Moral problems in the works of writers 20. Moral problems in the works of modern writers

Russian literature has always been closely connected with the moral quest of our people. Best Writers in their works they constantly raised the problems of our time, tried to solve issues of good and evil, conscience, human dignity, justice and others.

The most interesting are the works that raise problems related to human morality and his quests positive ideal in life.

One of the writers who sincerely cares about the morality of our society is Valentin Rasputin. The story “Fire” (1985) occupies a special place in his work. These are reflections about our contemporary, about civil courage And moral positions person. Brief story: a fire broke out in Sosnovka, the entire village came running to it, but the people were powerless in the face of the raging elements. At the fire there were few who risked their lives to defend people's good. Many came to “warm their hands.” People saved bread. A saved store is nothing compared to human Lives, huge burnt warehouses, and stolen people's property. A fire is the result of general ill-being. People are corrupted by the discomfort of everyday life, the poverty of spiritual life, callous attitude to nature.

Many problems of our time, including moral ones, are raised by Anatoly Pristavkin in the story “The Golden Cloud Spent the Night.” He acutely raises the issue of national relations, talks about the connection between generations, raises the topic of good and evil, talks about many other issues, the solution of which depends not only on politics and economics, but also on the level general culture. “For a person, nationality is neither merit nor guilt, if the country says otherwise. That means this country is unhappy,” wrote Robert Rozhdestvensky.

The story “Fire” is permeated with pain, you just want to shout: “You can’t live like this anymore!” The fire outside became only a dark reflection of what had been drying up the soul for a long time. It is necessary to save the human soul; the writer says that the support of life must be sought in one’s soul. Rasputin sharply expressed what many felt - we need to call people, make them wake up, there is nowhere else to retreat anyway. The writer writes that when, instead of the truth, a person is systematically presented with lies, it is scary. During the hours of the fire, the truth is revealed to the main character: a person needs to be a master native land, and not an indifferent guest, you need to seek rapprochement with nature, you need to listen to yourself, you need to clear your conscience.

My favorite writer has always been Daniil Granin, because this author has an extraordinary talent, all his stories are interesting because in them he poses pressing problems today. I cannot name a single writer who could compare with him in the versatility of both problematic and purely artistic interests, although Granin is a writer of one common problem. Granin graduated from a technical institute and worked as an engineer, so everything he writes about is familiar to him. His novels "The Searchers", "I'm Going into the Storm", "The Picture" brought him well-deserved success. At the center of many of his works is the problem of “scientist and power.” Granin approaches the problem of lifestyle as the result of a choice made by a person once and for all. Way back no, no matter how much we wish it. The fate of a person - what does it depend on? From the purposefulness of the individual or the force of circumstances? In the story "This strange life"he shows the real human destiny, real personality. Main character Alexander Lyubishchev was a real scientist. “There was no feat,” writes Granin, “but there was more than a feat - there was a life well lived.” His efficiency and energy are unattainable. From his youth, Lyubishchev already knew exactly what he wanted, he rigidly programmed, “chose” his life, which he subordinated to one thing - the service of science. From beginning to end, he was faithful to his youthful choice, his love, his dream. Alas, at the end of his life, many consider him a failure, because he did not achieve personal well-being. He did not pursue prestigious positions, large salaries and privileges - he simply quietly and modestly did his job, and was a true devotee in science. It was precisely such people, our contemporaries, who moved technical progress.

Honesty and integrity - many people lost these qualities in life over the years, but the best of people did not chase momentary successes or honors, but worked for the sake of the future. Problem life choice is poignant in another of Granin’s stories, “The Namesake.” The hero of this story is a foreman, who in the past served big hopes mathematician. Granin seems to be confronting two options for fate in one person. Kuzmin, the main character, was a man of utmost honesty and decency, but fate broke him; he moves through life “caught up in the general flow.” Granin analyzes the problem of choice, the problem of an act on which a person’s entire fate may depend, not only through the fate of Kuzmin, but also on the fate of the older generation in science, on the fate of the very young mathematicians. At the center of the story is the conflict between scientists who see different goals in your work. The venerable scientist Laptev, in order to “wipe from the face of the earth” another scientist Lazarev, broke the fate of Kuzmin (a student of Lazarev), he sacrificed his human and scientific fate, seemingly for humane reasons: the direction in which Lazarev and Kuzmin worked, according to him opinion was wrong. And only years later, when Kuzmin gave up mathematics, his first student work were recognized as the world's greatest mathematicians. A scientist from Japan made big discovery, referring to the forgotten original work of the Russian student Kuzmin, who for unknown reasons did not complete his discovery. Thus Laptev broke the fate of a major Russian scientist. In this story, Granin continues the theme that he began to write back in the 60s in the novel “I’m Going into the Storm.” This novel brought Granin all-Union fame. So from the problem of the hero choosing his path, Granin moves on to the problem of man’s fate, the problem of realizing the talent given to him. Now there is a spiritual restructuring of man as an individual. The catastrophe of our time is that we often do not hear each other, we are emotionally deaf to other people's problems and troubles. Literature educates us morally, shapes our consciousness, reveals to us the depths of beauty, which is often Everyday life we don't notice.


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As a form of art fiction reveals many moral, spiritual and social problems individual person and society as a whole. This is the main guideline of literature, and its moral core is always in the spotlight.

Moral problems of literature

We can identify those moral problems that literature focuses on most often. Everyone knows about the eternity of the question of good and evil, about the question of human dignity and conscience; fiction of all times and peoples raises the question of justice, honor and virtue.

The problem of life choice always remains acute, which is not easy for literary heroes - just like for people in real life. The moral quests of a particular people are always reflected in the literature of a particular nation, and therefore a person’s ideals can be revealed from completely different moral aspects.

Whatever time period literature belongs to, it is always full of solutions to problems of a moral nature. And a problem of any nature - social or psychological - is considered from precisely this angle. The moral quests of the main characters reflect the main moral problems of a particular period.

The hero of a work of art, his character, actions

Most often the definition of a hero work of art sounds like “an exponent of plot action.” And it is through the hero that the key content is revealed literary work, since his character, his choices and actions indicate what side of morality the author wants to show us.

Revealing and drawing our attention to character traits literary hero, the author shows the main idea of ​​the work and emphasizes a certain theme, of which there may be several in the work. Thus, the main moral lessons that the author laid down in his creation become clear to us; using the example of the hero, we become more aware of them.

Techniques for creating character in epic, lyric and drama

The techniques used to reveal the personality and character of the main character in a work depend on the genre. In the epic, a person is portrayed to a greater extent through his actions and behavior. In this genre, the characterization of the hero by the author himself is also appropriate. This is not so typical for drama; drama reveals character through the actions and speech of the hero, through his differences from other people.

In this it is very different from the epic, which forms character in a completely different way. At the center of the drama there can be only one problem, which reveals the moral bottom of the hero. And his choice speaks for itself; it is one specific action or decision that will show true character main character.

And in the lyrics, the hero is most often shown through feelings and experiences, through filling him inner world. Understanding what exactly the hero is experiencing, what emotions he shows, the reader realizes his true nature and recognizes his real face.

Karnaukhova Anna

We already live in the 21st century..., in complex and interesting times. Exactly for last decades Perhaps the most significant changes in history took place in the way of life of mankind. Everywhere a person faces a choice. To the extent that he understands the importance of moral values ​​and morality in life, he feels responsible for his actions. I was interested in what our youth now thinks about this, both modern and ancient literature reflects the problems of humanity, the Russian people.

Therefore, the purpose of the research work is to trace how the problem is revealed in Russian literature moral quest, the problem of honor, dignity, national pride Russian person.




The problem of human moral quest in Russian literature

Completed by: student of grade 11 “A”

Municipal educational institution of secondary education

School No. 12 of Nizhneudinsk

Karnaukhova Anna Vladimirovna

Head: Russian teacher

Language and literature

Selezneva Olga Konstantinovna.

  1. Introduction . Relevance of the topic. Goal, tasks.
  2. Main part. The problem of human moral quest in Russian literature.
  1. The theme of honor and national pride in Russian folklore
  2. Problem moral choice

A)c ancient Russian literature(Galician-Volyn Chronicle)

B) in literature of the 19th century (“The Captain’s Daughter”)

C) in the literature about the Great Patriotic War.

3. My contemporary. Who is he?

III. Conclusion. Bottom line. Analysis of the work done.


We live in the 21st century... in difficult and interesting times. It is in recent decades that perhaps the most significant changes in history have occurred in the way of life of mankind. Right now, in an era of change, understanding honor, pride, and dignity is important for the formation of the younger generation. Recent 60th Anniversary Great victory, the wars in Chechnya and Iraq - all this is directly connected by one link - man. A person is always faced with a choice; it determines how he will behave in life. extreme situations. To the extent that he understands the importance of moral values ​​and morality in life, he feels responsible for his actions. This is what got me interested. What do our youth think about this now, how do modern and ancient literature reflect the problems of humanity, the Russian people. This was the object of this work.

Purpose of the research work:

To trace how the problem of moral quest is revealed in Russian literature,

The problem of honor, dignity, national pride of the Russian people.

Revealed and general tasks at work:

  1. Deepen your knowledge of ancient Russian literature, literature of the war years, and modern literature.
  2. Compare how the attitude towards moral values ​​is shown in ancient Russian literature and the literature of our days.
  3. Analyze, as in Russian literature different years reflects the role of man in society at turning points.
  4. Find out how the heroes of modern literature perceive the priorities of our ancestors.
  5. To trace how the Russian national character is revealed in Russian literature of different years.

The main method is literary research.

The work was carried out for a year.

The problem of human moral quests has its roots in ancient Russian literature and folklore. It is associated with the concepts of honor and dignity, patriotism and valor. Let's look into Dictionary. Honor and dignity - professional duty and moral standards business communication; worthy of respect and pride, moral qualities, human principles; personal non-property and inalienable benefits protected by law, meaning a person’s awareness of his social significance. 1

Since ancient times, all these qualities have been valued by man. They helped him in difficult life situations choice.

To this day, we know the following proverbs: “In whom there is honor, there lies truth,” “Without a root, not a blade of grass grows,” “A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song,” “Take care of honor from a young age, and take care of your dress again.” The most interesting sources on which it relies modern literature, are fairy tales and epics. But their heroes are heroes and fellows who embody the strength, patriotism, and nobility of the Russian people. These are Ilya Muromets, and Alyosha Popovich, and Ivan Bykovich, and Nikita Kozhemyaka, who defended their Motherland and honor, risking their lives. And although epic heroesfictional characters, but their images are based on the lives of real people. In ancient Russian literature, their exploits are certainly fantastic, and the heroes themselves are idealized, but this shows what a Russian person is capable of if the honor, dignity and future of his land are at stake.

The approach to the problem of moral choice in ancient Russian literature is ambiguous. Galicia-Volyn Chronicle... It is considered one of the most interesting monuments Old Russian literature relating to the period of the struggle of Russian principalities with foreign invaders. A very interesting fragment of an ancient Russian text concerns the trip of Prince Daniil of Galitsky to bow to Batu in the Horde. The prince had to either rebel against Batu and die, or accept the faith of the Tatars and humiliation. Daniel goes to Batu and feels trouble: “in great sorrow,” “seeing the trouble is terrible and menacing.” Here it becomes clear why the prince grieves in his soul: “I will not give my semi-patrimony, but I am going to Batu myself...” He goes to Batu to drink mare’s kumiss, that is, to take the oath of service to the khan.

Was it worth it for Daniel to do this, was it treason? The prince could not drink and show that he did not submit and die with honor. But he does not do this, realizing that if Batu does not give him the label to rule the principality, this will lead to the inevitable death of his people. Daniil sacrifices his honor to save his homeland.

Fatherly care, honor and pride force Daniel to drink the “black milk” of humiliation in order to ward off trouble from his native land. The Galicia-Volyn Chronicle warns against a limited and narrow view of the problem of moral choice, of the understanding of honor and dignity.

Russian literature reflects complex world the human soul, torn between honor and dishonor. Self-esteem, the desire to remain a Man in any situation with full right can be placed in one of the first places among the historically established traits of the Russian character.

The problem of moral quest has always been fundamental in Russian literature. It was closely connected with other deeper questions: how to live in history? what to hold on to? what to be guided by? Such a test for A.S. Pushkin was


1. – Search site

Decembrist uprising. The Tsar asked a direct question: would the poet himself have participated in the uprising if he had been in St. Petersburg. To which I received the same direct answer: “Certainly, sir, all my friends were in the conspiracy, and I could not help but participate in it...”

And in " The captain's daughter“Nowhere does honor contradict conscience. After ancient Russian scribes A. S. Pushkin exclaims: “Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age.”

His hero, Pyotr Grinev, is placed in the same conditions as Prince Daniil. Peter must choose: kiss the hand of the false emperor and live, benefiting the Motherland, or be hanged. More than once Grinev resorted to the help of the traitor Pugachev: salvation from the gallows, and a ticket issued by Pugachev for free travel through the rebellious lands, and the impostor’s help in rescuing Masha Mironova from the “arrest” of Shvabrin. But Grinev will never betray his Motherland: “Kiss the hand, kiss the hand!” - they said around me. But I would prefer the most brutal execution to such vile humiliation,” Grinev says to himself during the oath to the false emperor.

Others faced the same difficult choice. Ivan Kuzmich, Vasilisa Egorovna, Ivan Ignatich... They could not swear allegiance to Pugachev, for them it was a great sin, because they had already sworn allegiance to the sovereign, but it was impossible for them a second time. And these people did not see another fate for themselves, they could not even imagine that there was one, another, after another oath: “To die, to die like that: it’s a service,” says Ivan Kuzmich, rushing to attack the rebels. And they died, not wanting another life, with the words: “You are not my sovereign, you are a thief and an impostor, do you hear!”

But Pugachev was also a Russian man. Many times he saves Peter’s life only because he once prevented him from freezing by taking a hare’s sheepskin coat from his shoulder. Here is the comparison: a hare sheepskin coat and human life. The honor and conscience of the Russian Pugachev did not allow him to forget about a trivial, but important service for himself: “Ah! I happened to forget to thank you for the horse and for the sheepskin coat. Without you, I would not have gotten to the city and would have frozen on the road... The debt is redundant..."

But it also happens that human dignity and honor are the only weapons in the conditions of the cruel laws of existence on this earth. It helps to understand small piece Soviet writer 20th century M. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man”, opening the forbidden Soviet literature theme of fascist captivity. The work raises important questions about national dignity and pride, about a person’s responsibility for his moral choice.

There were many obstacles on the life path of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, but he proudly carried his “cross”. The character of Andrei Sokolov manifests itself in conditions of fascist captivity. Here is both patriotism and the pride of the Russian people. Call to the commandant of the concentration camp - difficult test for the hero, but he comes out of this situation as a winner. Going to the commandant, the hero mentally says goodbye to life, knowing that he will not ask for mercy from the enemy, and then one thing remains - death: “I began to gather my courage to look into the hole of the pistol fearlessly, as befits a soldier, so that the enemies would not They saw […] that it was still difficult for me to part with life...”

Andrei does not lose pride in front of the commandant himself. He refuses to drink schnapps for the victory of German weapons, and then he could not think about the glory of the enemy, pride for his people helped him: “So that I, a Russian soldier, would drink for the victory of German weapons?! Is there something you don't want, Herr Commandant? Damn it, I have to die, so get lost with your vodka.” Having then drunk to his death, Andrei snacks on a piece of bread, half of which he leaves whole: “I wanted to show them, the damned, that although I am disappearing from hunger, I am not going to choke on their handout, that I have my own, Russian dignity and pride and that they did not turn me into a beast, no matter how hard they tried,” this is what the original Russian soul of the hero says. The fascists were challenged. A moral victory has been won.

Despite his thirst, Andrei refuses to drink “to the victory of German weapons”, does not drink the “black milk” of humiliation and keeps his honor unsullied in this unequal battle, evoking the respect of the enemy: “...You are a real Russian soldier, You are a brave soldier,” says Andrey the commandant, admiring him. Our hero is a bearer of traits national character– patriotism, humanity, fortitude, perseverance and courage. There were many such heroes during the war years, and each of them performed his duty, and therefore a life feat.

The words of the great Russian writer are true: “Over the course of their history, the Russian people have selected, preserved, and raised to the level of respect such human qualities, which are not subject to revision: honesty, hard work, conscientiousness, kindness... We know how to live. Remember this. Be human". 1

The same human qualities are shown in Kondratiev’s work “Sashka”. In this story, the events, as in “The Fate of Man,” take place in war time. The main character, soldier Sashka, is truly a hero. Not the least qualities for him are mercy, kindness, and courage. Sashka understands that in battle a German is an enemy and very dangerous, but in captivity he is a man, an unarmed man, an ordinary soldier. The hero deeply sympathizes with the prisoner, wants to help him: “If it hadn’t been for the shelling, they would have turned the German on his back, maybe the blood would have stopped...” Sashka is very proud of his Russian character, he believes that this is what a soldier, a man, should do. He opposes himself to the fascists, rejoices for his Motherland and the Russian people: “We are not you. We don’t shoot prisoners.” He is sure that a person is a person everywhere, and should always remain so: “...Russian people do not mock prisoners.” Sashka cannot understand how one person can be free over the fate of another, how one can control someone else’s life. He knows that no one has a Human right to do this, that he will not allow this to happen to himself. What is invaluable about Sashka is his enormous sense of responsibility, even for things for which he should not be responsible. Feeling that strange feeling of power over others, the right to decide whether to live or die, the hero involuntarily shudders: “Sashka even somehow felt uneasy... he’s not the type to mock prisoners and the unarmed.”

There, during the war, he understood the meaning of the word “must”. “It’s necessary, Sashok. You see, it’s necessary,” the company commander told him, “before ordering anything, and Sashka understood that it was necessary, and did everything that was ordered, as it should.” The hero is attractive because he does more than is necessary: ​​something ineradicable in him forces him to do it. He does not kill a prisoner on orders; wounded, he returns to hand over his machine gun and say goodbye to his brother soldiers; he himself accompanies the orderlies to the seriously wounded person, so that he knows that that person is alive and saved. Sashka feels this need within himself. Or is it the conscience that commands? But another conscience may not command - and confidently prove that it is clean. But there are not two consciences, “conscience” and “another conscience”: conscience either exists or it does not, just as there are not two “patriotisms”. Sashka believed that a Man, and especially he, a Russian, must preserve his honor and dignity in any situation, and this means remaining a merciful person, honest to himself, fair, true to his word. He lives according to the law: he was born a man, so be real inside, and not an outer shell, under which there is darkness and emptiness...

More than half a century has passed since then... Not so much. But what happened to

modern man?! Did he really get lost among the bustle, forgot who he was, stopped

to believe in what, throughout the entire existence of mankind, has been his gift, his power?


1.- V.M. Shukshin./ “Literature at school” No. 6, 2003

The hero of the story “Young Russia” by V. Rasputin watches young people flying on an airplane: “Almost everything is in the “package”: leather, jeans, sneakers, carelessness imprinted on their faces, sharp movements, eyes with quick aimed glances. A strange similarity was also noticed in the women: glossy faces with black-rimmed eyes, well-fed tall bodies, no more than two styles of equipment - everything was dressed, uniform.” These people simply forgot about their purpose. The purpose of their existence is well-being during life. This is what “enjoying life” means. Then you begin to understand why old people often have such an attitude towards young people. Yes, because they forgot everything. All! What they could have lost was left behind as unnecessary. The main thing is to live well financially; there is no more incentive for them. The author exclaims: “Lord!.. After all, these are them, our breadwinners, the saviors of the Fatherland...” You understand so much just from this one phrase.

Rasputin is amazed by the licentiousness and swagger of modern society. No morals, no values. Next to the hero on the plane they play cards, ostentatiously discussing unimportant problems. There is swearing everywhere... and it becomes scary: “Everything has been thrown overboard - both “no smoking” and “no drinking.” They also forgot about honor, dignity, about Russia... Among these people there is no brotherhood, no feelings, no faith in their land... and why do they need it?! When there is so much fun, new, bringing joy around and without any debts or moral values. This can be clearly seen when, during a break between flights, the young people started a game: The winner was the one who got into the narrow neck of the bottle with his spit... And they closed their eyes and gave up... And everyone rejoiced and laughed! There is no Russia here, just as there is no Russia for two passengers traveling home from their son: “There is nowhere to look for shelter due to blood relations!!”

In pursuit of novelty and fashion, these young people completely forgot about those values ​​that from ancient times were considered honorable, important, indestructible. “He who does not remember his past is condemned to relive it,” said J. Santayana. These people will in due time be faced with misunderstanding, with ignorance, and will learn the price of the happiness they lost... After all, this is where wars, and fears, and broken destinies come from!

Modern man seemed to have moved away from history, torn away from the past: “The holiday of will has come, the unheard-of triumph of everything that was previously under the guardianship of moral rules broke out - and immediately the porcupine hidden in man openly declared itself the leader of life...” 1

When a person lives without meaning, without purpose, forgetting about moral values, caring only about his own well-being, a desert comes to that place where there is only sand. And when a storm arises in this desert, chaos ensues, with no end in sight: “Every tailoring has its own human organization, either nation state or an interethnic settlement somewhere in Siberia or the Balkans, created for moral purposes. As soon as the goal is neglected, the seams come apart..." 2

This idea is clearly revealed in the work “Senya Rides” by V. Rasputin. This short story raises the same problem of morality and youth education. The blossoming society is already, so to speak, “attacking from all fronts,” in particular from television. Again, morality has been forgotten, and the younger generation is being “infected.” I don’t feel sorry for anyone, I don’t need anyone... The main character stands up to defend his country, because it’s unbearable to see how it is collapsing from the inside, collapsing with our hands!


1. 2. – V. Rasputin. Roman-newspaper No. 17 (1263) - 1995

We see that in modern world completely different “values” are sung than in the past, instead of honor and pride came vulgar openness, instead of a sense of duty and conscience - the wild morals of primitive contemporaries. It was as if there was no past, everything “unnecessary” was cut off and left in old dusty books. Where will all this lead the country?.. What kind of Russia will twelve-year-old mothers and their children be like? What will happen to everyone?! Is it possible to live like this? And are these people who destroy themselves: “What kind of people are these? But where are yours then? Where are they? Why, like the Serpent-Gorynych, do they give and give away their little daughters unscrupulously?” - Senya exclaims. The ending of the work is significant and optimistic. The Russian people will finally wake up. After all, he knows the price of happiness, and most importantly, he understands who he is and why he lives. He will “come”...

In the new story “Ivan’s Daughter, Ivan’s Mother,” V. Rasputin collected all the disparate motives of prayers, despair, pain and grains of hope related to ours, to the younger generation. This work allows us to look at ourselves from the outside, and shows that we are alive at the same time.

Ivan, one of the main characters of the story, is ready “not to surrender to the mercy of someone else’s established life...” In his person, Rasputin shows the youth who, with their strong shoulders, will lift the country and keep it from new moral declines. Ivan leads ordinary life, which all his teenage friends lead, but in many ways he differs from them: “some kind of strong core, strengthened into bone, was felt in him.” “First, cool down, then decide on sweeping actions,” the guy taught himself.

This work shows us that Ivan is “the main, hopeful escape of all family tree“that he is the Russian man who was there both in wartime and much earlier. His connection with the previous generation is visible: he is Ivan, named after his grandfather Ivan, named after his Russian name. And when he goes to finish building the church in his native place

mother and grandfather, Ivan Savelich says: “Well, you cheered me up, guy! Today I’ll go and give an announcement to my estate... that I’ve changed my mind about giving up,... I’ve decided to live as long as I can hold my legs.”

The past of our country belonged to the old Ivan, the future belonged to the young one.

Ivan Savelich, once telling a story to his children, clearly showed us how firm and strong the people used to be, “when the peasant was bent by the ram’s horn.” This story is about one immigrant who, despite general poverty, built and grew rich, lived and survived in spite of everyone, no matter how many rumors there were about him, that in the midst of emptiness he could create everything, endure everything, overcome everything! And from the words of the same Ivan Savelich we learn about our today’s generation of people. How did it break away from its native roots, and yet the proverb says: “Without a root, not a blade of grass grows,” which means that a generation does not grow and does not move? “Why is it that among our people the blood is so silent... so sluggish in relation to kinship... There is a serious tug of war going on inside us: who will win,” says the man who has seen both sorrow and joy in his life, choosing the words to explain precisely our strength and our weakness. And indeed, modern man faces a choice between his own “I” and the “I” imposed from the outside. When Ivan watched the drama that played out in the Pioneer cinema, he thought for a very long time who could consider himself right and necessary: ​​the skinheads who came to destroy the cinema with a den for drug addicts, or those drug addicts who were mercilessly attacked by skinheads and beaten, and kill them, degenerate people. Ivan justifies the activities of skinheads, which should have been carried out by the state, but not the violence they committed: “And someone should shake out this dirt and take upon themselves the curses raining down from all sides? Maybe this is just the case and it’s worth taking a closer look at skinheads, rather than moving aside with convenient excuses?” - the hero thinks. You can see how he is looking for answers to questions that haunt his soul, but does not find here what interested him, since he did not want to be a skinhead, although he partially approved of them, but about those “pioneers” choking on drugs and losing human image“, I didn’t even think about it. Therefore, Ivan goes to the market - “the kingdom of Chinese abundance.” And here again is a sick society in need of help. People who are alien to the laws of morality gather here. There are people here different ages and nationalities, their goal is the thirst for profit and “quick” happiness: all kinds of non-human people who deceive, cheat, corrupt and “kill” the people. Ivan gets involved in a fight between the warring Caucasians and Cossacks, not identifying himself with any side. He got involved “because he was biting and stinging inside with pain from inaction and lack of will...” He felt that he could not forgive himself for what was happening around him, he sincerely wanted to change it, so he left the city to be alone, to think...

From an early age, Ivan was independent and knew how to insist on his own, which is very important in life. Perhaps Rasputin placed his deepest hopes and new insights on Ivan. He, the hero, thinks about the future of society, sees that he needs help, only until he imagines and thinks of himself as one of

"saviors". “He was in time for something unknown, some new sensual currents were breaking through in him,” says Rasputin, when Ivan continues his quest and finds them at the dacha, on Lake Baikal. The hero understands how painful modern society is and does not want to be like that: “How many of them are dumb and deaf, forgotten in unknown corners, in need of awakening!” Ivan gets acquainted with the Old Russian, Church Slavonic language and recognizes the very old and strong thing that sits in him: “No, this cannot be left in the background, this seems to be the root of the strength of the Russian person. Without this, like twice two, he is capable of getting lost and losing himself.” Ivan will feel his strength after he serves in the army and leaves to build a church. He will lay the foundation for a new generation that will “cure” Russia from its progressive and terrible disease. Will regain their strength moral values, sung in ancient Russian literature.


Since ancient times, valor, pride, and mercy in man have been revered. And from then on, the elders passed on their instructions to the young, warning against mistakes and serious consequences. Yes, how much time has passed since then, and not obsolete moral values, live in every person. Since those times, a person was considered a Human if he could educate himself and possessed the following qualities: pride, honor, good nature, firmness. “Kill neither the right nor the wrong and do not order him to be killed,” Vladimir Monomakh teaches us. The main thing is that the person is in front of himself worthy of life his. Only then will he be able to change something in his country, around him. Many misfortunes and troubles can happen, but ancient literature teaches us to be strong and keep “your word, for if you break your oath, you will destroy your soul.” 1 , teaches not to forget about your brothers, to love them as relatives, to respect each other. And the main thing is to remember that you are a Russian person, that you have the strength of heroes, nursing mothers, the strength of Russia. Andrei Sokolov did not forget about this in captivity, did not turn either himself or his Motherland into a laughing stock, did not want to give up HIS Russia, his children Senya from Rasputin’s story, to desecration.

We see what a person, son and protector should be like, using the example of Prince Daniel, he gave everything so that his Motherland, country, people would not perish, but would survive. He agreed to the condemnation that awaited him after accepting the Tatar faith, he fulfilled his duty, and it is not for us to judge him.

Ivan, the hero of V. Rasputin’s story, also has a difficult time ahead. life path, but he had already found the path to it. And each of us has our own road, which we must definitely go out on, and everyone goes out on it, only someone realizes too late that they are going along it in the other direction...


Honor, dignity, conscience, pride - these are moral qualities, who at all times helped the Russian people to defend their land from enemies. Centuries pass, life in society changes, society changes, and people change. And now our modern literature is sounding the alarm: the generation is sick, sick with unbelief, godlessness... But Russia exists! And that means there is a Russian person. Among today's youth there are those who will revive faith and return moral values ​​to their generation. And our past will be a support and help in all situations; it is from it that we need to learn, moving towards the future.

I didn’t want the work to turn out to be an essay, read and forgotten. I set the following condition: if after reading my thoughts and “discoveries”, at least someone thinks (really thinks!) about the meaning of this work, about the purpose of my actions, about questions and calls to us - to modern society- it means that your efforts were not in vain, it means that this creativity will not become “dead” weight, it will not gather dust somewhere in a folder on a shelf. It is in the thoughts, in the mind. Research work is, first of all, your attitude to everything, and only you can develop it and give impetus to further transformations, first in yourself, and then, perhaps, in others. I gave this push, now it’s up to each of us.

Questions of morality, the struggle between good and evil, are eternal. In any literature we will find works in which they are touched upon in one way or another. Even after decades and centuries, we again and again turn to the images of Don Quixote, Hamlet, Faust and other heroes of world literature.

Problems of morality and spirituality, good and evil, also worried Russian writers. You had to be a very brave person to speak as the unknown author of “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” did; as one of the first Russian preachers, the Kiev-Pechersk abbot Theodosius, did, for which he incurred the prince’s wrath. In subsequent times, advanced Russian writers continued to perceive themselves as independent of the will of princes and tsars. They understood their responsibility to the people and national history, felt themselves to be higher in their calling than the mighty of the world this. It is worth remembering Radishchev, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and many other names of Russian writers of modern times.

At the present time, when we have just entered the 21st century, when in everyday life literally at every step we have to deal with immorality and lack of spirituality, we, more than ever before, need to turn to moral lessons with all responsibility.

In the books of the wonderful writer Ch. Aitmatov, heroes are always looking for their place in life. They are able to “ascend day by day to the radiant perfection of the spirit.” For example, in the novel “The Scaffold,” the writer tried to “reflect the entire complexity of the world, so that the reader, along with him, would go through spiritual spaces and rise to a higher level.”

The main character of the work is the son of a priest, Avdiy Kallistratov. According to the spiritual teachers of the seminary, he is a heretic. Obadiah strives to bring kindness and justice to a world full of cruelty and indifference. He believes that he can influence young people who collect marijuana, cleanse their souls of callousness and indifference to themselves and those around them. Obadiah strives for love and truth and has no idea at all what an abyss of immorality, cruelty and hatred will open before him.

The hero's meeting with marijuana collectors becomes a kind of test of strength and capabilities. Obadiah tries his best to convey to them the bright ideas of justice. But neither the leader of the “anashists,” Grishan, nor his partners can understand these ideas. They collect hemp for the money, and the rest is not important to them. They consider Avdiy a crazy “priest-repop”, a stranger in their circle.

Obadiah naively believes that the main weapon in the fight for human souls, for morality in relations between people is the word. But it gradually becomes clear that the “anashists” and the Ober-Kandalovites speak to him in different languages. As a result, the drug addicts throw him out of the train car, and the Ober-Kandalovites crucify him on saxaul. With naive faith in the possibility of cleansing the world from evil and immorality with a sincere spiritual word, Obadiah ascended to his scaffold.

What makes a person turn away from the right way? What are the reasons for the changes happening to him? Unfortunately, the literature cannot give an unambiguous answer to such questions. A literary work only represents typical manifestations of the moral diseases of the time. The main choice remains ours - real people, living in real time. Material from the site

Moral issues are a kind of second turn of the key in the stories of V. Bykov, which opens the door to the work, with the “first turn” representing an insignificant military episode. The writer is most interested in circumstances in which a person must be guided not by a direct order, but exclusively by his own moral principles. Ivanovsky ("To Live Until Dawn"), Moroz ("Obelisk"), Sotnikov ("Sotnikov"), Stepanida and Petrok ("Sign of Trouble") - these are far from full list heroes of V. Bykov, who find themselves in a situation of moral choice and come out of it with honor. Ales Moroz dies. But before his death, he “did more than if he had killed a hundred Germans.” Sotnikov's death turns out to be more honorable than the life bought by Rybak. Stepanida and Petrok die, until last minute in his life, defending his personal moral principles.

“The true indicator of civilization is not the level of wealth and education, not the size of cities, not the abundance of harvests, but the appearance of a person,” said R. Emerson. When we improve ourselves, we thereby improve the world around us. And it seems to me that the only way moral development human society will be able to reach the heights of perfection.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • literature, the conscience of society, examples. abstract
  • essay hero and problems of modern literature
  • problems and lessons of 20th century literature essay
  • literature of moral purification
  • Russian literature of the early 21st century
Literary reading

Topic: Moral problems in the works of Russian writers
Goals: Understanding the problem of morality.

Evaluate the actions and relationships between loved ones.

Form an idea of ​​the personality of the heroes.

1. Form:

  • the idea of ​​goodness, kindness, goodness, good deeds;

  • the ability to correctly evaluate oneself and others, to learn to see positive traits in people, heroes, characters.
2. Develop oral speech, the ability to express one’s thoughts clearly.

3. Learn to analyze literary texts.

4. To cultivate in children such personality qualities as kindness, generosity, responsiveness;

Lesson script:

  1. Org. Moment

  2. Psychological attitude

  3. Cryptographer

  4. Introduction to the lesson topic and goal setting
- What common theme is connected by the words: goodness, mercy, generosity, compassion?

Let's turn to the dictionary to interpret the word - morality. I am definitely moral person" It turns out that many people have certain problems with spiritual and mental qualities. This is exactly what our lesson today is about.

Formulate the topic of our lesson?

Moral problems in the works of Russian writers.

What goals do we set for ourselves?

5. “Tree of Predictions”

In order for our lesson to be successful, what can you suggest for today’s work?

Pay attention to our tree and use the leaflet to rate your attitude towards work.

6. Work on the topic of the lesson

Today in our lesson “Virtual Guest. This - Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky. Sincere love for children, romantic aspirations of the individual, passion and conviction distinguished outstanding teacher Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky. A wonderful teacher - an innovator, a passionate publicist, he primarily cared about the problems of children and adolescents. Over two decades, he published 35 books and hundreds scientific articles- thinking. We have already studied his stories - parables this fall. (“I want to have my say”) He's up to last day remained the director of the Pavlysh school, an ordinary rural school, where ordinary village children studied.

Today we will get acquainted with another story - the parable “Birthday Dinner”. Before you anticipate what this story is about, let's find out what a parable is. (" Parable- this is small cautionary tale V literary genre containing moral or religious teaching (wisdom). Close to a fable. In the parable there is no depiction of characters, indications of the place and time of action, or showing phenomena in development: its purpose is not to depict events, but to report about them.”

What do you think: what is this parable about? (children's answers)

Let's read and clarify your assumptions.

(Reading by teacher with interruption)

Rating after initial listening

Not at ease - awkward.

To not believe your eyes is to be very surprised.

No good - very bad

Grabbing your head - becoming horrified, in despair

Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter

So-so – neither bad nor good

Select and point to the selected phraseological unit.

Remember your choice, it will be useful to us when summing up the results.

7. Radio play

Let us now read the text by role in groups. There are 4 of you: 2 authors, mom and Nina. 1 author reads to the words: Nina’s birthday is coming soon.

Let's listen to the second part of the story with the words “Guests have arrived...”

8. "Six Hats"

Now let's start the discussion. 6 hats will help us with this.

The hats are on your desks, you know what to do. Let's repeat the algorithm for working in groups. We started work.

We listen to the speakers' answers. Additions only after the leaders speak.

Let's return to phraseological units, have your opinions changed when assessing Nina's actions?

Define Nina’s action in one word. (betrayal)

9. Results of the work

- Diagnostics

- Put + - yes, - if no.

- Mark on the tree of predictions.

10. Assessment in the route sheet

11. Homework