Drawing of my little pony rainbow. How to draw a pony Rainbow Dash from Friendship is a Miracle with a pencil step by step

Pony Rainbow is a brave, athletic pony, sometimes selfish. He loves to compete and win. Its task is to maintain order and frequency in the sky. She can clear the entire sky of clouds in 10 seconds, but she is often lazy.

Step 1. Draw an auxiliary circle. After this, we draw the outline of the pony’s head and nose, draw the pony’s bangs, and draw an ear.

Step 2. We draw the eye of Rainbow Dash, then the mane and chest line. Erase the circle and curve.

Step 3. I forgot to draw the nostril in the previous paragraph, so let’s draw it first before we forget again. Now we draw the back and butt of the Rainbow, then the front hooves, after that we draw the line of the tummy and the rear hooves.

Step 4. Draw the wings and tail of Rainbow Dash, as shown in the picture.

Step 5. We finish drawing the wing, which is difficult for us to see, then draw a brand on the pony’s thigh. And with thin lines we draw the borders of the colors on the tail, mane and bangs.

Step 6. Paint over the eye of the Rainbow pony. If you don’t have colored pencils, you can color with a simple pencil, as in the picture. To do this, so that the color is light, press the pencil lightly, for very dark - strongly, for medium - medium.

Embodying the spirit of loyalty, Rainbow and her pet chose the appropriate one. At first she wanted him to be just like herself - strong, fearless, able to fly and everything like that. But it was her fundamental quality that won: the turtle did not abandon her in trouble, just as Rainbow Dash herself once did not abandon her friends in the forest.

Of course, we can also talk about the negative character traits of this pony - she is really very vain and is ready to do a lot for the sake of victory, considers herself the best and has many prejudices against the “big heads”, but you cannot refuse her loyalty, and this makes up for everything. If we remember that this quality manifests itself not only in extreme situations - for example, she once did not allow her former friend at the academy to offend Pinky - then it becomes clear why she is so valued.

The miracle of friendship begins with a rainbow

It is also interesting that it was Rainbow who became a kind of catalyst for the appearance of distinctive signs among her friends: her sound rainbow, after the performance of which the pony herself received a special sign, helped open Flattershy’s ability to talk with animals, amused Pinkie, scared Sparkle, pointed to Apple Jack’s house and split the stone for Rarity. So they all received their signs on the same day, which serves as further confirmation that friendship is a real miracle.

By the way, about the sound rainbow. This unique ability (which many games with Rainbow Dash end in demonstrations) first appeared in her at an early age, but subsequently she could not repeat this trick on purpose for a long time. And only fear for Rarity, who needed to be saved from falling, made Rainbow fly so fast that a sound rainbow appeared by itself.

Victory must be fair

This pony always strives for victory - her fearless heart simply does not tolerate second place. But this desire does not cloud her mind; she always wants to win honestly, demonstrating this both in the pilot training school for the Wonderbolts and in competitions.

What can overshadow Rainbow's clear mind is her same vanity. In one episode, it is her friends who show her the importance of modesty - together they portray a mysterious hero who is ahead of her in saving ponies from numerous troubles. This is how friendship overcomes not only open evil, but also unpleasant character traits.

The main job of this pony, like most pegasuses, is to disperse or, conversely, collect clouds over Ponyville (some games with Rainbow Dash are built on this basis), she is also the leader of the local pegasuses and organizes the delivery of water to Cloudsdale as needed.

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In this lesson we will show you several ways to draw the pony Rainbow Dash from the animated series Friendship is Magic with a pencil on paper step by step.
For the lesson you will need:

  • Paper
  • Pencil or pen
  • Good mood

How to draw a full-length Rainbow Dash step by step

  • Step 1

    To start, draw two circles for Rainbow Dash's body.

  • Step 2

    Now start drawing the head and hair.

  • Step 3
  • Step 4

    Draw a fluffy tail.

  • Step 5

    And then you need to draw the emblem.

  • Step 6

    This is what Rainbow Dash looks like when painted. We are waiting for your Rainbow Dash drawings.

  • How to draw Rainbow Dash in flight step by step

  • Step 1

    In order to draw Rainbow Dash, you will need to start with two circles for her body.

  • Step 2

    Then start drawing the face and hands, as well as the eyes, nose and mouth on the face. And at the end draw the hair.

  • Step 3

    Then you need to start drawing the hind legs and part of the torso, then draw the wings.

  • Step 4

    Now draw the tail.

  • Step 5

    And then you need to draw this tattoo on Rainbow Dash’s thigh.

  • Step 6

    So you drew Rainbow Dash in flight. You can color your drawing.

  • How to draw pegasus Rainbow Dash

  • Step 1

    Start by drawing the guide lines and shapes for Rainbow Dash's body and head.

  • Step 2

    Now start outlining the shape of the head and ears.

  • Step 3

    Draw big eyes and mouth, nose.

  • Step 4

    Now sketch out the hair on the head.

  • Step 5

    Draw the front legs and neck of the pony.

  • Step 6

    Next draw Rainbow Dash's back legs and back.

  • Step 7

    Sketch the gorgeous pony wings.

  • Step 8

    And all that remains is to draw a fluffy tail.

  • Step 9

    Draw the emblem on Dash's thigh as well.

  • Step 10

    And voila, you're done! Rainbow Dash turned out so charming. You can color your drawing.

Video: drawing the pony Rainbow Dash step by step

How to draw and color a portrait of Rainbow Dash wearing headphones

Rainbow Dash is a sky blue pegasus pony with a rainbow mane and tail who is one of the main characters. To draw it we need:

  • Simple pencil and eraser
  • White list.
  • Colored pencils (optional).