Drawing of a square glass jar drawn. How to draw a jar with a pencil step by step

I don’t remember what kind of lesson it was about different vessels. But since our readers ask, we will continue to learn new things. Today we will talk about how to draw a jar with a pencil. First, let's find out where the glass came from? For King Pea In ancient times, let's count 5 thousand years ago, a person noticed that under the influence of critically high temperatures, ordinary sand turns into transparent pebbles and pieces. At first, glass was considered almost like diamonds, then figures and figurines were made from them, and windows began to be covered. The championship in glass production lies behind Egypt, a civilization that has already distinguished itself by its coolness by building the wonder of the world - the pyramids. Glass jewelry was found in the tombs of pharaohs. Let’s also say a big thank you for the glass jars and bottles that made our life so much easier. It’s one thing to store a product in some container, another thing to see with your own eyes how it’s doing there behind transparent glass.

What are the advantages of using glass containers:

  • Plus: you can actually see the condition of the product, not even for practical purposes, but just shake the can and see what happens. Disadvantage: easily broken and slippery.
  • A completely vacuum jar preserves food well and for a long time. Pros: Even if the shelf life has passed, transparency helps assess the level of damage. Cons: wooden or even stone containers preserve food for longer and give it a specific taste.
  • Can be used as a weapon to stun an enemy. Pros: always at hand, whether you are at home or in a bar or in a store. Cons: Glass has a tendency to break into pieces, which can be fatal.

How to draw a jar with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, draw a square shape and divide it in half. Step two. Draw a vessel with a large neck symmetrically relative to the vertical line. Let's round the corners a little at the bottom. Step three. We outline everything drawn with a thick line, defining the necessary shape and edges. Step four. Step five. Now we remove the auxiliary lines, and apply more shadows and highlights to the jar itself. Do you want to book a drawing lesson? Write to me here - order desk.

Learn how to draw other objects.

Let's draw a favorite childhood treat with a pencil, these lollipops are an excellent object for learning how to draw objects lying in a convex glass container.

The object we look at through the rounded surface of the glass has a slightly distorted shape. Perhaps the artist does not need to know the mechanism by which this optical effect occurs, but he must certainly take it into account in his work. Only then will he be able to realistically depict a transparent vase, jug or jar.

Drawing objects that are visible through convex transparent glass is not an easy task even for an experienced artist. (glass not only slightly distorts the outlines of objects, but also changes their tone. When you draw glass, do not forget that you need to show its thickness. To do this, artists use various techniques. So, in our case, lollipops, touching the walls of the jar, visually “outline” the entire internal surface, which is what allows the thickness of the glass to be conveyed.

Graduated pencil shadow
This monochrome pattern provides an opportunity to practice creating subtle color transitions, from light to almost black tones. The candies themselves are colored white and black, but the glass through which we view them produces complex gray tones in between. You can convey these shades using two different pencils - the harder B and the softer 4 B.

First, just lightly outline the contours of the candies, onto which you will subsequently apply dark stripes with a 4B pencil. The combination of dark and light curved stripes allows you to describe the shape of each candy, so there is no need to draw their clear contours. Add volume to the candies using shades of tone applied with Pencil B. Finish with light shading to highlight the smooth texture of the glass.

Bright highlights in a pencil drawing
The light falling on the glass creates bright reflections on its surface. This effect is successfully conveyed by white paper, so in those places where you intend to depict highlights, it should be left clean, not shaded. If you have shaded any area of ​​the paper by mistake, you can always lighten it with a soft mastic eraser.

For the pencil drawing lesson you will need:
Sheet of drawing paper
Pencils B and 4B
Mastic eraser
Sandpaper for sharpening pencils

1 Outline the contours of the can with a pencil

Take pencil B and begin to outline the outline of the can, paying particular attention to its proportions. At this stage, work especially carefully, slowly. Try to accurately depict the ellipses that form the lid, neck and bottom of this transparent vessel. To make sure. that the ellipses are drawn correctly, hold the drawing up to the mirror. Now draw a thin vertical line through the center of the jar and check the symmetry of your design.

2 Sketch out the contours of the candies and shadows with a pencil

Draw lines along the inside edges of the can outline. This way you will convey the thickness of the glass. Then use free strokes to sketch out the outlines of the candies. Please note that the outlines of the candies lying in the neck of the jar are somewhat distorted. This optical effect creates convex glass on the walls of the vessel. Using the same pencil B, outline the gray tones at the top of the can. Apply the shadow cast by the can with light shading. Take a 4B pencil and apply intense shadows to the lid of the jar, the round “bump” and the curved “shoulders”.

3 Apply gray tones with a pencil

Take pencil B again and apply medium gray tones to the neck of the jar and the side of the lid. To avoid smearing the drawing, place a sheet of clean paper under your hand.

We continue to draw with a pencil
Once you have outlined the outline of the jar and candies, draw black stripes on the candies. These are very important details of the drawing. They perform not only decorative functions, but also describe the object, helping to show its volume. Before you begin this work, carefully consider the location of the stripes and the nature of their curved outlines.

4 Draw stripes with a pencil

Start drawing dark stripes on the candy canes using a 4B pencil. Increase pressure on the pencil in those places where the color should be more intense. Notice how clearly the outlines of the dark stripes on the candy at the top of the jar are distorted. Add gray tones between the candies to soften the black and white color scheme of their design. Apply a gray tone to the right side of the jar.

5 Create highlights in a pencil drawing using an eraser

Continue drawing stripes. Use pencil B for grays and pencil 4B for dark tones. Gray tones help highlight the shape of the candy canes. Shade the base of the can with a 4B pencil. If you accidentally apply shading in places where there should be highlights, erase the pencil with a mastic eraser.

6 Enhancing the tonal contrasts of a pencil drawing

Go over all the candies again to intensify their tones. Draw the candy canes lying next to the jar. Apply gray tones on them with a B pencil, and dark stripes with a 4B pencil. Capture the crisp, dark gray shadows cast by these candies. Finish the shadow on the can. Do this using cross hatching.

Now you can add a few touches that will help you emphasize!, highlights and soften the edges of shadows.

7 Highlighting the highlights of a pencil drawing

Take a 4B pencil and deepen the shadows that surround the highlights - particularly on the glass "bump" of the jar lid. You will see that after this the highlights will shine even brighter. If you missed a highlight somewhere - for example, on a piece of candy - it's easy to fix. Erase the pencil shading in this place with an eraser and surround the highlight created in this way with dark shadows.

8 Softening the tones of a pencil drawing

Deepen the tone of the left edge of the can to bring out its shape more clearly. Intensify the tone of the shadow cast by the can. Finish the job by using an eraser to soften the edges of the shadow and lighten a wide horizontal stripe on it.

How to sharpen a pencil

Pencil lead often breaks when sharpened with a knife or sharpener. Try using fine sandpaper for this. At the same time, you can sharpen the lead gradually, which will allow you to use it more economically.

Lesson on how to draw candies with a pencil – the result of the lesson

A Interesting distortions
The distorted lines of the stripes help to convey the convex outline of the neck of the jar and make the shape of the candy more interesting.

B Soft shadow
The edges of the shadow cast by the can are softened with an eraser. It was used to process the edges of the shadow and highlight the stripe in the middle.

In a variety of tones
The shape of the lollipops is described using highlights, curved stripes and various shades of tone - from light gray to black.

Categories: December 14, 2011

I don’t remember what kind of lesson it was about different vessels. But since our readers ask, we will continue to learn new things. Today we will talk about how to draw a jar with a pencil. First, let's find out where the glass came from? For King Pea In ancient times, let's count 5 thousand years ago, a person noticed that under the influence of critically high temperatures, ordinary sand turns into transparent pebbles and pieces. At first, glass was considered almost like diamonds, then they made figures, figurines, and started pawning them. The championship in glass production lies behind Egypt, a civilization that has already distinguished itself by its coolness by building the wonder of the world - the pyramids. Glass jewelry was found in the graves. Let’s also say a big thank you for the glass jars and bottles that made our life so much easier. It’s one thing to store a product in some container, another thing to see with your own eyes how it’s doing there behind transparent glass.

What are the advantages of using glass containers:

  • Plus: you can actually see the condition of the product, not even for practical purposes, but just shake the can and see what happens. Disadvantage: easily broken and slippery.
  • A completely vacuum jar preserves food well and for a long time. Pros: Even if the shelf life has passed, transparency helps assess the level of damage. Cons: wooden or even stone containers preserve food for longer and give it a specific taste.
  • Can be used as a weapon to stun an enemy. Pros: always at hand, whether you are at home or in a bar or in a store. Cons: Glass has a tendency to break into pieces, which can be fatal.

How to draw a jar with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, draw a square shape and divide it in half. Step two. Draw a vessel with a large neck symmetrically relative to the vertical line. Let's round the corners a little at the bottom. Step three. We outline everything drawn with a thick line, defining the necessary shape and edges. Step four. Step five. Now we remove the auxiliary lines, and apply more shadows and highlights to the jar itself. Do you want to book a drawing lesson? Write to me here -

Autumn is the season of harvesting and preparing all sorts of canned goodies for the winter. The most favorite “autumn” fruit of this period is, of course, the apple. But besides eating it, you can also use it in creativity. Yes, it is precisely in creativity that it can become the main tool for creating a future masterpiece. This time we will create and “cook” the most delicious compote of apples and currants using paints and stamps. So let's get started..

60 minutes

about 80-100 rub.



To create a “fruit compote” we will need:

  1. Sheet of watercolor paper A4
  2. Gouache
  3. Brush No. 18 synthetic or kolinsky
  4. Jar of water
  5. Palette
  6. Scissors
  7. Cotton buds
  8. Yellow paper napkin
  9. Satin ribbon
  10. Apples 4 - 6 pcs.
  11. Jar template
  12. A simple pencil.
  13. Black marker

The very first thing we need to do is a template cut out from any newspaper that we don’t mind. The template for the three-liter jar itself can be downloaded here and printed on A4 sheet. We draw our jar of compote on the newspaper or, using the downloaded template, and cut it out. Then we place our finished template on a sheet of A4 watercolor paper in the middle and trace it.

Then, having prepared gouache paints, a palette, a brush and a jar for water, we completely paint our jar of compote with one color (composed of red, yellow and white). We are waiting for our painted “can” to dry.

Take apples, preferably small ones, and cut them into two halves. Apply gouache paint to half an apple using a brush; you can use several colors at once (for example, one half of the apple is red, the other is yellow, etc.). Add very little water so that the gouache has a thick consistency, like sour cream.

And then we apply the apple, with the side where the paint is, to our jar and press it and make an imprint on it. The apple becomes a stamp, creating a masterpiece before our eyes. If it turned out unclear. You can add paint and repeat the print in the same place.

We print as many apples as needed for our delicious “fruit compote”.

We fill the space between the apples with clusters of red and black currants. In order to draw currants we will need cotton swabs. It is with their help that, by loading the stick into the paint, we make a point in the right place. Making up a whole bunch of currants from dots. Draw as many currants as you want.

Our next step will be to draw with a black marker the tails and stems and seeds of the apples, and also the eyes of the red currants.

We draw “eyes” on black currants using white gouache and a thin brush.

When the work is completely ready. We cut out our finished jar of fruit compote, right according to its silhouette. The final touch is to “put” a napkin on the lid of our jar and tie a ribbon.

Our jar of “fruit compote” is ready!