Essay on the topic “The problem of courage and perseverance.” True heroism arguments

Essay based on the text:

Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy is a Russian Soviet writer and public figure, author of historical and science fiction novels, novellas and short stories.

In his article, the writer reflects the problem of courage and perseverance. The author argues that even a crippled person in war, full of courage, will defend his homeland to the end!
This problem is relevant today, since in the modern world there are very few people who are truly brave and courageous.
Alexey Nikolaevich speaks about the hero’s optimism in the following sentence: “It can be worse,” he said, “but you can live with it.”
Speaking about the need to defend Russia, the author writes: “... I’m a freak, but this won’t interfere with the matter, I will completely restore combat effectiveness.”
Tolstoy admires the simple, human courage of an ordinary soldier: “... and a great strength rises in him - human beauty.”

I agree with Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Indeed, courage revives new character traits.

Firstly, in the work “War and Peace”, written by L.N. Tolstoy describes the feat. Tushin moved the shells from one place to another, creating the illusion that there were a lot of them there!
Secondly, how many times do we hear on TV that some unknown guy saved a little girl or boy from a fire. But not everyone can do this! NOT everyone will climb into a fire to save a person. Only a truly brave, courageous person is capable of this.

Thus, I want to make a conclusion. Courage is a special character trait that is the highest value in a person. And in order to have it, you need to understand how much people need your help and what results it can bring.

Text by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy:

(1) Russian character! (2) Go ahead and describe it... (3) Should we talk about heroic deeds? (4) But there are so many of them that you get confused which one to prefer.
(5) In war, constantly hovering around death, people become better, all nonsense peels off from them, like unhealthy skin after a sunburn, and the core remains in the person. (6) Of course, for one it is stronger, for another it is weaker, but those who have a flawed core are drawn to it, everyone wants to be a good and faithful comrade.
(7) My friend, Yegor Dremov, even before the war had a strict behavior, he extremely respected and loved his mother, Marya Polikarpovna, and his father, Yegor Yegorovich, fulfilled his behest: “You will see a lot in the world, son, and you will go abroad, but Russian title - be proud..."
(8) He also didn’t like to rant about military exploits: he would frown and light a cigarette. (9) We learned about the combat performance of his tank from the words of the crew; the driver Chuvilev especially surprised the listeners.
- (10) You see, he leads the tiger with its trunk, and the comrade lieutenant, as soon as he gives him a blow in the side, as he punches him in the turret, he lifts up his trunk, and as he punches him in the third one, smoke pours out of all the cracks of the tiger, and flames burst out of it a hundred meters up...
(11) This is how Lieutenant Yegor Dremov fought until a misfortune happened to him. (12) During the Battle of Kursk, when the Germans were already bleeding and trembling, his tank - on a hillock, in a wheat field - was hit by a shell, two of the crew were immediately killed, and the tank caught fire from the second shell. (13) The driver Chuvilev, who jumped out through the front hatch, again climbed onto the armor and managed to pull out the lieutenant: he was unconscious, his overalls were on fire. (14) Chuvilev threw handfuls of loose earth on the lieutenant’s face, head, and clothes to put out the fire. (15) Then he crawled with him from crater to crater to the dressing station...
(16) Yegor Dremov survived and did not even lose his sight, although his face was so charred that bones were visible in places. (17) He spent eight months in the hospital, he underwent plastic surgery one after another, his nose, lips, eyelids, and ears were restored. (18) Eight months later, when the bandages were removed, he looked at his and now not his face. (19) The nurse, who handed him a small mirror, turned away and began to cry. (20) He immediately returned the mirror to her.
(21) “It can be worse,” he said, “but you can live with it.”
(22) But he no longer asked the nurse for a mirror, he only often felt his face, as if he was getting used to it.
(23) The commission found him fit for non-combatant service. (24) Then he went to the general.
(25) I ask for your permission to return to the regiment. “(26) But you are disabled,” said the general.
(27) No way, I’m a freak, but this won’t interfere with the matter, I’ll completely restore my combat capability!
(28) Yegor Dremav noted that the general tried not to look at him during the conversation and only grinned with purple lips, straight as a slit.
(29) Yes, here they are, Russian characters! (30) It seems like a simple person, but a severe misfortune will come, in big or small ways, and a great power rises in him - human beauty.

(According to A.N. Tolstoy*)

* Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1882-1945) - Russian Soviet writer and public figure, author of socio-psychological, historical and science fiction novels, novellas and short stories, journalistic works

One of the main issues he raises is the issue of courage and resilience. “What can help you defeat a stronger opponent?” - Bardyshev is trying to understand.

He says that in the Battle of Borodino there is “one moment, mysterious, almost mystical, which requires deep understanding.”

The author compares what is happening on the battlefield with a chess game. A player in a chess game, realizing the futility of his position, “humbly capitulates.” Kutuzov, despite reports of an “almost hopeless situation,” does not give an order to retreat. Bardyshev argues that comparison with the game only partly explains the situation in which the Russian army found itself in the Battle of Borodino. But the fate of the fatherland is at stake. Kutuzov does not give the order to retreat, because he sees the eyes of the soldiers, in which there was will, determination, and perseverance.

“... the dedication and courage of a simple soldier can ruin the cunning plan of a commander crowned with laurels,” this is how I. Bardyshev formulates his position.

Probably the most famous works of Russian literature about Borodino are M. Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Borodino” and the description of the Battle of Borodino in L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”. Both Lermontov and Tolstoy emphasize the courage of Russian soldiers.

Yes, there were people in our time
Mighty, dashing tribe,
Bogatyrs, not you, - (writes the poet L. Tolstoy.)

Even before the start of the battle, the readiness of Russian soldiers to defend their homeland is depicted: before the battle, the militia put on white shirts. “Wonderful, incomparable people,” Kutuzov says about his warriors. In battle, soldiers carry out their duty without showing off, without thinking about why they are risking their lives.

Many battles of the Great Patriotic War were also won thanks to the courage of Russian soldiers. In K. Simonov's story “Days and Nights,” war is depicted as everyday hard work with full dedication of all forces. Based on the fact that in war the unusual becomes ordinary, heroism becomes the norm, the exceptional is translated by life itself into the category of ordinary, Simonov creates the character of a restrained, somewhat stern, silent person. The war gave a new appreciation to the essential and the non-essential, the main and the unimportant, the true and the ostentatious in people. People in the face of death stopped thinking about what they look like and what they seem like.

I. T. Bardyshev made me think about a lot. He once again brought me back to the heroic past of our country, I realized that our people are truly “wonderful, incomparable,” capable of rising to the defense of the country and showing miracles of courage and heroism.

Essay on the topic “The problem of courage and perseverance” updated: October 5, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

Since the topic of the essay is the problem of heroism, arguments from literature need to pay attention to works familiar to most of our fellow citizens, brought up on the exploits of Soviet soldiers who saved the world from the brown plague. There have been other examples of courage, heroism and selfless love for the Motherland in history. For example, the war of the mid-20th century became the most terrible and bloody.

One of the works that glorifies heroism not only in war, but also in peaceful life, is the story “The Fate of a Man” by Alexander Sholokhov, in which the author introduces the reader to Andrei Sokolov. He went through the entire war, showing himself to be a brave soldier. Every day he courageously looked into the face of death, which carried away his comrades one by one. The worst thing that happened to Andrei was the loss of his family. His wife, son and daughter died in the rear at the hands of the Nazis.

Not every person will be able to survive such grief with dignity. However, Sokolov was able to, gathering all his will into a fist, he stayed afloat. He did not become embittered, did not hate the whole world, but became more sensitive and responsive to the misfortune of others. These qualities pushed him to a heroic act already in peaceful life.

Having met an orphaned boy on the dusty post-war roads, Andrei takes him under his “wing”. The decision to adopt a boy is a real feat. After all, in this way, the hero saved the child from the orphanage life, from loneliness, from ordeals, playing a decisive role in the fate of this little man.

Another work has a similar title. This is “The Tale of a Real Man” by Boris Polevoy.

The prototype of the main character was the legendary pilot Alexey Meresyev, who forever went down in history thanks to his courage and unbending will to defeat himself and the enemy.

The reader, with bated breath, follows the events described by the author. What aggravates the experience is the realization that all this took place in real life. Meresyev's plane was shot down over occupied territory. The pilot managed to survive, although he received terrible injuries.

Bleeding, Alexey tries to break through to his own people. With the last of his strength he crawls through the wooded area, overcoming inch by inch. Meresyev was lucky - three weeks later he ended up with the partisans and his life was saved.

Having lost both legs, Alexey did not register himself as disabled and did not remain in captivity. He learned not only to walk, but even to dance on prosthetics and continued to fly. He managed to accomplish many more feats before the end of the war, significantly adding to the “piggy bank” of enemy aircraft he shot down.

Thanks to Boris Polevoy, readers received an invaluable opportunity to get to know an extraordinary personality. Meresyev’s heroism will live on for centuries, and his memory will be passed on from generation to generation. Such people never die.

The problem of heroism in war has numerous arguments from literature. This article examined only two works. However, no less poignant are “And the dawns here are quiet”, “Not on the lists” by B. Vasilyev, “In the trenches of Stalingrad” by V. Nekrasov, “Sotnikov” by V. Bykov and other cult books. Many generations grew up and were educated on them.

In this article, you are offered problems found in texts for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, and literary arguments for them. All of them are available for download in table format, link at the end of the page.

  1. True and false heroism is revealed to us on the pages novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". The people carry true love for the Motherland, they defend it with their breasts, die for it during the war, without receiving orders and ranks. The picture is completely different in high society, which only pretends to be patriotic if it is fashionable. Thus, Prince Vasily Kuragin went to both a salon glorifying Napoleon and a salon opposing the emperor. Also, nobles willingly begin to love and glorify the fatherland when it brings benefits. So, Boris Drubetskoy takes advantage of the war to advance his career. It was thanks to the people with their true patriotism that Russia was freed from the French invaders. But its false manifestations almost destroyed the country. As you know, the Russian emperor did not spare his troops and did not want to delay the decisive battle. The situation was saved by Kutuzov, who, with the help of delay, exhausted the French army and saved thousands of lives of ordinary people.
  2. Heroism does not only manifest itself in war. Sonya Marmeladova, g the heroine of the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", had to become a prostitute to help the family not die of hunger. A believing girl broke the commandments and committed sin for the sake of her stepmother and her children. If it weren't for her and her dedication, they would not have survived. But Luzhin, who shouts at every corner about his virtue and generosity, and presents his undertakings as heroic (especially his marriage to the dowry Duna Raskolnikova), turns out to be a pathetic egoist who is ready to go over his head for the sake of his goals. The difference is that Sonya's heroism saves people, and Luzhin's falsehood destroys them.

Heroism in war

  1. A hero is not a person without fear, he is someone who can overcome fear and go into battle for the sake of his goals and beliefs. Such a hero is described in the story by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of Man" in the image of Andrei Sokolov. This is a completely ordinary person who lived like everyone else. But when the thunder struck, he became a real hero: he carried shells under fire, because it was impossible otherwise, because his own people were in danger; endured captivity and a concentration camp without betraying anyone; endured the death of his loved ones, being reborn for the fate of the orphan Vanka he had chosen. Andrei’s heroism lies in the fact that he set the salvation of the country as the main task of his life and fought to the end for this.
  2. Sotnikov, hero story of the same name by V. Bykov, at the beginning of the work it seems not at all heroic. Moreover, it was he who became the reason for his captivity, and Rybak suffered along with him. However, Sotnikov is trying to atone for his guilt, take everything upon himself, and save a woman and an old man who accidentally came under investigation. But the brave partisan Rybak is a coward and only tries to save his own skin by informing on everyone. The traitor survives, but is forever covered in the blood of innocent sufferers. And in the awkward and unlucky Sotnikov, a real hero is revealed, worthy of respect and unquenchable historical memory. Thus, in war, heroism is especially important because other lives depend on its manifestation.

The purpose of heroism

  1. Rita Osyanina, heroine story by B. Vasilyev “And the dawns here are quiet”, lost her beloved husband in the first days of the war, leaving her with a small son. But the young woman could not stay away from the general grief; she went to the front, hoping to avenge her husband and protect tens of thousands of children from the enemy. True heroism was to go into an unequal battle with the Nazis. Rita, her friend from the department, Zhenya Komelkova, and their chief, Sergeant Major Vaskov, opposed the Nazi detachment and prepared for mortal combat, and the girls actually died. But it’s impossible otherwise, it’s not just traveling behind us, it’s the Motherland behind us. Thus, they sacrificed themselves to save the fatherland.
  2. Ivan Kuzmich Mironov, hero of the story A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter", showed heroic qualities during the defense of the Belogorodskaya fortress. He remains steadfast and does not waver, he is supported by the duty of honor, the military oath. When the commandant was captured by rioters, Ivan Kuzmich remained faithful to the oath and did not recognize Pugachev, although this threatened death. Military duty forced Mironov to undertake the feat, despite the fact that he had to pay for it with his life. He sacrificed himself to remain true to his beliefs.

Moral feat

  1. It is extremely difficult to remain human after going through blood and bullets. Andrey Sokolov, hero story “The Fate of Man” by M.A. Sholokhov, not only fought, but was also captured, taken to a concentration camp, escaped, and then lost his entire family. It was the family that was the hero’s guiding star; having lost it, he gave up on himself. However, after the war, Sokolov met the orphan boy Vanka, whose fate was also crippled by the war, and the hero did not pass by, did not let the state or other people take care of the orphan, Andrei became a father for Vanka, giving himself and him a chance to find a new meaning in life. The fact that he opened his heart to this boy is a moral feat that was no easier for him than courage in battle or endurance in the camp.
  2. During military operations, you sometimes forget that the enemy is also a person and, most likely, was sent to your homeland by war out of necessity. But it’s even more terrible when the war is civil, when a brother, a friend, or a fellow villager can turn out to be the enemy. Grigory Melekhov, hero novel by M.A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don", in the new conditions of confrontation between the power of the Bolsheviks and the power of the Cossack atamans, constantly wavered. Justice called him to the side of the first, and he fought for the Reds. But in one battle, the hero saw the inhuman execution of prisoners, unarmed people. This senseless cruelty turned the hero away from his past views. Finally confused between the parties, he surrenders to the winner, just to see the children. He realized that family was more important to him than his own life, more important than principles and views, for the sake of it it was worth taking risks, giving up, so that the children could at least see their father, who was always lost in battles.

Heroism in love

  1. The manifestation of heroism is possible not only on the battlefield; sometimes it is no less required in everyday life. Zheltkov, hero story by A.I. Kuprin “Garnet Bracelet”, performed a real feat of love, laying life on her altar. Just once he saw Vera, he lived only for her. When the husband and brother of his beloved forbade Zheltkov from even writing to her, he could not live and committed suicide. But he even accepted death with the words to Vera: “Let your name shine.” He committed this act so that his beloved would find peace. This is a real feat for the sake of love.
  2. The heroism of the mother is reflected in the story L. Ulitskaya “Daughter of Bukhara”. Alya, the main character, gave birth to a daughter, Milochka, with Down syndrome. The woman devoted her entire life to raising her daughter with a then rare diagnosis. Her husband left her, she had to not only take care of her daughter, but also work as a nurse. And later, the mother fell ill, did not receive treatment, but arranged for Milochka better things: work in a workshop gluing envelopes, marriage, education in a special school. Having done everything she could, Alya left to die. The mother’s heroism is everyday, unnoticeable, but no less important.

School education is coming to an end. Now the focus of all students' attention It is no secret that a very large number of points can be obtained by writing an essay. That is why in this article we will write in detail a plan for the essay and discuss the most common topic in the exam, the problem of courage. Of course, there are quite a lot of topics: the attitude towards the Russian language, the role of mother, teacher, childhood in a person’s life and many others. Students have particular difficulty in arguing the issue of courage.

Many talented writers have devoted their works to the theme of heroism and courage, but they do not remain so firmly in our memory. In this regard, we will refresh them a little and give the best arguments to defend your point of view from fiction.

Essay plan

To begin with, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the plan for a correct essay, which, if all the points are present, will bring you the maximum possible points.

An essay on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language is very different from an essay on social studies, literature, and so on. This work has a strict form that is best not to be violated. So, what does the plan for our future essay look like:

  1. Introduction. What is the purpose of this paragraph? We need to smoothly lead our reader to the main problem raised in the text. This is a short paragraph of three to four sentences, but it clearly relates to the topic of your essay.
  2. Identification of the problem. In this part we are talking about the fact that we read the text proposed for analysis and identified one of the problems. When you state a problem, think about the arguments in advance. As a rule, there are two or more of them in the text, choose the one that is most beneficial for you.
  3. Your comment. You need to explain and characterize it. This should take you no more than seven sentences.
  4. Note the author's position, what he thinks and how he feels about the problem. Maybe he's trying to do something?
  5. Your position. You must write whether you agree with the author of the text or not, justify your answer.
  6. Arguments. There should be two of them (from literature, history, personal experience). Teachers still suggest focusing on arguments from literature.
  7. Conclusion of no more than three sentences. Summarize everything you said. An ending option such as a rhetorical question is also possible. It will make you think, and the essay will be completed quite effectively.

As you can see from the plan, the hardest part is the argumentation. Now we will select examples for the problem of courage, we will use exclusively literary sources.

"The Fate of Man"

The theme of the problem of courage is the main idea of ​​Mikhail Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man.” Dedication and courage are the main concepts that characterize the main character Andrei Sokolov. Our character is able to step over all the obstacles that fate has in store for him, to carry his cross with his head held high. He shows these qualities not only during military service, but also in captivity.

It seemed that the worst was over, but trouble did not come alone, there was another very difficult test ahead - the death of his family. Now Andrey speaks of selflessness, he gathered his last strength into a fist and visited the very place where there was once a quiet and family life.

"And the dawns here are quiet"

The problem of courage and perseverance is also reflected in such a work as Vasiliev’s story. Only here these qualities are attributed to fragile and gentle creatures - girls. This work tells us that Russian women can also be real heroes, fight on an equal basis with men and defend their interests even in such global senses.

The author tells about the difficult fate of several completely different women who were brought together by a great misfortune - the Great Patriotic War. Although their lives had previously developed differently, they all had the same ending - death while performing a combat mission.

A story about a real person

Which is also found in abundance in “The Tale of a Real Man” by Boris Polevoy.

The work talks about the difficult fate of a pilot who loved the sky very much. For him, flying is the meaning of life, like wings for a bird. But they were cut off for him by a German fighter. Despite his injuries, Meresyev crawled through the forest for a very long time; he had neither water nor food. He overcame this difficulty, but there was more to come. He lost his legs, he had to learn to use prosthetics, but this man was so strong in spirit that he even learned to dance on them.

Despite a large number of obstacles, Meresyev regained his wings. One can only envy the heroism and dedication of the hero.

"Not on the list"

Since we are interested in the problem of courage, we selected arguments from literature about the war and the difficult fate of the heroes. Also, Boris Vasiliev’s novel “Not on the Lists” is dedicated to the fate of Nikolai, who had just graduated from college, went to serve and came under fire. He was not listed in any documents, but it never occurred to him to run away like a “rat from a ship”; he fought bravely and defended the honor of his homeland.

Arguing your opinion on a chosen issue is one of the most important tasks when writing an argumentative essay. Since arguments from the literature are rated higher, it is very important to prepare them in advance. On this page I present a number of arguments on several popular issues.

PROBLEM: Meanness, betrayal, dishonor, envy.

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “The Captain's Daughter”

Shvabrin is a nobleman, but he is dishonest: he takes revenge on Masha Mironova for her refusal, and during a duel with Grinev, he stabs him in the back. The complete loss of ideas about honor and dignity provokes him to betrayal: he goes over to the camp of the rebel Pugachev.

  1. Karamzin “Poor Liza”

Erast, the heroine’s lover, betrayed his feelings for the girl, choosing material well-being

  1. N.V. Gogol, story “Taras Bulba”

Andriy, the son of Taras, being captured by love feelings, betrays his father, brother, comrades, and homeland. Bulba kills his son because he cannot live with such shame

  1. A.S. Pushkin, tragedy "Mozart and Salieri"

The envious Salieri, jealous of the success of the great composer Mozart, poisoned him, although he considered him his friend.

PROBLEM: Worship of rank, servility, servility, opportunism.

1. A.P. Chekhov, story “The Death of an Official”

The official Chervyakov is infected with the spirit of veneration: Having sneezed and splashed the general’s bald head, he was so frightened that after repeated humiliations and requests, he died of fear.

2. A.S. Griboyedov, comedy "Woe from Wit"

Molchalin, the negative character of the comedy, is sure that you need to please everyone without exception. This will allow you to climb the career ladder. Caring for Sophia, Famusov's daughter, he pursues precisely this goal.

PROBLEM: Bribery, embezzlement

  1. N.V. Gogol, comedy "The Inspector General"

The mayor, like all officials of the district city, is a bribe-taker and embezzler. He is convinced that all issues can be solved with the help of money and the ability to show off.

  1. N.V. Gogol, poem "Dead Souls"

Chichikov, drawing up a bill of sale for the “dead” souls, gives a bribe to the official, after which things move faster.

PROBLEM: Rudeness, ignorance, hypocrisy

  1. A.N. Ostrovsky, drama "The Thunderstorm"

Dikoy is a typical boor who insults everyone around him. Impunity gave rise to complete unbridledness in this man.

  1. DI. Fonvizin, comedy "Minor"

Mrs. Prostakova considers her boorish behavior to be normal, which is why the people around her are “brutes” and “morons.”

  1. A.P. Chekhov, story "Chameleon"

Police warden Ochumelov grovels before those who are above him on the career ladder, and feels like a master of the situation before those who are below. This is reflected in his behavior, which changes depending on the situation.

PROBLEM: The destructive influence of money (material goods) on the human soul, hoarding

  1. A.P. Chekhov, story “Ionych”

Doctor Startsev, a promising and talented doctor in his youth, turns into Ionych’s hoarder. The main passion of his life is money, which became the cause of moral decay of the individual.

  1. N.V. Gogol, poem “Dead Souls”

The stingy landowner Plyushkin personifies complete spiritual degradation. The passion for hoarding became the reason for the destruction of all family and friendly ties; Plyushkin himself simply lost his human appearance.

PROBLEM: Vandalism, unconsciousness

  1. I.A. Bunin "Cursed days"

Bunin could not even imagine that the brutality and vandalism brought by the revolution would turn people into a maddened crowd, destroying everything in its path.

  1. D.S. Likhachev, book “On the Good and the Beautiful”

The Russian academician was outraged when he learned that the monument to Bagration’s grave was blown up on the Borodino field. This is a terrible example of vandalism and oblivion.

  1. V. Rasputin, story “Farewell to Matera”

When villages were flooded, not only people’s homes went under water, but also churches and graveyards, which is a terrible example of vandalism.

PROBLEM: The role of art

  1. A.T. Tvardovsky, poem “Vasily Terkin”

Front-line soldiers say that soldiers exchanged smoke and bread for clippings from front-line newspapers, where chapters of the poem were published. This means that an encouraging word was sometimes more important than food.

Natasha Rostova sings beautifully, at these moments she becomes unusually beautiful, and people around her are drawn to her.

  1. A.I. Kuprin, story “Garnet Bracelet”

Listening to Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata,” Vera experienced, thanks to the hopelessly in love Zheltkov, a feeling similar to catharsis. Music awakened in her empathy, compassion, and a desire to love.

PROBLEM: Love for the Motherland, nostalgia

  1. M.Yu. Lermontov, poem “Motherland”

The lyrical hero loves his homeland as it is, and is ready to go through all the trials with his people.

  1. A. Blok, poem “Russia”

For the lyrical hero Blok, love for the homeland is similar to love for a woman. He believes in the great future of his country.

  1. I.A. Bunin, stories “Clean Monday”, “Antonov Apples”

I.A. Bunin left Russia forever in 1920. A feeling of nostalgia haunted him all his life. The heroes of his stories recall the great past of Russia, which was irretrievably lost: history, culture, traditions.

PROBLEM: Loyalty to your word (duty)

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “Dubrovsky”

Masha, married to an unloved man, refuses to break the oath of fidelity given in the church when Dubrovsky tries to save her.

  1. A.S. Pushkin, novel “Eugene Onegin”

Tatyana Larina, true to her marital duty and her given word, is forced to refuse Onegin. She became the personification of human moral strength.

PROBLEM: Self-sacrifice, compassion, mercy, cruelty, humanism

  1. M.A. Bulgakov, novel “The Master and Margarita”

Margarita, who loves the Master, in spite of everything, is true to her feelings, she is ready for any sacrifice. A woman flies to Woland's ball to save her beloved. There she asks to free the sinner Frida from suffering.

  1. A.I. Solzhenitsyn, story "Matrenin's Dvor"

Matryona lived all her life for people, helping them without asking for anything in return. The author calls her a “truthful woman,” a person who lives according to the laws of God and conscience

  1. L. Andreev, story “Biter”

By taming a dog and leaving it in a holiday village for the winter, people showed their selfishness and showed how cruel they could be.

The Cossack Gavrila, having lost his son, fell in love with a stranger, an enemy, as if he were his own. Hatred for the “Reds” grew into fatherly love and care.

PROBLEM: Self-education, self-education, self-analysis, self-improvement

  1. I.S. Turgenev, novel “Fathers and Sons”

The nihilist Bazarov believed that “every person must educate himself.” And this is the lot of strong people.

  1. L.N. Tolstoy, trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"

Nikolenka is an autobiographical hero. Like the author himself, he strives for self-improvement and creative self-realization.

  1. M.Yu. Lermontov, novel “Hero of Our Time”

Pechorin talks with himself in his diary, evaluates his actions, analyzes his life, which testifies to the depth of this personality.

  1. L.N. Tolstoy, novel "War and Peace"

The writer showed us the “dialectics of the soul” of Bolkonsky and Bezukhov, told us how difficult a person’s path to truth, justice, and love is. His heroes made mistakes, suffered, suffered, but this is the idea of ​​human self-improvement.

PROBLEM: Courage, heroism, moral duty, patriotism

  1. B. Vasiliev, “And the dawns here are quiet”

The female anti-aircraft gunners, destroying a detachment of saboteurs, died, despite the numerical superiority of the enemy.

  1. B. Polevoy, “The Tale of a Real Man”

Pilot Alesey Maresyev, thanks to fortitude and courage, not only survived after amputation of his legs, but also became a full-fledged person and returned to his squadron.

  1. Vorobyov, story “Killed near Moscow”

The Kremlin cadets, showing courage and heroism, fulfilled their patriotic duty, defending the approaches to Moscow. Lieutenant Yastrebov is the only one left alive.

  1. M. Sholokhov, story “The Fate of a Man”

The hero of the story, Andrei Sokolov, went through the entire war: he fought bravely, was captured, and escaped. He fulfilled his civic duty with honor. The war took his family away from him, but, fortunately, fate gave him a meeting with Vanyushka, who became his son.

  1. V. Bykov “Crane cry”

Vasily Glechik, still just a boy, did not leave his position during the war. The thought of salvation was unacceptable to him. He did not violate the battalion commander’s order, fulfilled it at the cost of his own life, and remained faithful to his oath and duty to his homeland.

  1. (56 words) Feat is a big word. But this is exactly how one can describe the action of Guli Koroleva, described in the book “The Fourth Height” dedicated to her by Elena Ilyina. During the battle, she carried 50 wounded soldiers from the field, and after the death of the commander, she took command upon herself. And even being mortally wounded, she continued to fight until her last breath. One can only admire the courage of this girl.
  2. (47 words) Despite the fact that the hero of A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” does not consider his action a feat, he can be considered a hero. The man, regardless of the great risk, selflessly swims across the river to convey an important report to the command. It could have cost him his life, but he still decided to take this action.
  3. (48 words) M. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man” raises the topic of not only a military feat, but also a moral one. Driver Andrei Sokolov, while at the front, learns about the death of his entire family. Despite this, he found the strength not to break down and adopt an orphaned boy. The strength of character of the hero cannot but delight.
  4. (50 words) B. Vasiliev’s story “And the dawns here are quiet...” tells about the military feat of an entire group. During reconnaissance, the female squad and the foreman have to engage in a desperate battle with the enemy. Each of the women dies heroically and painfully. Even realizing the danger, they rushed to the front and sacrificed their lives along with men.
  5. (52 words) “The Tale of a Real Man” by B. Polevoy is not by chance given such a name. The author tells the story of the pilot Alexei Meresyev. The hero was shot down in a fighter plane over German-occupied territory and tried to find his way back through the forests until he reached his own. Even having lost both legs, the man continues to fight back the enemy. Such a person can truly be called great, and his action a feat.
  6. (61 words) In the story “Obelisk” by V. Bykov, a controversial attitude towards the hero’s action arises. During the war, teacher Ales Morozov creates an anti-fascist group with his students. Without listening to the teacher, the boys commit the murder of a brutal policeman. After their capture, Ales is offered to surrender voluntarily. The man comes, realizing that the students will not be released. Subsequently, they are all executed. Years later, someone considers this act reckless, and the witness of the events - a feat.
  7. (44 words) In the epic novel “War and Peace” L.N. Tolstoy shows us that a feat is not always noticeable. Captain Tushin, who practically took the bullets upon himself, was reprimanded for leaving without an order, although the courageous resistance of his battery shocked even the enemy. The feat was noticed only thanks to the intercession of Prince Andrei.
  8. (52 words) Thomas Keneally's novel Schindler's Ark tells the story of a real person - the German Oskar Schindler. The man saved a huge number of Jews during the Holocaust. He illegally hired them as his workers, hiding them from persecution. After the surrender of Germany, the hero was forced to flee, but entire generations of Jews remained grateful to him for the moral feat he accomplished.
  9. (53 words) “Alpine Ballad” by V. Bykov is a story about bitter self-sacrifice. Ivan Treshka, who by chance escaped a concentration camp, meets Julia. The sudden feeling that flared up between them is interrupted by the fascists pursuing them. Here the hero accomplishes his feat: having found himself in a dead end, Ivan saves the girl, throwing her from the gorge into a snowdrift, while he himself remains to be torn to pieces, sacrificing his life.
  10. (59 words) B. Vasiliev’s story “Not on the Lists” tells the story of the defense of the Brest Fortress. Undoubtedly, everyone who repulsed the enemy in that battle accomplished a feat. But the only survivor, Lieutenant Pluzhnikov, amazes with his resilience. Having lost his comrades, he continues to fight bravely. But even after being captured, he so delighted the Nazis with his courage that they took off their caps in front of him.

Examples from life, cinema and media

  1. (57 words) In the film “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,” the son of a concentration camp commandant makes friends with a Jewish boy on the other side of the fence. Eventually, the parents find out and insist on moving. However, the boy manages to climb over the fence to help his friend search for his father. Despite the tragic outcome of events, even such a sincere desire to help can be considered a feat.
  2. (41 words) Rescuers or firefighters constantly risk their lives to save others. Every shift is a new challenge. This type of work requires incredible courage and fearlessness and takes a lot of nerves. Often they themselves do not consider this a feat, but for the people who receive their help, they are real heroes.
  3. (42 words) Not all feats are on a huge scale. A boy who is afraid of heights, but takes a small kitten from a tree, also accomplishes a feat. He fights his fear, steps over it, to ultimately save the defenseless animal. He overcomes a big obstacle within himself. It deserves respect.
  4. (56 words) One day, my friend and I were sunbathing on the beach. Nearby, in the shallow water, a girl was wandering, but suddenly she suddenly disappeared from sight. We got worried and my friend went to check out the place. It turned out that there was a double bottom - she fell and began to sink. The friend, undaunted by the danger, dived after her and saved her life. I consider this a real feat.
  5. (43 words) The feat can be completely different. My friend constantly helps homeless animals. I can call this a feat, since she sincerely cares about them, takes them home and keeps them warm and comfortable. Despite all the difficulties, she picks up rejected pets, saving their lives.
  6. (47 words) One day I came across an article about a young man who saved a little girl who fell out of a window. The guy was just passing by, reacted incredibly quickly and managed to catch the child. With this action he accomplished a real feat. Heroes are among us. And they don’t wear flowing raincoats at all, but ordinary jeans and T-shirts.
  7. (42 words) In the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows II, the main character accomplishes an incredible feat when he decides to sacrifice his life to save the entire wizarding world. He meets the main evil face to face. Despite the entreaties of friends who are ready to fight, Harry remains unshaken.
  8. (40 words) I have always considered adopting a child a moral feat. I admire how people are able to take on such responsibility and give love and warmth to their stepchild. My uncle and aunt accomplished this feat. I respect them immensely for making such a difficult and generous decision.
  9. (47 words) People very often become attached to their pets. The hero of the story, which I came across on a news site, was so eager to protect his pet that he rushed at the bear when it attacked his puppy. The man showed superhuman courage, thanks to which his pet remained alive. This can be called a real feat.
  10. (62 words) In my opinion, Stephen Hawking's first wife accomplished an incredible feat. Jane did not leave the scientist when he began to develop an illness that later led to paralysis. She continued to look after him as long as possible, gave him three children, and literally devoted her entire youth to him. Even though the couple divorced many years later, this woman’s choice still fascinates me.
  11. Interesting? Save it on your wall!

The courage and perseverance of soldiers in war is the question that the writer V.P. Nekrasov discusses.

The author reveals this problem using a specific example from the Great Patriotic War. V.P. Nekrasov, talking about the everyday life of military life, about the courage and boldness, ingenuity and modesty of the company commander Vasily Konakov, does not hide his admiration for the feat of a man who “together with the foreman repelled several attacks a day and only called it “it was a little difficult " The writer proudly says that with people like Vasily Konakov, “the enemy is not scary. No!".

The position of V.P. Nekrasov is not difficult to understand: victory over superior enemy forces can be achieved thanks to the dedication and courage of ordinary soldiers who daily fulfill their duty to the Motherland.

I remember L. N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”, the events at the Tushin battery during the Battle of Shengraben, where courage is vividly described

Russian soldiers. During the battle, the artillerymen do not even notice that the battery has no cover and that they could be captured at any moment. Captain Tushin and other soldiers are not overcome by fear, they fight desperately, set Shengraben on fire and repel the French attacking the battery.

A striking example of the courage and perseverance of a Russian soldier can be the feat of the Pskov paratroopers, whose company fought to hold the height for 20 hours. Two battalions of the “White Angels” – Khattab and Basayev – joined the militants. 90 Russian soldiers held off 2,500 bandits. The attacks came in waves. Using the mountainous terrain, the militants got close. And then the fight turned hand-to-hand. Sapper blades and metal butts were used. The commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the guard, senior lieutenant Alexey Vorobyov, in a fierce battle personally destroyed the field commander Idris, beheading the gang. The commander of a self-propelled artillery battery of the guard, Captain Viktor Romanov, had both legs torn off by a mine explosion. But until the last minute of his life he adjusted artillery fire.

Thus, I can conclude that it is precisely such soldiers and officers who courageously fought the enemies who deserve victory.

Other works on this topic:

  1. In an article by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, a Soviet writer, public figure who was involved in the successful creation of novels and short stories, as well as novels dedicated to science fiction and historical events,...
  2. No one knows for sure how patriotic he is of his Motherland and how he will behave in a critical situation. So Viktor Platonovich Nekrasov raises the problem of human heroism...
  3. Three quarters of a century have passed since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, but the memory of the defenders of the Fatherland will forever remain in the hearts of millions of compatriots. No one will forget perseverance and...
  4. A description of the fate of ordinary soldiers can be found in works created by the hand of M. Sholokhov and A. T. Tvardovsky. L.N. Tolstoy was no exception. He wrote “War...
  5. The courage of people shown in extreme situations is the problem that Vyacheslav Degtev discusses in the story “The Cross”. The moral question raised by the author belongs to the category of eternal....
  6. Ah, the year forty-five, great and holy! From a generous heart, without demanding payment, the soldiers gave freedom and happiness, and they themselves lay down under the humpbacked mound. WITH....
  7. In this text, V. Astafiev raises an important moral problem, the problem of memory of the war. The writer talks about the trepidation and caution with which his friend and...

Having gone through many texts to prepare for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, we have identified the main problems encountered there. For each of them we have selected relevant arguments from the literature. All of them are available for download in table form, link at the end of the article.

  1. B.L. Vasiliev, “And the dawns here are quiet.” The weaker sex and a hellish war - now such a harsh life situation is easy to imagine. Boris Vasiliev in this story talks about the war with Nazi Germany. In order to stop the invaders, the main character, the commandant of a small military unit, Fedot Vaskov, takes on a mission five brave girls, anti-aircraft gunners: Rita, Zhenya, Sonya, Lisa and Galya. They left a quiet life in the rear for the sake of protecting the Motherland. Rita's husband, little son and sick mother were waiting for her. Lisa - dad and studying at a technical school. Sonya has a big family and a university. The war took away not only their happiness, but also their lives. Such a high price did not stop the fragile girls. They were not afraid that they would have to agree to any conditions just to destroy the enemy. Each girl died for the free future of the people and did not regret her choice. On the contrary, she courageously and heroically fought the Germans for the sake of a peaceful future.
  2. T.N Teterskaya, “Captured by Siege Childhood.” The writer survived the blockade in Leningrad. The work is based on biographical material. War greatly affects people. If an adult’s psyche breaks down, it’s scary to imagine what happens to a child’s. Small children and war are truly a heartbreaking sight from which you cannot hold back your tears. This St. Petersburg novel tells how unhappy women try to hide and feed two small defenseless children. Too many troubles fell on the fragile shoulders of the two sisters. They undertake real feats: to carry food under strict control, risking their lives. All these sacrifices are made in order to bring the children at least a small crumb of food and preserve the life given to them. The book also tells about the harsh life after the trials, which also reveals the courage of the Russian people who fought even in the rear.
  3. Olga Gromova, “Sugar Baby”. The book describes the difficult 30s - 40s in the USSR. The father of the little girl Eli was recognized as an enemy of the people, he ends up in the NKVD. Now mother and daughter are forced to exist in the camp of Kyrgyzstan CHSIR (family members of traitors to the Motherland) and SOE (socially dangerous elements). At the age of five, Elya had already experienced firsthand what war and repression were, and as a result, she learned what incessant illness, hunger, cold and poverty were. But these life trials did not break the woman and her little daughter. They gained patience and courage to follow the main rule of their lives: never be afraid of anything. Thus, they overcame fear, remained kind people and tried to somehow brighten up the terrible days in the camp: they sang songs, read poetry and continued to truly care and love each other.

Showing courage for...


  1. Stephen King, The Green Mile. The novel is narrated from the perspective of a former federal prison warden, Paul Edgecombe. In block “E” there are criminals sentenced to death by electric chair. An innocent man named John Coffey finds himself in this terrible place. He is accused of raping and murdering two twin girls. Criminals cannot be released from prison, but Paul Edgecombe breaks this rule because he discovered John has a gift. It turned out that the condemned man can heal people. The warden's wife, Melinda Moores, is dying of cancer. Paul realizes that John Coffey does not have long to live, as does the boss's wife. This pushes him to take a big risk: to bring John to Melinda to heal her. This act was a courageous decision, because the man could not only lose his job, but also go to jail.
  2. In the novel M. A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita" the heroine shows unprecedented courage by agreeing to a deal with Satan. She does this for the only important goal - to find and return the Master. A woman experiences pain, fear, disgust, but still achieves her goal, overcoming herself. Moreover, she had the strength to give up her dream to save Frida. However, the devil appreciated the spiritual riches of his prom queen and rewarded her with eternal peace with the Master. It is courage that helps people achieve what they want.
  3. justice

    1. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". As we remember, Pugachev’s soldiers quickly took the Belgorod fortress. Petya Grinev, the main character of the work, suffered many different trials: civil war, the death of the commandant, massacres. Faced with a choice between death and betrayal, he could have gone over to Pugachev’s side, as his neighbor Shvabrin did, but no. The officer gained courage and bravery to remain true to his duty. When the enemy demanded an immediate answer to the question whether Grinev recognized him as king, he replied: “I am a natural nobleman; I swore allegiance to the Empress: I cannot serve you.” Peter did not chicken out, but maintained a fair order, not sparing his life.
    2. L.N. Tolstoy "Father Sergius". The main character is subjected to severe trials, as if he is walking on the edge of holiness and vice. A striking example of courage in Leo Tolstoy’s story is the protagonist’s desire not to succumb to temptation. Father Sergius was pushed into sin by an allegedly lost girl who came to his cell with the goal of seducing and killing his desire and hopes for a great gift - to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Thanks to perseverance and courage, the hero was able to prevent thoughts that could come true and lead to dire consequences. In order not to succumb to the alluring deception, the man cut off his finger. This act greatly shocked the girl, she felt ashamed and in order to beg God’s forgiveness, she became a nun.
    3. A.N Ostrovsky “Thunderstorm”. In the play, the author touches on a family problem: a married woman succumbs to sin. Katerina, the main character of the work, succumbed to feelings, passions and cheated on her husband, Tikhon. But for a God-fearing girl, advice is not an empty phrase. The emotional distress becomes unbearable, and Katerina musters up the courage to admit her wrongdoing. She talks about a terrible event in the temple. She is not stopped by the fact that for the sake of justice she will lose her faithful husband, forever lose her reputation and never marry again. Katerina, despite all this, chose justice. She found the strength to confess. The truth may be painful to hear, but it is much better than living a lie.
    4. love

      1. Jack London "Martin Eden". Fisherman Martin Eden, the main character of the novel, falls in love with a girl named Ruth from an educated and wealthy family. In order to gain the attention of his beloved, he begins to read a lot of books, study poetry, and learn different languages. Martin had no luck for a long time, his studies were difficult, they didn’t want to publish his work in magazines, and those around him thought that he was doing nonsense. In order to make money, Martin worked hard physical work. After a long wait, Martin was offered the opportunity to print his own works. An adult man went to such lengths to win the affection of his beloved and please her parents. The hero had enormous willpower and courage, and it was these qualities that helped him achieve his own goal.
      2. M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. Bulgakov's novel tells the story of a brave and persistent woman who is driven by love. For the sake of a wonderful feeling, she not only found the strength to part with her husband and leave a rich apartment with a housekeeper. Margarita was able to sell her soul to the devil in order to find out whether the master was alive or not. Having made the deal, she turned into a witch. This reincarnation helped her take revenge on the critic Latunsky. The woman completely destroyed his apartment. After all, the critic was able to ensure that the novel was not published, and this news ruined the master, made him unhappy, and he ended up in a hospital for the mentally ill. The hero is lucky that he has such a devoted lover who is not afraid to do everything necessary for the well-being of her chosen one. Woland returned the burned novel about Pontius Pilate and gave the lovers eternal peace.
      3. A.I. Kuprin “Garnet bracelet”. The main character, Vera Nikolaevna Sheina, receives a gift from an old admirer on her name day - a garnet bracelet. This anonymous person turns out to be Georgy Zheltkov, an official who has had the warmest feelings for Vera for a very long time. The man gains the courage to send this gift and tell her husband about his feelings. But the woman made it clear that without Zheltkov her life would be much calmer. Then he asks her to listen to Beethoven's Sonata No. 2. Meanwhile, he gives the garnet bracelet that was returned to the owner and asks him to hang it on the icon of the Mother of God. Then he locked himself in his room and took his own life. This is a truly courageous act that only a few are capable of.
      4. Courage misused

        1. F.M. Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment.” Not all thoughts that come to people's minds are good. One of the terrible thoughts visited the main character of the novel, Rodion Raskolnikov. He decided that he needed to kill the old pawnbroker. The young man decides that this act can completely change his life. There will be no poverty, and sister Duna will not have to marry a vile man. However, everything does not go according to plan. Yes, Raskolnikov plucked up courage and committed murder. But because of this act, absolutely innocent people suffered: the old woman, her younger sister, who was pregnant, and Raskolnikov himself, because he actually did not kill the old woman, but himself. The main thing is that the hero, having gone through subconscious torment, found the strength to admit what he had done. In a word, courage does not always help a person; it can help the force that destroys him from within.
        2. In the epic novel by M. Sholokhov “Quiet Don” the main character showed courage throughout the entire story, but in the finale he came to the conclusion that he had in vain allowed the war to tear him away from his home. All his courage was wasted, because even Gregory himself did not know where his enemies were. He changed sides of the barricades, not understanding where the truth was, for which it was worth courageously going to the end. Everywhere there were friends, fellow villagers, fellow citizens, and not occupiers and invaders. Having used strength and courage against them, Melekhov lost himself, becoming completely confused in life.

        Lack of courage

        1. N.V. Gogol “The Inspector General”. In the comedy the author talks about Anton Antonovich a mayor who is terribly afraid of the arrival of the Inspector General. He begins to stubbornly prepare for his arrival, but the stupid city landowners, Bobchinsky and Dobchinsky, mistake an ordinary person for the Inspector General. However, Anton Antonovich tries hard to create a good impression. He lends Khlestakov as much as he asks. He also gives him the best room, generously feeds his servant and the “official” himself. The mayor is ready to sacrifice not only material goods for the sake of a good impression and in order to avoid inspection. He neglects the blessing for the wedding of his only daughter and the “Inspector General”.
        2. In the play A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" Tikhon did not have the courage to resist the despotism of his mother, who humiliated his beloved wife. The man preferred to sneak out of the house, abuse alcohol and forget himself, rather than solve the problem in the family. Even his wife was a more decisive and strong-willed person. She began a rebellion against conventions and old rules, which ended in her death. Only then did the cowardly and cowardly Tikhon dare to raise his voice against his mother, but it was already too late. Because of his insolvency, the family was destroyed.