The most fashionable dress models

Red dress for New Year

What and in what color to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster? The days are passing inexorably, and a very important day of the outgoing year is approaching - December 31, when the symbol will confidently step into the magical night next year Rooster. This proud bird can be as multifaceted as people born this year, who are meticulous about their appearance.

But what color should you see this bird in?!
In the coming year, an important person - the Fire Rooster - will be with you everywhere and everywhere.

In order for him to treat you and your family favorably and help you in your endeavors, you need to greet him as the most important guest, creating the appropriate conditions for him. The apartment must be properly decorated, the table must be decorated according to all the rules and attention must be paid to an important detail - outfits.

People born in the year of the Rooster have complex nature. They are arrogant, proud, straightforward, quick-tempered, love to brag, jealous, ambitious, and sometimes theatrical. Such people make excellent organizers, because they love to rule, giving orders left and right. But sometimes they are simply unbearable because of their whims and hysterics. These people are ambitious leaders by nature and this is reflected wherever they are. This type people have enormous self-esteem and it is very important to them how they look from the outside and what others think of them.

What color should you wear for 2017?

Marsala color for the New Year of the Rooster

Bright, rich shades are welcome. Moreover, exclusive, eccentric and sometimes crazy people are welcome. color scheme New Year's images. When dressing up before a festive night, keep in mind that the Rooster loves everything bright and expensive, so various high-quality fabrics in dresses, trim precious stones, gold and diamond jewelry is what you need to wear on New Year's Eve.

It is believed that the more expensive and elegant the decorations are, the more prosperity will come to you next year. If you don’t know what jewelry to wear and what color to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster, then it’s worth noting that jewelry can come from different sets. The main thing is to harmoniously choose one or several options for your outfit: tiara, necklace, brooch, necklace, pendant with pendant, bracelets, rings, earrings.

A parpure with an emerald made of the finest gold will make any woman the queen of New Year's Eve.

You can tie your hair in a bandeau with real stones or wear a tiara.

A wonderful addition to your wardrobe in honor of the symbol of the coming year can be a comb with diamonds, gracefully pinning up curly locks of hair.

Fire colors

Dress styles should be airy and light. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a mini or floor-length dress, a suit or another outfit, the image should be solemn, bright, extraordinary, but at the same time everything should be in moderation. As for fabrics, for outfits you should choose organza, brocade, satin, natural silk, velvet, velor. Fabrics must be made of expensive threads, otherwise the symbol of the coming year may “peck” you with many problems in 2017. Dress with bare shoulders or a deep neckline can be decorated with a light silk cape deep shades. Draping light fabric with feathers and down is encouraged.

Celebrate 2017 in black

Current New Year's colors 2017

Before the holiday, the question of what color to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster is always relevant. He does not leave the right to choose to the fair half of humanity and dictates his rich colors without even considering any others:

  • yellow,
  • gold,
  • all shades of brown,
  • sand,
  • orange,
  • red,
  • terracotta shades,
  • dark coral,
  • purple,
  • black,
  • scarlet.

The main task when choosing a color for an outfit is to ignite a spark of fiery shades in the fabric. Even a simple sheath dress in a fiery design with a harmoniously selected set will become the most suitable wardrobe for the outgoing night. In such a dress, any girl can shine like a bright star. It is not prohibited to use colors such as turquoise, sea shades, and green in outfits.

The colors of the makeup this New Year's Eve should also shine with sparkle in front of the eyes: from light sand to dark golden shades with a sea of ​​sparkles and rhinestones will make the image harmonious with the outfit. Answering the question of what makeup to wear and what color to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster, we can name passionate shades that smack of luxury. The brilliance and even a little pathos will really please the obstinate Rooster.

Bright dresses in the year of the rooster

Since the Rooster dictates his own rules for everyone, which means shades of red will appear everywhere, try to create your own sketch of a dress and purchase fabric in advance. You can choose a New Year's outfit from an exclusive collection famous brand to be sure that only you will be wearing such attire.

If you want to amaze everyone with your fatal image, then you can opt for scarlet or rich burgundy colors. Framed with elegant jewelry, this outfit will become the most elegant of all.

Although yellow is in trend this holiday, its calm, faded shades may become completely irrelevant. The color should be as rich as possible.

If you compare coral with other colors, you should treat it with caution. It does not suit every female color type. If you still choose it when choosing what color to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster, then keep in mind that this color, if chosen incorrectly, can ruin the entire festive look.

Black dress for New Year

Orange, red, terracotta are the main colors in outfits. Do not weigh them down with a lot of decorations. These shades are very rich and independent, which gives them the right to dominate the ensemble, and accessories can only complement the image.

In combination with gold jewelry, black and brown colors. Correct selection accessories to brutal shades will add splendor to the image.

It should be noted that an elegant outfit and stylish make-up in a bright palette can turn an impeccably dressed and stylishly made-up lady into a simple, tastelessly dressed woman. In order not to look stupid, you should not overly add a variety of colors to your New Year's look. In everything you need to know when to stop.

Burgundy dress on New Year 2017

What should you not wear in your 2017 Rooster attire?

  1. It is unacceptable to wear outfits with leopard prints in the year of the Rooster. Such drawings are associated with the mention of predators and therefore, in order not to irritate the majestic bird, forget about such drawings on fabric on New Year's Eve. This applies not only to formal attire, but also to the decoration of the room.
  2. Thinking about what to wear to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster, the conclusion suggests itself - these are dresses and various suits. Not recommended for open dresses choose capes made of crinkled material. The rooster is a neat bird and will not tolerate such neglect.
  3. As for styles, you should not hug yourself with a dress like a second skin. In such clothes you will feel hot during the holiday. Celebrating the New Year involves active movement, and in order not to look ridiculous, you should think through your New Year's ensemble down to the smallest detail in advance. If, nevertheless, your choice is a mermaid-style dress or a tight mini, then you should stock up on a second outfit in case of force majeure. The best solution you will choose a light, airy dress in which you will not be constrained in your movements.

Decorate the dress yourself

Dress in the year of the rooster

  • Decorative feathers are sold in specialized stores. You can decorate your outfit with them, highlighting your neckline in a festive manner or adding them to your hair.
  • You can decorate a cape in the form of a stole with patterns of cockerels. Various hand-embroidered ornaments will look trendy on New Year's Eve.
  • Decorate your New Year's dress with various rhinestones and decor made from natural stones.
  • When choosing outfits to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster, it is recommended to complement it with a thin cape made of silk or organza, giving off the appearance of flames.


In addition to various tiaras, tiaras, bandeaus and combs, it is recommended to braid your hair with bright ribbons. At such a holiday, different hair weaving would be appropriate. Naturalness and naturalness are in fashion, so you can leave your hair loose, curl your curls, put on an outfit made of natural fabric and appear in all your elegant glory in front of your guests.

IN blue dress welcome 2017

Decorating the room

Before it comes magical holiday, you should start decorating the apartment. Involve everyone in your household in this exciting event.

Decorate the room with garlands in the form of fluffy balls, place candles on the shelves. The windows can be crowned with snowflakes. In the room where the feast will take place, you can select a corner where the rooster's yard will be located. Make a decorative hedge and lay a straw-like crust.

You can make a straw house for the rooster and put his figurine. Be sure to place a cup of millet and water near his house. This part of the decor looks more like a child’s game, so become a little childish while you’re arranging your rooster yard. If there are figures of hens and ducklings, then feel free to send them to the rooster’s yard. Don't forget about towels with beautiful rustic patterns and artificial spikelets.

You can place pumpkins and ornamental vegetables in your yard. You can hang garlands in the form of balls on the Christmas tree and windows. Can be done together with children Christmas decorations in the form of fluffies. The Year of the Rooster 2017 is approaching, and how and in what way we should celebrate it becomes the main dilemma. In order not to worry about this, use all your imagination and, in accordance with the recommendations, you will succeed at the highest level.

New Year's Eve decoration in purple colors

What colors do we set the table with?

Choose a tablecloth made from natural fabrics and bright colors. It is recommended to choose napkins to match the festive dishes. You can sew chair covers from the same fabric as the tablecloth. It is recommended to tie lush bows at the back of the chairs. Build a Christmas tree wrapped in natural fabric on the table and in its center. Imitation of artificial snow and natural small cones hanging on the tree are welcome.

Before guests arrive, place beautiful candles on the table that meet all the rules for decorating a festive room. In addition to festive dishes, beautiful saucers with seeds and millet will also be welcomed on the table. Decorate New Year's table to please the majestic Rooster and he will bestow his favor on you next year. Bright beautiful toys red, orange and gold flowers can be placed along with candles on the table.

Decorating the premises for the New Year

What color are the dishes decorated in?

You should pay attention to the presentation of dishes Special attention. Fish, meat and sausages can be served as thin slices. Ham, cheese, olives, lemon will be excellent ingredients for canapés. Salads in the form of a beautiful cockerel, a sunny sunflower with chips and olives look good, which is especially important in the year of the Rooster. Salads decorated with or containing nuts and grains are welcome. This salad is " Garnet bracelet" Because of its rich color and decoration with pomegranate seeds, it will bring satisfaction to the artistic Rooster. Don't forget that the playful symbol of next year prefers to see greens and vegetable dishes on the table rather than a lot of cold cuts.

On the eve of the holiday, not only questions arise about what color to celebrate the Year of the Rooster 2017, but also how to decorate the apartment and what to serve to guests. There should not be any type of poultry on the table, otherwise it may turn against you. Salads can be decorated with herbs, and vegetables can be made into beautiful cuts.

Be sure to put on the table juicy fruits of bright colors and big size. Apples, tangerines and oranges can be placed on the table (if it is large) as decoration.

Dish for New Year 2017

Prepare red fish and garnish the dish with lemon and herbs. Salmon with a nut crust turns out very tasty. This dish can become a signature dish and will bring a lot of pleasure to those present from the delicate melting taste of the fish. Garnish hot dishes with herbs and serve with vegetables.

On New Year's Eve, it is recommended to drink bright sparkling sparkling drinks, which is the owner of the coming year. Sparkling wines, champagne and martinis are welcome. It is not recommended to drink vodka and beer on New Year's Eve. Juices, berry compotes, natural nectars, bread kvass - everything is encouraged. As a dessert, you can arrange a fondue master class in a dimly lit room.

Don’t be afraid to experiment when creating your New Year’s look, because the time until your date with the Fire Cockerel is getting shorter.

Table setting in red for the year of the rooster

The main thing in an outfit is not pretentiousness, but a harmonious combination of colors, elegant cut of the dress and other important factors. When choosing an outfit for the New Year, you should take into account your height, body structure, and age. By following all the recommendations, you can be sure that on this mysterious New Year's Eve new meeting with Mr. Rooster will become a symbol of good luck and prosperity for you.

Now you know exactly what color to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster!

2017 is approaching - the year of Red Fire Rooster. On the eve of the holiday, we increasingly begin to think about outfits, because it’s not for nothing that they say that New Year's celebration you should meet the way you want to spend it whole year Then.

The Fire Rooster is a bright and colorful symbol. If you want to please the “owner of the year,” we advise you to find out what outfit and colors are suitable for the holiday.

New Year's outfit color 2017 - what to wear to celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster?

It is this sign that dictates its own rules to us in choosing the right clothes for the New Year. The symbol of the coming year includes expensive and fashionable things in the wardrobe, so the whole image must be thought out to the smallest detail.

Let's start with the color of the clothes.

By nature, the Rooster is a bold bird, with a variegated color, so rainbow colors in the outfit will be appropriate. When choosing a color, exclude cold tones and shades; everything should be combined and look elegant.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, it is better to give preference to bright colors.

The following colors can be used:

  • Red.
  • Golden.
  • Burgundy.
  • Coral.
  • Yellow.
  • Purple.
  • Crimson.
  • Orange.

Important: Black and white colors can also be considered a relevant combination.

The priority, of course, will be red, crimson and orange colors . These shades will not only attract the attention of guests, but will also give you hundreds of admiring glances. Thus, fashionable, extravagant dresses in bright, colorful colors will express their chic, brilliance and luxury.

It is best to wear fabrics that will look shiny and luxurious - in such outfits you will feel light, comfortable and completely natural.

When creating your holiday look, we advise you to give preference to natural fabrics, such as:

  • Velvet.
  • Atlas.
  • Silk.
  • Crepe satin.
  • Chiffon.

pay attention to prints, which are trending in winter 2017. They will help diversify your outfit.

Popular prints in winter 2017:

  1. Stripes, check.
  2. Polka dots.
  3. Flowers.

  1. Pop Art. This group may include cute drawings of hearts, kisses and other objects.

  1. Portraits.

  1. Geometric figures.

By wearing such a bewitching, bright, modern outfit, you will create an impeccable, extravagant and unforgettable image for yourself.

  1. Rooster.

Of course, outfits with a Rooster pattern will be relevant. You can find blouses, T-shirts and even suits with pictures of Roosters.

Advice: It's no secret that the Rooster is wary of felines, so leopard and tiger tones that resemble predatory animals are best put aside.

Some stylists say that these are the tones that will be trending in winter 2017. Yes, right, winter period- but not the New Year's holiday!

Clothing styles for the New Year 2017 - what will the owner of the year, the Fire Rooster, approve and disapprove of?

Among the great variety women's clothing You can “lose” your head and get completely confused in choosing a festive attire. In order to look perfect, you should carefully consider not only the color of your clothes, but also the style.

Remember: New Year's outfit should not be modest and simple, it should look luxurious and bright! In your attire you should feel light, feminine and free.

For a festive look, fitted models with wonderful and sophisticated taste are ideal. The most popular styles in the coming year are short dresses with full skirts.

Also suitable long dresses with an elegant and classic cut that will hide all imperfections and adorn a woman of any body type.

The main thing when choosing an outfit is to focus on the styles of the following models:

A win-win option for the New Year - small black dress . It also remains relevant.

You can wear a dress made of velvet or leather.

Whatever you choose, remember: you should not celebrate the Year of the Fire Rooster in dull and faded clothes.

When buying a dress, remember 5 important rules:

  • Comfort.
  • Originality.
  • Practicality.
  • Harmony.
  • Style.

Stylish clothing details and accessories for the New 2017 Year of the Fire Rooster

To create a stylish unique image for the New Year 2017, consider the following points:

1. Selection of accessories and jewelry

A New Year's outfit should look elegant and stylish, so you need to pay attention to the selection of accessories. To complement the entire look, stylists recommend using jewelry and exquisite eveningwear items.

To highlight your image, you can use:

  • Jewelry.
  • Products made from natural and artificial stones.
  • Gold jewelry.
  • Brooches.
  • Bracelets and beads.
  • Various scarves and shawls.
  • Belts made of leather or fabric.
  • Bright feathers.
  • Clutches or handbags.

2. Selection of shoes

An important point is the choice of shoes. Shoes should not be knocked out of general image- they, as a rule, serve as a continuation of the outfit.

It's up to you to decide what shoes to wear. Undoubtedly, in 2017 they are leading pumps and heels!

3. Choice of hairstyle, manicure, makeup

The final stage of creating a festive New Year's look is hairstyle, manicure and makeup.

Preference should be given asymmetrical styling and haircuts.

It would also be appropriate french braids, fish and horse tails, all kinds of curls, curls, waves.

Advice: for women with short hair The ideal option would be styling in a retro style. When choosing a hairstyle, remember that it should reflect your personality. inner world, natural beauty and sophistication.

Makeup and manicure should be done in bright tones of gold or silver. The ideal option would be either mother of pearl.

And even if you are in Everyday life don't use something like this bright image, we advise you to try it on to attract good luck and happiness in the coming year. No modesty, just bright and variegated shades!

Don’t be afraid to experiment with your appearance, style and hairstyle, because an unforgettable year of the Red Fire Rooster, full of surprises and surprises, awaits you ahead!

As usual, in the bustle of everyday affairs, we do not notice how quickly time flies. We won't have time to meet golden autumn, and the snow-white winter will already be knocking on the door. You can prepare for winter, namely for its main holiday - New Year 2017, now. Creating a menu, choosing gifts and outfits in the summer will significantly relieve your pre-New Year days, because on the eve of the holiday you will have to resolve many more issues. What can you wear to celebrate the year of the Fire Rooster, and what are they offering? fashion designers today.

By eastern calendar 2017 will be the reign of the Fire Rooster. This person loves bright, extraordinary and shocking outfits. On this New Year's Eve, you can experiment from the heart with your image. The trending colors are red, gold, white and yellow. Among the undesirable colors that should be abandoned are black, blue, green and brown.

In addition to being bright, it should be unusual. When deciding what dress to wear to celebrate the Year of the Rooster, do not be afraid to purchase outfits of non-standard styles, unusual cuts and with shocking trim.

Beware of outfits with predatory animal prints. If you decide to wear a leopard print dress, it is better to avoid it.

Of course, it is impossible for all women to wear red dresses on New Year's Day. For those who want to stand out, designers offer magnificent shining dresses made of silk and satin, decorated with lace and rhinestones. The color of this dress can be gold, silver or burgundy.

Choosing a dress according to your zodiac sign

Astrology is becoming increasingly popular today. Many fans of this mysterious science believe that if you follow the advice of astrologers, all troubles and troubles will certainly bypass them. However, even inveterate skeptics regularly listen to their horoscope on the radio, which means that the vast majority of our citizens listen to the advice of astrologers to one degree or another. So, what do astrologers advise you to wear? different signs zodiac

Aries. Aries are representatives fire element, and therefore they are like no one else in red. If you want to choose a different color of the dress, be sure to choose red accessories. For fabrics, give preference to silk and satin. You should look luxurious and rich, in which case the Rooster will definitely notice you and will be favorable to you throughout the year. It is preferable for you to have a new dress.

Calf. People of this sign can afford to choose burgundy or gold colored clothes for a festive outfit. The main focus of a Taurus outfit should be accessories. They should be catchy and noticeable. For jewelry, it is better to take massive gold earrings and bracelets or sets made of sunny amber.

Twins. Fuchsia or raspberry colored outfits are perfect for Geminis. But the main thing in the image of twins is paired jewelry. They must be present. These can be earrings or identical bracelets, the main thing is that they are either red or with red stones. Men can use red cufflinks in their outfit.

Cancers. Cancers are recommended to celebrate the New Year in dresses with fabulous accessories and a mask. For decorations, you can choose feathers or boas; the mask should be mysterious and elegant. Ideal combinations The colors for crayfish in 2017 will be red - gold and burgundy - silver.

Lions. The king of beasts can afford a crown for the New Year. A tiara made of shiny stones would be quite appropriate. It is better to choose clothes in yellow or orange tones. Avoid aggressive prints; after all, the Rooster will be the host of the holiday this night.

Virgos. There is no need to betray yourself and give up the tenderness and mystery inherent in this sign. Virgos are recommended to choose dresses in delicate beige shades with gold accessories. Complete your outfit with a luxurious hat and you will conquer the Rooster.

Scales. Astrologers recommend for Libra to celebrate the holiday in furs. Ideally, it should be fur of bright colors. Red, orange or yellow. Of course, in a fur coat festive table you will be extremely uncomfortable, so you can simply choose fur accessories, for example, a handbag.

Scorpios. Very sexy sign. You don't need to change yourself. Ladies must look stunning in dresses with a deep neckline and high-heeled shoes. Accessories with natural expensive stones are perfect for this look. The color of the dress should be deep, the style should be classic with an unusual cut.

Sagittarius. Women of this sign have a natural charm. Therefore, they do not necessarily have to choose unusual and shocking outfits. They can celebrate the holiday in clothes of a comfortable cut from natural materials. Perhaps this is the only sign that can afford a classic boiler dress this New Year's Eve.

Capricorns. For Capricorn women, astrologers recommend wearing dresses with floral motifs for the New Year 2017. The ideal option would be a red dress with gold flowers. Jewelry should be modest.

Aquarius. Women born under the sign of Aquarius need to surprise the Rooster with brightness and sparkle. Dresses embroidered with rhinestones and sequins, sparkling shoes and shimmering handbags - this is what Aquarians need to pay attention to when choosing a New Year's outfit.

Fish. According to astrologers, tight, flowing dresses made of silk and satin will be perfect for Pisces in the New Year 2017. Don't be afraid to look grandiose, it always suits you. Be chic, on this night the owner of the year will definitely pay attention to you.

What to dress your husband in

Dear ladies, when choosing a festive dress for yourself, do not forget to choose a new outfit for your spouse. Men are recommended to celebrate the holiday in strict classic suits. You can experiment with the color of the shirt. It can be burgundy, raspberry or red. It is also recommended that men choose good, expensive accessories. These could be branded watches, gold or silver cufflinks or stylish rings.


Hairstyle on New Year's Eve 2017 should be light and relaxed. Stop using large quantity hairspray and hair gels. You can use feathered hairpins or bows as decorations.

If you have short haircut, style it in chaos style, as if you had just been blown by a fresh spring wind. If your hair is long, you can weave it into an intricate braid or simply curl it into curls. In the year of the Rooster, hairstyle should be as natural as possible. Accessories in the form of hats of various types are welcome.

What kind of makeup do you need?

Makeup for the New Year should, of course, be festive. However, in pursuit of individuality, it is important not to overdo it with cosmetics.

You can choose light golden shades of shadows; lipstick can be quite bright, but only if it matches your look.

Art style makeup is becoming increasingly popular. New year's night 2017 could be a great occasion to try this type of makeup. Artistic painting The face can be decorated with rhinestones and sparkles, which will surely please the symbol of the year.

What to give up in your New Year's outfit

Astrologers advise giving up boring, prim and uninteresting outfits this night. The Rooster, although he values ​​diligence, hard work and restraint, but this only applies to work. The symbol of the year prefers to relax and have fun brightly. It is also not recommended to use something aggressive in your image; this applies not only to clothes with predator prints, but also to long dangerous nails, sharp accessories and threatening makeup.

And of course your outfit should be in harmony with your appearance. Dark brunettes it is better to choose dresses and makeup in lighter colors, while fair-skinned blondes, on the contrary, need to choose images in rich colors deep colors. Remember that the main quality that the Rooster values ​​is a sense of proportion and taste. Vulgarity has no place at this holiday!

When preparing for it, it is important to remember that this holiday should bring all the brightest and most joyful things. Leave all your problems and worries aside and spend this night in good mood, in this case, luck will definitely be favorable to you and your home. But do not forget that the Rooster really does not like laziness and idleness, and therefore after celebrating the New Year you need to get to work. Don’t be afraid to start new things next year; those who are pursuing their goals will definitely succeed!