True and false values ​​in the novel. True and false values

“What you do will come back to you.”

Winston Churchill

Our actions run like a red thread through our entire life, thereby determining its quality. What are our actions based on, what is their foundation? The answer is very simple: the foundation of any action is our internal qualities, they are also the values ​​of our life. When we perform this or that action, we, first of all, must turn to our inner world, rely on our internal values.

True Values our life is not material wealth. Not a car, an apartment, clothes, jewelry and many other things. Although for some reason we often value these things more than people. In this case, it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a loved one, a work colleague, or just a passerby. We forget that by respecting others, you respect yourself. I do not deny at all that an apartment, a car and other attributes are necessary and important, but I ask you to understand that they are not our true values. We are often hostile to other people, while elevating ordinary things to the rank of deity and worshiping them. It seems to me that we are all a little confused in this life, making external goods more important internal qualities. Please remember when you last time did you help the people who exist next to you, who surround you? How often do you do good deeds and show respect to others?

Sometimes it is very useful to answer questions that relate to your inner world. The answer to them can help form an inner core, develop the right principles on which you can always rely, no matter what. life situation didn't happen.

One of these supports can be our internal values, which will help us navigate this life. By internal values ​​I mean the qualities that guide us when making a particular decision. These qualities are of the following nature: nobility, virtue, respect, responsibility, honesty, friendliness, mutual understanding and much more that you can find in the depths of your heart.

Of course, these qualities can only have a positive meaning and in no case can they be negative. Why can't they be negative? Can the bad deeds we have committed really make our lives better, more harmonious, happier? Can they really help other people? Eat famous proverb- “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself” or “What goes around comes around.”

And this is true, rather even a law that life itself came up with. Going against the laws of life is very unwise. After all, if you jump from a roof, the law of attraction will certainly do its job, of course, unless you are Neo from the movie “The Matrix”. By the way, Neo is the personification of true inner values, a stronghold of goodness and nobility. He saves the world from oblivion, trying to reveal to people the truth of life.

Sometimes saving the world means destruction, which is a fight against something dark inside us. In the same way, we can shed light on the ignorance and darkness that are trying to take root in us, in our entire being. We can break our old patterns of behavior that lead to the destruction of ourselves, relationships with our loved ones, and our entire world as a whole. We can create new principles, for which true values ​​will be a beacon.

How can true values ​​be determined? Imagine that there are many roles in your life that you play. These roles are manifested in various fields life, for example: family, friends, work, hobbies, society in general. Now let's look at some of these roles.

Let's start with family, the closest and most valuable to us. You can be: father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, etc. Let's look at the example of father/mother. Now imagine, or better yet, write down what kind of father/mother you would like to be. What qualities would you like to show in your children? Would you like to be sensitive to them, give love and care, raise them in an atmosphere of respect and mutual understanding, loyalty and honesty? After you write down these qualities, try to monitor yourself in real life. Are your behavior and actions consistent with the qualities you would like to have? If not, think about why and how you can change it.

The next role I would like to consider is the role we play at work. Let's say you are a swimming coach and teach children to swim. In addition to teaching children to swim, you are also an example and guide for them. Learning takes place not only on the water, but also in the children's heads, you teach them moral principles. And the way you behave during classes, the principles on which you act and what values ​​you rely on, shapes, firstly, your behavior, and secondly, the behavior of the child, which he can adopt from you.

It follows from this that our internal values, no matter what role we occupy, must be formed in the same way. And this key should open only those doors behind which our positive qualities are located.

Treat other children the same way you treat your child. Observe your behavior, both in the family and in all areas of life, and always remember true values.

We have the opportunity to go through all the roles of our lives and see those qualities that we know about, but for some reason we do not use them as a guide, we do not use them as a foundation. Our inner values ​​are similar bright light a beacon that illuminates our path, helps us to follow the right path and not get lost in the abyss of passions that envelop us and our lives like fog.

True values ​​should be the basis of our personality, they should serve as a guide and lead us in the right direction, permeating our entire path. I hope your values ​​will be virtue and order, love and compassion, nobility and respect. And, of course, I hope that all of them will illuminate your life, the life of your family and all the people on our planet.

In the novel M.A. Bulgakov's "The Master and Margarita" many rise important issues, but probably the most important and significant is the problem of true and imaginary values. The author provides the reader with numerous examples confirming that only a person who prioritizes true values ​​is able to cope with all the difficulties of life.

Also M.A. Bulgakov clearly illustrates that heroes with imaginary life values ​​are not capable of self-improvement and always pay for their immoral actions.

So, for example, the writer shows the reader a Master who has always been committed to his favorite work and for a long time wrote his novel, which is of great value. But, unfortunately, critics were unable to appreciate this work, because it did not correspond to their imaginary values. All this led the Master to despair. He became disillusioned with himself and with life and was forced to leave writing behind. However, other writers, deprived of the gift of speech, but committed to party laws, were in great demand.

For example, Berlioz, despite his narrow outlook, constantly thinks about true creativity, although he himself does not know what it is. Ivan Bezdomny, who is completely devoid of writing talent, constantly agrees with him, but still continues to write his worthless poems. True, later he admits his mistake and stops studying literature.

The novel also talks about the true value of love. Love theme The novel is largely connected with the name of Margarita, who has always been a real support and support for the Master. Her image reflects such true values ​​as loyalty, care and willingness to do anything for the happiness of a loved one.

In addition, the problem of true and imaginary values ​​is described by the author in the images of Yeshua and Pontius Pilate. Ha-Nozri is a person who strives to convince every person of the need to be fair and honest. He is trying to convey important things to people life values, but, unfortunately, Pontius Pilate sentences him to death penalty, although he largely agrees with the views of Yeshua. Afraid of losing his position, he commits a vile act and thereby kills a person committed to the true values ​​of life.

Thus, the novel “The Master and Margarita” shows the struggle between true and imaginary values. After all, at all times there have been people committed to the ideals of goodness and justice, as well as their antipodes - vile and immoral individuals.

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Lesson topic: True and false values

· promote students’ understanding of the concepts of spiritual and material values, wealth and charity;

· to promote the development in schoolchildren of the ability to distinguish spiritual values ​​from material ones;

· help children realize and feel the true values ​​in human life, cultivate interest in studying the subject “Orthodox culture”.

Type and type of lesson:

A lesson in learning new things educational material, lesson-conversation.

Supporting: God's commandments, Gospel, parable.

New: words - “money-raising”, “charity”, “covetousness”, “charities”

Methods of action:

Supporting: verbal and visual methods training

New: partially – search method.

Didactic materials and equipment:

Educational complex "Orthodox Culture", computer, cards for self-analysis of students

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment


Good afternoon, dear guys; We are starting our lesson on Orthodox culture. Today we have guests, and a lot awaits us ahead interesting work, which I really hope will be successful and fruitful.

II. Repetition

We start the lesson with repetition. (Slide 1)

Who wrote these lines?

In a difficult moment of life

Is there sadness in my heart:

One wonderful prayer

I repeat it by heart.

There is a power of grace

In the consonance of living words,

And an incomprehensible one breathes,

Holy beauty in them.

Like a burden will roll off your soul,

Doubt is far away -

And I believe and cry,

And so easy, easy...

U. What mood is conveyed in the final part of the poem? What is it about?

D. It is about the enlightenment, the joy, the peace that comes in a person’s soul after communicating with God.

U.What kind of music was this against which the poems sounded?

D.This is the romance "Prayer".

U. How many composers have set this poem to their music?

D. It is very lyrical, so it was set to music by more than 40 composers

U. - What is prayer in your understanding?

In what cases does a person turn to God in prayer?

(in joy, in sadness, in illness, when it’s difficult or we don’t know what to do...)

In which fairy tale does the heroine, finding herself in a difficult situation, turn to God with the prayer “Our Father”? ("The Snow Queen")

In front of you famous work Russian artist Namerovsky A. ...

Which historical event depicted on this canvas?

Why do you think Russian army did the Mongolian win?

What is a blessing?

(overshadowing with a cross, an icon, a word of prayer)

Who can give a blessing?

(priest, parents)

Prince Dmitry and his army accomplished a feat of arms, but what was the feat of Sergius of Radonezh? (prayer, spiritual feat)

In what gospel parable did Jesus Christ show an example of true prayer?

(parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector)

Why was the prayer of the publican more pleasing to God than the prayer of the Pharisee?

U. People turn to God with various requests. Let's read some of them written by your peers:

· I want to be rich, but do nothing but receive money.

· I want to be given pocket money until I grow old.

· I want to become a superman, just so that I don’t have to train or do exercises in the morning. This is all I hear every day from my father.

What do all these requests have in common? Yes, become rich, but do not put the slightest effort into it.

The following requests:

· I want to earn a lot of money to cure my sister.

· I would like to have my own profitable business.

· Get ​​a job that pays a lot to feed poor people.

What do these wishes have in common?

Topic message.

Open the worksheets. Write down the number. Read the topic of the lesson.

“True and false values.” What do you understand by the word value?

Value- what has great importance for the individual and society as a whole.

In the children's requests read out, you saw different attitude guys to wealth.

What if you had a lot of money, what would you do with it? How would you spend it?

We will write the result in table No. 1.

III. Working on new material

In the worksheets, you need to distribute the listed words in the table into two groups. In one group everything that belongs to material assets, the other to the spiritual. Be careful!

Today in class the word rich and wealth were heard many times. How do you understand the meaning of these words?

In the word wealth - main part words God.

What does it say Holy Bible about the attitude towards wealth? Let's turn to the Gospel.

What does the word Gospel mean?

(good news)

What does the Gospel say?

(about the earthly life of Christ)

How should we approach the Gospel?

(reverently - i.e. with the deepest respect)

Despite the fact that the words of Christ were spoken almost 2000 years ago, they are important for a person of any time. Most often, Jesus Christ spoke to his disciples in parables.

What is a parable?

(short instructive allegorical story)

Let's listen to the parable of the foolish rich man(Luke 12:15-21)

(Slide with sound file).

One rich man had a good harvest in his field; ion reasoned with himself: “What should I do? I have nowhere to gather my fruits.” And he said: “This is what I will do: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and I will gather there all my bread and all my goods, and I will say to my soul: soul! You have a lot of good things for many years: rest, eat, drink, be merry.” But God told him: “You fool!” This night your soul will be taken from you; who will get what you have prepared?

What qualities do you think are characteristic of a rich person?

For whom did the rich man collect treasures?

What should a rich man do to please God?

They say about such people that they have developed money-grubbing - love of increase, luxury and whim.(Slide).

People like this rich man are well spoken of in the spiritual alphabet of Demetrius of Rostov. But to find out, you need to read the text in Church Slavonic.

“Oh, foolish man, how long will you gather your wealth like a bee? Soon it will perish like dust and ashes: but seek rather the Kingdom of God.”

Reference: “Uglebaeshi” - to get bogged down, to drown

The Monk Samson the Receiver used his wealth completely differently. After the death of his parents he inherited great wealth, everyone former slaves he was released with security. He settled in the city of Constantinople, built a house in which he received the poor, the sick and strangers. He treated the sick, fed and clothed the poor, and gave shelter to wanderers. The Patriarch of Constantinople performed the sacrament of the priesthood, and Samson became a priest.

One day Emperor Justinian happened to fall ill. When all the attempts of skilled doctors were unsuccessful, the emperor turned to the priest Samson, who successfully cured him. The emperor wanted to reward the healer, to which Samson replied that he did not need wealth. And if the emperor wishes, he can build a house for the sick and poor. “This will please God and make me happy.” A house was built and a hospital attached to it. So the priest Samson set the emperor up for a charitable cause.

What do you think charity is?

Charity showing compassion for one's neighbor and providing

free assistance to the poor.

There have always been philanthropists in Russia and today we will learn about some of them.

Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov - created famous museum « Tretyakov Gallery" The museum is located in Moscow. Both adults and children love to visit it. Pavel Tretyakov began collecting his painting collection in the mid-1850s. In August 1892, Pavel Mikhailovich transferred his art gallery as a gift to the city of Moscow. By this time, the collection included 1,800 works of the Russian school, 75 paintings of the European school, 15 sculptures and a collection of icons. On August 15, 1893, the official opening of the museum took place under the name

"Moscow City Tretyakov Gallery ».


Nesterov M. V

4. "



Russian entrepreneur and philanthropist. Was born in merchant family, was the fourth child. The Mamontov family lived richly; when Savva was 8 years old, they moved to Moscow, where Savva’s father was engaged in the construction of railways.

continues the work started by his father. The name of the Russian industrialist is closely connected with the history of the Northern Railway. On own funds he built railway to Yaroslavl, Vologda and Arkhangelsk.

Each city had and still has its own philanthropists who invested money in the construction of churches, schools, hospitals, and shelters.

And in our modern life There are also philanthropists. For example, thanks to one of them - Mishustin Yuri Nikolaevich director, you and I guys have such a great opportunity - to study Orthodox culture, using a computer and new educational literature.

IN modern language The word philanthropists is heard less and less often, and the word sponsor is heard more often.

Do you think the words “philanthropist” and “sponsor” are equivalent?

Is it really necessary Russian word replace it with a cold, foreign word?


So, today in class we talked about true and false values. What makes a person truly happy?

And the goal of human life is not to get rich: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven, where no moth destroys and where thieves do not steal, for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

“Treasures in Heaven” are the good that man has done, but which God always remembers. Such a treasure cannot be stolen. Your money or phone may be stolen. But the good deed you have done will remain yours forever.

2. Assessment of work in the lesson.

Several people evaluate their work.

What new did I learn about the topic of the lesson? What did you learn?

V. Reflection

If you were interested in the lesson, if what we talked about touched your soul, raise Sun. And if you didn’t like the lesson, seemed boring, left you indifferent, then raise cloud.

You did a good job in class. Well done! Thank you for your work!

And now we will do a little virtual tour to Tretyakovskaya state gallery. And our guide will be Ksenia.

IN exhibition halls you can see world-famous paintings by Russian artists:

1. "Old Testament Trinity". Andrey Rublev.

The greatest creation of Andrei Rublev was the Trinity icon, painted for the church of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery near Moscow. At that time, in the 20s of the 15th century, unprecedented disasters struck central Rus' - widespread pestilence and famine. And again life seemed unbearable and gloomy to people. And in the Trinity Church there remained an icon of Rublev, shining with unearthly peace. The great icon painter created an image of an inextricable heavenly union, full of silent meekness and selflessness.

2. “Vision to the youth Bartholomew.” Nesterov M. V

"Vision to the Youth Bartholomew" - the most famous work artist. It is based on an episode from the Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The shepherd boy Bartholomew (the future Sergius) lost his foals in the forest. Having set out on a search, he wandered into a deserted place and met an unfamiliar old priest. He gave the boy a piece of prosphora and, with it, a craving for
teaching and enlightenment. This canvas opened the so-called
"Sergius Cycle", which also included "The Youth of St. Sergius",
"Works of Sergius of Radonezh", " Venerable Sergius Radonezh".

3. "". Orest Adamovich Kiprensky

The artist in 1827 creates one of the best portraits. This is the image of a mature man, a poet who has already survived the Decembrist uprising. He seems to be thinking about their fate, about himself, about Russia. In Russian art, Kiprensky paid a lot of attention to self-portraits, trying to convey the state of a person’s soul.

4. "Bogatyrs." Victor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov.

This is the most famous painting artist. He was the first artist who reflected in painting with such visual power poetic world Russian folklore - the world of heroic events, fairy tales, legends and traditions carefully preserved by the people. What are the names of the heroes? In the center is the oldest and most powerful - Ilya Muromets, sitting on right hand– Dobrynya Nikitich, and on the left is Alyosha Popovich. Take a close look at their faces. Hasn't the war left an imprint of the ferocity of cruelty on their faces? No. Why? What kind of war are they fighting? The heroes perform the holy task of defending the Motherland, their faces are stern and inspired by this lofty idea.

5. "Christ in the Desert" Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy.

We present to your attention two paintings by “Dostoevsky” by Vasily Grigorievich Perov and “Christ in the Desert” by Ivan Nikolaevich Kramskoy. Pay attention to the almost literal similarity of the poses of these different characters. But Kramskoy, who created his painting independently of Perov’s portrait, did not by chance come to a similar result: his Christ is both a divine character and an image of a person of any era, making a choice between good and evil.

Samson the Stranger

The Monk Samson the Receiver used his wealth completely differently. After the death of his parents, he inherited great wealth; he freed all former slaves with security. He settled in the city of Constantinople, built a house in which he received the poor, the sick and strangers. He treated the sick, fed and clothed the poor, and gave shelter to wanderers. The Patriarch of Constantinople performed the sacrament of the priesthood, and Samson became a priest.

One day Emperor Justinian happened to fall ill. When all the attempts of skilled doctors were unsuccessful, the emperor turned to the priest Samson, who successfully cured him. The emperor wanted to reward the healer, to which Samson replied that he did not need wealth. And if the emperor wishes, he can build a house for the sick and poor. “This will please God and make me happy.” A house was built and a hospital attached to it.

True and false in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

I. Introduction

One of the main vices modern civilization consists, according to Tolstoy, in the widespread dissemination of false concepts. In this regard, the problem of true and false becomes one of the leading ones in the work. How to distinguish true from false? For this, Tolstoy has two criteria: the true comes from the depths of a person’s soul and is expressed simply, without posture and “playing for the public.” The false, on the contrary, is generated by the base side of human nature and is always focused on external effect.

P. Main part

1. False greatness. “There is no greatness where there is no simplicity, goodness and truth,” wrote Tolstoy. Napoleon personifies false greatness in the novel. It contains neither one nor the other, nor the third. Tolstoy shows that Napoleon sends people to death because of petty and largely selfish goals. Napoleon's behavior highest degree unnatural, every gesture and every word is calculated for effect. In the novel, Napoleon is contrasted with Kutuzov, whose actions are guided by love for his homeland and love for the Russian soldier. There is no play or pose in his actions; on the contrary, Tolstoy even emphasizes the external unattractiveness of the commander. But it is Kutuzov, as the exponent of the soul of the entire Russian people, who serves as an example of true greatness.

2. False heroism. While a person wants to accomplish a feat primarily in order to be noticed, and dreams of a feat that is certainly beautiful, this, according to Tolstoy, is not yet real heroism. This happens, for example, with Prince Andrei in the first volume of the novel during Battle of Austerlitz. True heroism arises when a person thinks not about himself, but about the common cause and does not care about how he looks from the outside. Such heroism is shown in war, first of all, by ordinary people - soldiers, Captain Tushin, Captain Timokhin, etc. It is together with them, Prince Andrei becomes capable of true heroism during the Battle of Borodino.

3. False patriotism. It is manifested in the novel by a significant part of the aristocracy, starting from the tsar himself and ending with Helen Bezukhova. The desire to flaunt one's patriotism (a fine for saying French word in a high-society salon, jingoistic “posters” and pompous oaths of Rostopchin, etc.) is contrasted with the true, unostentatious patriotism, first of all, of the Russian people: soldiers and militias, the merchant Ferapontov, who burned his shop so that the French would not get it, partisans, residents of Moscow and other cities and villages that left Napoleon’s armies “scorched earth,” etc. True patriotism The best representatives of the nobility, united with the people, also differ: Kutuzov, Andrei Bolkonsky, Pierre Bezukhov, Natasha Rostova and others.

4. False love. Real love, according to Tolstoy, should arise from a feeling of spiritual closeness between people. Truly loving person thinks not so much about himself as about his loved one or loved one. Love is only justified in Tolstoy's eyes when it expresses spiritual unity. Such love is shown by Tolstoy mainly in the epilogue using the example of married couples Nikolai Rostov - Princess Marya and Pierre Bezukhov - Natasha. But the novel also shows love as a false and selfish feeling. So, Pierre's love for Helen is just a sensual attraction. The same can be said about Natasha’s sudden passion for Anatole. A slightly more complex case is Prince Andrei's love for Natasha. It would seem that Andrei Bolkonsky loves quite sincerely, but the fact is that in this love he sees mainly himself: first, the possibility of his own spiritual resurrection, and then - an insult inflicted on his honor. From Tolstoy's point of view, true love and individualism are incompatible.

The novel “The Master and Margarita” raises many topics, but I want to talk in detail about the true and imaginary values ​​in this work. Throughout time, people have been tormented by questions about good and evil, light and darkness, love and hate. And Bulgakov was able to express his thoughts on this so clearly and so clearly difficult topic. Mikhail Afanasyevich himself called this novel the main thing in his life. At the very beginning of the novel, the author introduces us to two writers: Berlioz, he is the head of MASSOLIT, and Bezdomny, a poet at the same MASSOLIT. These writers talked about their work and their future plans. And from this dialogue it is clear that, despite their education, the work of these writers is one-sided and this creativity is false. Bulgakov treats them with irony, and not only to them, but to all MASSOLIT writers. After all, it is this community of writers that will be the source of the Master’s troubles. The opposite of this community is the Master, the true creator and a real artist. He writes a novel about the procurator of Judea Pontius Pilate and about the wanderer Yeshua Ha-Nozri, about the terrible torment and curse of the Concept of Pilate and about terrible death Yeshua. And when this work is published, masses of unfounded criticism immediately fall upon the writer. Members of MASSOLIT cannot recognize the Master’s talent; they feel weak in front of him. Only one writer realized the uselessness of his false creativity - Ivan Bezdomny, he promised the master not to write anymore, realizing that everything written had no meaning.

Bulgakov describes a society in which there is no moral values, there is only money to which they obey. They experience envy and fear of those who are higher, and strive in various ways to achieve their personal gain, no matter what. Wolond and his retinue reveal the essence of Moscow society, pointing out their vices. This is the first work where justice is restored dark forces, you need to think about this, what should society and its prophets be like if even dark forces restore justice? After all, all the bad things they have done will become clear after some time, all the deception will be revealed. People should have inviolable values, but in the society described by Bulgakov these values ​​are absent, or rather, these values ​​have replaced vices.

Now let's talk about the choice of Pontius Pilate. So what is his action? Maybe we should accuse him of cowardice? So what is this: a necessity, a bargain with conscience, or just a common misunderstanding, a mistake? No, after all, he was an honest, fair, intelligent and generous man, let us remember the salvation of Ratboy. Before meeting Yeshua, he was a different person, and after the meeting he changed radically. It was influenced by the fact that for the first time he heard sincerity in the words, saw his kindness towards others - this changed Pontius Pilate. After all, if he had pardoned Yeshua, then they would have executed both of them - this is what Pontius Pilate reasoned during the sentencing, but after that he regretted it and pangs of conscience began to haunt him. “Can you really, with your intelligence, admit the idea that because of a person who committed a crime against Caesar, the procurator of Judea will ruin his career? Yes, yes! Of course he will. In the morning he would not have ruined it yet, but now, at night, having weighed everything, agrees to destroy. He will do anything to save a completely innocent, insane dreamer and doctor from execution!”

Also, according to the author, love is valuable; it can change a lot and withstand various difficulties. Love moved Margarita; she went through all the obstacles for the Master. She suffered mortal pain at the ball, not being sure that her wish would come true. And the fact that she sold her soul to the devil once again proves the strength of her love for the Master. The Master himself, being in the house of sorrow, dreamed of meeting her, but understood the hopelessness of the situation, but continued to love Margarita no matter what. The master, having gone through a difficult path and not giving up his principles, suffered and experienced a lot because of them. He really deserved peace, he deserved to write calmly, to reveal his talent. This is a man who appeared at the wrong time and in the wrong place, he is doomed to suffer in this society, and Volond, perfectly understanding this, gave him spiritual freedom.

Bulgakov wanted to convey to us readers that there are many false values ​​in the world and only strong personality can resist this oppression. The true values ​​in the novel for the writer are love, honesty, personal freedom, creativity, and the imaginary values ​​are money, false ideals of people built on the greed and cowardice of society. The author expressed his opinion in the words of Volond that people remained the same, he only spoiled them even more housing problem. Yes, times pass and people remain unchanged, they only change a little, adapt to environment, but the essence remains the same. Nothing has changed since the times of the Roman Empire, they only need one thing - “Bread and Circuses”!