Art gallery portrait of the artist's daughter. Surikov and Konchalovsky

The portrait was created in the winter of 1887-1888 in Moscow, in Kuzmin’s house on Smolensky Boulevard, where the Surikov family lived at that time. In Surikov’s letters there is a mention of work on this work: “I am painting at home Olin’s portrait in the red dress she wore in Krasnoyarsk” (Letter to P.F. and A.I. Surikov dated September 9, 1887 // Letters. Memoirs about the artist. - L., 1977. P. 75.).

Strong, alive ten year old girl, childishly clumsy, stands by the white stove. Her direct and open gaze looks directly at the viewer. The entire figure of the daughter is captured by the artist in a very characteristic way. As always, in Surikov’s portraits there are no attempts to give the model any deliberate beauty.

According to family memories, the portrait was painted under the following circumstances. “Vasily Ivanovich suddenly clearly imagined Olya near the stove. He quietly stood up, opened the door and looked through the crack. Olya stood in a red dress with polka dots against the background of bright white tiles, pressing her two plump palms to it, warm. Round face she was illuminated with friendly and cheerful confidence... A month passed. An easel with a canvas appeared in the dining room, on which Olya stood tall near the stove... Olya was patient - she knew how to pose.

And often the whole family spent the morning together in the dining room, so that Olya would not be bored standing... A marvelous portrait

She will soon face grief -
She will be left without a mother.
Her father idolizes her
But life will stubbornly interfere.

She has a lot to do in life -
Disease, hunger, cold, war.
While the girl is looking
Look at the world trustingly, calmly.

She's still under wing
Father, parental home,
But soon everything will fall apart
And she cannot avoid the rift.

But she will endure everything
And her line will continue,
Over the years the girl will enter
Life in Russian culture.

And they will step into the twenty-first century
Her distant descendants
And the light of culture will be carried
Through years of unmeasured darkness.
(Sapritsky E.B.)

The picture conveys an atmosphere of family comfort and peace. The portrait of his daughter ends the happiest period in Surikov’s life, personally and creatively. In February 1887 on the 15th Traveling exhibition he exhibited “Boyaryna Morozova”. The painting brought him universal recognition and fame as the first Russian painter in historical genre. But at the end of 1888, the artist’s wife fell seriously ill and died. A long streak of depression and crisis begins. He will go to Krasnoyarsk for a long time, where he will be revived in his work on “The Taking of the Snow Town.”

And the artist’s daughter Olga Vasilievna (1878-1958) will have a big and interesting life. She will become a wife famous painter Pyotr Konchalovsky. They first saw each other when Petya was 16 years old and Olya was 14. He came to the studio of Olya’s father, the artist Vasily Surikov, to take lessons. But the serious young lady was then more interested in her own studies at the gymnasium. So in that a fleeting meeting The teenagers weren't even introduced to each other. The real acquaintance happened ten years later. And now it was love, even at second sight. Three weeks later, Peter and Olya realized that they could not live without each other. Vasily Surikov wrote to his brother about this: “I need to tell you very joyful and unexpected news: Olya is marrying a young artist from a good noble family, Pyotr Petrovich Konchalovsky. He is an Orthodox and believer.” Soon the couple had a daughter, Natasha.

Their daughter and granddaughter of Surikov - Natalya - will marry Sergei Mikhalkov, a famous fabulist, playwright, author of two hymns: Soviet Union And Russian Federation. This marriage will produce two sons - famous film directors Nikita Mikhalkov and Andrei Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, great-grandchildren of the great artist.

Today in lesson we will learn:

Determine his mood

Reflection on the question.

What is the name of the painting?

What did she like to play?

What character?


What results did you get?

What else needs to be done?

What else needs to be worked on?

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“Lesson on literary reading Art gallery V. I. Surikov “Portrait of the artist’s daughter””

Lesson Art Gallery IN AND. Surikov “Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter”

Today in class we are going to the “Picture Gallery” section.

The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the reproduction of the painting by V. I. Surikov “Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter.” What will we remember, learn, what will we learn? The questions from the textbook on page 129 will help us answer this question.

Today in lesson we will learn:

Describe the appearance of the person depicted in the portrait;

Determine his mood

Make a verbal portrait of a person.

Description of the girl depicted in the portrait.

The girl is standing near the wall, perhaps this is the wall of the stove, because... there is a flap at the bottom. She is wearing a red dress with small white polka dots, a belt and a red bow. The top of the dress is decorated with a large white lace bow. The girl's feet are wearing brown stockings and black shoes. In the hands of a girl beautiful doll in white fluffy dress. The girl loves her toy, so she hugs it tightly to herself, gently hugging the doll around the waist.

The girl is in a cheerful mood, because she is smiling and her eyes are wide open. She looks forward calmly and a little shyly, as if she is embarrassed.

Reflection on the question.

What if Surikov made the wall dark? (the girl was not visible and was sad)

What is the name of the artist who painted the picture?

What is the name of the painting?

Determine the genre of this work?

Compilation verbal portrait girls.

Tell me, what do you think the girl was like?

What did she like to play?

What character?

What task was given in the lesson?

Did you manage to solve the problem?


What results did you get?

What else needs to be done?

Where can you apply new knowledge?

What went well in the lesson?

What else needs to be worked on?

Homework: find other works by Surikov. Write down their names, determine the genre, tell what is depicted on them.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

« Kindergarten No. 11 “Cherry”

Summary of the organized educational activities By visual arts for pre-school groups.

Topic: “Acquaintance with the work of V.I. Surikov. Portrait of a daughter"

Goal: introducing preschool children to the culture of their native landthrough acquaintance with picture B. AND.Surikov “Portrait of a Daughter”.

Training tasks :

1. Introduce children to the work of artist V. AND.Surikov.

2. Develop children’s ability to examine reproductions of paintings and answer questions posed.

3. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the “portrait” genre of painting.

Developmental tasks :

1. Develop cognitive interest inartistic creativity. AND.Surikov.

2. Strengthen children’s ability to draw with a simple pencil sketch, maintain proportions, symmetry.

3. Developchildren's creativity, fine motor skills.

Educational tasks :

1. Foster love and respect for the history of the native land.

2. Evoke an emotional response to a work of art.

Preliminary work :

1. Conversation about the professionartist.

2. Examination of reproductions of paintings and portraits of V.I. Surikov.

3. Reading stories from the biography of the artist V.I. Surikov.

Methods and techniques :

Story, conversation, looking at reproductions, playing, Practical activities children, use of fiction.

Material :

Illustration of a self-portrait by V.I.Surikov, illustrations of the museum-estate of V.I.Surikovin the city of Krasnoyarsk, reproductions of paintings depicting portraits of the artist’s loved ones, reproduction of a painting"Portrait of a Daughter" , didactic tables: “Stages of making a portrait”, “Examples of human facial expressions”, “Parts of the face”,materials for children's individual activities: paints, pencils, wax crayons, brushes, napkins, sheets of A4 paper.

Planned results :

1. Gaining knowledge aboutworks of the Krasnoyarsk artist V.AND.Surikov.

2. Emotional perception of the content of the artist’s paintings.

3. Development of observation, voluntary attention, emotional responsiveness.

4. Exhibition of children's works"Portrait of a Daughter" .

OOD progress:

Organizing time.

Educator : Listen to the riddle:

If you see what's in the picture

Is someone looking at you?

Or a prince in an old cloak,

Or a steeplejack in a robe,

Pilot or ballerina,

Or Vovka, your neighbor

The picture must be called -….

Children: Portrait.

Educator : Here are paintings by Krasnoyarsk artist V.I. Surikov. What genre do they belong to?

Children: Portrait.

Educator: What is a portrait?

Children: The portrait depicts a person - face, or in full growth.

Educator: "Portrait" translated from French means “to reproduce feature by feature.” Portraits can be single or group; they can be drawn from life or from an idea.

Didactic game "Collect a portrait".

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about components faces and their spatial location.

Educator: « What wonderful portraits came out.”

Teacher's story: Today I wantintroduceyou with one wonderful person. All his life he was engaged in painting. So who was he?

Children: Artist.

Educator: He painted many different paintings. And on one he even depicted himself.

Looking at a self-portrait . Invite children to describe a self-portrait.

Children: dark hair, mustache, beard, stern and serious look) .

Educator: This guy's name wasartist Vasily Ivanovich Surikov. They called him because he lived a long time ago. Almost 160 years ago. And was born in January(26) . There is even a house in Krasnoyarsk where he lived. Now it's a museum.SurikovSince childhood I loved to draw. When I was very little, I drew on chairs. For which his mother scolded him very much. Then he took up drawing and even went to study at the St. Petersburg Academy. And became realartist. He wrote very different paintings. And one daySurikovdepicted his daughter in his painting (examining the painting).

Children looking at the portrait.

Teacher's story: Before us is a very touching picture.The artist depicts his eldest daughter Olga as a child. We see a pretty girl who is diligently posing for her father. She holds her favorite doll in her hands. Surikov manages to convey the liveliness of his daughter’s character. There is a smile on the girl's face. She is good-natured and very soft. You can read curiosity in the eyes. The face is round and very cute. It is framed by lush hair. Olya is wearing a bright red dress with small polka dots white. A large white collar of delicate lace adorns it. This detail makes the child's figure more feminine. Olga is painted next to the stove; it is the stove that becomes a kind of background to the picture. As a result, the artist manages to paint a living portrait. It seems that in just a minute we will hear children's laughter. Surikov not only portrays his daughter, but also conveys special treatment To her. We feel. That he loves her very much. The audience gets an incredibly warm feeling.

Dynamic pause.

We will become trees

Strong, big.

Legs are roots

Let's space them wider

To hold the tree

They didn't let me fall.

Water was obtained from distant depths.

Our body is a mighty trunk,

He sways a little

And with its sharp tip

It touches the sky.

Our hands are branches

Together they form the crown,

In the crown they are not at all afraid,

When the winds blow hard.

Educator: So, our research is completed and now we can proceed to

our task. You can imagine yourself in the role famous artist and paint the picture “Portrait of a Daughter.” When completing the task, use the didactic tables that are on the board: “Stages of performing a portrait”, “Examples of human facial expressions”, “Parts of the face”.

Before we start drawing, let's makegymnastics for the eyes .

Here it is autumn forest!

It contains many fairy tales and miracles!

(Perform circular movements with the eyes).

On the left are pine trees, on the right are spruce trees.

(Perform eye movements left and right).

Woodpecker from above, knock and knock.

(Perform up and down movements with your eyes.)

Close your eyes - open them

And hurry home!

During the work, the teacher provides assistance, depending on the creative


Educator: Children, today you were able to show yourself as real portrait artists.


Questions from the teacher to the children : With whichmet the artist?

Children: Vasily Ivanovich Surikov.

Educator: Where did he live?

Children: in the city of Krasnoyarsk.

Educator: What kind of paintings did he paint?

Children: portraits of loved ones and relatives.

Educator: Who is depicted in the picture that we painted?

Children: The artist's daughter, Olga.

Organization of an exhibition of children's works “Portrait of a Daughter”. Examination.

July 1, 2013, 12:10

The only love Vasily Surikov

The great Russian artist Vasily Ivanovich Surikov was born in Krasnoyarsk on January 12, 1848 in the family of a clerical employee who came from an old Cossack family. The boy received his first drawing lessons from his school teacher. In 1868 he went to St. Petersburg, where he entered the Academy of Arts. Upon graduation, he lived in Moscow. He constantly came to Siberia, visited the Don, Volga, and Crimea. In 1880–1890 he visited France, Italy and a number of other European countries. The masters of Venetian and Spanish Renaissance and Baroque, especially Veronese and Velazquez.

When they met, she was twenty and he was thirty. They were destined to live together for a short time, only ten years, but their story is one of the most remarkable. This is history happy love And tragic fate. Surikov saw his first future wife Elizaveta Augustovna Share during morning mass in catholic church St. Catherine, in St. Petersburg. As it turned out, they both really loved Bach's music. Young people came to Nevsky Prospekt every Sunday to hear chorales famous composer. After a series of such meetings, an acquaintance took place.
Soon Surikov had to leave - he received an order to paint the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. It was 1877. All summer, Surikov found time to travel to St. Petersburg to see the beauty who had fallen into his heart, and in December he asked for Lisa’s hand in marriage. The bride, although born in Russia, was a true Parisian by her upbringing. Her father, the Frenchman August Charest, met a Russian girl in Paris and married her. After some time, the family moved to St. Petersburg, where they had five children. The customs and orders in the family remained French, and the daughters stood out among their peers with a special Parisian chic, although the family was not particularly rich.
Surikov hid the good news about the wedding from his family.
It was not easy for him to do this. The reason for Surikov’s strange behavior was simple: he was happy, but he was worried about how his mother, a very stern woman, a Siberian Cossack, would react to his choice. For her, a “French” daughter-in-law would not be a particularly pleasant surprise. For her beloved Vasenka, she would probably like to find a simple, understandable bride.

Portrait of Elizaveta Avgustovna Surikova, the artist’s wife.

The newlyweds moved to Moscow, where they lived very friendly. Both loved music and literature, they were not bored together, and in the first years their lives were quite solitary. Vasily was truly happy - next to him was someone who understood him and forgave him for being completely immersed in work. U happy couple two girls were born - Olga and, two years later, Elena. They were never separated, even when the girls were very small, they all traveled together. Surikov joked that “everything that is mine is always with me.” Only one thing sometimes darkened the happiness of the family: Elizabeth had a congenital heart defect.

Portrait of Olga Surikova (married Konchalovskaya), the artist’s daughter, as a child. 1888

Inspired, Surikov worked tirelessly. “The Morning of the Streltsy Execution” and “Boyarina Morozova” were written, recognition and financial independence came. Surikov admired his wife and drew her with pleasure. She was the model for one of the most tragic figures in Russian painting - eldest daughter Menshikova, Maria.

"Menshikov in Berezovo" (1883).

Surikov took a long time to paint his painting “Menshikov in Berezovo”. We needed faces that would express the entire tragedy of the fate of a family that was once the most powerful in Russia and found itself in exile at the ends of the earth, in Siberia. Maria, the former royal bride, died at the age of 18 in exile. So Vasily Ivanovich Surikov painted her with his wife. But both of them could not even imagine that in some mystical sense, the fate of Mary, who could not bear life in Siberia, would be echoed in the fate of Elizabeth.

Menshikov's eldest daughter. 1882

One day, after almost a year of traveling around Europe, the Surikovs go to Siberia. The dampness of Siberian water travel, shaking on broken roads... All this was a difficult test for Lisa’s fragile health. On way back she became seriously ill. Siberia, which made Surikov so happy, turned out to be disastrous for her. During his wife’s illness, he did not leave her side and did not trust her to anyone. He coped with all the doctors’ orders himself. But in the spring Elizabeth died.
Surikov never married again; he lived only for his girls and for art.

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov with his daughters Olga (right) and Elena and brother, Alexander, before leaving for Siberia. Summer 1889.

In the future, Olga Surikova will marry the artist Pyotr Konchalovsky and they will have a daughter, Natalya, the mother of Andrei Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov. Natalia Konchalovskaya and her life will be discussed in the next post.

Vasily Ivanovich Surikov with his grandchildren - Natasha and Misha Konchalovsky.

P.S. I'd really like to more photos, but there are almost none of them on the Internet.

Updated 01/07/13 15:27:

IN AND. Surikov with his wife

Portrait of Elena Surikova, the artist’s daughter, 1906

Surikov V.I. Portrait of O.V. Surikova, the artist’s daughter, in childhood. 1888. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Touching “Portrait of O.V. Surikova, the artist’s daughter, as a child,” Surikov wrote in 1888, at the same time successfully showing it at the 16th traveling exhibition.

“A pretty round face, framed by dark voluminous hair, seriously. But this is not her character, this is her attitude towards her father’s work - she poses businesslike and calmly. Gentleness and good nature lurk in the corners of a firmly defined mouth: he is about to smile cheerfully and slyly! Eyes, smart, inquisitive, looking out from under thick bangs, and underneath it one can discern a clean, high forehead. In this portrait, her entire happy, ardent and cheerful disposition, instantly responsive to everything, is so clearly seen and captured.
Her legs in red stockings against the background of white tiles are businesslikely stable, and in the way they are placed, one can feel her confidence and some waywardness. Their contours, soft, not outlined by a hard line, at the same time give the feeling of strong and dense muscles under the stockings. A child's figure, without a waist, is wearing a low-tied sash, and the girl is standing, leaning slightly forward. The round white collar sets off the rosy matteness of the face. And there is not the slightest girlish coquetry in this girl, even though she is all plastic and graceful - the key to future femininity. The palm of the left hand is pressed against the white tile, and the fingers are written in such a way that they seem warm. Right hand Olya hugged the ever-changing doll Verochka, who was staring off into space with her blue eyes. A blond cap of doll hair plays with gold on a red background, and a lush pink dress and the velvet on her neck give her away as a Parisian.
Marvelous portrait! In him, all the charm and liveliness of the girl, all the purity and harmony of her mind and soul, and all the love and admiration of the father and the artist will live forever.” (Source: Konchalovskaya N. Priceless gift: Romantic true story. / Natalya Konchalovskaya. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Book Publishing House, 1978. - 300 pp.)

From Natalia Konchalovskaya’s book “The Priceless Gift” about the history of the creation of the portrait

In the next dining room, a young student teacher was studying grammar with Olya, preparing her for the first grade of the gymnasium.

Well, what kind of collar are you wearing - red? - she asked Olya.

No... Not red, but white.

Vasily Ivanovich suddenly imagined his daughter in a white collar over a red dress with white polka dots. How it flashed, this dress, in the willow thickets on the Yenisei, faded in the thick shadow, and then fluttered out into the sun and flew along the sandbank...

How do you write it - “not” or “neither”?

Not red.

Right. What kind of collar do I have? Red or white?

And you... And you have nothing - neither red nor white!

How will you write this?..

Olya thinks and then firmly decides:

Well done, right!

Vasily Ivanovich listens, smiling: “Look, your little head is thinking!”

“Now get up and go there,” says the teacher. You can hear Olya pushing back her chair and walking hurriedly.

So! Where did you go?

To the oven.

What letter will you put at the end?

Pause. Olya thinks.

I'll put the letter "e". Dative here - to whom, to what.

Fine! - the teacher is happy. -Where are you standing?

Another pause.

Near the stove. “And” will be here,” Olya hastens to explain, “because here is the genitive - who, what!..

Vasily Ivanovich suddenly clearly imagined Olya near the stove. He quietly stood up, opened the door and looked through the crack. Olya stood in a red dress with polka dots against the background of bright white tiles, pressing her two plump palms to it, warm. Her round face was illuminated with friendly and cheerful confidence.

“This is how you should write it,” thought Vasily Ivanovich and closed the door...

A month has passed. An easel with a canvas appeared in the dining room, on which Olya stood tall near the stove. And how each new picture, she took first place in the life of the family. At first the portrait was in coal, then it began to be painted over. Olya was patient and knew how to pose. And often the whole family spent the morning together in the dining room so that Olya wouldn’t get bored standing around.

A very emaciated Elizaveta Augustovna sat in a large soft chair and occupied Olya with reading or conversation. After a trip to Siberia, her health immediately deteriorated so much that she needed constant medical supervision. Professor Cherinov treated her. He visited the Surikovs almost every day. And Vasily Ivanovich trusted him so much and constantly needed his advice that he even decided to paint a portrait of him so that he could stay in their house longer. This portrait hung in the Surikovs’ living room, as if guarding the hostess when Cherinov was not there.

Elizaveta Augustovna was no longer able to run the household, she was also unable to go out with her daughters, and Vasily Ivanovich did everything himself, feeling guilty for dragging his wife to Siberia. Only now did he realize that this trip “ate” Lilya. She couldn’t swim for weeks on water in the autumn mists, she couldn’t shake over potholes with a bad heart, she couldn’t test it in the fight against her mother’s severe hostility. Oh, mom, mom!.. Torgoshin’s habit - either he will give his soul to you, or he will exhaust your soul!.. Lila couldn’t do all this. Now it’s impossible to recognize the former beautiful, cheerful, efficient mistress of the house. It was not for nothing that Lilya treated Siberia with such distrust, as if she sensed that it would bring her death, like that same Princess Maria Menshikova for whom she posed.

And on this cold December morning, Elizaveta Augustovna sat in a chair, wrapping her legs in a blanket. Under her pink flannel blouse her thinner, narrow shoulders were outlined, and from under her white cap her face, exhausted by illness, looked out. She tried in every possible way to maintain her cheerfulness; she, more than ever before, wanted to take part in their common life, I wanted to help my daughter pose, entertain her with conversation. Having laid out a box of paints on a stool, sitting on a Viennese chair, Vasily Ivanovich painted Olin’s portrait. To work, he wore an old black jacket, all stained with paint, and old gray trousers, also all stained. In these clothes he felt free - he did not tolerate the special “blouses” and dressing gowns that artists usually wear. Seven-year-old Lena was running around with her doll. They rang in the hall. Olya became wary:

This is the teacher... Anna Mikhailovna. Where will we study?

“Take her to the nursery, I’ll pee here,” said the father.

Olya, stamping her feet, rushed to open the door, placing the doll right on the floor near the stove...

And so the three of them remain. No, still not the three of us. Olya looks at them from the canvas, as if she never ran out of the room.