Game travel through Georgia scenario. Defense of the project "Georgia" - festival of national cultures


Interactive quiz games for students of children's art schools and children's music schools.
"Musical instruments".

Author of works:
Bogdanova Tatyana Petrovna,
teacher of theoretical disciplines
highest qualification category
Osinniki, Kemerovo region.
Reviewer – Zholudeva Galina Alekseevna
honorary worker of SPO

Quiz is one of the most popular games"Questions - answers." Translated from Latin language the word "victory" means "victory". This means that such a game requires players to have a good memory and possession of specific knowledge.
Quiz games engage players in active work and are effective means, promoting the development of interest in academic subject, and also make the learning process more productive.

Subject area: musical literature
Age: elementary and middle school students

multimedia projector;
sound speakers.

Quiz purpose: remember and consolidate knowledge about
— musical instruments;
musical forms;
- create conditions for the development of communication skills and socio-psychological properties of the individual through play.



Expected result: children know:
the history of the emergence of musical instruments, as well as their structure, are able to determine the timbre of the instrument, and are able to quickly and clearly formulate their answer.

Players: 1 student, or two groups of students consisting of 2 or more people (in this case, the game will take on a competitive nature, activating the mental activity of students).
Leading teacher, Observing the order, asks the teams a question, the players score points, which are calculated after the game.
Winning prizes for players can be grades or gifts - school supplies: pencil, notebook, eraser, etc.


The interactive game “Musical Instruments” is built on the principle TV game"Who want to be a millionaire". To start the game, go to the next slide using the arrow located in the lower right corner of the slide and click on the first question with the corresponding score:

A question and four answer options will appear on the screen. Select the correct answer and click on it. If the answer is chosen correctly, the word will change color (red), and the incorrect options will disappear.
Transition to the following questions done by double clicking:

“Call a Friend” gives you the opportunity to call someone and ask for an answer to this question.
When collecting points, there are also fireproof amounts.

The presentation “Musical Instruments” includes music files that will add excitement and mood to the proposed game.

The work is done using triggers.

ANSWERS TO GAME QUESTIONS "Musical Instruments" No. 1:

questions answers
1 How many strings does a violin have?4
2 Which instrument is a string-bowed instrument?cello
3 Name the great Italian violinist of the 19th century.Paganini
4 The predecessor of which instrument was the hunting horn?French horn
5 Who was Antonio Stradivari?violin master
6 Lowest woodwind instrument in timbre?bassoon
7 Who invented the piano?Bartolomeo Cristofori
8 Which brass instrument has a retractable slide?trombone
9 Which percussion instrument consists of several wooden plates? It is played with wooden sticks.xylophone
10 What is the name of the water organ, the predecessor of the modern organ?hydraulics
11 What musical instrument was invented by the mathematician Pythagoras for accurately reproducing intervals?monochord
12 What instrument did Pan play? ancient greek mythology god of fields and forests?pipe
13 Who wrote the symphonic fairy tale for children “Peter and the Wolf”?Prokofiev
14 What instrument did Orpheus play in ancient Greek mythology? legendary singer and a musician?lira
15 Who was the founder of the Russian folk instruments orchestra?Andreev

"Musical Instruments" No. 2:

questions answers
1 Where does music begin?from silence
2 What was the name of the singer in ancient Greek mythology?Orpheus
3 What does the word “flute” mean in translation?whiff
4 Which instrument is considered the most ancient?voice
5 What instrument was called “ringed” in Rus'?harp
6 Lowest timbre brass instrument?tuba
7 What are the metal plates called that are used to produce sound on the clavichord?PTTs
8 What was previously made from sheep intestines?strings
9 Which country's coat of arms features a harp?Ireland
10 What instruments in Russia served as a reward for military valor?silver pipes
11 What musical instrument was invented by the mechanic Ctisebius of Alexandria?organ
12 In what century did the first orchestras appear?in the 17th century
13 What instrument for tuning musical instruments was invented by the Queen of England's trumpeter, John Shore?fork
14 Which ancient instrument is an emblem of musical art?lira
15 What is the tension in all the piano strings?7 tons

ANSWERS TO GAME QUESTIONS "Tones of musical instruments":

Note: to listen to the sound of instruments, click on the treble clef

questions answers
1 What instrument does it sound like?piano
2 Determine the timbre of the instrument.harpsichord
3 Determine the timbre of the instrument.harp
4 What instrument does it sound like?organ
5 The sounds of what “heavenly” instrument are heard in the proposed fragment?celesta
6 What instrument duet is heard in this fragment?violin, harp
7 What duet of the presented instruments sounds?xylophone, piano
8 What instrument does it sound like?harp
9 Name the solo instrument.pipe
10 Determine the type of orchestra.folk instrument orchestra
11 What bright-sounding percussion instrument is presented in this fragment?dishes
12 What percussion instrument begins this fragment?bells
13 Determine the type of orchestra.wind
14 Determine the composition of the duet.trombone, piano
15 What instruments does the ensemble sound like?accordion ensemble

We hope that the proposed quiz games will allow you to test and consolidate the studied material, give you the mood, positive emotions, will increase interest in the subject being studied. Good luck!

Nomination: Primary School, Extracurricular activities, Activities, 3rd grade, 4th grade. School Extracurricular activities
Title: Quiz for primary and secondary school students “Musical Instruments”

Position: teacher of theoretical disciplines
Place of work: MBOU DOD "Children's Art School No. 57"
Location: Kemerovo region, Osinniki

Musical instruments are designed to produce various sounds. If the musician plays well, then these sounds can be called music, but if not, then cacaphony. There are so many tools that learning them is like exciting game worse than Nancy Drew! In modern musical practice, instruments are divided into various classes and families according to the source of sound, material of manufacture, method of sound production and other characteristics.

Brass musical instruments(aerophones): a group of musical instruments whose sound source is vibrations of the air column in the barrel (tube). They are classified according to many criteria (material, design, methods of sound production, etc.). In a symphony orchestra, a group of wind musical instruments is divided into wooden (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon) and brass (trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba).

1. Flute is a woodwind musical instrument. The modern type of transverse flute (with valves) was invented by the German master T. Boehm in 1832 and has varieties: small (or piccolo flute), alto and bass flute.

2. Oboe is a woodwind reed musical instrument. Known since the 17th century. Varieties: small oboe, oboe d'amour, English horn, heckelphone.

3. Clarinet is a woodwind reed musical instrument. Constructed in the early 18th century IN modern practice Soprano clarinets, piccolo clarinet (Italian piccolo), alto (so-called basset horn), and bass clarinets are used.

4. Bassoon - a woodwind musical instrument (mainly orchestral). Arose in the 1st half. 16th century The bass variety is the contrabassoon.

5. Trumpet - a wind-copper mouthpiece musical instrument, known since ancient times. The modern type of valve pipe developed to the gray. 19th century

6. Horn - a wind musical instrument. Appeared at the end of the 17th century as a result of improvements hunting horn. The modern type of horn with valves was created in the first quarter of the 19th century.

7. Trombone - a brass musical instrument (mainly orchestral), in which the pitch of the sound is regulated by a special device - a slide (the so-called sliding trombone or zugtrombone). There are also valve trombones.

8. Tuba is the lowest sounding brass musical instrument. Designed in 1835 in Germany.

Metallophones are a type of musical instrument, the main element of which is plate-keys that are struck with a hammer.

1. Self-sounding musical instruments (bells, gongs, vibraphones, etc.), the source of sound of which is their elastic metal body. Sound is produced using hammers, sticks, and special percussionists (tongues).

2. Instruments such as the xylophone, in contrast to which the metallophone plates are made of metal.

Stringed musical instruments (chordophones): according to the method of sound production, they are divided into bowed (for example, violin, cello, gidzhak, kemancha), plucked (harp, gusli, guitar, balalaika), percussion (dulcimer), percussion-keyboard (piano), plucked -keyboards (harpsichord).

1. Violin is a 4-string bowed musical instrument. The highest register in the violin family, which formed the basis symphony orchestra classical composition and string quartet.

2. Cello is a musical instrument of the violin family of the bass-tenor register. Appeared in the 15th-16th centuries. Classic designs created Italian masters 17-18 centuries: A. and N. Amati, G. Guarneri, A. Stradivari.

3. Gidzhak - stringed musical instrument (Tajik, Uzbek, Turkmen, Uyghur).

4. Kemancha (kamancha) - a 3-4-string bowed musical instrument. Distributed in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Dagestan, as well as the countries of the Middle East.

5. Harp (from German Harfe) is a multi-string plucked musical instrument. Early images - in the third millennium BC. In its simplest form it is found in almost all nations. The modern pedal harp was invented in 1801 by S. Erard in France.

6. Gusli is a Russian plucked string musical instrument. Wing-shaped psalteries (“ringed”) have 4-14 or more strings, helmet-shaped ones - 11-36, rectangular (table-shaped) - 55-66 strings.

7. Guitar (Spanish guitarra, from Greek cithara) is a lute-type plucked string instrument. Known in Spain since the 13th century, in the 17th-18th centuries it spread to the countries of Europe and America, including as folk instrument. Since the 18th century, the 6-string guitar has become commonly used; the 7-string guitar has become widespread mainly in Russia. Among the varieties is the so-called ukulele; Modern pop music uses an electric guitar.

8. Balalaika is a Russian folk 3-string plucked musical instrument. Known since the beginning. 18th century Improved in the 1880s. (under the leadership of V.V. Andreev) V.V. Ivanov and F.S. Paserbsky, who designed the balalaika family, and later - S.I. Nalimov.

9. Cymbals (Polish: cymbaly) - a multi-stringed percussion musical instrument ancient origin. Included in folk orchestras Hungary, Poland, Romania, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, etc.

10. Piano (Italian fortepiano, from forte - loud and piano - quiet) - common name keyboard musical instruments with hammer mechanics (grand piano, upright piano). The piano was invented in the beginning. 18th century Appearance modern type piano - with the so-called double rehearsal - dates back to the 1820s. The heyday of piano performance - 19-20 centuries.

11. Harpsichord (French clavecin) - a stringed keyboard-plucked musical instrument, the predecessor of the piano. Known since the 16th century. There were harpsichords various forms, types and varieties, including cymbal, virginel, spinet, clavicytherium.

Keyboard musical instruments: a group of musical instruments combined common feature- presence of keyboard mechanics and keyboard. They are divided into various classes and types. Keyboard musical instruments can be combined with other categories.

1. Strings (percussion-keyboards and plucked-keyboards): piano, celesta, harpsichord and its varieties.

2. Brass (keyboard-wind and reed): organ and its varieties, harmonium, button accordion, accordion, melodica.

3. Electromechanical: electric piano, clavinet

4. Electronic: electronic piano

piano (Italian fortepiano, from forte - loud and piano - quiet) is the general name for keyboard musical instruments with hammer mechanics (grand piano, upright piano). It was invented at the beginning of the 18th century. The emergence of a modern type of piano - with the so-called. double rehearsal - dates back to the 1820s. The heyday of piano performance - 19-20 centuries.

Percussion musical instruments: a group of instruments united by the method of sound production - impact. The source of sound is a solid body, a membrane, a string. There are instruments with a definite (timpani, bells, xylophones) and indefinite (drums, tambourines, castanets) pitch.

1. Timpani (timpani) (from the Greek polytaurea) is a cauldron-shaped percussion musical instrument with a membrane, often paired (nagara, etc.). Distributed since ancient times.

2. Bells - an orchestral percussion self-sounding musical instrument: a set of metal records.

3. Xylophone (from xylo... and Greek phone - sound, voice) - a percussion, self-sounding musical instrument. Consists of a series of wooden blocks of varying lengths.

4. Drum - a percussion membrane musical instrument. Varieties are found among many peoples.

5. Tambourine - a percussion membrane musical instrument, sometimes with metal pendants.

6. Castanets (Spanish: castanetas) - percussion musical instrument; wooden (or plastic) plates in the shape of shells, fastened on the fingers.

Electromusical instruments: musical instruments in which sound is created by generating, amplifying and converting electrical signals (using electronic equipment). They have a unique timbre and can imitate various instruments. Electric musical instruments include the theremin, emiriton, electric guitar, electric organs, etc.

1. Theremin is the first domestic electromusical instrument. Designed by L. S. Theremin. The pitch of a theremin varies depending on distance right hand performer to one of the antennas, volume - from the distance of the left hand to the other antenna.

2. Emiriton is an electric musical instrument equipped with a piano-type keyboard. Designed in the USSR by inventors A. A. Ivanov, A. V. Rimsky-Korsakov, V. A. Kreitzer and V. P. Dzerzhkovich (1st model in 1935).

3. Electric guitar - a guitar, usually made of wood, with electric pickups that convert vibrations metal strings into electric current fluctuations. The first magnetic pickup was made by Gibson engineer Lloyd Loehr in 1924. The most common are six-string electric guitars.

Yulia Marandina
Integrated educational activities"Travel to Georgia" in younger group(within the framework of the “Festival of Friendship of Peoples”)


1. Social and communicative development.

To form in children the foundations of moral and moral values, interest and positive attitudes towards peoples living in other countries of the world and peoples living in our country. Develop respectful attitudes and a sense of belonging to a larger community of people in kindergarten, our country, in the world. Introduce children to national culture Georgia.

2. Cognitive development.

Introduce children to culture, way of life and traditions people of Georgia, Call interest in children to these lives peoples: National clothes, folk games , dishes, National dishes. Introduce the nature, flora and fauna of this country.

3. Speech development.

Call interest to the meaning of new words, learn to correctly name objects and actions. Enrich and expand children's active vocabulary with new words on the topic being studied (saklya, ornament, Georgians, papakha). Develop coherent speech when talking about new subjects.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Develop the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art Georgia(music, musical instruments, dancing, national costumes).

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Presentation about Georgia; image fruit bowl with magnets, image fruits and vegetables on magnets, magnetic board; envelope with letter; silhouettes Georgian paper dresses different color for each child, blanks of national ornaments, glue, pencils, markers, napkins; doll in Georgian costume, costume for Tamara, long satin belts for children.

Organized educational activities::

At the beginning of class there is a knock on the door.

Educator: Do you hear someone knocking?

The door opens and the teacher is given an envelope.

Vos-l: Oh, guys, what is this?

Children: Letter, envelope.

Vos-l: Yes, a letter. Interesting, from whom and to whom? How to find out?

Vos-l: Certainly! Let's read it.

"TO WHOM: Kindergarten No. 146 in Tyumen, to the children from groups"Bunny"».

Vos-l: So this is for you?

Children: Yes!

"FROM WHOM: from Lali. Guys, this is a letter from Georgia, from Lali. Remember when we visited her?

Children: Yes!

Vos-l: What does Lali write to us?

"Dear Guys! Today we have Georgia A very fun holiday is being celebrated - Love Day! And I really want you to come to us. I'm looking forward to seeing you! Your Lali."

Vos-l: Guys, Lali is waiting for us at Georgia for the holiday. Do you want to go to her?

Children: Yes, sure!

Vos-l: Great! Guys, since we are going to Georgia, then maybe we need to dress up like real people Georgians! We have these fancy belts, let's put them on.

Children put on belts.

Vos-l: Now we're like real people Georgians. How will we go to Georgia?

Children express their guesses on what can be done travel.

Vos-l: Wow, what great guys! How much do you know! Once Georgia is very far from us, let's fly by plane, as he suggested to us (child's name). Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Vos-l: Then we got ready, started the engines, spread our wings. Ready? Then let's fly! (music sounds). Well, here we go Georgia, let's land! Everyone landed, no one was left behind? Great! Look, guys, what beautiful country Georgia(we look at slides with views Georgia) .

Vos-l: Oh, guys, look, someone is meeting us. What do we need to say? Of course you need to say hello. Hello. Who are you?

Tamara: Hello guys. My name is Tamara, I am the mother of the girl Lali. You must have come to our holiday so dressed up?

Children's answers.

Tamara: Unfortunately, guys, we cannot celebrate this wonderful holiday and you will have to fly back.

Children: Why? What's happened?

Tamara: Listen. Yesterday we Lali spent the whole day preparing for the holiday, we cleaned up our sakla, that’s what our Georgian house, prepared bowls of fruit, took out our most beautiful dresses. But in the morning we saw that someone wanted to ruin our holiday: our elegant dresses have disappeared, fruits and vegetables are mixed up. Lali is so upset, she cries and doesn’t want to leave her room. And she was waiting for you.

Vos-l: What should we do, guys? We need to help Tamara and Lali. Want to help?

Children: Yes!

Vos-l: Tamara, we are ready to help you. What do we need to do?

Tamara: Guys, in Georgia there are a lot of fruits growing and Lali and I prepared them for you: they put it in a beautiful fruit bowl, and now they are all lying on the table along with the vegetables. Help us put them together back, but remember, you only need to put fruit in the vase. (Children complete the task, it sounds Georgian music) .

Tamara: Well done, you completed the task!

Vos-l: Guys, Tamara said that all their elegant dresses have disappeared and they have nothing to wear for the holiday. I think I know how to help these Georgians: Now we will decorate the dresses ourselves and give them to Tamara and Lali!

Children: Certainly!

(Children are offered a choice of different silhouettes of dresses and various Georgian ornaments. They decorate the dresses as they see fit. Music plays during operation.)

Vos-l: Well, Tamara, the guys have prepared a lot for you elegant dresses and you and Lali can dress up and celebrate your holiday.

Tamara: Oh, what beautiful dresses you made! Lali and I can now dress up in them not only on holidays. Thank you!

The doll appears in Georgian national costume.

Vos-l: And here is our Lali! Hello Lali!

Lali: Hello. I'm so glad you saved our holiday! And I want to dance! And you are with me!

Sounds Georgian melody, children dance with Lali and Tamara.

Lali: Guys, we have Georgia It's not just fruit that grows. We also have a tea bush growing. In the autumn we collect leaves from it, dry them in the sun and from these leaves we get tasty and aromatic Georgian tea. We brew and drink this tea. And we love to serve tea to our guests. We invite you all to Georgian tea party!