An effective way to pump up your legs. How to pump up your legs? Complete rocking guide

Do you want to build powerful leg muscles? Use invaluable expert advice on your squat and deadlift days!

If you asked me to pick the most valuable leg training tip, I would go with “Don't skip leg days!”

Many beginners may think, “why train legs when the bench is empty?” And even if you have reached the stage where the need to train your legs is no longer in doubt, you may still have questions regarding working out your lower body. I've picked out nine tips that I think are the most overlooked.

1. Leg training can't be easy.

Most bodybuilders know that leg training is literally the hardest workout of the week, due to the impressive weight and high volume required to work large muscle groups. Avid strength training aficionados are familiar with praying to the porcelain gods after a particularly tough leg workout.

On the other hand, casual athletes often look at training their legs in the same way as training their arms, but without the benefit of looking good in a T-shirt. They will happily skip a leg workout or two.

The leg workout is the hardest workout of the week, due to the impressive weight and high volume required to work large muscle groups

“Leg days are completely different from training other parts of the body,” says Mike Hildebrand, director of fitness at Axiom (Boise, Idaho), three-time Men's Physicist winner and one of Dymatize's sponsored athletes. – Leg training day requires special psychological and physical preparation. When it's time to pump my legs, I prepare myself for an hours-long battle. I accept the fact that on leg day you need to step far out of your comfort zone, otherwise you won’t make the progress you want.”

You can train your legs like any other part of the body, or you can give your legs a hell of a workout. If you don't feel it after your workout, you haven't worked hard enough! I'm not saying you should crawl out of the gym, but climbing the stairs should be a real challenge!

The hardest and most exhausting workout of the week requires complete psychological and physical readiness. This means that before training you should be well rested, eat well and take a supplement, which will help you continue to move forward with all your strength. You need to mentally tune in to the fact that the next workout will be better than the previous one. And you shouldn’t hope that at the end of the workout you will have enough strength to train another muscle group!

2. The leg press will never replace squats.

For every bodybuilder who loves to train legs and does them regularly, there are a dozen athletes who hate them. I know because I am like that myself. I'm looking for any excuse not to squat. A favorite excuse is to convince yourself that you are as good as squats. After all, it involves the same muscle groups and I can lift a ton of iron!

Of course, just because the knees and hips are flexed, the leg press does not become equal to the squat. "There's no question that the squat is more challenging and recruits more muscle fibers than the leg press," says Hildebrand. “The squat requires the entire kinematic chain to engage all muscles simultaneously, making it superior in terms of functionality, mass and strength development.”

Squats release more hormones than bench presses, no matter how many sets you do.

Hildebrand emphasizes that squats with appropriate volume and intensity optimize the natural secretion of anabolic hormones. After multi-joint exercises, athletes have higher levels of growth hormone in the blood than after exercises that load less muscle mass. There is a direct relationship between the amount of testosterone produced and the amount of muscle mass involved in performing the movement.

Although the battle between free weight squats and machine squats has ended in favor of free weights, you don't have to limit yourself to just high bar squats, which are often called bodybuilder squats. will help shift the emphasis from the buttocks to the quadriceps by moving the center of gravity forward.

In low bar powerlifter squats, you lower the bar lower to the level of the rear delts, not the traps. This forces you to lean forward more and shifts your center of gravity slightly. You'll immediately be able to lift more weight simply by increasing glute and hamstring engagement and less lower quadriceps activation.

Other useful free weight squat variations are sumo squats, and.

3. Do not squat with your heels on a board or plates.

Have you ever asked yourself why a guy squats with his heels on a board or small plates? With your heels raised, your center of gravity shifts slightly forward, causing your knees to move forward more during the transition to the bottom position. This shifts the emphasis of the exercise to the lower quadriceps. But the story doesn't end there. At the same time, the load on the cartilage and ligaments of the knee joints increases.

If your knees are fine, it's no big deal - at least not yet. But almost all experienced powerlifters suffer from knee pain, so knowing about safer squat options definitely doesn't hurt.

“During squats, the load on the knee joint is already very high. Putting your heels on the board can do more harm than good. says Brooke Erickson, IFBB professional fitness model. “Biomechanics plays a major role in the longevity of your joints, regardless of how healthy they are currently.”

By far the best way to evaluate your technique in terms of knee safety is to place your feet on the floor or platform of the machine and, during the downward phase, check that your knees do not extend beyond the imaginary plane that passes through your toes. (When doing this, this plane is located at a slight angle).

If your knees move out of the imaginary plane, you are putting unwanted stress on the joint. Move your feet. Most likely, you need to raise them higher on the platform or set them further back when performing other exercises, platform climbs or so that you do not cross the plane of your toes. For lunges, this means you'll just have to take a slightly wider step.

4. Vary your feet to change the emphasis of the exercise.

Many of us pay little attention to the position of our feet during leg exercises. We place them somewhere between hip width and shoulder width and turn them outward a little. There is no doubt that this is a solid foundation from which to build.

But many leg exercises, especially machines, allow you to use a greater range of leg positions. Wide or narrow, high or low, or even exactly in the center. Does it matter? One hundred percent!

If you place your feet too low on the platform, you run the risk of your knees extending beyond the plane of your toes. With this position of the feet, the load on the muscles around the knee joint increases and the load on the gluteal muscles decreases. This leads to more quadriceps activation and less glute activation.

Movements with wide feet work on the inner surface more strongly; on the contrary, a narrow leg position more effectively loads the muscles of the outer thigh

By analogy, by raising your feet higher, you increase the degree of flexion and extension in the hip joints and reduce the range of motion in the knees. Therefore, you train your gluteal muscles and upper hamstrings more effectively. Remember, this shift in emphasis is very relative. You can't completely isolate any one muscle.

Movements with wide feet work on the inner surface more strongly; on the contrary, a narrow leg position more effectively loads the muscles of the outer thigh. Regardless, you've just learned about a ton of leg exercise options that are especially helpful when using machines.

5. Squat depth matters.

We've all seen the guy who hangs a ton of weights on the bar before doing squats and then lowers himself a few centimeters. Perhaps the ability to hold an impressive weight pleases his pride, but his muscle fibers will not agree with him. So-called partial reps don't engage all the muscle fibers in the quads, let alone the glutes. You simply aren't working the muscle fully if you only perform half or a quarter of a rep.

Deep squats work the glutes and hamstrings more than shallow squats. Try to lower yourself to the point where your thighs are parallel to the floor and your knees are bent at about 90 degrees.

“Depth of movement is very important for developing the legs and buttocks,” says Hildebrand. - There is only one way to do squats: go all the way down. Partial squats equal partial results when it comes to creating harmoniously balanced leg muscles. If you want to create a flawless body, every centimeter is worth its weight in gold.”

Consider the glutes and hamstrings to be working hard to control the amount of descent, but only really exploding at the bottom. Shallow squats train, first of all, the quadriceps, but not even all the quadriceps, but some part of them, depends on the depth of the squat.

The rule applies not only to squats, but also to other multi-joint movements with knee flexion. Of course, you need to start with lighter weights and perform these movements through a full range of motion to fully develop your legs. But you will definitely develop them.

6. Use specific exercises for the hamstrings

Some people think that squats and other leg extension movements are enough to pump up the hamstrings. Meanwhile, research shows that although the posterior surface is involved in squats, the load on it is very limited.

“Specific exercises for mass and posterior muscle growth are important and should be included in a weekly leg routine,” says Erickson. “Additional exercises for the posterior surface are good not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also for the development of speed and strength and the prevention of injuries to the knees, hips and lower back muscles.”

Most of us are familiar with the group of exercises aimed at the back muscles. They can be performed sitting, standing, lying down, with support, or alternating with one leg. All of them are good for strengthening the hamstrings.

Erickson knows that hamstring injuries can be very frustrating. When a muscle group is relatively weak (compared to the quadriceps), there is a high risk of experiencing an anterior cruciate ligament injury or muscle strain. To promote knee stability and health, the quadriceps (the antagonist flexor muscles of the knee joint) should be stronger at a ratio of approximately 3:2 (they are stronger because they are used more and more often in daily activities).

You can figure this out by measuring your strength: If your max in leg extensions (a single-joint movement for the quads) is 10 reps with 70kg, you should be able to do the same 10 reps with 45kg in bench leg curls. If you can't bend your legs 10 times, your knees are more vulnerable to injury. At the very least, you should be aware of this so you can focus your efforts on the weak link.

Because it's normal for women to have a lower quad to hamstring strength ratio—and for female athletes the ratio is even lower—they are even more at risk for muscle strains and ACL injuries.

FYI, here's how the hamstrings work during a squat: By controlling the downward phase as your hips descend to the bottom of the squat, the quadriceps muscle fibers stretch and the hamstrings contract. The deeper you go, the more muscle fibers on the back surface are activated.

Additionally, the hack squat platform, squat machine, bench squat, and even the leg press can allow you to place your feet very high. This reduces quadriceps activation and increases stress on the glutes and flexors. But you still need to add specific exercises for the hamstrings.

7. Don't forget about hip movements

Most likely, you are familiar with the leg curls mentioned earlier. What they have in common is flexion at the knee joints.

However, the posterior muscles can be worked with movements at both the knees and hips, and you can focus on the upper portions of these muscles with movements in which you flex the pelvis. The best way to do this is to include it in your training program. The emphasis here is not only on the upper rear, but also on the buttocks, so tighten your glutes harder while standing.

The Romanian deadlift is technically more difficult to perform than you might think. Keep your back straight or slightly arched. The knees should remain bent at a very slight angle. Keep the barbell close to your feet and do not try to lower it all the way to the floor. Mid-calf or so is ideal. The Romanian deadlift is performed by leaning forward and pushing your butt back so that the bar never touches the floor.

8. Stiff-legged deadlifts are not a hamstring exercise.

Do not confuse the Romanian deadlift with. These are completely different movements.

Romanian deadlift

Although the stiff-legged deadlift also works the posterior muscles to some extent, it is primarily a lower back exercise, not a leg exercise, and the technique is different, even if the names are somewhat similar. There is no rounding of the lower back in the Romanian deadlift because you are bending at the hips, not at the lower back, and the bar is close to the shin. And you don't go very low (depending on flexibility).

When viewed from the side, the difference becomes more obvious. Performing lower back exercises incorrectly puts your intervertebral discs at serious risk of injury. During the Romanian deadlift, your discs are not as vulnerable because you are not bending at the waist.

9. Work your calves while standing.

Not all exercises for the lower leg muscles equally load the two main muscles in this area - the soleus and gastrocnemius.

Although most calf exercises are performed with straight legs, exercises with bent knees are very different. Because the gastrocnemius muscle is attached above the knee joint, when the knee bends, it cannot contract at its full capacity, and the soleus muscle takes on the lion's share of the load. In straight leg exercises, both muscles come into play. Consequently, straight-legged calf raises (for example, standing raises or calf raises) work the calf muscle, while failing to cope with this task.

For aesthetics, most powerlifters tend to target the gastrocnemius rather than the soleus muscle. So if you plan to do only one calf exercise, make sure you do it with straight legs.

Video: how to properly pump your legs

How to pump your legs?

"Leg Day"

“Don’t skip leg day,” is a phrase often told to beginners. And for good reason. After all, everyone has probably observed when, despite a fairly developed torso and shoulder girdle, a person has disproportionately thin legs. We are, of course, talking primarily about the hamstrings and quadriceps. Skinny calves are not too noticeable, but they can also spoil your appearance to a large extent.

And, if in the autumn-winter period such a lag is not very noticeable, due to wearing trousers, then in the summer the picture is different. After all, it is powerful legs that distinguish a professional bodybuilder from an amateur who is more busy swaying his chest and biceps than the harmonious development of his entire body. And it is precisely because of weak legs that many bodybuilders never received the coveted titles.

But why is “leg day” so disliked by many athletes? Firstly, the fact is that the legs are precisely that area of ​​the human body that is extremely reluctant to respond to loads. This is especially true for the gluteal and calf muscles. It would seem that no matter how much effort you put in, they still don’t grow. This is, of course, not true. They are growing. Only much slower than, for example, the same biceps and chest.

Secondly, squats and deadlifts are among the most energy-consuming and difficult exercises in bodybuilding. Squats can bring an athlete to a semi-fainting or even fainting state - in the literal sense of the word. These include darkening of the eyes, increased blood pressure, and dizziness... In a word, they are extremely difficult for the body.
Naturally, a beginner begins to “evade” leg training in every possible way. And as a result, he gets the famous “chicken legs”.

Ways to train your legs

If you want to have truly developed legs, then it makes sense to adhere to the following rules.

For a beginner, two fundamental principles of training can be considered:

  • performing squats with free weights. Precisely with free people, and not in Smith’s car. After all, free weight squats affect literally every part of the body, in fact, not just the legs. They increase overall muscle mass, which is important in the first years of training. In addition, they increase stress resistance and endurance. It’s not for nothing that squats are included in the list of the so-called “base”;
  • deadlift . If squats are mainly needed to develop the quadriceps and buttocks, then the deadlift “breaks through” the hamstrings and gluteal muscles as well. The classic deadlift, just like squats, works to develop the entire body, also strengthens almost all muscles and promotes the growth of muscle mass. Deadlifts, along with squats, are included in the basic exercises in bodybuilding.

Weider's principles

  • principle of partial repetitions. It lies in the fact that at the very end of the approach, when the strength is already running out, several repetitions are performed at incomplete amplitude. This may require the help of a partner;
  • drop set: after performing an exercise with maximum weight, you need to reduce the working weight by about 20% and perform another set. And then reduce it by the same amount - and another;
  • choose a weight at which only 2-3 repetitions are possible. Complete these two repetitions, rest for 20-30 seconds, and perform another 2-3 repetitions. Then again a short rest - and another 1-2 repetitions.

Preload principle

It consists in the fact that after a good warm-up, a weight is taken that is significantly higher than a normal working one. The maximum possible number of repetitions is performed with it, and then the weight is reduced to the usual working weight. This will then allow you to perform a greater number of repetitions, since the body has already mobilized for enormous weights.

  • The so-called low bar squats train the legs very well. In this case, it is important to keep your back tilted at the lowest point of the movement and keep your head straight. The squat does not have to be deep: it is enough to squat until it is parallel to the floor.
  • The low position of the bar shifts the center of gravity, so that as a result, the back and lower back are largely excluded from the work. But it’s the legs that are loaded.
  • Romanian deadlift. The essence of the exercise is that the bar of the barbell is lowered only to the middle of the shin. This reduces the load on the lower back and specifically targets the hamstrings.
  • Leg extension in the simulator. A familiar exercise for developing leg triceps. Some love him undividedly, while others, on the contrary, consider him something frivolous. It is quite possible that both sides are making a mistake: keeping their feet parallel to each other. It would seem that this is a trifle. However, it significantly reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The feet should be kept apart in different directions if you want to draw the patellar muscle (the so-called “drop”). And vice versa - brought together - if you need to distribute the load on the outer part of the quadriceps.
  • Hack machine squats. An indispensable exercise if you want to pump up the front of the thigh in isolation. In this case, the feet should be placed narrower, approximately shoulder-width apart or even narrower. However, with such squats, all other muscles are turned off. Therefore, the hack trainer should not be used by beginners for whom it is important to obtain the overall volume of the leg.
  • Wall squats. Legs are spread wide, toes pointing in different directions. Squats should be performed with a weight plate at your chest, since, of course, you cannot press tightly against the wall with a barbell on your shoulders. The squat is not performed to its full amplitude, but only to a position as if the athlete was sitting on a chair. At the bottom point you need to linger for a couple of seconds - and then push yourself up with a powerful jerk. At first, you can squat without any weights at all, using your hands to help straighten your knees.

If an athlete has a back injury, he can do squats with dumbbells for a while. In this case, the arms with dumbbells should be kept lowered and parallel to the body and careful attention should be paid to ensure that the body is not tilted.

Legs help us survive. Thanks to them, we run fast, walk beautifully and jump high. And girls also wear heels and skinny jeans.

With their legs they lure males into their nets, and they, in turn, grow hair on them so that this important part of the body does not freeze in the cold. In general, describing the necessity and advantages of legs is a stupid task and their advantages are obvious.

It is also worth saying that men involved in strength sports usually prefer arms to unimaginable sizes, and they often forget about their legs, justifying themselves by the fact that nothing is visible under their pants. Our task is to make the body harmonious and beautiful, so you still have to think about your legs.

In addition, swinging legs allow us to shift our center of gravity, and, therefore, make us more stable not only during sports, but also in everyday life. They will also help you carry your body more efficiently to the gym, where you can train other parts of your body.

Today we will talk about how to pump up your legs and what leg exercises are the most effective.

Tough motivation, but do you want such a body?

First I will touch on the advanced level that is recommended for guys to do. A girl can do the same thing, only in more gentle versions. In the end, we’ll look at what you can come up with at home without any special dumbbells or exercise equipment.

Anatomical nuances

Before we start talking about leg training, we need to understand the anatomy.
The largest muscles in the legs are the quadriceps or quadriceps muscle.

It is located on the front side of the thigh, which helps to extend the lower limb. This is the strongest muscle group in our body.

It’s worth mentioning the biceps. This is the hamstring that acts as an antagonist to the quadriceps and helps flex the knee. The biceps helps us extend the body while the shins are fixed.

The last major muscle group is located on the lower leg (calf and soleus muscles). They help you get up on your toes.

As a rule, all exercises are aimed at these 3 groups (by the way, they occupy from 20 to 40% of all muscles in the body). There are also three joints in the leg: hip, knee and ankle.

Leg exercises in the gym

What do I want to warn you about right away? If you don't plan to compete with Schwarzenegger or conquer the stage of bodybuilding competitions, then don't chase more weight.

All your joints are made of cartilage tissue, and, whatever one may say, it is fragile and delicate and will take terrible revenge when it cannot withstand the load.

There are no other adequate replacements for your cartilage tissue; even surgery will not help. Therefore, we don’t shock the girls in the gym by collecting all the weights on the machine, but approach the training calmly and rationally.

As always, we start any lesson with a warm-up. Typically this is cardio for 5-10 minutes. We put ligaments and joints to work, as well as the cardiovascular system. Then we do a little stretching to prepare the muscles.

If you ask any athlete a question about basic exercises for pumping up leg muscles, then, without a doubt, the first thing he will recommend is squats with a barbell, followed by deadlifts and bench presses. Let's take a closer look at them.

The most important exercise in physical culture is squats. As already mentioned, the leg muscles use the bulk of the muscles, but in addition, they also strengthen the cardiovascular system, develop the chest, ensuring proper breathing function.

The exercise is performed standing with a barbell. The bar must initially be located on a special rack. We go to the rack, take the bar, place your hands depending on your physique, so that you feel comfortable.

Sit under the bar so that it rests on the trapezius muscles, slightly above the back of the deltoid muscles, and move your elbows back.

1) Stage one, take a deep breath, arch your back in the lower back, tense your abdominal muscles, look forward, shift your pelvis a little forward and lift the bar from the rack.

2) Then we move away from the stand by a distance of one or two steps. We place our feet shoulder-width apart, and spread our toes slightly to the sides.

3) Let's proceed directly to the squats themselves. We begin to squat, slowly bending our knees, fixing our back so as not to damage it.

4) We lower ourselves to a horizontal position of our hips; as soon as we reach this level, change the direction of movement and return to the starting position. After the end of the movement, exhale.

By performing squats, you develop the quadriceps muscles, gluteal muscles, spinal muscles, also the abdominal muscles and ischiotibial muscles.

If you want convex buttocks, then squats will help you with this.

There is a variation of doing squats. Let's look at a few of them.

1. You can place your heels on a stand to avoid tilting your torso forward. By performing an exercise with your heels on a stand, you transfer some load to the quadriceps muscles.

2. Second option: you can place the bar on the rear deltoid muscles - this will improve balance and increase the strength of the back lift. Also, this variation will allow you to lift more weight.

3. Squats can be performed on a special machine, this will allow you to avoid bending the body forward and focus on the quadriceps femoris muscle.

When you perform classic squats with your feet shoulder-width apart, you need to pay attention to the direction of your feet.

According to the rules, they should be located parallel to each other or slightly apart. Well, this does not mean that the technique must be performed as it is written.

It is necessary to take into account the structural features of the body. If you walk like a duck, then you should perform squats with your legs apart “like a duck.”

Also, keep your back as straight as possible during the exercise. Do not bend it under any circumstances, this causes injuries in the lower part of the spine - intervertebral hernia.

If you want to put stress on the gluteal muscles, then your hips need to be lowered below the horizontal, respectively, in relation to the floor.

But for safety, you must have either flexible ankles or short hips, and you should also perform the exercise carefully, carelessness can lead to injury.

Leg press in the simulator

Exercise mission: do, pump up the inner sides of the quadriceps and the back parts of the knee, and also highlight the so-called “drops” above the knee.

Level of training: Anyone can do this exercise.

Quantity: 3-4 sets of 8-15 repetitions.


1) Find the desired exercise machine, sit in it and place your feet shoulder-width apart, resting on the platform, with your toes slightly apart.

While performing the exercise, do not lift your heels off the platform; they are constantly pressed tightly against it; lifting off will put stress on the knee joints, which can lead to injury.

2) Second point, press your upper back and buttocks tightly against the backrest, and keep this constant position throughout the entire set.

3) You are in the simulator, you have completed all the steps, remove the platform clamps and press the platform up, straighten your legs to the end, but not until they lock. This position is called the initial position.

4) Take a deep breath and fixate your breathing, then smoothly lower the platform towards your chest until an angle of 80-90 degrees is formed at the knee joint.

5) Having reached the bottom point, holding your breath, tighten your thigh muscles and push the platform up with all your might.

6) After passing the most difficult section, exhale, but it is better to do it after you have straightened your legs.

Seated leg curls

Exercise mission: Work the lower inner hamstrings and calf muscles, as well as the inner thighs.

Level of training: from beginner to pro.

Quantity: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions


1) We put ourselves in a leg bending machine, so that our knees lick behind the seat, this will allow us to bend our legs at the knee joints to the maximum amplitude. We rest the back of the shin against the bolsters. The legs are straightened, but not to the point of locking at the knees; it is even possible that they are slightly bent.

2) Grab the handle and slightly tilt the body back, take care of the position of the back in advance. This will ease the tension in the thigh muscles, specifically in the back.

3) The next stage is a deep breath and fixation of the breath, then bending the legs.

4) Having reached the bottom point, tense the muscles of the back of the thigh as much as possible, the bottom point is when the angle at the knee joint is 90 degrees, and smoothly return to the starting position, then repeat the exercise.

Lying leg curl

Exercise Mission: Work the lower back of the thigh and calf muscles. Give shape and relief to the back of the thigh.

Level of training: anyone, can be performed by both beginners and pros.

Quantity: 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.


1) We position ourselves on the leg curl machine, so that the knees slightly lick over the edge and the rollers rest against the back of the ankles.

2) Grab the handles or side of the bench.

3) Inhale and fixate your breathing, tense your muscles and pull the rollers up towards you.

4) Raise your shins to a perpendicular position relative to the floor, having reached the top, hold for a few seconds and strain your hamstrings as much as possible.

5) Then exhale and smoothly straighten your legs to the starting position, do not take a break, but immediately begin the next repetition. Make the movement smoothly, without unnecessary jerks.

Deadlift on straight legs

Exercise mission: Pump up the upper back of the thigh, buttocks and muscles that are responsible for straightening the spine. The exercise also allows you to develop mass, acquire the shape of your thighs and buttocks.

Quantity: 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions.


1) Position yourself behind the bar, so that your feet are under the bar. Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. We grab the bar with an overhand grip and wider than the shoulders, move the pelvis a little back. Raise the barbell until you are fully extended so that your chest is expanded and your lower back maintains a natural arch.

2) Take a deep breath and fixate your breathing, lean forward and at the same time move your pelvis back, do not forget to maintain a bend in the lumbar region.

3) Pull the bar in a vertical plane. Don't strain your arms, they only serve as ropes.

4) At the lowest point, the body should be parallel to the floor or slightly lower, without exhaling. Push your pelvis forward and lift your torso. Exhalation follows after overcoming the most difficult section.

You can also add hack squats, lunges with dumbbells or a barbell, platform steps, barbell jerks, standing leg curls and others to these exercises.

How do you pump your legs, do you pay due attention?

Finally, super tricks - few people can do it!

I wish you everything succeeds and I'm waiting for you tomorrow!

Leg muscles

Very often, amateurs skip leg day for a variety of reasons. As a rule, due to the fact that leg training is really very exhausting and difficult. But they are absolutely necessary for the harmonious development of the athlete’s entire body as a whole. A bodybuilder with a developed shoulder torso and “chicken” legs looks extremely unaesthetic. At the same time, overdeveloped legs visually hide the width of the athlete’s shoulders. This is why beginners also don't like leg day.

The leg muscles are classified as large muscles, so an athlete’s muscle mass largely depends on them. At the same time, they sometimes react extremely poorly to loads, which is why you have to put in quite a lot of effort to “swing” them. This is especially true for calves.

The leg muscles are used not only when walking, but also when bending, squatting, and holding a load.

Features of training

Before training, it is necessary to perform exercises to warm up the leg muscles and ligaments. This will reduce the risk of injury and allow you to work with full amplitude. As for general recommendations, beginners do not necessarily have to “bomb” their legs hard - one workout per week will be quite enough. When training the hips, you need to perform 8-10 repetitions, the lower legs – 10-15. The selection of working weight should be done so that each set is a “failure”.

All exercises must be performed technically and slowly. This is especially true for barbell squats. Incorrect technique can injure not only your legs, but also your back.

It has been scientifically proven that the leg muscles get used to the load very quickly, so it makes sense to change the training principles as often as possible, using supersets, negative and fixed repetitions, and so on.

When working with really heavy weights, it is better to use a special belt.

Leg muscles and their training

Leg exercises

Like the muscles of the dorsal group, the leg muscles are also usually divided into three main ones:

  1. quadripses – involved in leg extension;
  2. biceps femoris - used for flexion;
  3. ankle muscles - involved in the work of the foot.

This group also includes the gluteal muscles, but some athletes do not isolate them separately, but include them in the training of the hamstrings. The buttocks themselves are extremely difficult to “flex.”

There are quite a few exercises for developing leg muscles. The following are recognized as the most effective.

Back of the thigh - biceps

  • leg bending in the simulator. Can be performed both from a lying position and from a standing position. The exercise should be performed slowly, avoiding cheating due to inertia. This will also prevent knee injury;
  • hyperextension. In addition to developing the back muscles, hyperextensions also develop the hamstrings well. The athlete lies face down on a special bench, bends over and straightens up. At the same time, the legs rest against the bolster;
  • deadlift on straight legs. A basic exercise that no training complex should be without. You need to place your feet narrower than shoulder width, grab the bar, while not allowing the spinal column to arch. Next, “undermining” is carried out using the leg muscles. You need to carefully ensure that at this stage you completely “turn off” your back, which begins to work only when the spine is straightened. For some time, the bar is fixed at the highest point, you can even move your shoulder blades back; then the barbell is slowly lowered down in reverse order.


Since it is an extensor muscle, all extensor-type exercises will strengthen it:

  • free weight squats. The most important exercise for developing legs, which for a variety of reasons cannot be replaced by any exercise machine. Squats are also aimed at working the gluteal muscles, like deadlifts. It is extremely important to monitor the squatting technique, as mistakes can significantly reduce the effectiveness of this exercise and lead to injury;
  • leg extension in the machine and leg press in the machine. Both of these exercises work well on the quadriceps, but in no case replace regular squats. You need to work slowly, avoiding cheating.

Calf muscles

Well-shaped calves always add a few points to an athlete's appearance. The main exercise for their development can be considered standing calf raises with free weights or in a machine. The toes should be placed on a high enough platform to provide maximum range of motion. At the top point you need to linger for a couple of seconds, putting tension on the ligaments and calf muscles.

Leg training at home

Unfortunately, you need to accept the fact that it is impossible to implement a full-fledged leg training program at home. It’s rare that anyone can afford to keep a fitness machine or even an ordinary barbell in a cramped apartment. At the same time, the vast majority of exercises in bodybuilding require working with weights. Leg exercises are no exception. At home, you can only keep your legs in sports shape. There can be no talk of any serious progress.

Instead of a barbell, ordinary dumbbells are suitable, as they do not take up much space in the house. Dumbbells can be placed on your shoulders or held in your arms. The technique for performing a squat is the same as when working with a barbell. To strengthen the hamstrings, you can use negative repetitions in slow motion.

You can also try hanging a dumbbell from your leg and performing seated leg extensions. In principle, by tying a dumbbell to your leg, you can simulate bending in the simulator. But, as noted above, we cannot talk about any significant sports progress here.

Lunges can also be done at home, holding dumbbells in your hands. This exercise is especially recommended for girls who want to have firm buttocks. The steps should be wide enough to provide a deep squat and thereby stretch the muscles well.

But the calf muscles can be fully trained at home, using, for example, a stack of books or weights from a dumbbell or barbell as a support platform.

Most people don't have the opportunity to go to a gym. The reasons vary. Some people don’t have enough free time to train, others don’t have enough money to go to the gym. However, most of this number of people simply find all sorts of excuses for themselves, citing some kind of workload. Most often we get tired during the day at work. And after a working day there are no less things to do - but different ones.

Exhausted and tired, we go home, eat and sit comfortably in a chair in front of the TV screen, thinking that this is how our body rests and gains strength.

Relaxing on a soft sofa or in a chair in front of a computer monitor will actually not bring any benefit to our body. We must understand this clearly for ourselves.

Young girls who are not busy at work often have time to train in the gym. But for the “busy” category of people there is an excellent option - training within the walls of their favorite home. You heard right! Even without going to the gym, you can conduct effective workouts, improving the condition of your muscles, body and health in general. Moreover, some even, on the contrary, prefer studying at home. It seems to them that at home, they can work out no worse than in the gym, and even better. The walls of your home allow you to relax as much as possible, not be embarrassed by anyone, and conduct your classes effectively.

Conducting classes at home has both pros and cons. However, if a person has set himself the goal of doing exercises to improve his physical condition and health, then few disadvantages can hinder him. Any negative can easily be corrected to a positive sign.

Before you start doing exercises at home, you need to think about what aids you may need for this (take care to secure the horizontal bar, buy dumbbells). Yes, sport equipment requires some financial costs, but they will not be more if you decided to purchase an annual gym membership.

Classic squats

The most effective and popular exercises among girls are squats. When conducting training at home, you absolutely cannot ignore them. Yes, these exercises may seem difficult and even painful, but over time, when the muscle groups get into the rhythm of the exercise, you will be convinced of the opposite. Over time, squats will be among your favorite exercises.

Doing squats is absolutely not difficult: you need to stand straight, spread your legs, raise your arms parallel to the floor or put them behind your head. When squatting, rest on your heels. Listen to your body. Watch your muscles work – feel them. These squat exercises are effective for training the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. For girls who want to have beautiful and firm buttocks, this exercise is simply irreplaceable.

Single leg squats

This leg exercise is slightly different from the classic one. During such squats, the back should be rounded, while with classic squats the back always remains flat. The arms are in a straight position (parallel to the floor). In a full squat position, the other leg should be straight (parallel to the floor, as are both arms).

Squats with weights

Squats with weights are not recommended to be performed on one leg. It is advisable to increase your weight before starting the exercise. To do this, you can pick up books or a heavy backpack if you don’t have sports equipment at home. This is an excellent exercise for the leg muscles, to tone and strengthen them.

Single leg squats with weight forward

Squats with weight transfer are considered simpler and are suitable for any girl. This type of exercise in some way imitates a real workout in the gym. It loads and warms up all muscle groups of the legs well, just like on a simulator. The bottom line is that when performing a squat on one leg, the second one is pulled back. You must learn to keep your balance.

The exercises do not require special preparation or equipment to practice them at home. Therefore, leg training using these types of squats is available at any time.


There are many effective exercises for training your legs. One of them is considered to be lunges. During the training process, if the exercise is performed correctly, you should feel the muscles working. Such exercises are good for training coordination. Lunges train the muscles of the legs, thighs and buttocks well. The exercise found popularity mainly among girls.


Although the last two exercises do not involve the legs, we decided to include them in our home workout. This exercise is performed in two versions (straight and lateral). The main goal is core training. At first glance, the exercise seems simple, but it takes a lot of effort to maintain a stable body position at an angle to the floor. The leg muscles are quite tense and this has its effect.

Push ups

To conduct an effective home workout, sometimes it is enough to perform a set of exercises including just one push-up. This is a unique exercise that allows you to train almost all muscles (legs, arms, abs and others).

Push-ups can be different: regular, vertical, reverse, with changing the position of the hands and others. Push-up exercises affect all muscles of the human body. However, greater emphasis is still placed on the upper part.

Leg training at home: conclusion

As you yourself understood, in order to start training your body, and thereby strengthening your health, you don’t need a lot of sacrifices in the form of time, finances or anything else. If you wish, you can perfectly study at home. A passive lifestyle does not give a person vigor.

Only playing sports can provide a surge of fresh strength and unstoppable energy. It’s always difficult to start, but it’s worth setting a clear goal and seeing yourself healthy, strong and beautiful in the future. Then there will be no time left to be lazy and procrastinate. When you want to change yourself, nothing can stand in your way!

Best workout at home

All of the above exercises allow you to work the muscles of your legs and buttocks using exercises without weights. This is the initial stage of training, which does not allow you to achieve significant results. For further progress you can:

  1. Buy a gym membership. An effective, but time- and money-consuming option.
  2. Buy a barbell, racks and dumbbells for home. A very expensive option both in terms of money and free space in the apartment. The effect is no worse than when working in the gym.
  3. Create a mini-gym at home using inexpensive and small-sized exercise equipment. We are talking about Mini Bands, latex bands and universal expanders.

Let's pay special attention to Mini Bands, with which you should start any home workout. Mini Bands are good for:

  • Work on problem areas. The elastic bands work the target muscles more precisely and significantly improve blood flow, thereby accelerating fat burning.
  • Workout anytime, anywhere. The elastic bands fit into your pocket and save space at home.
  • Creating a feminine figure. Men can also use Mini Bands, but these bands are ideal for working out the legs and buttocks.

These elastic bands are an excellent tool not only for regular training at home, but also for keeping fit while on vacation. I advise girls who work out in the gym to pay attention to Mini Bands, but during their holidays abroad do not have the opportunity or desire to train with barbells or dumbbells. Light workouts with Mini Bands can really keep you in shape during your long-awaited vacation!