How to explain the phenomenon of sudden disappearance of people? Mysterious disappearances of people in history Sudden disappearances and appearance of cars.


History knows many cases when a person mysteriously disappeared right in front of witnesses. The first described such case occurred in Ancient Greece: in the midst of a battle, one of the warriors, who was pierced by a dart, suddenly melted into the air. And in the place where he had just stood, his weapon, shield and fatal dart remained. In ancient times, such disappearances of people happened quite often, so those around them did not see anything unusual in them.

In the 18th century, the British diplomat Benjamin Bethurst mysteriously disappeared in Germany, returning home after completing an important assignment at the Austrian court. Along the way, he and a friend stopped for dinner at an inn in the German village of Pereljoerg. After dinner they returned to the carriage, but before the trip the diplomat decided to take a look at the horses. Before his friend’s eyes, Bethurst melted into thin air while he was stroking one of the harnesses. His friend was so amazed that he was speechless. When he came to his senses, he called the people at the inn for help. But no matter how much they searched for the missing diplomat, they could not find him.

In 1867, a mysterious disappearance occurred in Paris before the eyes of Dr. Bonvilen. The victim was his neighbor Lucien Boussier, a tall young man. That evening, Lucien went to the doctor to consult about the weakness he had developed. Bonvilen asked him to undress and lie down on the couch, which he did. Before beginning the examination, the doctor walked away for a second to take a stethoscope from the table, and when he turned to the couch, the patient was not there. Moreover, his clothes were lying on a chair nearby. Bonvilen immediately went to the neighbor’s apartment, but there was no one there either. The police, to whom the doctor reported the incident the next day, did not find the missing man. Where the naked man could have gone remains a mystery.

A famous case of sudden disappearance of a person occurred in 1880 in America on the outskirts of the town of Gallatin in Tennessee on the farm of David Lang. After washing the dishes after dinner, the farmer and his wife Emma left the house. The woman went to the children playing in the yard, and the husband went to the horses grazing in the meadow. Moving a few tens of meters away from the house, Lang saw a gig in which his friend Judge Auguste Peck and his son-in-law were riding. The judge was also noticed by the rest of the household, to whom Peck always brought gifts. They shouted joyfully and began waving their hands at him. The farmer also waved to his friend and, without reaching the horses, turned and hurriedly headed towards the house to meet the guests. But after walking a few meters, David Lang suddenly disappeared into thin air in front of five witnesses.

Emma screamed, afraid that her husband had fallen into the hole. Then, together with the judge, his son-in-law and children, they walked around the entire field, especially carefully examining the place where David disappeared, but did not find any traces of him or holes. The search, which involved several dozen Lang neighbors and townspeople, also yielded nothing. A few months later, Lang's children noticed that the grass where their father disappeared had turned yellow. Subsequently, no plants grew there, neither animals nor insects approached the mysterious place. All American newspapers then wrote about this disappearance. Many versions were put forward, but none of them could explain what happened to the farmer.

On July 30, 1889, the English newspaper The Daily Chronicle reported that Mr. David Macmillan, a member of the family that owned the Macmillan publishing house, walked up a hill, waved to his friends, and disappeared into thin air. Despite a thorough search and a reward, he was never found.

Especially many disappearances occurred in the northeastern United States in the vicinity of the town of Bennington in Vermont, which journalists even nicknamed the “Bennington Triangle” by analogy with the famous Bermuda Triangle, where ships and planes disappeared without a trace. People in the Bennington Triangle disappeared right into their gardens and houses, on the streets and at gas stations.

On December 1, 1949, soldier James Thetford vanished in the presence of fourteen witnesses on a bus en route from Albany to Bennington. All the passengers saw him sit down in his seat and doze off immediately after departure. When the bus, which had never stopped en route, arrived in Bennington an hour later, Thetford was not on it. His bag was still on the shelf above the seat, and only a crumpled newspaper remained in the place James had occupied.

The youngest victim of the Bennington Triangle was eight-year-old Paul Jackson, who disappeared on October 12, 1950. He was playing in the farmyard. His mother went to the pigsty to water the pigs, and when she came out a few minutes later, her son was no longer there. The alarmed woman searched the entire farm and walked around the surrounding area, loudly calling for her son, but he did not respond. For several days, hundreds of police officers, rescuers and volunteers searched for the boy to no avail.

People disappeared in other parts of the United States: in 1975, American Jackson Wright and his wife were driving a Ford from New Jersey to New York. As he passed the Lincoln Tunnel, he noticed that the car windows were fogged up. Wright pulled over to the side of the road, stopped and asked his wife to wipe them down. Martha Wright got out of the car with a rag, walked up to the windshield and... disappeared. Not understanding what happened, the husband also got out of the car and began to look around. But the woman was nowhere to be seen. Wright was flagged down by a passing police patrol, who immediately began searching for Mrs. Wright. As in other cases, they were in vain.

Rare cases of such “vapors”, confirmed by witnesses, occur almost instantly, without any sound or light effects. It is possible that these people dematerialize, like characters in a science fiction movie, disintegrating into their constituent parts - molecules and atoms, which then undergo structural changes. Moreover, everything happens at the submolecular level, so those present do not see anything.

Some researchers believe that just as black holes are formed in the Universe, capable of absorbing stars, their systems and even entire galaxies, exactly the same holes appear in humans at the submolecular level. They are the ones who absorb a person from the inside, leaving no traces of him. Others believe that the disappearance of people is associated with aliens who abduct people to conduct experiments on them. However, these are all hypotheses.

It is difficult to explain cases of disappearances that occurred right in front of witnesses. From year to year, people disappear in different parts of our earth, some of them appear alive after a certain time, some are found by law enforcement agencies. But there is also a group of missing people whose disappearance will remain a mysterious phenomenon for everyone. Let's try to trace this phenomenon.

Disappearances have occurred since biblical times. In the 17th century, the Novgorod Chronicles wrote about the disappearance of the monk of the Kirilov Monastery - Ambrose during a meal. A chronicler of the 15th century wrote about one scandalous trader, Manka-Kozlikha, who, in front of the whole people, disappeared on market day, right on the square of the Suzdal principality, to which the people said that “the devil took her.” In those days they thought that evil spirits controlled this.

There is no explanation for the phenomenon of people disappearing in full view of witnesses. One moment a man was walking along the lawn and in a second he was no longer there. Oliver Thomas from Rhayadar, Wales, in 1909, went out into the yard for a couple of minutes and headed to the well to draw water. The parents were in the house and heard a cry: “Help! They grabbed me!”, they ran out into the street, but saw no one, the boy disappeared. The victim of the disappearance was Lucien Bussier, a neighbor of Dr. Bonvilen. It happened in 1867 in Paris. Lucien went to the doctor in the evening to examine him and consult him about his weakness.

There are a number of assumptions about where people disappear. Perhaps they are sucked into “temporal whirlpools” when, having disappeared in their time, they appear in the future or past, researchers of anomalous phenomena speculate. Maybe this is dematerialization - disintegration into atoms during a sudden disappearance.

On May 20, 1937, a trip around the world was made on a twin-engine aircraft with special equipment. The team consisted of pilot Amelia Earhart (first pilot) and co-pilot Fred Noonan. During the flight, observation was carried out from the ground. They flew over Florida, Brazil, Africa, India, Australia. We made a stop on July 2, refueled in Lae, New Guinea, and flew on. Later, there was the last radio message, very short, and the plane did not give any more signal. The search, in which the pilots, Earhart's husband, and family friends took part, was unsuccessful.

A brigade of prisoners, along with a guarding platoon of NKVD troops, disappeared without a trace in 1939 during the construction of one of the camps. It was 150 kilometers north of Krasnoyarsk, the area was all in swamps, people called that place Devil’s Kurgan. When the investigation into the disappearance was conducted, no evidence or clues were found that would indicate the escape of a group of prisoners. Only hats were found; there were as many of them as there were missing people.

There are known cases when entire settlements disappeared. In 1930, Joe Labelle, a miner, decided to visit one of the Eskimo villages located in northern Canada. He once worked not far from it, 300 km from Churchill. And so Joe entered the village and what he saw - it was empty, there were no people, silence everywhere. The impression was as if the villagers had disappeared somewhere instantly, having not completed their household chores.

The fire was burning, the pots were filled with food, the dogs were tied and fed. Eskimo rifles stood loaded against the walls, and they never left the villages without guns and dogs. In the huts there were unfinished clothes with needles stuck in them. Labelle reported what he saw to the police, who spent a whole week looking for at least some traces of the disappearance of the entire village - nothing. An unusual phenomenon - this is what was written in the report on the disappearance of the Eskimos.

On the territory of China in the Takla-Makan desert, which translated means “If you go, you won’t come back,” people, animals, and vehicles disappeared. In the area of ​​Lake Lob-nor, in 1980, on June 17, they unsuccessfully hoped to find Peng Jiamu, who was the vice president of the Xinjiang branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the head of the study of the lake. The police with dogs combed every inch of the desert, and it is not small, but they found nothing.

A C-46 plane crashed while flying over the mountains in the United States in 1947. There were 32 people on board. And again, as in other cases, rescuers did not find any traces of the crew and passengers.

Another story happened with a Brazilian businessman. Together with his wife, he was flying to visit friends for a holiday, but the Cessna plane, for some reason, crashed not far from the shore in shallow water. People who watched all this called rescuers. With great effort they were able to open the door, which was jammed - but the cabin was empty! Maybe the businessman threw his wife overboard and then threw himself out, but this is impossible, since the door was locked from the inside. More evidence of a person's disappearance arises unexpectedly under mysterious circumstances. Tracing all the cases, scientists believe that they are all unique and there is no logical conclusion to them.

There is one simply fantastic story in the archives of the New York Police Department. And it happened in November 1952. In the evening, a driver driving his car hit a man who died on the spot. Moreover, witnesses and the driver himself said that the man suddenly appeared on the road “as if he had fallen from above.” The police noticed that the clothes the dead man was wearing were of an old style. The corpse was taken to the morgue. Everyone was also stunned by the fact that the identity card was issued 80 years ago. Business cards found in the things, cards indicating the profession - traveling salesman. Address, street indicated in documents, renamed more than half a century ago.

They also checked surnames in old archives and interviewed people with the same surname. I was surprised by the story of one old woman who talked about how her father left and did not return. She also showed a photo to the police (April 1884), which depicts a young man with a little girl. And that man is a copy of the one who was hit by a car on Broadway.

Another incredibly interesting case was recorded in Sverdlovsk. It happened like this: in the fall of 1972, a bus was traveling in Nizhny Tagil, in which a person disappeared before the eyes of many people. According to the testimony of witnesses and the story of the man's wife, they were driving on the back platform, talking. It was raining outside the window and there was a thunderstorm. The man had a nickel-plated metal pipe in his hands. At the moment of the next lightning strike, a crash was heard and the man disappeared into space, and the pipe he was holding in his hand fell to the floor. It seemed to many that the lightning strike was right near the bus.

USA. 1997, a family of 4: wife Millie Waldrug with her husband and the second with children, were traveling. On the way, we stopped at a cafe in New Mexico, where they ate, and while the head of the family was still eating, Millie and the children wanted to ride around the neighborhood a little on the road. And later no one saw them again.

In London, everyone was shocked by the disappearance of millionaire philanthropist Peter Lampl. The police were forced to turn to residents asking for help in finding the millionaire. Leaving his home on Sunday morning, he never returned.

There was also such a person as William Nef, an illusionist who discovered the ability to disappear in himself. While performing on stage, magician William Nef could somehow make visible objects and even animals disappear. And one day, when Nef was performing, he unexpectedly discovered the ability to disappear and appear again. He first performed this disappearing trick in the 60s in Chicago. Then it happened in his house, he simply disappeared into thin air and, before his wife’s eyes, appeared right in front of her.

Once Nef performed at the Paramount Theater in New York, and the audience was shocked by what they saw when the clothes on the magician and he himself dissolved and became invisible. Radio reporter Knebel was present in the hall, who later shared his impressions in the book “The Path Beyond the Universe,” where he says: the figure of Nef began to lose visible outlines - until it became completely transparent. But, what is most surprising, his voice did not undergo the slightest change, and yet the audience listened with bated breath to every word.” Then Knebel writes about how the magician reappeared: a vague outline gradually appeared, like a careless pencil sketch.”

Disappearing planes and ships, people disappearing to God knows where - all these, as a rule, are jokes, pranks or hallucinations. There is no objective evidence that stories about disappearances are based on real facts. However, this does not mean that miracles are impossible: they often have a clear scientific explanation.

From the archives of the ECHO newspaper

Surely, from the point of view of the Universe, it is very indecent of our human side to continue to think about the world the way they teach in school. To be confident in the steadfastness and constancy of the laws of the material world around us. Apparently, to understand this, humanity is presented with numerous evidence of its wrongness. does not allow the growth of that rigidity in the head, which subsequently blocks the education of a worldview that is different from the generally accepted one. Once upon a time, a very long time ago and very superficially, I already touched on the issue of parallel worlds, but these were rather philosophical discussions. Now let's approach this issue from the other side.

As often happens, thunder doesn’t strike, a man doesn’t cross himself, we think about something only when something unusual appears before us in all its glory. It was the frequency of occurrence and the nature of certain phenomena that led many scientists and researchers to think about the inevitability of the existence of parallel worlds. And now specifically. I would like to talk about the mysterious disappearances of people, one of the versions of which is the presence of the above-mentioned worlds.

]]>In general, unexplained disappearances of people happen all the time. Now this is increasingly being attributed to maniacs, murderers, kidnappers and other “motley brethren”. I would not like to touch on these cases, since they are not within the scope of my blog. Specifically I was interested cases involving some mysterious fog. In this fog, just lonely people, entire regiments and even trains disappeared... Sometimes someone from this strange fog appeared, but appeared either in a non-viable form, or appeared and immediately disappeared, leaving a lot of evidence, or appeared in a completely different place and time, and more often than not he didn’t appear at all...

For some reason, where the question of the existence of parallel worlds arises, it is always inextricably followed by discussions about temporary movements and the properties of time. Apparently, all this is somehow connected. This is what I managed to find about the mysterious disappearances of people in the fog or their emergence from it. I’ll start with perhaps the most sensational and already quite boring story about

Yes, yes - the same disappearance sung by the rock group Aria. I personally don’t understand where these guys got such accurate data regarding the date of this event, because they disagree with the dating on Wikipedia. There are many different hoaxes surrounding this disappearance. And not only regarding the date, but also other details. But the fact remains a fact. The Norfolk Regiment disappeared without a trace. But we are interested precisely in the circumstances of his disappearance. Or rather the version of the New Zealand infantrymen. According to them, the regiment entered either a cloud or fog and none of the soldiers came out of it again.
The official explanation for this story is much more boring. The Norfolk regiment was simply captured and brutally destroyed. Then it remains completely unclear why the circumstances of this case were classified as “top secret”? It was only after that the details were studied and information appeared that the disappeared Norfolk regiment was still found... or rather, the bodies were found, but again, not all of them. And of those found, only the identities of two soldiers were identified. What state were the rest of the bodies then?

One way or another, but people mysteriously disappeared. And here the fog appears... Now it’s probably worth mentioning cases that are less well-known and have not received such wide publicity. They became known because eyewitnesses were able to return from the mysterious fog, although not at the right time...

Mysterious disappearances and appearances of people

February 22, 1997. An interesting video was recorded by a surveillance camera in the city of Pittsburgh. It shows a man emerging from the fog. The man clearly does not understand where he is and, after some hesitation, leaves. No person was recorded entering the fog from the other side...
April 5, 1990. A man from the 21st century appeared in Berlin. Naturally, he could not explain how he made the time jump. His words were confirmed by objects clearly not from this era. There is no further information about the objects or the person...

November 23, 1957. A man appeared in Marseille claiming to be from the future. The man called to prevent another “world war” in five years. The eccentric died three days later in the hospital and it was not possible to find out in more detail where he got this information from... Well, a little “archival dust.”]]>May 3, 1817. In the town of Bastogne, a man approaches the gendarme, claiming that he was born in 1884... A guy He talked a lot about the future and was put away out of harm’s way in an insane asylum, what happened to him next is unknown to us.

These are the few cases of disappearances and reappearances that are known to the general public. People find themselves abandoned at the wrong time and in almost all cases fog appears... This is what concerns people. I won’t talk about the “flying Dutchmen” yet, but I’ll tell you about this.

Disappearance of train and submarine

Here's another one famous case of mysterious disappearance of people in the fog, and even together with the whole train. The train from Rome was carrying 106 rather wealthy Italians for a walk; perhaps due to the status of the passengers, the incident could not be “hushed up” so quickly. The disappearance occurred in a tunnel. Two eyewitnesses who managed to jump from the train said:

...everything was suddenly covered with a milky-white fog, which thickened as it approached the tunnel, turning into a viscous liquid...

Needless to say, the train never left the tunnel... But the strangest thing begins next. Both the fog and the train emerging from it (albeit without passengers) continued to be seen in Germany, Russia, Romania, India and Italy... And the passengers of the train were “found” in 1845 in Mexico City...]]>Now about the submarine. Of course, there was no mysterious fog here, but, nevertheless, it makes you want to travel to parallel worlds... On May 21, 1968, the American submarine Scorpion disappeared without a trace in the waters of the Atlantic. One could attribute all this to an accident, but neither the crew nor the boat were ever found, although the boat was located in an area of ​​shallow depths. What is most alarming is the fact that the boat reappeared on the coastal radar after 5 years. True, this obsession lasted no more than half an hour...

It turns out that parallel worlds do exist? Yes, the mysterious disappearances of people, trains, and submarines are clear evidence of this. Obviously, the fog is some kind of indicator of an open portal to these worlds. Why parallel worlds, and not elementary abductions by aliens? Many researchers are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the so-called “saucers” appear precisely from other worlds, through portals on our planet. If they had flown from Space, it would have been noticed by astronomers... I won’t say goodbye to this, read the second part of the article about the theory of parallel worlds.

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Ancient chronicles and medieval chronicles describe cases when a person in the blink of an eye seemed to disappear into thin air before the eyes of eyewitnesses. Historians do not take them seriously, considering them fiction. However, such mysterious disappearances still occur today.

Every year, thousands of people disappear without a trace all over the world, including in Russia. It is traditionally believed that for the most part they are victims of unsolved crimes. True, in the twentieth century a hypothesis appeared that earthlings were being abducted by aliens. It is possible that both occur. However, there are cases when a person disappears right in front of witnesses, who say that he instantly “evaporated” in the literal sense of the word.

Evidence of the past For the first time, Plato mentioned such a mysterious incident that occurred in Ancient Greece. In the midst of the battle, one of the warriors, who was pierced by a dart, suddenly melted into the air. And in the place where he had just stood, his weapon, shield and even the fatal dart remained.

In the East, especially in India and Tibet, sudden disappearances of people happened quite often. They did not see anything unusual in them, explaining it by what is now called teleportation, when, with the help of special psychotechnics, a person moves from one place to another in the blink of an eye. Well, in the distant past they said that he “flew to another world.”

European medieval chronicles also mention cases of instantaneous disappearance of people in the presence of witnesses, but, unfortunately, no details are given. But in the 18th century they were already described in detail.

In England at the time, the disappearance of former sailor Owen Parfitt caused a lot of noise.
All his life he sailed around the world and was captured by pirates. The sailor returned home almost paralyzed. All day long he sat in a wheelchair on the porch of his older sister Susanna’s house and told about his adventures to everyone who would listen.

On the evening of June 7, 1763, Parfitt, as always, sat on the porch in his chair and watched the workmen raking hay on a neighboring farm.

The sky was clouded with thunderclouds, and they were in a hurry to finish the work before the rain. When lightning flashed on the horizon, Susanna followed her neighbor, who was helping her bring the stroller and her brother into the house. Owen told her not to rush, it wouldn't hurt him if she got a little wet.

The sister and neighbor had already approached the house and clearly saw the disabled man on the porch. But, as happens with women, we stopped to chat because the rain had not yet started. When they looked at the porch, there was no one there. The women thought that the disabled person had somehow climbed over the threshold into the house. But it turned out that the wheelchair was standing in the same place, and his overcoat was lying on it. The farm laborers working on the neighboring plot did not see anyone. The long search for missing Owen Parfitt has ended in vain.

In 1809, an equally mysterious incident occurred in Germany. British diplomat Benjamin Bathurst was returning home after completing an important assignment.

Along the way, he and a friend stopped for dinner at an inn in the German village of Perelberg. After dinner they returned to the carriage. But before getting into it, the diplomat decided to inspect the horses. In front of his friend’s eyes, Bathurst melted into thin air while he was stroking one of the harnesses. His friend was so amazed that he was speechless. Having come to his senses, he called for help from the people at the inn. But no matter how much they searched for the missing diplomat, they could not find him.

In 1867, a mysterious disappearance took place in Paris before the eyes of Dr. Bonvilen. The victim was his neighbor Lucien Boussier. Here is a brief account of this credible witness. Lucien went to the doctor to consult about the weakness he had developed. Bonvilen asked him to undress and lie down on the couch, which he did.

The doctor walked away for a second to take the stethoscope from the table, and when he turned to the couch, the patient was not on it. Moreover, his clothes were lying on a chair nearby. Bonvilen immediately went to his neighbor’s apartment, but it turned out to be empty. The police, to whom the doctor reported the next day, did not find the missing man. Where the naked man could have gone remains a mystery.

But the most famous case of sudden disappearance occurred in 1880 in America on the outskirts of the town of Gallatin in Tennessee on the farm of David Lang. After washing the dishes after dinner, the farmer and his wife Emma left the house. The woman approached the children playing in the yard, and the husband went to the horses grazing in the meadow in front of the house. Having moved a few tens of meters from the house, Lang saw a gig in which his friend Judge Auguste Peck and his son-in-law were riding.

The judge was also noticed by all the other members of the household, to whom Peck always brought gifts. They shouted joyfully and began waving their hands at him. The farmer also waved to his friend and, without reaching the horses, turned and hurriedly headed towards the house to meet the guests.

But after walking a few meters, David Lang suddenly disappeared into thin air in front of five witnesses. Emma screamed loudly, afraid that her husband had fallen into the hole.

Then, together with the judge, his son-in-law and children, they walked around the entire field, especially carefully examining the place where David disappeared, but they did not find any traces of him or holes. The search, which involved dozens of Lang neighbors and townspeople, also yielded nothing. All American newspapers wrote about this incident at that time.

Many versions were put forward, but none of them could explain what happened to the farmer.
The Bennington Triangle and other horrors In the twentieth century, there were especially many - several dozen - disappearances in the northeastern United States in the vicinity of the town of Bennington (Vermont), which journalists even called the “Bennington Triangle” - by analogy with the famous Bermuda Triangle, where ships disappear without a trace and airplanes. People in the Bennington Triangle disappeared into their gardens and homes, on the streets and at gas stations.

And on December 1, 1949, soldier James Thetford disappeared in the presence of fourteen witnesses on a bus. All the passengers saw him sit down in his seat and doze off immediately after the bus left the station.

However, when an hour later the bus, which by the way never stopped on the way, arrived in Bennington, Thetford was not on it. His bag was still on the shelf above the seat, and only a crumpled newspaper remained in the place James had occupied. Before that, he was a convinced materialist and always laughed when he heard about some kind of devilry with mysterious disappearances.

The youngest victim of the Bennington Triangle was eight-year-old Paul Jackson, who disappeared on October 12, 1950. He was playing in the farmyard next to the pigsty.

His mother went in there to water the pigs, and when she came out a few minutes later, her son was gone. The woman searched the entire farm and walked around the surrounding area, loudly calling for Paul, but he did not respond. For several days, hundreds of police officers, rescuers and volunteers searched for the boy, but this did not yield any results.
People disappeared in other places too. So, in 1975, American Jackson Wright and his wife were driving a Ford from New Jersey to New York.

As he passed the Lincoln Tunnel, he noticed that the car windows were fogged up. Wright pulled over to the side of the road, stopped and asked his wife to wipe them down. Martha Wright got out of the car with a rag, walked up to the windshield and... disappeared. Not understanding what happened, the husband also got out of the car and began to look around. But the woman was nowhere to be seen. Wright was flagged down by a passing police patrol, who immediately began searching for Mrs. Wright. As in other cases, they were in vain.

Researchers of anomalous phenomena consider the most mysterious thing to be what happened in 1971 in perhaps the most mysterious place in Foggy Albion - Stonehenge.

At that time, access to the famous prehistoric megaliths was open day and night. And so on August 17, seven hippies decided to spend the night among the boulders. They set up tents, lit a fire, smoked weed and started singing songs.

Around two o'clock in the morning, dull rumbles of thunder were heard, and bright flashes of lightning cut through the darkness. At this time, two witnesses were driving past Stonehenge: a policeman and a farmer. According to them, the huge stones suddenly lit up with a blue light - so bright that it hurt the eyes. They heard someone screaming. Thinking that someone had been struck by lightning, they rushed to help. But near the megaliths there were only empty tents where someone’s things lay.

The policeman and the farmer waited until the morning, but no one showed up. It later turned out that a group of hippies had camped there for the night and disappeared without a trace.

In the winter of 1930, an entire Eskimo village with several dozen inhabitants disappeared. Fur hunter Joe LaBelle was snowshoeing along the shores of Lake Anjikuni in Canada. He knew these places well; he had been to this village more than once, where he was received as a welcome guest. However, no one met him that time, although on the way he fired a gun to announce his arrival.

The village seemed to have died out. Houses and outbuildings were empty. In some, the coals in the stoves were still warm, and on the tables there was food that had not yet frozen.

All clothes were in place. But without her, no one would have dared to leave their home in such cold weather. Moreover, there were no traces of people around the village. The puzzled hunter hurried to return to the nearest village to inform the authorities about the empty village. An investigation was launched, but the Eskimos could not be found.
In the Soviet Union, the press never wrote about such mysterious incidents. But this does not mean at all that they did not happen.

It’s just that in a country with a materialistic ideology it was forbidden to make public phenomena with a mystical overtones, even if they were registered by law enforcement agencies. However, before the advent of Soviet power in Russia, people probably disappeared before the eyes of eyewitnesses. This is evidenced by an old expression existing in the Russian language: “The devils took away (took, carried away).” This is how witnesses could explain the incredible phenomenon when a person was just in front of them, and then suddenly disappeared.

“Black holes” of our world Today we cannot blame everything on devils; we need to look for an explanation or at least put forward hypotheses about the mechanism of this phenomenon. The anomalous researchers made a seemingly quite acceptable assumption: people disappear because they are pulled in by the so-called “whirlpools of time.”
Against it is the fact that those who disappeared never appear again in our world, as often happens with those “gone by time.”

In addition, temporary anomalies are accompanied by a characteristic visible phenomenon - glowing clouds. People who find themselves close to them experience various painful symptoms: dizziness and headache, vomiting, severe weakness, and loss of coordination. And for some, when a luminous cloud appears, their hair stands on end, their body becomes covered with goose bumps, their hands tremble, and sometimes they lose consciousness. In addition, time anomalies leave behind other material traces: stalled engines, stopped clocks, extinguished electric lamps.

A more acceptable hypothesis is the dematerialization of people at the moment of their disappearance. They seem to crumble into their component parts - molecules and atoms, which then undergo structural changes. To understand how this ultra-fast process develops, let’s call on our imagination to help. Let's imagine that a person has turned into an infinitesimal virtual observer who was placed inside our body. Then the whole Universe will open before him. The tissue molecules in it will look like star systems, and the various organs will look like galaxies.

In addition, they all interact with each other and are in constant motion in their microcosm.
Previously it was believed that the laws of this microworld cannot be transferred to our big world. But in 1997, physicist David Richard from the University of Massachusetts showed that they also operate in the macrocosm. From here we can draw the opposite conclusion: it is possible that the same processes that are observed in our Universe occur in the quantum world.

Astronomers and astrophysicists suggest that there are unusual cosmic objects in it - so-called “black holes” made of superdense matter. They have a huge force of attraction, due to which the light is “locked” in them and does not come out. According to the law of gravity, “black holes” are capable of “devouring” stars, their systems and even entire galaxies, drawing them into themselves.

In light of all that has been said above, we can assume that the same “black holes” arise at the submolecular level in humans. In this case, they instantly “devour” it from the inside, leaving no visible trace.
Of course, this is only a schematic hypothesis. Time will show how true it is, if science takes the mysterious disappearances of people for no apparent external reason seriously, collects facts and scrupulously analyzes them. In the meantime, we can only hope that this sad fate will pass you by. In any case, statistics indicate that its probability is negligible.

"Secret Power"

QUESTION No. 123. Is it possible to explain the cases of disappearances of people and their appearance presented in the film “One Way Road” on the REN TV channel on December 19, 2017?

The REN TV film “One Way Road” talks about several mysterious cases of disappearance and reappearance of people, groups of people and entire settlements both in Russia and abroad. All these cases still have no scientific explanation and remain unsolved.

1) In March 2017, in Rio Branco, Brazil, psychology student Bruno Borges, 24 years old, disappeared for 5 months, who spent all his years studying the secrets of the Order of the Illuminati and the ideology of enlightened Freemasons.

Later it turned out that he was working on a “project that will change life for the better,” having remodeled his room for it: he removed furniture from it, painted all the walls with encrypted inscriptions and incomprehensible symbols, hung self-portraits with aliens, and also left 14 handwritten books.

He was going to conduct some kind of science-fiction experiment. In his books, Bruno discussed the role of man in the Universe, philosophy and religion, and referred to the works of Greek thinkers, as well as Giordano Bruno. He considered this thinker and philosopher to be his past reincarnation.

The police believe that Borges then left the city or even the country. They received reports of the missing student being found in Peru and Chile, although no evidence was ever found to support this version.

Bruno's friend said that he and his friends painted the room for 24 days, trying to use every centimeter of the walls. He said that during the creation of the project they “went without food” and did not leave the room.

5 months after his disappearance, Borges suddenly appeared on camera at the entrance to his house. He seemed to materialize out of nowhere and was all overgrown and unshaven. He explained his absence by saying that he had been in a parallel world all this time.

2) In the village of Rastess, Sverdlovsk region in the Urals, in 1977, there was a complete disappearance of its inhabitants, animals, and, along with them, the dead from dug up graves. Everything in the houses was preserved, all things and icons were in place. Traces and reasons for the disappearance of people and animals were never discovered.

3) In July 1941, during the battles near Orsha, soldier Terekhov went missing. But 7 years later, in 1948, near Vladivostok, a soldier suddenly ran up to a passing cart with people and asked: “How to get to ours?”

He said that he was captured by the Germans and was taken to be shot, but suddenly the sky was filled with bright light and a sharp whistle was heard.

He only remembers how he began to make his way through the forest and came out onto the road along which a cart with people was traveling. He didn’t even notice that 7 years had passed before this meeting with people. Where was he and what was he doing all these years?

4) In November 1930, in the north of Canada, in the village of Anjekuni, about 2,000 of its inhabitants disappeared. The graves in the permafrost in the cemetery were dug up and the dead also disappeared from them, but all the sled dogs were killed. It is unknown where the people disappeared.

5) In the Barsa-Kammes tract (former island of the Aral Sea), an expedition of geologists who were surveying the area disappeared in the late 30s. They showed up 3 months later and believed that only 3 hours had passed since they left to complete the work.

6) The complete disappearance of the Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner flight MH-370 along with passengers and crew in March 2014.

The REN TV film gives an erroneous version of the secret disappearance of flight MH-370. The proposed version states that its control was allegedly intercepted by external influence of US intelligence services and the plane was landed on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, where a US military base is located.

In fact, the truth about the disappearance of flight MH-370 was reported in my Article No. 109. Therefore, this case is not described in this article.

Moreover, in addition to the cases from the film I cite a well-known case of the mysterious appearance in 1990 of a passenger from the Titanic, which was wrecked in 1912.

In 1990, 78 years after the sinking, passenger Winnie Coates was found alive and well, without signs of aging and with a ticket to board the Titanic. It was removed from the iceberg by a passing ship.

“In September 1990, a fishing trawler in the North Atlantic pulled a young girl from an iceberg. Captain Karl Jorgen Has said that the girl was extremely scared, exhausted, and constantly insisted that people needed to be saved.

She called herself Winnie Coates and said that she had boarded the liner in England, in Southampton, and that she was a passenger on the Titanic, which crashed not far from here at night. As proof, she showed a ticket to the Titanic.

The crew's surprise knew no bounds, because they thought she was crazy. They warmed her up and tried to calm her down. She was dressed in old-fashioned but beautiful clothes. The girl was dropped off in Oslo, where she was met by a team of Norwegian doctors.

For a long time, Winnie was under the supervision of doctors. She was repeatedly questioned about the incident and everything was recorded on tape. But the girl never deviated from her previous testimony.

After Winnie Coates was extradited by the Norwegian authorities to the US intelligence services, her traces were lost.”

This case is reported on the specified website:


Our Observers from the Galactic Union, together with the Guardians of the planet from Antarctica, have been conducting experiments with earthlings for the last two millennia, occasionally presenting them with cases inexplicable by science. This is done according to the plan for the development of civilization, to record the reaction of people and science to these inexplicable incidents.

Such cases include the phenomena of unexplained disappearances of people, groups of people, entire settlements and even entire nations. In this case, people could be returned back at different intervals and to any other place.

In addition, along with the disappearance of human settlements, the dead also disappeared from the graves that turned out to be excavated. The disappearance of people from the settlement can still be explained by some hypotheses, but the disappearance of the dead from the graves along with them cannot be logically explained.

This is how the famous psychic and search engine Svetlana Proskuryakova explained the disappearance of all the people from the village of Rastess in the Urals in her commentary in the film: “... maybe all the residents committed suicide at once by throwing themselves into the water, ... or maybe these were tricks of an alien mind.”

To accomplish such miraculous disappearances of people, as well as with their return, high space technologies unknown on Earth are used, which are used by the Galaxy Computing Center to conduct their experiments with each civilization according to the Creator's plan.

Such technologies include: teleportation (transfer) rays from UFO ships and energy teleportation fogs of various types and structures, which have artificial intelligence and are controlled at a distance.

These structures have the ability to control their own increased gravity to draw in and hold within themselves any objects of the material world.

Teleportation beams can be either visible or invisible, turning into mirror matter. In this case, a person or any matter located inside the invisible ray also becomes invisible.

Teleportation mists have a high density and different colors so that the objects they carry cannot be seen in them. They are designed to teleport large numbers of people, animals and dead people from their graves.

Besides, teleportation or transfer of many disappeared inhabitants of the planet most often occurs in one of the 7 parallel invisible worlds, consisting of the so-called. mirror matter and those around the planet nearby. All people and objects transferred to these worlds become invisible to us.

Answers and explanations for the examples given at the beginning of the article.

1) About the disappearance of scientist Bruno Borges in Brazil in March 2017.

In fact, there was no mysterious and mysterious disappearance of student Bruno Borges. It was a well-thought-out staged event, staged by himself.

He decided to create a mystical aura around his name and organize a trip to Brazil and some countries of South America, on which he spent 5 months of his absence.

To do this, he acquired a different passport, changed his appearance with long hair and a beard with a mustache, ordering in advance from a tailor 3 long robes of an ancient cut based on the photo shown.

The purpose of his journey was the desire to propagate among the people his works and ideals of a perfect society based on the teachings of ancient thinkers and philosophers.

After returning, he staged his materialization near the house, jumping into the surveillance camera area and told his parents that he had visited a parallel world.

2) About the disappearance in 1977 of residents of the village of Rastess in the Sverdlovsk region in the Urals.

To teleport all residents of the village along with cows and dogs, as well as the dead from the graves, representatives of the Observer Center performed the following actions using the above technologies.

At night, a teleportation cloud was formed and applied over the village from an ordinary cloud, which covered the entire village along with the cemetery.

The intelligence of the cloud was given a program to irradiate all living biological objects with special rays to transfer the matter of all bodies into an invisible state - into the so-called. mirror matter (with reverse rotation of all particles in atoms), simultaneously with the shutdown of their consciousness.

Then all biological objects were drawn into the volume of the cloud and held there. At the same time, a program was carried out at the cemetery to remove all the graves from the ground at once and pull the coffins with the dead (without soil) into the teleportation cloud.

After which the cloud itself passed into an invisible state and was transferred to one of the 7 so-called. parallel worlds, invisible ecological niches around the Earth.

These worlds are created from invisible mirror matter, having no external gravity and transmitting light and all types of radiation through them. Therefore, these worlds cannot be observed or their presence recorded; they are quite close to the surface of the Earth.

All people and animals from the village of Rastess remained alive and well; after undergoing teleportation, they regained consciousness. They were all very surprised to be in an unfamiliar area, but continued to live in their new place of residence.

This case was carried out by our Observers as a planned experiment, giving our scientists another unsolved mystery, in which the disappearance of the dead from their graves was added to the disappearance of people and animals to complicate the task.

3) About the teleportation of fighter Terekhov from the battles near Orsha from 1941 to 1948.

In July 1941, fighter Terekhov was captured by the Germans and they already took him to be shot. But he remained alive, because... was accidentally chosen to conduct an experiment with him on his disappearance and then his appearance in the post-war period.

To the great surprise of the Germans, suddenly, after a radiance appeared in the sky and a loud whistle, the fighter suddenly disappeared as if he had failed.

To make him disappear, an invisible teleportation beam was used, with the help of which he was transferred to a parallel world. In this world, he remained for another 7 years in a state of preservation of the body - samati (anabiosis) with his consciousness turned off. Therefore, he remembered only the moment of his journey through the forest before reaching the road to the cart with people, but already near Vladivostok in 1948 after his return teleportation to Earth.

4) About the disappearance of 2000 residents of the village of Anjekuni in 1930 in Canada.

The explanation of this case is almost similar to the previous paragraph 3) about the disappearance of residents of the Ural village of Rastess. The only difference was that in the Canadian village of Anjekuni the animals did not teleport, all the dogs were killed. Obviously, in those places where people were transported, they did not need sled dogs.

5) About the disappearance of a group of geologists and their return after 3 months.

The temporary disappearance of a group of geologists on a former island in the dried-up Aral Sea is explained as follows. They came to the attention of experimenters from the CC from the Observers, who, using a teleportation beam, transferred a group of geologists to a parallel world, where they spent 3 months in a state of samadhi with their consciousness turned off.

Therefore, when they were teleported to their previous place, they could not remember anything about their 3-month absence, believing that only 3 days had passed since the start of their work.

6) About the appearance in 1990 in the ocean on an iceberg of a passenger from the Titanic, which was wrecked in 1912.

The sinking of the Titanic in March 1912 was also in the attention of the VTs from the Observers. When people left the sinking ship, they decided to start another experiment and, using a teleportation beam, transported several people, incl. and 30-year-old Winnie Coates, and preserved their bodies in an unconscious state for an indefinite period.

Therefore, when, 78 years later, she was teleported to an iceberg in the Titanic disaster zone and was saved by a passing ship, she said that she was its passenger, which crashed not far from here at night and showed her ticket as proof. She also asked for help for the people from the Titanic who ended up at sea after the disaster.

Her further fate remained unknown after Norway handed her over to US intelligence services, who tried by all means, including hypnosis, to find out from her the circumstances of her appearance after 78 years without signs of aging.

The US intelligence services were unable to learn anything from her that would reveal this secret, because... Winnie Coates' consciousness was turned off for the entire period of her teleportation until her return to 1990.

The article in this section of the site, “Revealing the secrets of teleportation,” reports on the principle of teleportation of groups of people and entire nations:

“...For example, the inhabitants of the Sumerian civilization, which appeared from nowhere in Mesopotamia 6 thousand years ago, disappeared forever, leaving their cities, and then about 2 million people disappeared without a trace for 2 thousand years BC, the Indus civilization from 5 million population, disappeared about 3 thousand years ago. The inhabitants of Easter Island also disappeared in the 17th century AD, the Mayan Indian tribe disappeared in the 10th century AD, the Inca tribe in Peru from the city of Machu Picchu on a mountain in the Andes in the 16th century AD, the inhabitants of the city of Arkaim who existed another 2 thousand years BC in the area of ​​the present city of Chelyabinsk.

Some of them, a small number, were teleported completely to parallel worlds in order to preserve them from death and for survival. The larger ones were partially teleported to other worlds and partially transferred to other free territories of the planet.

Signs of their teleportation or transfer to other places on the planet are cases of their complete disappearance, when their homes remain abandoned intact, in the absence of cataclysms in these places, in the absence of multiple remains of bodies and in the absence of reasons for their disappearance...”

Views 2,839

Cars disappearing in front of witnesses is a more common phenomenon than it might seem. For example, there are many cases described on the Internet that can be called “glitches in the matrix.” (website)

First case of missing car

Here is what, in particular, a user with the nickname “pixelpants” says on the Reddit website:

I was at home and after dinner I was clearing the dishes from the table, when suddenly I saw an approaching car through the window. It seemed to me that a woman was driving. I was surprised, since my house is located in a dead end, it is impossible to drive or turn around normally in this place. For a minute I watched the car slowly approach, and decided that the woman had gotten lost and was now looking for a place to turn around. I hurried outside to help her, and within ten seconds I left the house, but I didn’t see any car... It was incredible. In such a short period of time, he could not back up and disappear from sight, and he had nowhere else to go. In the dust I saw the traces left by this car... I had the feeling that it had simply disappeared into thin air.

Second case of missing car

On the same site, another user told how one day he was returning by car from work and stopped near a traffic light. A black SUV stood behind him. And then this happened:

I slowly drove off at the green light, watching the SUV in the rearview mirror. I wanted to understand whether he would overtake me or not, because the owners of such cool cars like to show off their acceleration speed. However, the black jeep was sedately following me... Suddenly, when I just blinked, the car disappeared!.. This happened in broad daylight and on a road without any access roads! I thought that the SUV might have crashed into the trees on the side of the road, and even slowed down. But the thing is that the black jeep was nowhere to be found!.. I analyzed all the options and did not find a single rational explanation.

Third case of missing car

On the same Reddit we find a description of another mysterious case, and this time there were two eyewitnesses:

After school, my friend and I were returning home along the usual route. At a certain moment, as always, we got onto the highway and, having climbed a large hill, stopped at a traffic light in a long line of cars. At that moment, my friend noticed a car driving along a parallel dirt road in the opposite direction. I was surprised, because I would definitely have seen this car from the hill, because it offers an excellent view from there. And in general, it was not clear where this jalopy was going, since the dirt road ends in a dead end, I knew this very well. I took a closer look at the strange car: it was a white, rather old car, the make of which I could not identify. As I set off at the green light, I looked back to see where this car that had intrigued us was now. But she was no longer on the dirt road or on the track. And the car couldn’t move onto the highway: between it and the dirt road there is a wide ditch (in which, by the way, there was no white trash either). "Holy shit, what is this?" - my friend muttered in amazement. The feeling from what he saw was truly eerie...

Fourth case of missing car

And finally, another story shared on ThoughtCo by an Australian witness who identified himself as Mike.

One day Mike went to the city of Clayton with his friend. He had to return home alone and late in the evening. The time was approaching midnight; there were no other cars on the road except Michael's car. Suddenly the man noticed that a jeep was following him, which seemed to appear out of nowhere.

As I approached the shops along the highway and looked in the rearview mirror, I noticed a car catching up with me. I wonder where he came from? I thought that the driver accelerated a lot, despite the limit for this section of the road (up to 40 kilometers during the day and up to 60 at night). Since the locals don't do that, I figured it was some kind of reckless tourist who would overtake me before I passed the strip of shops. However, looking back, I saw that the road was completely empty: the jeep with a trailer, which just a second ago was catching up with me at great speed, was not on it. Logically, I was never able to explain to myself where it went...

Why cars?

All these cases, of which there are actually much more even on the Reddit resource, not to mention other sites of the World Wide Web, oral traditions, and so on, make one wonder: why exactly cars so often appear out of “nowhere” and then disappear “no one knows where” ? Not people, not animals, not even planes, but machines. We have all heard about “matrix glitches,” but such glitches should (logically) apply to all occasions, as well as to all vehicles in this example. And if these are not “failures in the matrix,” then what?

This is why even the unexpected itself seems to fade into the background before this no less mysterious question - why exactly are cars such a “privilege”? Why do you think, and what is it anyway?..