Animation exhibition. An exhibition dedicated to the history of world animation will open at VDNH

Semester work must be completed on a computer and meet the requirements for its design.

Title page semester work is printed in the approved form. Sample title page is given in Appendix 1. When submitting semester work to the department, the student puts his signature on the title page.

The semester work must have a “table of contents” (or “table of contents”), which indicates: introduction, sections (or chapters and paragraphs), conclusion, list of references, appendices indicating the relevant pages.

Text semester work is printed on a computer on one side of a standard A4 sheet. The volume of semester work is set within 24 - 30 pages (excluding the list of references and applications). The generally accepted arrangement of text on the page is: left margin size - 30 mm, right margin - at least 10 -15 mm, top and bottom margin - at least 20 mm, font -14, spacing - 1.5.

A list of legal acts and literature, as well as annexes, are included in the general page numbering.

Illustrations in the form of diagrams, graphs, diagrams are designated by the word “Figure”. This word is placed below the image. Drawings are numbered sequentially throughout the work Arabic numerals. The name is given under the image (drawing) in one line. As a rule, drawings are placed immediately after reference to them in the text of the work or included in the appendix. Drawings should be placed in the work so that they can be viewed either without rotating the work, or by turning the work clockwise. Should not be placed in coursework drawings whose size exceeds the standard format (A 4).

You should pay attention to the design of tables. Each table must have a number and a title. The tables are numbered sequentially throughout the work using Arabic numerals. The title is placed under the word “Table”. The table should be placed after the first mention of it. When a table is moved to the next page, the words “continuation of the table” are placed above it, indicating its number. In this case, the table title is either repeated, or, having numbered the table columns, their numbering is repeated on subsequent pages.

If formulas are given in semester work, then they must also have continuous numbering. Explanations of symbols and numerical coefficients are recommended to be given directly below the formula in the sequence in which they are given in the formula. The meaning of each symbol and coefficient is given on a new line. I start the first line of explanation with the word “where” without a colon. Formulas referred to in the text are numbered throughout the work in Arabic numerals. The formula number, enclosed in parentheses, is placed in the right margin, at the level of the bottom line of the formula to which they relate.

The semester work must provide links to the source of digital data and other information used in its implementation. Links to sources are provided either at the bottom of the page or indicated serial number source according to the list of references. In the second case, links are given in square brackets (or obliques, if the text is printed) after mentioning them (or at the end of the quotation). Usually, after indicating specific digital data (or citations) after the source number, the link indicates the pages on which they were placed in the original source.

After the conclusion (before the appendices) a list of references is provided. It is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the library of the Financial Academy.

At the end of the semester work, applications are provided. They include large tables and figures (graphs, diagrams, etc.). Applications are numbered. On each of them, the word “Application” is written in the upper right corner and its serial number is indicated. For example: Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc. Applications are located and numbered in the sequence in which their data was given in the text of the semester work. In this case, their serial number must be indicated. In the case of a tax calculation established in the semester work established by the relevant article of the law, regulation, guidelines, etc. the footnote provides the full name of the regulatory document indicating by whom, when and under what number this document was adopted.

Completed semester work, bound and in a folder, is submitted to the department.

Annex 1

Federal State educational institution

higher education

"Volgograd State Technical University»

Department of Management, Marketing and Production Organization


On the topic ______________________________________________

indicate the name of the topic of the semester work

in academic discipline _____________________________________

the name is indicated academic discipline


(Last name I.O.)

Checked the work:


position, surname I.O.

Volgograd 20___

Topics of semester work in the discipline “Taxes and Taxation”

1. Modern tax system Russia, its features and development prospects.

2. Regional taxes and their role in generating budget revenues Russian Federation.

3. Federal taxes of Russia, general characteristics and role in the formation of budgets at various levels.

4. The main directions for improving the mechanism for calculating and paying local taxes, strengthening their relationship with the solution of socio-economic problems of territories in the Russian Federation.

5. The mechanism for using tax benefits for the purposes of innovative development organizations.

6. Features of the formation of the tax base for corporate income tax in commercial banks.

7. Tax incentives in the Russian Federation: analysis of application practice, assessment of their economic feasibility (using the example of specific taxes).

8. Regional taxes, their composition, significance, development prospects (using the example of specific taxes).

9. Actual problems taxation of oil production and ways to solve them in the Russian Federation.

10. Problems and directions for improving taxation of gas and gas condensate production in the Russian Federation.

11. Contemporary issues taxation of the coal industry in the Russian Federation: analysis and solutions.

12. The current mechanism for calculating excise tax, its improvement.

13. Features of the mechanism for collecting excise tax on tobacco products.

14. Current issues calculation of excise duty on alcohol and alcohol-containing products.

15. Excise taxes on petroleum products: calculation procedure, development prospects.

16. The evolution of the calculation and collection of value added tax in the Russian Federation.

17. Value added tax: the current mechanism and its improvement.

18. Features of the practice of determining the place of sale of works and services for the purpose of calculating VAT.

19. The mechanism for exemption from VAT and transactions not subject to taxation: practice and problems of application.

20. Features of the calculation and collection of VAT for certain types of activities.

21. Current issues in the application of tax deductions for VAT.

22. Features of the formation of the VAT tax base for individual transactions.

23. Corporate income tax and its evolution.

24. The current mechanism for calculating and collecting income tax, ways to improve it.

25. The role of income tax in regulating business activities in the Russian Federation at the present stage.

26. Corporate income tax as an instrument of tax influence on investment activity.

27. Depreciation policy: content and directions for improvement.

28. Implementation of the state tax policy in the field of profit taxation.

29. Issues of optimization of the tax base when taxing the profits of organizations.

30. Contributions to extra-budgetary funds: economic content, evolution and modern practice calculation and payment mechanism.

31. State duty: purpose, mechanism of calculation and payment, ways of improvement.

32. Mineral extraction tax: collection mechanism and its improvement in the Russian Federation.

33. Features of taxation of natural resources: current system and prospects for its development in the Russian Federation (using the example of specific taxes (fees) and sectors of the economy).

34. Environmental payments: international experience and prospects for its application in the Russian Federation.

35. Features of taxation of insurance organizations: the current mechanism and ways to improve it in the Russian Federation.

36. Features of taxation non-profit organizations: analysis of practice, problems and ways to solve them.

37. Features of taxation of organizations in the field of housing and communal services.

38. Problems of taxation of holdings in the Russian Federation (using the example of certain sectors of the economy).

39. Taxation of a consolidated group of taxpayers: international experience and prospects for its application in the Russian Federation.

40. The impact of taxation on investment decisions organizations.

41. Taxation of participants in a simple partnership agreement.

42. Tax regulation of business activities.

43. Regional taxes, their composition, economic and financial significance, development prospects and role in ensuring social economic development regions in the Russian Federation (using the example of specific taxes).

44. Land tax in the Russian Federation: assessment of the effectiveness of its application.

45. Organizational property tax: features of the calculation mechanism, development prospects.

46. ​​Trade tax: calculation procedure, problems and solutions.

47. Transport tax: the current calculation mechanism and directions for improvement.

48. Taxation of non-profit organizations: Russian practice and foreign experience.

49. Features of taxation of government agencies.

50. The mechanism for using tax benefits for the purpose of innovative development of industrial organizations.

51. Tax tools for optimizing taxation in trade.

52. Taxation of activities of organizations in the construction sector.

53. Consolidated group of taxpayers: features of calculation and payment of corporate income tax.

54. Tax planning within a consolidated group of taxpayers.

55. Tax control of transfer pricing in the Russian Federation: analysis of current practice and ways of improvement.

56. Simplified taxation system: analysis of application practice, problems and ways to solve them in the Russian Federation.

57. Single tax on imputed income for individual species activities: analysis of application practice and development prospects in the Russian Federation.

58. Patent taxation system: analysis of application practice and problems and ways to solve them in the Russian Federation.

59. Taxation of small businesses in the Russian Federation: status and development paths.

60. Modern tendencies and prospects for the development of income tax individuals In Russian federation.

61. Tax deductions for personal income tax: current practice and development prospects.

62. Tax planning of the state and ways to improve it.

63. Tax planning in organizations: analysis of practice and ways of improvement (using the example of one or more organizations).

64. Features of taxation of commercial banks.

Related information.

Developed by: Nekrylova L.A. ____________ [email protected]

Head Department of ME&ET: Shakhovskaya L.S. _________________

Volgograd 2013


The purpose of studying the discipline “Design” is to develop students’ conceptual knowledge in the field modern design, development of skills for solving a complex of artistic and design design problems at the appropriate aesthetic level, using modern information technologies and taking into account the needs of the client and the end user

Table 2.1.

Topic number Name of the main topics and issues studied within the discipline Number of hours allocated for lectures on the topic
History of a person's objective environment. Creating a comfortable human environment. Pre-industrial period. Industrial Design. 0,5
Advertising design. Motives as the basis of advertising design. Visual media advertising. Color. Word. Composition. Laws of composition. Style. Font. 0,5
Form style, brand names, logos. Components of the Logo. Styles. Form. Framework. Framing. Signs. Symbols. 0,5
Features of advertising design for various advertising media. RO design for printed media. RO design for direct mail. Design of newspaper RO. Design of RO glossy magazine. Design of posters and other printed products. Outdoor advertising design. Design of souvenir products. Web design

Lesson number Topic of practical lesson Hours volume
History of a person's objective environment. Creating a comfortable human environment. Style trends in art and architecture. Design, interpretation of the concept. Design in advertising. 0,5
Form style. Components of corporate identity. Color. Semantics of color.
Word. Composition. Font. Brand names, logos, types of logos. Creation uniform image advertising product.
Visual communications. Basic elements: point, line, spot, shape, color, texture. Motives. The idea is to create a RO.
Individual approach in creating PR for various advertising media. Business card layout. Layout of advertisements for placement in newspapers. Layout of poster products.
Visual solutions for product packaging. Label layout. Layout of outdoor advertising. Layout of souvenir products.
Web design. Communication environment design.
Visual style of television programs and media products. Creative in advertising.
Management of creative teams. Peculiarities. Planning. Motivation. Control. 0,5

Laboratory work and practical lessons

Table 3.1.

Test students

Goal of the work

The purpose of the test is to check and evaluate students’ theoretical knowledge on the proposed topic in the discipline “Design”.

The general topic of the test is the development of the design of advertising products. The work must be done on a real practical example. The advertised products are selected by the student and approved by the teacher. The student must define goals, formulate a concept, propose and justify conceptual graphic solutions.

The test is carried out by each student independently and is submitted for testing in writing, formatted in accordance with GOST and in the form of a presentation made in the Microsoft Office PowePoint format, followed by an oral defense.

1. Title page

The title page of the test work should include:

Name of the university, faculty, discipline;

Topic title;

Name and group of the student;

- Full name of the teacher,

Year of completion.

This element contains the headings of all structural elements, starting with the introduction.

3. Introduction

The introduction should indicate the purpose of the work and its main tasks, the solution of which will allow the proposed topic of work to be most fully revealed.

4.Theoretical part

5. Conclusion

The conclusion should contain conclusions on the work carried out to prepare the graphic part of the advertising campaign.

6. List of used literature

The list of used literature must contain a list of literature used when performing the test. The number of sources must be at least 10.

7. Applications

The Appendix, if necessary, contains material that supplements the content of the main part. The application can contain graphical and visual material, tables, source materials.

4.3. General instructions

The numbers of questions in the test work are determined as follows:

The test must be completed in accordance with the chosen topic and include the following sections:

1. Development of the company’s corporate identity

Company logo (logo)

2. Business card design

3. Information booklet design

4. Design of the company’s communication environment (signs and indicators)

5. Layout design for print media

The choice of topic is carried out in accordance with the last two digits of the grade book number.

Test topics

Options for the direction of work:

General provisions on registration of control work

Total volume of work: 20-25 pages. When performing the work, the Times New Roman font is used, font size 14, one and a half spacing, formatting by. The text is formatted in compliance with the following margin sizes: left – 30 mm, right – 10 mm, top – 1.5 mm, bottom – 20 mm. The size of the paragraph indentation should be the same throughout the text and equal to 1.25 mm.

Page numbering starts from sheet 3: the title page and contents are not numbered, but are included in the general numbering. The page number is written in Arabic numerals in the lower right corner of the pages.

Along with theoretical principles, the work should contain theoretical basis graphic elements and original layouts for the advertising campaign.

Example of semester work

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

Volgograd State Technical University

Faculty of Engineering Personnel Training

Department: " World economy and economic theory"


In the discipline "DESIGN"

Completed by: Ivanov I.I.

Art. gr.: RMZ-142s

Checked by: Nekrylova L.A.

Volgograd 2013


  1. Short description goods/services of the company for which the graphic component of advertising events will be developed……………………………...4

1.1 Determination of goals and objectives of the Republic of Kazakhstan……………..…………………………….………..8

1.2 Definition of the target audience, its qualitative characteristics....................................11

1.3 Brief description of the main idea and the chosen topic for the visual component of the Republic of Kazakhstan……………………………………………………….……………….12

2. Development of the company’s corporate identity……………………………………12

2.1 Definition color range corporate identity……………………………..12

2.1 Choosing a corporate font……………………………………...………………12

2.2 Development of the company logo……………………………..………………………13

2.3 Development of a business card layout for company employees………………………….14

3.1 Development of the layout of the information booklet……………………………………………………….16

3.1 Development of a layout for placement in print media: newspaper, magazine………….17

3.2 Development of a layout for placement on 6x3 m billboards………………………17

3.3 Development of design of branded vehicles……………………………17



Questions to prepare for the exam

1. History of a person’s objective environment.

2. Changes in the subject-spatial environment of a person with the emergence of industry.

3. Essence of design.

5. Corporate style and its components.

6. Colors. Semantics of flowers.

7. Font. Types of fonts.

8. Types of logos.

9. Motives on which design in advertising is based.

10. Composition. Laws of composition.

13. Design features of original layouts for various advertising media.

14. Layout design for print media.

16. Layout design for souvenir products.

17. Layout design for printing.

18. Design vehicle for advertising purposes.

19. Label layout.

20. Web design.

21. Brand book and its components.

23. Management of creative teams.

Certification procedure

Certification in the “Design” discipline is carried out in the form of examination testing. The final grade is determined by the percentage of correct answers: less than 61% - “unsatisfactory”, 61-75% - “satisfactory”, 76-89% - “good”, 90-100% - “excellent”

  1. List of recommended literature

Main literature:

1. Degtyarev A.R. Visual advertising media: Word, composition, style, color. – M.: Fair-Press, 2006. – 256 p.

2. Koveshnikova N.A. Design: history and theory. – M.: Omega-L, 2009. – 224 p.

  1. Lidovskaya O. Assessing the effectiveness of marketing and advertising. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008.

8. Rozenson I.A. Fundamentals of design theory. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. – 219 p.

9. Tkachev O. Visual brand: Attracting the views of consumers. – M.: Alpina Business Books, 2009. – 216 p.

10. Tuemlow E. Graphic design. Form style, Newest technologies And creative ideas. – M.: Astrel, 2006. – 298 p.

Additional literature:

1. Glushakov, S.V.; Knabe, G.A. Corel 11: everything for the designer. - Kharkov: Folio, 2006.

2. Rozenson I. A. Fundamentals of design theory: a textbook for universities. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2006.

3. Horton S. Smart Web Design. How to make your website user-friendly / per. from English M. L. Tarasova. - M.: NT Press, 2007.

4. Complete Guide according to Luscher color test. -aqua-

5. Periodicals:

- “Marketing in Russia and abroad”

- "Marketing"

- “Company Secrets”

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All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Page creation date: 2016-04-27

Happiness student life hiding in the stormy life position students. But the usual joys from the first minutes of studying in higher education educational institution are spoiled by the hectic schedule of classes, which always puts a spoke in the wheels of energetic people.

This eternal cramming is so exhausting that there is neither strength nor desire left to create any kind of test work. The fast pace of student life does not allow doing work such as semester work in the subject “Social Work” on the scheduled date.

Semester custom work as a good solution to troubles

It is with the aim of promoting and providing all possible support to students that our organization was formed, where anyone can freely order work in any discipline.

You don't have to worry about anything by contacting us. And we will give you this peace in your soul. You will receive any work within a predetermined period.

Why can millions of customers rely on us?

  1. Complete anonymity. We guarantee you that your personal data and application details will not be disclosed.
  2. Control over the implementation of work. At any time you have the opportunity to control your work at each subsequent step of its implementation. As soon as you fill out an application, an individual assistant is assigned to you, who will soon contact you about any changes in the course of the order.
  3. Auxiliary testing by specialists. As soon as the work is ready, it will be given to an independent professional, who will analyze and perform a new check, and then provide his own conclusion on its compliance with the subject, stated requirements and design standards.
  4. Ultimate uniqueness. You receive work that has been repeatedly checked by the Anti-Plagiarism program, as a result of which the originality of the work will not be lower than 70%.
  5. Support of any order right up to delivery. If during the presentation of the work the teacher reprimands, corrects and sends it for revision, we will do this revision completely FREE OF CHARGE! It will be enough just to have a review from the manager in hand.

To place an order, you don’t need to come to the office yourself - it’s enough to leave a request for an order right here on the website or call our managers at the numbers given here.

Bibliographic description:

Nesterova I.A. Semester work [ Electronic resource] // Educational encyclopedia website

Every academic year the student performs various student works designed to test the quality of knowledge in a particular subject. Semester work is mandatory and sufficient difficult test, it may be similar to a test, but in terms of difficulty it is equal to a coursework, but it can be much more difficult.

Currently semester papers are not used to test knowledge in all universities, but their list is rapidly growing. Students who have to complete them wait with bated breath for the approach of the session, since based on the results of completing the semester's work, it will become known whether they were allowed to take exams and tests or not.

Semester work– independent Scientific research students, designed to show the quality and degree of mastery educational material and demonstrate proficiency in research skills.

IN this moment has the practice of passing semester papers mainly in core subjects, since it is objectively believed that in core disciplines it is necessary to more carefully check the level of students’ knowledge.

Topic of semester work

Choice semester work topics is based on the content of the course in the subject in which it is performed. If the university has a ready-made list of topics, then choose the one that will allow you to most fully present to the teacher the level of proficiency in the material in the subject.

The topic selected from the proposed list can be slightly modified by justifying to the teacher the reason for such a change.

In cases where there is no list of recommended topics or assignments for the semester test, the student must worry about formulating the topic independently. The topic is formulated based on the level of knowledge in a particular area on a given subject.

When choosing the wording of the topic for a semester's work, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. Sketch on a piece of paper or on a phone/tablet/PC directions in which the student is well versed within a given subject;
  2. Having decided on the direction, formulate several topics;
  3. Choose the topic whose purpose was formulated as quickly and clearly as possible.

The student reports the final formulation of the topic of the semester work to the teacher for approval. This is necessary so that in the future there will be no problems with understanding the relevance and formulation between the student and the teacher. The supervisor actively participates in all stages of semester work, regularly providing consultations on emerging issues.

Structure of semester work

In modern methodological guidelines for the implementation of semester work, the structure may not be regulated, but given in the form of recommendations. Based on this, the student has the right to choose any order of organization of materials in order to establish between them the logical connection necessary to develop the topic.

Externally, the structure of any academic research that should be followed looks like the one shown in the figure below.

Title page is the first page of the semester work and is filled out in accordance with the requirements of the university. Requirements are most often voiced by the supervisor or presented in methodological instructions, which can be obtained either from the department or from the supervisor. Below you can see an example of a title page for a semester's work.

The main part of the semester work should cover the theoretical and practical aspects of the issue under study. The absence of your own reasoning and conclusions may lead to the teacher not allowing you to take a test or exam in the subject.

The main part of the semester work includes ideas gleaned by the student from thematic publications. At the same time, it should rely on the information obtained by the student during lectures and seminars.

If a task is proposed as a practical part of a semester's work, then its solution should be as justified as possible. If the problem is in an economic discipline, then the solution is confirmed by formulas and calculations. If the task is given in a legal discipline, then each statement is supported by a norm of the current legislation, otherwise the answer is not counted. An example of solving a problem within the framework of semester work on law is presented below

During the search of the premises, while inspecting the closet, the accused asked to go to the toilet. Assess the investigative situation and make the tactically correct decision.
All persons involved in the search are explained their rights and obligations, incl. the right to be present at all actions of the investigator and to make statements regarding these actions, which must be entered into the protocol.
According to Part 8 of Art. 182 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, the investigator has the right to prohibit persons participating in the search from leaving the place where it is being conducted and communicating with each other. If the place where the search is carried out is an apartment, and the toilet has already been inspected, then it is advisable to search the accused and let him go to the toilet. Considering the participation of witnesses in the investigative action, in in this case violations of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation will not follow.

At the conclusion of the semester work, conclusions based on the research results should be formulated. In addition, if required, the student must propose solutions to problems identified during the research within a particular topic.

In the process of completing semester work, the student must show that his level of knowledge in the subject is high and he can independently conduct research and formulate conclusions.

Semester work is not practiced in all universities, but those students who have to complete it often wait with horror for the approach of the session. After all, the result of the research done will be the admission to exams and tests. This means that you will not only have to thoroughly study the notes of all lectures and read further reading, but also conduct a competent analysis of the problem posed and come to a reasoned conclusion.

The amount of information that needs to be “processed” almost immediately creates a desire order semester work rather than working on it yourself. Moreover, such research requires not only a lot of time and perseverance, but also good intelligence coupled with analytical skills. That is, you have to work day and night...

How to order a semester paper without any problems?

This type student works has some specifics that do not allow you to buy a ready-made solution:

  • Narrowly thematic formulations of tasks and problems under study;
  • Teacher control over the solution process.

It will help to cope with difficulties of this kind semester order on our website. By collaborating with us, students gain confidence in their abilities, because the research done by our authors:

  • Fully cover the topic;
  • Have a logical, clear and consistent structure;
  • Contains all the necessary thematic displays, tasks, diagrams, drawings;
  • Corresponds to a high evaluation score;
  • Designed according to GOST.

Semester work is a giant test that covers the entire six-month study material. Taking into account the fact that each university and department has its own wishes for the implementation of this work, we ask you to devote some time to our questions when placing an order. Our gratitude will be a free cost estimate and only a small amount for advance payment.

When placing an order, the student will need to indicate:

  1. Subject being studied.
  2. Full title of the work topic.
  3. All wishes and requirements. If they are formatted as a file, then simply add the document to the “task clarification” block.
  4. Convenient coordinates for communication.

The due date is also a must! At the same time, it is worth remembering that, than closer to the hour X, the higher the cost of the study.

Semester work to order in any subjects

More often this kind They like to give assignments in specialized subjects, while other departments are content with tests and coursework in their disciplines..

Philosophy, accounting, merchandising, English, computer science, statistics - it is very difficult to list all the subjects on which we write for you. And also, abstracts, and any other work that a student may need. After all, our authors can easily cope with any topics and tasks!

Materials on the topic.