Written description of a picture of Grigoriev's goalkeeper. Essay based on the painting “Goalkeeper” by S. A. Grigoriev

The canvas is in the collection of the State Tretyakov Gallery and was exhibited many times at exhibitions in cities of the USSR and modern Russia, as well as in China and the USA.

Grigoriev said that his “search in the field genre painting remained empirical for a long time,” that at first he “wrote everything from life and pulled a lot of unnecessary things into the picture,” but then “moved on to the director’s decision.” Researchers of the artist’s work wrote that Grigoriev was truly the first to succeed in such a solution (to unite all the characters in a single action corresponding to the artist-director’s plan) precisely in the film “Goalkeeper”, which is so thought out and “directed” that it is perceived as a sketch of what was directly seen in life. This demonstrated the mature skill of the genre artist. Each detail of the canvas has its own symbolic meaning, and each of its characters is convincing in its own way. However, despite the merits noted by critics, Soviet time this picture was in the shadow of two other paintings by the artist - “Admission to the Komsomol” (the same year 1949) and “Discussion of the deuce” (1950).

The painting “Goalkeeper” was created in 1949. At this time, Grigoriev was already a professor, head of the drawing department. The artist’s turn to children’s themes was not accidental or his first (he first attracted attention to his works with the painting “Children on the Beach” in 1937). Grigoriev valued spontaneity, naturalness, and liveliness of reactions in children's images. The painting technique is oil painting on canvas. Size - 100 × 172 centimeters. At the bottom right is the author’s signature - “SA Grigoriev 1949”, another autograph is on the back of the canvas - “SA Grigoriev 1949 Kyiv”.

The painting “Goalkeeper” (together with another painting by Grigoriev “Admission to the Komsomol”, 1949) was awarded Stalin Prize II degree for 1950. The canvas was purchased by the State Tretyakov Gallery th at the All-Union Exhibition of 1950 by the author himself. It is still in the gallery's collection. Inventory number - 28043. The painting was presented at numerous exhibitions: in Moscow (1951), Leningrad (1953), on Traveling exhibition in Chinese cities from Beijing to Wuhan (1954-1956), in Moscow (1958 and 1971, 1979, 1986-1987, 2001-2002, at the New Manege in 2002), in Kiev (1973, 1979), Kazan ( 1973-1974, 1977-1978), in US cities (1979-1980), on anniversary exhibition, dedicated to the 225th anniversary of the USSR Academy of Arts, in Moscow (1983-1984).

V. A. Afanasyev reconstructed the events that preceded the scene captured in the painting by Sergei Grigoriev. A group of schoolchildren returning from classes staged an impromptu football match, constructing goals from briefcases, bags and berets. Outside the image in the picture, an exciting episode takes place, which attracted the attention of casual spectators located on a stack of fresh boards. The attention of the lanky, blond boy in a dark sweater, who occupies a place in the goal, is also drawn to the events on the field. A. M. Chlenov drew attention to the fact that the canvas depicts early autumn, when it is still warm, but “some cautious mothers” have already dressed their children in coats. He noted that the artist did not choose the scene of the fight for the ball, which in this moment occurs, in his estimation, in the center of the field, and the very edge football field.

The boy has a bandage on his right knee, and this, according to O’Mahoney, is a sign of dedication to his team, a willingness to sacrifice his health for it. Grigoriev relied on the characteristic of culture and ideology pre-war years metaphor “goalkeeper-border guard”, a valiant defender of the borders of the Motherland from insidious and cruel enemies (art critic Galina Karklin noted that the goalkeeper is much older than all the other children depicted on the canvas, and as a student junior school proudly demonstrates his football skills to the little ones). However, the picture was painted in 1949, and the metaphor, from O’Mahoney’s point of view, acquires a number of additional meanings. A vacant lot is depicted on the outskirts of a city or village (both outside the city and in close proximity from him, such a “line of defense,” according to the British art critic, is a reference to both capitals, Moscow and Leningrad, at the very approaches to which the front line was located during the war). The background of the picture tells about the restoration of the country - scaffolding is visible on two buildings; nearby, on the right, excavation work is underway; spectators are sitting on planks, which also serves as a hint that the match is taking place on a construction site.

Kiev Art Institute, in the garden of which, according to A. M. Chlenov, the action of the picture takes place

In her book about the work of the artist T. G. Guryeva concluded that the background of the scene depicted in the picture is a panorama of Kyiv: St. Andrew's Church over the Dnieper, construction sites, and an array of houses are visible. Art critic A. Chlenov believed that it was possible to accurately determine the very place where the match took place. This is the Kievsky garden art institute, where the artist worked at the drawing department at that time. It is from here, according to Chlenov, that the view depicted by Grigoriev of St. Andrew’s Cathedral and buildings above the steep slopes of the Dnieper, falling to Podol, the lower part of Kyiv, opens.

The audience, with one exception, is children. They look, like the goalkeeper, beyond the picture frame, at the opponent preparing to strike. On some children - spectators of the match sportswear; one boy stands behind the goalkeeper and seems to be assisting him. "Gates" - school bags, placed on the ground on either side of the goalkeeper. According to O'Mahoney, this indicates the impromptu rather than planned nature of the event itself. Among the children, according to O’Mahoney, Sergei Grigoriev portrayed two girls (unlike him, Afanasyev counts four girls, including himself among them small child, as well as a character in a lilac coat-hood, Guryeva considers three characters to be girls, including the character in a red hood). O'Mahoney claims the girls are playing in the painting minor role. One of the girls (wearing sweatpants like the boys') is nursing a doll, which suggests she is more of a mother-to-be than an athlete; the second, dressed in a school uniform, stands behind the other children. T. G. Guryeva notes diversity and persuasiveness psychological characteristics children, as well as the artist’s humor. Unlike Karklin, she refers the older children in the picture to adolescence (pioneer) age. A boy in a red ski suit spread his legs wide apart and put his hands behind his back, sticking out his stomach; he is distinguished, in her opinion, by a calm, contemplative character (the “kid” is not accepted into the game, but he managed to join the competition by picking up balls that flew over the line gate). Chlenov noted that he was filled with a sense of his own importance, looked down on the players (despite his small stature), and did not care which team would win the match. Both more temperamental and quite calm fans sit on the boards. The baby reacts animatedly to the game gray hood. A girl with a doll and a schoolgirl with a red bow in her short-cropped hair are calmly watching the game. Bent down and resting her hands on her knees, a girl in a red hood is enthusiastically watching the match. V. A. Afanasyev sees an expression of complete indifference to the game only in the image of a “lop-eared little dog” and a “baby wrapped in a warm scarf.” A young guy (this is how Guryeva evaluates the adult character in the film)

sitting next to the small fry of children as they sit only at the stadium - ready to jump up, full sports passion, encouraging the players with shouts and gestures. His hat is pushed back on his head, the collar of his embroidered Ukrainian shirt is open, his jacket is unbuttoned. His hand holds the folder with papers, but he no longer remembers them, just as he doesn’t remember the business with which he was going somewhere. Captivated by the game, he sat down “for a minute” and... forgot about everything, completely surrendering to the experience of the game

There is only one adult in the painting. O'Mahoney notes that the pose in which the man is depicted by the artist immediately attracts the viewer's attention: he sits with his left leg forward in the direction of an invisible opponent, placing his hand on his knee, repeating the position of the goalkeeper's hands. In turn, it is duplicated and a little boy, sitting to the left of the man. Judging by his clothes, the man is not a trainer. Folder and documents in it right hand indicate that this is a responsible employee of a certain government agency. On the lapel of his jacket there are medal bars and ribbons, indicating that he participated in the last war. In the film, he plays, according to O’Mahoney, the role of a mentor, passing on the experience of his generation to children. A. M. Chlenov “recognized,” in his words, a student, a young artist, “making up for... his years at the front.” At the beginning of 1940, the artist himself was drafted into the Red Army. Until the end of 1945, when he returned to Kyiv, on art exhibitions not a single work appeared signed with his name. Grigoriev himself repeatedly proudly said that during his service in the army he did not work as an artist, but participated in hostilities as a political worker and joined the ranks.

O’Mahoney considers it no coincidence that the Stalin Prize was awarded for this picture: Grigoriev emphasizes the importance of sport in the era of “restoration of the country and revival of the nation.” The role of the older generation is brought to the fore, and their knowledge and experience are conveyed by the artist “as vital for the transformation of Soviet youth into new defenders of the USSR.”

According to T. G. Guryeva, the landscape is written interestingly, subtly, but its drawback is the isolation of the foreground figures from the city landscape on the horizon, which creates a feeling of some artificiality, “like a backdrop for a live scene on foreground is a theatrical backdrop." Guryeva notes the artist’s skillful creation of a light, joyful coloring, which, according to her, conveys the artist’s love for life and his optimistic mood. G. N. Karklin notes “the rusty-golden color of the warm have a clear day with individual decorative accents of red." According to V. A. Afanasyev, the landscape, “full of thoughtful elegance,” does not play a dominant role in the picture; it is subordinated to the story of a breathtaking spectacle on an improvised football field. Autumn landscape, according to him, is written “easily and freely.” The art critic notes a soft, restrained color with a predominance of warm yellowish color. The tension of what is happening on the canvas is increased by the “abundance of tactfully scattered, tonally varied spots of red” (the baby’s clothes behind the main character’s back, the cap on the head of the “inflated girl”, embroidery on the adult character’s shirt, pants on the girl in the hood, bows on the girls and pioneer ties on boys). A. M. Chlenov noted that these spots of red color are balanced by cold tones, to which he included briefcases, the clothes of the goalkeeper and an adult character, as well as the general yellowish color of the foliage.

According to Afanasyev, in “Goalkeeper” Grigoriev, for the first time in his work, managed not only to unite a large number of characters in a single action, but also to “direct” the scene so that it is perceived by the viewer as a sketch directly seen in life. Each detail “has its place,” and each character is revealed “in its own convincing way.” Ukrainian art and literary critic Oleg Kilimnik (Ukrainian) noted that “each represented by a master childish image enchants with its truthfulness, authenticity, and the power of childish spontaneity.”

Along with other paintings by Grigoriev “Goalkeeper” in modern Ukraine was criticized. V. A. Afanasyev and the Ukrainian art critic L. O. Lotish in their articles noted the emergence among art critics the tendency to present the artist “as a cunning cynic who saddled the mare of socialist realism in Russian language lessons, and a detailed analysis of its use is given in the book by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences L. A. Khodyakova, where the painting is proposed as an essay topic in a Russian language lesson

The painting “Goalkeeper” by Sergei Aleksandrovich Grigoriev was painted back in 1949. But even now she attracts the eye and fascinates with her ease; it is very interesting to look at her. In addition, this picture is dedicated to the most popular game in our time - football.

In the picture we see a match arranged by local boys, and spectators watching with interest. It can be seen that the children just recently ran from school to a vacant lot and built goals from their briefcases to feel like real football players. The picture is also interesting because of its uncertainty, because in it we do not see field players. The artist showed us only one of them, the goalkeeper.

The goalkeeper is a boy, he looks about twelve or thirteen years old. He watches the ball closely so as not to miss a goal. The boy's face is serious, he is very passionate about the game. It is clear that this is not the boy’s first time standing at the goal; he has already become an experienced goalkeeper. This is evidenced by his confident posture and strong, sinewy legs. Even with his clothes he resembles a real football player. Despite the cool weather, he is wearing shorts and gloves on his hands.

The boy has a bandage on his leg; most likely, one of the previous matches was not very successful. We only have to guess about what is happening on the field, but this makes the picture seem more interesting - each viewer can imagine everything for himself. If you pay attention to the faces of those watching the match, it becomes clear that the game is in full swing.

The artist depicted quite a lot of spectators in the picture and they are all completely different. But still, mostly these are schoolchildren. But in the upper right corner of the picture we see the figure of an adult, respectably dressed man, wearing a suit, a hat, and a folder on his knees. Most likely, the man was going somewhere about his business, but saw the match and stopped to watch the battle a little. The man's posture and facial expression indicate that he is truly interested in the game and if he could, he would join the game himself.

The little boy in red is no less interested in the game tracksuit. I think that he was not taken into the game for the reason that he is still small, but his desperate desire to be among the players will definitely be appreciated. The boy froze behind the goalkeeper, leaning back slightly, it is clear that his posture expresses protest. He is clearly offended by the schoolchildren, but does not leave, because everything that is happening seems very interesting to him.

There are also girls among the spectators. One of them is quite mature, she has a bright red bow on her head, and she is carefully watching the game. The second, still a very young spectator, sits on her older brother’s lap.

Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper” causes a lot of positive emotions. It gives us the right to think; everyone can figure out for themselves what is happening on the field. She is interesting in her own way and attracts the attention of even those people who are completely uninterested in football.

Along with the article “Essay on Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper”, 7th grade” read:

Preparation for an essay based on the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. (Materials for students. 7th grade)

1. Story about the artist.

Sergey Alekseevich Grigoriev – folk artist Ukraine, born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker.
Gained wide popularity asauthorworks ontopicfamilies and schools. The artist's best paintings are dedicated to children. Among them are the famous paintings: “Discussion of the deuce”, “ Sea wolf”, “First words”, “Young naturalists”. The painting “Goalkeeper” brought well-deserved fame to the artist. The author was awarded the State Prize.

2. Vocabulary work

1. Select the appropriate participial phrases.
1) The boy was walking towards the gate….
2) No one could rush forward with such sharpness as the player and... brake just as unexpectedly.
3) He accelerated powerfully and... struck on the move.
4) ... sharply extended his hand forward, indicating where he would hit

For reference:
Not reaching the ball two steps, just before the strike; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, without mincing.

3. Description plan (option 1)
1) Behind the house on a fine autumn day.
2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant.
3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways.
4) The artist’s skill: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Description plan (option 2)
1) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”:
a) in a vacant lot on a fine autumn day;
b) fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.
2) Features of the composition of the picture.
3) The role of details in the picture.
4) Color of the picture.

5) The theme and main idea of ​​the picture.

6) My attitude in the picture.


Task: Correct speech errors.

Essay options

Option 1.

war, everyone was addicted to the game.

Option 2

In S. Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper” we see a football match, players and spectators located in a vacant lot. Of the players, only the goalkeeper is depicted; the rest are not visible in the picture. The goalkeeper, judging by the gloves on his hands, his face expressing seriousness, and his sinewy legs, is very experienced and has stood in goal more than once. The goalkeeper, a boy of twelve or thirteen years old, stood waiting for an attack on his goal. He's right after school. This is clear from his briefcase lying instead of a barbell.

The goalkeeper, players and spectators are not on a football field, but on a vacant lot not intended for football.

In the background is a boy behind the gate and spectators. Probably the boy in the red suit plays well, but he was not taken because he is younger than the players. He looks only nine or ten years old. But by the look on his face, he really wants to play.

The audience is the same different ages: and children, and uncle, and Small child. And everyone is very interested in the game. Only the dog, probably one of the spectators, is not watching the game.
The location of the film is Moscow. Stalin's buildings are visible in the background.

It's autumn outside. Late September – early October. The weather is wonderful, warm, because everyone is dressed lightly: in windbreakers, some - kids - in hats, the goalkeeper - in shorts. I liked this picture because it is “alive”. I feel the emotions that the guys are filled with: both the players and the spectators.


In front of me is a painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. In this picture main character- goalkeeper.
In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. He is standing at the gate. If you look at him, you can say that he takes his responsibilities professionally. The goalkeeper has a very serious look. On right leg he has a bandage, he probably got injured in previous games. He himself may be expecting a penalty. Behind him stands a boy in a red suit. Apparently, he also wants to play football, but he is not allowed in because he is small compared to other players. The guys are after school and that’s why they have briefcases instead of weights.
The audience is shown in the background. They all watch the game with passion. Each of them is especially interesting, but I like the dog the most because she is the only one not watching the game.

The man sitting on the side watches what is happening with great enthusiasm. It's as if he's remembering the years when he was young and played football himself. He is dressed in a suit. In his handbook. This means that he is accidentally watching the game, because... he went out to read it, but could not resist and began to watch the match. Children are sitting next to him. One girl is especially interesting to me because she has something incomprehensible in her hands: either a fish, or a doll, or a baby.

S. Grigoriev depicted the moment of playing football. The artist’s painting shows autumn, a cloudy day. The bushes and grass have already turned yellow. The guys gathered after school to play football. The observers were dressed lightly. The background of the painting depicts an ancient industrial city. In the distance one could see a bluish government office with a red flag, damp residential areas, and new buildings. The domes of churches are visible in the ancient city. Ancient buildings are shrouded in fog. In an industrial city, the sky is yellow-gray. And in the old one - gray-blue. The guys are playing football in a vacant lot. The makeshift football ground has been trampled down.

Spectators carefully watch the game. They are passionate about her. To the right of the goalkeeper are the ruins of a building. Two briefcases represented a gate. Pioneer ties and corners of books were visible from them. Next to the goalkeeper lay a white dog with a black ear. The goalkeeper was wearing football shorts blue color and a black jacket. His knee was bandaged and he had gloves on his hands. The boy looked twelve years old (there were wrinkles on his forehead). The “referee” stood next to the goalkeeper. The artist wanted to show the excitement of the game. The picture was painted in dim, muted colors in nineteen forty-nine. Despite the fact that four years ago it endedwar, everyone was addicted to the game.

Another girl in a red hat crouched down to better observe what was happening. Apparently, she’s not doing this very well, because the man is blocking the guys’ entire view.
A boy peeks out from behind the girl. He watches the game so closely that he’s even freaking out. Next to him stands a girl with a large bow, and below is a boy who sits on his lap. younger brother, wrapped in whatever he wants - he’s probably hot.
In the background of the painting are big houses. So they are in Moscow. It's autumn in the picture.
The sun is already setting, because the sky is starting to turn red on the left side. It's time for the children to go home.

I didn't really like the picture because it's boring. And it's time for the children to go home and do their homework.

The page provides a description of the painting Goalkeeper. Grigoriev Sergei Alekseevich wrote this funny story in the post-war period in 1949, where he depicted children playing football and the main character in which is a boy goalkeeper against the backdrop of gathered fans. The autumn weather outside is not clear; Moscow's Stalinist buildings can be seen far away in the haze.

The theme of this painting, Goalkeeper, corresponds to the atmosphere of that time; football is probably the most favorite game of children in the post-war period, since, in addition to home school assignments, the children didn’t have much to do, they didn’t have computers or modern smartphones at that time. In addition to playing war games, children played football in courtyards, in parks and, as in this story, in a vacant lot.

In the film Goalkeeper Grigoriev, in addition to the fans watching the match, he mainly shows us one player defending the goal, the boy goalkeeper, all the other football players were behind the scenes.

Our hero, prepared to throw for the ball, looks like he is ten to twelve years old, and has probably already gained experience in several similar matches. Wearing boots tied with ropes, he leaned forward in readiness, resting his gloved hands on his knees and fixed his gaze in the direction of the ball.

The bandaged knee tells the viewer that he has already had a bad fall and scratched his leg. In this position, the boy expresses the complete seriousness of his intentions to defend his goal, consisting of two thrown school bags. The result of a given match and, of course, his authority among his other peers may depend on his boyish agility and quick reaction.

The children's game of football attracted many fans, their eyes fixed on the moving ball, which the boys were not quite skillfully kicking. The bulk of the fans are local children of different ages, girls and boys, who were also joined by an adult guy in a hat, perhaps he was walking along the street and accidentally wandered into this vacant lot, seeing an interesting game of youngsters, sat down next to the children on a pile of roughly folded boards prepared for construction barns or housing destroyed after the war. By his appearance, one can determine a rather attentive interest in the result, most likely the very interesting stage games, possibly penalties.

To the left of the goalkeeper, a young boy in red pants and a shirt is modestly watching the game; in his gaze one can feel the desire to join the game, but his older comrades do not yet trust him with the role of a player and he looks sadly, standing with his hands behind his back. Next to the children you can see a yard dog curled up in a ball, which is not interested in football and does not pay any attention to the children’s play.

As we already know, the author of the picture loved children very much; if we take into account the fruitful creative biography of the artist Sergei Grigoriev, he created many similar paintings about children and school. Among his notable works about children are the following: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Young Naturalists”, “Pioneer Tie” and many many others.

Today Grigoriev’s painting Goalkeeper is in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow

Description of actions. An essay based on the painting by S. A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. Speech development lesson 7th grade

Lesson objectives: n prepare students to describe the actions of the people depicted in the picture; n consolidate the ability to use participles in your speech; n collect material for writing an essay on the painting; n give an idea of ​​the composition of a painting as one of the means of expressing the artist’s intentions.

S. A. Grigoriev (1910 -1988) Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev - People's Artist of Ukraine, was born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker. He became widely known as the author of works on family and school topics. The artist's best paintings dedicated to children. Among them are the famous paintings: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Fisherman”, “First words”, “Young naturalists”. The painting “Goalkeeper” brought the artist well-deserved fame. The author was awarded the State Prize.

What time of year and day is shown in the picture? How did you determine this? Where does the action depicted in the picture take place?

Who's in charge actor paintings? How did the artist depict the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothes.

How did the artist show the audience's interest in playing football? Who is particularly passionate about what is happening? Describe them, choosing adverbial phrases. Who is indifferent to what is happening on the field?

Why is the picture called “Goalkeeper”? What do you think the artist wanted to say with his painting, what is its main idea?

- Let's look at how the picture is constructed. Where - in the foreground or in the background - did S. A. Grigoriev depict the main character, the goalkeeper? - Who is depicted in the background of the picture? - What do you see in the background?

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture? Do you like this picture?

Essay plan 1. The theme and main idea of ​​the picture. 2. Description of the painting “Goalkeeper” by S. A. Grigoriev: a) in a vacant lot on a fine autumn day; b) fearless goalkeeper; c) a boy in a red suit; d) fans and spectators. 3. Features of the painting’s composition. 4. The role of details in the picture. 5. Color of the picture. 6. My attitude in the picture.

Essay plan 1) Behind school on a fine autumn day. 2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant. 3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways. 4) The artist’s skill: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Vocabulary work Exciting match, football competition, bend slightly, start the game, react quickly, take possession of the ball, attack the goal, cover the goal, fearless goalkeeper, without touching the ball with his hand, rubbing his bruised knee with his hand

Vocabulary and stylistic work Having captured the ball, throwing the ball, throwing the ball, scoring a goal, attacking the goal, attacking the goal, closing the goal, covering the goal, rushing to the goal, bending slightly, putting one leg back, rushing from a place, starting a long run, starting the game, reacting quickly, instantly slowing down

Vocabulary and stylistic work 1. The boy walked to the gate…. 2. No one could rush forward with such sharpness as the player and... brake just as unexpectedly. 3. He accelerated powerfully and... struck on the move. 4. …. sharply extended his hand forward, indicating where he would hit. For reference: n Two steps short of the ball, just before the strike; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, without mincing

Vocabulary and stylistic work 1. The boy walked towards the gate, slowing down and changing direction. 2. No one could rush forward with such sharpness as the player and, without losing the ball, brake just as unexpectedly. 3. He accelerated powerfully and, without changing the rhythm of his steps, without mincing, struck on the move. 4. Not reaching the ball two steps, just before the strike, he sharply extended his hand forward, indicating where he would hit.

“Football is a fascinating spectacle.” "Football is very interesting game". “Football is interesting to everyone”

Samples of essays based on the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”.

n In front of me is a painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. The boy is approximately ten to eleven years old. He is completely focused on the game. He has gloves on his hands. I think he is a good goalkeeper and that he will become a professional goalkeeper in the future. A boy in a red uniform stands behind the goalkeeper. This boy probably really wants to go out on the field and help the team he supports. The boys' goal posts are carelessly thrown briefcases. We can say that the children went out to play football after school. The middle ground shows makeshift stands. Spectators of the exciting football match. We can say that the game is active and interesting and that the audience watches the game with interest. Everyone is watching, even the dog doesn’t close his eyes. On the left are two brothers, the older and the younger. They are watching the game. Behind them is a diligent girl, she was probably attracted by the game. Next are the boys. Everyone is watching the game, everyone has interest on their faces, except one. He was apparently upset that his favorite team was losing. There is a vacant lot in the background. Behind him the artist depicted buildings. I think these are buildings from the fifties and sixties. Probably in the picture there is some big and beautiful city, perhaps Moscow. Overall, I really liked this picture because football is the number one sport in the world and because I love football.

n In front of me is a painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. In this picture the main character is the goalkeeper. In the foreground is a boy - a goalkeeper. He is standing at the gate. If you look at him, you can say that he takes his responsibilities professionally. The goalkeeper has a very serious look. He has a bandage on his right leg, probably injured in previous games. He himself may be expecting a penalty. Behind him stands a boy in a red suit. Apparently, he also wants to play football, but he is not allowed in because he is small compared to other players. The guys are after school and that’s why they have briefcases instead of weights. The audience is shown in the background. They all watch the game with passion. Each of them is especially interesting, but I like the dog the most because she is the only one not watching the game. The man sitting on the side watches what is happening with great enthusiasm. It's as if he's remembering the years when he was young and played football himself. He is dressed in a suit. He has a book in his hand. This means that he is accidentally watching the game, because he went out to read it, but could not resist and began to watch the match. Children are sitting next to him. One girl is especially interesting to me because it’s unclear what she’s holding in her hands, either a fish, a doll, or a baby. Another girl in a red hat crouched down to better observe what was happening. Apparently, she’s not doing this very well, because the man is blocking the guys’ entire view. A boy peeks out from behind the girl. He watches the game so closely that he’s even freaking out. Next to him stands a girl with a large bow, and below is a boy with his younger brother sitting on his lap, wrapped in whatever he wants - he’s probably hot. Large houses are depicted in the background of the painting. So they are in Moscow. It's autumn in the picture. The sun is already setting, because the sky is starting to turn red on the left side. It's time for the children to go home. I didn't really like the picture because it's boring. And it's time for the children to go home and do their homework.

n I see a painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. This painting shows spectators and a goalkeeper during a football game. In the foreground of this picture there is a boy, from his appearance it is clear that he is a goalkeeper. He has a very concentrated face, perhaps the ball is approaching the goal, or, most likely, he is about to receive a penalty. The goalkeeper's leg is bandaged, which shows that this boy plays football regularly. He is twelve years old, I think he is an average student. Perhaps he will become a good football player in the future. Behind the goalkeeper is another, smaller boy. He is very sad that he was not included in the team. He stands with a pouty face. He is in approximately third grade. He's very confident. After all, instead of sitting with other spectators, he stands on the field. The boys are playing in a yard that is not intended for playing football. Instead of barbells, they have briefcases on their sides, indicating that they play football after school. In the middle ground, spectators are sitting on a bench, clearly engrossed in the game, except for the dog, who is thinking about something of his own, most likely about food. In addition to the children, an adult uncle is sitting on the bench, clearly extremely passionate about the game. He probably remembers himself in school years. Two girls are sitting next to their uncle. The first one - in a cloak with a hood - is also watching the game very closely, the second one is also no less interested in what is happening. It seems to me that the second girl is mandatory. She has a small child in her arms. Two boys are sitting next to her, clearly interested in the game. The first boy bent down to better see the game, and the second craned his neck because he couldn’t see anything behind his uncle. Behind this boy is a girl. It seems to me that she is a good student. She's wearing school uniform, on her head there is a bow. Nearby is a boy sitting with his little brother. I think that this boy is very responsible, he helps his mother all the time and takes care of his younger brother. All the spectators are very enthusiastic and focused on the game, even the last boy's younger brother looks at what is happening with interest. It is possible that the dog lying next to the brothers belongs to them. Buildings are shown in the background. I think this picture takes place in big city, probably in Moscow, somewhere in the golden autumn, around the time of Khrushchev, in the years 50 - 60. The sky seems cloudy to me, yes, and it’s not so hot outside. This picture symbolizes football. It depicts eleven people and a black and white dog. Eleven people symbolize the number of players on the team, and black -white dog- soccer ball. Overall, I liked the picture, but it would have been better if it had depicted the entire field and all the players.