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Hello, friends. How to stand on a bridge from a standing position is not an idle question. There are many nuances in the rules for performing this seemingly simple exercise.

We will deal with them today. And at the same time we’ll find out why this element is so important for our health.

Important, necessary and useful

You noticed? — in our gyms no one does bridges. Train or, pump up your abs or – that’s always welcome. But this gymnastic element is not.

Meanwhile, the bridge is not only and not so much entertainment from childhood, but a completely serious exercise that

  • increased blood flow to the cartilage tissue located between the vertebrae
  • works the deep back muscles
  • expands the chest
  • Helps restore spine flexibility

And thanks to this, as a result:

  • salt deposits are reduced
  • eliminates the possibility of vertebral displacement
  • lung volume increases
  • improves joint function and coordination

When performing an element, literally all the muscles of the body are involved: arms and legs, shoulders and neck, abdominal and chest muscles, knees and hips work.

In general, the element perfectly strengthens the musculoskeletal corset, which protects the spinal cord - the second most important organ in our body after the brain.

A weak spine means a high risk of injury and displacement of the vertebrae, resulting in a bunch of diseases.

Thanks to the bridge, we stretch very well, and stretching helps to lose weight.

Do you see how much benefit there is? So, hurry to the bridge!

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

However, there is no need to rush in this matter, friends. If you are an untrained person, do not be friendly with the flexibility of the spine - instead of benefit, there will only be harm. Initially, you need to properly prepare for the element.

And first, let's study

Four rules of the bridge

  • Smooth, deep breathing

The smoother you breathe, the more accurate your technique.

  • Straight body, maximally arched back

The muscles are weakened, the emphasis is on the limbs.

  • The pelvis is much higher than the head

If the buttocks are located below the pelvis, or even almost touch the floor, the position is incorrect.

  • Straight arms and legs

If possible, the limbs should be as straight as possible.


This stage consists of one or two stages. Described below strength exercises you can skip it, but it's better not to.

Strength exercises

If you have never done this element before, experts recommend first training at least your knees, hips, waist and arms.

Do squats, hanging leg raises, push-ups, and abdominal exercises.

And only when you are without shortness of breath, calmly and confidently, perform these simple exercises– move on.


Second phase. Beginners cannot do without it under any circumstances.

Warm-up includes exercises for the shoulder girdle, back, and lumbar region. Including:

  • Rotations with straight arms in different directions.
  • Tilts the torso while simultaneously stretching the raised arm towards the tilt.
  • Back bend with arms raised up in a lock - the body leans forward, arms back.
  • Circular rotations of the body. The back is straight.
  • Exercise “cat” - standing on all fours, arch your back with maximum amplitude up and down.
  • “Crawl under the crossbar” - the crossbar is virtual. Imagine her standing on all fours. You arch your back as if you are trying to crawl under this obstacle.
  • “Basket” - lying on your back, grab your legs with your hands and, as if “growing”, lift your legs up with your hands.
  • Swing your legs. Standing on your knees, alternately swing your legs, bending your lower back.

We stand on the bridge

Well, now it’s finally the turn to start training your back.

And, before you do it from a standing position, you should learn how to climb it

From a lying position

The technique is simple:

  • Lie on the floor (mat).
  • Knees bent at the knees, heels next to the buttocks.
  • Palms at the very shoulders.
  • Leaning on our hands, we bend our back and try to stand up.

On fitball

Let's call this stage “intermediate”. It helps to better train your back flexibility.

Lie on your back on the fitball. Feet at shoulder level, pull your arms forward and down, trying to reach the floor.

“Intermediate” stages also include climbing onto the bridge from your knees or from a large pillow. The rules for their implementation are approximately the same as in the case of a fitball.

From a standing position

And here it is, the moment when we came close to our cherished goal.

There are several ways to do this gymnastic element from a standing position.

Back to the wall

Stand about 80 cm from the wall, feet shoulder-width apart.

Raise your arms up and start leaning towards the wall.

Resting against the wall, slowly go down it with your hands.

Having lowered yourself to the floor, freeze in this position for a few seconds, then rise up.

Rely only on yourself

Well, and also for someone who agrees to insure you for the first time.

This is done without relying on the wall. At first, you can sit down on the bed rather than on the floor.

The technique is the same as in the case of the wall.

At the same time, remember the main rule - you should go to the bridge with your hands. Not your back and shoulders. Stretch your arms forward, lowering your torso down.

When you reach the floor, freeze for a few seconds, then rise up.

Tip: the closer your feet are to your hands, the better - this way your bridge is as stable as possible.

Repeat several times.

Option for warming up and getting up from a standing position

By training a couple of times a week, you will soon be able to easily stand on it without outside help and extra effort.

What to remember

  • The bridge is a great opportunity to train your back muscles, become stronger, more flexible, make your joints more functional and remove salt deposits. It's also a great stretch to help you lose weight.
  • Get ready if you haven't exercised in a while. Warm up thoroughly before doing it. Let a trainer, massage therapist or your friend back you up.
  • At the same time, remember that if you have problems with the joints, spine, as well as other contraindications such as blood pressure, heart disease, stomach disease, you should never engage in such training on your own. In all these cases, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Do you like this element, friends? Do you know how to do it? Are the tips collected here useful? Share in the comments! And with this I say goodbye to you. See you again in new blog articles!

The bridge is one of the basic gymnastic figures. It's done like girls in junior dance groups, and girls who are engaged modern styles dancing. It looks very beautiful and impressive, so it is used in various productions.

There are several ways to make a bridge: from a lying position and from a standing position. Of course, to stand on the bridge, you need to be in excellent physical shape and have good flexibility. In addition, you should not try this figure without the necessary preparation and minimal warm-up. We are offering to you step by step instructions how to quickly learn how to make a bridge.

The whole secret of this process lies in a properly selected set of exercises. Using them, you can prepare the muscles of your back and shoulders, and also achieve the desired result faster.

How to learn to stand on the bridge

1. You need to do the following exercise: lie on your stomach, stretch your arms up. Now raise your arms and legs at the same time, bending your back. Make sure your knees and elbows are straight. Hold in this position for about a minute. Then lower yourself down and repeat a few more times.

2. Roll over onto your back, with your legs bent at the knees and your arms straight along your body. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, and then lower yourself onto your back. It is advisable to stay in an elevated position for at least 5 seconds.

3. Kneel down so that your feet are shoulder-width apart. Now you need to smoothly bend back, reaching your heels with your hands. At the same time, keep your back extended and tilt your head slightly back.

4. While lying on your stomach, grab your ankles with your hands. Then lift your head, legs and chest at the same time to bend. Hold for a few seconds and lower yourself.

5. For the next exercise you will need a special gymnastic ball. If it is not there, you can skip this step. You need to lie with your back on the ball, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your arms to the floor, bending, the ball will support you.

6. Lie on your stomach again, placing your arms approximately at hip level. Arch your back and at the same time bend your knees so that your toes touch your head. Hold this for a minute and then lower yourself down.

7. When you have warmed up and prepared your muscles well, try standing on the bridge from a lying position. To do this, you should lie on your back, bend your legs and arms, with your elbows pointing up. Then bend over, straighten your legs and arms, and try to stand on the bridge. Hold this for a couple of seconds, sway a little and return to the starting position. To make it more challenging, move your hands closer to your feet.

These exercises will help you strengthen your back muscles and prepare them for standing bridges. To speed up the results, do them several times a week, or better yet, every day. But just treat this process with all care and caution, under no circumstances do sudden movements. All bending and bending should be done only smoothly and gradually.

How to learn to stand on the bridge while standing

1. By performing a set of preparatory exercises daily, you can easily master this figure. As soon as you begin to do a bridge from a lying position well, you can move on to the next stage - a bridge from a standing position.

2. Go to a free wall, stand with your back to it at a distance of approximately 80 cm. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart, and your arms should be raised up.

3. Now gradually lean back to touch the wall with your fingers.

4. Touching the wall, lower yourself lower and lower until you reach the floor. You have made a bridge, stay in this position for a minute, and then gradually return to the starting position.

5. Repeat this exercise until you feel confident.

6. Do the same thing, but without using the wall. It will be better, of course, if someone is nearby to back you up. To do this, you need another person, standing facing you, to support your back. Calmly lean back, making a bridge, fix the position for a few seconds and rise back up.

7. Once you have mastered all the movements perfectly and feel that you are ready, you can perform this figure without outside help.

Now you know how to learn how to make a bridge, videos and professional tips will help you master this process faster. The main thing is to constantly do exercises and do not forget to warm up properly. In addition, all movements must be performed gradually and not abruptly.

To make your figure look beautiful and elegant, do not forget to straighten your elbows and knees. The feet should stand straight and be parallel to each other, and the head should be thrown back. At the very end, you can straighten your legs slightly, stretching.

Video: how to learn to do a standing bridge

Greetings to everyone who cares about their health and figure! Today I will talk about a simple and well-known workout, by performing which you can get rid of some diseases of the spine, make it flexible, and even prevent injuries. After reading the article, you will learn how to make a standing bridge and understand that anyone can do it. Let's get started?

Every trainer knows: flexibility exercises are a must for everyone involved in sports and fitness. But, unfortunately, they rarely receive attention. It is believed that this is the part of the training that can be performed independently, without exercise equipment or special equipment.

But only a few people make it at home, although the bridge is. It develops flexibility, strengthens muscles even without exhausting workouts, and makes the body toned.

You can stand on the bridge at any age, with any level of training, for both women and men. The main thing is to take into account contraindications and adhere to the technique.

What muscles are used during training?

The bridge is an exercise that helps strengthen different groups muscles. Mainly they work:

  • Buttocks.
  • Deep and long back muscles.
  • Lower back muscles.
  • Posterior thigh.
  • Rectus abdominis muscle.

Benefits and harms

The most bright story, associated with the restoration of the spine using gymnastics, including a bridge, occurred in 1970. At that time he was seriously injured. Doctors predicted disability, but Bruce was able to prove to the whole world that full recovery is possible with the help of properly selected training.

Benefits of the bridge:

  • Develops back muscles, helps stretch and strengthen them. This provides the spine with reliable protection and support.
  • Prevents displacement of intervertebral discs.
  • Increases joint mobility.
  • Reduces the amount of calcium deposits.
  • Improves blood flow, and therefore muscle nutrition.

Gymnastic poses can cause harm if ignored. serious problems and contraindications, as well as in case of improper execution. In this case, the bridge can cause injury and damage to the spine.

Indications and contraindications

Before we look at the technique of performing a standing bridge, I will talk about contraindications that are strictly forbidden to ignore:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Severe spinal injuries.
  • Osteoporosis.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Recovery period after operations and other surgical interventions.

There are also conditional contraindications, such as hand injuries, diseases accompanied by elevated body temperature, and gastrointestinal diseases.

All those who have no contraindications will benefit from the bridge. But it is especially important to perform it for the following groups of people:

  • . Exactly office workers most often suffer from back problems.
  • For those who, on the contrary, are actively involved in sports. The bridge will help relieve muscle tension, strengthen them better than some popular exercises, and add flexibility.
  • To old people.
  • For spinal problems - after mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Execution technique

The technique differs depending on your physical fitness.

Beginners should not immediately start doing the bridge while standing; start with a warm-up, then try to do it lying down.

Start your warm-up with aerobic exercise, such as running. Then move on to standard exercises that help stretch and prepare the spine: bending, twisting, pelvic rotation, “Mill”.

A bridge from a lying position is easy to do when the muscles of the back, shoulders, and arms are well developed. If you can’t do it in the classic version, try the lightweight ones. For example, on a special gymnastic ball or on the shoulders.

Technique for performing a half-bridge (on the shoulders):

  • We lie down on our backs.
  • We bend our legs at the knees, stretch our arms along the body.
  • Raise your pelvis up and bend your back.
  • We pause for a couple of seconds.
  • We return to the starting position.

A bridge with outstretched arms is a little more difficult to do, but it’s good workout for beginners. It is something between a plank and a classic bridge. It's done like this:

  1. Sit with your legs extended in front of you.
  2. Place your palms on the floor.
  3. Level the housing to form an acute angle with the surface (approximately 25 degrees).
  4. Keep your body straight for a few seconds.
  5. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

The next stage is the classic bridge from a prone position. When performing, try to arch your back as best as possible, raise your pelvis, and monitor your breathing. Only after thoroughly mastering the technique, proceed to the next step.

Performing a standing bridge

So, we have come close to the most important thing - performing a bridge from a standing position. Ready? Begin:

  1. Stand with your back to the wall at arm's length. It is better, of course, to use a Swiss wall for these purposes, but an ordinary wall will do. Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
  2. Lean back, touch the wall with your hands.
  3. Gently lower yourself by arching your spine and moving your arms down.
  4. If necessary, slowly move away from the wall. Arms and legs slightly bent, we go down even lower until we reach the floor with our hands.
  5. To rise, you can completely lower yourself to the floor or take the starting position using the wall.

Your body will tell you when you are ready to bridge without the help of a wall. But I advise you to get someone’s support at first, to find someone who will back you up during training. Don't forget to lay down a gymnastics mat to protect yourself from impacts during an accidental fall.

Over time, when the exercise becomes easy, you can add weights, and you will also learn to rise without the help of a wall, lightly pushing off the mat with your hands.

The most important tip: exercise regularly! This will allow you to get quick positive results, learn to get into a gymnastic pose in a short period of time.

Also, do not forget about technique, do not rush, do the exercise carefully. For better understanding and visibility, watch professional videos on YouTube (for example, on the BodyRock channel).

You can quickly learn a gymnastic trick using Paul Wade's system. Main principle, described by him: read from the easiest one, move on to the next stage only when the previous one is completed confidently and simply.

A common mistake that beginners make is straight back. The problem lies in undeveloped muscles, so to correct this mistake, do backbends, raise your legs and arms from a position lying on your stomach. Remember correct position pelvis

You shouldn’t try to straighten your limbs right away; it’s difficult for beginners. Do this after a while, when the bridge becomes easy for you.


The gymnastic bridge has been known for a long time; it is found in yoga, some martial arts, such as kung fu, and Taoist systems. Its regular implementation will relieve the load on the spine and strengthen it, which is especially important for girls and women.

Execution does not require much physical training, ideal for practicing at home. All this together makes the exercise one of the leaders in terms of ease of implementation and benefits.

Start getting on the bridge right today - and in a couple of months you will experience excellent results in the form of a thinner, toned, flexible body and improved mood!

And if you already have experience with this exercise, write about it in the comments. Let's count how many of us there are, people with flexible and healthy backs?

See you soon on the blog pages! Read, share on social networks and always stay in shape.

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Which, probably, each of us did in school physical education lessons was a “bridge.” Many athletes, most likely, have forgotten about it, and it’s completely in vain - there’s simply no better movement for warming up the back (both the muscles and the spinal column). At the same time, modern glossy magazines and Internet portals dedicated to fitness and bodybuilding with enviable regularity publish monotonous articles, describing for the hundredth time methods of training biceps and “cubes”, undeservedly depriving such people of attention useful exercise. Let's restore justice and consider it in detail.

How to learn to make a bridge

A brief excursion into anatomy: the importance and functions of the spinal column

Even people who skipped biology and anatomy classes as children know and understand that the basis, the “core” human body is the spine. The number of its functions is extremely large, and each of them is important and serious in its own way. Among them it should be noted:

  1. The spine is a “framework” to which the spinal muscles, abdominal walls, ribs, and pelvic bones are attached.
  2. The spine absorbs and softens during falls, jumps, and sudden movements.
  3. The spine is involved in almost all movements of the body and head.
  4. The spine is a protective “sheath” for the spinal cord, which is a complex interweaving of nerve fibers that transmit impulses from and to the brain.

Each of the above points is vital. For this reason the slightest violation the functionality of the spinal column (and the spinal cord located inside the vertebrae) can lead to serious consequences, including paralysis of individual limbs or even the entire body.

Protection and mobility of the spinal column are provided by muscle groups. More than 30 pairs of muscles are mirrored on both sides of the spine different shapes, length, depth and purpose. In this article, it is necessary to highlight only one of them – the back extensors. Erector Spinae (their Latin name) stretch from the sacrum to the occipital bone (from the pelvis to the neck), performing work in moving the spinal column and providing its protection.

Benefits of exercise

Spinal column most life is under significant pressure. The force of attraction, performing various movements, maintaining a natural curve - all this over time can cause problems that often arise in old age. They arise due to low mobility of the spinal column, high load and (especially relevant now) long-term motionless sitting at the computer, at the table, and often in an incorrectly twisted position.

It is the “bridge” that helps correct the situation. It stretches the spinal column in the right direction, improving the transport of nutrients, mobility and flexibility. Consequently:

  • degeneration of individual vertebrae and the entire spine as a whole is prevented;
  • the back extensors are strengthened;
  • the risk of vertebral displacement is reduced;
  • prevention (or treatment) of certain spinal problems is carried out.

Who cares?

You should pay attention to learning how to do a bridge if you fit into one of the following groups:

  • aged people;
  • people with spinal problems;
  • people leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • people actively involved in sports (any active form).

Well, just for the prevention and strengthening of the spine, the “bridge” is recommended for absolutely everyone - from small children to pensioners. Regular implementation (at least 2-3 times a week) significantly reduces the risk of problems in the future.

How to do?

If in last time you did the exercise on school lesson physical education - coping with the task now may turn out to be unexpectedly difficult. This is quite natural - the body has managed to “forget” the correctness and sequence of the movement, and as a result, you can even get injured if you try to perform it without preparation. Therefore, an adult should first learn how to learn how to do a bridge while standing (which is even more difficult) or at least lying down (an easier option).


As before any other physical training, we begin the session with a warm-up. This is relevant and indispensable for every muscle group, and especially for the muscles of the back and spinal column. First, “warm up” your body and muscles: jump rope, for example. After this, stretch: bends, twists and rotations of the body, stretching the legs, lunges - do not waste time on the simplest movements that prepare your muscles for further stress.

Full “bridge” (classic version from a prone position)

This is exactly the exercise we did at school. The “bridge” is made as follows:

  1. We lie on our backs on the floor.
  2. We bend our knees.
  3. We raise our arms up and bend them at the elbow joint, resting our palms on the floor near our heads. The fingers are pointed towards the feet.
  4. We smoothly begin the movement, lifting the pelvis from the floor and lifting it.
  5. We continue to raise the body until the back is arched. In this case, the head is like a continuation of the spine, maintaining its natural position.
  6. Having stayed in this position for a short time, we lower ourselves back down just as smoothly and carefully. Be sure to finish the exercise in this way - sudden muscle relaxation can only cause harm.
  7. We perform several repetitions.

"Bridge" from a standing position

But such a “bridge” will be much more difficult to master. IN school curriculum This exercise is not included due to its difficulty and increased risk of injury. However, at the same time, it is also more useful - the abdominal muscles receive the load (when returning to the starting position).

There are two options for implementing such a “bridge”.

The first is an incomplete “bridge”, in which we only lower ourselves to the desired position:

  1. Let's stand up straight. At the same time, be sure to make sure that there are no objects behind (at a distance of 2-3 meters).
  2. We begin to bend back, slightly bending our knees.
  3. At the same time, we tilt our heads back and raise our arms up, slightly bending them at the elbow joints.
  4. Continuing to bend smoothly, at the same time continue bending at the knees, bringing the hips forward - to create at least partial balance. This will prevent you from turning a dip into a sharp fall.
  5. Bend over until your hands touch the floor.
  6. Having stood on the “bridge”, pause for a short time, and then lower the body to the floor (as in the previous embodiment).

The second option – a full “bridge” from a standing position – is the most difficult of all existing ones. Remember - before reading about how to learn how to do a standing bridge and trying to do it yourself - you must be able to do the regular (full) version and have a certain level of physical fitness. Otherwise, you may get injured (at least a bruise if you fall backwards).

  1. We stand on the bridge in the same way as described in the instructions above.
  2. We begin to stand up: smoothly shift part of the body weight to the legs, bringing the knees forward.
  3. At the same time, we lift our palms off the floor, resting on our fingers.
  4. Using the strength of the abdominal and back muscles, we begin to rise to a vertical position: we completely lift our fingers off the floor and smoothly straighten. The movement should not look like a push with your hands from the surface, but rather a smooth straightening.

That's all, friends. Now you know how to learn how to make a bridge.

For those who do bridges every day or quite often, this point can be skipped, but beginners definitely need to warm up their muscles before performing the exercise. Before you start doing a bridge, you need to understand that any exercise, no matter how beautiful it is, should not cause harm to the body. That's why best friend should be a good warm up. There are several exercises that will prepare your body for exercise.

  1. Lying on your stomach, we raise our arms up, make sure that our knees are not bent, and bend back. The exercise must be performed very smoothly without sudden movements. When you bend over end point, hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position.
  2. This exercise will help warm up your leg muscles. You need to kneel down, spread your legs slightly, raise your arms up and gently bend back so that your fingers touch the floor. Don’t worry if something doesn’t work out right away, that’s what training is for, to improve your skills.
  3. Lie on your stomach, put your hands at hip level, bend your knees and try to reach your feet with your head. This stretching is very beneficial for the spine, especially for those who work while sitting.

Exercises to get on the bridge

Eat different variants how to make a bridge:

  1. You need to lie on your stomach, stretch your arms up, at the same time you need to lift all your limbs up, and bend over as much as possible. Make sure to keep your knees straight. Stay in this position for a minute.
  2. You need to lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, put your arms along your body, now lift your pelvis as high as possible and stay in this position for about five seconds, then smoothly lower to the starting position.
  3. Get on your knees, feet hip-width apart. Bend smoothly back and touch your heels with your hands. In this case, the back should bend and the head should be thrown back.
  4. You need to lie on your stomach, clasp your ankles with your hands, raise your head, and bend over. Stay in this position for a few minutes.
  5. You can do a bridge not only on the floor, but also on the ball. For this you will need a fitball. You need to lie on it with your back, put your feet shoulder-width apart, raise your arms and reach towards the floor.
  6. You need to lie on your stomach. Arms should be straight and at hip level. Now you need to arch your back. Try to reach your head with your toes. In this case, the legs should be bent at the knees and the head raised. You need to hold this position for half a minute.
  7. Most often, one gets onto the bridge from a lying position. To do this, you need to lie on your back, bend your arms and legs, and your elbows should look up. Next, from this position, you need to try to stand on the bridge, bending at the waist, straightening your arms and legs. When you reach the limit of bending, stay in this position for as long as possible. When you can do this exercise easily, you can make it more difficult by moving your arms closer to your legs. Then you need to swing to the sides.

If you perform these exercises daily, you will forget about pain in the spine, and of course, you will easily get up on the bridge from any position.

Bridge from a standing position

When you can perform all the exercises with ease, including standing on a bridge while lying down, you can move on to learning how to perform a bridge from a standing position. It’s great if you have a wall bars nearby; if you don’t have one, you can just use a free wall. Stand with your back to the wall at a distance of 80 cm, raise your arms up, feet should be shoulder-width apart. Lean back until your fingers touch the wall. Use your fingers to move along the wall, going lower and lower until you make a bridge. Stay in this position for a short time and, moving your fingers along the slats of the wall or wall, return to the starting position. You need to do this exercise until your back muscles get used to it and it becomes easy to bend over.

When you can do this exercise easily with the help of a wall, it means that it’s time to abandon the available devices. Now you need to take a gymnastics mat, it is advisable to have someone nearby who can provide backup at first. Stand facing this person, place your feet shoulder-width apart, and extend your arms up. Let your assistant insure you now, supporting you behind your back. Slowly lean back until your fingers touch the floor, hold this position, then push with your hands and return to the starting position. Until you are one hundred percent confident in your strengths and capabilities, you should not refuse the help of another person.

Bridge for the “advanced”

You can also stand on a bridge from a vertical handstand, but you need to do this exercise while being in excellent physical shape. So, you need to carefully stand on your hands, then relax your body so that from the back both legs fall towards your head. The head should be thrown back. When lowering your legs, you need to maintain balance. At the moment when your legs no longer lower smoothly, you need to stand with them on the floor so that they are as close to your hands as possible. The bridge is ready.

Such bridges are very useful for our body; the body, having become accustomed to the stress, will respond to you with flexibility and health. For those who stood on the bridge as a child, it is quite easy to do so as an adult. Because muscles store memory and, if necessary, reproduce the desired element. And a flexible spine will allow you to stay young as long as possible. But don't forget to consult your doctor before experimenting with your body, especially if you are over 30 years old. Because if there are problems in the spine, the doctor will probably forbid you to do such exercises.

Common Mistakes

Today you can find a lot of information on the Internet on how to stand on a bridge, in addition you can watch a video, but still, if you are not confident in your abilities, it would be better to contact a trainer. In one lesson, he will teach you how to perform the exercise correctly and help you avoid typical mistakes. Because it’s not enough to just learn how to stand on the bridge, you also need to do it correctly and beautifully.

If you stand on the bridge from a standing position, the main thing at this moment is to be calm; those who are very worried usually make the most common mistake - they begin to walk not with their hands, as is correct, but with their shoulders and back. Therefore, be careful and calm, everything will work out for you.

Another very common mistake when performing a bridge is that many people perform the exercise with their backs and do not take their shoulders into account. And they end up with a clumsy bridge, very unstable with outstretched arms. The right thing to do is to warm up your shoulders and transfer your body weight to your arms. An ideal exercise is performed when the angle between your hands and the floor is 90 degrees. In order to make this angle, you need to stand on a bridge and rock back and forth to stretch your shoulders.

That's all the wisdom, a little training and perseverance, and you can safely show off the bridge to the delight of guests and friends.