Watch an anime where a girl speaks. The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

, Cartoon and Romance

Director: Shinkai Makoto

Time: 46 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.77 21 272

IMDb: 7.6 22 360

WorldArt: 8.8 2 419

Description: 15-year-old Takao Akizuki seems to have been born too late - he does not like the bustle of Tokyo, does not particularly appreciate the benefits of civilization, and dreams of making a living by becoming a shoemaker. Akizuki also considers high school pointless, so he does not miss the opportunity to skip classes on a rainy morning - after all, the park is deserted at that time, and you can calmly enjoy nature, embodying design ideas on paper. But at the beginning of the rainy season, in his favorite gazebo, Takao meets an unfamiliar young woman who, upon parting, read him an ancient tanka...

Of course, then they met again... and again, they began to communicate, because by nature itself people are created to talk to each other. Actually, the heroes didn’t need many words - after all, around them, in the silence of the wonderful garden, raindrops, the sound of the wind, the flash of lightning in the breaks of clouds and poems written a thousand years before our time spoke for them. Takao and Yukino (that was her name) found themselves at an important turning point in their lives - which means that the meeting was not accidental, and sitting in the rain gave everyone what they really wanted. If you want to know how it all ended, watch the movie!

Director: Nakano Hideaki

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.54 142

IMDb: 7 218

WorldArt: 6.6 7

Description: It all starts with meeting a girl named Tsukasa Taira, who had heard a lot of stories about vampires from her friend that she had read on the Internet, and had no idea that this was not fiction at all, but the real truth. She was forced to believe these stories by an incident that changed all her ideas about our reality. One day, when the lips of her friend Akamura leaned over her neck, a mysterious stranger ruined this moment and accused the young man of killing three young ladies. So the young lady learned that her friend was in fact a vampire who skillfully hid in human guise, living among ordinary people, who had no idea about anything at all. And the new acquaintance is Anzai, a half-breed who works in a secret department of law enforcement agencies, which is actively looking for bloodsuckers who cannot cope with the desire for human blood and pose a real danger. From that moment on, Tsukasa and Anzai do not stop thinking about each other, which forces them to constantly meet, despite serious differences in their way of being. Is the love between a human and a Strigoi real?

Director: Tsutomu Hanabusa

Series length: 25 min.

IMDb: 9.5 8

WorldArt: 6.9 38

Description: High school student Hikari Tsutsui almost everything free time spends in the world computer graphics. The guy is not able to integrate into real society, his communication skills are minimal, and reality does not arouse any interest. His peers consider him strange, not like the others! The only friend is Yuto Ito because teenagers have the same interests and beliefs, games, videos and 3D. The schoolboy was tasked with urgently cleaning the pool; he was forced to do this with his classmate Iroha Igarashi. The girl is quite frivolous, but very beautiful, and it was with these qualities that she was able to gain enormous popularity in educational institution. Only for a gamer, any pastime in a campaign with such a special person is unacceptable. Iroha herself treats the otaku quite well, constantly takes his side, in case of ridicule from other students, and defends the boy’s quiet stay in the educational institution. Those around her don’t understand the beauty’s attraction to a simple silent man, but she doesn’t pay attention to the guys’ opinions and continues the relationship. For the young man himself, such communication means the opportunity to become a member of a real normal society, and not a virtual space.

Director: Watanabe Ayumu

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.08 206

IMDb: 7.4 334

WorldArt: 7.6 257

Description: Akira was the best. While representing her school in an athletics competition, she tripped and fell. An awkwardly twisted leg caused a serious injury, and it was no longer possible to do what I loved. The doctor stated a terrible diagnosis, strictly prohibiting physical activity. The girl had no goal left, and she mindlessly wandered the streets after class. One day she looked into a small cozy restaurant in an alley and found a job advertisement on the door. Deciding that she has nothing to lose, she gets a job as a waitress. Soon she notices that after classes she strives to get to the institution as soon as possible. Reflecting on her actions, she realizes that she deeply likes the owner. Masami is much older, he is a widower, raising a little son. He is kind, sympathetic, gentle and patient. However, the rest of the employees laugh at him behind his back, calling him a wimp and a weakling. The high school student does not share their opinion, and gets angry when she hears statements addressed to the owner. She is increasingly drawn to an adult man, believing that age is not a hindrance for true love. And the moment comes when she decides to confess. How will her lover react to such unexpected turn events?

Director: Tanaka Motoki

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.03 115

IMDb: 6.2 77

WorldArt: 7 258

Description: Kotaro Tenoji lives in a beautiful modern city, goes to an ordinary school and experiences tender feelings to a strange girl - in a word, lives life to the fullest. But Kotaro doesn’t really care about what’s happening around him: he doesn’t join the team and prefers not to visit anyone in his thoughts. This is understandable: Kotaro has a completely unique ability to temporarily “overwrite” any part of his body and thereby endow himself with strength or speed, and such abilities cannot be discussed with just anyone. However, one day Kotaro himself finds a suitable team: a girl known as the Witch Akane, who is the president and only member of the Occult Club, gives him the idea to revive this very club. And now Kotaro famously recruits his beloved and three other girls into the club, completely different from each other. Each of them has their own secret that Kotaro has to reveal, and together they will be able to investigate much more mysterious and strange incidents, which, if you look closely, are encountered at every turn.

Director: Hamasaki Hiroshi

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.16 463

IMDb: 7.6 714

WorldArt: 7.2 339

Description: One day, Naho Takamiya receives a letter from herself - an adult, ten years older. The letter accurately describes events that have not yet occurred, including the transfer of a new student, Kakeru Naruse, into her class. In the letter, the adult Takamiya repeatedly repeats that she regrets many things and wants to make things right, hoping that Naho from the past will make the right decisions, especially in relation to Naruse. Having finished reading the letter, the girl learns that in the future, ten years later, Kakeru will no longer be with them. Naho from the future urgently asks to keep a close eye on Kakeru, as she does not want to lose someone so precious to her.

Director: Yamada Naoko

Time: 130 min.

KinoPoisk: 8.03 9 062

IMDb: 8.2 13 774

WorldArt: 8.9 1 897

Description: Sometimes children can be more cruel than adults. They don't know what they are doing; Children have not yet developed understanding. At school this develops into humiliation and oppression. A child may not realize his mistakes for a long time and may not feel remorse. The only difference between the other the whole group, any shortcoming or flaw becomes a reason for ridicule and bullying. As a person grows up, he begins to delve into old memories and will certainly come across ones for which he may feel ashamed; This is how self-reproach and repentance begin... Having reduced the girl’s childhood to absolute hell, the hero grows up and strives to correct the mistakes made at a young age. But fate complicates this by the poor fellow’s deafness, which prevents him from even asking for forgiveness. The guy goes a long way towards achieving his inner well-being. This is where it turns out that both from love to hate and back is one step; complex, life-changing and giving happiness, kindness and sincerity of all good-natured impulses; proving that many thoughts do not need to be conveyed in words. In this world, it is important to hear your neighbor and not remain indifferent. And all the brightest and truest aspirations can be felt at any sensory level.

Director: Minato Mirai

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.34 449

IMDb: 6.6 665

WorldArt: 7 686

Description: Makabe Masamune was a fat child, which is why he was constantly teased and brought to tears by the nasty girl Aki Adagaki. And she annoyed him so much that he decided to take terrible revenge on her: he began to lead a healthy lifestyle, took up sports, took up his studies and personal development. A few years later, the renewed Masamune - a handsome and popular excellent student, champion athlete - is transferred to Aki's school with the sole purpose of forcing the girl to go through the same suffering and humiliation that he himself went through. But of course, everything doesn’t turn out exactly as the avenger expected...

Director: Kusakawa Keizo

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.76 148

IMDb: 6.5 285

WorldArt: 6.7 279

Description: After recently moving, Yu began to become interested in social networks, Twitter in particular. It seemed to him that with the help of them he could tell other people about his experiences and feelings. Besides, he hasn't made any friends yet. new school and therefore began to actively communicate with people in in social networks. One day, when he was walking down the street, his nose buried in his phone, he did not notice a girl rushing towards him at high speed. The outcome is of course clear. This girl crashed into Yu and both fell to the ground (and fell in a very uncomfortable position). The girl decided that Yu was a pervert who wanted to take pictures of her underwear. She snatched the phone from his hands and smashed it. Later it turned out that this girl's name is Fuuka and she is in the same class with Yu. He also learned that Fuuka is different from other teenagers in that she doesn't use a cell phone at all.

Director: Ando Masaomi

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.84 634

IMDb: 7.1 568

WorldArt: 7.4 580

Description: In the eyes of those around Hanabi, Yasuraoka and Mugi Avaya appear as nothing other than perfect couple young people in love with each other. They both have an outgoing temperament and attractive appearance. The naked eye can see that they are in harmony with each other one hundred percent. Therefore, people do not suspect what actually lies behind such a seemingly natural union. By the way, it's not just love. Another thing they have in common is the bitter secret that they have to hide from outsiders. They are, indeed, madly in love, but... not with each other. Visual image sweet couple helps them escape from loneliness and the pain they experience. Mugi has sincere, touching feelings for his teacher Akane Minagawa, who was also his tutor for some time. And Hanabi chose as her chosen one a teacher she knew from an early age, Narumi Kanaya. This young man still visits Hanabi's family to this day, as he is a friend of her parents. In each other, Mugi and Hanabi look only for salvation from suffering for those with whom they cannot be. How will these end? love twists and turns? Will they be able to become lovers of their chosen ones or will they continue to look for an outlet in each other?

Director: drama, cartoon, melodrama and series

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.33 982

IMDb: 7.8 1 616

WorldArt: 8.4 1 513

Description: A touching story unfolds around a man who is only a short time away from turning 30. And then an unpleasant situation happened in his life; he lost his job. After that, there was nothing left to do but go in search of a new place to earn money. But all subsequent interviews that he attended ended in failure. A man's life has come to a bad point; he just can't find something for himself. suitable job. But suddenly on his way the hero meets a brilliant scientist. A new acquaintance invites the man to take part in an unusual experiment. The essence of this experiment is that, with the help of new technologies, the scientist will make a 17-year-old boy with a man. This experiment will last for a year; this hero must decide on this action. If the hero agrees to a difficult job, he will have to live his life again. A man has a unique chance to go to high school and find for himself Good work. This unusual phenomenon in life intrigued a man, so he decides to become the subject of an unusual experiment. He doesn't know how this will turn out in life.

Director: comedy, cartoon, science fiction, action, melodrama, fantasy, anime, adventure, adult, TV series, romance and ecchi

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.65 328

IMDb: 6.8 822

WorldArt: 7.2 516

Description: The world has changed. Total wars and atomic bombs are a thing of the past, but the Inversion, a great change, gave birth to Genestells - gifted children magical abilities. They are faster, stronger, more durable due to the use of mana, but that's not all - individual geniuses can heal, put up barriers, revive golems and even look into the future. The most respected in any country, of course, remains combat magic - because whoever is stronger is right!

The main spectacle was the gladiatorial battles, where the heroes use Lux, a powerful magical weapon. In the city of Asterisk on an artificial island, young talents can study in one of 6 competing schools. Internecine struggle rages inside each; The best students fight both in city arenas and in dark alleys. Young Ayato Amagiri found himself in such a nice place when he came to school “ Star Trek"in search of an older sister. Ayato’s “combat” is fine, but will the guy sort out the tangle of intrigue? It’s okay, there are new friends for that!

Director: Yoichi Ueda

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.04 302

IMDb: 7 292

WorldArt: 7.4 733

Description: It has happened - at the beginning of the 21st century, brothers in mind have finally arrived to us! It’s just that the message that their elusive ships conveyed baffled the best minds on Earth, because it was very simple: “Let’s play!” While those in power were looking for the hidden meaning of these words, and scientists were checking the correctness of the decoding, in sunny Okinawa, 16-year-old Kyo Kakazu on a beautiful summer morning discovered a pretty girl with cat ears and tail. Eris, as the guest introduced herself, was an envoy from the distant planet Kyatia, who arrived for cultural exchange and establishing uh... personal contacts. Well, that’s how they do it!

Suddenly, poor Kio’s house turned into an alien mission, and the guy himself, living without parents, turned into a reluctant diplomat. Of course, serious organizations did not imagine the first contact this way and rushed to correct the situation. As a result, the main character, whose name means, by the way, “wonderful world,” quickly realized that the real world is much more complicated. A cheerful childhood friend suddenly turned out to be an aspiring CIA agent, a strict teacher - a member of a secret order, and a shy woman with glasses, in whom Kyo felt a kindred spirit, - in general, an assassin with an international reputation. In general, life has become more fun, but we can’t lose face - we need cat girls!

Director: Morio Asaka, Hitoyuki Matsui and Naoto Hashimoto

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.78 1 513

IMDb: 8 3 304

WorldArt: 8.5 539

Description: It is not easy to be the daughter of a lonely professor of archeology - 10-year-old Sakura Kinomoto experienced this herself when she discovered in her father’s office the mysterious Book of Maps, created by the greatest magician Clow Reed. Due to Sakura’s inexperience, 52 magic cards broke out and scattered around the world - search as you wish. It’s good that at least the book’s keeper, the handsome Kero-chan, remained with the book, who, by the way, shamefully slept through his duties. Having understood the situation, Kero quickly explained to Sakura that she was now a Card Collector, and otherwise, as usual, expect big trouble.

That's how it all started. Sakura, with the help of her faithful Kero and her very creative friend Tomoyo, had to “get to work,” gradually discovering the secrets of life and magic. And for three seasons of secrets, adventures, new meetings and interesting events meet a lot!

Director: Noriyuki Kitanohara, Taichi Ishidate and Yasuhiro Takemoto

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.88 2 682

IMDb: 8 5 553

WorldArt: 8.7 3 999


Hachiman Hikigaya is the owner of the most terrible look that can plunge any girl into shock. However, the guy is famous not for his eyes, but for his opinion about his “young years.” Love and other romantic trifles drive a schoolchild into madness, because all mistakes are attributed to “youth.” Is it possible to throw off your stupidity for something like this? Besides this, Hikigaya has only one goal - not to work in the future. But such thoughts of the student do not suit the teacher. Then the prudent teacher decides to send the student to a volunteer club, where the guy can learn to be smart. And he will be transformed under the guidance of the best student of the gifted class with a focus on history - Yukino Yukinoshita. Can a young lady cope with such scum of society?



Tada Banri successfully passed the exams and entered Tokyo University. And perhaps he could have rejoiced at his admission, but from the first day the young man was beset by many troubles. The guy was late for the ceremony, found himself in a crowd of distraught students inviting people to clubs, met an incredible couple who constantly argue, quarrel and avoid each other, but then - more! Student life is just beginning, and our hero is in for a lot of fun and no less shame!However, even now he is often worried about the forgotten past. The day Banri fell off the bridge and lost his memories... Will they ever return to him?



Ryuji Takasu has had a lot of bad luck in his life. The late mafia dad gave his son such a face and eyes that if he looked at him the wrong way, the teachers fell into a stupor, and his classmates themselves took out their wallets. As a result, Ryuji, whose name also means “Dragon,” is considered the toughest bully in the area and is avoided by everyone except his only friend, Yusaku Kitamura. But at heart, the main character is a soft and romantic guy who also carries the entire household, along with the parrot Inko and the unlucky mother into the bargain.

Ryuji's only consolation is that in high school Not only his best friend Kitamura, but also the love of his life, Minoru Kushieda, a sweet and energetic girl, was in the same class with him. And now the bad news: everyone except him already knows that the small, flat-chested and extremely hot-tempered beauty Taiga Aisaka, nicknamed “Pocket Tiger”, is coming there! The whole school froze in anticipation - what will happen when two collide local legends- Tiger and Dragon?! To find out the answer, watch the new sparkling school comedy provisions, filmed based on the undeniable motives of “Syana”, “Hayate” and “Louise”!



Raku Ichijo is the son of the yakuza "Shuei-Gumi". The guy lives his usual life: goes to school, communicates with friends... And he does not accept the fact that sooner or later he will have to take the place of the head of his “family”. However, nothing lasts forever. One day, the boy’s peace is disturbed by Chitoge Kirisaki, the daughter of the boss of a hostile gang. How? Lands right on the guy's face! But this is not the most terrible moment in a student’s life! The parents of their families decide that the guys should make friends with each other, fall in love, and later get married! For what? For further relations between gangs. But it won’t be easy: the guys have already started to really hate each other.



Suimei University of the Arts High School has many generic dormitories with boring rules and exemplary roommates. But there is a place where an ordinary schoolchild is unlikely to set foot of his own free will - the Sakuraso apartment building, also called an insane asylum. And not in vain! The establishment is home to the strangest geniuses of the art school: Misaki, who is always sparkling with new ideas for anime, shining example playboy - Jin, who often helps his neighbor with the script, and the recluse Ryunosuke, who prefers to communicate over the Internet and by phone. Compared to them, Sorata Kanda is the most ordinary schoolboy, and he came here only because of his love for cats.

The head of this madhouse is Chihiro-sensei, who dreams of finding herself a rich husband among the fathers of schoolchildren, entrusts Sorata, as the only sane student, great mission: meet my cousin Mashiro, who came from Britain to join art school. When they met, the fragile blonde seemed to the boy to be an exemplary schoolgirl: modest, well-groomed, smart. But already on the second day he saw the bitter truth - Mashiro is not something to be found mutual language she can’t get along with her neighbors, she doesn’t even know how to dress!



Problems with work led Kodaka's father to a hopeless situation, and he decided to go abroad, leaving his son in his hometown. The boy was no luckier. Unfortunately, his hair color was not at all consistent with the usual “Japanese” hair color. Yes, he was blond, and in Japan they were called gopotas and bandits. But then he meets his classmate, who also suffers from loneliness. And together they create a “neighborhood club” for the most desperate people. Will it be possible to assemble a full-fledged club, and will the heroes be able to find friends?



Every schoolchild at one time or another experienced the “eighth-grader syndrome”; some began to abruptly re-read stacks of books, while others showed success in cooking, others wanted to drink buckets of coffee, etc. But occasionally there are neglected cases when a student, imagining himself to be a wizard or a great magician, begins to publicly shout out “spells” and alarm his classmates. Togashi Yuta was precisely this type. Only now it's all over! The boy clearly set himself the goal of forgetting all the old nonsense and starting the life of a normal student by entering high school. But it’s not that simple... One of Togashi’s new classmates, Riku Takanashi, still suffers from this very syndrome and, knowing about the past “Black Lord”, always plays scenes from stupid childhood fantasies for the young man. And besides this, the schoolgirl became Utah’s neighbor. What will be next? Will Togashi be able to cure Takanashi, or will the girl again infect her “dark brother”?



On the first day of school, a rumor spread throughout the school that a new student, Haru Yoshida, started a fight on the school grounds. The guy was suspended from school for a week. During this time, a lot of gossip about the newcomer spread throughout the institution, but no matter what the students said, Shizuka Mizutani didn’t care. 16 summer girl With primary school I took up my studies and still continues to dream of a successful job and salary upon completion of my studies. Shizuka only cares about her grades, and even rumors about her deskmate couldn’t make the lady look up from her notes. But the teacher was able to find the right approach! Without any fear, she sent a polite student to Haru in order to hand over the printouts. How amazing it was to see a guy who knocked a man to the floor with one blow, and when he learned that a schoolgirl had come for his soul, he jumped out the window.



What happens if an ordinary commoner enters a school intended exclusively for the elite?

Fujiyoka Haruhi miraculously enters Ouran School as a scholarship student. Feeling quite uncomfortable in such a society, the newcomer tries to find a free reading room, and by chance ends up in music class. Well, who knew that there was a dating club there??? And, of course, the first thing Haruhi does is accidentally break an insanely expensive vase. And the damages need to be compensated. And since Fujiyoki has no money, the president of the Host Club allows him to work off his debt by working for them. The point is that six handsome guys organized their own community to date girls. Graceful manners, courtesy, a supply of compliments - this is what will make the client happy. It would seem that the work is not particularly difficult. But there's just one catch: Haruhi is a girl! And now she has to spend all her remaining time in the guise of a guy with the guys from the club. The local king Tamaki Suo, the cold and calculating Otori Kyoya, the charming twins Hikru and Kaoru Hitaichin, the funny Haninozuka and the silent Morinozuka. Will a girl make friends with such a company? And what difficulties does she still have to go through? Will the plan to work as a host work out? After all, there are no guarantees that the secret will not be revealed...


It is quite difficult for those who have made it their goal to be the first in everything to get along with their own kind.A girl from a simple family, Hikari Hakazono and a representative of the hereditary clan Takishima Kei, from different walks of life, but this did not stop them from entering the same school, and even more so from getting into one, special, Special Class A, where they unfold further events. Due to social inequality, students from this class are treated differently: some with envy, some with admiration. What distinguishes them is that they have a free study schedule, a different uniform from others, and in general they use a huge greenhouse as a classroom, where they create whatever comes into their head! There are seven of these lucky ones in total: Twins Jun and Megumi, the son of the headmistress - Tadashi, Akira, and the boy Ryu. The remaining two - Hikari and Kei, amid this cheerful and mischievous company, have continued their rivalry since they were six years old! After all, for any of them to hear the word “second” in relation to themselves is tantamount to deprivation of the meaning of life...



The men's private school Seika, famous for the atrocities of its students, once terrified the entire district. To “soften morals” they introduced joint education, but the result is still very, very doubtful. However, Misaki Ayuzawa - an athlete, an excellent student and the first female student council president in Seiki's history - firmly decided to change the situation and bring order and discipline to the temple of science. It is not surprising that the uncompromising Misaki is considered a tyrant and a man-hater among boys, and among the few students she is considered an ideal and the only hope. But, as usual in anime, not everything is so simple...

The Ayuzawa family was abandoned by his father, leaving behind a significant debt. To help her mother and raise her younger sister, the girl is forced to work part-time in a maid cafe on the other side of the city, of course, hiding this from the school in every possible way. But everything secret becomes clear, and Misaki, right at work, meets Takumi Usui, not just a classmate, but one of the school idols. However, there was no exposure, although the “president-maid” had to go through a lot. And what does Takumi, who has been observing school life for the second year as if from the sidelines, want? Anyone who has watched “Karekano” and “Special Class A” knows what they all want!



It started before they realized...At Yamaboshi High School, all students are required to join a club and participate in its activities. However, it is not always possible to find something to your liking. Or, the desired unification simply does not exist. Five first-year students, who had nowhere to go, formed together the “Cultural Study Club,” or KIC for short. Only one day they began to be connected not only by joint activities, but also mysterious phenomenon, in which the guys literally swapped bodies.





Tomoya Okazaki, student graduating class, disappointed in life. After tragic death mother, his father became an alcoholic, and he himself gained fame as a hooligan. Instead of studying for his final exams, Tomoya hangs around school, skipping classes and doing whatever comes to mind. But everything changes when in the spring he meets Nagisa Furukawa, who has returned to school - a sweet and strange girl who loves buns, talking to herself, and also dreams of reviving theater Club. Helping Nagisa, Tomoya realizes that life is not over, and his heart begins to thaw. In addition to Nagisa and an old friend, Sunohara, Tomoya’s life includes the sisters Kyo and Ryo, the strong and purposeful Tomoyo, the school genius Kotomi, who is absolutely helpless in real life, and the very strange Foucault - a lover of starfish and school weddings.

Gradually, Tomoya notices that the lives and destinies of many people revolve around him... and realizes that this is no coincidence. The answer lies in strange world on the other side of dreams, in which a young girl is waiting, somewhat similar to himself.



Chiaki Shinichi is a talented and ambitious pianist and violinist, one of the best students Music School Momogaoka. However, in his heart he dreams of becoming a conductor and following in the footsteps of his teacher, Viera-sensei, whom he met as a child in Europe. All that prevents him from achieving his goal are his two phobias: the fear of airplanes and the fear of drowning. And, as you know, it is impossible to get out of Japan except by air or water. Tormented by the inability to realize his dream, he condescendingly communicates with his schoolmates every day. But one day Chiaki meets someone who turns his life upside down. Noda Megumi, or "Nodame", - certainly talented, but a little strange: a terrible slob, an impossible glutton, and absolutely devoid of ambition - is learning to play the piano in order to become a good teacher in kindergarten. She does not read music from a sheet of music, but perceives it by ear - in general, the complete opposite of the neat Chiaki. At first she pisses him off, then she gets him interested - and as a result, it is thanks to Nodame that Chiaki may have the opportunity to try himself as a conductor...



Schoolgirl Sawako Kuronuma was given the nickname Sadako by her kind classmates (that, if anyone has forgotten, was the name of the ghost girl from The Ring) - for her pale skin and long black hair. Because of this, there are even rumors around the school that the girl sees ghosts and knows how to curse people. Not the best fame. However, soon Sawako’s life begins to change dramatically - not without the help of one very popular guy at school, who suddenly decides to talk to her.



The TV series “Honey and Clover” reflects several years in the lives of students art college: exams and theses, creativity and self-expression, love and the search for one’s self. The main characters change over time, grow up and continue to explore the world. Anime is not limited to studies - the story is filled with memories of the past, relationships with friends and colleagues, and various everyday events. “Honey and Clover” is distinguished by high-quality graphics, a thoughtful script and an excellent soundtrack.The series is based on the popular manga by Umino Chika. The manga of the same name began to be published in 2000 in magazines of the Shueisha publishing group, 8 volumes have already been published and the manga continues to be published. In 2003, HachiKuro received the Kodansha Manga Award in the shoujo manga category.



In every normal class there is always someone abnormal. But what if there are two such unique people? The too tall and skinny girl named Risa and the awkward short Otani seem to hate each other. In class, the couple is often teased, calling them names of the famous comedy duo, and they themselves never miss an opportunity to tease each other. And of course, in such cases, “luck” always accompanies the heroes. To be class leaders, to sit next to each other at desks, to receive punishments together, and the rest in the same spirit. They quarrel, then make up, then make fun of each other, then console each other, so try to understand them. In a word - an ideal couple. But as soon as friends mention it, a flurry of indignation from the couple will spread throughout the school. And yet, maybe everything is not so simple? What if behind this particular display of hatred towards each other, there are much greater feelings hidden? After all, height doesn’t matter at all if you love someone. And, as you know, from hatred to love is just one step...


17-year-old Kyosuke Kosaka has not communicated with his 14-year-old sister for several years. How it happened, he himself doesn’t know, it’s just that from a certain moment Kirino began to follow him with suspicious glances, completely ignoring all attempts to start a conversation. It looks like the relationship has deteriorated forever.One day, Kyosuke finds a DVD with a maho-shoujo on the cover in his house. Whose could it be? Parents are not into this, much less my sister, who works as a model. What's even stranger is that under the cover of the disc there is a completely different game, the eroge "Imouto to Koishiyo!" (“Love with Little Sister”). After carefully trying to find out everything over lunch, Kyosuke fails miserably, receiving a negative response from everyone, especially his police father, a staunch anti-otaku.That same night, Kyosuke is awakened by a slap in the face from his sister, who declares that they need to talk and calls him to his room. It is then that it turns out that the disc belongs to Kirino, and she herself is a secret otaku who loves maho-shojo and hentai games, and she has a special interest in games about the love between brother and sister...


This story is about an unsociable and unsociable high school girl named Kaori Fujimiya. She constantly walked alone and did not talk to anyone. The girl rejected all offers to make friends or just chat for no apparent reason. Having received a refusal, Hase's classmate Yuki wondered: why is she behaving this way? He complained about possible threats and strict parents, but still did not find an answer. Then he did not yet know her secret. The fact is that every Monday she forgets all her friends. Upon learning this, Yuki decides to befriend her and make sure that she always remembers their friendship.


Recently, a revolution took place in hell, “new demons” overthrew the “old hell” and established a new order. The rebellion was supported by Heaven - six goddesses even sacrificed themselves to seal the vanquished forever.However, not all demons welcome the new order, and some dream of the revival of the old hell: the seal holding back the vanquished is broken, and sixty thousand of the vanquished are broken free. Humiliated and deprived of power, they take refuge in human hearts, feeding negative emotions and accumulating strength, preparing to regain what was lost and take revenge on the upstart demons.To combat the escapees, a special squad of demons is created, each of which must work in tandem with a person whose role is to fill the void in the heart of the victim captured by the demon. The story tells about the work of one such couple: the demoness Elsie and the complete bespectacled otaku Keime Katsuragi, known on the Internet as the “Capturing God”, because there is no girl in the data sims that he could not conquer. Unfortunately for him, Elsie had never even heard of the games, and when concluding the contract, she thought that she was “captivating” Katsuragi with real girls...

Leave your lists of your favorite romance anime in the comments!

When you hear the phrase “beautiful anime for the whole family,” masterpieces usually come to mind Hayao Miyazaki. This is normal, after all, a maestro is a maestro. But besides Spirited Away and Ponyo fish on a cliff“There are other great Japanese cartoons that will appeal to both children and adults. We have selected nine of the most outstanding.

« Catchers of Forgotten Voices"(Makoto Shinkai, 2011) About what?

A girl, Asuna, who lives with her mother in the Japanese countryside, goes up the hill every evening and listens to an old radio with the help of a fancy crystal that reminds her of her father. One day, on the way home, the heroine is attacked by a mystical monster, from which the heroine is saved by the mysterious young man Xiong. Soon Asuna learns that Shun, like the monster, comes from a parallel magical world, the entrance to which all this time was located at that same hill.

Why is it worth watching?

The most ambitious painting by Makoto Shinkai, whose projects are famous (and we are not exaggerating here) for their stunning landscapes and attention to detail. In terms of graphics and animation quality, Shinkai's films rival and sometimes surpass the works of Hayao Miyazaki. This Very beautiful cartoon.

« The Girl Who Leapt Through Time"(Mamoru Hosoda, 2006) About what?

Schoolgirl Makoto accidentally gains the ability to travel through time and change the past. The girl begins to abuse her ability and waste her power on various little things. But at the most crucial moment, Makoto realizes that there are no more jumps left.

Why is it worth watching?

“The Girl Who Leapt Through Time” is essentially a Japanese variation on the theme “ Tsvetika-Semitsvetika"with a reservation about the location, characters and elements of science fiction. An instructive cartoon about the consequences of wastefulness and irresponsibility.

« Wolf children Ame and Yuki"(Mamoru Hosoda, 2012) About what? The girl Hana falls in love with a young werewolf, and the fruit of their love are wolf children - the boy Ame and the girl Yuki. After the death of her husband, Hana takes the children to the village, where Ame and Yuki can grow up calmly, developing both human and wolf natures, without fear of the attention of others. Over the years, Yuki begins to gravitate towards human life and decides to never turn into a wolf again. Ame, on the contrary, gradually moves away from the family and becomes the protégé of the wise fox guarding the forest.

Why is it worth watching?

"Wolf Children" is considered on par with "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" the best works Mamoru Hosoda. This is a touching and multifaceted story about growing up, the importance of family and the eternal conflict between fathers and children.

“Little Witch Academy” (Yo Yoshinari, 2013/2015)

Photo: Trigger About what?

A two-part cartoon about the adventures of three friends studying at the Women's Magic Academy. In the first episode, the heroines fight monsters in a dungeon, and in the second, they prepare for a magical parade.

Why is it worth watching?

"Academy" produces as much endorphin as half a kilo of bananas eaten - this is a positive, kind and appropriately naive tale about friendship and determination. Plus, the cartoon was filmed as part of a project for training young animators created by the Japanese Ministry of Culture - both talented newcomers with a fresh look at animation and anime gurus from the Trigger studio worked on the project. The result was an hour and a half adventure, full of colorful colors and beautifully designed animation.

"Shinko with a Whirlwind and the Thousand-Year Magic" (Katabuchi Sunao, 2009)

photo: Madhouse About what?

Spring 1955, the scene is the small town of Hofu in the quiet Japanese outback. 9-year-old Shinko Aoki is a real fidget, a never-boring permanent leader of the local children. Shinko is curious - she learns from her grandfather that once upon a time their city was connected with Kyoto, the capital of the then Japanese Empire. The girl uses her imagination and begins to visualize images from the past, “letting her in” into the modern world ancient life. Meanwhile, Kiiko Sumazu, a withdrawn girl from Tokyo, grieving for her recently deceased mother, arrives in Hofu. Soon a friendship begins between Shinko and Kiiko.

Why is it worth watching?

The cartoon touches on the theme of limitless children's imagination, freedom and carelessness - and there are not so many of them. In addition, “Shinko” belongs to the subgenre of so-called “summer” anime - they are always sunny, soulful, green, and cicadas are chirping around. Beauty, and that's all.

From the Slopes of Kokuriko (Goro Miyazaki, 2011)

photography: Studio Ghibli About what?

Umi Matsuzaki's father dies during one of the ship battles Korean War. Ten years later, the girl lives with her mother in the suburbs of Yokohama and raises coastal sea flags every day as a sign that her father is welcome at home. School club according to interests, in which the heroine spends time with friends, they want to demolish it due to the dilapidation of the building - Umi and a team of school activists go to Tokyo to the school sponsor to save the club. On this journey, first love is born.

Why is it worth watching?

The second after Tales from Earthsea, a more confident directorial work by Goro Miyazaki, the maestro’s son. A sincere love story with a pinch of sea romance - Lermontov would have liked it.

« Metropolis"(Shigeyuki Hayashi, 2001) About what? (Age rating: 13+)

Detective Shunsaku Ban and his nephew Kenichi Shikishima arrive in Metropolis to find Dr. Lawton, who is wanted for selling human organs. Lawton himself, under the leadership of Duke Red, the governor of the city, creates the first artificial person Tim, who is identical in appearance to the Duke's daughter who died many years ago. As the story progresses, Kenichi meets Tima, mistaking the cyborg for a girl who has lost her memory, and Metropolis finds itself on the verge of a revolution, which is being prepared by rebels opposed to the spread of robots.

Why is it worth watching?

The original source of Metropolis is the 1949 manga of the same name written by Osamu Tezuka, who is called the “god of anime” and is officially considered the founder of modern Japanese manga. "Metropolis" stands out not only for its branded artistic style Tezuka, but also with a deep, piercing plot that reveals the theme of social and racial inequality.

“Arietty from the Land of Lilliputians” (Hiromasa Yonebayashi, 2010)

photography: Studio Ghibli About what?

The story revolves around "miners" - little people who live in secret next to ordinary people and use human things as needed. One of them, young Arrietty, despite her parents' prohibition, meets and begins to make friends with a 12-year-old boy named Sho.

Why is it worth watching?

The cartoon is based on Mary Norton's novel "The Miners" - like the 1997 American feature film ("Thieves" in Russian release), and the script was written by Hayao Miyazaki himself.

"The Cat Returns" (Hiroyuki Morita, 2002)

photography: Studio Ghibli About what?

One day, schoolgirl Haru saved a cat from a passing car. The cat stood on hind legs, shook himself off, gave the girl a deep bow and thanked her for saving her in fluent Japanese. The next night, Haru woke up from meowing and found the King of Cats in the solemn procession on the street. It turned out that during the day she saved the prince of the cat kingdom and for this she was destined for “endless graces” - as expected, also feline ones. The final touch In the list of “gifts”, from which Haru has nothing but problems, there is a new report from the king - the girl should be turned into a cat and married to the prince.

Why is it worth watching?

This is a cartoon about cats, what else do you need to be happy?

These beautiful anime girls will make you happy. We love them so much, because these beauties captivate and capture our hearts forever. And now, without further delay, check out the list of the 10 most beautiful girls anime of all time.

1. Yuki Asuna - Sword Art Online

Asuna isn't just a beauty, she's also one of the best swordsmen in the universe, and her unmatched speed and healing powers have helped her gain a popularity that started in the virtual world and has spread widely into real-life anime communities.

2. Kaga Koko - Golden Time

An anime girl who can be wild and loving at the same time. Despite her headstrong attitude, she can be one of the most loyal friends in this universe.

3. Inoue Orihime - Bleach

This anime girl's beauty has always had an undeniable feminine charm that makes other girls jealous.

4. Chitoge Kirisaki – Fake Love

Chitoge's individual beauty and charm knows no bounds. She has an explosive character, for which she is so loved and respected. It feels like she permeates you with her energy.

5. Inori Yuzuriha – Sinner's Crown

This beautiful anime girl may seem cold and emotionless especially at the beginning, but her charm and personality are much more than that. In fact, she may be one of the most emotional and loyal girls in anime.

6. Kuronuma Sawako – Reaching out to you

Kuronuma has always been beautiful since her appearance, but she became more charming after she made more new friends and began to smile more often after that.

7. Boa Hancock – One Piece

Boa Hancock is the most beautiful anime pirate girl in the world. Not a single person could escape her charm and would immediately fall in love with her. Men literally turn to stone when they see her for the first time!

8. Hinata Hyuga - Naruto

A beautiful but shy anime girl since she was still too young. And when Naruto was finally dazzled by her beauty, she blossomed like a flower among a thousand lights.

9. Mikasa Ackerman – Attack on Titan

Mikasa Ackerman not only has a pretty face, but also beautiful eyes, everyone would agree that she is one of the most beautiful girls in anime, even the Titans are willing to admit it.

10. Miyuki Shiba – The Unlucky Student at the Magic School

Miyuki is definitely one of the graceful anime girls on this list, her figure is beyond perfection. She is ready to amaze every guy with her exceptional spiritual beauty.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
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Today there are no people who have not heard about such a wonderful genre of Japanese animation as anime. These exciting stories surprise not only with the beauty of their embodiment, but also with the deep meaning and metaphorical nature embedded in them.

In this article website collected 20 best works talented Japanese directors. After watching the first three, you will fall in love with anime forever!

Spirited Away

Little Chihiro moves to new house. Getting lost along the way, they find themselves in a strange deserted city, where a magnificent feast awaits them. The parents greedily pounce on the food and, to the horror of the girls, turn into pigs, becoming prisoners of the evil sorceress Yubaba, the ruler of mysterious world ancient gods and powerful spirits.

Walking castle

An evil witch imprisoned 18-year-old Sophie in the body of an old woman. In search of someone who will help her return to her appearance, Sophie meets the powerful wizard Howl and his demon Calcifer. Calcifer must serve Howl under a contract, the terms of which he cannot divulge. The girl and the demon decide to help each other get rid of the evil spell.

Grave of the Fireflies

The last days of the Second World War. American aircraft bomb defenseless Japanese cities. 14-year-old Seita and his little sister Setsuko find themselves caught in the whirlpool of people's everyday nightmare. Having suffered the most bitter loss - the loss of loved ones, they were left completely alone. A young boy becomes an adult overnight when faced with the cruelty of the world. He realizes that his little sister's life depends on him.

My neighbor Totoro

Having moved to the village, two little sisters, the eldest Satsuki and the younger Mei, meet a forest spirit whom Mei calls Totoro (a corruption of “troll”). Having made friends with the girls, Totoro not only gives them an aerial tour of his possessions, but also helps them see their mother, who is in the hospital.

Princess Mononoke

The young prince Ashitaka, having killed a boar, brought upon himself killing curse. The old healer predicted to him that only he himself is capable of changing his destiny. And the brave warrior set off on a dangerous journey. So he ended up in mysterious country, where people under the leadership of the evil Lady Eboshi fought with the inhabitants of the forest: spirits, demons and giant creatures that Ashitaka had never seen before.

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

17-year-old Makoto Konno is not a very good student, is often late and does not know what she wants to become after graduating from school. In the evenings she plays baseball with friends, every morning she jumps on her bike and hurries to class. But suddenly a strange event happens in her usual measured life, and Makoto gains the ability to travel through time.

Whisper of the Heart

Shizuku, taking another book from the library, accidentally noticed that a certain Seiji had taken this book before her. And this was not the first time this happened - this Seiji also read other books that she liked. Interested, Shizuku decided to find out who he was, this reading prince?

5 centimeters per second

A film covering more than 10 years in the life of the main character, Takaki Tono. Consists of three stories that begin their narrative in Japan in the mid-1990s.

Castle in the Sky Laputa

An alternative reality corresponding to the beginning of the 20th century. In the hands of a girl named Sita is the Flying Stone. Government agents and pirates are hunting for him because the Stone is of great value. Trying to escape from her pursuers, Sita meets Pazu, her peer, working in a mining town. Together, the children discover that the Stone is the key to the mysterious floating island of Lapute.

The wind is getting stronger

The boy Jiro dreams of flying and beautiful planes that can outrun the wind. But he won’t become a pilot - he’s been nearsighted since birth. But Jiro does not give up on his dream of the sky, he begins to invent the ideal aircraft and over time becomes one of the best aircraft designers in the world. On the path to success, he will not only meet many interesting people, will survive the Great Tokyo Earthquake and brutal wars, but will also find the love of his life - the beautiful Naoko.

Wolf children Ame and Yuki

Yuki and Ame are just seemingly ordinary children who should not care about the hardships of the world around them. When their father, the last representative, dies ancient family werewolves, their mother - an ordinary girl who once fell in love with a man who turned out to be a wolf - has to move away from the big city and start all over again.

Witch's delivery service

The young witch Kiki, upon reaching 13 years of age, must live certain time among people. Kiki, along with her cat Gigi, goes to the city, where she meets a kind baker who helps her start her own business - open an emergency delivery service. Kiki's work introduces her to different people and provides the opportunity to make new friends and do a lot of mischief.

Arrietty from the Land of Lilliputians

The story of little people who live next to us, borrowing things a little at a time. Their existence is kept secret. But young Arrietty breaks the ban. She is discovered by 14-year-old Sho and they become best friends.


In the Naruto series, the story is about aspiring ninjas who have just graduated from the academy and received “certificates” in the form of headbands. Immediately after the end, the heroes find themselves in many troubles and dangerous situations, find friends, and meet enemies.

Garden of beautiful words

A young man named Takao meets a mysterious young woman. Their random and seemingly pointless meetings in the park, where Takao skips classes while working towards achieving his strange dream of devoting his life to designing and making shoes, are repeated again and again... although only on rainy days. The heroes’ hearts begin to open slightly to each other, but this takes time, and the end of the rainy season is already looming ahead...

From the slopes of Kokuriko

The action takes place in 1963 near Yokohama. Umi Matsuzaki's father, a ship commander, died during the Korean War 10 years ago when she was still a little girl. While her mother is away, the girl has to manage the household, in particular, remember to raise the flags every morning - this is the rule her father set in order to see from the sea that he is expected at home.

Death note

Imagine having the ability to kill anyone you don't like, simply by writing their name in a tattered black Death Note. This notebook is the perfect weapon. What if someone has the idea to do something more with the notebook than just the death of offenders? What if this “someone” turns out to be an idealist, ready to make decisions for the whole world?

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya


Imagine that you are a 15-year-old Japanese student in 9th grade. You also have two younger sisters. Your father constantly wants to “kill” you, although he personally calls it training. But, oddly enough, thanks to this you are still alive. You go to school, study, when you come home, you sit down and do homework. Your family owns a local clinic, and you help out at the clinic in the evenings. Well, in general, standard school life teenager