How to paint a rainbow with watercolors. Step by step image of a rainbow

In our lessons, we have already mentioned more than once the famous animated series for children “Friendship is a Miracle!” And we have more than one lesson on our website where we taught you how to draw different heroes from this cartoon. But children want to learn to draw other heroes over and over again. We fulfill your request and now have another lesson on drawing another pony. This is the horse Rainbow Dash. This pony is from Ponyville. She is a pegasus pony. That is, it has wings and can fly across the sky and walk on the clouds. Pony Rainbow Dash monitors the weather, like all Pegasus ponies. She has a mischievous character. Let's draw it here step by step using a pencil, and then color it.

Stage 1. First, draw sketch lines as usual. This circle is the future head. It has a curved line at the top and two lines. Next, the neck line connects to the oval - the body. Two straight lines extend from the oval at the top, connected to curved lines. These are the front legs. Below are two lines of hind legs.

Stage 2. Draw the pony's face. On the back of the head we show the lines of the pointed ear. In front, the front part of the muzzle merges into the nose and open mouth and chin.

Stage 3. Now we draw a dashing bang on top of the head, thick, but not smoothed, like that of a modest pony, her hair lies in disarray above her forehead, since the Rainbow Dash pony is a mischievous little owl. Also, a lock of mane hair descends from the back of the neck.

Stage 4. Let's draw her eyes on her muzzle. They are quite big. Show the eyelids, then half a circle eyeballs with pupils with light reflections reflected in them.

Stage 5. Draw the wings on the dorsal part of the body. Let's show the lines of the neck, abdomen and back.

Stage 6. Add the wing lines. Then we draw the pony's legs. One front and one back. The pony stands with its front legs raised.

Stage 7. Let's also add a little wing line. Let us now show the legs, one back and one front.

Stage 8. Draw a cloud on the pony’s thigh with lightning flying out of it. Pony Fluttershy can control the weather, which is what this sign indicates. Don’t forget to draw the pony’s thick tail right down to the ground.

Stage 9. Add a few features to the mane and tail for volume and beauty.

Stage 10. Let's paint our pony in all the colors of the rainbow, it's not for nothing that she was given such a name! Oh, and we have a bright horse!

By learning to draw a rainbow, you can transform your landscape paintings. After all, this is a very beautiful phenomenon in the sky with many different colors that smoothly transition from one shade to another, and together create an incredible picture.

To draw the rainbow we used only a few colors - only five. However, if you have a large number of pencils different shades the same color, then use them all in the drawing. So, you will get a very beautiful and bright rainbow.

Necessary materials:

- black marker;

- a simple pencil;

- paper;

- eraser;

- colour pencils.

Drawing steps:

1. In the lower right corner and the upper left we will draw one small oval. We do this with a quick movement. Without carefully drawing the outline. After all, this is a sketch.

2. From the resulting ovals we create beautiful fluffy clouds. To do this, add wavy lines to them different sizes, which may extend slightly beyond the oval.

3. Then we will draw six identical arcuate lines from one cloud to another. This is what the rainbow will be.

4. Now carefully outline all the lines in the drawing with a black marker.

5. Let's start adding color to the drawing with a blue pencil. We will decorate the clouds with it. We paint over them with a pencil not completely, but only partially, to give lightness and airiness.

6. Then the red pencil takes the baton. We will use it to decorate the first top stripe in a rainbow.

7. After the red stripe comes orange.

8. After orange color, to show smooth transition in the rainbow, use yellow pencil.

9. Then use it for the fourth strip green color.

10. Last strip in the rainbow will be colored in Blue colour pencil.

This is our step by step drawing rainbows with colored pencils is ready because the drawing is absolutely ready!

Drawing is hard, everyone knows that. Already in early childhood it is possible to determine whether a child has a tendency to fine arts, because the drawings of talented children will be strikingly different from everyone else. But this does not mean at all that you should immediately give up drawing and try to find yourself in other areas, because literally anyone can learn to draw. Of course, if you don’t have talent, then you won’t become the next Picasso or Dali, but you can quite achieve sufficient heights - it’s just important to start correctly. Don't grab complex drawings, but first learn, for example, how to draw a rainbow.

Rainbow pencils

It is best to start learning to draw any images with pencils, because with their help you can master the basics without any problems. And if you want to know how to draw a rainbow with pencils, then it will be much easier to find the answer to this question.

In fact, everything is very simple - if you want to draw a very ordinary rainbow, without glare, without a detailed background, then you just need to draw seven arcs at a short distance from each other, and the higher the arc in the drawing, the larger it will be. Important detail, which should be familiar to everyone - these are colors. When drawing a rainbow you will need 7 colored pencils - red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and violet. Exists a large number of interesting poems and phrases that help you remember the order of colors in the rainbow. And if you know the order and have the necessary colors, then the only thing left to do is to paint the previously drawn arcs with the necessary colors so that you get a large seven-color arc. So you have learned how to draw a rainbow.

Rainbow colors

If you have mastered drawing a rainbow with pencils, and now this process does not give you any problems, then now you can move to the next level.

Now you need to learn how to draw a rainbow using paints, which is a little more difficult. Pencils leave a clear trail behind them, while the trail of paint behind a brush needs to be controlled. First, try to learn how to draw at least one arc; You can first draw it with a pencil, and then paint over it. Over time, you will get the hang of it and pencil sketches will no longer be needed. You shouldn’t be afraid that the arcs will overlap each other - you can use this for your own purposes, because if you do it carefully, the rainbow will look more holistic and impressive. And you will no longer have the question of how to draw a rainbow.

A little about ponies

Considering the current popularity of the animated series My Little Pony, many children, having learned to draw a rainbow, will want to know how to draw a rainbow pony.

This is one of the main characters of the cartoon, in the original it is called Rainbow Dash. Its difference from a regular pony is that its tail and mane are rainbow-colored. Naturally, there are also body features, for example, big eyes, but this can already be corrected in the process of improving technology. The main thing when studying the question of how to draw rainbow dash, remember about his mane and tail, which should be the color of the rainbow, that is, have seven colors. And then you can draw both a regular rainbow and popular character cartoon

The rainbow is a magical bridge between heaven and earth. Let's wait for the rain and draw this miracle of nature with the children.

The appearance of a rainbow in the sky is very unusual a natural phenomenon! How to depict this magic on paper?

In addition to the traditional way of drawing, there are also “secrets” that will help to interest little artists in creativity.

You can draw not only with paints and pencils! Show your child that plasticine can also be a visual medium.

A stencil will help the kids. At the same time, you can learn the sequence of colors.

Secure with tape cotton buds and let each one draw in its own color.

A wooden spatula, a dish sponge - that’s a homemade roller. Squeeze tubes of paint onto the palette, gently dip the sponge and... voila! Rainbow is ready!

You can do it even simpler. Apply drops of thick paint to the edge of the sheet in the desired sequence, and then stretch with a ruler or piece of cardboard.

You will get an amazing result if you draw a rainbow with a comb.

If you need smooth transitions and want to fill a large format in one fell swoop, take a wide brush.

Wet the paper well. Leave for a few minutes so that all the “puddles” are absorbed. Let the watercolor flow - the rainbow will turn out very beautiful!

A little ingenuity and available materials - and now you have a real rainbow generator in your hands!

This avant-garde painting was made using wax crayons and a hairdryer. When heated, the wax melts, the dye flows, just have time to set the desired direction.

Dear readers! Create your own rainbow world with your children! Let gray everyday life not prevent you from seeing the world differently.

    A wonderful set of colors in the rainbow! We all remember from childhood a poem about a hunter, in which the names of the colors of the rainbow are hidden))) You can draw a rainbow with paints, pencils, felt-tip pens - it all depends on your desire and need. This is the order in which the rainbow colors are drawn (let’s also add purple)))-

    Or like this:

    Such a miracle of nature - rainbow. Sometimes, you can even observe this beauty in full glory, my child and I watched a rainbow more than once, these are such good emotions. There are such ideas, drawing a rainbow

    The most affordable and good idea draw a rainbow with a child using cotton swabs

    To draw a rainbow you need 7 colored pencils (paints, felt-tip pens), a compass or a conveyor (semicircular ruler). Draw the floor of the radius using a compass or ruler using a red pencil. Make the strip thicker and paint it red. Below we draw orange, yellow stripe, green, blue, blue and purple.

    In order to remember the correct order of the colors of the rainbow, you need to remember a simple rhyme: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.

    The first letter of each word in this rhyme corresponds to a color, the name of which also begins with this letter:

    Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Light Blue, Blue, Purple. If you follow this description, you should get something like this rainbow:

    Drawing a rainbow is not at all difficult; my children, when drawing their masterpiece paintings, very often use a rainbow in them. First they draw a red arc, then orange, then yellow, then green, blue, then blue and violet. It turns out something like this:

    Draw rainbow You can even do it with a child of any age. It seems to me that in the process of creating a rainbow you shouldn’t even rely on any diagrams. We just need to remember what a rainbow looks like. These are, to put it mildly, colored arcs. But the colors used by nature are not very bright. In addition, you need to use certain colors. You can draw with paints (this is the simplest and most colorful option), or you can also draw with a pencil (this is a less impressive option).

    And then simply connect the strips using the same paints and brush.

    Probably since kindergarten Everyone remembers that such a beautiful natural phenomenon as a rainbow has seven colors. And you could remember them with the help of a rhyme.

    Draw a rainbow it won't be difficult. Seven colored stripes are drawn in the form of an arc. Red will be the outer color of the rainbow, and purple will be the inner color. The ends of the rainbow can be decorated with clouds.

    To draw a rainbow you need 7 colors and these are red, orange, yellow, green, purple, blue, indigo. These are the colors to paint a rainbow. Of course you can also draw clouds and the sun.

    Take a palette and apply small stripes onto the non-gouache. The only inconvenience is that it is not possible to paint right away; the gouache needs to dry for about a day.

    The sponge must be wet before drawing. The harder you squeeze the sponge, the brighter the rainbow you will get.

    If you want to get the right rainbow, then the colors must be placed in a certain order: red, orange, then yellow, green, then blue, indigo, violet.

    Well, drawing a rainbow is not difficult. Every student can cope with this. Probably the most important thing is to know the seven colors of the rainbow. And then you just need to draw seven arcs different color, connected together.

    Draw a rainbow You can use paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.

    To draw a rainbow correctly, you need to know the order of colors that we usually see when looking at a rainbow.

    The order is as follows: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

    Here's how to simply draw a rainbow with pencils:

    The main thing to remember is that the rainbow has seven different colors:

    And don’t forget to depict them in the same order in the drawing. And of course, we should all remember this order from school. Drawing a rainbow has not been particularly difficult, and anyone can probably draw it.

    Our first step will be to draw two clouds

    Now we need to draw two lines that will connect our clouds with each other

    After this, you need to draw the rays of the rainbow between the clouds.

    And when our sketch is ready, we will need to color the rainbow in the right colors

    and you will get such a cute drawing.

    For drawing, we will also need paints or felt-tip pens, or you can use colored pencils.

    Draw a rainbow quite simple, for this you will need seven colors, which should be placed in the correct sequence, for this we use the well-known hint (Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits), i.e. These colors are: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue violet.

    We arrange these colors in an arc, and you can also add clouds, sky, sun and everything that your imagination suggests.