Rakitin excursions. Orthodox Historical and Cultural Society

Tuesday, February 18, 2014 13:37 + to quote book

I am publishing the trip program on February 22, we will look at exceptional architectural material - temple complex 16th-18th centuries in the village of Stepanovskoye (it was agreed that we would be allowed into the church bell tower of Isaac Dalmatsky), interesting monuments the beginning of the 18th century in Nikitsky and Tatarintsevo, agreed to visit the interior of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel in Bronnitsy). For those who have not yet signed up, please call, there are still places available. So...


9.00.-15. - meeting at the Zhulebino metro station (center of the hall), boarding the bus


Story: The palace village of Bronichi on the Astrakhan highway has been known since 1453. Under Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, a stud farm was founded in the village. From 1710 to 1724 the village belonged to A.D. Menshikov. On April 5, 1781, the village of Bronnitsy was transformed into county town Moscow province.

The buildings:

Cathedral complex:

Cathedral of the Archangel Michael (summer), 1696-1705; iconostasis, beginning 18th century, masters of the Armory Chamber (including icon painters - T.I. Filatiev and K.I. Ulanov) enlarged the refectory, 1862-65; on the south side of the temple there are tombstones over the graves of M.A. and I.A. Fonvizin and I.I. Pushchina

Bell tower, 1851-53

Cathedral of the Jerusalem Icon Mother of God(winter), 1840-46; expanded, 1876-80; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. John the Merciful

With. Stepanovskoye, estate

Owners: In the 2nd half. 16th century - patrimony of boyar N.R. Zakharyin-Yuryev, in con. 17th century - okolnichy M.T. Likhachev, in the beginning 18th century owned the estate statesman M.P. Gagarin, then A.I. Osternam, in the 2nd half. 18th century - N.M. Tolstoy, in the beginning 19th century - N.I. Golitsyn and then her heirs, in 1890 - the peasant Perepelov, in 1911 there were the estates of A.F. Novosiltsev and N.N. Sergeeva.

The buildings:

Temple complex:

Church of the Annunciation, 16th century. (until 1578), funded by N.R. Zakharyin-Yuryev; partially dismantled and rebuilt, refectory, 80s - early. 90s 17th century, at the expense of the okolnichy M.T. Likhacheva; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George the Victorious

The central bell tower of Isaac Dalmatsky, 1732, financed by Count A.I. Osterman

With. Nikitskoye, estate

Owners: The estate began to take shape in the 1st quarter. 18th century Admiral F.M. Apraksin and until the 1760s. belonged to A.F. Apraksin, then A.F. Naryshkin; rebuilt at the end. 18th century Kurakin, in the beginning 19th century owned by V.N. Roslavlev, in mid. Centuries - Colonel E.I. Belovzor, ​​in 1890 - landowner F.G. Yurkevich, in 1911 - Mironov

The buildings:

The master's house with a gallery and an outbuilding and outbuildings (ruins), con. 18th century - beginning 19th centuries

C. Vladimir icon Mother of God, beginning 18th century, financed by F.M. Apraksina; bell tower, 2nd floor. 18th century; refectory rebuilt, 1838; apses rebuilt, 1886; chapels: Nikita (?) and Sergius of Radonezh

With. Tatarintsevo, estate

Owners: From the 1st half. 17th century and at the beginning 20th century (probably until 1917) the estate was owned by the Ladyzhensky landowners.

The buildings:

- c. Exaltation, 1747, financed by A.I. Ladyzhensky; refectory, 1852; iconostasis, 19th century; painting, 20th century; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Metropolitan Alexei

With. Mikheevo, estate

Owners: The estate was created in mid. 18th century E.I. Orlova continued to belong to her family in the 1st half. 19th century owned by S.V. Orlov-Davydov and until 1917 his heirs.

The buildings:

Manor house (2nd wooden floor), 19-20 centuries.

Church of the Assumption, 1862-63, at the expense of honorary citizens G.I. and P.M. Biryukovs

With. Borsheva

The buildings:

Ts. Resurrection of the Word (Protection?), 1903; chapels: the Intercession (or the Resurrection of the Word) and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Arrival at the Zhulebino metro station around 18.00.

Monday, February 03, 2014 17:04 + to quote book

Monday, February 03, 2014 16:45 + to quote book

I am publishing the program of the trip to Kasimov. Read:


17.40. - meeting at the Kuzminki metro station (center of the hall), boarding a bus, transfer to the city of Kasimov (270 km).

Arrival in Kasimov, accommodation at the Leis hotel (2 and 3-bed rooms with private facilities).

8.30. - breakfast in the hotel cafe

9.30. - collection on the bus



Walk 1. Old city:

Church of the Epiphany (Epiphany-Georgievskaya) in Pushkarskaya Sloboda, 1700, financed by the merchant I.I. Gagina; chapels, 1816 (?); the refectory was rebuilt, 1871; chapels: St. George the Victorious, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Zosima and Savvaty

Ts. Elijah the Prophet in Stary Posad, 1820-48, financed by the merchant D.S. Kakushkina “with children”; bell tower, 1861; chapels: icons of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Catherine (on the same throne)

Tekie Avgan-Mukhamed, 1646

Walk 2. New town. Bargaining and planting:

Technical school, 19th century.

Cathedral of the Ascension, 1854-67, architect. N.I. Voronikhin; chapels: John the Baptist and the Intercession

Trading rows, 1830

C. Assumption, 1756-75, financed by the merchant M.A. Milovanov and parishioners; refectory and bell tower, 1789; expansion of the refectory, 1911; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Three Saints (in the old part of the refectory) and the Exaltation and Bogolyubsk Icon of the Mother of God

Alyanichkov House, 1844

Sletov's house, building 18th century

Theological school, 1836

Women's gymnasium, 19th century.

City government, 1853

Visiting session of the treasury and justice of the peace, 19th century.

Nastavin's house, beginning 19th century

House of Skvornyakov (Lvov), 19th century.

Ginz House, 1824-26

Church of the Annunciation with the chapel of St. John the Evangelist, 1740; Introduction chapel, 1784; bell tower, porch and extension of new chapels (Sergius of Radonezh and Elijah the Prophet), 1867-68

Visit to the local history museum (historical exhibition), excursion

14.00.-15.00. - lunch in the hotel cafe

Kasimov (continued)

Walk 3. Tatar part:

Mosque, 1468 (minaret), 1768 (mosque building)

Tekie of Shah Ali Khan, 1555

Castro's house, 19th century.

House of S.H. Bulatova

Visit to the local history museum (exhibition “Tatar life”), excursion

Walk 4th. Embankment and settlements:

Castro's House, 1837-44

Petrovskaya outpost, 1786

Shemyakin's house, beginning 19th century

Verein's house, beginning 19th century

Fragment of the fence with Kazansky towers convent, 1810s

C. Nicholas the Wonderworker (formerly the cathedral of the St. Nicholas Monastery), 1703-05, at the expense of the townsman Ya.P. Yatsky; bell tower, chapels in the refectory, 1867; chapels: Mitrofan of Voronezh and Demetrius of Rostov (southern) and John the Warrior (northern)

Church of the Trinity, 1753-65, financed by the merchant A.G. Polezhaev and parishioners; bell tower, 1772; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Sergius of Radonezh and the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God (“under the bell”, consecrated in 1788)

18.30. - arrival at the hotel, dinner, rest

8.00. - breakfast in the hotel cafe

9.00. - collection on the bus


c. Telebukino

Temple complex:

- c. Transfiguration, 1807-49, financed by landowners A.M. Yakushkin and V.M. Yakushkina, architect. I.S. Gagin (?); bell tower, 1860, financed by landowner N.V. Maksutova; chapels: St. Andrew the First-Called and the Apostle James and Nicholas the Wonderworker

Ts. Pokrova (wooden), 1693, financed by the landowner S.Ya. Yakushkina; rebuilt, the bell tower and chapels were dismantled (moved to the neighboring stone church), 1845, financed by N.V. Maksutova; major repairs, re-consecration, 1883

With. Syntul

Temple complex:

Pokrova (wooden cold), 1780-82; reconstruction of the bell tower, 1829; second throne: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Ts. of the All-Merciful Savior (warm wooden), 1865-66; aisle: Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

? With. Dankovo

Church of the Nativity (wooden), 1783-95; bell tower, 1863; aisle: Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

With. Pogost

Temple complex:

Church of the Transfiguration, 1784 (consecration - 1829); refectory, 1794; bell tower, 1829; refectory expanded, 1883-85; chapels: Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Elijah the Prophet

Ts. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1771

Gus-Zhelezny village

Batashev Estate:

Lord's house, building 18 - beginning 19th century

Park, con. 18th century

Trinity Church, 1802-68 (built intermittently), funded by A.R. Batasheva; chapels in the lower church: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (1816), Nativity of Christ (1823) and Peter and Paul (1818)

Tuma village

Ts. Trinity, 1823-41; bell tower, 1863; northern and southern aisles, beginning. 20th century; chapels: Elijah the Prophet and Nicholas the Wonderworker on the sides of the central throne and Michael the Archangel and the Intercession in the refectory

Arrival in Moscow in the evening (around 21.30) to the Kuzminki metro station

Monday, January 20, 2014 14:43 + to quote book

With. Ivanovskoye (Podolsk), estate

Owners: The estate was founded at the end of the 17th century. Okolnichy I.I. Golovin and further belonged to his family, in the 2nd half. 18th century owned by Field Marshal M.F. Kamensky, from con. 18th century - F.A. Tolstoy, from 1823 - A.A. Zakrevsky, until 1860 - his wife A.F. Zakrevskaya, then V.F. Keller, until 1894 - his wife S.V. Keller, then the industrialists Bakhrushins, the last owner was the historian S.V. In 1916, Bakhrushin donated the estate to the Moscow city government for the establishment of a children's colony.

The buildings:

The master's house with wings and outbuildings, the turn of the 18th-19th centuries, commissioned by Count F.A. Tolstoy; reconstruction of the ensemble, the Church of the Nativity (?) was built in the house, 1820s, commissioned by A.A. Zakrevsky

Theatre, park pavilion, park, late 18th century. (?)

Visit to the History Museum vocational education Russia, excursion

With. Pokrovskoye, estate

Owners: The estate was founded in the 1st quarter. 18th century steward I.R. Streshnev continued to own the estate by his family, and at the end of the century - by I.A. and F.A. Ostermans, in mid. 19th century - P.M. Tolstoy, in 1890 and 1911 - P.P. Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy.

The buildings:

Ts. Intercession, 1722-26, financed by I.R. Streshneva; refectory, 1781; rebuilt, chapel, bell tower, 1862-65, financed by P.M. Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Tolstoy; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Peter and Paul

With. Vorsino, estate

Owners: The ancient patrimony of the Kolychev boyars. In the 2nd quarter. And ser. 19th century the estate was owned by landowner T.S. Karina, then M.L. Bode-Kolychev, since 1886 - doctor E.T. Rodionov

The buildings:

Ts. Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, 1834-37, financed by T.S. Karina; chapel of Metropolitan Philip of Moscow (under the chapel there was a cave - the tomb of the Kolychevs, including the locally revered saint Grigory Semenovich Kolychev)

Manager's house, beginning 19th century

With. Tovarishchevo, estate

Owners: From the end of the 17th century. - patrimony of P.I. Potemkin and his descendants, in the middle. 19th century the village was owned by A.M. Potemkin

The buildings:

- c. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, 1731-35, commissioned by I.S. Potemkin., master I.Ya. Maslov and P.G. Ilyin; destroyed at the end 1940s (except for the bell tower); recreated, 2000s; chapel of Sergius of Radonezh

With. Klenovo, estate

Owners: All R. 17th century patrimony of Yu.N. Baryatinsky, from the end of the century - Cherkasy, in the 2nd quarter. 18th century the estate was owned by P.B. Cherkassky, in mid. 19th century General's wife A.B. Neidgard, in 1890 - industrialist L.V. Shamshin, in 1911 - A.I. Shamshin

The buildings:

The master's house (ruins) and outbuilding, turn of the 19th-20th centuries, architect. V.V. Barkov; burned down in 1992

Ts. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1793, financed by M.A. Cherkasy; chapels: Peter and Paul and the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (consecrated in 1871)

With. Salkovo

The buildings:

Church of the Annunciation, 1704, financed by the Novospassky Monastery; perestroika and bell tower, 1st quarter. 19th century; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Paraskeva Pyatnitsa

Monday, January 20, 2014 12:15 + to quote book

So, today in the conference hall of the Russian State Library there will be a lecture from the series “On the Roads of the Russian Province”, I will tell and show Cherdyn - one of my favorite cities. Come start at 19 o'clock (3rd entrance, 3rd floor, free admission)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014 11:54 + to quote book

I congratulate all the readers of my diary on the past holidays - New Year, Merry Christmas, and I hasten to congratulate you on the coming Old New Year. Now we can say with confidence that 2014 has arrived. As a gift, I am publishing an announcement of my lectures at the Russian State Library "On the Roads of the Russian Province." Once again, happy holidays to everyone.

Russian state library

Orthodox historical and cultural society



Lectures are held in the form virtual excursions and are accompanied by the display of photographic materials on the big screen

201 4 year



On the Perm land. Cherdyn and surroundings

In Northern Bukovina. Chernivtsi

Along the Chernozem region. Kursk and surroundings

In the Middle Urals. Nevyansk and surroundings

Russian Baltic. Vyborg

Moscow region. Favorites.

Lectures are taking place once a month according to the schedule at 19.00. in the conference hall of the Russian State Library at the address: Moscow, st. Vozdvizhenka, 3 (1 min. walk from the metro station "Biblioteka im. Lenina"), entrance 3 (3rd floor)

contact number: 8 925 892 35 07


Monday, December 30, 2013 23:33 + to quote book

Good evening. I hasten to inform you that 2 places have become available on the Belgorod trip. If anyone suddenly appears who wants to join us, you are welcome. There are still places on trains, and on buses, too:).

Monday, December 30, 2013 13:30 + to quote book

8.45. - breakfast in the hotel cafe

9.45. - collection on the bus


Walk 1: The beginning of the city

- ancient settlement (original location Belgorod fortress), 17th century

Church of the Trinity, 1992-2003, architect. V.A. Turchinov

- monument to Prince Vladimir, 1988, sk. V. Klykov, architect. V. Pertsov

Walk 2: Place of the fortress and posada

Ts. Uspensko-Nikolskaya, 1701, funded by parishioners and Emperor Peter I; chapel: John the Baptist (consecrated in 1851)

Ts. Pokrovskaya (now the cathedral of the Intercession Convent), 1791; southern aisle of Mitrofaniy of Voronezh, 1837; northern aisle of Tikhon Zadonsky, 1865

Holy Trinity Boulevard, Cathedral Square, row buildings 19 - beginning. 20th centuries

Ts. Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God (lower church), 1727-63 (consecration of the upper church); Upper Church of Peter and Paul

Preobrazhensky Cathedral, 1813, financed by parishioners, architect. E.A. Vasiliev; chapels: icons of the Mother of God “The Sign”, the prophet Elijah and the Epiphany (in the baptismal area, above the porch); The cathedral contains the relics of St. Joasaph of Belgorod

13.30.-14.30. - lunch in the hotel cafe, collection on the bus

Walk 3: Outskirts of Belgorod

Ts. Nicholas the Wonderworker (cemetery, now the Cathedral of Joasaph of Belgorod), 1799; aisles and expanded apse, 1837

Polish church, late 19th century.

C. Exaltation in the settlement of Koshary, 1863, funded by Countess A.V. Lastovskaya and merchants brothers N. and E. Mukhanov

Visit to the diorama museum " Battle of Kursk" And Museum of Local Lore, excursion

20.00. - arrival at the hotel, dinner in the hotel cafe, rest

Saturday, December 28, 2013 22:23 + to quote book

I am publishing a trip program around the Belgorod region. Pay attention

Between the Seim and Seversky Donets rivers.

Belgorodand surroundings


22.24. - departure from Kursky station by train No. 105 “Nightingale” Moscow-Kursk (to Kursk)

6.25. - arrival in Kursk. Meeting at carriage No. 4. Boarding the bus.

Moving to Oboyan (63 km)

8.45.-9.45. - breakfast in a cafe in Oboyan



Walk around the city:

Trinity Cathedral, 1891-1908, financed by parishioners and the merchant of the 1st guild Ryabkin; chapels of the Nativity of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, 1891-1907 (the iconostasis was installed in 1914); at the expense of the Oboyan merchants in honor of the deliverance royal family during the crash of the imperial train on October 17, 1888; arch. V.G. Slesarev

Ts. Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, 1790

Women's gymnasium, con. 19th century

Ordinary building con. 19 - beginning 20th century

Transfer to Prokhorovka (74 km)


Prokhorovka village

Visit to the Prokhorovskoe Field museum-reserve, excursion

Museum of Military (Tank) Equipment

Memorial "Belfry", 1995

Ts. Peter and Paul, 1992-95, architect. D.S. Sokolov

Museum "Field of Military Glory"

17.30.-18.30. - late lunch in a cafe in Prokhorovka

Moving to Belgorod (61 km)

20.00. - arrival at the Vladimirskaya hotel (double rooms with private facilities), rest

8.45. - breakfast in the hotel cafe

9.45. - collection on the bus


Walk 1: The beginning of the city

- settlement (original location of the Belgorod fortress), 17th century.

Church of the Trinity, 1992-2003, architect. V.A. Turchinov

- monument to Prince Vladimir, 1988, sk. V. Klykov, architect. V. Pertsov

Walk 3: Place of the fortress and settlement

Ts. Uspensko-Nikolskaya

Ts. Pokrovskaya (now Pokrovsky Convent)

Holy Trinity Boulevard

Cathedral Square

Drama Theater

Ts. Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God

Transfiguration Cathedral

13.30.-14.30. - lunch in the hotel cafe

Collection on the bus

Walk 4: Outskirts of Belgorod

Cathedral of Joasaph of Belgorod

Polish church

Visit to the Battle of Kursk diorama museum and the Museum of Local History, excursion

20.00. - arrival at the hotel, dinner in the hotel cafe, rest

7.45. - breakfast in the hotel cafe

8.45. - collection on the bus, transfer to the village of Rakitnoye (64 km)


Rakitnoe village

- c. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1832, financed by B.N. Yusupova; near the temple the grave of Archimandrite Seraphim (Tyapochkin)

- manor house, 1830s

Park, 19th century

12.30.-13.30. - lunch in a cafe in the village of Rakitnoye

Transfer to Borisokva village (55 km)

Borisovka village

C. Michael the Archangel, 1804-11, at the expense of parishioners, arch (?) Masalov; refectory and bell tower, 1865-67; clock installed, 1872, master V.S. Bezsalov; marble iconostasis, 1911, Sommavila factory (Kharkov)

With. Khotmyzhsk

Settlement, 12-17 centuries.

Church of the Resurrection, 1839, architect. A.M. Melnikov

With. Golovchino

- c. Transfiguration, 1796,

Round building, con. 18th century


Evening walk around the city

Ts. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1865; chapels: Michael the Archangel, Tikhon of Zadonsk and Joasaph of Belgorod

Temple-chapel of Joasaph of Belgorod, 1997-98

Men's gymnasium, 1910

Women's gymnasium, 1870


House of merchant Dmitrienko, beginning. 20th century

Moving to Belgorod (75 km)

Dinner (on your own at free time evening in the center of Belgorod)

21.30. - arrival at the station, departure to Moscow by train No. 072 Belgorod-Moscow (“Belogorye”), departure at 22.24

Arrival in Moscow on January 6 (Monday) at 6.01. to Kursky station

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 13:36 + to quote book

We are going to visit again, this time to Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. In addition, we will visit the village of Dunino itself, the Islavskoye estate, the village of Lutsino and see the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Zvenigorod, which is rarely visited by tourists. The trip will take place, accordingly, on December 14, next Saturday. Join us. I am publishing the program:

9.15-30. - meeting at the Krylatskoye metro station (center of the hall), boarding the bus

With. Dunino

The buildings:

House of M.M. Prishvina, con. 19 - beginning 20th centuries

Visit to the M.M. Museum Prishvina, excursion

Church-chapel of St. Michael the Archangel (wooden), 2005

Chapel of John the Baptist (wooden), 2000s

Memorial complex of the Great Patriotic War

With. Islavskoye, estate

Owners: The estate began to take shape in the middle. 18th century under M.F. Apraksina, in 1779 it was owned by the landowner P.P. Durnovo, from 1780 to 1815 - I.P. Arkharov, hereinafter - Z.N. Postnikov and until the middle. 19th century his son I.Z. Postnikov (under the Postnikovs, the poet G.-H. Gumbs and Shelley Claire Clairmont lived here, I.I. Genishta gave concerts), from 1855 to 1867 the estate was owned by I.D. Loris-Melnikov, then merchant I.O. Sushkin and his heirs, the last owner until 1917, grandson I.O. Sushkina - M.I. Alekseev.

The buildings:

Lord's house, 2nd floor. 19th century; burned out from the inside, 1998

Outbuilding, ?; ruin

Ts. Savior Image Not Made by Hands, con. 18th century (finished in 1799), financed by I.P. Arkharov; chapels: icons of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and St. George the Victorious

Park, con. 18 - beginning 19th century

With. Lutsino

The buildings:

C. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1807, financed by parishioners; bell tower and enlargement of the refectory, 1909; aisles: martyr. Barbarians and icons of the Mother of God “Joy of all who mourn”


- c. Nativity of Christ in the Posad, 1805-1823, financed by parishioners; refectory, 1905-07; chapels: Sedmiozersk Icon of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Arrival at the Krylatskoye metro station around 18.30.+ to the quotation book

Where you can go on a short and cold December (November) day. Of course, to a small cozy museum, to some, well, very good person. Therefore, on November 30 our company goes to visit Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev, and on December 14 we visit country house Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. So, I’m publishing the program for the upcoming trip (November 30) through the little-visited outskirts of Zvenigorod. Our trip will be built around the Taneyev Museum in Dyutkovo, then we will visit parish churches in Savinskaya Sloboda ( good example modern wooden church), Mikhailovsky and Lokotne (both churches were built at the expense of parishioners according to exemplary designs of the 2nd half of the 19th century), we will complete the program with a masterpiece - the Church of the Assumption on Gorodok of the 14th century.

9.15.-30. - meeting at the Krylatskoye metro station (center of the hall), boarding the bus

With. Dyutkovo

The buildings:

House of S.I. Taneyeva, con. 19th century

Visit to the museum of S.I. Taneyeva, excursion

With. Savvinskaya Sloboda

The buildings:

Ts. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 2000-01, architect. A.B. Barabanov

With. Mikhailovskoe

The buildings:

C. Michael the Archangel, 1881-87, financed by the merchant V.P. Anufrieva, architect. IN. Grudzin; chapels of the Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God and Alexander Nevsky

With. Elbow

The buildings:

Ts. Pokrova, 1872-77, architect. IN. Grudzin; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Seven Youths of Ephesus


- c. Assumption on Gorodok, late 14th century, at the expense of Zvenigorod Prince Yuri Dmitrievich; chapel: St. George the Victorious in the deacon house (abolished in the 19th century); mural painting, 1880s (several fragments of fresco painting from the early 15th century have survived); iconostasis, 2nd floor. 19th century; belfry beginning 19th century


The time for day trips has begun (November-December). So, on November 16 we are going to the Shchapovo estate (museum), we also see Polivanovo - the Razumovsky estate, Oznobishino - a good late church, Satino-Russkoye - a church in the cemetery - simple classicism, I question the visit to the Filippov estate (most likely we won’t have time, because it’s getting dark already at 17 with kopecks). Check out the program, there are still a few places available.

Meeting: Annino metro station at 9.30-9.35. (center of the hall). Boarding the bus.

S. Polivanovo, estate
Owners: Estate Stolniki V.A. Polivanova has been known since the 1st third of the 17th century; in the middle of the century it belonged to the okolnichy M.M. Saltykov. Rebuilt in the 1770s. K.G. Razumovsky, in the beginning. 19th century owned S.O. Apraksin, from 1809 – I.V. Gudovich, in the middle of the century - E.I. Dokhtureva, then – noblewoman Yu.S. Davydov, before 1917 the estate was occupied by a teachers’ seminary
The buildings:
- manor house, 1780s, commissioned by K.G. Razumovsky, architect. IN AND. Bazhenov (?)
- outbuilding, 1780s
- c. Annunciation, 1777-89, commissioned by K.G. Razumovsky, architect. IN AND. Bazhenov (?); the bell tower was recreated, 2010-12; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Alexei, man of God and martyr. Catherine (built in the basement in 1837)
- church clergy house, 1st floor. 19th century
- park, con. 18th century

S. Shchapovo (Alexandrovo), estate
Owners: The ancient estate of the Morozov boyars, from 1681 to 1815 the estate was owned by the Grushevskys, then by I.S. Arsenyev and his heirs, since 1864 - A.N. Nikolaev, since 1889 - manufacturer I.V. Shchapov, according to whose will an agricultural school was organized here in 1903.
The buildings:
- manor house, 1890, architect. F.O. Shekhtel (?)
- service buildings: parish school (1892), agricultural school (1903, now the main building of the museum), bridges (1903 and late 18th century), manager’s house, staff house, dairy, almshouse (early 20th century) , kitchen (1890), carriage house, stable and blacksmith shop (late 19th century), lace school (1913), dispensary with pharmacy (?)
- monument to I.V. Shchapov
- c. Assumption, 1778-79, financed by V.V. Grushevsky; northern aisle martyr. John the Warrior, 1817
- park, 18-19 centuries.
Visit to the Shchapovo estate museum, excursion

S. Oznobishino
The buildings:
- c. Trinity, 1863-73. at the expense of parishioners, arch. N.I. Finisov; bell tower, 1908-11, architect. N.N. Blagoveshchensky; chapels: Intercession and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

S. Satino-Russkoe
The buildings:
- c. Ascension, 1819; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (transferred from St. Nicholas Cathedral in the city of Przemysl, Moscow) and Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina (built in 1915)

P. Sports bases
City of Przemysl Moscow
- ancient settlement, 14th century.
Estate D.I. Filippova
Owners: Created by baker D.I. Filippov at the beginning of the 20th century
The buildings:
- manor house, beginning 20th century, arch. ON THE. Eichenwald
- park, beginning 20th century

Arrival at the Annino metro station around 18.30.


Due to numerous requests, I am publishing the PICO travel program for 2014 (through July inclusive). Read. Think. Sign up.

December 2013

Subject: On the Desna River: Novgorod-Seversky and surroundings

Subject: “On the banks of the Moscow River: Museum of M.M. Prishvin in Dugino and the surrounding area" (Dugino, Islasvkoe, Vvedenskoe (?), Lutsino, Sharapovo, Nikolskoe)

Subject: In Western Belarus: Brest and surroundings

January 2014

Subject: “Belgorod and surroundings” (Belgorod, Prokhorovka, Borisovka, Grayvoron, Khotmyzhsk settlement)

Subject: “Between Voronovo and Podolsk” (Pokrovskoye, Tovarishchevo, Klenovo, Satino-Russkoye, Vorsino, Ivanovskoye (visit to the manor house with interiors))

Subject: On the Perm land. Cherdyn and surroundings


Excursion trip, February 8-9 (Saturday-Sunday). Attention small group

Subject: “On the Oka River. Kasimov, Elatma and surrounding area" (Kasimov, Gus-Zhelezny, Elatma, Syntul, Pogost, Telebukino (?))

Subject: “In the area between the Moscow River and Severka. Along the Kolomenskaya Road" (Tatarintsevo, Stepanovskoye, Nikitskoye, Mikheevo, Borsheva, Bronnitsy (visiting the interior of the Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel))

Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed

Subject: In Northern Bukovina. Chernivtsi


Subject: “On the banks of the Moscow River. Myachkovo village and surrounding area (Verkhnee Myachkovo, Green Sloboda, Bykovo, Zhilino, Udelnaya, Eganovo)

Subject: “In the area between the Moscow River and Severka. Opolye" (Vishnyakovo, Shubino (?), Saltykovo, Zavorovo, Lobanovo-Rostovskoe, Avdotino)

Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed

Subject: Along the Chernozem region. Kursk and surroundings


Subject: “Nizhny Novgorod land: Arzamas and the surrounding area” (Arzamas, Seraphim-Diveevsky Monastery, etc.)

Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed

Subject: In the Middle Urals. Nevyansk and surroundings

Subject: "By Bryansk land» (Krasny Rog (A.K. Tolstoy museum-estate), Starodub, New Ropsk, Stary Ropsk, Novozybkov, Pochep, Pogar, Klintsy, Mglin, Kabalichi, Lyalichi, Trubchevsk)

Subject: “In absentia. Dvoryaninovo estate and surrounding area" (Savino (museum of the commander of the cruiser "Varyag" V.F. Rudnev, Dvoryaninovo (A.T. Bolotov museum-estate), Rusyatino (grave of A.T. Bolotov), ​​Chentsovo (?))

Subject: “Mikulino and surroundings” (Gorodskovo, Ramenye, Ivankino, Mikulino ancient settlement, Novovasilievskoye)

Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed

Subject: Russian Baltic. Vyborg


Subject: “Across Right Bank Ukraine: From Vinnitsa to Kyiv” (Pirogovo, Nemirov, Tulchin, Uman (Sofievka Park, Parkhomovka, White church(Alexandria Park, Vasilkov, Fastov, Mogilev-Podolsky)

Subject: “Guslitsky Monastery and surroundings” (Kurovskoye, Khoteichi, Ilyinsky Pogost, Rudne-Nikitskoye)

Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed

Subject: Moscow region. Favorites


Subject: “Across Western Ukraine: Volyn” (Ostrog, Korets, Plyasheva, Rivne, Berestechko, Podkamen, Dubno, Pochaev, Kremenets, Mezhiritsky Monastery)

Subject: "Russian Baltics. On the shores of Narva, Lake Peipsi and the Gulf of Finland" (Kingisepp, Gdov, Ivangorod, Koporye and their environs)


P. MORDOVO (district center of the Tambov region). Church of the Archangel Michael.
A large temple in a large village. There are quite a few of these in the vicinity of Tambov, in the village of Pakhotny Ugol, Pichaevo or Selezny. The name of the village, the first mention of which refers only to early XVIII centuries, reminiscent of the aborigines - the warlike tribes of the Mordovians who originally inhabited these lands. The surviving church is from a completely different era. Its construction began in 1888 and was associated with the small capacity of another Mordovian church - the wooden Ascension. Indeed, after construction, the temple was considered one of the most spacious in the Tambov province, after the Bogolyubsky Cathedral in Kozlov and the Trinity Cathedral in Morshansk, of course. The church project was approved by Tambov diocesan and provincial architects A.F. Mirolyubov and F.A. Svirchevsky, and, most likely, it was compiled by them. The temple has a model built fifteen years earlier (i.e. in 1783) by the St. Petersburg architect Nesterov, the Nativity Cathedral in Tambov. The temples are really similar: completed with five tents, three semicircular apses, decor down to the smallest detail. The difference between the later Mordovian temple is the hipped bell tower with west side and unwhitened red brick walls. In the Tambov Cathedral of the Nativity, the belfries were located in the side chapters, and the cathedral itself was white, perhaps plastered. To better experience the architecture of the Church of the Archangel Michael, you need to move away from it, at least a block away, or even leave the village; from distant points it looks most advantageous - like a ship sailing through the endless fields of the Russian black earth. The interior of the Mordovian church is unique - the porcelain iconostasis stands out as a bright spot against the background of white plastered walls. Unfortunately, the origin of the iconostasis is not known; local legend connects its construction with the New Jerusalem Monastery, allegedly the iconostasis was intended for the Cathedral of the Resurrection, and then, due to unclear circumstances, it was transferred to the village of Mordovo. Today, we can only state known facts: the tiles in the Archangel Michael Church were made in Kharkov at the Berenheim factory where a similar iconostasis could be made, in turn, the Tambov Bishop Innokenty, under whom the interior of the church was decorated, several times turned for help to iconostasis masters from the Kuznetsov factory in the village of Dulevo near Moscow. Well last fact, the construction of the main altar and chapel of the Mordovian church in 1909 - 1910. The work is carried out by the famous Moscow master of iconostasis, icon painter Mikhail Ivanovich Dikarev. He can be considered the author of the project for the Mordovian porcelain iconostasis.

Born in Moscow. Son of T. A. Priymenko - professor of the department of cello and double bass. In 1978 he graduated from the Central Music School (class of T. A. Bobovich and Yu. A. Muravlev), in 1983 - the Moscow Conservatory (piano class of G. B. Axelrod, composition class of A. I. Pirumov).

Laureate of the All-Union Competition for Young Composers best song about Moscow (to poems by V.V. Poltoratsky, III prize), diploma winner International competition wind players (as accompanist; Moscow, 1997).

Pedagogical activities:

For more than 10 years he worked as an accompanist in State school wind art (classes of V.V. Petrov, A.V. Korneev, M.M. Orudzhev, A.S. Demin, V.B. Batashev).

Since 2002 - accompanist of the Moscow Conservatory in the classes of O. V. Kaverzneva, Z. U. Shikhmurzaeva, T. A. Priymenko, at the department of opera training.

Concert activities:

He began his concert activities back in Central music school, including in outdoor concerts.

Rakitin has been working as an accompanist for over 30 years. His repertoire includes works for cello, violin and all wind instruments.

Since 1979, he has been constantly performing with T. Priymenko in the country and abroad. Has entries in the Main Fund All-Union Radio. He often performs at concerts as a solo pianist.


Author of an opera, Concerto for piano and orchestra, Sinfonietta for string orchestra, Suite for cello “Retro”, many works for wind instruments, romances, songs (most of the works are performed, including in arrangements for cello, performed by T. Priymenko, many from Rakitin's works published).

Among the performers are T. Priymenko, G. Odinets, A. Korneev, D. Blagoy, A. Skobelev, M. Yashvili, N. Yureneva, G. Matrosova, N. Myasoedov and many others, as well as foreign musicians.

Monday, December 23, 2019 15:37 + to quote book

Travel program until July 2019


Subject: ON THE VORONEZH LAND. BEHIND THE BELGOROD SECURITY LINE (Usman, Voronezh State Biosphere nature reserve them. V.M. Peskova (nature museum, ecological trail), Tolshevsky Monastery, village. Khrenovoe (Oryol stud farm, visit to the museum and equestrian unit), Bobrov, Anna, village. Orlovo, s. Novaya Usman, village. Otradnoe)

Subject: ON THE STROMYNSKAYA ROAD. NIKOLO-BERLYUKOVSKAYA PUSTIN AND SURROUNDINGS (village Avdotino (Nikolo-Berlyukovskaya Pustyn), Voskresenskoye village, Yamkino village, Makarovo village, Ivanovskoye village)

Subject: WOODEN TEMPLES OF THE LOWER POONEGA REGION. Piyala, Raw materials, Upper reaches, Podporozhye


Subject: IN THE FORMER OUTBARRIERS OF VLADIMIR PROVINCE. PALEKH AND SURROUNDINGS (Palekh, Krasnoye village, Vasilyevskoye village, Kuznetsovo village, etc.)

Subject: SMALL TOWNS OF THE MOSCOW REGION. MOZHAYSK (Ferapontov Monastery, Zarechye, old and new St. Nicholas Cathedrals, Flora and Lavra Church, visit to the local history museum)

Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed

Subject: IN THE YAROSLAVSKY VOLGA REGION. Rybnitsa, Red Profintern, Bor, Vyatskoye, Aristovo, Greshnevo, Abbakumtsevo, Dievo Gorodishche


Subject: ON THE VOLGA BELOW NIZHNY NOVGOROD (Makaryev (Makaryev Zheltovodsky Monastery), Lyskovo, Velikiy Vrag village, Bogorodsk, Oransky Epiphany Monastery, Lukino (Pokrovsky Convent))

Subject: IN THE MIDDLE ROUTE YACHROMES. NORTHWEST OF DMITROV (Sinkovo ​​village, Podmoshye village, Sysoevo village, Peresvetovo village, Orudevo village, Ochevo village)

Subject: - IN THE UPPER ROUTE OF KLYAZMA. BOLSHEVO AND SURROUNDINGS (Durylin house-museum, Marina Tsvetaeva house-museum, Kostino estate, Kosma and Damian church, Obraztsovo village)

Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed




Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed


Subject: IN THE MIDDLE VOLGA REGION. ZHIGULI MOUNTAINS AND SAMARA LUKA (Syzran, Troitskoye village, Zaborovka village (Gagarin estate), national park"Samara Luka", p. Shiryaevo, Zhigulevsk, Mount Strelnaya, Molodetsky Kurgan, Tolyatti (?))

Subject: IN THE LOWER STREAM OF THE SEVERKA RIVER (Shkin village, Nepetsino village, Cherkizovo village, Prussy village, etc.)

Subject: SUBURBAN ST. PETERSBURG. FROM ORANIENBAUM TO KOPORYE (Lomonosov (inspection palace and park ensemble), Fort Krasnaya Gorka, Mount Valdai, natural stops on the shores of the Gulf of Finland and Lake Valdai, Pinery, Koporye village (external inspection of the fortress))

Course of lectures “On the roads of the Russian province”, to be confirmed

Subject: PROVINCIAL KALEIDOSCOPE. Impressions of the 2018/19 season


Subject: BETWEEN MOKSHA AND SURA. COUNTY CITY OF SARANSK AND SURROUNDINGS (Saransk, Makolovo village, Pyatino village, Paygarmsky monastery, Temnikov city, Sanaksarsky monastery, Makarovka village)


Subject: ACROSS THE LAND OF ARKHANGELSK. IN THE LOWER STREAM OF THE NORTHERN DVINA AND ONEGA (Novodvinsk Fortress, Anthony-Siysky Monastery, Zachachye Village, Pogost Village, Yemetsk Village, Severodvinsk City, Onega City, Kiy Island, Syrya Village, Piyala Village, Verkhovye Village , Podporozhye village)

Subject: IN CENTRAL SIBERIA. KRASNOYARSK AND SURROUNDINGS, (Krasnoyarsk, Stolby National Park, Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Yeniseisk)

Wednesday, March 06, 2019 17:41 + to quote book

Prepared the third day of the trip "Below Nizhny". Explore:


8.30. – check out from the hotel, get ready on the bus, move to Lyskovo, approx. 95 km
OK. 10.30. – arrival in Lyskovo, start of the excursion program

S. KIRIKOVO (Knyagininsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province)
- c. Assumption, 1692, commissioned by Metropolitan Hilarion of Suzdal and Yuryev (1632-1707); closed, 1920s; a granary was built, then a flour mill; transferred to the diocese, ?

G. LYSKOVO (former village of Knyagininsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province)
History: It was first mentioned as a city with a wooden fortress in 1410, in 1423 the Lyskovsky governor was mentioned. In the 2nd half. 16th century L. loses its defensive significance and after the Time of Troubles is mentioned as the village of Lyskovo (scribal books of 1622/23). Since the 1640s in the possession of B.I. Morozov, after whose death in 1664 he was assigned “to the palace department.” In 1700, the Lyskovskaya volost with its villages was granted by Peter I to the head of the Georgian house of Bagratites (Bagrationi) - Archil Vakhtangovich, then the village was owned by his son Alexander, grandson Georgy (1762-1852), then the daughter of the latter - Anna (wife of Count Alexander Petrovich Tolstoy) and her godson Nikolai Evgrafovich Stogov (1845-1916). The Tolstoys did not live in L., and the estate was managed under them by Evgraf Aleksandrovich Stogov, who was appointed to this position under G.A. Georgian.
The buildings:
- c. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (Cathedral of the Kazan Men's Convent), 1753, at the expense of the Bishop of Voronezh and Yelets Lev (Yurlov); chapels in the refectory: John Chrysostom and John the Evangelist;; preserved the interiors; closed, 1937-43
- ancient settlement of the city of Lyskova (Olenya (Lysaya) Mountain), 14 – mid. 16th centuries
- Cathedral of the Transfiguration, 1711, commissioned by A.V. Bagrationi; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and John the Baptist; closed, 1930s; bell tower dismantled, 1955; the temple housed the warehouse of the Zagotzerno office
- temple complex of the Ascension Cathedral:
- Cathedral of the Ascension, 1814, commissioned by Prince G.A. Georgian; arch. I.E. Starov (?) or I. Matveev (?)
- c. St. George the Victorious building religious school, trade building, bell building, east tower, 1810s
- civil development: st. Bolshaya Sovetskaya (former Stoyalaya. Preobrazhenskaya), Gorky and Revolution streets (former Bazarnaya Square) and st. Lenin
- estate G.A. and A.A. Gruzinsky - A.G. Tolstoy - N.E. Stogova, 19-20 centuries.
- brewery of the heirs of A.F. Ermolaeva, con. 19 – beginning 20th centuries

14.30. – lunch in the cafe at the hotel “Prichal” (st. Lower Embankment, 2)
Moving to the village Great Enemy, 65 km

S. GREAT ENEMY (former Nizhny Novgorod district, Nizhny Novgorod province)
- c. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (wooden), ; didn't close

Moving to Nizhny Novgorod, OK. 40 km
OK. 17.50. – arrival in Nizhny Novgorod to the railway station. Departure to Moscow by train No. 740 “Strizh” Nizhny Novgorod-Moscow at 18.50, arrival at Kursky station at 22.43. Wednesday, March 06, 2019 14:02 + to quote book

It was possible to agree on a visit to the Kazan Church in Makaryev, the Kazan Church in Rozhnov and the Kazan Church in the Great Enemy (all three were not closed). Today I am preparing for the third day of the trip. Lunch has already been ordered))). For now, I am publishing the program for the 2nd day of the trip (and more information - due to three refusals, places on the bus and hotel have become available, if you suddenly have a burning desire to join, this can be done):

from 7.30. – buffet breakfast in the hotel cafe
9.00. – gathering on the bus, transfer to the village. Rozhnovo, approx. 43 km

S. ROZHNOVO (former Semenovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province)
- c. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and the bell tower, turn of the 17th-18th centuries; the refectory was rebuilt, 2nd floor. 19th century; northern aisle: Elijah the Prophet; closed, 1939-43; the church contains a revered copy of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

OK. 10.30. – moving to Makaryevo village, approx. 52 km
11.30. – visit to the Makaryevsky Zheltovodsk Monastery, excursion, visit to the church. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, lunch and free time

P. MAKAREVO (former district town of Makaryev, Nizhny Novgorod province)
History: In 1666, the Makaryevskaya Fair was approved by royal decree (took place after July 25). In 1700 it was transferred to the civil department. After the fire of 1816, the fair was moved to Nizhny Novgorod. In 1779, the sub-monastery settlements were united into the district town of Makaryev (coat of arms and plan in 1781). In the 2nd half. 19th century the city practically did not develop and had no industry.
The buildings:
- Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, 1790; chapels in the refectory: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (south) and John of Damascus (north); didn't bury myself
- civil engineering former city Makarieva
- Makaryev Zheltovodsky Trinity Monastery (founded by the monk of the Nizhny Novgorod Pechersk monastery, St. Makary on the meadow side of the Volga near Lake Zheltye Vody; in the 15th century it was plundered and burned by the Tatars, Makary was taken prisoner; rebuilt in 1620 by the monk of the Tetyushsky monastery Abraham (a native of the city of Murom); in the 17th century it suffered greatly from the troops of Stepan Razin; the largest trade fair in Russia, called Makaryevskaya, was held near the monastery; by the mid-19th century it fell into decay; abolished in 1868; at the request of the merchants in 1883 it was resumed as a women's one; in 1927 it was closed, it was located here Orphanage, during the Second World War - a hospital, a veterinary college; in 1992 transferred to the diocese, revived as women's)
- Trinity Cathedral, 1651-58, “mason apprentice” Maxim Apsin; chapels: Mikhail Malein and Macarius Zheltovodsky
- refectory with c. Assumption and bell tower, 1651-54; rebuilt, 1882; northern aisle: Catherine (2005)
- c. Macarius of Zheltovodsky, 1808-09
- a fence with towers (1662-67) and a gatehouse. Michael the Archangel, (1670-74, architect P.S. Potekhin); to the west of the gate there is a c. in the tower. Grigory Pelshemsky, 1780s
- buildings: rectory, eastern cell building, residential, 18-19 centuries.
- chapel-tombstone over the grave of the rector of the monastery, Archimandrite. Aristarcha (1821-43), ser. 19th century

OK. 15.30. - moving to the village Rolls, approx. 7.5 km.

S. VALKI (former Makaryevsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province)
- c. Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (wooden), 1870, based on model project No. 19 from the “Atlas of projects of churches, rural buildings, published by the Department Agriculture"; closed, 1937-1990s; rector - priest Alexy Molchanov was shot

S. ZASLONIKHA (former Semenovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province)
- c. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1843; chapels: Transfiguration and Catherine; closed, 1930s-1990s

OK. 16.30. - moving to the village Shroud, ok. 43 km
OK. 18.00. – moving to Nizhny Novgorod, approx. 51 km
OK. 19.00-30. – arrival at the hotel, dinner in the hotel cafe, rest Tuesday, March 05, 2019 13:19 + to quote book

I am starting to publish the trip program Nizhny Novgorod region, pay attention:
07.15. – departure from Moscow to Dzerzhinsk by train No. 728GA “Lastochka” Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod from Kursky station
10.37. – arrival in Dzerzhinsk; meeting upon arrival at the entrance to the railway. station on Vokzalnaya Square, boarding a bus, transfer to Bogorodsk, approx. 46 km
12.00. – lunch at the cafe “Ellen” (Bogorodsk, Lenina St., 101B)
13.00. - moving to the village Oranki, approx. 35 km
13.40. – visit to the Oransky Bogoroditsky Monastery, excursion, free time

S. ORANKI (former Nizhny Novgorod district, Nizhny Novgorod province)
- Oransky Bogoroditsky Monastery (founded in 1634 by the nobleman Pyotr Andreevich Glyadkov (Gladkov), who took monastic vows and later took the schema with the name Paul and donated the miraculous Vladimir (Oran) Icon of the Mother of God to the monastery; annual religious processions with the image (since 1771) contributed to the prosperity of the monastery; closed in 1920, finally liquidated in 1928; buildings were occupied in different years nursing home, prisoner of war camp, juvenile colony, medical treatment facility; in 1993 it was returned to the diocese; in 2008, the image of the Oran Icon of the Mother of God was transferred to the monastery from the Nizhny Novgorod Museum-Reserve)
- Cathedral (summer) of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God (on the site of a stone church from the 1720s), 1804-19; chapel in the basement (basement): Athanasius, Patriarch of Constantinople
- Cathedral (winter) of the Nativity of the Mother of God, 1833; chapels: Three Saints and Demetrius of Rostov
- bell tower, 1st floor. 19th century
- fence, cell building with c. Peter and Paul, gate c. Nectarius of Pechersk, 19th century/2000s.

Moving to Bogorodsk, approx. 35 km
16.00. – inspection of the city of Bogorodsk, walk around the city

BOGORODSK (formerly the village of Bogorodskoye, Gorbatovsky district, Nizhny Novgorod province)
History: The village of Bogorodskoye in Berezopole was first mentioned in scribe books (by Grigory Zabolotsky) in 1571. In 1614, the village was granted by Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich to Kuzma Minin for “ Moscow cleansing" B. was located at the fork in the roads from Nizhny Novgorod to Gorokhovets and Murom, which contributed to the development of trade and crafts here. The leather industry was especially developed in the beginning. 20th century there were 59 glue factories (handicraft workshops) here; residents also made felted boots and felt. In 1923, the village was transformed into the city of Bogorodsk.
The buildings:
- c. Assumption, 1816; closed at Soviet time, bakery workshops are located, being restored
- c. Intercession, late 19th century. (real school); rebuilt into a temple, beginning. 2000s
- Church-Chapel of the Intercession, 2012, architect. V.V. Kurbatov
- civil development on the street. Lenin, around the lake. Kabatskogo (Bragina St.), st. Sverdlova, st. Danilova (see Appendix (map of the city with architectural monuments))

18.00. – dinner at the Eden cafe
19.00. – moving to Nizhny Novgorod, approx. 47 km.
OK. 20.00. – arrival at the hotel “Azimut Hotel Nizhny Novgorod” (Zalomova str., 2), accommodation in double rooms with private amenities, rest Tuesday, February 26, 2019 17:00 + to quote book

I invite everyone to a lecture on Thursday, February 28, I will show Belarus, and more specifically, the town of Zaslavl and its surroundings. Come, admission is free (you must have any identification document with you), as always there will be a lot of photos and maps:

Monday, February 25, 2019 11:45 + to quote book

Over the last two months of our travels, we visited several perfectly preserved church interiors, this is probably the most strong impression behind Lately. I am publishing their photographs deliberately without indicating the temples in which they were taken. At the end there will be one non-interior photo from our trip on February 23 - this is St. Nicholas Cathedral in Mozhaisk. Enjoy watching:

Tuesday, February 19, 2019 16:03 + to quote book

I publish full version trip program February 23 (Saturday). There are still places available, if anything. Explore:

8.20-25. - meeting at the Park Pobedy metro station, boarding a bus, transfer to Mozhaisk, approx. 100 km

MOZHAYSK (former district town of Moscow province)
The buildings:
- territory of the fortress:
- ancient settlement (ramps and ditches), 14-17 centuries.
- Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Novo-Nikolsky, erected on the site of the stone gate tower of the Mozhaisk fortress built in 1541 with the Church of the Exaltation, in which the miraculous carved image of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk was kept (14th century, now in the State Tretyakov Gallery), in 1624-26 the tower was rebuilt; in its place in 1680-84 a new stone St. Nicholas Cathedral was built, at the beginning of the 19th century it was expanded and completely rebuilt), 1804-12, architect. A.N. Bakarev (?); aisles: northern - the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, in the rotunda (not preserved) - the Savior Not Made by Hands; closed, 1933; severely damaged during the fighting in 1942; partially restored, 1960s; occupied by a knitting factory; transferred to the diocese, 1994
- c. Peter and Paul, 1849-52 (built on the site of the old city cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (from 1812 to the mid-19th century - Elijah the Prophet) that collapsed in 1844 at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries, preserving the “former forms”), arch. A.M. Shestakov; closed, 1930s; occupied by the city history and art museum; transferred to the diocese, 2003
- temple complex c. Joachim and Anna (in the 16th-17th centuries Yakimansky convent):
- c. Joachim and Anna, 1390s, northern aisle of Leonty of Rostov, 16th century; the northern aisle was rebuilt (consecrated in memory of the Akhtyrka Icon of the Mother of God), 1760s; the completion of the northern aisle was redone and the apses were built on, at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries; dismantled with preservation of the northern aisle, 1867; porch, 1880s; in Soviet times it was closed and occupied by an archive; now houses the parish Sunday school
- c. Joachim and Anna, 1867-71 (instead of the dismantled temple of the 1390s), architect. K.V. Grinevsky; bell tower, 1893, architect. P.G. Egorov; chapels: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Akhtyrka Icon of the Mother of God; didn't close
- Luzhetsky Ferapont Monastery, male (founded by St. Ferapont Belozersky at the request of Prince Andrei Dmitrievich in 1408; in the mid-16th century, the rector of the monastery - Archim. Macarius became Archbishop of Novgorod and later Metropolitan of Moscow; in the 2nd half of the 17th century, thanks to the donations of Patriarch Joachim (Savelov), who came from Mozhaisk, the monastery was rebuilt in stone; destroyed during the Time of Troubles and in 1812; closed, 1929, occupied for housing and production; partial restoration, 1961-69, res. N.I. Ivanov; transferred to the diocese, 1993):
- Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God, with a contribution made between 1526 and 1542, at the expense of Archbishop Macarius of Novgorod, the future Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus'; The northern gallery was dismantled in connection with the construction of a church adjacent to the cathedral. Ferapont Belozersky, ser. 18.; the remaining galleries were rebuilt, 18th-19th centuries; chapel: in the southern apse - Macarius of Egypt; extensions were dismantled during restoration in the 1960s.
- refectory with c. Introductions, 16th century; thoroughly rebuilt (basement preserved), 1759-71; wooden galleries (from the west and north) were replaced by stone porches, 1839; chapel in the basement: Fyodor Stratelates; closed, 1920s; in Soviet times it was occupied by a furniture factory
- bell tower, 1673-92 (?); in the first tier there is a tomb of the Savelov family, to which the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Joachim (1621-90, patriarchate 1674-90) belonged.
- Holy gate with gateway c. Transfiguration, turn of the 16th-17th centuries; top part walls were rebuilt (after a fire in 1732), 1750s; domed completion, after 1812
- cell building (consists of three buildings of different times - the Brotherhood building (1681-92), the Rector's quarters (1761-68, on the site of a 17th century building) and the Treasury building (1814)), the turn of the 19th-20th centuries; significantly rebuilt, 1970s
- a fence with towers and utility gates, 1680-84 (four round towers and three-quarters of the length), 1750s (the perimeter of the walls was closed), 1761-63 (square northeast, round in the western part of the tower and utility gate)
- Ilyinskaya Sloboda (former village of Mozhaisk district, Moscow province):

8.20-25. - meeting at the Park Pobedy metro station, boarding a bus, transfer to Mozhaisk, approx. 100 km

MOZHAYSK (former district town of Moscow province)

The buildings:

Fortress territory:

Settlement (ramps and ditches), 14-16 centuries.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Novo-Nikolsky)

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Staro-Nikolsky)

Posad territory (walk around the city):

Rolle Manor (with utility outbuilding), beginning. 20th century

Temple complex c. Joachim and Anna (formerly Joachim Convent, decreed in 1764):

Ts. Joachim and Anna (from the 19th century Akhtyrskaya Icon of the Mother of God), 1390s, northern aisle, 1760s; the completion of the northern aisle was redone and the apses were built on, at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries; dismantled with preservation of the northern aisle (in the 16th century - Leonty of Rostov), ​​1867

C. Joachim and Anna, 1867-71. arch. K.V. Grinevsky; bell tower, 1893, architect. P.G. Egorov; didn't close

Luzhetsky Ferapontov Monastery:

Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God

Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to find complete recordings of the very first poems, due to the frivolous attitude towards them. It all started in the summer of 1997, when he was visiting me on the veranda cousin Denis. From him I heard the first lines:

Again I sit in silence,
I'm sitting alone again.

There, on the veranda, a continuation was invented:

But how nice it is for me to think,
That you are out there somewhere.

That's all. Having completed 4 more lines and giving them to one girl, everything was happily forgotten. For 2 months. Then a trip to AIST dotted all the i's and the flywheel of poetry began to gain momentum. The dedication to Lena Khnychenkova, and some other first poems of more than 8 lines (a great achievement!) can now be considered lost, because there is no way to find them. C "est la vie - such is life. Lena Khnychenkova herself should be mentioned separately as a person who greatly influenced my life and my worldview. One way or another, in spite of everything, this is very good man, kind and sympathetic. Associated with her whole period my life, and the first cycle of poems “Wolf”, which remained in the notes. Also at AIST, I met and became friends with Zhenya Simonov, also an extraordinary personality and a man of difficult fate. He called my poems “white,” and I called his poems. :) Then college, work in a warehouse, moving, nights without sleep, the 13th floor and emptiness in my soul. Again, moving and working, where there is Internet access and where there are a lot of people on ICQ. New acquaintances and new poems, a trip to Novosibirsk from Yekaterinburg for the weekend and study of the Vedas, new energies and the search for your own, - Native...
A lot happened during this time...

I thank all the people who took part in the creation of this collection and apologize to those with whom I had to part ways. I apologize for the fact that sometimes I don’t let you know about me for a long time and send mysterious SMS. Believe me, you are all dear to me in your own way. Without you there would not be many poems and feelings. Thank you for your Light and the road we have traveled together. Thank you for the meetings, thank you for everything you have done for me.