Children's Prize main characters. The series “Fairytale Patrol” received the “Main Characters” award

Porridge is the product of the first main complementary food. Many people know that there are cereals containing gluten. But only some parents know what danger this substance can pose to their baby. When can you offer your child gluten porridge and which cereal is best to choose for complementary feeding? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What is gluten?

Before you figure out which cereals are gluten-free, you need to learn more about the consequences that their consumption may entail.

Gluten or gluten is a special protein of cereal crops. It is he who is responsible for such properties of cereal as ductility, elasticity and stickiness. Present in all cereals that can be offered to a child as complementary foods, except rice, buckwheat and corn.

One of the main components of plant protein is gliadin. It is he who has a damaging effect on the epithelium of the small intestine. The mechanism of this effect is not completely clear, but the exact connection between intestinal damage and gluten is beyond doubt.

Gliadin binds to cells of the intestinal mucosa, lymphocytes and other immunocompetent cells. This causes destruction of the epithelial lining with the development of areas of atrophy - gluten enteropathy develops. With the complete elimination of gluten-containing foods, the intestines gradually recover.

The main symptoms to determine gluten intolerance are as follows:

  • Decreased appetite;
  • Slowing down the rate of weight gain;
  • Moodiness, aggression, sleep disturbances;
  • Increased abdominal circumference due to weight loss;
  • Liquid, fatty, copious stools;
  • Decreased muscle tone;
  • Loss of previously acquired skills;
  • Edema;
  • Anemia, increased bleeding;
  • Pathological fractures that occur for no particular reason;
  • Hair loss, dry and brittle nails;
  • Convulsive syndrome.

Symptoms of intolerance do not appear immediately, but after a couple of months. The disease usually manifests itself at 6-8 months. This disease is hereditary and does not occur in all children.

When can gluten cereals be introduced into complementary foods?

Based on the above, there is no need to rush into introducing gluten-free cereals into your baby’s diet. You can offer your child such a product only after he has mastered gluten-free grains (rice, buckwheat, corn).

The timing will depend on when complementary feeding is started. Introducing foods other than breast milk or an adapted mixture occurs from 4.5-6 months. But many experts recommend not introducing gluten-containing grains before 7-8 months.

There is no need to rush into eating cereals for complementary feeding. In any case, the approach must be individual. A week is enough for one child to master a new product. And the other one is missing two. Therefore, it is important to monitor the child’s reaction to new food and, in case of any deviations, postpone the introduction of a certain product for a while.

Which gluten porridge to choose for the first feeding?

As it turned out, gluten porridge is not suitable for first feeding. Cereals containing gluten are introduced only after cereals that do not contain it.

It is better to start introducing gluten porridges with oatmeal or wheat. These cereals are very nutritious and have an optimal composition of macro- and microelements. Mucous structure oatmeal gently envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, protecting it from the effects of harmful substances.

For a long time in the past, the most popular cereal that was introduced first was semolina. But as they show Scientific research, they are not as rich in important nutrients as other grains and contain a large number of gluten free It is better to offer it to your baby closer to the age of one year.

Rating of gluten porridges for complementary feeding

When choosing porridge for their baby, parents strive to choose the most delicious and healthy one offered. It’s not difficult to prepare porridge at home, but it’s safer to start with industrially produced products.

  • Heinz is a major manufacturer of baby food. The line of gluten-containing porridges includes monocomponent compositions (oatmeal and wheat) and multigrain compositions with various fruit and berry additives, with and without milk. Also interesting are the Lakomaya and Lyubopyshka series of porridges, as well as vegetable ones.
  • Bebi - premium class porridges, distinguished by a wide range and high quality. There are porridges consisting of one cereal, 3, 5, 7 grains, with and without milk, containing fruit and berry additives. There is a series of night porridges made with goat milk.
  • Nestle is a well-known baby food brand. It produces several types of dairy-free and dairy gluten porridges, single- and multi-component, with and without additives. There is a series of Pomogaika porridges.
  • Frutonyanya is a Russian popular manufacturer of baby food. Has enough a good choice various porridges. Special attention liquid porridges that are ready to eat after heating deserve.
  • Malyutka - children's porridge from the Nutricia company. Manufactured to international standards. A small number of types of cereals are produced compared to competitors. Nevertheless, many mothers choose porridge from this company due to its good organoleptic properties, lack of salt and reasonable price.

When choosing gluten porridge for your baby, you need to clearly know whether the child is ready for such food. The modern food industry provides a huge selection of various children's products. Thanks to this, every parent can choose for their baby what is right for them.

Valentina Ignasheva, pediatrician, especially for the site

Useful video

Ecology of consumption. Food and drinks: More and more new products are appearing in our market, in health food stores, including cereals...

More and more new products, including cereals, are appearing in our market and in “health food” stores. Which of them can (and should) be consumed by patients with celiac disease, and which cannot?

Answers in the table and materials of the magazine “Gastronom” No. 2 (73) for February 2008.

Note from Dr. Artyomov E.M.: a categorical ban on these products applies only to patients with celiac disease. As for patients with celiac enteropathy and simply people who want to lead a healthy and comfortable lifestyle, in cases where a product is acceptable for this category of people due to its low gluten content, it is isolated green . In addition, patients with celiac disease should be aware of the presence of gluten in the germ of corn kernels. From this, by the way, follows a ban for these patients on “milk meat” - boiled ears of whole corn, canned corn grains, as well as non-industrial corn flour. In the industrial production of corn flour, the germ is removed from the grain during grinding!

Gluten free (allowed):

  • Cereals: rice, buckwheat, corn, millet (millet), Italian millet (chumiza), sago, sorghum, amaranth, quinoa, montina;
  • Roots: potatoes, yams (sweet potatoes), tapioca, cassava;
  • Legumes: soybeans, peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, etc.;
  • All vegetables and fruits;
  • Meat, fish, eggs;
  • Milk and natural fermented milk products(kefir, yoghurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc.);
  • Hard cheeses, except for those produced in Russia and Ukraine in violation of GOST /powdered gluten is added - gluten!/, butter, vegetable oil.

Buckwheat- a close relative of rhubarb and sorrel. This herbaceous plant comes from the mountainous regions of India, Burma and Nepal, where it began to be cultivated more than four thousand years ago. From India, “black rice” came to China, Central Asia, Africa, the Caucasus and Greece. IN Kievan Rus It was bred by Greek monks. Apparently, that’s why they began to call it “Greek” cereal. In addition to common buckwheat, there is another wild species of this plant, common in Siberia and the Urals - Tatarian buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum). In Ukraine and the Volga region she is called “Tatar”.

In the southern Russian, Ukrainian and western Ukrainian regions, buckwheat is sometimes called “little letter” - for the similarity of its seeds to beech seeds. The Dutch boekweite, German buchweizen and English buckwheat names also translate as “beech wheat”. French (ble sarassin) and Italian (grano saraceno) - Saracen grain - are most likely associated with dark color grains

Buckwheat porridge with porcini mushrooms

  • 2 cups selected buckwheat
  • 300 g frozen porcini mushrooms
  • 2 large onions
  • 5 tbsp. ghee (in fasting - vegetable) oil
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • Salt to taste

Clean the mushrooms with a brush without defrosting, pour in 1 liter of boiling water, bring to a boil, add salt, cook for 10 minutes. Drain in a colander (save the broth), dry.

Lightly fry the buckwheat with thyme and salt in 1 tbsp. oil, pour in hot mushroom broth, cook under the lid, without stirring, until all the liquid is absorbed, 12 - 15 minutes.

Wrap the pan in newspapers and a blanket for 15 minutes.

Cut the onion into thin rings and fry in 3 tbsp. oil over low heat until golden brown, 15 minutes.

In another frying pan, quickly fry the mushrooms in the remaining oil over high heat. Place the porridge on heated plates, top with onions and mushrooms, serve immediately.

Millet (millet)- this ancient cultivated plant has been known to Asians and Africans for more than 5 thousand years and still remains the main food product third of the population globe. At the same time in the USA and Western Europe millet was used mainly as feed for livestock and poultry. But in last years, due to the widespread hobby healthy eating, this protein- and carbohydrate-rich cereal is beginning to enter the daily diet of Europeans and Americans, who call it by the Russian word proso.

Several types of cereals are obtained from millet: millet-dranets, i.e. whole grains, freed only from flower films. This cereal has an intense yellow, characteristic shine and bitter aftertaste. Millet polished (crushed) Contains only grain kernels that are completely purified. It is lighter than millet-dranet and does not shine. This millet is better digestible, cooks faster and is perfect for porridges and casseroles. And finally - crushed millet. This is a by-product of millet processing, namely crushed kernels.

Millet is boiled as a side dish, stewed with meat, and bread is baked from millet flour. Kazakhs love “nauruz-kozhe” - millet fermented with katyk. Ukrainians prefer kulesh - liquid millet porridge with lard, sunflower oil, cracklings, onions, garlic, herbs. In the Caucasus, until the beginning of the twentieth century, the main food was thick millet porridge - “basta”.

Garlic croutons from millet porridge

  • 2 cups millet
  • 400 ml vegetable broth
  • 1 egg
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 tsp dried Italian herb blends (watch out for hidden gluten!)
  • Pinch of sea salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper

Chop the garlic. Rinse the millet thoroughly. Bring the broth to a boil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Add all the ingredients except the egg and cook, stirring, until the mixture begins to pull away from the sides.

Place in a 23cm round non-stick baking dish, level and cool.

Cut into triangles. Place on a large baking tray, brush with beaten egg and bake under the hottest grill until golden and crispy.

Serve hot with green salad, vegetables, stewed mushrooms.

Amaranth. All over the world, amaranth, or amaranth, grows in warm and temperate regions and is used in ornamental gardening. And in Central and South America, its grain (more precisely, seed) species have been bred for thousands of years. In the pre-Columbian era, amaranth was a staple among the indigenous peoples of Mexico, with tons of its tiny seeds sent annually to the capital as tribute to the supreme ruler.

In the 1950s, when scientists proved the extraordinary nutritional properties of amaranth, farmers in the South, Central and even North America again “took up” the forgotten grain crop.

Amaranth contains as much protein as other grains. It is very rich in lysine, an essential amino acid for humans, which is not found in sufficient quantity everywhere.

Yellowish-brown, with a slight peppery flavor, amaranth grains are usually cooked as porridge or made into flour. Broths are seasoned with cereal and served as a side dish. In Mexico, a kind of sweet “popcorn” is made from seeds mixed with honey, and in Chile the seeds are fermented to produce “beer” - chichi.

Soup with amaranth

  • 70 g amaranth
  • 1.5 l chicken broth
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 1 potato
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 100 g corn
  • 1 large onion
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 large yellow bell pepper
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • Large bunch of spinach
  • Large bunch of parsley

Amaranth pour cold water, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes, drain on a sieve.

Chop the onion and garlic. Peel potatoes, remove seeds from tomatoes and peppers, cut into cubes.

Fry onion and garlic in oil for 5 minutes, pour in broth, add vegetables, cook covered for 5 minutes. Add amaranth, cook for 8 minutes. Add chopped parsley and spinach, cook for 1 minute.

Quinoa. In the Andes, quinoa (quinoa, quinoa, rice quinoa) has been valued since time immemorial; the Indians considered its grains sacred, “the mother of all grains.” This is the highest mountain grain crop South America still plays a very important role in the cuisine of Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Colombia.

Nutritious black, white or red flat quinoa seeds, which are high in vitamins, protein and amino acids, are used to make flour and cereals. They are used to make flatbreads, prepare porridges and even brew beer.

Beforehand, the grain is well washed and soaked, since it surface layer contains bitter substances. Beans sold in supermarkets have already undergone this procedure.

Quinoa grains are cooked in the same way as rice. When finished, they become translucent. They can be used as an additive to soups and salads, a side dish for hot dishes, and for stuffing vegetables. Quinoa is used to make pasta in the USA.

Quinoa with black beans

  • 150 g quinoa
  • 150 g frozen corn
  • 100 g black beans
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 350 ml vegetable broth
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp. corn oil
  • Small bunch of cilantro
  • A pinch of cumin
  • Pinch of cayenne pepper
  • Salt
  • Black pepper

Soak the beans for 8 hours, change the water, boil until tender (1 hour). Drain the water.

Soak the quinoa in cold water for 1 hour, drain on a sieve, and dry.

Remove seeds from sweet peppers and cut the pulp into cubes.

Chop the onion and garlic, fry with sweet pepper in oil over medium heat, 5 minutes. Add beans and quinoa, pour in the broth, bring to a boil, cover with a lid, cook for 20 - 25 minutes over low heat.

5 minutes before ready, add corn, cumin, cayenne and black pepper, salt, chopped cilantro.

This dish can be served hot or cold. Pairs well with spicy chicken, avocado, and sour cream.

Sorghum. This cereal, which looks like corn, has spread throughout the world from Equatorial Africa, India and China. In Africa and Asia, its variety durra is grown as a fodder and grain plant, in South Africa highest value has “Kaffir sorghum” - kaffir, in the East the Chinese variety is widespread - “Kaoliang”.

From sorghum grains, rich in starch and protein, prepare porridges, and bake unleavened bread and flatbreads from flour. Molasses (“sorghum honey”) is obtained from the stalks of sweet sorghum. Sorghum is used to produce starch, beer, various alcoholic drinks and alcohol.

Sago. Initially, this was the name given to cereals made from granular starch extracted from the core of the sago palm. In Rus', where palm trees grow poorly, the word “sago” came to mean a similar-looking cereal made from potato starch, from which porridge was cooked. A special feature of sago is the virtual absence of protein.

A good recipe is Cornbread Cornbread.

  • 2 cups cornmeal
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 glass of kefir
  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup sugar
  • ½ cup honey
  • 1 tbsp. salt
  • 1 tbsp. soda
  • 1 tbsp. butter

Knead the batter from flour, milk, kefir, beaten egg, sugar, honey, salt, soda and butter. Place the dough in a greased pan and bake for 40 - 50 minutes at 200 degrees. published

III National Animation Award "Icarus". The list of nominees included three projects from the Riki Group of Companies and the Petersburg Computer Animation Studio.

In the “Film at the Box Office” category, the award was given to the full-length animated comedy “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" ( a joint project GC "Riki" and the film company Art Pictures Studio). The award was presented to the film's director Denis Chernov.

The nomination also included the films “Wolves and Sheep: Mad Transformation” and “Sinbad. Pirates of the Seven Storms."

The Icarus National Animation Award, founded in 2014, is awarded annually on April 8, Russian animation. The award was established as a professional cinematographic prize, awarded for achievements in the field of animated film and professional contribution to the development of the animation industry. The award winners are determined by an expert council selected by popular vote.

In 2017, the Icarus Prize was dedicated to the 105th anniversary of Russian animation.

Painting “Smeshariki. Legend of the Golden Dragon" named “the main Russian animated film”

April 10th in one of oldest theaters Moscow - State Academic Theater named after Mossovet - a solemn ceremony of awarding the laureates of the National Children's Award "Main Heroes - 2017", organized by Channel One and the Karusel TV channel, took place.

Full-length animated comedy “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon" (a joint project of the Riki Group of Companies and Art Pictures Studio ) won in the category “Main Russian Animated Film”.

According to the rules of the award, the preliminary selection of nominees in 13 categories is carried out by a selection committee consisting of children from 6 to 18 years old; awards are awarded based on an all-Russian vote by children's audiences, which started on March 27 and ended on April 6, 2017. An important rule voting is the opportunity to cast only one vote in each nomination during the entire voting period.

The award ceremony was hosted by Valeria Lanskaya and Alexander Oleshko. “Main Characters” statuette for “The Main Russian Animated Film” executive producer The Group of Companies "Riki" was presented to Yulia Osetinskaya by film and theater actor Pavel Derevyanko.

We are very pleased to receive the “Main Characters” award, since it reflects the opinion of perhaps our most important audience – children. It is thanks to children - both those who have already grown up on Smeshariki, and those who are just beginning to get acquainted with the Smeshariki Universe - that our project has remained the flagship of Russian animation for the past 14 years. We sincerely thank all the spectators – young and old, who cast their votes for “Smesharikov”

notes Yulia Osetinskaya.

Along with full-length film about Smeshariki, the films “Wolves and Sheep: A Crazy Transformation” and “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf 3".

On August 21, a press conference was held at the TASS press center dedicated to the National Children's Award "Main Heroes 2018" and the great children's party on the territory of VDNKh on September 1.

Vera Obolonkina and Tatyana Tsyvareva, chief editors of the Karusel TV channel, spoke about the annual children's award, its nominations and the features of this year's event.

Vera Obolonkina: “We think it is important to monitor the needs and requirements of children, to find out what is especially interesting to them. Because the Karusel TV channel works for an audience of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren- this is our main audience. It is important to constantly check whether we are going in the right direction, to determine who the main heroes are for our children. And it is clear that these heroes will change every year. The result of the Award last year was quite successful, we held this Award, showed it on the Karusel TV channel and received such a tail and a surge of reaction from children and parents about how great and wonderful it was. Got great amount comments. This year we continue the Award! It’s important for us to identify the main children’s characters.”.

Tatiana Tsyvareva: “It must be said that in addition to presenting awards to the winners in 12 categories, special prizes will also be awarded at the award ceremony. When selecting nominees, we were guided by box office receipts, ratings and shares of children's television viewing among all channels. We were as objective as possible and allowed our children to vote among the widest possible list, not only focusing on the content of the Karusel TV channel.

  • the main Russian animated film: “Three heroes and Sea king"; "Fixies: A big secret"; “Smeshariki. Deja vu";
  • the main foreign animated film: “Despicable Me 3”; "Beastly"; "Ferdinand";
  • the main Russian animated series: “Luntik and his friends”; " Fairytale Patrol"; "Three cats";
  • the main foreign animated series: “The Tom and Jerry Show”; "PAW Patrol"; "Friendship is the miracle";
  • main children's song: animated series “Smeshariki”: “From the Screw”; animated series “Masha and the Bear”: “Lullaby”; Soyuzmultfilm " The Bremen Town Musicians": "There is nothing better in the world";
  • main educational TV project: “Skillful Hands Workshop”; "The impossible is possible"; "Magic English";
  • main entertainment TV project: “With Good morning, kids!”; “Breakfast with a bang!”; "Jumble";
  • main presenter of the TV program: Anton and Ilya Zakharov (“Laboratorium”); Anton Zorkin (“Good morning, kids!”); Kalyaka-Malyaka (“Let’s draw!”) - actor Sergei Druzyak;
  • main presenter of the TV program: Karkusha; Polina Shashuro (“Skillful Hands Workshop”); Aurora (“Big Holidays”);
  • main young presenter: Mikhail Smirnov (“Hot Ten”); Alexey Lapin (“In the Animal World”); Marfa Koloskova (“Breakfast with a bang!”);
  • main Russian animated character: Karamelka (“Three Cats”); Varya (“Fairytale Patrol”); Pin (“Smeshariki”);
  • main foreign animated character: Twilight Sparkle("Friendship is the miracle"); Ben and Holly (“Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom”); Racer (“Paw Patrol”).

This year's award ceremony will be unusual, with many surprises: “This will be a kind of performance that is addressed to children. On the same day, after the Prize takes place, it will be aired on the Karusel TV channel immediately after the program “ Good night, kids! at 20:45",- Vera Obolonkina said.

In addition to the award, on September 1, a large colorful festival “The Main Heroes” will be organized, which will last all day at VDNKh. Almost all central alley will be occupied by a variety of venues where musical performances will take place, dance numbers, premieres of cartoons and a parade of favorite characters, in which prizes will be awarded for the best outfits. The holiday starts at 11:00, the parade is at 13:30 and 15:30.

The hosts of the upcoming 2018 “Main Heroes” award ceremony, Nicole Plieva and Alexander Novikov, also took part in the press conference. They shared their impressions of participation.

Nicole Plieva: “For me, “Main Characters” is not just an award. Last year I hosted it with Maxim Galkin and then I realized that this is not an easy children's award! To be included in such nominations as the main educational project and young TV presenter is a huge honor for me!”

“This year we will not have a simple award ceremony with the presentation of the “Main Heroes” awards, but a huge fabulous show throughout the entire territory of VDNKh. Come to the party!”- Alexander Novikov invited the guests.

The annual national children's award "Main Heroes" will take place on September 1 at the Cosmos Concert Hall. The organizer of the event is Channel One JSC. World Wide Web"; co-organizer - the all-Russian compulsory public television channel for children “Carousel”.

The Main Characters Award is designed to determine the preferences of the children's audience Russian television, identify best projects for children, as well as to popularize among children over 4 years old and their parents high-quality content of Russian and foreign production presented on modern television, film and animation industry, Internet resources and mobile applications.

April 10 at the theater. Moscow City Council held a solemn award ceremony National Children's Award "Main Characters". Based on the results of an all-Russian vote among children, winners were determined in 13 categories. In total, several thousand children aged 6 years and older from all over Russia took part in the voting. The media partner of the award was the federal children's and youth television channel "Carousel".

Sasha Novikov and Pavel Derevyanko

Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan

The award is awarded on the basis of a nationwide vote among children aged 6 to 15 years old in order to identify their preferences in the field of entertainment, television and Internet content. At the solemn ceremony, awards were given to those who became the best television presenters, musical performers, actors, as well as creators of popular projects. That evening there were no fewer children in the theater than adults. Many eminent guests did not miss the opportunity to spend time with their families and came to the ceremony with their families.

Maksim Galkin

Alexey Makarov with his daughter

Alexander Oleshko and his co-hosts

Stanislav Duzhnikov with his daughter

Polina and Dmitry Dibrov with children

Children also voted for the best Russian and foreign animated films and series, educational TV programs, TV presenters, animated characters and even Internet projects.

Mark Bogatyrev

The main Russian animated film became “Smeshariki. The Legend of the Golden Dragon. The main entertainment TV project is “The Best of All!” The main actor is Mark Bogatyrev, main actress- Maria Ilyukhina.

Vera Obolonkina, Chief Editor TV channel "Carousel":

The television version of the Main Characters award will be aired on the Karusel TV channel. April 15, 2017 at 6:30 pm by Moscow time.