Does Kolya Sergi have a girlfriend? Which has no end point? The legendary project “Heads and Tails”

The most cheerful manufacturer of the third Ukrainian Star Factory is Serga Nikolai.
A born artist was born on March 23, 1989.
In the past, he played in the KVN team “And many others”, which became the winner of the First Ukrainian League and received many other awards. The peculiarity of this team was that Kolya played there alone.
Simultaneously with KVN, Kolya entertained the public with the project “COMEDY CLUB ODESSA STYLE” in various clubs in Ukraine.
In Ukraine, he decided not to stop and went to Moscow for the program “Laughter without Rules.” As they say, the first damn thing is lumpy, he failed to achieve success in this project.
Having gained strength, he went there again and... won! Since then, Kolya has bewitched the Russian public too! In his speeches he often remembered his beloved Odessa, and since then the residents of Odessa realized that they had their own pride - this is Kolya.
Starred in several programs of the Kyiv Comedy Club and again went to Moscow to film “The Killer League” on TNT. I began to write songs and began to study music seriously. I wanted to graduate from an Odessa university and go to Moscow to study at a theater school, but then “Star Factory 3” appeared, and life changed dramatically.
Only now Kolya has become the pride of not only Odessa, but also Ukraine, and maybe even Russia...

He took part in the Ukrainian Star Factory 3 and made it to the finals, taking 3rd place in the project.

Official VKontakte group

Details Created: 12/08/2018 22:26 Updated: 12/09/2018 12:51

Kolya Serga is a young and talented Ukrainian musician, as well as a TV presenter of one of the most popular TV shows about travel "Heads and Tails". On television he is always very open, cheerful and smiling. But what is he like? real life? Let's find out below.

This talented musician has long been a favorite for many all over the world. He is known under the pseudonym The Kolya, and became very popular after participating in music competition "New wave". He was noticed at "Star Factory 3" and fell in love during his travels to "Heads and Tails". But who is he and how did his life turn out? Let's find out in more detail.


1. Childhood . According to the media, a little boy was born on March 23, 1989 in the city of Cherkassy (Ukraine). According to the horoscope, Aries is a purposeful, proactive, courageous, assertive and intelligent man.

Over time, the parents moved to permanent place he lived in another city and spent his entire childhood in Odessa. In one of his interviews, Serga said that his mother is a mathematics and physics teacher, and his father is a military man and meteorologist. But he was most drawn to humanities, therefore with school years he already dreamed of becoming an actor, and also wrote poetry himself. He was fond of sports and martial arts (in particular karate and Thai boxing). Kolya also said in an interview that in his youth he was involved in a business related to pirated DVDs.

After graduating from school, I submitted documents to Odessa State Ecological University, received a management diploma, but never worked in his specialty.

2. KVN. The subtle sense of humor that our hero always possessed led him to the team of student KVN players. At first he was one of four members of a team called "Laughing Out", and then performed alone, creating a team "And many others". Having received several victories, Kolya decided to conquer the capital Russian Federation. Here he won a victory in one of the popular TV shows "Laughter without rules", acting in the guise of a physical trainer. Under the pseudonym "Coach Kolya" the young man also became member of Comedy Club - Odessa Style.

3. Music. Serga always considered her his main activity. He became interested in it while still playing in KVN and emphasized humor even in his songs. Participated in the New Wave festival and the Ukrainian Star Factory-3, representing The Kolya team. Although he did not win, he was remembered by television viewers and became popular. In three years he released two albums: "Sex, Sport, Rock"n"Roll" and "It dawned on me."

"For the sake of beautiful children"

Popular songs: "IdiVZhNaPMZH", "Moccasins", "Butts married women", "Ah-ah", "Such secrets", "To the one who kisses you later" and others.


4. "Heads and Tails". Serga came to the project in 2013, when the 8th season called “At the End of the World” was being filmed. Became his partner famous singer and TV presenter Regina Todorenko. He traveled to many countries, and viewers remembered him as charming and charismatic young man. He then left the project to devote more time to music. But several years later he returned again and again (participated in seasons 10, 11, 17, 18 and 20).

Kolya Serga and Regina Todorenko

5. Interesting facts. According to sources, his height is 185 centimeters, and his weight is approximately 75-78 kilograms. Kolya loves to travel and make new acquaintances, so the travel show “Heads and Tails” embodied several of his aspirations. Also, our hero is a very creative young man. He is constantly looking for himself different areas and does several things at once. It is known that Kolya even Wrote a book called "Insights." He is actively involved in sports and loves to cook, although he does it very rarely. He also loves tattoos, of which he has many on his body.


6. Personal life. A young, handsome and charming guy has won the hearts of millions of girls and women, but he doesn’t say anything specifically about his personal life. Earring likes to joke about this topic more than to tell the truth. What is known is that Kolya is not married and has no children. Long time he had a steady girlfriend named Anna, but they broke up.

During the launch of the large-scale project “Heads and Tails,” Kolya was also credited with a relationship with Regina Todorenko. After all, the girl was his partner and spent a lot of time traveling with him. But the rumors remained just rumors and were not confirmed by anything.

Recently, rumors spread online that Kolya had a new passion - a certain famous model Lisa Mohort. Rumor has it that the girl also has Ukrainian roots, but currently works abroad.

Kolya and his girlfriend Lisa Mokhort photo

Kolya's childhood nickname is "Beast". Once, after watching enough action movies, Serga wanted to become a karateka - since then acrobatics and Thai boxing are his favorite sports, which has a great effect on his physical fitness.

Kolya Serga is a famous Ukrainian musician, comedian and TV presenter, familiar to many from the educational TV show “Heads and Tails.” He was born in Cherkassy on March 23, 1989. Later the family moved to Odessa, where Kolya lives today. “Pearl by the Sea” has always been famous for its actors, comedians and showmen; soft Odessa humor accompanied the entire childhood and youth of the future TV presenter and musician.

Already at school the boy showed considerable Creative skills, participated in amateur performances. In 2006, after graduating from school, Serga entered the specialty of HR manager at Odessa State Ecological University. However, I never had to work in my profession.

Kolya Serga: KVN and humor

An excellent sense of humor and talent for public speaking brought Serga to student KVN. Kolya’s first team was the humorous quartet “Laughing Out,” but later, realizing that he was capable of more, the artist created a team “named after himself,” consisting of him alone, and called it “And many others.” Sparkling humorous performances brought the aspiring comedian victory in the First Ukrainian KVN League, as well as in the Sevastopol League.

Feeling confident in own strength, Kolya Serga decided not to waste time on trifles and at the age of nineteen he set off to conquer Moscow. There, the comedian took part in Pavel Volya and Vladimir Turchinsky’s TV show “Laughter without Rules,” where he performed under the pseudonym “Coach Kolya.” The image of a physical teacher constantly humming passages popular songs, was loved by the audience, and Kolya Serga became the winner in the eighth season of the show.

In the same role, the artist performed at the Odessa Comedy Club. At the same time, Serga discovered his musical calling: starting with parodies of famous pop hits, he gradually began to write own music and texts. This hobby later determined further paths creative development artist.

Kolya Serga: music

Since Kolya Serga came to music for the most part from KVN, he focused specifically on the comic component of his performances. So, in 2011, together with Masha Sobko, he had the honor of representing Ukraine at music festival"New Wave" in Jurmala, Latvia. The performance of the project "The Kolya Serga" was remembered by the audience for its stunning self-irony and the bright charisma of the group's frontman. However, despite the thunderous applause and general approval auditorium, the jury awarded him eighth place.

A year earlier, Kolya took part in the Ukrainian “Star Factory-3”. The artist took third place in this competition, largely due to his brilliant ability to improvise and non-trivial creative solutions in his performances.

After performing at the New Wave, the group "The Kolya" gained numerous fans. Thus, the song “IdiVZhNaPMZH” became a kind of Internet meme; the compositions “Moccasins”, “Butts of Married Women” and others also gained great popularity. To consolidate their success, the guys filmed several music videos. Videos "Batmen Need Caress Too" and "Moccasins" great amount views on the Internet thanks to its humorous texts and stories.

“The Kolya” also released several romantic video clips: “A-ah-ah”, “Such secrets” and “To the one who will kiss you later”. Together with TV presenter Andrei Domansky, Kolya Serga recorded a humorous track “About Real Men”

First solo concert group took place in November 2013 in the Kiev club "Caribbean Club", where it brought together a full hall and was widely covered by the capital's media.

Kolya Serga: "Heads and tails"

At the end of 2013, Kolya Serga successfully passed the casting for the role of the host of the popular entertainment travel show “Heads or Tails,” which he hosted for seven months together with his fellow countryman, TV presenter Regina Todorenko. Serga replaced Andrei Bednyakov, who hosted the program for the previous six seasons. At first, the audience of the program was reluctant to accept the new presenter, but over time, Serga, thanks to his Odessa humor and charm, won the audience’s sympathy.

The essence of the TV show was that at the beginning of each program the presenters went to new country on the weekend and there was a coin toss. One received at his disposal a “golden” card and the opportunity to live in grand style for these two days, without denying himself anything. The owner of the “non-winning” side of the coin tried to spend the weekend within the amount equal to one hundred dollars. Kolya himself admits that he was more attracted to the “economical” weekend option, since in this case the excitement was involved, and overcoming obstacles, according to the boxing artist, is always beneficial.

Seven months later, Kolya Serga left the project, citing that working on a TV show took up too much time that the artist would like to spend on music. Director became the new presenter of "Heads and Tails" Evgeniy Sinelnikov.

In 2015, the organizers of the show gave a gift to all viewers of the “Heads and Tails” project. In the 10th anniversary season, all the presenters of the project appeared, including Kolya Serga.

Kolya Serga: personal life

The artist does not like to talk about issues not related to creativity, preferring to laugh it off - which he does very well, given his extensive experience in KVN. However, despite the fact that Kolya Sergi’s personal life is not particularly covered in the media, it is known that the artist has a regular girlfriend named Yulia, with whom he has a long-term relationship.

Ukrainian musician, band leader The Kolya. To the Russian viewer Kolya Serga became famous after participating in the competition for young performers “New Wave” in 2011, where he represented Ukraine.

Biography of Kolya Serg

Nikolay Serga (Kolya Serga) was born on March 23, 1989 in Cherkassy, ​​but later moved with his parents to Odessa, where he lives to this day. At school the guy was active creative activity, and in 2006 he entered the Odessa State Ecological University to major in human resources management. Kolya's specialty is HR manager. Has experience working in private enterprise (DVDs).

Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a karateka, like a hero from a movie, so since then his hobbies have been Thai boxing and acrobatics.

The desire to bring joy to people prompted him to play in KVN. The first team was "Laughing out", which consisted of four people. But realizing that he was capable of more, Kolya created his own team "And many others" where one plays. Over time, popularity came to him, and he won the First Ukrainian League.

“Serga is mine real name. I inherited it from my father, and from his father, and very far back, all the way to Adam. They say that Adam also had the surname Serga. Eve simply chose to keep her Father’s surname, and Adam gave our family a strong impetus.”

Career of Kolya Serg

At the age of 19, Nikolai set out to conquer Moscow. Under a pseudonym Coach Kolya he became a participant in the humorous television show “Laughter without Rules”. By participating in this project, Kolya Serga revealed his vocal abilities: he sang funny songs with a guitar. At first Nikolai remade famous compositions, but very soon began to compose lyrics and music himself.

In 2008, Kolya Serga became the winner of the eighth season of the show “Laughter without Rules.”

In 2010, Kolya took third place in the Ukrainian show "Star Factory-3". Serga came to the project without serious intentions, but impressed the jury and audience with his ability to improvise. Konstantin Meladze said that in the future Nikolai could become an excellent composer.

Serga also volunteered as a presenter morning program « Charger"on radio "Lux FM".

In June 2011, Kolya Serga, together with Masha Sobko represented Ukraine at international festival"New wave" in Jurmala. From the first days, Nikolai shocked those present in the Dzintari hall. Kolya Serga became bright character, but took only 8th place.

Lyrical song and composition " Moccasins"Koli Sergi became the soundtrack to the film Kirill Kozlov"Luck Island" (2013). The video for “Moccasins” was included in the “Best Soundtrack” category at music award TV channel RU.TV.

“I hardly have any preferences in music. I try to limit myself less, so I listen different music. Almost every day I find for myself new album, old or new performers and listen to them until my ears are filled with holes. Now for some reason I'm deeply hooked on the creativity of the old good group Genesis. I also found wonderful solo album Paul McCartney, where there are duet songs, for example, with Michael Jackson, which has inspired me very much for several mornings in a row. I really liked it last album by Daft Punk - I think it's the coolest album of this year. I really liked SunSay’s latest album “Thank You.” Very cool album. I liked the 12th year album by No Doubt. Gwen Stefani is actually my favorite woman in musically and she looks very good too. I would sing with her. We can talk about music for a very long time, so next time I’ll give you a couple more compositions.”

In July 2017 Kolya took part in the HYPE MEISTERS show on MTV. According to the show, Kolya Serga and Yura Muzychenko resolve the dispute about what is cooler - the Internet or TV. To do this, they travel to numerous music festivals, where they perform various tasks. The goal of the artists is to earn as many points as possible and receive the title " Hype masters».

Kolya Serga in the program Heads and Tails

In 2014 Kolya Serga I decided to try myself in a new field: after learning about the casting of presenters for the program “Heads and Tails. At the End of the World (Season 8),” Kolya, with his confidence and perseverance, convinced the producers that he was the best candidate for this role. And this is undoubtedly true.

Gambling, artistic and truly loves to travel Kolya quickly convinced the producers that he was the guy they were looking for. The boxer-humorist was so convincing that no one began to argue with him.

His co-host was an Odessa resident Regina Todorenko. And when both presenters are from Odessa, brilliant humor, enthusiasm, and unpredictability are guaranteed.

Having arrived in the country for the weekend, the presenters flip a coin. As a result, someone gets a gold card with unlimited funds, while another gets only a hundred dollars.

Kolya Serga: “The first was a trip to Hamburg, Germany. At that time I was dating a girl who was dancing there. It was interesting, very beautiful.”

Believes that from a tourist’s point of view, the ideal country can be considered the one in which there is beautiful girls, the charisma of the city and unusual entertainment: tasty food, surfing and more.

In 2014, Kolya announced that he decided to leave the program in order to devote more time to music.

“The rich and interesting schedule of “Heads and Tails” has by-effect. Filming takes a lot of time. It's not a job, it's a way of life. And Kolya Serga is a musician. And a musician without music will not last long, no matter how tempting the alternative may be.”

However, in 2017, Serga returned to a stellar season "

Kolya Serga. Personal life

Kolya Serga is not married, but he has for a long time were serious relationship with a girl named Anna. Nikolai prefers not to advertise his personal life, but in the spring of 2018 it was known that Kolya Serga was dating a model Lisa Mohort.

Idols Kolya Sergi - British rock band Genesis, Paul McCartney, French band Daft Punk. Kolya calls the lead singer of the group No Doubt Gwen Stefani his favorite vocalist, with whom he would gladly sing.