Orthodox paintings for children. Orthodox paintings

The main difference between a true confessor and others who are only trying to be like the elder is wisdom and humility. One of the most famous and mysterious representatives of the Russian clergy, who became a symbol of the oldest monastic monastery in Russia - Optina Monastery, as well as a personal spiritual mentor Russian Patriarch Cyril is Elder Elijah. This man is rare example of lung, sublime and pure state of mind. That is why hundreds of people from all over the country seek meetings with him every day.

Who are the elders?

Every man walking through your life in my own way. In order not to stray from the right path, not to fall into the abyss, he needs someone who will indicate a landmark, will not let him get lost, and at the right moment will support and guide him on the right path. Since time immemorial in Rus', elders have been such helpers. They were respected and feared at the same time, because they are followers of the ancient Russian magi, who absorbed with the blood of their ancestors Great Wisdom. Many elders possessed the gift of prediction and healing, but the main goal of a real elder is to know the revelation of God and spiritually help those in need.

Elder Eli: biography

Iliy (in the world - Alexey Afanasyevich Nozdrin) was born in 1932 in a large peasant family in the village of Stanovoy Kolodez Oryol region. His father, Afanasy, during Patriotic War in 1942 he was seriously wounded and died in hospital. Mother, Klavdia Vasilievna, raised four children alone. After graduating from school in 1949, Alexey completed military service in the army. In 1955, he entered the Serpukhov Mechanical College, and after graduating in 1958, he was assigned to the Volgograd region to build a cotton mill in the city of Kamyshin. But not finding himself in, he decided to devote his life to God, enrolling in the Theological Seminary of the city of Saratov. In 1961, due to Khrushchev’s persecution and pressure on the church, the seminary was closed, and Alexey was forced to move to Leningrad, where he continued his studies at the Theological Academy and was tonsured as a monk with the name Ilian.

Since 1966, he served as abbot at the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery, and in 1976 he was sent to serve as obedient to the monastery of the Russian great martyr Panteleimon on Holy Mount Athos in Greece. There, the future Elder Eli lived in a mountain monastery and became a priest in the Panteleimon Monastery. At the end of the 1980s, he was recalled back to the USSR and sent to the restored Optina Pustyn, which had been deserted for the past 65 years. Here Ilian accepted the great schema, which provided for complete alienation from the world for reunification with God, and also took monastic vows with the name Eli.

Over the next 20 years, he revived the elder ministry in the monastery, which ultimately returned Optina Pustyn to its former greatness. In 2009, Elder Eli was appointed confessor to the Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill and moved to his residence in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the village of Peredelkino, Moscow region. In April 2010, on the Easter holiday, the elder was elevated by the Patriarch to the rank of schema-archimandrite.

History of the monastery

Optina Pustyn is an Orthodox monastery for men, located two kilometers from the city of Kozelsk in. According to ancient legend, the monastery was founded at the turn of the 14th-15th centuries by the repentant robber Opta (or Optius), who took monasticism under the name Macarius. The Optina monastery served as a haven for elders and elders, living in separate buildings of the monastery, but under the spiritual guidance of one abbot. The first mentions of this monastery can be found in the scribe books of Kozelsk dating back to the reign of Boris Godunov.

IN early XVIII century, Optina Pustyn experienced difficult times due to constant taxes to the state for the war with the Swedes and the construction of St. Petersburg, and in 1724 it was completely abolished according to the Spiritual Regulations and annexed to the Transfiguration Monastery, located in the neighboring city of Belev. Two years later, the monastery was restored, and construction of new churches began on its territory, which continued until the beginning of the twentieth century.

Optina has become one of the largest spiritual Orthodox centers Russia, pilgrims and sufferers were drawn to it from all sides, some of whom settled in the monastery, built in 1821. As donations came in, the monastery acquired land and a mill.

In 1918, Optina Pustyn was closed according to the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, and in 1939, on the territory of the monastery, by order of L. Beria, a concentration camp was organized for five thousand Polish soldiers, who were later shot in Katyn. From 1944 to 1945 here is a filtration camp for Soviet officers who returned from captivity.

Optina Pustyn today

Only in 1987 did the Soviet government transfer the monastery to the Russian Orthodox Church. From that moment on, active restoration of the monastery began - both material and spiritual. The ideologist and coordinator of the restoration of the Optina Monastery is Elder Eli. It was thanks to this man that the monastery regained its glory as the largest center of Orthodoxy and pilgrimage. Its unique energy and the beauty of its temples attract thousands of pilgrims and tourists from all over the world. There are 7 operating churches on the territory of the monastery:

  • Vvedensky Cathedral is the main temple of the monastery;
  • Church of John the Baptist and Baptist of the Lord in St. John the Baptist Skete;
  • Temple of St. Hilarion the Great;
  • Temple of the Kazan Icon Mother of God;
  • Temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord;
  • Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”.


The holiday village of Peredelkino is located in the nearest railway stations - "Peredelkino" and "Michurinets". The town is famous not only for the monastery and Elder Elijah, but also for the fact that famous writers and artists lived and worked there at one time. Among them are Alexander Fadeev, Bella Akhmadulina, Valentin Kataev, Bulat Okudzhava, who also held his famous bonfires here, where Rina Zelenaya, Arkady Raikin, Sergei Obraztsov performed. The house-museums of Okudzhava, Pasternak, Chukovsky and Yevtushenko are located here.

How to get to the monastery?

Considering that Optina Pustyn is located near the Peredelkino and Kozelsk railway stations, you can get to it by railway will not be difficult. Electric trains run from Kievsky Station in Moscow in the direction of Kaluga or Sukhinichi. You can also get to Kozelsk by bus from the Teply Stan metro station.

Car owners, given the current abundance of various navigation systems and maps, will also not have any particular problems finding the right path. But if getting to the monastery is not a tricky matter, then how to get to Elder Elijah for an appointment is a completely different question. Before setting off for this purpose, you should find out in advance about the daily routine at the monastery, as well as the reception schedule.

If God wills

Many people want Elder Iliy (Peredelkino) to talk to them. “How to get an appointment with the elder and will he accept?” - these are the main questions of visiting pilgrims. Of course, the schema-archimandrite will not be able to satisfy all those who suffer, but, as local monks say, if God wills it, the meeting will definitely take place. Usually Elder Elijah receives people in the refectory before lunch, where those who have arrived are seated at tables, and the line moves around these tables. If people make noise in line or argue, he will personally disperse or reconcile the guests.

Closer to 16 o'clock, the elder retires to rest, and when he returns and whether he will return on this day, only the Lord knows. The monastery has its own Internet resource (www. optina.ru), where you can find out where Elder Elijah is now and when the next reception will take place.

The Power of Prayer

It is believed to have double force, because this is the prayer of the enlightened one. They say that if he prays for the repose of the soul, then the soul of a sinner can even be freed from hellish captivity. An amazing incident also occurred in Optina Pustyn. One day, a soldier who was seriously wounded in Chechnya was brought to Elijah’s monastery. The doctors did not know how to save the soldier and did not dare to operate, since he was unconscious and the bullet was a few millimeters from his heart. Elder Elijah’s prayer “May God rise again” made desperate doctors believe in a miracle - the wounded man came to his senses and opened his eyes. After the operation, the soldier began to recover.

The basis and establishment of the Orthodox faith in Rus' for a long time eldership appeared. This is a unique phenomenon, the center of which from the moment of its foundation was the monastery near Kozelsk - Optina Pustyn.

The original founder and inspirer of the eldership was Hieroschemamonk Lev, who acquired the abundant gifts of the Holy Spirit - an example of humility and the most ardent love for God and neighbors.

Hieroschemamonk Macarius, with whose name the beginning of the monastery's publishing activities is associated, accepted the feat of serving the elderly and caring for the flock after the physical death of the Monk Leo. Initially they published the works of the elders, but in the end the organized process drew into its orbit the best minds Russia.

Under the leadership of Macarius, not only Optina Pustyn, but also other monasteries flourished, and the letters of the holy elders published during his reign still provide a precious example of guidance on piety for monks and laity.

The monastery became large hospice under the leadership of Schema-Archimandrite Moses - unique person, who managed to combine the iron qualities of a manager with strict asceticism, humility and non-covetousness.

Thanks to his skillful and wise leadership, the monastery literally flourished.

Let us list the most famous and beloved elders:

Schema-abbot Anthony is the brother and associate of Moses, the abbot of the monastery, mentor and comforter of all who come to him for help. Through earthly life courageously and nobly bore the heavy cross of body illnesses.

Hieroschemamonk Hilarion is a disciple and successor of the holy elder Macarius, famous for his zealous confession of the Orthodox faith, which helped many people who had fallen from the faith to return to the bosom of the Holy Mother Church.

Hieroschemamonk Ambrose is a great saint of God, a zealot and confessor of true Orthodoxy. A beloved elder of the people, incredibly revered both during his life and after his blessed death. The Lord testified to the grace of the holy elder with many miracles that occurred through his prayer and intercession.

Schema-Archimandrite Isaac is the ever-memorable rector of the Optina Hermitage, a most delicate and skillful shepherd, a great ascetic and keeper of the traditions and spiritual covenants of the elders of the Optina Hermitage.

Hieroschemamonk Anatoly is the monastery leader and elder, mentor of the monks of the Optina Hermitage and the monastery in Shamordino, and other monasteries. Elder Anatoly was most successful Divine gift consolation and relief from despondency.

Hieroschemamonk Joseph is the spiritual successor of the Monk Ambrose, an example of gentleness, humility, and constant prayer. Many contemporaries recall that even during the life of the blessed elder they saw him illuminated by Divine light. Repeatedly during his old age he was rewarded with apparitions of the Mother of God

Schema-Archimandrite Barsanuphius is the monastery leader, about whom Elder Nektarios said: God's grace in one night created a great old man out of a brilliant warrior. He fulfilled his pastoral duty during the war (with Japan), had the gift of foresight - he predicted events and saw right through the hearts of those who came to him for help, guidance and protection.

Hieroschemamonk Anatoly II, nicknamed the “Comforter,” was endowed with great gifts of love and consolation for the grieving, was perspicacious and knew how to heal illnesses. The elder had a difficult pastoral lot - during the time of the revolution, he affirmed and strengthened his spiritual children in the faith, giving them the strength to be with God until the very end, even until death.

Hieroschemamonk Nektarios is the last Optina elder elected by the council. Through the feat of unceasing prayer and humility, he acquired the precious gifts of clairvoyance and miracles, often hidden under the guise of foolishness. Tirelessly, without sparing himself, he cared for the people during the days of severe persecution of the Holy Church.

Hieromonk Nikon, the favorite disciple of Elder Barsanuphius, after the closure of the Hermitage, did not renounce the covenants of his eldership, and fulfilled his pastoral duty selflessly and ardently. He suffered abuse from the godless authorities and died in exile.

Archimandrite Isaac II is the last Optina elder, the former rector of the Optina Hermitage, who had the ordeal of seeing the destruction, plunder and desecration of his beloved Holy Optina. The elder himself experienced imprisonment four times, but never once complained against the Lord, but bore his cross obediently - as the Lord Jesus Christ commanded. Shot at the height of the Yezhovshchina - January 8, 1938, last resort found in mass grave on Simferopol highway.

Now schema-hegumen Iliy, the confessor of the Optina Monastery and the confessor of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, is asceticizing in the desert. Schema-abbot Eli is a vessel filled with Christian virtues, the greatest of which is love.

Instructions of the Holy Fathers

Such an extensive and rich spiritual culture as that which was nurtured and developed by the great saints of God, the holy venerable elders of Optina, could not but leave spiritual fruits. And these fruits were embodied in the works of the venerable elders - statements and advice from the Optina elders can be found on almost any occasion in life.

Traditionally, the instructions of the Optina elders include the soul-helping teachings of Macarius and Ambrose - the most experienced and strong in spirit elders. In addition, under the name of Elder Ambrose, “Advice to Spouses and Parents” was also published; he also ardently defended the purity of the Orthodox Faith - for this purpose he created “An answer to those favorable to the Latin Church about the unfair exaltation of the papists with the imaginary dignity of their church.”

The Diary and Testament to the spiritual children of St. Nikon were also published.

The elders were distinguished by such a pure and truly Christian existence that each milestone of their holy life in itself is instruction, admonition and confirmation in the true faith.

Monastery of the Elders

The place that raised so many saints of God deserves attention in itself. Optina Pustyn is named after its founder, the repentant thief Opta (in monasticism - Macarius).

Chronicle mentions date back to the reign of Boris Godunov; the monastery was a major center of spiritual life during the reign of the House of Romanov.

After the revolution, it operated until January 23, 1918, after which it was turned into an agricultural artel, a museum, a rest home, a concentration camp, and many monks suffered martyrdom within the walls of the monastery, others were arrested or dispersed.

In 1987, Pustyn was returned to the Orthodox Church. The revival of monasticism, the restoration of churches, and the resumption of spiritual and economic life begin.

Icon of the Holy Elders

The holy elders of Optina, despite the fact that they lived in different time, and often did not see each other - depicted on the icon “The Council of Our Reverend Fathers, the Elders of Optina.” The holy fathers are depicted in hieromonastic robes with scrolls of teachings in their hands. Traditionally, the Most Holy Lady Theotokos is depicted on top of this icon, as a sign and symbol of the special love and favor of the Queen of Heaven for the Holy Elders.

In addition, in almost all cases the icon depicts in the distance the luxurious white-stone Optina Pustyn - the stronghold and establishment of Orthodoxy on Russian soil.

Video: Optina elders

    Good day! Optina elders are monks. In the fourteenth century they founded a monastery in Kaluga region- Optina Pustyn. They are especially revered in the Orthodox Church. The monk Lev Nagolkin is considered their founder and inspirer.

    Optina elders are monks of the Optina Hermitage, canonized. These are the reverend fathers Hieroschemamonk Leo (Nagolkin), Hieroschemamonk Macarius (Ivanov), Schema-Archimandrite Moses (Putilov), Schema-Abbot Anthony (Putilov), Hieroschemamonk Hilarion (Ponomarev), Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (Grenkov), Schema-Archimandrite Anatoly (Zertsalov), Schema-archimandrite Isaac (Antimonov) , Hieroschemamonk Joseph (Litovkin), Schema-Archimandrite Barsanuphius (Plikhankov), Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Potapov), Hieroschemamonk Nektary of Optina, Hieromonk Nikon (Belyaev), Archimandrite Isaac II (Bobrakov).

    The Optina elders are sons of God, predictors of the future. None of the healers had such abilities and knowledge as the elders. The Optina Monastery was very popular among pilgrims who came to cleanse their minds and bodies, and learn about their future. The main spiritual wealth of the temple is its elders.

    The Optina elders are monks who in the 14th century in the Kaluga region organized the Optina Pustyn monastery...

    monk LEO (Nagolkin) - considered the founder and inspirer of the Optina eldership...

    The prototype of Elder Zosima in Dostoevsky's Brothers Karamazov was Elder Ambrose, whose writer was in Optina Hermitage...

    Not far from Kozelsk on the Zhizdra River, in the Kaluga region there is the Optina Pustyn Monastery. The most famous of the Optina elders is the Venerable Ambrose of Optina. No less honorable: Macarius, Leo, Hilarion, Moses, Anthony, Isaac, Joseph, Barsanuphius, Nektarios, Aatoly, Nektarios, Nikon. The elders have a special gift; they guide souls to salvation. SENIORITY is a special gift. In the Monastery, the relics of almost all of these saints were found. This is a wonderful holy place!

    The Optina elders are monks who, back in the 14th century, built a monastery in the Kaluga region near the settlement of Kozelsk. They are especially revered in the Orthodox Church. They had the gift of guiding souls to salvation.

    Optina elders are Orthodox holy fathers. They lived in the Optina Hermitage near Kozelsk. This is not far from Kozelsk, in the Kaluga province. Known for their works, they are revered in Orthodoxy.

Surrounded by forest, on the banks of the Zhizdra River, far from the noisy cities where Optina Pustyn is located, stands an ancient monastery that was of great importance before the Bolsheviks came to power.

Today, when the Orthodox Church in our country is experiencing a period of revival, attention to this ancient monastery is returning.

Numerous temples closed during times Soviet power, became available to believers. Their magnificent architecture pleases everyone, regardless of religion.

In contact with

Geographical location and place on the map

Optina Pustyn has the following GPRS coordinates: 54.053416, 35.831969. Located in the Kaluga region.

From regional center the distance is 79 kilometers, from the capital of Russia - 256 kilometers, from St. Petersburg - 935 km. And the shortest distance from the nearest town called Kozelsk is only 2000 meters.

Brief history of the monastery

On modern territory People lived in the Kaluga region for a very long time. During excavations, archaeologists found sites of Stone Age people. Kozelsk was mentioned in chronicles already in 1146.

The small town became famous for its unprecedented resistance to the Tatar-Mongols in 1238. For seven weeks the huge army could not take Kozelsk. After its capture, the town was burned to the ground, glorious warriors and residents were killed.

The history of the monastery begins much later. Exact date The foundation of the monastery is unknown, but in 1625 it already existed. A secluded, deserted place in the middle of the forest was chosen by the hermits for the monastery. In the 17th century there were only monks' cells and a wooden church. At the same time, the Vvedensky Cathedral was built.

During the reign of Peter I, the monks were almost deprived of their livelihood, the mill and river crossing were taken away, and fishing was prohibited. And then it was decided to close the monastery, although it did not operate for only 2 years.

Metropolitan of Moscow Platon

Metropolitan Platon of Moscow and Bishop Philaret of Kaluga played a huge role in the revival of the monastery.

It is important to know: The role of Father Abraham, appointed rector of Optina Pustyn, is great. It was he who introduced the way of life in the monastery that lasted until the 20th century - the time the monastery was closed.

His concern for the material well-being of the monastery, the repair of dilapidated church buildings, attracting believers from the surrounding area long years His activities made the monastery famous not only in the Kaluga province, but also beyond its borders.

Moscow Metropolitan Filaret

The most important period in the life of Optina Pustyn was the time when Philaret became Metropolitan of Moscow. Despite his high clergy, Filaret loved a quiet, silent life, and therefore patronized the monastery and visited it often.

Note: under Filaret, a kilometer from the monastery, the monastery of John the Baptist was built, which became the place of life for all the elders of Optina Pustyn.

Many books have been written about eldership in Rus'. It's unique, pure Russian phenomenon, dates back to the times of Sergius of Radonezh. An elder, as a rule, is a priest - a monk who provides spiritual guidance and mentoring to people who come to the monastery. This guidance takes place in the form of conversations or advice, as well as in correspondence with spiritual children.

Elder hermits

Filaret invited the first hermit elders to Optina Hermitage. Here this amazing phenomenon flourished most, making the monastery the spiritual center of Russia.

Interesting fact: The monastery became famous not for architectural miracles, not for ancient icons, but for the great Optina elders.

Almost a century great amount pilgrims flocked to the Optina Monastery to receive advice, guidance, and spiritual help. Among the visitors to Optina there were many celebrities: N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky, L.N. Tolstoy, philosopher V.S. Soloviev, V.A. Zhukovsky, S.T. Aksakov, F.I. Tyutchev, P.I. Tchaikovsky, A.L. Chizhevsky and many others.

Monastery after the revolution and the USSR

After October revolution The spiritual center of Russia was closed in 1918. There was an agricultural artel, a museum, a sawmill, a tannery, where monks and elders worked and also secretly continued religious activities. Pilgrims continued to go to the monastery.

The succession of various organizations on the territory of the monastery was replaced by the Rest House. A concentration camp was set up here in 1939.. It accommodated more than five thousand Poles who were shot at Katyn.

With the beginning of the Second World War, a hospital for the wounded was needed, and the Optina Monastery was chosen as the site. Already three years after the start of the war, the hospital was converted into an NKVD camp, intended for captured Soviet officers returning from Germany to their homeland. In 1949, the camp was replaced by a military unit.

1987 is the year of the return of Optina Pustyn to the Russian Orthodox Church. The very first liturgy was celebrated in June 1988 in the gate tower. Many years of work lay ahead to restore the holy monastery.

Current state of the monastery

Vvedensky Cathedral

Immediately after the transfer of the monastery to the church, its restoration began. Elder Elijah headed the work. It was not only about returning the churches to their original appearance, but also about the spiritual revival of the monastery, about returning Optina to its significance as the most important center of Orthodoxy.

Today there are 8 functioning churches in excellent condition on the territory. In addition to the temples, other buildings were also restored:

  • The Vvedensky Cathedral is the main church of the monastery. The shrine with the holy relics of St. Ambrose is located in the northern limit, the shrine with the holy relics of Fr. Nectaria - in the refectory;
  • The Vladimir Church was rebuilt on the site of a hospital church that had not survived. This temple is the tomb of the seven great elders of the monastery: Leo, Macarius, Hilarion, Anatoly, Joseph, Barsanuphius, Anatoly;
  • The monastery where the Optina elders lived was also restored. But access to it is closed to everyone except monks who serve in divine services day and night;
  • The infirmary tower is adjacent to the hospital building. Today a hotel for pilgrims is open here.

What about the elders? Are they in the monastery today?

This is interesting: Elder Elijah, who lived in the monastery for 20 years, is today the confessor His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', confessor of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra and Optina Pustyn. Considering the elder’s venerable age - he is 85 years old - and the burden of his spiritual father’s affairs, he is practically elusive and inaccessible to ordinary people.

But the glory of the monastery is still great. Pilgrims and believers who want to become monastery workers come here in search of peace and meaning in life.

Optina elders

The monastery, built under Filaret, became the place where the Optina elders lived. For a century and a half, this place became a source of grace for hundreds of people who came here.

Optina Elder Father Ambrose

Many written testimonies, books, and memoirs have been preserved about the 14 elders who lived in the monastery in the 19th and 20th centuries. A lot has become known thanks to the archive of the monastery, which in 1928 was taken by the poetess N. Pavlovich to the library named after. Lenin.

The elders were not only spiritual teachers of their parishioners. Many of them had the gift of foresight and healing. There are many documented cases of their healing of terminally ill patients.

Among all the Optina elders, Father Ambrose stands out for his ascetic life. The scope of spiritual mentoring by Fr. Ambrose is amazed. Every day a crowd of people from all over Russia and from abroad gathered at his modest cell. In addition to personal conversations, Fr. Ambrose maintained an extensive correspondence, and he was a very sick man.

In the diary of Fr. Ambrose has preserved records about how the work of eldership was beyond his strength, about the lack of sufficient time for prayer, about the lack of strength to overcome the road to the monastery. For his service Fr. Ambrose received a rare award - a golden pectoral cross.

Shamordino Women's Monastery

Father Ambrose became the founder of the Shamordino women's monastery, which still exists today. Here the priest spent a lot of time, finding the solitude and peace he needed so much.

Father Nektary

By the beginning of the revolution, three elders lived in the monastery: Nektary, Nikon and Anatoly II. Their fates turned out differently:

  • O. Nektaria arrested in 1923, taken into custody, then demanded to leave the region. O. Nektary obeyed, he went to the Bryansk region and settled there with his spiritual son. Even to this distant village to Fr. Spiritual children came to Nectarius. He died in 1928 from illnesses. Seven years later, robbers arrived at the cemetery, wanting to find treasures and get rich. Tearing open the elder's grave, they saw an incorruptible body;
  • O. Nikon After the monastery closed, he worked a lot, trying to provide food for the remaining monks. In 1924 he moved to Kozelsk and served in the Assumption Church. In 1927, Fr. Nikon was arrested and after three years of imprisonment in the Kemperpunkt camp, in unbearable living conditions, he was sent to the North, to Pinega. He died in 1931 from tuberculosis in the arms of an Optina monk at the age of 43;
  • O. Anatoly Potapov continued his religious activities in Kozelsk and its environs, despite the Bolshevik ban on serving. He refused to leave and in 1923 he was arrested. There were several of them in Fr.'s life. Anatoly II, as a result he was accused of counter-revolutionary activities and executed in 1938.

This is how it ended amazing century old age. A tradition has been interrupted, the revival of which will take a very long time.

Monastery in the spiritual life of Russia

The enormous significance in the life of Russia can be assessed by the example of the influence of a visit to the monastery on the worldview and work of three great writers - N.V. Gogol, L.N. Tolstoy and F.M. Dostoevsky:

  • N.V. Gogol visited the monastery three times. The timing of the first visit coincided with a deep spiritual crisis, aggravated by illness. A writer who has already written his best works, are tormented by doubts about the correctness of the chosen field. Gogol felt the calling of a monk, dreamed of living in Optina Pustina, praying for the sins of people. The writer's gift of genius contradicted his religious beliefs. This was his tragedy. But the elders, many of whom were very educated people, and, of course, read his works, did everything possible to literary world I haven't lost a writer. Long conversations with Fr. Makariy, Fr. Porfiry and the monks of the monastery had a beneficial influence on Nikolai Vasilyevich. Father Porfiry subsequently conducted a long correspondence with the writer, was his friend and mentor;
  • Leo Tolstoy visited the monastery several times. One day he and his companions came here on foot. The great writer's relationship with the church was complex. Even repeated conversations with Elder Ambrose did not return him to the fold of Orthodoxy. But here’s the strange thing: while disagreeing with the elders on religious issues, the writer considered visiting the monastery very important event own life;
  • Lived here for some time in 1878 great Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. The writer’s youngest son, Alyosha, dearly beloved by his father, died of epilepsy. In the monastery the writer met and talked with Fr. Ambrose, who became the prototype of Elder Zosima in last novel writer "The Brothers Karamazov".

What you must visit and see

The relics of Fr. Ambrose and Fr. Nectaria

Unfortunately, due to the tragic history of the monastery, there are almost no old buildings left on its territory. Everything had to be rebuilt, practically from ruins.

The monks of the monastery did a lot to restore spirituality to this holy place. This is felt by any person, regardless of faith, who finds himself here.

So what is worth visiting:

  • Arriving at the monastery, you must definitely attend the service in the main Vvedensky Cathedral. Services are especially solemn during church holidays, as well as on the Days of Remembrance of the Great Optina Elders. In the temple you can venerate the relics of Fr. Ambrose and Fr. Nectaria, pray, just stand or light a candle at the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which is located to the right of the altar;

Vladimir Church

  • Behind the Vvedensky Cathedral is the Vladimir Church with a small of blue color with stars dome. Here are the relics of the six great elders of Optina;
  • The holy monastery springs are famous for numerous healings and miracles. Optina's three springs are no exception:
  • One of them, the most famous, is located on the territory of the monastery, in honor of Paphnutius of Borovsk the Wonderworker;
  • Source in honor of Fr. Ambrose is located not far from the monastery;
  • The third source in honor of Sergius of Radonezh is hydrogen sulfide. It was recently rediscovered by monks. There is a bath here, immersion in the waters of which gives an extraordinary surge of strength.

It is worth not only drinking holy water from any source, but also taking it home. Holy water will last a long time. It should be drunk in the morning, after reading a special prayer before taking holy water, or in case of illness of family members. But everything must be done in faith.

Arriving in Kozelsk, you can take a taxi or minibus, but there is another way. You should go to Optina Pustyn on foot (the path is about 3 km) along a forest road, across the Zhizdra river. Numerous temples are gradually revealed to the eye, and the bustle modern world remains behind.

Many churches in Russia organize pilgrimage trips to Optina Pustyn, which are a real holiday for believers. Many travel companies organize such trips every week.

Where to stay

On the territory of the monastery there is a hotel for pilgrims with eight-bed rooms and bunk beds. Amenities and a kettle are located on the floor. The cost of living per day is 300 rubles. Reservations are only possible for groups.

For pilgrims there are houses in which single, double, triple and quadruple accommodation is possible. The cost of one seat is 1000, 800 and 600 rubles, respectively. You can eat in the monastery pilgrimage refectory.

There are several small new hotels in Kozelsk. You can make reservations directly or through hotel booking sites. The price category of hotels is from 1500 to 3000 rubles per day per room.

Everyone should visit Optina Pustyn: both believers and atheists. The amazing atmosphere of this place, its tragic story, traditions will not leave anyone indifferent. Attend a service, bow to the graves of the great elders, draw water from three springs on the territory of the monastery and just sit surrounded by silence - these wonderful moments are worth coming here for.

For interesting information about the monastery, watch the following video:

In difficult moments, every person hopes to receive spiritual help or wise advice, gain hope for healing or reduce suffering. Believers are saved by prayers and pilgrimages to Holy places. One of these is the miraculous Optina Pustyn. From ancient times to this day, this monastery has been famous for the power possessed by its servants - the Optina elders.

According to legend, in ancient times, in a deep forest on the banks of the Zhizdra River, far from people, hermits settled who had incredible abilities - foresight and healing. They led a quiet, godly life. Some called them prophets, but they called their ministry eldership, comforted the suffering and predicted the future according to God’s will.

The exact time of foundation and origin of the name have several versions. Some believe that the founder of the monastery was the robber Optius, who repented and became a monk. Others are sure that Prince Vladimir the Brave founded the monastery. It is known that in the seventeenth century Optina Pustyn was a wooden church with six cells in which twelve holy elders lived. Then Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich donated a mill and land to the monastery in Kozelsk, and the local boyars, the Shepelevs, erected the Vvedensky Cathedral. Thus, this monastery is one of the oldest.

Characteristic differences of the monastery

Most monasteries are famous for their care for the weak and poor, schools for orphans and hospitals, long services and the reception of pilgrims. But Optina Pustyn is unique for its monks.

The first elders

In the era of Peter the Great, when the material principle was placed above the spiritual, monasticism was persecuted and began to perish. And only thanks to sincerely believing, pure-spirited monks, the spiritual life of Rus' was preserved. The strong-willed, energetic and gifted Saint Paisiy Velichkovsky became especially famous in this field. It was he who understood the need for internal asceticism; he himself was an elder and led the eldership from the monasteries into the communal life of monasteries. Among Paisius's students was Theodore Svirsky, who educated the first Optina elder Leo.

The holy elders stood at the origins of the monastery:

They not only worked miracles during their lifetime, helping people, but also left the world an invaluable legacy in the form of wise sayings, works and biographies.

Basic provisions of Optina

The elders laid the characteristic foundation of the Optina eldership of three components:

Following these canons, the elders of Optina Hermitage continue the great work of service at the present time.

The most famous among them is Schema-Archimandrite Father Eli. Thousands of Orthodox Christians talk about his gift of insight, kindness, sharpness of sight, inner purity and humility. amazing stories. Currently, the elder serves in Peredelkino and is the personal confessor and mentor of Patriarch Kirill. But, despite this, he chooses the time to come to Optina Pustyn to meet with the pilgrims, console them with words and help with advice.

Any person who has at least once visited Optina, talked with the monks, venerated the relics of the elders, describes his feelings in words full of delight: “... felt grace, tears of happiness appeared, the soul was filled with love for the whole world, saw the beauty around, felt relief.” . Indeed, the entire monastery seems to be imbued with the holiness and spirituality that the founding elders passed on from generation to generation through their students.

Everything connected with Optina Hermitage and its elders has incredible miraculous power. The icon of the Optina elders is also endowed with this quality; How it helps is told by thousands of believers who, in moments of adversity, said prayers in front of the image.

The image of all the ancestors of the desert - the 14 holy elders - has such spiritual power that is capable of conveying to the person praying all the wisdom, will, peace and humility that the monks possessed. People turn to the icon, first of all, in moments of doubt, in order to see the word of God and get answers to their questions. And also in such life situations when required:

The face of the Optina elders is capable of endowing a person with patience and understanding that life path is never easy; and at the same time instills confidence that the person praying is not alone in this world, God’s grace is with him, which he needs to feel, accept and make his own efforts for this.

The legacy of the reverends

Not only a visit to Optina or prayer in front of the icon of the Optina Elders helps a person find the meaning of life and learn the truth. You should familiarize yourself with the spiritual heritage in the form priceless letters, biographies, sermons and teachings of the saints. The statements of the Optina elders from their works are analyzed into quotations.

D eat good, avoiding evil - first out of the fear of God, and then you will reach the love of God.

Rev. Macarius

D This deed is not every good deed, but only such a good deed that is done for the sake of God. The appearance of a matter is not its essence; God looks at the heart. How we must humble ourselves, seeing that passion is mixed with every good deed.

Rev. Nikon

TO when the soul learns the law of God, and the body is submissive to the prudence of the soul, then these things are seen: love for God and neighbor, peace with everyone, meekness, simplicity, benevolence, mercy towards everyone, modesty, abstinence, chastity, kindness and others. And these deeds are the fruits of the Holy Spirit and are called sowing into the soul.

Rev. Moses

M Wisdom is characterized by having not only wit, but also foresight, foresight, and at the same time the art of how to act.

Rev. Ambrose

In Optina Hermitage, each elder carried out spiritual and educational work, passing on his knowledge, faith and experience not only to followers and students, but also to everyone who wants to comprehend the meaning of existence and see God in themselves. Throughout their lives, the saints teach people to reject anger, envy, greed, and cruelty towards each other. The sinless and light-filled life of the holy elders gives them the moral right to give instructions to lost souls.

Every year on October 11, the church celebration of the Council of the Optina Elders takes place in memory of the saints who, with their lives, proved the existence of prophets in the world. And it doesn’t matter where the history of the monastery began - with the repentant and tonsured robber Optius or with the settlement of other mysterious hermits. The history of Optina Pustyn is a clear example the fact that faith in God, the strength of the human spirit and the desire to sow mercy in people's hearts help to get through any hardships and sorrows.

Today Optina Pustyn is of great importance both for Orthodox Church both the state and for each individual person. The doors of the monastery are always open, behind which wise mentors are waiting, good advice and peace.

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