw a cute pig in a New Year's hat. For this we need:

  • a simple pencil (preferably NV)
  • eraser
  • black gel pen
  • colour pencils
  • corrector
  • Step 1

    To begin, draw the base of the pig's body - a circle. Then we will draw a patch.

  • Step 2

    We draw all the other details of the pig. Ko, face, hooves.

  • Step 3
  • Step 4

    Let's outline everything with a black pen or marker.

  • Step 5

    We paint the pig's skin pink, make the shadows crimson or dark pink.

  • Step 6
  • Step 7

    We paint the pig's cap red.

  • Step 8

    Add blush and highlight with corrector. We decorate the hat with it. Add a little blue and you're done!