You will hear thunder and remember me stripe. Anna Akhmatova's last love - Isaiah Berlin

In order to understand what significance Moscow had for the poetess, it is undoubtedly necessary to resort to an analysis of her lyrics. Only in this way is understanding possible state of mind the poet, his experiences, worries.

She is happy that the war is over. Against the backdrop of this general joy, Akhmatova’s “reconciliation” with Moscow takes place, so to speak. Now she is proud of this city, she admires it... Moscow appears as the winner. Another poem, “Moscow Trefoil,” appears in 1963. In it, Akhmatova already says goodbye to Moscow, to all her friends who lived there. This city became almost like home to her. This is probably due to the fact that Akhmatova had a lot of acquaintances in Moscow, with whom she often met and who were very dear to her. “Akhmatovka”, that’s what Pasternak called these meetings. Among the frosty festive Moscow

Anna Akhmatova

Moscow trefoil

Almost to the album

You will hear thunder and remember me,
Just think: she wanted thunderstorms...
The strip of sky will be solid scarlet,
And the heart will be as it was then - on fire.
It will happen on that Moscow day,
When I leave the city forever
And I will rush to the desired destination,
Still leaving his shadow between you.


Among the frosty festive Moscow,
Where does our parting take place?
And where will you probably read
Farewell songs first edition -
Slightly surprised eyes:
"What? What? Already? Can't be!" -
And the Yuletide sky is turquoise.
And everything around is blissful and sinless...
No, I never parted like that
Nobody with anyone, and this is our reward
For our feat.

Another toast

For your faith! And for my loyalty!
Because we are with you in this land!
Let us be enchanted forever,
But there was no more beautiful winter in the world,
And there were no more patterned crosses in the sky,
Air chains, longer than bridges...
Because everything floated, silently gliding.
Because we can't see each other.

Akhmatova Anna Andreevna
(real name Gorenko) (1889, Bolshoy Fontan, near Odessa, - 1966, Domodedovo, near Moscow), poetess. Throughout creative path Moscow remained for Akhmatova a city that personifies the Motherland and Russian culture. According to Akhmatova, one of the finest Russian lyricists of the 20th century, who combined the “Pushkin” clarity of writing and the psychological drama of modern poetic language, “everything in Moscow is imbued with poetry.” Coming often and for a long time after October revolution to Moscow, Akhmatova usually stayed with the family of the satirist writer V.E. Ardova (Bolshaya Ordynka Street, 17; now Akhmatovsky Cultural Center"), where she worked on poems and articles about A.S. Pushkin and where M.I. visited Tsvetaeva. Akhmatova often visited K.I. Chukovsky (25 Tverskoy Boulevard, outbuilding), M.A. Bulgakova (Nashchokinsky lane, 3/5 and Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street, 35a), B.L. Pasternak (Lavrushinsky Lane, 17), O.E. Mandelstam (Tverskoy Boulevard, 25, outbuilding), participated in poetry evenings that were held in the 20s. V Large audience Polytechnic Museum (New Square, 3); was familiar with A.A. Blok, V.V. Mayakovsky. In January 1950, Akhmatova came to the capital with a package for her repressed son, L.N. Gumilev. The theme of Moscow as a city of bright and anxious love for the poetess was reflected in Akhmatova’s short cycle “The Moscow Trefoil” (including in the poem “Untitled”: “Among the frosty festive Moscow, / Where our parting takes place...”) and other poems. Having died in the Moscow region, Akhmatova was buried in Komarov, near St. Petersburg.


Thunder is the news. If it thunders a lot, strong thunder - with a crash and lightning - a loss (for a woman - the loss of a man).

Thunder on a clear day is good news.

Hearing thunder or a bell in a dream means matchmaking.

Sometimes it's just news.

Thunder is distant, threatening - warning, changes.

Strike the thunder - your wish will come true.

Thunder is unexpected prosperity, a sign of the messenger of fate.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Thunder/lightning

Thunder and lightning symbolize heavenly fire.

Lightning illuminates everything around and is therefore a symbol of the creative forces of the universe.

Associated with the first sign of the zodiac, lightning is associated with spring, initiation and initial stage any project.

This is a sign of bringing fire and creative potential in any project. The Roman god Jupiter used three lightning bolts, which contained the energies of chance, providence and fate, to create the future.

Thunder and lightning illuminate the vastness, revealing the truth and giving us clarity of vision.

And in Tibet, the vajra is a symbol of both lightning, hook and diamond.

If this sign appears to you, it means that you are at a dramatic stage in your life when you are ready to break through from darkness to light. This sign can also symbolize the violent release of repressed emotions.

It can indicate an impending encounter with hostility, anger and rage, or the aftermath of a powerful emotional discharge. Thunder is also the warning voice of the gods.

Pay attention to other signs and messages that appear to you.

Interpretation of dreams from Isaiah Berlin - Anna Akhmatova's last love -

Akhmatova was 56 years old. Berlin was 36 years old.
Akhmatova dedicated 20 poems to him,
poem “Without a Hero”, cycles “Cinque”, “Rose Hip Blooms”

Like a cloud on the edge,
I remember your speech
And for you from my speech
The nights have become brighter than the days.
So torn from the earth,
We walked high like stars.
No despair, no shame
Not now, not then, not then.
But alive and in reality,
Can you hear me calling you?
And that door that you opened slightly,
I don't have the strength to slam it.

Sounds decay in the ether,
And the dawn pretended to be darkness.
In a forever numb world
There are only two voices: yours and mine.
And under the wind of invisible Ladoga,
Through the almost ringing of bells,
Into the light shine of cross rainbows
The night conversation has been turned.

I haven't loved since ancient times,
To feel sorry for me
And with a drop of your pity
I walk as if with the sun in my body.
That's why it's dawn all around.
I go, creating miracles,
That's why!

You know yourself that I will not praise
This is the bitterest day of our meeting.
What should I leave as a souvenir for you?
My shadow? What do you need shadow for?
Dedication to the burnt drama,
From which there are no ashes,
Or suddenly came out of the frame
New Year's scary portrait?
Or barely audible
The sound of birch embers,
Or what I didn't have time to
Tell me about someone else's love?

We did not breathe sleepy poppies,
And we don’t know our guilt.
Under what star signs?
Are we born into grief?
And what a hell of a brew
Did the January darkness bring us?
And what an invisible glow
Was it driving us crazy?

I'm completely frozen with fear,
I'd rather click on Bach's Chaconne,
And a man will come in behind her...
He will not become my dear husband,
But he and I deserve it,
That the Twentieth Century will be embarrassed.
I took it by accident
For the one who is given the secret,
With whom the bitterest is destined,
He's coming to see me at the Fontanny Palace
Late on a foggy night
New Year's Eve drinking wine...
But not the first lilac branch,
Not a ring, not the sweetness of prayers -
He will bring me destruction

Moscow trefoil
Almost to the album

Just think: she wished for thunderstorms...

When I leave the city forever

Still leaving his shadow between us.


And where will you probably read

Slightly surprised eyes...
"What? What? Already? Can't be!" - "Certainly!.."
And the Yuletide sky is turquoise,
And everything around is blissful and sinless...

For our feat.

And there were no more patterns of crosses in the sky,
Longer than chains of air, longer than bridges...

Because we can't see each other,

For everything that I still dream about,
At least the door is firmly nailed shut.

Midnight verse

Only a mirror dreams of a mirror,
Silence guards silence...

Instead of dedication -

I wander through the waves and hide in the forest,
I dream of pure enamel,
I can probably bear the separation quite well,
But I’m unlikely to meet you.

1.Pre-spring elegy -

The blizzard subsided between the pines,
But, drunk and without wine,
There, like Ophelia, she sang
All night there is silence itself.
And the one who only seemed to me
I was betrothed to that silence,
Having said goodbye, he generously stayed,
He stayed with me until death.

2.First warning -

What do we really care?
That everything turns to dust
Over how many abysses did she sing?
And in how many mirrors has she lived?
Let me not be a dream, not a joy
And least of all grace,
But maybe more often than necessary
You'll have to remember -
And the hum of fading lines,
And the eye that hides at the bottom
That rusty prickly wreath
In its alarming silence.

3.Through the Looking Glass -

The beauty is very young
But not from our century,
We can never be together - the third one,
He will never leave us.
You move the chair for her,
I generously share flowers with her...
What we do is not a loan ourselves,
But every moment we are more afraid.
Like those released from prison,
We know something about each other
Terrible. We're in the circle of hell
Or maybe it's not us.

4.Thirteen lines -

And finally you said the word
Not like those... who are on one knee -
And just like the one who escaped from captivity
And he sees the canopy of the sacred birch trees
Through a rainbow of involuntary tears.
And silence sang around you,
And the darkness was illuminated by the pure sun,
And the world was transformed for a moment,
And the taste of the wine changed strangely.
And even me, who should be the killer?
Divine word was to come
She fell silent almost reverently,
To extend your blessed life.

To one of the sonatas
I will hide you carefully.
ABOUT! as you call alarmingly,
Irreparably guilty
That he came close to me
At least for one moment...
Your dream is disappearance
Where death is only a sacrifice to silence.

6.Night visit -

Everyone left and no one returned.

Not on leafy asphalt
You'll be waiting a long time.
You and I in Vivaldi's Adagio
We'll meet again.
The candles will turn dull yellow again
And cursed with sleep,
But the bow won't ask how you got in
To my midnight home.
They will flow in a silent death moan
This half hour
Read it on my palm
The same miracles.
And then you are your anxiety,
Became destiny
Will take you away from my threshold
Into the icy surf.

7. And lastly -

Was above us like a star above the sea,
Searching with a ray for the ninth shaft of death,
You called her misfortune and grief,
And I never called it joy.

During the day a swallow circled in front of us,
A smile blossomed on the lips,
And at night she strangled me with an icy hand
Both at once. IN different cities.

And not heeding any praises,
Having forgotten all previous sins,
Falling to the sleepless headboards,
Mutters cursed verses.

Instead of an afterword -

And where dreams are made,
There weren’t enough different ones for both,
We saw one, but strength
It was like the arrival of spring.

Moscow trefoil

1.Almost to the album -

You will hear thunder and remember me,
Just think: she wished for thunderstorms...
The strip of sky will be solid scarlet,
And the heart will be as it was then - on fire.
It will happen on that Moscow day,
When I leave the city forever
And I will rush to the desired destination,
Still leaving his shadow between you.

2.Untitled -

Among the frosty festive Moscow,
Where does our parting take place?
And where will you probably read
Farewell songs first edition -
Slightly surprised eyes:
"What? What? Already?.. It can't be!" -
And the Yuletide sky is turquoise,
And everything around is blissful and sinless...

No, I never parted like that
Nobody with anyone, and this is our reward
For our feat.

3. Another toast -

For your faith! And for my loyalty!
Because we are with you in this land!
Let us be enchanted forever,
But there was no more beautiful winter in the world,
And there were no more patterned crosses in the sky,
Longer than chains of air, longer than bridges...
Because everything floated, silently gliding.
Because we can't see each other.

photo from the Internet