A biography of Exupery. Antoine Saint Exupery: biography

We live in amazing time: The world around us is changing very quickly, almost beyond recognition. Therefore, a teacher working with the younger generation must be prepared:

  • Change. This is the hardest thing, but necessary condition existence of a full-fledged personality.
  • Admit your mistakes. Only those who do nothing make no mistakes. The teacher is definitely not one of those people.
  • Develop. If earlier picture the world has not changed over the course of several generations, now everything is developing so rapidly that, as the Red Queen said in “Alice Through the Looking Glass,” in order to stay in one place, you need to “run as fast as you can.”

The teacher must also understand how modern students live. You may not like Face or Ivangay, but not knowing who these people are means falling behind life.

In addition, the teacher should remember that modern children- other. They live in, they do not have a cult of an adult. These are the qualities you should have modern teacher to benefit and enjoy the results of your work.

1. Respect for children

They usually say: “A teacher must love children.” But such a formulation is too abstract and inevitably becomes a reason for speculation. Love is very multifaceted. This is both connivance and, on the contrary, drill (“Hitting means loving”). Unclear. But with respect everything is much simpler.

Respecting a student means seeing him as a subject, not a blank slate.

2. Tolerance

All people are different. Sometimes a person annoys us just because he is different: he is wearing a wrong cap, he is looking wrong. But is it worth paying attention to this if he behaves naturally and does not violate moral standards? The same can be said about a person’s right to his own opinion.

If we are talking about questions to which it is impossible to give a single correct answer, then you should not immediately dismiss original and unexpected proposals. They may be more suitable than standard ones. Children are not as spoiled as adults and can think freely.

Recognize the student's right to be different. And perhaps you will raise a new Einstein.

3. Understanding that the teacher is providing a service

For some reason, this point most outrages teachers and many parents. Perhaps it's a matter of authority. A teacher sounds proud, and services are provided by hairdressers and movers. Unrespectable!

4. Willingness to gain authority with real things

There is no use in scaring. Today's children do not experience the fear of what people who survived the Soviet Union fear.

5. Sense of boundaries

This applies to both psychological boundaries (“don’t get into your soul”) and your own knowledge. After all, children are more competent than teachers in some areas.

6. Understanding your mission

The teacher should only give useful knowledge, which you can’t just Google (and if you can, the teacher is probably wasting his time).

7. Self-criticism

If a teacher analyzes his activities and thinks about how to make them better, he will achieve a lot. Everyone makes mistakes. Including cool adult uncles and aunts. And the sooner children realize this, the better.

8. Self-irony

The ability to be frivolous and joke about oneself is a necessary component of what is called stress resistance. And just a great quality of life in .

Self-irony allows you to defuse the situation, get distracted and move on to solving complex issues.

Of course, all this is difficult to achieve in conditions where pennies are allocated for education. Unfortunately, schools often have no choice and are forced to take whoever they can. Nevertheless, one should strive for the ideal.

What do you think? What should a modern teacher be like? Write in the comments.

A teacher is one of the most in-demand professions. It is necessary regardless of geographical location, such as political structure, fashion trends. Once upon a time, when labor was not divided into specific professions, only the oldest and most experienced members of the tribes became teachers. As society developed, representatives of this profession began to practice special skills. Thus, the work of a teacher turned into a craft.

Relevance of the teacher's work

The concept of who a teacher is appeared in Europe already in late XVIII V. IN modern world this profession gains everything higher value in view of scientific and technological progress. Teachers accompany each child almost from infancy. And the rhythm of life modern man so high and intense that you have to study throughout your entire life - not excluding retirement age.

How did the profession originate?

Who a teacher is has been known since the time of Confucius. The philosopher wrote in his writings that teachers should pass on knowledge from generation to generation. A significant breakthrough in the development of this profession was made during the Ancient Greece. The first ones appeared here for the first time educational institutions. These were boarding schools, schools, lyceums. Often the ancient Greek philosophers themselves acted as teachers in their own schools. Since the Middle Ages, education has become compulsory for every clergyman and ruler. Then education gradually began to become widespread. Almost all representatives of the upper strata of the population began to study. Education also became available to women. Special closed institutes were created for them.


Most precise definition This profession was given in Ozhegov’s dictionary: “A teacher is a person who teaches something.” D. N. Ushakov’s dictionary defines representatives of this craft as those who “are engaged in teaching any subject in the lower or high school" According to the Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language, a teacher is one who teaches a subject within the walls of a school, or one who instructs and teaches others.

What should a teacher be like?

Anyone who has thought about who a teacher is could discover one important pattern in practice: in addition to a thorough knowledge of the subject being taught, a successful and effective representative of this profession must have excellent communication skills. If he does not know how to communicate with his audience - be it first-graders or students preparing to enter graduate school - the value of his knowledge will tend to zero. After all, he will not be able to convey them - which means that students will not be able to assimilate and apply them in practice.

In addition, a good teacher must have great patience and the ability to respect the student’s personality. Who is a teacher if not the one who managed to find individual approach to the student, allowing him to assimilate the required amount of knowledge as effectively as possible? Therefore, a good teacher is not only an author scientific works having all the necessary diplomas. This is also a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey knowledge to a specific student.

You can give various definitions what a teacher means. However, we can say for sure that this profession is creative, and it has both positive and negative sides. In addition to the creative element, the work of a teacher is not without routine. After all, it is he who has to constantly draw up study plans and check homework. To be a successful representative of his profession, he needs to carefully carry out all this routine work. A teacher, in addition to the main element of his work - teaching - has many other responsibilities.

Who does the teacher work with?

A professional teacher must also be a strong-willed, restrained person. After all, he has to work with one of the most difficult age groups- teenagers. For students in this category, not only attention is required, but also the ability to maintain discipline. The educational process should not be disrupted due to students being distracted by gadgets, communication, or games. As for working with older students, as a rule, much more problems arise with them. less problems, because puberty is behind them, and professional self-determination comes to the fore. However, when working with young men, the teacher must also show attentiveness, perseverance, and the ability to organize efficiently. educational process.

Who is a teacher: description

What other things, besides teaching, is a teacher busy with? His responsibilities typically include the following:

  • Drawing up a training plan.
  • Preparing for lessons, compiling lesson plans.
  • Selection of the most effective techniques training.
  • Work on the preparation of various official documents: letters of recommendation, descriptions, characteristics, etc.
  • Control of student behavior.
  • Self-education. Each representative of this profession must study throughout his life.

Requirements for teachers

The first thing every good teacher should have is excellent knowledge of their subject area. A teacher must be able to know a lot, and at the same time constantly develop. Must also have flexibility and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure. The teacher must also love children, find mutual language not only with students, but also with their parents. Inherent qualities good teacher- This good memory, intelligence, attention to detail.

Profession "teacher": all the pros and cons

The advantages of this profession, as a rule, include:

  • Flexible work schedule. Typically, a teacher’s working day ends by three o’clock in the afternoon, while office workers are forced to endure the arrival of the cherished 18:00.
  • Long holidays, vacations. The teacher, as a rule, goes on vacation with his students.
  • An interesting job that involves different kinds activities: today the teacher is preparing a seminar, tomorrow he holds competitions among students, the day after tomorrow there is a holiday. Many teachers say that their calling is the only thing that keeps them in the profession despite all the difficulties.
  • Respect in society, the importance of the profession. Despite the fact that all professions are important to society, it is still customary to show special respect to teachers.
  • Opportunity to earn extra money through tutoring.

But despite the many advantages of the teaching profession, there are also disadvantages:

  • The need to always conform educational standards and standards, master new programs.
  • Additional workload in the form of working from home - checking homework, preparing for lessons.
  • As a rule, work in a female team.
  • Lack of prospects for career growth.
  • Low salary.

The profession of a teacher is special. This profession is chosen, rather, by the call of the heart.

After all, a teacher is not just a specialist in teaching a scientific discipline, he is also a leader, mentor and educator.

How to become a teacher and what you should be prepared for.

How to become a teacher

If you decide to become a teacher, then there are several ways to realize your dream:

1. To the teacher junior classes It is enough to graduate from a pedagogical lyceum or college. To teach in middle and high schools, you need to graduate from a pedagogical institute.

2. Graduate from a university in one of the disciplines. In Russia, any university graduate has the right to teach at school.

3. Graduate from a pedagogical college, start working as a primary school teacher, while simultaneously studying at the correspondence department of a university. After receiving higher education You can go to work in high school.

Become a high school or elementary school teacher? There is no clear answer here. The choice is up to you. The same applies to the choice of discipline: it is impossible to become good teacher, if you teach a subject that is not interesting to you.

Working as a teacher at school: features of the profession

The strictest requirements are always imposed on the teacher. Still would! After all, the object pedagogical activity- child, Personality! And it depends on the teachers how much good man and this child will become a Personality.

One can endlessly list the character traits that a teacher should have: morality, kindness, humanism and endless faith in people, no matter how utopian this may sound. We have already mentioned endurance and patience. I would also like to add about creativity, and about the ability to work in a team and with a team.

But with a career it’s more difficult. In general, the phrase “teacher’s career” is not entirely familiar to the Russian language. My entire career today is about improving my skills, participating and winning competitions and Olympics. Becoming a school director or head teacher is a completely different story. These positions involve administrative activities, so you will have to forget about pedagogy.

Another step is the transition from a regular school to a private one. After all, a career involves not only personal growth, but also growth wages. IN private school They pay more, but the requirements for applicants are much higher.

Profession teacher: pros and cons


  • Creative work that gives you the opportunity to realize your creative potential.
  • Part-time work and guaranteed two months vacation in the summer.
  • Working with children fills you with optimism.
  • Opportunity for part-time work as a tutor.


  • Repeating the same thing year after year will get boring, unless you nurture your skills and look for new methods and techniques.
  • In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that, despite all its negative aspects, a teacher is a multifaceted profession, respected and very much in demand.

    The profession of a teacher is perhaps one of the most famous and widespread professions. There are teachers in every city, town, and village. Every person has been studying and actively interacting with teachers for many years. Communication with them sometimes lasts a lifetime. Graduates willingly meet with many teachers even after graduation. As with any other specialty, there are pros and cons.

    A little history

    The description would not be complete without a brief historical review. The roots of this profession go back to ancient times. At first it was not singled out separately. Just older generation passed on her knowledge and skills to the younger ones. Thanks to this continuity primitive society developed.

    The first mentions of teachers as representatives of a separate profession are found in Confucius. The sage wrote that teachers must pass on new knowledge. A big breakthrough in the development of the sphere is taking place in Ancient Greece. Here the first public educational establishments– schools and lyceums. Ancient Greek sages often act as teachers in their institutions. In the Middle Ages, education became mandatory for rulers and monks. Universities are emerging.

    In the modern era, education becomes widespread. Learns to know almost everything. Girls can also receive education. Special closed institutes are created for them, where they study foreign languages, music, and rules of good manners. Young people receive military specialties. At the same time, homeschooling became popular.

    Public and Sunday schools opened later. Now commoners also have access to education. Education began to cover absolutely the entire population in Soviet time. Then schools opened in almost every village. During the same period, the teaching profession became one of the most widespread.

    What does the teacher do?

    We can talk about the teaching profession for a long time, since it is one of the most creative, it has many pros and cons. However, the work is not without routine elements, such as checking notebooks or drawing up plans. To be successful, a teacher must perform well all the tasks assigned to him. What are the responsibilities of a teacher?

    • Compilation work program And scheduling. Every year, teachers develop a plan for the entire school period. They describe the goals and objectives of the course, outline what results students should achieve, what knowledge and skills they should acquire.
    • Drawing up lesson plans. Every evening, preparing for tomorrow, the teacher describes in detail the course of the lesson, tries to predict the reaction of the students and their possible questions and answers.
    • Choice of the most effective methods work. The teacher decides how and in what form to conduct the lesson, how to present the material so that the children learn it as much as possible.
    • Checking notebooks. Another routine element. Teachers of mathematics and the Russian language have to do this almost every day: look for mistakes, read essays written in not always beautiful and legible handwriting, correct inaccuracies, etc.
    • Drawing up various official papers: letters of recommendation, descriptions, characteristics, etc.
    • Filling out the log. This work requires care and concentration, because you cannot make mistakes here.
    • Conducting lessons. Every day the teacher speaks in front of the audience, talks about something, etc.
    • Control. The teacher must monitor the children, their behavior, and be able to direct their energy.
    • Grading. The teacher must do this objectively and impartially.
    • Conducting hobby groups and sections.
    • Scientific activity. Many schools hold conferences where children present their reports and research. Teachers again direct this activity.
    • Self-education. This is a profession where learning lasts a lifetime, because everything around is constantly changing, new facts are discovered, research is conducted, etc. A teacher, in order to keep up with the times, must be aware of what is happening in the world. Also, to conduct a quality lesson, you need to know your subject area well.
    • Conducting parent meetings.
    • Organizing various events within the school or class.
    • Accompanying groups of schoolchildren when going to various events, exhibitions, hikes, etc.

    Requirements for a teacher

    As you can see, the teacher’s activities are varied. Therefore, high demands are placed on representatives of this profession. The teacher himself must know and be able to do a lot, constantly learn and develop. This is a definite plus. On the other hand, working with children requires constant nervous tension, which is a disadvantage of this profession. It is necessary to supplement the description with a list of qualities that a teacher should have. He is required to:

    • excellent knowledge of the subject;
    • the ability to get along and communicate with children of both primary and high school, to find a common language;
    • select an individual approach when presenting material;
    • mastery of oratory;
    • communication and organizational skills;
    • flexibility;
    • ability to make quick decisions;
    • love for children;
    • creative approach to teaching;
    • the ability to rebuild the educational process and, if necessary, deviate from the plan in order to achieve set goals;
    • quickly navigate the situation;
    • ability to solve pedagogical problems;
    • literacy, since someone who himself makes mistakes, including in spelling, cannot teach;
    • psychological approach;
    • the teacher must find a common language not only with each child, but also with the parents;
    • broad outlook, as a rule, children’s interests are rarely limited to one subject area;
    • be fair, impartial;
    • responsibility;
    • be stress-resistant, because working with children requires a lot of attention and tension;
    • attentiveness and good memory;
    • be a role model (often it is the behavior of teachers that children look up to);
    • patience (without this you will not be able to achieve results).

    In the specialty of a teacher, you can always find a way for self-realization. Many of the pros and cons of this field of activity are subjective, for example, some people like to think through everything to the smallest detail when drawing up a plan, but for others it’s torture.

    Working as a teacher is not always easy. This is, first of all, a great responsibility, because the future of the country is in the hands of teachers. Exactly at school years personality is being formed. And not last role Teachers play a role in this!

    The question of who is a real teacher is very often raised by people modern society, and it can be called more philosophical than substantive. In fact, it is very difficult to give the word “teacher” short definition, because people of this profession occupy one of the most important niches in society.

    Essay-reflection "A real teacher"

    “The definition of the word “teacher” most often includes the following - this is a person who teaches other people any scientific disciplines or skills. But in fact, the task of a real teacher is not simply to convey the experience accumulated by mankind. The main goal of any teacher is to educate Every student has a desire to learn, develop their talents and strive to achieve success not only within the disciplines they study, but also in life.

    Not every teacher can cope with such a global task, since the field of pedagogy is very difficult and requires constant dedication, physical and emotional. It happens that a person may simply not have enough vital energy in order to educate dozens, or even hundreds of people.

    From this we can conclude that a real teacher is a person who constantly gives all of himself, his time and energy in order to instill in others the desire to gain knowledge and explore this world."

    Teacher: definition and meaning of the profession

    "K. Ushinsky wrote that in the process of education, absolutely everything should be based on the personality of the teacher, since the power of education can only flow from a living human, personal source. Based on the words of the Russian founder of scientific pedagogy, we can conclude that a teacher must by nature have large stock internal energy, charisma and the ability to captivate his students to unlock their potential. One more allegorical definition can be given: a teacher is a sculptor who must create a masterpiece from a stubborn material.

    Educating people, teaching them something new is extremely difficult, because it requires perseverance and spiritual breadth, which will allow you to see individuality in a person and reveal his talents, which the person himself may not even be aware of. Overall, this great profession embodies nobility and humanity. And this is exactly what a teacher should be, since a selfish, cruel and domineering nature can never become a good teacher.

    Everyone puts something of their own into the definition of “teacher,” based on past experience, since for some he is a teacher, and for others he is a tyrant and despot. People who take it upon themselves must meet the requirements of this profession, be humane, honest, open and constantly work on internal self-improvement.”

    The importance of teachers in the life of every person

    “Teachers are people without whom it is impossible to imagine the life of society. From time immemorial, teachers pass on the thousand-year experience of humanity to new people, while opening a frightening curtain of mystery. A person who does not have a certain set of knowledge is a lost person who is overcome by fear. It is teachers relieve fragile minds from the fear of new things.

    But, in addition to the knowledge that teachers convey, they also teach important things to still unformed individuals - a sense of responsibility, duty, and the ability to put collective interests at the forefront. The burden of a teacher is very heavy, and only a person with a kind and sincere heart can cope with it.

    To summarize, we can say that in every person beats a piece of the heart of the teacher who was able to teach him love, patience and diligence. Therefore, teachers are irreplaceable people, thanks to whom a person not only becomes smarter, but also develops as a person.”

    People Called to Be Teachers

    “Everyone chooses their own path, but those people who decide to become teachers are already brave individuals who have taken on the burden of responsibility that they will have to carry through life. This burden lies in the ability not only to teach their students, but to educate them in them honest and decent people for the benefit of the whole society.

    It often happens that students cannot appreciate their teachers in time; they resist their instructions and try to prove that they themselves can do everything. But after long years everyone remembers teachers and mentally bows to them, because the contribution they make to education for us and for our sake is incomparable with any material benefits.

    Real teachers who have chosen the path to be a guiding light for fragile minds are real heroes, of whom there are many in society. Thanks to teachers, civilized society still exists and develops."