Proverbs for the primary school course by topic. Organization of work with proverbs and sayings in elementary school

A proverb is a short story that has elements of teaching. These short instructive phrases are most often folk art, formed many centuries ago. Essentially, these are our roots.

Studying proverbs is a whole world formed on the echoes of our ancestors, it is an opportunity to better understand our history, touch the life of past generations, understand how important creativity was in past centuries and how it has changed.

By explaining to children the meaning of proverbs, adults socialize children to a large extent. Children will learn to correctly perceive and understand moral standards. The children develop better thinking and speech apparatus. After using proverbs, a child’s speech becomes richer and more expressive. The baby begins to better perceive certain phraseological units, and he develops clear and understandable speech. Many proverbs are aimed specifically at developing a child’s personality.

There is a certain list of teaching proverbs. They must be considered and, if possible, put into practice with your baby.

Type "explain the proverb"

IN in this case You need to explain to your child that the proverb must be understood correctly. You need to teach the baby to say it in his own words. These actions will develop the child's thinking and also teach him to draw his own conclusions. Such sayings should be used daily; one or two per day is enough and they will help your baby develop correctly. Proverbs can be stated as in free form(your choice) and in the form of certain thematic blocks.

Proverbs related to labor:

Business before pleasure.

The master's work is afraid.

If you love to ride, you will also love to carry a sled.

Patience and a little effort.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Business before pleasure.

Labor will feed a person, but laziness will spoil him.

Everyone is bored until the evening if there is nothing to do.

If you want to eat kalachi, then don’t sit on the stove.

Proverbs related to studying are no less common among parents:

If you learn a lot, you will become stronger.

The sun shines for the world, and knowledge for man.

In learning there is light, but in non-learning there is darkness.

People are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds.

Live and learn.

Modern children also like proverbs about friendship, symbolizing kindness and care:

Always look for a friend, and when you find him, take care of him.

Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.

A true friend will reveal itself in trouble.

Geese are not friends with pigs.

If you tell me who your friends are, I will tell you who you are.

old friend better than the new two.

Proverbs aimed at the love of reading will be very informative and useful:

The book is beautiful not because of its writing, but because of its intelligence.

You can’t live with books forever.

The book is small, but it gave me some insight.

Good book- most true friend.

Anyone who reads a lot knows everything.

The book is created for the mind, like warm rain for seedlings.

The subject of proverbs can also affect some objects (things):

All that glitters is not gold.

It looks nice on the outside, but everything is rotten on the inside.

Not based on appearance, but look at business.

It's not in the title itself, but in the original content.

Everything is beautiful on the outside, but empty on the inside.

Proverbs can also teach behavior in a certain situation:

The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

My tongue is my enemy.

No one is pulling anyone's tongue.

Seven do not wait for one.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Having done evil, do not hope for good.

If you take up the tug, then don’t say that it’s not strong.

Harnessing straight, you will go crooked.

As it comes back, so will it respond.

Proverbs can also be associated with character traits:

The city will take courage.

You can stand up for the right cause with confidence.

The apple never falls far from the tree.

The most common types of proverbs are described above. Sayings can be about features of nature, weather, associated with family relations and the seasons, and about the flora and fauna, about cash, about the merits and demerits of a person.

Type "continue the proverb"

This action involves the participation of the leader and the child. The first person pronounces the initial part of the saying, and the child must come up with or use it earlier known ending proverbs. You can choose any household item as an auxiliary accessory. For example, a ball or a toy. The presenter voices the beginning of the phrase and throws the item to the child. The kid catches the object and throws it back, voicing the invented ending of the saying. Any child will enjoy such an event and perceive it as a game, favorably influencing the development of thinking.

If the child does not understand the meaning of the first part of the proverb, you can give him an explanation in any convenient form - this is not necessarily a serious conversation. IN fun game The baby will remember useful material faster and better.

"Who has more" type

In this case, an adult also participates (one of the child’s parents or a teacher in kindergarten) and the baby itself. The event resembles a game with certain conditions. Both an adult and Small child alternately pronounce various proverbs out loud. This continues until one of them is unable to answer his “opponent”. Here you can use sayings that are already known to the players, as well as ones that were invented at the time of the game, but logically meaningful.

Type "pick up a proverb"

Here also important role plays the part of an adult. The child is told a fairy tale or short story. After listening to the story, the baby will need to pick up a suitable saying, meaningful and logically sound, corresponding to the thought that can be traced in the work. Both the plot of the story and the specific character of the existing hero may be affected. This exercise is also formed in the form of a game, it can develop logic and teach you to understand the meaning of a particular literary work, to make logical conclusions and present them as morals.

“Let’s make up a saying” type

This method allows you to teach your child to independently compose meaningful sayings and proverbs. Some of them may be similar to existing expressions, but formulated differently.

If we look at the proverbs in more detail, we will notice that some of them contain the words “such and such”, “as and so” and many others that are consonantly combined with each other. For example, the most common sayings with consonant phrases:

Anyone who likes to be cool is no one's friend.

Those who are idle on Mondays do not work on Tuesdays either.

No matter how you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest.

Just as the hands sewed the clothes, so the shoulders were taken off.

He who does not work is not mistaken.

Whoever does not lie down in the spring will be full all year.

He who is everywhere is nowhere.

Like father, like son.

Such features can be taken as a basis when creating new sayings. A game created in this way will appeal to every child. Game process will allow the child to develop thinking and logic - this knowledge will be useful to him in later life.

When teaching a child various proverbs, it is necessary to carefully explain the meaning of a particular statement. It is necessary to do everything possible so that the child grasps the essence of the saying, and does not learn it by heart. This will allow the baby to develop properly. It will be much easier for him in the future if the meaning of many things in life is clear at a very tender age. Correct behavior will attract the attention of peers, he will have many friends, because it is still more interesting to communicate with a person who is able to correctly express his thoughts.

Proverbs and sayings for children and adults. Wise thoughts about neatness, conversation, carelessness, human qualities(positive and negative).

Proverbs and sayings about accuracy

Where there is neatness, there is neatness.

He who is neat is pleasant to people.

Proverbs and sayings about conversation

Conversation will find a neighbor.

In a smart conversation you can gain your wits, but in a stupid conversation you lose yours.

Let's sit side by side and talk well.

Talk less, listen more.

Listen with your ear, not your belly.

There is no shame in remaining silent if you have nothing to say.

Proverbs and sayings about carelessness

Sleep is sweet for the careless.

Why worry - the ceiling is not falling above us yet.

And he doesn’t blow in his mustache, and he doesn’t lead with his ear.

The trouble for him is like water off a duck's back.

Proverbs and sayings about useless things

Pour from empty to empty.

Pound water in a mortar.

No matter how the frog pouts, it’s still far from the ox.

Proverbs and sayings about stupidity

He's a smart man, but there's no point in him.

He sits and blinks his eyes.

He’s talking about Yerema, and he’s talking about Foma.

You can't cook porridge with it.

I didn't find any firewood in the forest.

To teach a stupid person is to only work for yourself.

And it’s ready, but stupid.

Proverbs and sayings about spinelessness

Not a person, but a wet chicken.

He won't kill a mosquito even in his sleep.

You can even get ropes out of it.

He is like a bag: whatever he puts in, he carries.

He who is like a steamed turnip himself gives in to others blindly.

Proverbs and sayings about faith

Whoever lied yesterday will not be believed tomorrow.

Trust not force, but truth.

Believe your own eyes more than the words of others.

What you don't see, you don't believe.

I believe the cat and the hedgehog, but I’ll wait for you.

Proverbs and sayings about fun

At least naked, but cheerful.

Cheerful and alone is not boring.

He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.

A cheerful head lives carelessly.

Fun is salvation from all troubles.

In a happy hour, death is not scary.

Life is fun for a cheerful person.

Some are cheerful, and some are hanging their noses.

Proverbs and sayings about will

Iron will is not everyone's destiny.

Lots of desires, but little will.

Strong in skin, but weak in nature.

Don't be hasty, but be persistent.

Proverbs and sayings about theft

No matter how much a thief steals, there will be an answer.

The thief thinks that everyone in the world is a thieve.

Indulging a thief is like stealing yourself.

The thief's hat is on fire.

What you have gained through untruth will not be used for future use.

The jug got into the habit of walking on water, and there he laid his head (to be empty).

No matter how much you twist the rope, there will be an end.

Proverbs and sayings about arrogance

I passed and didn’t notice, drove by and didn’t look.

Don't look too high, you'll spoil your eyes.

Don't raise your nose higher than your head.

It's not worth a penny, but it looks like a ruble.

He flew high and landed in a chicken coop.

The bird flew above its flight.

Proverbs and sayings about eyes

Eyes are the mirror of the soul.

What is not in the thoughts will not be in the eyes.

Don't believe your ears, but believe your eyes.

Radiant eyes, but unclean thoughts.

The eyes are turquoise, and the soul is soot.

Lesson topic : "Proverbs and sayings".

Purpose of the lesson : cultivate interest in oral folk art through reading proverbs and sayings.



    replenish active lexicon students with proverbs and sayings; clarify the meanings of some of them;

    teach children to work in groups, exchange information, maintain a conversation, be able to express their point of view and justify it;

    analyze and evaluate your own creative and business capabilities.

Correctional and developmental:

    Correct and develop HMF (memory, attention, thinking, imagination, auditory and visual perception);

    Develop coherent oral speech.


    Cultivate interest in folklore and folk art;

    Formation and development of aesthetic qualities.

Health saving:

    Plan the volume of material taking into account the psycho-physical characteristics of children;

    Ensure correct seating and posture of children;

    Contribute to the creation of a favorable psychological climate.

Equipment : handouts, visual material: pictures

The greatest wealth of a people is language! The accurate and figurative Russian language is rich in proverbs and sayings. Proverbs are gold mines in our language.There are tens of thousands of them! As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another, and the boundless distance to which this winged wisdom directs its flight is not visible...instructive sayings. They took shape even before literacy appeared. In proverbs, the people passed on their cherished rules of life to their children and grandchildren, taught them wisdom - reason. Ancient proverbs They still live today – in conversation, in books. Proverbs decorate our speech, making it lively and witty. Using proverbs and sayings in speech, we make it figurative, colorful, and expressive.

Annex 1

Topic of the lesson: “Proverbs and sayings.”

The greatest wealth of a people is language!

The accurate and figurative Russian language is rich in proverbs and sayings. There are tens of thousands of them! Proverbs are gold mines in our language. As if on wings, they fly from century to century, from one generation to another, and the boundless distance to which this winged wisdom directs its flight is not visible...

Proverbs and sayings are short, simple, but apt and

instructive sayings. They took shape even before literacy appeared. In proverbs, the people passed on their cherished rules of life to their children and grandchildren, taught them wisdom - reason. Ancient proverbs live on today – in conversation, in books.

Proverbs decorate our life, make it lively and witty. Using proverbs and sayings in speech, we make it figurative, colorful, and expressive.

You all know a lot of proverbs and sayings, so I have prepared a game for you in which you will remember the ones you already know idioms, and also meet new ones.

Rules of the game:

Two teams are formed to participate in the game

The team that wins the competition places its sign on the playing field, crossing out the cell with the name of the competition;

The losing team has the right to choose a new square on the playing field;

The winner of the game is the team that manages to line up three of its signs in one row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) during the game. This is the essence of a real game of tic-tac-toe;

If the teams fail to line up three of their signs in one row during the game, then all nine competitions are played and all the cells are filled playing field"0" and "x". The team with the most symbols on the playing field wins.

    Shouting game “Proverb, we know you!”

What goes around comes around.
Get lost yourself, and... help your comrade.

Who will you hang out with?... That's how you'll gain.

Without can't even catch a fish from a pond.

Business before pleasure.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer.....and a cart in the winter.

As it comes back, ..... it will respond.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either one.When the sun is there it’s warm………when the mother is there it’s good.
The further into the forest,......the more firewood there is.

    “Name a proverb on the subject.”

Apple Time

Spoon Laughter

Fish 100 rubles

Feather Bread

    Remember the proverbs that mention numbers.

Seven don't wait for one

One head it's good, but two better

There is safety in numbers

The first damn thing is lumpy

If you chase two hares, you won't catch either.

Measure seven times, cut once. Mind is good, but twice is better.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
One for all and all for one.
They've been waiting for the promised thing for three years.
Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

    Find the extra proverb.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Without good work there is no fruit.

In a foreign land, kalach is not a joy, but in the homeland, black bread is a sweetness.

Patience and work will grind everything down.

And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player.

Work hard and there will be bread in the bins.

If you didn’t know how to sew with gold, hit it with a hammer.

Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow!

Who does not work shall not eat.

Everyone has their own side.

The bird that doesn't like its nest is stupid.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

It's warmer overseas, but it's lighter here.

God gave me health, but no money.

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Laziness does not feed a person, but only spoils his health.

To a kind person and someone else's illness to the heart.

The master's work is afraid

Don't be afraid of work, let it be afraid of you

Don't rush with your tongue - hurry with your deeds

Language will bring you to Kyiv

    Find out from the text.

Reading the first text

Sanya and Alyosha went into the forest to collect dry wood. Sanya walks through the forest, looks under every birch tree, and looks for dry twigs in the hazel grove. And Alyosha walks through the forest and sings songs. Sanya and Alyosha went out to the edge of the forest. Sanya has a big armful of dry wood, and Alyosha has empty hands.

Reading the second text

A student sits at a table and performs homework. A girl with a jump rope approaches him and invites him to play. The student refuses. The girl leaves. Then a boy with a ball comes up to him and invites him to play too. The student refuses again. Having finished his work, the boy closes the notebook and goes to play.)

    "Disintegrated Proverbs". (Appendix 2)

In, the gift, the teeth, not, the horse, are looking.

Fun, business, hour, time.

Trouble, friends, get to know each other.

Have, a hundred, not, rubles, a hundred, but, friends, have.

In, the time comes, appetite, food.

Happy, no, be born, beautiful, be born.

    Find the end!

Spring is red with flowers, and two are better.

Measure autumn seven times in sheaves.

A bird is red with its feather, and a man is red with his mind.

The mind is good, but the mother is good

It's warm in the sun, but cut one


Animals are often mentioned in proverbs and sayings. Teams need to guess what animals they are talking about we're talking about in phrases.

hungry like............(wolf)

Outstanding teacher K.D. Ushinsky wrote: “Russian proverbs have meaning in the initial teaching native language, firstly, in its form, and secondly, in its content.” In the book " Native word", intended for students primary classes, K.D. Ushinsky included about 300 proverbs and sayings and several stories that reveal the meaning of some of them. L.H. Tolstoy also wrote several stories based on proverbs for literacy students. Exactly at primary school necessary Special attention pay attention to proverbs.

In grades I-IV, work is not limited to actively introducing students to proverbs and memorizing them. The teacher must teach children to reveal the meaning of proverbs and apply them in their speech in accordance with the speech situation.

Elementary school students can be offered to keep special notebooks or albums in which they could write down proverbs and sayings.

The main sources from which students take proverbs and sayings should be the Primer, Russian language textbooks and literary reading, as well as children's fiction and Internet resources. In addition, students can use special collections: “Russian proverbs, sayings, sayings”, “Russian proverbs and sayings”: educational dictionary, “Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the East”, etc.

Primary school students can be recommended to write down proverbs from the words of their grandparents, parents, since such work helps strengthen family ties. In this case, students should let the teacher check what they have written down and only after correction, rewrite the proverbs or sayings in the album in order to avoid spelling errors.

Some teachers draw students' attention to proverbs and sayings printed in children's books. periodicals: newspapers and magazines.

This work becomes more interesting and varied if students are asked to look not only for Russian folk proverbs and sayings, but also include foreign catchphrases in the search. They can be combined by topic, compared, learn to find analogues in different languages. Thus, for the Russian proverb “In the absence of fish, there is cancer as well as fish”, you can find an analogue from Italian language: “Where there are no orange trees, beets will pass for an orange.”

In addition to interest in the study of proverbs itself, such work helps acquaint students with national characteristics different nations, raise children in the spirit of interethnic tolerance.

With great pleasure, the children decorate such notebooks and albums: they make frames and beautiful headings, select and draw illustrations for individual proverbs and thematic groups themselves.

Having computer skills, children can carry out such work in in electronic format.

The more diverse decoration album with proverbs and sayings, the more interesting this work is for students.

Notebooks and albums can be either individual or collective, when work is done in one album by children in turns or in groups.

Experience shows that work with proverbs should begin already in the first grade. This is best done when students have learned the alphabet, that is, mastered writing. So, introducing students to the letter n, the teacher draws their attention to the saying Take care of your nose in the deep frost and asks them to find a word with a letter whose spelling they have just learned. Students read the proverb, reveal its meaning, and find the word with the required letter. After this, the teacher invites the students to keep notebooks in which they will write down proverbs and sayings, and gives the task: by the next day, glue a postcard or picture depicting winter on the first page of this notebook. You can invite students who wish to draw them themselves how children make a snow woman and ride down the mountain.

The next day, in Russian language class, students remember the saying they had memorized the day before. The teacher asks what other proverbs and sayings about winter they know. If no one knows, then the teacher himself quotes the saying The frost is not great, but it doesn’t tell you to stand, which also contains the letter ь. Students write both sayings in their notebooks under the picture.

So the work continues. Having encountered a proverb in a reading book or in a Russian language textbook, students tell how they understand its meaning, analyze and explain the spelling of individual words. At home, the proverb is written down in a notebook, choosing the corresponding picture or making a drawing.

In modern textbooks, of course, there are proverbs and sayings, but teachers need to select proverbs themselves for Russian language lessons and literary reading. To do this, the teacher must first of all choose proverbs that would be understandable to first-graders in their content, determine in which lesson of the Russian language or reading, when studying which topic, this or that proverb can be used. When coming up with a lesson, you should logically link the proverb or saying with the lesson material.

Here’s how you can work with proverbs when mastering the topic “Unstressed vowels at the root of a word.”

Teacher N.K. Korovkina (school No. 50, Rostov-on-Don) in the Russian language lesson began repeating vowels by working on proverbs. Under the painting depicting Moscow, a poster with proverbs was hung:

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

Anyone who has not been to Moscow has never seen beauty.

In these proverbs, students found and named words that included unstressed vowels, verified by

rhenium (beauty, seen) and unverifiable spellings, i.e. dictionary words (Moscow, cities).

In first grade, proverbs can be used in reading lessons and Russian language lessons: About the Motherland:

There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland.

One per person birth mother, he has one homeland.

About work, hard work, laziness:

Heroes are born in work.

The skill will find application everywhere.

Love your work and you will become a master.

A jack of all trades is never bored.

Order saves time.

Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

It was done hastily and was done as a joke.

About studies, books:

A scientist loves everything.

Learning is the best wealth.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

From time immemorial, a book has raised a person.

Here, for example, are some proverbs and sayings that were written down by first-grade students of school No. 49 (city. Rostov-on-Don) (teacher P.K. Danilova):

Take care of your nose in the extreme cold.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.

A lot of snow means a lot of bread.

When the sun is warm - when the mother is good.

There is no better friend than your own mother.

In March, the chicken will drink water under the threshold.

In April the earth crumbles.

Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland.

Learning is the path to skill.

Work with proverbs continues in 2nd grade. Students also keep notebooks in which they write down proverbs and sayings. For example:

To live is to serve the Motherland.

Die yourself, but help your comrade.

Business before pleasure.

In a strange place, in the forest.

Every journey is more fun together.

If you don't have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

The brave will find where the timid will lose.

November with a nail, December with a bridge.

March with water, April with grass.

May is cold - a fertile year.

July is haymaking time.

Spring is red with flowers, autumn with bread, and winter with snow.

It is only important that the teacher himself knows proverbs and sayings well, knows how to build lexical and grammatical work with them, and skillfully uses them in his speech.

In grades III-IV, continuing to work with proverbs, you can invite students to keep so-called thematic albums. In them, proverbs are distributed according to topics that are outlined in advance by the teacher. The number of topics is determined by the teacher and the children themselves.

Work with a thematic album should begin with a conversation on a topic on which students must find and write down proverbs. During the conversation they already remember known to students proverbs. Then the topic named by the teacher is written down on the first page of the album. Students are given the task: select several proverbs on this topic. Experience shows that students easily cope with the task and collect rich and varied material, which the teacher can later use both in reading lessons and in Russian language lessons. The proverbs found by the students are read at one of the lessons. Best proverbs recorded in albums.

Then a new topic is given.

From time to time, given the content literary works, with which students become acquainted in class or at home, as well as the nature of the material being studied in the Russian language, the teacher returns to the already recorded topics and invites students to add new proverbs to the existing ones.

In fourth grade, if students do a good job of classifying proverbs into topics, they can immediately name all the expected topics. In this case, students, having found proverbs, must determine for themselves which topics they relate to in each individual case.

III class -

1) seasons;

2) natural phenomena (snow, rain, frost, wind, etc.);

3) domestic and wild animals;

4) book, letter;

6) about mother, about father.

IV class -

1) Rodina, Moscow;

2) friendship;

3) speech, word;

4) knowledge, ignorance;

5) courage, cowardice;

6) about agriculture;

7) about proverbs, sayings.

Let us give as an example the thematic album of a fourth grade student at school No. 49 (Rostov-on-Don) Lyuda M.

On the first page of the album she placed proverbs about the proverb:

The proverb is an assistant to all matters.

It is not without reason that the proverb is said.

You can't live without a proverb.

The old adage never breaks.

A stupid speech is not a proverb.

On the next page of her album there is a postcard on which Moscow is depicted and proverbs about the Motherland are written:

Do not spare your strength or your life for your Motherland.

The motherland is more valuable than your life.

On new page Album picture - students go to school. Here we find proverbs about studying and books:

A book is not beautiful in its writing, but in its mind.

An illiterate person is the same as a blind person.

A person does not go astray from learning.

Do not neglect learning from a young age.

If you didn’t get up in the morning, you lost a day; you didn’t study as a child, and you lost your life.


A slob and a slob don’t even have a decent shirt.

Done hastily and made for laughs - illustrated with a postcard depicting a disheveled, unkempt dressed girl. A torn book, a tablespoon and a ball lie at her feet.

On another page of the album there is an illustration: leaning against a white-trunked birch tree, two boys are sitting on the river bank. Behind them is their faithful friend - a dog. Proverbs for this picture:

Help each other like the wings of one eagle.

A comrade is a light of the heart, a support in times of trouble, a doctor in times of illness.

The only way to have a friend is to be a friend.

A variety of proverbs about work have been selected:

Don't learn by idleness, but learn by handicraft.

Without work there is no rest.

The master's work is afraid.

Don't be quick with your words, be quick with your actions.

The craft does not ask to drink and eat, but feeds itself.

People are not born with mastery, but they are proud of the mastery they acquire.

Students really enjoy working on an album with proverbs. It not only teaches you to collect folk sayings, but also promotes their memorization. The selection of illustrative material forces students to think about the meaning of proverbs and sometimes reveal their content in their own original way. For example, fourth grade student Lyuba Yu. the meaning of the proverb Swans are called by voices, and people are united by thoughts and hands opened with two pictures - one depicts a swan that is about to fly into the sky and join a flock of swans flying south, the other shows peasants in haymaking.

Another student to the proverb A small spark can cause a big fire I picked up a postcard - an illustration for the children's fairy tale “The Cat's House Fired Up.” But in this case, it is necessary to draw the children’s attention to figurative sense this proverb.

Artistic design of albums: a selection of colorful postcards, drawings by students, various screensavers, colored frames - all this contributes to aesthetic education students. With albums containing proverbs and sayings, a varied and interesting extracurricular activities. But they are mainly used in reading and Russian language lessons.

This type of work project activities, extremely popular and in demand in modern school. And every project should have logical conclusion, including students presenting the results of their activities. This could be an exhibition of notebooks and albums, the design of stands and wall newspapers, or a performance at a school scientific and practical conference.

It is worth mentioning here that many modern children have good computer skills, know how to use Internet resources and create computer presentations. In this case, the work described above can be carried out electronically, and the result will be a presentation for classmates.

Project activities are very important for modern schoolchildren, as it allows them to show independence and their own individuality, and the variety of results will make the work even more interesting.

Children of preschool and school age familiarity with Russian proverbs will be beneficial, because these are apt, figurative expressions teach life, make you wiser. But not all proverbs will be simple and understandable to children. Many of them have hidden meaning, contain ancient, obsolete words and metaphors. On this page we have tried to collect the most simple proverbs about health for school and preschool children.

Health is more important than money.
Those who have never been sick do not value health.
Healthy - jumps, sick - cries.
Smoking is harmful to health.
Those who do not smoke or drink protect their health.
Health is close: look for it in the bowl.
Healthy treatment means first limping to study.
The appetite runs away from the sick, but goes towards the healthy.
Not happy with the sick and golden bed.
Give free rein to the pain, it will bend you into an arc.
Whoever is in pain talks about it.
Keep your head cold, your belly hungry, and your feet warm - you will live a hundred years on earth.
The more you chew, the longer you will live.
Cleanliness is the key to health.

(from the book “Schoolchild’s Dictionary. Proverbs, sayings, catchphrases”, author O. D. Ushakova)

Health has no price.
Everything is great for a healthy person.
You will be healthy, you will get everything.
Health is wealth.
You can't buy health.
Healthy and unhealthy are healthy.
Health comes in days and goes away in hours.
Mind and health are more valuable than anything else.
Lost money - lost nothing, lost time - lost a lot, lost health - lost everything.
If there was health, the rest would be there.
Happiness and health are valued when both are absent.
There is no cure for health problems.
If only I were healthy, there are many days ahead.
It looks like it was hammered together on an anvil.
So healthy that you can drive it into the ground.
I’m as healthy as a bull, and I don’t know what to do.
Silushka runs like fire through the veins.
So healthy that if you squeeze a twig in your fist, water will flow,
Although she is not visible to her body, she is in good health.
For the healthy, grief and misfortune are never a bad thing.
Be healthy for a hundred years.

(from the book “Russian folk proverbs and sayings”, author A. M. Zhigulev)

If you are sick, get treatment, but when you are healthy, take care.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
The disease does not spread through the forest, but through people.
It is good to be in good health and to be ill.
A healthy person looks with both eyes and works with both hands.
Health comes out in pounds and comes in in ounces.
Health is the head of everything.
Money can't buy health.
He who does not know health is never sick.
Everything is bitter for the patient.
The patient is not happy with the golden bed.
An old disease is difficult to treat.
Those who have pain in their bones do not think about visiting.
The unhealthy person is uncomfortable with everything.

(from the book “Russian Proverbs and Sayings”, author M. A. Rybnikova)

A healthy person does not need a doctor.
A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.
A healthy person is a rich person.
Health is twice as expensive in war.
Health is not money, you can’t borrow it.
You'll ruin your health, but you can't buy a new one.
You begin to value your health when you lose it.
He is bursting with health and breathes courage.
If you are weak in health, you are not a hero in spirit.

(from the book "Encyclopedia folk wisdom", author N. Uvarov)

Healthy as a bull, as healthy as a hog. Strong as a forester.
Healthy for food, but sick for work.
He who is not afraid of cholera is afraid of it.
Treating yourself will only spoil you.
Play, don't act out; heal, don't heal!
And the dog knows that grass is used for healing.
The nasty (bitter) ones heal, but the sweet ones spoil.
Onions cure seven ailments. Onion from seven ailments.
Horseradish and radishes, onions and cabbage - they won’t allow a dashing person.
Bathhouse is the second mother. You will steam the bones, you will direct the whole body.
God grant me health, but there are many days ahead (and we will find happiness).
The healthy and the unhealthy are healthy, and the unhealthy and the healthy are unhealthy.
It is not the one who lies ill who is sick, but the one who sits above the pain.
It’s hard to be sick, and even harder to sit over the pain.
Illness does not make a person look good.
A sick person doesn’t even taste honey, but a healthy person eats stone.
The disease itself will say what it wants. What goes into your mouth is useful.
If God didn’t give you health, neither will the doctor.

(from the book “Proverbs of the Russian People”, author Dal V.I.)