Reading lesson Prishvin guys and ducklings. "Our Little Brothers"

Are you looking for something interesting and useful hobby? Try making soap with your own hands at home: recipes for beginners, informative video instructions, and detailed description process you will find on our website. Read, cook and enjoy the results.

Soap making at home: a fun activity for everyone

Just a decade ago, making soap with your own hands was almost impossible. There were not enough components, materials for work and basic practical knowledge. Today, soap making at home has become a pleasant hobby that allows create natural and affordable cosmetics at home, as well as the opportunity to show your creative ingenuity.

For many, the process of making soap has become a source of additional income, because organic cosmetics are extremely popular today. But before you get to serial production homemade soap, study the main points of making natural cosmetics, familiarize yourself with the components, consider the technology in detail.

Homemade soap can be made in many ways:

  • from soap base;
  • from ready-made baby soap;
  • from remnants;
  • You can prepare the base yourself.

Soap can also have different consistencies and shapes:

  • solid soap, which should be given a round, oval or rectangular shape, or poured into a special shaped container;
  • liquid soap with various essential additives.

Homemade soap is also convenient because you can independently select the ingredients for it according to your skin type, add natural scrubs, fragrances and essential oils. In fact, it all depends on your imagination, capabilities and mood. Next, we suggest studying and repeating simple master class on making soap at home.

Soap making for beginners: homemade soap based on children's soap

In order to take your first steps in soap making, it is not necessary to buy special bases and expensive ingredients: you can make do with the means at hand: natural additives, herbal decoctions, essential oils, etc. The base will consist of baby soap, which can be purchased at any household store.

So, let's take a closer look at such a fascinating and useful process as soap making for beginners - recipes with photos will help you do everything yourself and without extra effort.

In addition to 100 grams of regular baby soap (without fragrances or additives), you will need:

  • 100 ml milk;
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil;
  • essential oil of your choice (just add a couple of drops of cinnamon or vanilla oil to get a rich aroma);
  • 1 tablespoon of honey or sugar.

When preparing, you should also tinker a little with the dishes:

  • prepare a steam bath;
  • pick up a spoon or wooden stick for stirring soap mass;
  • remove a metal grater from household use;
  • prepare containers for pouring soap: these can be silicone cupcake molds (which you no longer use for food purposes), any plastic boxes, low glass jars, from which you can easily get the finished product.

Let's move on to the process of making homemade soap

How to make natural soap with your own hands?

Soap making is very creative process , allowing you to unleash your full potential and give pleasant moments spent doing your favorite activity. The approach to making homemade soap is completely varied. In addition to baby soap, as the main ingredient you can use a special soap base, diluted with milk, cream, herbal infusion and “seasoned” with base oil.

Also Soap base can be made from scratch using natural oils of coconut, castor, olive, cocoa, grape seed, as well as palm, mustard, sunflower oil. Natural oil also contains alkali, water and superfat (SF). The secrets of homemade soap-making magic lie in correctly selected proportions and a harmonious combination of all ingredients. When making homemade soap, you can safely use any essential oils and flavors, add natural dyes and your imagination.

Fresh ideas for making homemade soap

Natural soap today is not just a hygiene product. This beautiful piece art, a fragrant adventure, a celebration of tenderness and harmony, as well as many pleasant emotions. You can add any ingredients to your cosmetic creation and create a unique bouquet of aroma and texture.

  1. Natural scrubs. These particles gently exfoliate the skin, care for it and cleanse it. As a scrub, you can add natural coffee, oatmeal, cinnamon, and almond flour to the soap.
  2. Ground medicinal herbs. These ingredients have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Fruit or vegetable juice. Freshly squeezed carrot juice nourishes the skin and saturates it with vitamins.
  4. Cosmetic clay. This component cares for the skin, making it smooth and soft to the touch.

Video: how to make soap with your own hands?

The basis homemade soap- regular soap, preferably baby soap, with a minimum amount of fragrance. In addition, you can buy a more advanced composition - a soap base. It is odorless, white or transparent.

Base oils form the basis of soap shavings. These include olive oil, cedar oil, almond oil, vitamin E, jojoba oil, cocoa butter, sea buckthorn and others. They improve the meltability of soap. Essential and aromatic oils will give the soap a pleasant aroma. You can also add coffee, cocoa, various herbs and much more.

To make one bar of homemade soap you will need:

  • Baby soap - 2 pieces.
  • Water (or any other liquid) - 100-200 milliliters per piece. The melted soap should have a batter-like consistency or a little thicker.
  • Base oil - 2-3 tablespoons per 100 grams of soap.
  • Essential oils - 3-5 drops.
  • Soap molds.

How to make beautiful soap at home:

Step 1. Grate the soap on a fine grater. For this you can also use a food processor, blender, or electric graters.

Step 2. First you need to boil the water. We will need a “water bath”.

Step 3. Pour the carrier oils into a saucepan and place in a water bath for a couple of minutes.

Step 4. Pour soap shavings there and mix well.

Step 5. While stirring the soap shavings, carefully and slowly pour in hot (but not boiling) water/milk/coffee/cocoa/orange juice (it can be diluted with boiling water). It is important not to overfill the liquid; it is better to top it up later in the process. On average, a bar of soap takes a little more than half a glass.

Step 6. Stir the resulting soap solution for a long time, slowly until the lumps are completely dissolved. On average, the melting process takes from 30 minutes to three hours.
Recommendation: If you don’t want to wait that long, you can grate the soap and pour the required amount warm water and leave overnight. Overnight the soap will dissolve and you will get a wonderful soap base. After that, you just need to warm it up.

Step 7. When the soap dissolves, you need to add additives to it and keep it in the bathhouse for a little longer.

Step 8. Remove from heat and quickly, quickly drip in the required amount of essential oils. They erode when heated, so stir thoroughly but quickly.

Step 9. Pour everything into pre-prepared forms. Any plastic container is suitable as a mold: a mayonnaise jar, a glass, packages of pastries, cakes, cookies. It is important that its neck diameter is wider than the bottom. Otherwise, it will be difficult to remove the soap. It is also good to use various children's molds.

Step 10. Let it cool. Leave for several hours (preferably a day) in the refrigerator.

Step 11. When, when pressing on the soap, it does not press down and moves well away from the walls of the container, it can be removed. After which the soap will need to be dried.

Step 12. Place the soap in a warm, dry place, preferably on a piece of newspaper, so that the moisture is well absorbed. Soap needs about 2-7 days to mature.

How to make baby soap

for 100 grams of solid piece you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon of base oils;
  • 100 grams of liquid, including milk, decoctions, and so on;
  • 6-7 drops of essential oil;
  • 4-5 drops of dye;
  • other additives (chocolate, sugar, honey, coffee, oatmeal, etc.) 50 grams per 100 grams of soap.

To make soap based on baby:

  • "Let's melt baby soap»
  • To do this, first grate the pieces of baby soap. You should end up with soap shavings.
  • Now prepare a water bath: pour water into a saucepan that you place on the stove, so that the plate with the shavings is submerged to the brim in water. Heat must be transferred from the boiling water to the plate.
  • To make the chips melt well and quickly, add water to it, but milk is better, as it will give it special soft properties. You can also use melting agents: sugar (you can use vanilla sugar), honey or chocolate. These components speed up the melting process. Alternatively, add a decoction of herbs, but first dilute it with milk. Add all these components when the soap is in the bath. After 15-30 minutes the melting process will be completed. Make sure that the mixture does not boil, otherwise there will be unwanted bubbles in the soap.
  • As soon as the soap melts and becomes viscous without lumps, feel free to add base oils (1 tablespoon per 100 grams). Remove from the bath and add essential oils, dyes and other components to the warm mass. Since they are volatile, it is better to do this at the very end.
  • Stir the prepared mass thoroughly and pour into molds. You can also add ingredients in molds if you are making different soaps at once.
  • Leave the soap to cool in the refrigerator until it becomes hard.
  • Then place it in the air to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate. The water will cause the soap to dry out, so use a knife to cut off the excess.

Baby soap with jojoba oil

Add 1 tablespoon of jojoba oil to 100 grams of melted baby soap. Mix thoroughly so that the oil does not come to the surface. Soap with jojoba oil softens the skin well and is suitable for dry and sensitive skin. You should not add more oil, because... the soap will not lather well.

Soap based on chocolate (white or black).

You can add chocolate to soap with jojoba oil. If you use chocolate, use it while melting the baby soap as it will act as a melter. No more than 50 grams of chocolate should be added per 100 grams. To add a scrub effect, add ground coffee (no more than 1 teaspoon), this soap will exfoliate dead cells. To enhance the aroma, add orange essential oil. You'll get a New Year's piece of fragrant soap!

Soap with oatmeal

Melt baby soap and add jojoba oil to it. For 100 grams of prepared base, add 1 tablespoon oatmeal(can be ground). Stir the mixture until the flakes stop settling to the bottom of the pan. You should stir with a spoon so as not to form unnecessary bubbles in the soap. After this, rub your soap well with a spoon and put it in the refrigerator to cool.

M.M. Prishvin “Guys and Ducklings”

Goals: 1) to give an idea of ​​what is expressed in the description of the situation, actions and thoughts of the characters author's attitude to the heroes; 2) to develop the ability to see the author’s assessment of the hero in the description of the situation, actions and thoughts of the heroes; 3) develop an idea of ​​what caring consists of, careful attitude person to the surrounding world. During the classes1 Preparing for perception - Today we will meet with the writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin - naturalist, photographer. M.M. Prishvin lived a long and interesting life. He saw a lot and observed nature. All this was reflected with extraordinary completeness in the small and large stories of M.M. Prishvin. Look at his portrait. What can you say about him? (M.M. Prishvin has a kind and very attentive look, you want to come up and talk to him). – main topic works of M.M. Prishvin - the world of nature, beautiful, irresistible, harmonious, which lives its own life. And a man comes into this world. Sometimes his actions cause great harm to the natural world. This is what M.M. Prishvin told about in the story “Guys and Ducklings”. 2 Primary perception The beginning of the story is read by the student, the climax by the teacher, with the words “It’s as if they…” by the student, the ending by the teacher. 3 Clarification of primary perception and staging educational task- In what mood did you listen to the story? - So, man came to the world of nature. Let's re-read the story again and think about whether he behaves correctly. 4 Selective reading and text analysis 1) – Read paragraph 1 and find the answer to the questions: Row 1 – when? Series 2 took place in the spring – where? events in the swamp forest row 3 - with whom? story with a little duck - Why did the duck have to build a nest so far from the lake? (The lake overflowed far and there was a strong place for a nest...). - The water has subsided, and the duck goes with her ducklings into the lake, to freedom. 2) One student reads paragraph 2, the rest look for words with which the author shows how the mother duck behaved during the transition (“The mother walked behind so as not to let the ducklings out of sight for a minute”). - Why did the mother duck behave like this? (it’s like a person’s mother, because the journey was very dangerous). – Who poses a danger to the duck on this journey? (“eye of man, fox and hawk”). – Pay attention to the word order. Did you notice anything unusual about this order? (the person comes first). – Man, oddly enough, poses the greatest danger to the duck. And indeed, what the mother duck feared most of all happened. The boys saw the ducklings and ducklings. Think about how the children will behave? (children's opinions). 3) The student reads paragraph 3. The rest work according to options. Option 1 - find words that show the actions of the children; Option 2 - find words that show the actions of the duck. 1st century 2nd century They threw their hats, the mother ran after them with her open hand, caught the ducklings, collected them with her beak and flew to different sides to throw their hats at the mother - How do these actions characterize the children? (soulless, evil, made the duck suffer). – How do these actions characterize the mother duck? (caring, like a real mother). - Now let's dream up. Guess what could happen next to the duck and ducklings? - But why didn’t this happen? (“But then I came up”). -Who am I? (Author, M.M. Prishvin) - Let's look at the author's attitude to the actions of the guys. I’ll read the passage now, and you find words that will help you see this attitude. (“I asked sternly, I said very angrily, I ordered the guys”). – The author is outraged by the actions of the guys, condemnation can be heard in his words. Tell us what the guys did after talking with the author. – Find the sentence “It’s as if they…”. Why does the author use this word “as if”? (1-they chickened out, 2-they changed their minds). “The most important thing is that no tragedy occurred. The mother and children remained alive, “... the family continued their journey to the lake.” And the author feels a sense of joy from this. (“He joyfully took off his hat and, waving it, shouted:”! Bon voyage, ducklings!”). He wants the guys to experience this feeling of joy, and so the author turns to them: “Why are you laughing, silly people,” I said to the guys. “Do you think it’s so easy for ducklings to get to the lake?” Quickly take off all your hats and shout “Goodbye.” 5 Generalization. Lesson results - Did the guys behave correctly? What should they have done right away? - What did M. Prishvin’s story “Guys and Ducklings” make you think about? 6 Homework - Prepare expressive reading climax part.

UMK L. F. Klimanova

Goals: introduce students to the works of M. Prishvin; develop expressive reading skills; learn to highlight semantic parts, draw up a story plan; instill a love of nature and animals.

Planned results: students should be able to predict the content of a text based on its title, read aloud with a gradual transition to silent reading, and perceive what they read by ear; draw up a plan, retell the plan in detail.

Equipment: portrait and books of M. Prishvin; cards (text for speech warm-up, tasks).

Lesson progress #1

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up


The clever hoopoe fished with a broom,

A crocodile was sweeping the street with a fishing rod.

The mustachioed duck caught a mouse,

The cat and ducklings were diving into the river.

Something must have been wrong.

What did our poet, the eccentric, mess up?

I. Semenova

- Answer the question in the poem.

- Read the poem slowly (also: with acceleration, surprise, regret, angrily, cheerfully).

- Read it expressively.

III. Setting lesson goals

- Read and guess the riddle.

Small boats

Along the river - back and forth.

There are boats ahead

He calls for the boats.

- How did you solve the riddle? (Duck with ducklings.)

Today we will get acquainted with M. Prishvin’s story “Guys and Ducklings” and learn about the author himself.

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Teacher’s story about M. Prishvin

Material for teachers

He spoke about how Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin became a writer in his autobiographical novel “Kashcheev’s Chain.” His mother was left a widow with five children. The boy saw how difficult it was for her to raise her children and educate them, and saw the need of the peasants. And so he decided that all people, as in his nanny’s fairy tale, are in captivity of Kashchei (Koshchei) the Immortal - in a world where evil reigns. And he, the boy, is called upon to break his chain. Good must triumph over evil.

2. Primary reading

(The story is read by the teacher and students.)

— What are your impressions?

3. Vocabulary work

Versta is an old Russian measure of length, a little more than a kilometer.

A fallow field is a field left unseeded for one summer to clear weeds.

V. Physical education minute

(A duck is selected. Children, walking around the class behind the duck, must follow all the movements behind it: they either waddle from one foot to the other, then walk with their palms on their knees, or swim, making circular movements with their hands in front of their chest.)

meadow duck


meadow duck,

Gray, field,

Where did you spend the night?


Under a bush, under a birch tree.

I walk by myself, ducky,

I take my children.

I'll swim on my own, duckling.

I'll take my children.

VI. Consolidation of what has been learned

1. Work on the story

- Read the beginning of the story and imagine this picture. Orally describe the path of the duck and ducklings to the lake.

— What can you say about the guys who caught the ducklings? What are they like: cheerful, cruel, stupid, thoughtless, carefree? Prove it.

—What does the writer call ducklings?

— Were the guys able to understand their actions?

— What can you say about the person on whose behalf the story is being told?

2. Working with proverbs

- Read the proverbs, explain their meaning, find those that fit M. Prishvin’s story.

Every person is known in action.

He who helped quickly helped twice.

Stand boldly for what is right!

VII. Reflection

— What did you do especially well?

-What does he teach us?

“If nature could feel gratitude to a person for penetrating her life and singing her praises, then first of all this gratitude would fall to Mikhail Prishvin,” wrote Konstantin Paustovsky. In his opinion, Prishvin is a very unique writer, unlike anyone else: neither in our literature nor in world literature.


Prepare an expressive reading of the story.

Progress of lesson No. 2

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

- Read the poem quickly.

There was a duck on the pond

Teach your ducklings.

Ducklings swim in plain sight

Mom doesn't want it.

The duck is suffering terribly:

“Well, what will come of them?”

- Read the tongue twister slowly (also: with acceleration and gradually slowing down the pace; angrily, cheerfully, with surprise).

III. Setting lesson goals

- Guess the riddle.

Amazing child!

Just got out of diapers,

Can swim and dive.

What's his name birth mother. (Duckling.)

— Guys, try to formulate the goals of the lesson yourself. (Students try to do this.)

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson

- Work in pairs. Reread M. Prishvin's story, divide it into parts. ( Independent work students.)

- Read the first part. What did you title it? (The following parts are also defined.)

- Compare the resulting plan with the one given in the textbook on p. 135.

V. Physical education minute

Let's spread our legs with the letter L,

As if dancing - hands on hips.

Leaned left and right

Left-right, left-right...

It turns out great.

VI. Consolidation of what has been learned

1. Story

- Prepare a retelling of the text according to the received plan. (Through certain time- retelling. Several students may answer.)

2. Proverbs

- Read the proverbs and find those that fit M. Prishvin’s story.

Obedience brings fruit, but insolence brings disaster.

Don't give free rein to a fool in the field.

Time will teach you what to do.

Stupidity is a neighbor to trouble.

3. Riddles

1. The crawler crawls, the needles are lucky. (Hedgehog.)

2. Crooked nose -

Green tail. (Crossbill.)

3. Small, light,

But you can’t lift it by the tail. (Lizard.)

4. He is not at all bloodthirsty,

Because herbivore

There are two horns on the nose,

There are hooves on the legs -

Protection from enemies. (Rhinoceros.)

5. I’m small, I walk around unnoticed,

But I carry myself more. (Ant.)

6. Mother, I don’t know my father,

But I often call

I won't know the children.

I'll sell it to strangers. (Cuckoo.)

7. Stone below, stone above.

Eats grass, but not a cow

The chicken lays eggs, but not the chicken. (Turtle.)

8. Small, green,

Knees back. (Grasshopper.)

9. Guests come in the spring,

And they leave in the fall. (Migratory birds.)

10. The hut was built without hands, without an axe. (Nest.)

11. Dresses up in summer, undresses in winter. (Forest.)

12. No one is scared, but everyone is trembling. (Aspen.)

13. The hut is whitewashed, and the crown is green. (Birch.)

14. What is the same shirt in summer and winter? (Fur tree, pine tree.)

4. Attention task

- Find six wild animals in this text. Hint: carefully read all the words syllable by syllable.


Kolka Bannikov considered himself the most unfortunate person. On Sunday, his parents went on a visit, and they gave him his four-year-old brother Edik. Troubles poured out as if from a thin bag. First, the brothers broke the sugar bowl. Then they knocked over the mug of milk. It poured from the table onto the floor. Edik reached under the table and began to smear the white puddle with a napkin.

Kolka remarked irritably:

- In half an hour, you can go crazy from your pranks. And I have to endure them all day. Get out immediately!

Thank you, brother, it didn’t take long to wait. The elder immediately began to lecture him:

“Sit quietly at the table,” they tell you. But you keep spinning around like a spinning top. This is how I’ll pour it in on the first day! Too lazy to just look for a strap...

VII. Reflection

— What new did you learn in the lesson?

—What would you praise yourself for?

— What did you especially succeed in?

VIII. Summing up the lesson

- What is the name of the story studied in class?


Prepare a retelling of the text on behalf of the children.