Cool pencil drawings for boys iron man. How to draw Iron Man: step-by-step lessons

Iron Man makes a first impression like complex element for drawing, but if you put everything on the shelves and start depicting it step by step, then it’s not so difficult! Of course he has enough interesting costume which will give some effort.

Necessary materials:

  • black marker;
  • a simple pencil;
  • paper;
  • eraser;
  • yellow and red colored pencils.

Drawing steps:

1. Let's create a sketch first general form Iron Man. We start with the head, which should be depicted as an oval. Just below we will add two more ovals: one will be for the shoulders, and the other will be for depicting the contour of the torso. To correctly draw Iron Man’s arms and legs, draw them in the form of lines with circles. Also, the preliminary lines at the first stage will set the pace for the entire drawing. However, they should not be done with strong pressure on the pencil or in the form of thick lines. After all, they will still need to be removed with an eraser.

2. We begin to slowly work out the details in the drawing and simple lines will gain mass. We draw in detail the legs, arms, shoulders and head. We check your drawing with this photo so that end result it worked out beautiful picture with your favorite hero.

3. Now you can erase the original lines with an eraser. We draw the contour of the body in detail and create more realistic silhouettes. Some details that are inside the drawing can already be drawn.

4. We work on the head. Let's change its shape and add an iron mask in the middle.

5. We will add small details to the entire drawing. You should put a lot of effort into this kind of modification in order to ultimately get beautiful drawing. Don't forget to draw eyes and a mouth made of metal in place of the face. And don’t be surprised, because this is Iron Man!

6. Circle on step by step drawing Iron Man each pencil line with a black marker. If there are unnecessary lines left, then erase them so that they do not confuse you and spoil the whole appearance of the beautiful drawing.

7. Use a yellow pencil to color the iron face and some details on the arms and legs.

8. We will decorate all other spaces with a red pencil. To begin with, you can give a light shade, and then gradually increase the tone to give volume to the picture.

On this step by step drawing our hero has come to an end, but don’t be upset, because you have a wonderful drawing!

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Tony Stark is a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist and superhero! In this article we will learn how to draw Iron Man and will examine in detail how to draw his mask.

This superhero has a costume that is quite difficult to draw, since it consists of a very large number of small details of shapes and sizes. Therefore, we will start from the very simple way drawing and will gradually move on to more complex ones.

Simple example

So, the first example will show us how to draw iron man step by step. As mentioned earlier, this drawing method will be the simplest within the framework of this article, the next one will be more difficult, and then even more difficult.

Our hero will have a pose that is unusual for artists, but standard for him. Namely, one knee and one hand will be pressed to the ground, and his gaze will be directed at us.

We will start drawing from the head and will gradually work our way down the body. At the first stage, we will draw the eyes and sides of the mask.

The next step is to finish drawing the head. Drawing small parts from all sides.

Since our character’s pose is very non-standard, it’s time for us to move on to drawing his hand, on which he leans. It should consist of four elements and connect to the shoulder.

We detail the hand with small details.

Now we need to draw the second hand. Unlike the first, it will be slightly bent at the elbow and raised up. Also, let's depict top part chest with a round hole in it.

We detail the hand with small elements and draw the lower part of the body. If you were able to cope with the previous stages, then the next ones should be much easier for you.

We depict the legs, the left one will be drawn up to the knee, since the rest of the part will not be visible, and the right one needs to be drawn completely, it will be bent at the knee.

Color the drawing.

Medium difficulty

If the previous drawing suggested a rather unusual pose, then this time we will look at how to draw an iron man in full height. We would like to give you a small recommendation, his costume consists of huge amount straight lines, to make the drawing more accurate, you can draw them using a ruler. Although if you already experienced artist, then the ruler will only get in your way.

Let's start drawing from the head. We draw a mask, along the edges of which there will be many lines running diagonally, so we will draw the neck of our costume.

One of his arms will be extended forward, as if he wants to shoot from his glove. At the same stage we will draw the contours of the chest.

The second hand will be clenched into a fist, unlike the first, it will be completely visible. After the hand, draw a couple of holes in the chest, one large in the center, and the other small on the side. Next we will draw the stomach; it should be slightly narrower than the chest.

The next step is quite difficult; you need to draw the legs up to the knees and detail the drawing. Carefully study the picture below and redraw all the lines and stripes. It is precisely such small elements that create difficulties in drawing this hero.

We finish drawing the legs and our drawing is almost ready.

We have come to the very important stage. We take blue, red and yellow pencils and color our iron man.

A difficult way to draw with a pencil

We have come to the most difficult example, in which we will figure out how to draw an iron man with a pencil. We sharpen the rod and be sure to take an eraser in our hands, it will be very difficult to do without it.

In this drawing we will depict our hero from the waist up. Let's start with a simple sketch of the torso and head. Try not to press too hard on the pencil, as this will auxiliary lines and in the future we will have to wash them.

Let's add a left and right hand to our sketch.

Okay, we have the sketch, now comes the hard part - the detailing. We put a mask on our head; we will talk in more detail about how to depict it in the next paragraph.

Detailing the brush. The fingers should turn out striped, and in the center of the palm there should be a circle from which stripes will go in different directions.

Let's work on the hand. It should work a large number of lines and other small elements.

Now we have come to a very, very difficult stage - we are detailing the torso. It should be noted that our Tony Stark is standing slightly at an angle, which makes drawing the torso even more difficult. But if you try, you will succeed!

Let's finish drawing the second hand. It is not completely visible and this makes our life a little easier.

The time has passed to apply chiaroscuro. This is a rather labor-intensive process and if you do not have any experience in this, we recommend not to do this, as you may ruin the resulting drawing.

If you still decide to apply shadows, be sure to watch the video tutorial below. In it you can see the live process of drawing shadows and understand whether you need to do it or not.


In the last paragraph of our article we will take a closer look at how to draw an iron man helmet. He doesn't have the most simple form, that’s why we decided to devote a whole paragraph to it.

We depict rectangular eyes that are connected by a strip. Above them we will mark the forehead with two lines.

We are working on the area of ​​the nose and mouth; it has very unusual curves that you should pay attention to.

We depict a design that will cover the iron man's jaw.

Let's draw another element covering the jaw, and also work on the side.

We draw on the neck and work out the small details.

Let's paint and our helmet is ready!

Iron Man is a superhero embodied in the depths of the publishing house. Marvel Comics. Along with this brutal character, Batman, Spider-Man, Hulk and other “legends” of Western comics were born there. Stan Lee created Iron Man in 1939. Special Project for the hero appeared in 1968 and instantly made him the star of drawn stories.

Forty years later, Iron Man appeared on the silver screen in Jon Favreau's sci-fi action film. IGN's "100" rating best heroes comics” this character ranks twelfth. Dedicated to him musical compositions And computer games. Getting the image of a superhero today, like half a century ago, is the dream of many boys. Let's look at how to draw Iron Man. A photo of the character will help you understand the details of his costume, which consists of many unique elements.

First draft

We have to solve two difficult tasks: to depict the human body and to reliably convey the features of his equipment, since each part of the hero’s costume serves specific purpose. In how to draw Iron Man in characteristic movement, There is little secret. First, we will sketch his “skeleton” so that there is symmetry in the depiction of body parts, and maximum naturalness in the pose.

To do this, draw the outline of the body in the form of a vertical oval, and inscribe a smaller oval at the top - the outline of the shoulders. On the upper border of the ovals we will draw a circle - this is a sketch of the head. On the lower part of the shoulder oval we will draw a circle (joint), down from it we will draw a line to (just below the oval for the torso). Then downwards at a slight angle we draw a line to the ground, which we end with a rectangle, which will then turn into Iron Man's fist. The hero’s right hand is raised up, so above his head we’ll draw a short line symmetrical to the left hand, and draw a circle of the elbow joint on it, continue the forearm at an angle of about 60 degrees, then draw the outline of the hand. Since we decided to draw Iron Man in a certain pose, we need to carefully work on the sketch of his legs. Down from the torso we will outline two circles, from which we will draw lines downwards under certain angle. A person squats on his left knee, therefore, in the image of the left leg, from the circle outlining the knee joint, we draw a small line to the left at an angle of 45 degrees, ending it with a sketch ankle joint and feet. On right leg the character is leaning, accordingly we will draw the lines of the base: with a slight slope from the torso - the hip line, then - the contour of the leg from the knee to the foot at an angle of approximately 50 degrees.

How to draw Iron Man in armor

Now we need to depict the shape of the body as accurately as possible and fill the drawing with volume. Let's turn the circle of the head into a hexagon, parts of the hand will resemble elongated rectangles with distinct boundaries. We do the same with the character's legs. There won’t be any particular problems in how to draw Iron Man in a suit if you have a sample in front of your eyes.

We sketched the base with light pencil movements, now we will remove the contours of the base with an eraser. We use confident strokes to indicate the face and details of clothing.

Finishing the drawing

We saw how to draw Iron Man step by step.

In conclusion, let's color the superhero with colored pencils, felt-tip pens or watercolor paints. Using dark burgundy and gold (or light yellow) colors we will give the character an authentic look. To emphasize how the metal casts in the rays of light, we will create highlights using light spots on the details of the costume.

Iron Man has always been one of the most popular characters Marvel Universe. Over the years, his appearance changed dramatically. In the comics, this was explained by Tony Stark modifying his suit depending on the dangers he faces. However, in life this was due to the fact that they were working on the character various artists. Today, it is more common to draw this hero in the spirit of recently released blockbusters than in the original comics.

Of course, colorful, detailed images create professional artists using graphic editors, but even beginners will be able to draw Iron Man. Below are step by step lessons, each of which poses increasing difficulty for the draftsman. We advise you to pay Special attention to drawing the helmet of the costume, because no matter what pose the character is in, the head remains almost unchanged.

Drawing an Iron Man helmet

1. Outline the base: an oval, the top edge of which looks more like a rounded rectangle.

2. We outline the lines where the forehead, eyes, and jaw will be located.

3. Now we draw the internal lines of the helmet. Start with a raised stripe in the middle of the forehead and elongated eyes. Make one large eyebrow and small parts of the frontal part - rectangular plates and round bolts.

4. Draw the “mouth” of the iron man, not forgetting that the line above it should be the thickest in the inner outlines of the helmet. Complete the mask on the cheeks.

5. Draw a basic oval, but make the bottom of the helmet more angular. Add small "ears".

6. Finish the jaw line, erase the auxiliary lines.

How to draw Iron Man in profile

1. Outline the basic shapes: an oval and a rounded square for the head and chest.

2. Now on the shoulder we draw a circle and a rounded rectangle, which will be the basis for the shoulder and arm. We connect the head and torso, giving the model a wide neck.

3. The detailing of the face is similar to the explanations for drawing the helmet: a protrusion in the frontal part, elongated eyes, a square jaw. Add ovals to the side to represent the “ears”.

4. We work out the details of the suit's bib. Let's start with the circle in the middle where the mini nuclear reactor is. From the central circle we draw lines that go to the shoulders and sideways to the armpits. Let's draw a semicircle under our hand.

5. Working on the arm: add a round element to the side of the shoulder and outline the parts of the suit above the biceps.

More complex pencil drawings of Iron Man

To portray a hero in these lessons you will need the ability to depict realistically male figure And detailed study small elements suit. But everything will work out if you follow step by step instructions, explaining how to draw iron man.

Option 1. Draw Iron Man in comic book style

1. We make a schematic sketch of the body, where the circles are arms and legs, the head is a rounded rectangle with two semicircles for the ears.

2. Draw the shoulders.

3. Add a bib, not forgetting about the three circles that will symbolize the mini-reactor.

4. Now we change the straight lines into the outlines of muscular arms, the circles into gloves.

5. We do the same with the legs: the elongated leg is shaped like a peanut, another long oval will be the foot.

6. The basis of the costume is ready, now we work out the details, erase unnecessary lines and color the drawing.

Option 2. How to draw Iron Man in the style of films

1. Again we start with the main lines. An oval for the head, a larger one for the torso, legs, knee, foot and the outline of the arm. Let's divide the head with lines so that we know where the center of the helmet and eyes will be.

2. Let's draw the helmet.

3. Let's do it left hand- by and large, this is a composition of squares and rectangles.

4. Let’s finish drawing the right hand and details of the armor.

5. Now let's add the bib. Notice how its elements again radiate away from the circle in the middle.

6. Draw the legs. We start with the thigh of the left leg, then move to the right.

7. Erase the base lines.

As you can see, in the first option the human musculature is shown more, while in the second the suit covers the body completely and is more detailed.

Ideas for creativity

The artists who worked on latest films about the character of Tony Stark, there are as many as 42 official variations of this character’s costume. Explore these options, look through old comics - you will have a lot of ideas on how to draw Iron Man. After working on these high-tech armors, you will be able not only to repeat them, but also to develop your own sketches.

Iron Man has always been one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Universe. Over the years, his appearance changed dramatically. In the comics, this was explained by Tony Stark modifying his suit depending on the dangers he faces. However, in real life this was due to the fact that different artists worked on the character. Today, it is more common to draw this hero in the spirit of recently released blockbusters than in the original comics.

Of course, colorful, detailed images are created by professional artists using graphic editors, but beginners can also draw Iron Man. Below are step-by-step lessons, each of which presents increasing difficulty for the drawer. We advise you to pay special attention to the drawing of the costume’s helmet, because no matter what pose the character is in, the head remains almost unchanged.

Drawing an Iron Man helmet

1. Outline the base: an oval, the top edge of which looks more like a rounded rectangle.

2. We outline the lines where the forehead, eyes, and jaw will be located.

3. Now we draw the internal lines of the helmet. Start with a raised stripe in the middle of the forehead and elongated eyes. Make one large eyebrow and small parts of the frontal part - rectangular plates and round bolts.

4. Draw the “mouth” of the iron man, not forgetting that the line above it should be the thickest in the inner outlines of the helmet. Complete the mask on the cheeks.

5. Draw a basic oval, but make the bottom of the helmet more angular. Add small "ears".

6. Finish the jaw line, erase the auxiliary lines.

How to draw Iron Man in profile

1. Outline the basic shapes: an oval and a rounded square for the head and chest.

2. Now on the shoulder we draw a circle and a rounded rectangle, which will be the basis for the shoulder and arm. We connect the head and torso, giving the model a wide neck.

3. The detailing of the face is similar to the explanations for drawing the helmet: a protrusion in the frontal part, elongated eyes, a square jaw. Add ovals to the side to represent the “ears”.

4. We work out the details of the suit's bib. Let's start with the circle in the middle where the mini nuclear reactor is. From the central circle we draw lines that go to the shoulders and sideways to the armpits. Let's draw a semicircle under our hand.

5. Working on the arm: add a round element to the side of the shoulder and outline the parts of the suit above the biceps.

More complex pencil drawings of Iron Man

To depict a hero in these lessons, you will need the ability to realistically depict a male figure and detailed elaboration of small elements of the costume. But everything will work out if you follow step-by-step instructions that explain how to draw iron man.

Option 1. Draw Iron Man in comic book style

1. We make a schematic sketch of the body, where the circles are arms and legs, the head is a rounded rectangle with two semicircles for the ears.

2. Draw the shoulders.

3. Add a bib, not forgetting about the three circles that will symbolize the mini-reactor.

4. Now we change the straight lines into the outlines of muscular arms, the circles into gloves.

5. We do the same with the legs: the elongated leg is shaped like a peanut, another long oval will be the foot.

6. The basis of the costume is ready, now we work out the details, erase unnecessary lines and color the drawing.

Option 2. How to draw Iron Man in the style of films

1. Again we start with the main lines. An oval for the head, a larger one for the torso, legs, knee, foot and the outline of the arm. Let's divide the head with lines so that we know where the center of the helmet and eyes will be.

2. Let's draw the helmet.

3. Making the left hand - by and large, this is a composition of squares and rectangles.

4. Let’s finish drawing the right hand and details of the armor.

5. Now let's add the bib. Notice how its elements again radiate away from the circle in the middle.

6. Draw the legs. We start with the thigh of the left leg, then move to the right.

7. Erase the base lines.

As you can see, in the first option the human musculature is shown more, while in the second the suit covers the body completely and is more detailed.

Ideas for creativity

The artists who worked on the latest films about the character of Tony Stark have as many as 42 official variations of the character's costume. Explore these options, look through old comics - you will have a lot of ideas on how to draw Iron Man. After working on these high-tech armors, you will be able not only to repeat them, but also to develop your own sketches.