Timur Soloviev about family life. Timur Solovyov biography, biography photo personal life (girlfriend Anna Kasterova) presenter good morning, show legend

" Previously worked on TV channels " Muz TV" And MTV, starred in commercials.

Biography of Timur Solovyov

Timur Soloviev born on February 11, 1982 in the city of Jelgava in Latvia. Later he and his family moved to Odessa, where he entered the philological faculty of Odessa national university them. Mechnikov, studying there modern literature and journalism.

While studying Timur Solovyov played in the KVN team " Pagans» home university; also worked as a club promoter and model, participating in fashion shows Moscow and St. Petersburg and filming for glossy magazines.

In 2004, he graduated from the university with honors and was invited as a news anchor on the Odessa TV channel “Glas”. Later Soloviev began to conduct his own author's program O club life city ​​FACE CONTROL, thanks to which he became a local TV star. He was also the director of the show “Men’s Council”.

Timur Soloviev studied at school acting skills“Success” at the Odessa Film Studio and at the New York Academy of Film Arts with a degree in feature film directing.

Television career of Timur Solovyov

Timur Soloviev: “Of course, my day as a whole is not like the day of an ordinary employee who wakes up at 8, goes to the office, and returns home in the evening. I don't have monotonous everyday life. I often work on holidays, on weekends, in places where people are having fun. But after ten years I got used to it.”

From the year 2000 Timur Solovyov works on television. Since 2005, he has hosted programs on the TV channel. MTV Russia: « Cheerful morning», « 20 of the very best», « SMS Chart», « Film Chart and Big Film Chart", show " Find ID", and was also the producer and presenter of the project " City File».

In 2008 Timur Solovyov moved to the TV channel Muz TV", where he was the host of such programs as “Pro-news”, “Pro-Fashion”, “Sofa-bed”, “Festival Diaries” New wave in Jurmala", "Urbania", "v_PROkate".

In 2011, Timur Solovyov first tried himself as an actor. The showman performed a cameo in the comedy Pregnant directed by Sarik Andreasyan. Subsequently, Timur admitted that he did not feel any acting talent.

Timur Soloviev became the winner open competition presenters of Channel One, and on June 2, 2011 appeared on the morning TV channel “Good Morning”. On the eve of his first broadcast, he admitted: “I have experience working on television, I worked on music channel. But, of course, I wouldn’t be able to report the news.”

Since May 2012, Timur Solovyov has been hosting a daytime entertainment broadcast on Channel One. Good afternoon" together with Olga Ushakova.

In 2017, Solovyov became the host of the sports and entertainment show “Russian Ninja”, where his colleagues performed popular singer Yulianna Karaulova and Russian athlete and sports commentator Evgeny Savin. The main prize in the show is an amount of five million rubles.

In an episode of the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? » from December 2 Timur Soloviev and his colleague in the program "Russian Ninja" Yulianna Karaulova created a real sensation. The stars gave the correct answers to 15 questions, although not without outside help. They used all possible prompts: “Rule of Mistake,” “Call a Friend,” “50x50,” and “Audience Help.” As a result, Yulianna and Timur became the owners of three million rubles. I must say that in the entire history of the game show Grand Prize won only six times. IN last time big jackpot participants managed to break it in 2013.

Personal life of Timur Solovyov

Timur Soloviev is seriously interested in boxing and basketball. He is the founder of the Legend Production project, which holds fighting tournaments that combine kickboxing and mixed rules fights.

The presenter met with his colleague Anna Kasterova. Young people for a long time lived together, but eventually separated, and in 2016 Anna married a hockey player Evgenia Malkina.

Personal life of Timur Solovyov changed after he was invited to the Good Morning program on Channel One. He already had experience as a presenter - Timur hosted programs on some music TV channels, but he wanted to reach a new level of his career, and he succeeded. Having accidentally learned about the casting on the First, he passed it, not particularly hoping for success, and flew to the States, where he planned to become a director, but a call from television changed all his plans, and Timur considers this his great luck.

In the photo - Timur and Anna Kasterova

Working on the country's main TV channel forced Timur Solovyov to change his image - he began to dress more restrained, and the style of presenting the program was different from the style of presenting music programs. Thanks to the help of other presenters, who warmly accepted him into their team, he quickly completed the task. Timur Solovyov does not like to talk about his personal life, but it is known that he is associated romantic relationship with TV presenter Anna Kasterova. He says that he first saw Anya on television, and it was love at first sight. He raised all his friends to their feet to help them get her phone number, but winning Anna’s favor was not so easy, however, Timur’s efforts were not in vain, and the girl’s heart was won. In one of the interviews, he admitted that changes are coming soon in Timur Solovyov’s personal life, and he plans to become a family man.

Before getting on television, Timur Solovyov graduated from the Faculty of Philology of Odessa National University. Mechnikov, and during his studies he took Active participation in KVN, worked as an editor, club promoter and even a model, and in 2008 became the face of the Megafon company. Timur also has behind him the school of producers Timur Bekmambetov.

He came to television in 2000 - first he hosted programs on Odessa TV channels, and after moving to Moscow in 2005, he became a presenter on the MTV channel, then he moved to Muz-TV, and since 2009, together with Ekaterina Gordon, he has hosted his own original show "Bold Morning" There was a period when Timur Solovyov had no time left for his personal life - he simultaneously hosted up to eight programs, but then he decided to give up many of them, because he realized that he couldn’t work so much! Now his life is more measured, and he is full of plans for the future.

Kasterova Anna Romanovna (b. 1984) – Russian television presenter, journalist.

Childhood and youth

Anya was born on September 21, 1984 in the city of Zelenograd. At the time of her appearance, her parents were still very young; my mother did not even have time to graduate from college and receive a diploma. Therefore, in raising a girl great help provided by grandparents. From the very early years they taught their granddaughter to respect traditional values, so one of the first books Anya became acquainted with was the children's Bible.

The girl was chubby as a child, but she didn’t have any complexes about it. excess weight I didn’t notice until a certain moment. After all, Anya grew up in an atmosphere of love, her parents tirelessly repeated to her that she was beautiful and smart. But one day, while riding on the carousel, a boy came up to her and said: “Get off the swing, cow!” Since then, Anna regularly and carefully monitors her weight.

When she was fifteen years old, younger brother ik. And Anya always wanted to have an older brother, she was even a little envious of the girls in the yard who had them, because this is such protection. But with the birth of her little brother, Anna realized what happiness it was. Being an adult and famous, she tried to be a “cool sister” for him, spoiled him and bought computers, laptops and other fashionable gadgets.

The family was simple and not rich; they were rarely able to buy new things. Anya remembers how especially she wanted a new dress when she first fell in love at the age of fifteen. But now the screen star is making up for lost time: Anna loves shopping. It happens that he buys things and then never wears them. True, such things do not linger in her wardrobe; she gives them to her friends or takes them to orphanages.


After graduating from school, Anya entered the Moscow City Pedagogical University, where she received a diploma and the profession of “Psychology Teacher”.

Anna was 22 years old when it began television career. In 2006, she began working as editor of the popular program “Moscow: Instructions for Use” on the federal channel TNT. The program was dedicated to life in big city, Kasterova worked in tandem with presenter Vladimir Tishko. During the year of working on this program, Anya had to go on set, appear on camera, and the girl came to the feeling that she wanted to become a TV presenter herself.

Kasterova moved to one of the channels under the leadership of VGTRK. Here she started as a correspondent. She remembers her first experience well: a guest interview with her wife was scheduled former President Russia by Naina Yeltsina. All the top correspondents were busy, and management had no choice but to entrust this interview to Anna. She was only 23 years old at the time, she was still listed as an intern and was terribly worried. But everything went well, and the girl was even thanked for a well-conducted conversation. She still remembers those feelings of first pride and a certain victory. Many around realized that Kasterova was worth something.

Working as a correspondent gave Anna a lot. Firstly, she studied the entire television “kitchen”, looked at how everything works and how people work, and gained experience and knowledge. The girl is very stubborn and stubborn, she did a lot of training in diction, and went through all the television hazing. And when the casting took place for the position of presenter of news programs on the Rossiya-2 TV channel, Anya was unanimously chosen for this position, she was told: “Get ready, in a week you will have a live broadcast.”

Kasterova began hosting the Vesti. ru" and "Vesti. ru. Friday". These two programs made her famous. The Friday night block had an unusual presentation style. It examined the most discussed Russian and world events over the past week - news of science and technology, the lives of celebrities, unexpected shots. After the first few programs, both the channel’s management and television viewers noted the positive mood and friendliness of the presenter. Added to this was her bright appearance, which created a special mood among the audience at the end of the work week.

Of course, television is a specific environment where its own rules and laws apply. The hardest thing was to find mutual language with everyone, learn to work in a team, interact freely with people and work for a common result. Over time, Anya succeeded, she gained self-confidence, for which she is eternally grateful to her viewers, because she constantly felt: she was in demand, watched and loved.

In addition to news broadcasts, Anya was a regular guest on the football talk show “Header,” where she passionately questioned famous athletes about their clubs and owners, wives and children, sports regime and non-sports recreation.

A bright television star attracted the attention of other producers television channels, she repeatedly received new job offers. Anya is not a person who stops at the achieved results; she always wanted to achieve new heights.

In the fall of 2012, she received an interesting offer from the NTV channel and moved there to the Central Television program, where she worked in tandem with presenter Vadim Takmenev.

According to Anna, it was an offer that could not be refused. And first of all in terms of creativity. After all, in essence, “Central Television” was not a program, but a whole evening channel, where various television genres intertwined (exclusive reports, concert numbers, interviews with stars, experiments).

A decent salary was also an important factor, because Anya at that time was helping her family financially - her parents and younger brother, her grandparents, and NTV offered her very good money.

Over the four years of work, Anya has developed an excellent relationship with the entire team of the Rossiya-2 and Rossiya-24 channels, from management to the editors who made the stories for her. Therefore, she took the transition to another channel painfully, but she was lucky: and in new team She got in pretty quickly.

Takmenev led the main block of “CT. The main thing”, and Kasterov’s “CT Revelation” and “CT. Evening." The program had this format until 2013, after which the channel’s management decided to move the program to Saturday evening and reduce the broadcast time. Anya returned to the Rossiya TV channel, where she became the host of the program “ Big sport».

Personal life

While working on television, Anya began a romantic relationship with a colleague, Channel One presenter Timur Solovyov. However, they did not end with the wedding; the couple broke up.

Anya had known the famous hockey player Evgeni Malkin for a long time, they were connected friendly relations. But at some point, friendship grew into more serious feelings.

Anya liked the fact that, despite his popularity, he did not lose his sense of reality, was always responsive to other people’s problems and troubles, and tried to help in every possible way. Malkin is a very busy person, but he always finds free time for charity and helping children. He is kind and caring, you can feel male power, he is calm and confident, very strong-willed and with a great sense of humor. All this captivated Kasterova, and she fell in love. They felt good together, but Anya didn’t want any excitement and gossip, so the couple hid their love for a long time.

But there was a problem in their relationship: Zhenya lived and worked in America, he had a long-term contract with the Pittsburgh Penguins hockey club. Anya couldn't imagine her life without Russian television. He spent the entire season in America, and in the summer he came to Moscow. Several times a year, Anna flew to him overseas, but she could not decide to give up everything, because she had been walking to her place in the television world for a very long time and not easily.

But love turned out to be stronger: Anya left her television career and moved to North America. This decision was thoughtful and balanced. After all, her main goal in life was not work, but family. Closer to thirty years old, she already really wanted to be a wife and mother, to live next to her beloved and loving person, to have your own big cozy house, and to have several cats in it.

In the fall of 2015, Evgeniy proposed marriage to Anya. But the wedding was postponed as the couple was expecting the birth of their first child. On May 31, 2016, Anya and Zhenya gave birth to a boy, Nikita.

Beauty secrets

Anya believes that the beauty of any person depends on his mood. She tries to always have a positive attitude.

Kasterova regularly visits the gym and increases her activity every year. She has at least three workouts a week and prefers intense exercise – “bodypump”, “bodycombat” and boxing. When he is on vacation, he gives himself a break from training, but starts every morning with a jog.

As for nutrition, Anya makes no secret of the fact that she loves to eat delicious food. She especially likes Italian cuisine: pizza and pasta. She cooks these dishes perfectly herself. But, given your predisposition to be overweight, you have to limit yourself. The basis of her daily diet consists of steamed dishes, fish and vegetables. The morning starts with a cup of coffee and glazed cheese. Anna has her own secret in nutrition: before every meal she drinks a glass tomato juice, which gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Anya’s weakness is sweets, all kinds of candies, donuts, cakes, chocolate. Sometimes he can’t sleep unless he eats a couple of “Bear in the North” candies. Not the most useful habit, but Anya then conscientiously practices it in gym.

She herself is calm about the fact that Kasterova heads the list of the sexiest television presenters in Russia and says that it would be more pleasant to lead the list of the smartest. And she prefers to leave her sexuality for her loved one.

Due to her bright appearance, Anna has repeatedly received offers from men's magazines, for example, Maxim, for candid photography. Even the magazine “Pro Sport”, which is completely unusual for them, invited her to appear in a swimsuit. But for now, Kasterova considers such options unacceptable for herself. Because among her fans there are a lot of 13-14 year old girls who look at Anna, imitate her, and study. And she doesn’t want to give these girls a reason to think that success and career growth can be achieved by undressing.

Despite Anna's popularity, she is quite humble person, does not want to impose himself on anyone and does not see the point in this. When I was driving news program, which took up two and a half hours of air time in prime time, Anya believed that this time was quite enough for those who love the presenter and respect her work. She never tried to come up with artificial stories, participate in photo shoots, or attract fans by creating her websites.

One of the fans decided that such a beautiful and popular TV presenter could not do without her pages on the Internet and opened the unofficial website of Anna Kasterova. I filled it with photographs and video clips from various television programs. But Anya herself did not take any part in this, moreover, she considers this a stupid idea, she is not at all interested in it and does not need it.

As for communicating with the Internet, Anna cannot call herself an active blogger. However, it's already enough long time she is registered and has her own page on the social network Facebook. Here you have the opportunity to communicate with friends who are this moment travel and are somewhere far abroad. Also, using this social network, Anya is constantly aware of all events thanks to the news and entertainment feed.

Anna refuses to add people she doesn’t know as “friends” on the social network. She has personal photos there from her vacation that she would not like to put on public display. Therefore, she does not accept strangers as “friends”, only her good acquaintances. Because of this, many fans consider her pretentious and star-struck, they begin to write nasty things and unflattering comments, but Anya learned not to pay attention to this, although at first it was very offensive.

IN Everyday life Kasterova adheres to a sporty, discreet style of clothing. Favorite makeup is “smoky eyes” with a natural lip shade. He prefers to relax passively; he can lie on the beach by the sea all day, sunbathe and read a book.

Anna Kasterova is a young, secretive, ambitious, sexy presenter of one of the popular Russian channels.

Unknown childhood

Anna was born in a small town - Zelenograd, was brought up in an ordinary Soviet family. She has a younger brother. The girl studied well at school. From an early age she had a thick build and loved her grandmother’s baked goods.

IN adolescence Anya realized that with such a figure it was impossible to achieve success and attract the attention of guys. Therefore, I started playing sports and limited myself in food. After receiving her matriculation certificate, the beauty Kasterova entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University faculty " Practical psychology" However, tie your future fate Anna did not succeed in her acquired profession.

Television, the first rays of glory

Anna Kasterova at the beginning of her career on the Friday channel

Guide of one federal channel noted the potential of the modest but persistent Anna and offered her a vacancy as a news program host. So the girl became the face of Vesti.ru. Friday". Kasterova quickly joined the team and began to work fruitfully. She adds her own twist to every episode of the show. easy style communication attracts viewers and charges them with positive emotions.

Anna has become one of the most popular and sought-after TV presenters in the post-Soviet space. The only thing she doesn’t like is the “sex symbol” template stuck to her. Kasterova never goes against her principles. When asked by glossy publications to appear half-naked, she refuses. According to the presenter, there are many young girls among her fans, and she does not want to set a bad example for them.

Anna Kasterova presenter of the "Big Sport" program

In addition to Vesti.ru. Friday,” Kasterova has repeatedly been a guest host of the entertainment and sports talk show “Head Blow.” The ability to subtly and competently conduct a conversation with eminent personalities and ask them compromising questions contributed to an increase in the rating of the program.

Anna Kasterova and Vadim Takmenov

In 2012, Kasterova began collaborating with another Russian channel, NTV. In company with Vadim Takmenev stylish girl appeared on the air of Central Television. A year later, Anna returned to “Russia-2” and headed the sports show “Big Sport”. The leadership of VGTRK invited the popular presenter to host another project - “I am a policeman.”

Secrets of personal life

Kasterova does not like to attract the attention of the paparazzi, so she tries not to talk about her personal life. IN in social networks there are many fake pages under Anna's nickname. The only one Official page is on Facebook, but the girl only adds people she knows personally there.

Anna Kasterova and Timur Solovyov

Kasterova’s first relationship, which appeared on the pages of the yellow press, was with the popular TV presenter Timur Solovyov. But the girl did not comment on the constant attacks against her because of this. Photos of the couple in an informal setting began to appear online. But all the rumors and assumptions were debunked by the news about the engagement of Kasterova and Malkin.

For a long time, Anna and Evgeniy hid their relationship. The famous hockey player is in America almost all the time, and the presenter is in Russia. After a joint holiday in the Maldives, a beautiful couple decided to legalize their relationship.

Anna Kasterova with her husband Evgeni Malkin

Malkin and Kasterova became spouses in one of the American registry offices. On May 31 in New York, Anna gave her husband a son, Nikita. After giving birth, the young mother quickly regained her shape and continues to delight fans with new reports.

Read about the lives of famous Russian athletes

Anna Kasterova has a long and firmly established reputation as a sex symbol on Russian television. The face of the famous presenter attracts the gaze of even those people who look at the television screen very rarely, and in terms of the number of requests on the RuNet, Anna Kasterova is among the leaders not only among television stars, but also among many public people Russia. At the same time, the TV star is in no hurry to disclose details of his biography and personal life, preferring to remain only for his fans. in a wonderful way on the screen.

Anna Romanovna Kasterova is a native of Zelenograd (September 21, 1984). When the girl was born, her parents were very young, her mother had not yet received her diploma, and her grandparents took a great part in raising the girl. They passed on to their granddaughter respect for traditional values, and one of her first books was a children's Bible. Fifteen years later another one appeared in the family

one child, boy Sasha. After graduating from school, Anya entered the Moscow State Pedagogical University and received a diploma in teaching psychology.

In 1986 she came to federal TV channel TNT, where she began working with presenter Vladimir Tishko as editor of the popular program “Moscow: instructions for use.” After a year of work at TNT, during which

Because she had to go to filming and appear on camera, Anna realized that she would like to become a TV presenter herself, and moved to VGTRK. At first, Anna worked as a television correspondent, then, having gained experience and studied the television “kitchen” from the inside, she passed the casting and became the host of the “Vesti.ru” and “Vesti.ru. Pyatnitsa” programs on the Russia-2 TV channel. These two programs, especially the last

No, they made Anna a celebrity. The Friday news block was distinguished by an unusual manner of presentation; it presented the most discussed events in Russia and the world, the latest in science and technology, stories from the lives of celebrities, and unexpected shots. The positive mood and friendliness of the presenter, her bright appearance created a special mood at the end of the work week. Anna Kasterova became the one

She was also a regular participant in the talk show on football topics “Header”, where she had to argue on equal terms with celebrities and professionals, ask them various, sometimes very uncomfortable questions, and instantly make decisions in extraordinary situations. In addition, Anna hosted the program “PROtourism” and the reality show “GT Academy”.

The popular presenter has a lot of fans who

They were very active on social networks, and with them a problem arose that is familiar to many beautiful and extraordinary women: many people enjoy talking bad things about them. Anna Kasterova copes with this trouble in the most effective way - she simply does not notice it.

Producers of other TV channels did not ignore the bright TV star - Anna Paul

I studied offers from MTV, STS, and other television companies. However, working in reality shows and seasonal television projects did not appeal to her. In the fall of 2012, Kasterova began working on the NTV channel. By this time, the format of the popular program "Central Television", hosted by Vadim Takmenev, had been radically changed - its release time began to be three hours. In addition, in "Central

"Nom Television" increased the number of genres, and the main emphasis shifted from the field of politics towards "star" news and entertainment. Takmenev became the host of the main part of the program - "CT. The main thing." Anna Kasterova led two blocks - "CT. Revelations" and "CT. Evening." In this format, "Central Television" was published until the beginning of 2013, after which a decision was made to

Changing the program time and moving it to Saturday evening. Anna returned to the Russia-2 TV channel. Since June 2013, she has been the host of the daily program "Big Sport", which many call the main television magazine in Russia.

Anna Kasterova can be called not only very beautiful, but also very successful woman. However, it cannot be said that her road to success was easy. Anna with

considers herself prone to obesity, and adheres to a strict diet. Every day before work, she devotes time to fitness, goes boxing or jogging several times a week, and her home scales are specially configured to show her weight three kilograms more than real. In everyday life, Anna prefers discreet sport style clothes, favorite makeup style – “smoky”

and aiz" and lips of a natural color. Details of your personal life star TV presenter she is in no hurry to share, although at one time there was talk about her affair with Timur Solovyov, a former host of MTV and Muz-TV. At the same time, Anna Kasterova admits that in her life there is not only a favorite job, but also a beloved man, and perhaps she will soon plan to have a child.