Draw a unicorn with a pencil for a child. Unicorn: beautiful pictures for sketching

A unicorn is a fairy-tale creature, a magical horse. There are mentions of it in the legends of Ancient India. This fairy-tale character is present in many myths. The unicorn is a symbol of chastity, purity, and innocence. It is always a horse, usually white with a lush mane and a single horn growing from its forehead. Usually he was a means of transportation for wizards, he protected them from harm and killed with his horn anyone who tried to harm them. Unicorns were often depicted on the coats of arms and flags of cities, countries (Scotland, Great Britain, Canada) and noble families. The horn of the unicorn was considered a healing remedy. In our lesson today we will learn to draw this fabulous, wonderful creature - a unicorn.

Stage 1. First draw auxiliary lines. The oval is the body, a smooth curve extends from it - this is the neck, on the neck we will draw a circle with the line of the eyes and the future horn extending from the forehead. From the oval downwards we indicate the future legs of the unicorn - straight, consisting of several segments.

Stage 2. Let's start drawing the unicorn's head. From the circle forward, draw an elongated horse's muzzle, highlight the line of the mouth, and show a round nostril. On the muzzle, approximately slightly above the middle, on the auxiliary line, draw an eye.

Stage 3. Now we decorate the curly bangs of the magic horse, falling over the eye, with wavy lines. The horse has funny protruding ears, pointed upward. And we draw a pointed horn up from the forehead.

Stage 4. Draw smooth lines of the neck from behind the ears down, and in front from the chin line down, and begin to draw the body of the unicorn from the front and back using the same smooth lines.

Stage 5. Using the auxiliary lines of the legs in the foreground, we begin to draw them. The legs are shown as curved curves; curves are characteristic of the limbs of horses and other ungulates. There are tufts of hair in front of the hooves.

Stage 6. Now let's start depicting the legs in the background. They are drawn in the same way as in step 5. Our unicorn is in motion.

Stage 7. We complete the lush mane going down the animal’s neck to the back.

Stage 8. At the back of the body we draw a fluffy tail, the same as the mane, fluttering while running.

Stage 9. Color the picture. You can make the unicorn white and the mane and tail gold, yellow or orange. You can get creative and give the horse a nice pink color, and paint the mane and tail in red or burgundy tones. Our unicorn is painted in a delicate lilac color, and the mane and tail are in two purple shades. The hooves are usually black or brown.

It is possible that people were interested in the question of how to draw a unicorn four thousand years ago. This is how long the very first, ancient images of this mythical character have existed. Horses with a horn on their forehead were first mentioned in the Indus civilization, which arose in the territory of modern India. Later, in ancient Greece they believed that unicorns really existed.

In European culture, magical horses were present in medieval legends and fairy tales. The ancient Chinese, Persians and Japanese also had wonderful legends about them. In Rus', narwhal fangs were passed off as unicorn horns. Their cost was incredibly high; only rich people could afford such a purchase.

In the modern world, interest in unicorns is associated with the development of cinema and animation. Magic horses are present in many animated and feature films: “Harry Potter”, “Dragon’s Dungeon”, “The Last Unicorn”. Cartoon rainbow characters from the cartoons “Mia and Me”, “Friendship is Magic” collect millions of views around the world, with the age of viewers ranging from 4 to 35 years.

To get images of your favorite character, you can sketch from the screen, print pictures from the Internet, or learn to draw him yourself. Having mastered this lesson, you can easily and quickly draw unicorns from different cartoons without drawing or copying.

From this article you will learn

How to quickly draw a unicorn head

In order for cartoon characters to be liked by the audience, they are endowed with human qualities. In the drawing, the following techniques are used for this purpose:

  • The muzzle is depicted so that it looks like the face of a child.
  • For expressiveness, the proportions of the face are increased or decreased: the character is depicted with huge eyes and eyelashes, a small nose, and a small mouth.
  • To make a character come to life, he is endowed with facial expressions using artistic techniques.

Another important factor is color. For brightness and expressiveness of the drawing, cartoons use all shades of the rainbow.

So, let's draw a unicorn. This process is easy and simple if you follow all the steps step by step.

Step 1

Draw a large circle in the center of a piece of paper - this will be the head of a cute pony. In the lower right corner of the circle, draw a line for the muzzle and lower jaw.

Step 2

Draw a line around part of the forehead. A little higher, draw a horn and ears in a triangular shape. Closer to the muzzle, outline a large oval eye.

Step 3

Now it’s time for detailing: draw the pupil and iris of the eye with ovals, outline small circles-highlights in them. They are needed to make the eyes appear shiny. Make an eyelid and long eyelashes just above the middle of the iris. Don't forget your eyebrows. At the edge of the muzzle add a small semicircle - nostrils.

Step 4

Draw two curved lines from the circle. This will be the neck. Carefully connect them at the bottom in a semicircle. Mark the stripes on the horn.

Step 5

Now the hairstyle: draw curls to the right and left of the unicorn’s head. Draw a crown above them. At the withers, increase the volume of the mane. Erase the extra lines.

Step 6

Fill the space of the head and neck with wavy lines representing strands. On the cheek, draw an oval representing blush. The pencil drawing is ready.

Step 7

Try not to paint adjacent parts of the picture with the same color. The highlights are not filled with color at all.

Step 8

You can use different shades for the mane. When coloring the unicorn around the edge and in the eye area, apply more pressure to the colored pencil, this will add volume.

Step 9

The effect of the image can be enhanced. To do this, make the contour line thicker.

The entire process of making a picture takes from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on the size of the sheet. After this, you can give the drawing to a friend, decorate a room with it, or use it to conduct a master class on the topic: “How to draw a cute unicorn.” This is a suitable way of leisure for a group of girls for a children's birthday or other holiday.

How to draw a unicorn step by step

For a beginner, a lesson on how to build a horse figure will be a challenging task. Therefore, it is better to depict a unicorn in full growth and with wings step by step, according to a certain algorithm.

Step 1

It is advisable to start with large parts of the body - the head and torso; they need to be outlined with two ovals: one small, the other larger. Then a line is drawn for the legs and tail. Even when drawing mythical creatures, it is better to maintain the proportions of the figure and make sure that the legs are not too long and the body is not large.

Step 2

Draw a deflection along the back, connecting the head and torso with two arched lines. Draw the muzzle. Give the limbs the required thickness. The legs in the upper part should be more voluminous than in the lower part, ending in hooves.

Step 3

Erase the auxiliary lines. Add an image of a horn, ears and tail.

Step 4

Draw the eyes with large, slightly covered eyelashes. Mark the base of the wing with two lines.

Step 5

Make several rows of plumage in different versions: sinuous, with curls, drawing of individual elements. The further from the base, the larger the parts should be.

Step 6

Legends say that unicorns' tails are similar to lions', so draw a lush tassel with curls at the end of the tail. Add individual strands to the legs and neck of the fairy horse. Outline the mane beautifully with wavy lines.

Step 7

Complete the background with an image of nature: draw trees, stones, grass. Choose a color scheme for the drawing.

Step 8

To make the picture beautiful, add fantastic elements to the landscape: concentric circles, wavy lines. You don’t have to completely paint the sky, just paint a light haze.

Drawings for sketching

We offer you several options for drawings of unicorns for sketching. You can download them and use them as a template.

Video tutorials for drawing a unicorn

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

This is an average difficulty lesson. It can be difficult for adults to repeat this lesson, so I don’t recommend drawing a unicorn for young children using this lesson, but if you have a strong desire, you can try. I also want to note the lesson “” - be sure to try it again if you still have time and desire to draw today.

What you will need

In order to draw a unicorn we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grain special paper: beginning artists will find it much more pleasant to draw on this kind of paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing characters from films, cartoons and stories is much easier than drawing real people and animals. There is no need to adhere to the rules of anatomy and physics, but each character is unique in its own way. The authors created them using special patterns, which must be repeated quite accurately. But if you want, when you start drawing a unicorn, you can always make the eyes a little bigger. This will give it a more cartoonish feel.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Please note that every object, every living creature, every phenomenon on paper can be depicted using simple geometric objects: circles, squares and triangles. They are the ones who create the form; they are the ones the artist needs to see in the surrounding objects. There is no house, there are several large rectangles and a triangle. This makes building complex objects much easier.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

Description: In this lesson we will draw a Heavenly Unicorn. All unicorns are basically the same. I drew this unicorn for Christmas. But it has already passed. Spring is now. Unicorns are present in the fantasies of people in many countries. Unicorns were characters in fairy tales, poems, and every year there are more and more stories. It is still a mystery whether the unicorn was a real animal or not. The unicorn is now depicted as slender and white with a horn on its forehead. Some believe that the unicorn's horn has magical properties and that if the unicorn's horn is stolen or broken, then the unicorn's suffering is transmitted to people, regardless of whether people did it or not. The movie "Legend" (Tom Cruise) stars two unicorns - both a woman and they are separated from each other. The devil was looking for the unicorn's horn so that with its help he could bring evil to the world. The movie was one of the biggest movies of the 80s. I still love watching it. I've always loved fantasy creatures. In any case, you will now learn how to draw a unicorn. As long as there are little ones left who dream of princes and unicorns, these creatures will remain forever...

Step 1. In this step you will draw the basic shapes. First draw the unicorn body shape which is a combination of two circles. Then draw the main lines and from the neck draw a semicircle-head. And the shape of the muzzle. Then add the shape of the ears and move on to the next step.

Step 2. Now you will draw out the shapes of the legs, and the bottom of the unicorn's face. Start with the hind legs. Draw them diagrammatically. Also draw the bottom line of the belly to separate the hind legs from it. Now add the shapes of the front legs.

Step 3. The unicorn comes out beautiful. Now you will sketch out the unicorn's muscles. After this, sketch out the tail. The tail should be large and fluffy. Finish the shapes of the front legs and draw the hooves.

Step 4. In this step you will draw the mane and horn. After you have sketched out the mane, draw the nostrils and eyes. Erase all extra lines.

Step 5. The heavenly unicorn is ready.

Step 6. Now you can color it.

I sincerely hope that you enjoyed the lesson on how to draw a unicorn and hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, there are social network buttons for a reason =)

All children are crazy about cute and magical mythical creatures. Dwarfs, little fairies, like in the fairy tale about Peter Pan, and of course unicorns, mentioned in mythology and many cartoons. Their snow-white and lush mane, snow-white coat, long horn, which in the series about the enchanted were used to obtain magic (in one of the episodes), are adored by both girls and boys. That is why in today’s article we propose not only to look at pictures of these ancient horses, but to be transported to a fantasy world by drawing a picture of a unicorn with a pencil. Thanks to the master classes and photo ideas below, it won’t be difficult to reproduce one of your favorite options. If you follow all the recommendations for beginners in sketching a unicorn, the pencil drawing will turn out no worse than the original version.

Unicorn drawing for sketching in pencil, step by step

To draw a cute unicorn with a colorful mane, a cute heart and long eyelashes, just follow the easy instructions.

  • Step #1

Draw a small ear and add the outline of the muzzle to it so that the forehead and nose stand out.

  • Step #2

Draw one large eye, shading it almost completely, leaving small highlights on the circle. Draw an oblong line from the ear - this will become the base of the neck.

  • Step #3

Draw the nose, mouth, eyelashes and a beautiful mane falling onto the forehead.

  • Step #4

Now you need to draw an even horn, reminiscent of a blunt triangle and a lush mane.

  • Step #5

The only thing left to do is to complete the body of our unicorn, add hooves, a tail and a heart on the back leg.

  • Step #6

The finished sketch can only be colored, choosing multi-colored pencils that do not match each other in contrast.

Unicorn pencil drawing for beginners adults

You can get a truly living and beautiful animal, as if existing in a parallel reality, with the help of simple geometry, a simple pencil, an eraser and a white album sheet.

  • Step #1

First, mark a bold dot in the middle of the sheet. Afterwards, draw a straight side line from it so that you can draw two circles on this straight line, slightly different in size. The circle in the middle should be slightly larger in diameter than the identical figure standing next to it.

  • Step #2

Divide the top circle into 4 equal parts. Draw a vertical line from the middle. Next to it, draw a circle that will be 2 times smaller than the previous one. Draw an elongated figure to it to extend the face of our unicorn.

  • Step #3

Connect all the shapes using curved lines so that you get a sketch of the animal's body. Draw horns on the head, and outline the base of the horn. Also don't forget about the legs and tail.

  • Step #4

The next stage is drawing the eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips.

  • Step #5

The bangs extending from the mane and falling onto the forehead, a well-drawn muzzle and ears - this is what will become the penultimate stage in the drawing.

  • Step #6

Now it's just a matter of small things! Draw the legs, horn, mane, tail and auxiliary lines. Erase all excess. Shade the unicorn using the shading technique. Paint the animal with watercolors or leave it as is.

Unicorn with wings pencil drawing

The cute unicorn princess from the Barbie cartoon will surely attract the attention of little girls who adore everything beautiful, pink and colorful.

To repeat the miracle with wings, just look at 11 step-by-step photos for sketching, demonstrating the lightness, beauty and airiness of a small air animal.

Unicorn head pencil drawing

It is very difficult for a child to draw the body of a unicorn. This is especially true for preschool children and primary school students. Therefore, only one part of the unicorn is offered below - its head. It is proposed to repeat it in close-up in such a way that it is not difficult for the child to make a “blank” drawing, and after it.

Every girl in childhood dreamed of having a unicorn at home. After all, you can do so many interesting things with it: show it to your girlfriends, ride it to school and stroke its colorful mane. If you were refused to buy a unicorn as a child, then our article is especially for you!

We will tell you how to draw a unicorn step by step in the easiest way! To create an awesome unicorn, you will need:

  • 1 piece of A4 paper (you can use any other piece of paper that is convenient for you).
  • 1 simple pencil.
  • 1 eraser.
  • 1 sharpener (just in case).

In this tutorial we will tell you specifically about how to draw a unicorn with wings. If you want to draw an ordinary horse, then do everything the same, excluding a couple of wings from your drawing.

The first stage - the outlines of the unicorn

First of all, draw the contours of your future unicorn as you see in the picture - this will be your hint. Try not to press too hard on the pencil and make very thin and neat lines so that they are easy to erase. At this stage, you draw the basis for the future: head, neck, body, hind and forelimbs. Choose the size of your future horse that is optimal and convenient for you.

We specifically tell you how to draw a unicorn with a pencil - so that you have the opportunity to correct your shortcomings. So don't be afraid to experiment; all famous artists don't always make perfect lines the first time.

The second stage - drawing the body

After you have outlined the basic contours of your future unicorn, let’s add realism and dimension to our fairy-tale character.

Taking the contours as a basis, draw lines parallel to them at a certain distance. Pay special attention to the hooves - they should be small in size and identical to each other. For convenience: first draw solid straight lines from one intersection point to another, and then correct them by adding volume and removing all that is unnecessary.

Also at this point we begin to draw the outlines of the wings - don’t be afraid, this is not the final version of your drawing. Next, the wings will be drawn in more detail. Please note that in our lesson we give guidance on how to draw a unicorn, if your vision is different from ours - there is nothing wrong with that. Don't be afraid to experiment, it will add uniqueness to your work.

At this stage we also add a more detailed face of our future unicorn and a tail. This is quite easy to do - all your attention is on the picture.

The third stage - creating parts

It's time to add as much realism to our unicorn as possible. To do this, we add many small details to our drawing: we draw the ears in more detail, draw the lines of the eyes, nose, mouth and cheek line.

At this stage, a mane appears in our drawing. It consists of vertical lines with sharp angles, which create an imitation of the accumulation of several mane hairs into one. Also a couple of slightly curved lines are added to the tail. It's time to erase all the extra lines.

Carefully study the drawing, add several lines to the neck and abdomen that act as folds. But if you are a perfectionist, then you can leave your horse perfectly even and smooth, this is your vision of how to draw a unicorn, this will not make it worse. But this will be your feature and a certain highlight.

The fourth stage - drawing the wings

Our horse is almost ready, having corrected all the shortcomings, we can safely move on to the wings of our unicorn.

Draw along the bend line again with your pencil, making the line tighter. Then repeat it on the inside of the wing to define the base of the wing, which is the bone covered by the feathers. Next, draw elongated semi-arcs in ascending order so that at the base of the wing they are very small, and closer to the end they are long and wider. In some semi-arcs, make a couple of free lines that add volume to the plumage of your wings; they are usually done in the central part of the arc.

We can change the curve and size of your unicorn's wings - they can be narrower or have a different type of plumage. There are many different techniques on how to draw a unicorn. This is just one of the examples that we presented. If you don't want to completely copy someone else's drawing, try choosing one thing from each instruction and you will end up with a wonderfully original drawing.

Fifth stage - adding color (final)

Hooray! Our unicorn is almost ready! Erase all the extra lines, leaving only the thin outlines of your drawing. If you wish, you can outline it with a black gel or regular pen.

To turn our unicorn into a real fairy-tale character, let's add a few colors to its wings. This will give it a little fabulousness, magic and mystery. To make the wings stand out against the general background, darken the mane and tail with strokes of a simple pencil.

You can also use one simple technique - go over the area you need several times with a simple pencil, and then rub the resulting area with your finger. The result will be a very unusual effect. Hooray! You did a great job and understood well how to draw a unicorn using a simple pencil in just 5 steps!