Twilight sparkle drawing. How to draw a pony Sparkle with a pencil step by step? How to draw a pony Princess Luna

By popular demand I created new lesson about how to draw Twilight Sparkle with a pencil step by step. And I’ll also tell you the most interesting features that the authors came up with for this little idea. Twilight Sparkle is the most important princess of all in the cartoon Friendship is a Miracle. Well, at least it seems so to me. As far as I know, this pony can be purchased in different configurations. But there is one most special one. Her wings glow, her eyes move, and she also laughs fervently and pronounces phrases from the cartoon Friendship is a Miracle, sings and giggles. It turns on with a button on the butt or if you touch its wings. The set also includes a crown, four hairpins and a comb. Unprecedented generosity. Although Twilight doesn't have much hair, literally two hairs. In my drawing I corrected this, she will have a luxuriant mane. Isn't it prettier this way?

How to draw Twilight Sparkle with a pencil step by step

Step one. We create a form in which we will then place the little idea. The circle denotes the head. Let's sketch the head, add a horn and eyes. Let's also sketch out the paws. Step two. Let's outline the contours of the body and add the mane. Step three. Let's erase the auxiliary lines. Step four. Step five. Let's shade and outline the contours more clearly. Ready: Picture it again.

How to draw a pony Sparkle with a pencil?
We continue to draw characters from the animated series "My Little Pony"So beloved by many children. And today we will draw the pony Sparkle.
Drawing horses is very simple and you will very quickly learn how to portray your favorite characters.

So, let's begin.

    So, we draw a circle and under it an oval sausage.

    Draw the initial sketch of the pony.

  1. After this, the ear appears and the nose is drawn.
    Next is the bangs. Look carefully, from the ear we draw an arc above the head, then at an acute angle we place the bangs on the head and return again to the ear. It looks like

    piece of cake :-))

    Draw Sparkle's bangs, ear and nose.

  2. We discussed legs in detail in Rainbow Dash's lesson.
    Mane. It is drawn on one side along the contour of the head, and on the other side it goes around the neck. Then connect these lines.
    Draw a cheerful tail sticking up. And on the side there is a snowflake (it will later turn into a star).
    Eye. Draw a slightly inclined oval, with the upper edge going under the bangs.

    Draw the pony's eyes, mane, legs and tail.

  3. We begin to paint it with a soft lilac color.
    Don't forget to draw a horn sticking out from under the bangs.
    Give Sparkle a smile!

    Add color.

  4. For the mane, bangs, and tail, take a brighter and more saturated color.
    And we turn that snowflake on its side into a star.

    We make the necessary corrections.

  5. On last stage paint over the star bright color and draw small stars next to it.

Relatively recently (on the scale of animated films), a kind, bright, bright and positive cartoon about funny and extraordinary ponies “Friendship is a Miracle!” appeared on the screens of Russian viewers. And that's all young viewers TV channel "Karusel" were literally glued to their TV screens.

What is the problem?

Of course, every child who has seen this wonderful, almost Soviet (in terms of emotions and traditions of drawing) cartoon will want to have one of their pony friends at home. That is why parents rush headlong to toy stores and buy speedy Rainbow, shy Floatershy, mischievous Pinkie Pie, hardworking Apple Jack and other girlfriends. But there is a simpler, cheaper and more original way! You can easily and quickly, together with your child, draw a pony, for example, Twilight Sparkle. And you can find out Sparkle from this article. It should be noted that this method of acquiring your favorite heroine will have a positive impact not only on the family budget, but also on the relationship with the child. After all collaboration unites, makes friends, reconciles. And this is really important. The most important thing is the weather in the house!

Important point!

It is worth saying that all the lines drawn in red pencil are sketches, that is, they can easily be corrected. That's why try not to press too hard on the pencil.

How to draw Sparkle? Start

Drawing a friendly pony should start by drawing two figures: an oval (body) and a circle (head) at a short distance from each other. This distance is approximately equal to the radius of the circle you drew. The circle, by the way, needs to be divided by an arc into approximately two equal parts.

Now we connect the body with a smooth arc-shaped line to the beginning of the middle arc on the circle - this is the neck of our princess. From the same point we begin to draw a horse’s ear (two connected arcs, one of which is slightly shortened to the circle-head). Then we begin to draw the bangs, as shown in the picture.

A start. “But how can you draw a pony Sparkle without eyes?” - your child will ask if you stop at the first step of this lesson. To prevent this from happening, let's start drawing the face of our pony.

In your eyes... or How to draw Twilight Sparkle from the front

So let's continue. Sparkle, unlike many ponies, is also a unicorn. That is why you need to draw her magnificent horn. Please note that it is not sharp, as is commonly thought, but slightly rounded. Don't forget to apply spiral stripes to the pony's horn.

Now it’s worth giving the ball a more or less animal-like shape. To do this, draw the nose. It consists of two arcs: one starts from the bangs, and the second - from the end of the first, and goes to the circle-head. You should draw another arc asymmetrically to the first, and another exactly the same arc, only on the other side of the first.

Now we begin to draw the magnificent eyes of our horse. Twilight wouldn't be Twilight if it weren't for her glowing eyes. Therefore, we can quite rightly say that the stage of drawing eyes is the most important of all presented here.

Sparkle's eyes are two large ovals, with two slightly smaller ones in them. Inside the small ovals we draw very small ovals - these are the pupils. And in the upper part of the second (middle) oval, going beyond its edges, we draw a figure that is somewhat reminiscent of an oval, only a little crooked - this is the light of Sparkle’s eyes. Carefully draw the eyelashes - they are both above and below the large oval, and do not forget that one eye is slightly covered by bangs, so there is no need to draw the upper eyelashes there.

Now we draw a neat arc-shaped strip in the area of ​​the nose (two arcs that we drew before we started drawing the eyes) - this will be the mouth of our princess. We put a point a little higher - these are the nostrils. How to draw Sparkle at this stage can be clearly seen in the following figure.

What legs, what a tail!

Small details...

So, the main part of the work is over, and now you don’t need to worry about how to draw Sparkle. All that remains is to add distinctive features this first class pony.

Of course, the main decoration of a horse is its mane. For Sparkle, it consists of two quadrangles connected together. Simply put, the mane, like the bangs and tail, are geometrically chiselled. After you draw the mane, it’s worth adding a couple of lines - as if to create strands so that they don’t look like a solid canvas.

Now the most important thing is the pony’s distinctive sign, a sign of her magical affiliation, her talent and strength. This sign is magical sparks. They are located on the thigh. And they are drawn very simply: one large star-snowflake and around it four more exactly the same, but smaller. How to draw such a snowflake? Let's mark a cross and draw across it vertical line- the star is ready.

Now all that’s left to do is color your wonderful pony – even if it’s now a cartoon.

Now that you know how to draw Sparkle step by step, you will always find something to do with your child on a rainy Sunday day!

Watch only good cartoons and get creative!

Do you like to draw? Do you want to teach your child how to create real paintings or just decided to get creative? You will definitely enjoy drawing ponies! Now we will look different ways drawing. Step by step instructions will help you easily create vivid images pony from famous cartoon"Friendship is the miracle"!

You will be able to please yourself and others beautiful pictures, teach acquaintances and friends to draw, create with passion with children. Such cute little horses will help you instantly improve your mood, relieve stress and fatigue, and allow you to look at everything with optimism.

Watch a video about My Little Pony - songs from the cartoon, all ponies in one video:

Let's learn to draw a pony step by step right now!

To correctly draw a pony step by step, be sure to remember useful tips, main nuances and pitfalls.

  • Use pencils that can be easily erased to draw the base of the drawing. It is always better to draw the entire base lines and then erase the excess, than to try to draw everything at once, as evenly and correctly as possible. Prepare for corrections in advance! Then your drawing will be clean and bright, without darkening or streaks.

Stock up on several pencils and sheets of paper, and sharpen the leads well. It's great if the pencil fits comfortably in your hand. Try drawing with a pencil and erasing the lines. There should be no marks left on the paper.

  • If you draw on a board, it will be much easier for you to erase lines and draw new ones. And such a work can also be preserved forever. All you need is a camera! You will even be able to print out your cute ponies as if these were not drawings, but real photos of magic horses from the famous cartoon.
  • Try not to rush. Enjoy the process itself! Then you will draw better, and creativity will become an excellent form of relaxation.
  • Be careful with your movements and use many sheets of paper. It's great if you practice first and then start working on the characters.

You and I will draw different ponies: Each character has its own character, appearance, and distinctive features.

There is no need to draw with paints and felt-tip pens right away. First make the base with a pencil.

You can pretend to be a pony with a simple pencil, color with felt-tip pens and pencils, use a wide palette of watercolors or gouache. Choose the method you like! Good luck!

How to draw My Little Pony

The characters of My Little Pony are incredibly cute little girls who have long been known to everyone thanks to the popular cartoon. You can draw a charming pony right now using our tips. Follow the algorithm, carefully draw the main lines, and then erase everything unnecessary. First, get to know these ponies, and if you have already watched the cartoon, then revive the images of MymLittle Pony in your memory. IN in this case the pony in your drawing will sit with its hind legs bent, resting on its outstretched front legs. The little horse's eyes are closed, his fluffy mane is combed to one side, his tail is cheerfully raised. It's time to draw a pony with a pencil step by step. Begin!

  1. Draw a large oval. It should be located approximately in the center, but slightly closer to the left side of the drawing. This oval will become the basis of the pony's muzzle.
  2. Now we outline the lines of the body.
  3. We make the outline of the pony's muzzle. She has a small nose, her muzzle is turned towards us in profile. A pointed ear is visible. Outline the muzzle, ear and silhouette of the body.
  4. Now draw the legs. Your pony's front legs are straight and directly under your baby's head. You can make both legs visible. One is in front, so it can be seen entirely. It's just a long oval that you'll then erase off the top of. The second leg is visible from behind the first. It is enough to draw a straight vertical line from your pony’s chest, and then draw the hoof below.
  5. The pony's hind legs also need to be drawn. Since the baby is sitting sideways to us, we can only draw one leg, which is in front. We simply don’t see the other one. Remember that the pony's hind legs are bent as she sits.
  6. We also need to take care of the pony's hair. Draw a lush mane. Make your hair go like a wedge on your head. Look carefully at how the mane is shown in the picture, and do the same. On the left, the mane is slightly shorter and ends in a perky curl. On the right side, the mane remains behind in relation to us, but it is still clearly visible.
  7. Draw parallel hair lines to make it clear that this is exactly the hairstyle of your baby pony.
  8. Now let’s learn more about the pony’s face. Draw a small line for the horse's mouth. She smiles a little. One eye is completely visible. It's closed, so you'll draw it using a rounded line with long eyelashes. The other eye turned out to be hidden from us by the pony's muzzle, but it can also be seen by its luxurious eyelashes. Don't forget about the pony's slightly raised eyebrow and two dots marking the nose.
  9. The fluffy ponytail curls upward. Erase all unnecessary lines.
  10. Add any details: decorate your hair and tail with touches. Make corrections and re-draw some lines if necessary.

Your pony is ready! Now you can color it and make colored outlines.

How to draw a pony Rainbow

Pony Rainbow Dash– a gorgeous horse with a rainbow tail and mane and an original tattoo depicting a rainbow.

You can draw a beautiful horse and then paint it with bright colors. The main thing is to carefully apply all the contours!

Let's get started.

  1. First you need to draw the base of the pony's face and body. To do this, you need to draw a large oval, elongated horizontally, with a circle above it. The circle should be towards the left side of your drawing.
  2. Proceed to more accurately outline the shape of the head. Please note: the pony's nose protrudes slightly forward, after which you simply draw the line down towards the pony's neck. From the line of the nose there is a vertical, rounded line that will become the basis for the horse’s eye. Immediately draw the pony's ear. We can only see one ear, since the other will be hidden by Rainbow's lush mane.
  3. Now comes the fun part! You need to draw big eyes pony. One eye is completely visible, it is slightly covered by the eyelid. You can see the pupil, reflections of light on it, small eyelashes on the side. Use a simple pencil and then you will color the eyes. The second eye is partially visible, since the horse only turned its head slightly in our direction. Look carefully at how the eyes are shown in the picture and do the same.
  4. Now you need to outline the nose and small smiling mouth of the pony.
  5. Now we depict the magnificent mane of the Rainbow pony. In front it falls onto the forehead in light curls, and in the back it falls onto the horse’s back.
  6. Start drawing the pony's legs and neck. The neck is outlined in one line, only in front. The mane covers it from behind. The front legs can be depicted in motion. One leg will stand straight, and the other, which is in the background, will be slightly bent. It turns out that your horse is dancing!
  7. Now draw the back and hind legs of the pony. It is good if the hind legs are slightly bent. This makes your pony look more natural.
  8. Rainbow's wings are truly magnificent! Draw them carefully. The front small wing is visible in its entirety, the rear one is also visible from behind it. Take a closer look at exactly how the wings are depicted in the picture.
  9. It's time to draw a bushy tail. Remember that you will have it in different colors. You can outline the curls in advance.
  10. Don't forget about the emblem on Dash's thigh. A small rainbow appears from a cloud!

All! Your pony Rainbow is ready. Now all that remains is to paint Dash.

How to draw pony Rarity

Do you like charming Rarity? Now you can draw this beautiful little horse yourself on paper, cardboard or a drawing board! First, refresh your memory of her image. Slender legs, thin neck, perky raised muzzle and chic curled mane, magnificent tail - everything about this pony is charming.

In addition, we cannot forget about the design on the pony's thigh and her only horn. It's time to learn how to draw Rarity the pony step by step! Draw a horse yourself, get creative with your friends and children.

  1. First you will need to draw a horizontally elongated oval with a circle above it. The oval should be located closer to the right side of the paper. Draw a curved line from the oval, reminiscent of a teapot handle. Look at the picture to do the same.
  2. Now take care of the pony's face. You have to draw the base of the pony's eyes and outline the upturned nose. The lines should be smooth, softly rounded.
  3. Rarity turned sideways towards us, so now we need to draw only one ear, which we can clearly see from this angle. Mark the auricle with a light line to give it volume.
  4. Now draw Rarity's horn, outline the nose and mouth.
  5. The horn must be beautiful, in addition, it must be depicted in such a way that it is immediately clear that it is a horn. What if someone confuses it with Rarity's ear? Therefore, you need to draw several parallel lines on the horn.
  6. Now start with your eyes. Pony Rarity's are huge, expressive, with long eyelashes. We only draw one eye partially, since it is hidden from us by the pony’s nose. The second eye needs to be depicted clearly. Here the pupil is visible, there is a glare of light, and beautiful fluffy eyelashes will complement the impression.
  7. Start working on the pony's body. Outline the outline so that the back, part of Rarity's abdomen, is visible. Draw one back leg. It should be slender, set back, slightly bent.
  8. Now we draw another hind leg. It is partially visible, directed forward. Add one front leg. Make it straight and slender.
  9. It's time to decorate your charming horse with a chic hairstyle! Draw the mane boldly. It should be lush and curled. One huge curl frames the muzzle in front, on the right; part of the magnificent mane is located on the left; below, a perky curl curls very tightly.
  10. Don't forget about the tail either. Make it big and fluffy.
  11. Of course, the mane and tail should be decorated with longitudinal lines. Draw them in to indicate the curls, to show that this is exactly the fluffy ponytail and hairstyle of your Rarity.
  12. Now all that remains is to finish drawing one front leg and make a drawing on the pony’s hip.
  13. Your lovely pony Rarity is completely ready! It can be painted.

Do you remember this beautiful unicorn? Now you can learn how to draw the pony Sparkle step by step, and then you will be happy to give original pictures friends, teach them how to draw, play with children.

This beautiful unicorn with a gorgeous mane, slender and light-legged, everyone will like him. He has huge, expressive eyes, a star on his hip, and an airy, harmonious silhouette. Learn to draw a sparkle pony step by step right now!

  1. First draw two oval shapes. These are the basics of the pony's head and body. Divide the upper oval into halves with a horizontal line.
  2. Draw the outline of the little horse's muzzle, ear and bangs.
  3. Now you need to draw Sparkle's only horn. It is thin and small.
  4. Draw the contours of the muzzle. Mark the nose, make the main lines for the eyes.
  5. Start detailing the horns, ears, and eyes of your pony. You need to make the ear voluminous, adding a light touch to it. The horn is also detailed: apply several horizontal lines. Carefully draw the eyes. On one eye, do only the lower lashes because top part your eyes will remain under your bangs. Decorate the other eye with eyelashes at the top and bottom.
  6. Draw the pony's nose and smiling mouth.
  7. Now draw the front legs and neck of the pony. Sparkle's legs are slender and long.
  8. Draw the hind legs and torso.
  9. Now Special attention Focus on the legs and tail of the small horse. You will have a clear view of one leg, back and front. Two more legs are only partially visible from this angle, so each leg needs to be marked with one line. Sparkle's tail is lush and long, expanding downward.
  10. Draw the pony's lush mane, which covers part of the chest and muzzle. Detail the bangs, draw longitudinal lines on the tail.
  11. Don't forget about the design on the horse's thigh. Draw small stars there, one big star.

All! You have finished drawing the pony Twilight Sparkle. All that remains is to color the picture and make beautiful background with the stars.

Fluttershy's pony looks really wonderful. This little horse has beautiful hair, lush long tail, small wings. The perky pony is full of charm. Many children are in love with the big-eyed Flattershy.

They will be delighted if you teach them how to draw this adorable horse. But to do this, you need to independently master all the stages of drawing a pony with a pencil.

  1. Start with a circle and an oval. The oval is elongated horizontally, located approximately in the center. The circle must be drawn above it, closer to the left edge of the paper. These are the basics for your horse's head and body. You can immediately draw to the oval wavy line, which will later turn into a wonderful pony tail.
  2. Now outline the outline of the pony's face. The nose should be small, slightly turned up.
  3. Draw upper eyelid pony. Remember that she has huge eyes. But we will draw only one expressive eye, since Flattershy is standing in profile to us.
  4. IN this moment you need to give your horse the opportunity to breathe, see and smile. Have you guessed what we will draw? Yes, of course, you need to outline a graceful nose and smiling mouth with light strokes. The eye must be made large and expressive. The pupil, glare of light, long eyelashes - everything here should be drawn clearly.
  5. Long pony hair is also a must. Her head of hair is divided into two parts. One will remain on the side, partially hidden from us by its muzzle. The other part of the hairstyle is in front. The curls flow freely almost to the ground and curl very beautifully.
  6. Now draw the front legs of the pony, graceful wings on the back. You can only draw one wing, since the second one is simply not visible from our angle.
  7. Now draw the legs. Look carefully at how they are shown in the picture to make sure everything is done correctly. A pony's legs should not be too thin or thick, or excessively long. Maintain proportions so that the horse is harmonious and looks like the famous cartoon character.
  8. Don't forget about the beauty long tail pony. It curls and is thrown back.
  9. Complete all the details. Longitudinal lines will decorate the mane and tail of the horse. In addition, tattoos must be drawn on the thigh. It’s impossible to imagine Flattershy without these three graceful butterflies!

Your adorable Flattershy is ready! Now you can color it, make it bright, multi-colored.

Now you too can draw your own Pinkie Pie horse! Now you will look at the algorithm, remember the recommendations to create ponies without problems. It's easy to quickly draw Pinkie Pie!

  1. First of all, draw two circles. One of them will become the basis for the pony's body. The other circle will then turn into a head. Place the top circle closer to the left edge of the picture.
  2. Now outline the contours of the torso and head. Look carefully at the drawing to repeat the lines of Pinkie Pie's nose and mouth, and to correctly outline the chest and back of the horse.
  3. Now the fun part: drawing the huge expressive eyes of the pink pony! She turned half a turn towards us, so both eyes are visible. One eye appears narrower from this angle, but it is no less beautiful. This pony's eyes are slightly elongated vertically, attracting not only large pupils, glare of light, but also beautiful long eyelashes. Draw the lower and upper eyelashes.
  4. Draw the mane of a pony. This pink horse has a surprisingly voluminous hairstyle and curly hair. The mane resembles a real pink cloud. One curl provocatively protrudes forward, part of the mane frames the muzzle.
  5. Mark the ear, nose, and draw the mouth of the pony.
  6. Now draw the front legs. This pony has slender legs and quite high.
  7. Now it's time to draw Pinkie Pie's back legs. Look how they are shown in the picture. It’s better to make them just like that, a little rounded. Smooth lines will add dynamism to the drawing. It will seem that your horse is about to run somewhere!
  8. A beautiful curly ponytail also needs to be carefully drawn. Remember that this pony’s hair is very fluffy, airy, full of curls, and long. A wonderful tail is a real decoration of a pink pony!
  9. Don't forget to draw a tattoo on the horse's thigh. Air balloons must definitely be depicted.
  10. It's time to color your horse. The pony should be pink, bright, memorable!

Our Pinkie Pie is ready!

The wonderful apple pony Apple Jack has also long become a favorite of children and adults. This little horse grows apples, eats them with pleasure and gives them to everyone he knows. She wears a spectacular cowboy hat and attracts everyone with her enthusiasm and fun. The Apple Jack holds its mane and tail with rubber bands, and often lifts its front leg when jumping.

When you draw such a horse, you will definitely be able to convey energy famous character, make the horse beautiful and memorable. Remember the algorithm of operation.

All that remains is to paint the apple pony.

Now you know how to draw wonderful cartoon characters step by step.

Great option– supplement the drawings with inscriptions and print them. This way you will create real multi-color, spectacular postcards made by you!

Cute ponies will firmly enter your life and become best friends all family! Draw horses for yourself, give pictures to friends.

Today we have added another lesson to our website, and in this lesson you can draw the magnificent pony Sparkle from the cartoon “Friendship is a Miracle.” This is a wonderful cartoon about the country of Equestria and the ponies living in it.

Twilight Sparkle, which we will draw today, is the main character of this cartoon, she is a unicorn who has a beautiful lilac color and mane of blue color with purple stripes. Our sparkle is the best student of Princess Celestia, so let's move on to drawing.

Stage 1. We begin drawing, of course, modeling the frame that will serve us good helpers in drawing our beautiful Twilight Sparkle. So, we draw the frame exactly as shown in the picture below (the frame is highlighted in green), also at this stage, we will draw the outlines of Sparkle’s head, they are highlighted in red.

Stage 2. In this stage we will draw Twilight Sparkle's wonderful eyes. She is very expressive, like all ponies in the country of Equestria. We draw eyes strictly within the green limits auxiliary lines, and then move on to the next stage.

Stage 3. We finish drawing the face of Sparkle the pony. We draw her nose and a cute little smile (all this is highlighted in red).

Stage 4. At the fourth stage we will draw the body of the pony, using an auxiliary circle, in addition to the body, at the same stage we will immediately draw all the legs of our pony Twilight Sparkle, also using four auxiliary lines.

Stage 5. At the next stage, we draw the insignia of our pony - a pink six-pointed star surrounded by five small white stars. Look at the picture below and draw all the stars

Stage 6. At this stage we will immediately draw several elements, namely: the beautiful mane of Twilight Sparkle, her equally beautiful tail, as well as the horn of our pony. So, let's start drawing these elements.

Stage 7. Draw better the mane and tail of Twilight Sparkle

Stage 8. Let's see what a beautiful pony we've got, and move on to the final stage of our drawing.

Stage 9. And at the last stage we will decorate our beauty in lilac and purple colors, as already mentioned above.