How to draw a mirror with a pencil step by step for children. How to draw a reflection in water

Mirror- This is perhaps the only item that everyone has, regardless of style, lifestyle and room size. Making a mirror an accent element of your decor is not that difficult, you just need a little patience and perseverance. I think you have seen magnificent stained glass windows, impressive with their beauty and inimitability. They are made by labor-intensive joining of pieces of multi-colored glass. We will deal with pseudo-stained glass - imitation of stained glass by drawing an outline and pouring transparent paint into it. Artists often create entire paintings in the style of pseudo-stained glass, filling the outline with opaque acrylic for working on glass.
For stained glass you will need an outline, stained glass paints, brushes, acrylic varnish.

They are sold in art salons or stores stationery. Now on sale a large number of materials for pseudo-stained glass windows of domestic and imported production.
The sketch must be developed in advance and applied to the mirror already thought out, trying to minimize auxiliary lines. Before applying the design, degrease the mirror with medical alcohol. This is necessary for better adhesion of the paint to the surface. The drawing can be applied to the glass with a marker, which can be easily washed off with alcohol in case of incorrectly applied lines. It is important to take into account that the trace of a marker that has fallen under the outline can no longer be washed off and it will be visible in the mirror surface, which will give the stained glass window an untidy appearance. It is better to draw the outline next to the drawing. Thanks to the fact that it is now on sale great amount contours of all kinds of colors, you can draw a magnificent masterpiece using only them.

Before pouring paint, the contour must dry for several hours. Only after it has dried can you carefully cotton swab, soaked in alcohol, wipe away traces of the marker.

The dried outline is easily edited with a blade, small errors and unnecessary lines are removed.

Stained glass paints are very liquid and ready to use. If you want to make a more transparent layer and a delicate pattern, you can add a special solvent to the paint. But you need to take into account that the more diluted the paint, the less stable the layer. Brushes for applying paint should be made of natural hair: squirrel, kolinsky, pony and not lose lint during work. We pick up the prepared paint with a brush and carefully transfer it drop by drop into the cells between the contour. All contour lines must be connected to avoid mixing of paints.

It is very convenient to work with a medical syringe; its needle can get into even the sharpest corners of the drawing. It is important to remember that the second layer is unacceptable - the composition of the paint is such that when applied to the first layer, the subsequent one reacts with it and its smooth surface is deformed and deteriorated.
After final drying, the entire drawing should be opened with finishing acrylic varnish. The varnish retains color, protects the design from dust, exposure sun rays and dampness. Artists coat their canvases with a similar varnish to better preserve them in their original form.

A broken mirror is bad luck? Bad sign? Perhaps this is true. But not in our case. More precisely, not in the case of the Korean artist and designer Hye-Yun Kim, who turned breaking mirrors into a kind of ritual. Yes, Hye-Yun Kim uses cracks to paint stunning images on mirrors.

I would call art not only the mirrors covered with “special” cracks, but also the process itself. Anyone can break a mirror on purpose. But only Hye-Yun Kim can do this so that the cracks form the composition he needs. Of course, in this case the item ceases to fulfill its original functions, but turns into a decorative accessory with which you can decorate the interior.

And even though many will consider this art vandalism, and will insist that it is blasphemous to damage mirrors by creating dubious images, they will have enough opponents who are convinced that such paintings on mirrors are unique. They have no analogues, and each such work is exclusive, since it is simply impossible to break several mirrors in the same way.

A lesson on how to draw a mirror step by step was prepared at the request of Svetlana Kudryavtseva and many other girls, readers of DayFan. I won’t name everyone’s names, because the list will be too long. I hope you enjoy the lesson, and as an example I took an image sent by one of the readers, here: A mirror is the only way a person can look into his own eyes. This is an amazing property smooth surfaces reflect light. Understanding how light rays travel is very important if you want to depict someone's reflection in a mirror. In our example, we will try to depict the object itself; no one will be displayed in it. Therefore, we will not cover the principles of reflection here, but if you want, you can practice on your own in front of a mirror.

A few more ways to use this item:

  • False mirror - special kind art, the basis of the genre, and also the brainchild of Petrosyan (yes, Evgeny Vaganich, this is not a joke);
  • A symbol of another world that writers often use. Good example this is a fairy tale about ;
  • Erised is a magic mirror that can show a person’s deepest desires (from the book about);
  • There is also a myth that mirrors do not reflect;

In addition, the mirror still often appears in Russian folk tales. Try to draw it yourself:

How to draw a mirror with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's mark the place on the paper where the mirror and its leg, or stand, or whatever it may be, will be depicted. Step two. Let's sketch out the outlines of an oval shape. Step three. Let's draw in more detail. Step four. Let's remove the excess and correct the contours. Let's add some shading: We have already accumulated a large number of lessons on drawing useful things, try to draw them.

Hello again!
Question: How is this done?- Doesn't leave me when I see interesting works on the Internet, and not only there... And the process immediately begins... I want to sit down at the computer and create...))))

IN this lesson Let's try to draw a mirror like this.
It's simple to do, but it turns out beautifully - it might be useful to someone...

Create a New Document...

...and fill the New or Background layer with 50% gray ( Edit-Fill… - Edit-Fill…).
Then, above - on a New layer we create Rectangular selection (RectangularMarqueeTool) with feathering ( Feather) approximately 45 pix.
And fill it up #bebebe gray.

Using a tool Ellipse(ElipseTool) or Oval Highlight (ElipticalMarqueeTool) draw an oval of any color.

Now we begin to turn a simple oval into a mirror!
Apply to the layer with an oval (if the oval is drawn using a shape, it is better to rasterize the layer - RMB - rasterize layer - Rasterizelayer) the following Layer Styles (Layer-LayerStyle):

And again, above - on a New Layer we create an oval, but of a smaller size, color #d0d0d0.
Add a layer style to this Stroke (Stroke), as they did before.

So we did facet mirrors
Something is usually reflected in mirrors... Surprisingly)))))
Let's add a window reflection.

Using the tool Rectangular selection (RectangularMarqueeTool), draw a white rectangle on a New Layer.
And then, using the same tool, we cut out unnecessary parts (we use Selection -Transform Selection -Select-TransformSelection).

You can choose the window shape yourself.
We apply Filter-Gaussian Blur (Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur) radius 15 pix. And we put Opacity(Opacity) layer 85% .

Distorting the window a little using Transform Distortions (Edit-Transform-Distort).
Copy the layer with the window. Removing the visibility of the copy.
Now we remove the excess parts around the mirror.
To do this, go to the layer with a small oval and create a selection of this layer ( Ctrl+click on the layer icon), invert the resulting selection ( Shift+Ctrl+I) and on the layer with the window click Delete-Delete.
This is what happens.

Now, on a New Layer located below the mirror, create an oval selection ( ElipticalMarqueeTool) with feathering ( Feather) 10 pix. Let's call him light spot.
And fill it up #bababa.
We put Opacity(Opacity) layer 80% .

Let's do visible copy layer with a distorted window and flip it vertically Edit-Transform-Flip Vertical ( Edit-Transform-FlipVertical).
We match the reflection of the window on the mirror and on the surface. This layer will be called Light spot 1.

Create a layer selection light spot(while on a layer, Ctrl+click on the layer icon), invert the selection and remove unnecessary details of the layer Light spot 1.
Opacity(Opacity) for this layer we do 30% .

And again using the oval selection tool ( ElipticalMarqueeTool), draw as shown in the screenshot with shading 45 pix:

Invert the resulting selection ( Shift+Ctrl+I).
AND Eraser (eraserTool) With Opacity(Opacity) 50% use a soft brush to erase the layers a little light spot And Light spot 1.

Now let's add a shadow.
We stand on the layer with the large oval and create a selection of this layer ( Ctrl+click on the layer icon).
Go to the Quick Mask state ( EditinQuickMaskMode) and apply Filter-Gaussian Blur (Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur) radius 10 pix. Exiting the quick mask state ( EditinStandardMode).
Below (under the mirror) create a New Layer and fill the selection with color #666666 .
We slightly reduce the shadow vertically and move it to the side.

We are done with the mirror itself.
But I want to add something... you've probably heard about decorating mirrors with pieces of baked glass? Fusing called. So, let's draw this. Forward …)))
Using a tool Feather (PenTool) draw a leaf (it is better to save the outline so that you can draw only once - double click on the outline).

And on the New Layer (above the mirror) we draw a simple ornament.
With the selected instrument - DirectSelectionTool and the active contour, being on a new layer, right-click and select Fill -Fill…).

Doesn't look like glass yet...))))
Therefore, for greater plausibility, we use Filter Texture (Filter-Texture-Texturizer):

And slightly weaken the effect of applying the filter: Edit-Weaken Texture - Edit-Fade-Texturizer(reduce the percentage). This step is done immediately after applying the filter!
It wouldn’t hurt to show the glass volume (add Layer Styles):

AND Opacity(Opacity) layer reduce to approximately 90% .
Here you go! Work is done! Evaluate the result!
You can slightly tone down the white outline in the dark parts of the mirror.

Fantasies on the topic:

With best wishes,

To learn how to draw a reflection in water you need to understand the following principles:

1. The surface of water is essentially a mirror. And this “mirror” reflects everything that is above the water.

2. Reflection in water can be very different. The surface of the water can be calm, or it can be covered with small ripples, small waves, big waves... All this greatly distorts the pattern reflected in the water. Water is changeable, and therefore the nature of the reflection pattern is changeable.

3. The color of the water is not blue or cyan. It's transparent. Large masses of sea water create an effect in which the sea acquires a blue-green and blue color. But it also constantly changes depending on the weather, the nature of daylight, etc. The color of water mainly depends on what is reflected in it. If an orange sunset is reflected in the water, then Orange color will dominate color scheme water. If the water reflects green Forest, then the main color of the water will be green, etc.

4. All light fragments reflected in water look darker. And dark areas are lighter. Therefore, the reflection in the water will be slightly different in tone and will be more muted. But there are often exceptions to this rule due to various optical effects and weather conditions.

5. If the artist draws an object on the bank of a river (for example, a tree trunk), and if this object is depicted close-up, then its reflection in the water will be displayed in more detail and detail. If the reflection of large masses is drawn from afar, (for example, a forest wall at a distance of 1 kilometer), then such a reflection will be completely different. It will become more generalized, may be more blurry, etc. In addition, the water can be calm and smooth like a mirror, or it can be disturbed by a light breeze or a strong gust of wind... All this affects the characteristics of the transmission of reflection in the water.

6. Above stated key points. It is impossible to describe all the patterns, so the artist must be observant and constantly make sketches while studying nature. This is the key to success.