Guitar terms. Glossary of guitar terms

For more than a thousand years, Russia has existed as a multinational state. Many different nations and peoples (ethnicities) have left their unique mark on its long and difficult history.

It is known that relations between the peoples inhabiting Russia were not always easy and cloudless. There were periods of mutual grievances and reproaches. But if the country was in danger of trouble, if uninvited enemies invaded its territory, the peoples of Russia forgot about past quarrels and stood shoulder to shoulder in defense of their common Motherland. This friendship manifested itself most fully during the Great Patriotic War, when people of all nationalities, without exception, at the front and in the rear demonstrated miracles of courage and fortitude every day.

Unfortunately, after the collapse of the USSR, interethnic relations seriously deteriorated in a number of former Soviet republics. In some places, pockets of ethnic conflicts have broken out and are still smoldering. Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Abkhazia - these geographical names are known to us both from the pages of school textbooks and from media reports. During peacetime, tens of thousands of people became refugees. Families are breaking up, children are suffering...

Some analysts predict the fate of the USSR for Russia. And “hot spots” appeared on her map. And in seemingly calm regions, there is an increase in racist and nationalist sentiments, including among young people. Waves of hostility towards “strangers”, “aliens”, “foreigners” sometimes overwhelm the streets of Russian cities, while the lofty words “patriot”, “internationalism”, “Fatherland” in the mouths of unscrupulous politicians often become only a weapon in the struggle for power.

Of course, for any person, the closest one will forever remain his motherland– where he was born and raised, where he went to school and met his first love. And we love our Krasnodar region, its history and culture more than any other place in the world. But we are residents of the vast Russian Federation, all citizens of which, regardless of nationality, religion, social and property status, have equal rights and are equally worthy of happiness.

We are deeply convinced that one of the main reasons for misunderstanding between representatives of different nationalities and cultures is a basic lack of information. Let's be honest: how much do we, and especially our students, know about the traditions and customs of peoples living in different republics, territories and regions? Russian Federation? Why, for example, does the coat of arms of Tatarstan depict a white winged leopard, and the flag of the Republic of Adygea depicts three crossed arrows? The gaps need to be corrected.

Together with our students, as well as with their parents, we began to develop extracurricular activities dedicated to introducing children of other nationalities who study in our class to their homeland. Let’s say right away that without the interest and enormous help of the students’ parents, we probably would not have received such Holidays (with a capital “F”). Preparation for the holidays “Salam” (“Hello”), dedicated to Dagestan, and “Gamarjoba” (“Hello”), dedicated to Georgia (see below), was very interesting and quite labor-intensive.

First, of course, there was a meeting with the students’ parents, mom and dad, where we had to think about how to present their Homeland in the most interesting way. Parents selected products folk art, which are kept in their house, they offered to tell about some custom of their people, and prepared a national dish for a treat. We selected material about history, about famous people, unusual holidays, we prepared photographic materials for decorating the office. With our students, we studied the works of national poets, dramatized children's poems, learned national dances and games. Let us emphasize once again that parents, who showed noticeable enthusiasm, provided enormous assistance in preparing for the holidays.

So, at the “Salam” evening dedicated to getting to know Dagestan, the mother of Magomedov’s student Artem, Gulnara Khanakhmedovna, brought her wedding scarf, which she still keeps, and spoke about the custom of handing over the bride to the groom’s relatives. The role of the “bride” was played by the mother of the Russian student Shkolyar Maxim, and Gulnara Khanakhmedovna was “the bride’s relatives” and pinned banknotes on the scarf. For this holiday, the parents brought a video cassette with views of Dagestan, and the story about their Homeland was against the backdrop of images of beautiful mountains. The guys did not stand aside. Poems by R. Gamzatov were staged, elements of Dagestan dance were learned (the whole class danced). Our evening ended with a sweet treat - baklava, which was baked by the mother of Artem, the hero of the holiday, dressed in National Costume. The celebration was attended not only by all the children from the class, but also by their parents. Everyone enjoyed this evening. The holiday ended with dancing by both students and parents to Dagestan music.

On the next holiday, “Gamarjoba,” all the parents came again with their children. At this evening we got acquainted with the folk festival “Tbiliso”, which is held in Tbilisi. The mother of student Sindoyan Liana (they have an international family: mother is Georgian, father is Armenian), Olga Solomonovna, prepared churchkhela for the treat. Olga Solomonovna’s relatives also came to this holiday. The performance of four-year-old Lomsadze Lali, who sang a song in Georgian, was incomparable. This family deeply honors its national traditions. It is gratifying that, living in Kuban, the little girl knows her native language. The young artist was awarded thunderous applause. The guests of the evening looked with interest at the knitted items with Georgian patterns that Liana’s grandmother had knitted. And again, national music was played at the festival, games were played, and dances were performed.

It is interesting that the parents who prepared the “Salam” holiday helped in preparing and holding the “Gamarjoba” holiday. Isn’t this the best result of the work of teachers and parents and a role model for our children? After all, the main goal of our work is to cultivate tolerance towards people of other nationalities! As a result, no unflattering statements were subsequently made in the class about students of other nationalities, because the children understood that each nation is unique and interesting, each has a rich history, interesting customs, unique color. Well, the “praise” came from the words of one of the student’s mothers: “When will there be another holiday? Let's dedicate it to our Motherland - Kuban. It's so interesting! May I help?” Of course it is possible and necessary! So we still have all the work ahead of us, because we have not yet gotten to know all the students’ native places.

Practice has shown that much in international education depends on the teacher, on whether he wants and is able to carry out this painstaking work. What is international education today? For politicians, this is a relic of the communist past; for teachers, it is a necessary element in educating the younger generation.

“International education is the formation of feelings of unity, friendship, equality and brotherhood that unite the peoples of Russia, a culture of interethnic communication, intolerance towards manifestations of national narrow-mindedness and chauvinistic arrogance,” academician Dmitry Likhachev once said. Today, international education is an optional element in teaching activities. Some simply ignore it as a relic of the communist past. This term is no longer included in the latest edition of the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary.

However, international education is still one of the areas in the work of a school teacher. The words of N.K. Krupskaya still ring true today: “International education should be an everyday matter, and not be reduced only to international rallies and celebrations. All educational work should be imbued with it.” Today's politicians are alien to the opinions of teachers. Internationalism is not held in high esteem. There have even been attempts to compile lists of Georgian children studying in Russian schools. Moscow teachers opposed it. They are admired by the famous Georgian teacher Sh. A. Amonashvili. He is the author of the concept of humane pedagogy, the creator of a system of teaching children from 6 years old. The works of the Georgian teacher are recognized all over the world. He himself learned everything from different nations. “Russia is a multinational country, and this is its wealth,” said Shalva Aleksandrovich. In his opinion, when raising children, it is necessary to take the best in each culture. “There is something Georgian in me, but when I am among my Ukrainian and Belarusian colleagues, I understand that everyone is interested in this way of thinking, we're talking about about sublime values, and mountains are the sublime, spirituality, faith,” explained Shalva Aleksandrovich Amonashvili. Some modern teachers believe that it was the elimination of international education from school practice in the 90s of the 20th century that became one of the reasons for the emergence of interethnic conflicts. In addition, we should not forget about youth nationalist organizations professing the ideas of Nazism. Their ranks today are replenished with teenagers, our students. The teacher’s task is to create conditions for the formation in students of a tolerant attitude towards the world around them, which is especially important in the conditions of a multinational and multi-confessional region, such as the Krasnodar Territory.

Class hour script (grades 1-7)

There are many evil ones
In any human destiny;
And they will only say a kind word -
And your heart is lighter.
But such a kind word
Not everyone knows how to find
To cope with a friend's sadness,
You can overcome adversity along the way.
There is no kind word more valuable
Zavetny the words of that,
But rarely, my friends, still
We say it out loud.

(Mark Schechter)

– And today I want to give you one of my kind words: “Gamarjoba” - hello!

Listen to how this word “gamarjoba” sounds in Georgian. A gentle and at the same time strong, affectionate and very proud word, as if all the pride of the beautiful, great people - the Georgians - had poured into it. Georgians call themselves “Kartveli”, and their homeland – Sakartvel O.

Georgia is one of the ancient states peace. People have lived on the territory of modern Georgia since the dawn of human history (and this is thousands of years ago). Georgian writing arose in the 3rd century. BC.; Georgian writing does not differ from pronunciation - the word is pronounced exactly as it is written.

In ancient times, there were two states: Eastern Georgia - Iveria, Western Georgia - Colchis. And in the 12th century. The Georgian people threw off the yoke of foreigners and united into a single state. It was during this period that the national culture reached its peak. This was a little bit of Georgian history.

And now I invite you to “transport” to this beautiful country. / the story is set against the background of photo slides, accompanied by a Georgian folk melody/ WITH west side Georgia is washed by the waters of the Black Sea. It rains a lot here and there is almost no winter. There are gardens here where orange, tangerine and lemon trees, tea and flower plantations are grown. Bamboo and eucalyptus grow in the wetlands of the Colchis lowland. And the sunny valleys along the Kura River and its tributary Alaz A neither are famous for their vineyards and orchards, where apples, pears, cherry plums, persimmons, pomegranates, and plums are grown.

On the background blue sky The snowy ridges look beautiful Greater Caucasus. Dense forests grow on the mountain slopes: pine, beech, boxwood, chestnut and many others. Higher in the mountains are slender fir trees, and even higher are alpine meadows where flocks of sheep graze.

Many poets have dedicated beautiful poems to Georgia. Today we will get acquainted with these lines. The poet Mamiya Varshanidze, a participant in the Great Patriotic War from the first to the last day, glorifies the beauty of his Motherland / students read/:

In another river the water is the color of azure,
Others are yellowish when exposed to light.
But here is my Kura, my Inguri,
It seems to me that they have no comparison.
All mountains are somewhat similar to each other.
Eternal snow whitens on the peaks.
But I still distinguish it from others:
This is Ushba, this is my Kazbek.
It’s breathtaking, I readily believe -
Such a vast expanse of fields in another land.
But the Kakhaberi plain is dearer to me,
The Alazani Valley is dearer to me...

Teacher: The capital of Georgia is Tbilisi. It is one of the most ancient cities; in 1958 it turned 1500 years old. The name of the city comes from the word “tbili” - warm, because there are warm springs near the city. And the people of Tbilisi will give you a very warm welcome if you come to their house as a guest.

(Story mother of student Sindoyan (before marriageGelashvili) Olga Solomonovna about Tbilisi, about the Tbilisoba holiday, accompanied by a display of family photographs, a demonstration of folk art products stored in seven.)/

Teacher: And, of course, dancing and songs have always been an integral part of Georgian holidays.

Georgian dance performed by class students.

Teacher: Today Liana’s relatives came to visit us. Lomsadze Lolita and Liana herself will read poems to us in their native language.

Student: We also prepared a “gift” for you: the Georgian folk song “Hawk”, however, translated into Russian / student reads/:

Hawk, hawk! Shoo, villain!
Everybody scream louder
To release the chicken
Evil claw robber!

Teacher: But Lolita also prepared a song for us in her native language.

(Song about the sun. )

Teacher: Georgia is a land of mineral springs and resorts. But near Batumi, a major seaport, there is a magnificent botanical garden.

Remembering distant childhood,
I see a tired mother in a veil.
To the city for the first time from the mountainous region
We arrived together at dawn.
We are trading they passed in rows,
Everything seems as if in a dream.
Then they bought a skullcap in the shop,
A hat with beaded embroidery, for me.
I followed my mother, hiding my anxiety.
Noisy streets, people everywhere.
I was afraid that my mother was on the way
He won’t find it back in our village.
We went out to the sea... Oh miracle! At the beginning
We just couldn't believe our eyes
The waves rocked the sailing boat,
The ships were sailing somewhere, smoking.
What else do I remember about you Batumi?
He was probably too timid and small
And, confused in the street noise,
I didn’t understand your beauty...

(Mamiya Varshanidze)

Teacher: What is a Georgian holiday without a feast? Well, who hasn’t heard of traditional Georgian dishes: shish kebab and khinkali, satsivi, bread - lavash, matsoni. And today Olga Solomonovna will treat us to real Georgian khachapuri and churchkhela. ( Treat.)

We started the holiday by getting to know the kind word “gamarjoba”, so let’s get to know others kind words: “gmadlobt” - thank you and “nahvamdis” - goodbye.

And remember, my dear guys, no matter what we are - black-haired or blond; with white, black, yellow skin; let us differ in the color of our eyes, the shape of our nose, our manner of speaking - we are all Humans, inhabitants of the same planet. Let's love and respect people different nationalities, living near you.

(Read by Sindoyan Liana.)

In me, in me there are rivers and fields,
And the seas are blue, and the mountain spurs.
I love you, my Georgia, -
The beginning and end of my journey.


Synopsis “Festival of the Peoples of the World”. Georgia. 1. Behind the majestic Caucasus Mountains lies a beautiful country called Georgia. And we invite you to Georgia. 2. The coat of arms of Georgia is St. George slaying a dragon and 2 lions holding a crown. The words on the white ribbon translate to “Strength in Unity.” 3. The capital of Georgia, Tbilisi, translated means “warm spring”. The meaning of some Georgian words will undoubtedly make each of our compatriots smile. In Georgian, the word “mama” means “grandfather”, “dad” means “mama”, “grandmother” means “bebua”, and grandfather means “babua”. It's funny, isn't it? Especially when you imagine a small child loudly calling for his “mom”. 4. Monasteries, cathedrals, fortresses, temples, churches are not full list what you can see when you come to this country.

5 . Pottery and embossing are the most popular crafts.

6.The flora and fauna of Georgia is diverse
The nature of Georgia is famous for its mountain landscapes, warm and mild climate.
7. Oh, Georgia, your hills and rivers, glorified by poets throughout the centuries. And they awaken in every person, Love for you, sung in the lines. And the heart is filled with delight, And heaven sends bliss to the soul. When, with their beautiful three-voices, the Georgians sing a song together.
(children sing the song “Danama”)
8 . The nature of Georgia also gifts the people with rich harvests of fruits, vegetables, and sweet grapes.

And what a aroma our grapes give off here, It tastes very sweet, I’ll share it with you!
(imagine grapes)
10. Georgian hospitality is known to many. In Georgia, guests are greeted and seen off with special honor, they are treated attentively, and nothing is spared. For example, according to ancient tradition the guest had to give his weapon to the elder in the house or the owner before entering the house. By this, he seemed to say that he came with good intentions, inspired confidence, and instilled peace and friendship.
eleven . SATSIVI SULUGUNI KHARCHO khachapuri khinkali This is an incomplete list of traditional Georgian dishes, the names of which have long been part of our lives. The traditional and well-known Georgian dish “tabaka chicken” has absolutely nothing to do with tobacco. It's just a mispronounced name. The correct name of the dish sounds like “tapaka chicken” and comes from a special frying pan called “tapaka”, which Georgian housewives often use. 12. Georgian national costume National clothing in Georgia was very original. The severity of men's attire, and the elegance and grace of women's attire 13. Appreciate the beauty of Georgian dance. Men demonstrate courage, strength, belligerence. High jumps, incredible pirouettes. They dance on their fingers and spin on their knees. Women move gracefully, swimming like swans on water.
(dance performance)

General school educational event

(Friendship Lesson)

"On the hills of Georgia...",

conducted at the MBOU gymnasium named after. Andrei Platonov together with representatives of the Georgian community of Voronezh and with the participation of the ensemble national creativity Georgia “Bagrationi” March 17, 2012,

developed by a teacher of Russian language and literature

Baich Svetlana Vladimirovna.

In modern Russian society there are problems of social tension and disunity, interethnic conflicts, destruction of a single cultural space. The problem of intercultural communication is acute. This may be due to the acute international situation, flows of refugees and internally displaced persons, overly politicized public consciousness, intolerance towards other cultural manifestations. It is possible to reduce the influence of these unfavorable factors with the successful joint preservation and revival of the cultures of peoples historically and territorially closeRussian Federation. Georgians have been such a people for us for many centuries.
In my opinion, it is important to study, preserve and develop all the existing spiritual wealth and diversity of cultures, and to establish harmonious interethnic and international ties. The core of healthy social relations should be tolerance towards one’s own and other cultures, an understanding of the self-sufficiency and value of each of them. The whole consists of different poles, and contradictions are resolved by unity and friendship. We are together with Georgian people were in the past, I want not to lose this connection in the future.

Purpose of the event: acquaintance of students with Georgia, its people, customs, culture, awareness of them historical connections two states - Russia and Georgia,creating a favorable environment for development creative activity, culture of interethnic communication.


    to intensify students’ cognitive interest in the history and culture of their state and neighboring states;

    introduce artistic means V historical development manifestation of the best traits of one’s own and friendly people;

    foster internationalism and respect for the cultural identity and language of other peoples;

    promote cooperation and solidarity in solving common problems.

Form: school-wide educational event.

Equipment: computer (presentationPowerPoint), projector, music equipment.

Preparatory work.

Any event aimed at promoting tolerance must take place in dialogue, based on mutual understanding and interaction. The process of learning and education occurs in joint activities when students begin to realize the value of other people and they develop a need to communicate with them and to support them. In preparation of this event the teacher relied on group work students of different school age. 6th grade students prepared a story and presentation about geographical location, historical development, features of the culture and language of Georgia. 11th grade students were developing a literary and musical composition reflecting the connections between the two peoples. In the process of preparing the event, connections were established with the Georgian community of the city of Voronezh, the youth department of this community and the national creativity ensemble “Bagrationi”. Mutual understanding and cooperation made it possible to organically combine the work done by the gymnasium students and the artistic performances provided by the guests.

Progress of the event.

The song by Soso Pavliashvili and Oleg Gazmanov about Russian-Georgian friendship(Presentation, Slide No. 1).

Speech by 6th grade students with a story about Georgia.

GEORGIA (Sakartvelo) - a country with ancient history and original unique culture, kind and sympathetic people, a country of flowers and songs, a country of temples, mountains and blue skies.(Presentation, Slide No. 2)

They say that while God was allocating places for different nations, the Georgians were on a revelry. God had already finished distributing the lands when the Georgians came to him. The surprised Lord asked where they had been before this time. “We made toasts in your honor,” the Georgians answered. The flattered Lord said: “If so, then I will give you an excellent piece of land that I have set aside for myself.” This is how the Georgians got Georgia.

Georgia is located in the central and western part of Transcaucasia, and in the west it is washed by the Black Sea. The ancient historians Moses and Herodotus mentioned the Georgians. Georgia represents multi-ethnic society. The Georgian language has an ancient alphabetic script and has a unique writing of letters, incomparable to any alphabet in the world. The majority of ethnic Georgian believers belong to the Georgian Orthodox Church, a branch of Orthodox Christianity.(Presentation, Slide No. 3).

Georgian culture is a synthesis of Middle Eastern, European and local traditions. Already in the Middle Ages, philosophy, law, poetry and art flourished in Georgia, national architecture, astronomy, geography. The 19th century was marked by a cultural upsurge and the creation of a rich national literature.

History of Georgia covers a long period of time. Along with , Georgia is among the places of detection ancient monuments human civilization. The first union of Georgian tribes in the history of Georgia, and later the state became , mentioned in ancient Eastern sources from the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e.

One of the most outstanding statesmen medieval Georgia, which contributed to the unification of the Georgian principalities into a single centralized state.(Presentation, Slide No. 4,5)

The golden age of Georgia fell on the period between the beginning of the 11th and beginning of XIII centuries. The peak of prosperity was the reign , nicknamed the Great. During her reign reached its greatest flourishing, a masterpiece of Georgian literature was written - the poem« " For a long period after the Golden Age was under Mongol, Persian and Turkish rule, only periodically gaining independence.(Presentation, Slide No. 6)

Queen Tamara

IN was signed between Russia and Georgia. From to Georgian kingdoms and principalities became part of Russian Empire, in which they stayed until when the first Georgian democratic state was formed - .

In March The Supreme Council of Georgia adopted a declaration of independence. INIn 1992, Georgia became a full member . (Presentation, Slide No. 7)

Flag of Georgia

The friendship of the Georgian and Russian peoples has been around for several centuries.From the very first days of the war, the soldiers of Georgia, shoulder to shoulder with the sons of the Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian and other peoples of our country, participated in the most brutal battles with the Nazi invaders.During this time, several were formed on the territory of Georgia. In total, about 700 thousand people from Georgia (a fifth of the republic’s population) took part in the war. 400 thousand of them died.Heroes have become famous throughout the centuries in the battles for Berlin Soviet Union Russian warrior Egorov and Georgian Kantaria, who hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag.(Presentation, Slide No. 8).

In 1983, in honor of the 200th anniversary of the Treaty of Georgievsk, a “paired” monument to the Friendship of the Peoples of Russia and Georgia was erected.
One is in Moscow on Bolshaya Gruzinskaya street, the other is in Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia.(Presentation, Slide No. 9).

The Monument to Friendship of the Peoples of Russia and Georgia is made in the form of a column composed of letters of the Georgian and Russian alphabets, crowned with a gilded bronze wreath. The letters form the words “brotherhood”, “peace”, “friendship”. The wreath decorating the top of the monument represents bunches of grapes intertwined with ears of grain. The grapes symbolize Georgia, and the bread symbolizes Russia. Overall, the monument represents the idea of ​​unity, joint work, kinship of cultures and friendly relations.
At the foot of the stele there are cartouches with quotes from Georgian and Russian writers: Shota Rustaveli, Ilya Chavchavadze, Prince Arkady Tsereteli, Nikolai Nikoladze, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Sergei Yesenin, Boris Pasternak.

Ensemble performance folk instruments Georgia on the stage of the gymnasium

Performance by 11th grade students with a literary and musical composition

Many great and talented people nurtured by the Georgian land. And each of them, wherever he was, glorified his country, his homeland in poetry and songs, painting and cinema.(Presentation, Slide No. 10).

Ilya Chavchavadze....Everywhere and always I, Georgia, are with you!I am an immortal spirit, I am your mourning companion.And I washed my heart in your living blood,And it penetrated into your lot - past and present.

We are tormented by your languor, unfortunate one,I watered my cheeks with a stream of your tears.Oh, how I longed for your old days,How I looked for support and protection for you!

(Presentation, Slide No. 11).

Jansug Charkviani

MY LOVE, OH MY GEORGIA!Lift you uplike a cup, early in the morning,So that the bright suneyes flashedAnd the doors of all the maranis opened,Where the juice of the vine rages like a thunderstorm!Sing your wayleading to a proud goal,And glorious accomplishmentsand things to doSo that they pour outstream "Rkatsiteli"Poetryhighwords!Reach with yousuch perfectionSo that about you,like a bellrattleSo that it wouldn't happensupreme bliss -Only for youand liveand die!Burley and sing!Ensemble "Bagrationi"

Raise your glory!

I'm without love for youI would have withered away long agoShe has no barriers -high,She rejoices -in songsand poetry!And let it ring aroundripened cornfield,And let it flyto distant landsA song about youfree and happyMy love,Oh my Georgia!

The country of majestic mountains and stormy rivers, sun and sea, flowers and grapes, the country of hospitable people who honor their language and traditions, is associated with the names of those without whom we cannot imagine Russian literature.

Oh Georgia, wiping our tears,
you are the second cradle of the Russian muse.

Carelessly forgetting about Georgia,
in Russia it is impossible to be a poet.

Presentation, Slide No. 12).

A. S. Pushkin admired the beauty of Georgian women:"...He changed!.. But who is with you,Georgian, equal in beauty?Around the lily browYou twisted your braid twice;Your captivating eyesClearer than day, blacker than night;Whose voice will express more stronglyGusts of fiery desires?Whose passionate kiss is more aliveYour sarcastic kisses?Like a heart full of you,Will a stranger kill himself for beauty?..”

( excerpt from A.S. Pushkin's poem " Bakhchisarai fountain")

Ritual Georgian dance“Samaya” performed by the Bagrationi ensemble

A.S.Griboedov and Nina Chavchavadze

(Presentation, Slide No. 13,14)

In July 1829, traveling along the Georgian military road, Pushkin met Georgians carrying the body of the ambassador and great Russian writer A.S. Griboedov, killed in Tehran. He was taken to Tbilisi, to his beloved wife, the daughter of the Georgian poet Ilya Chavchavadze. He was buried in the monastery of St. David on Mount Mtatsminda next to the great Georgian poets.Nina Alexandrovna will erect a monument on the grave and write on it: “Your mind and deeds are immortal in the memory of Russians, but why did my love survive you…”

There in the dark grotto is a mausoleumAnd the widow's modest gift,The lamp shines in the semi-darkness,For you to readThat inscription, and may it please you

I reminded myself -Two heartbreaks from loveAnd grief from the mind.

(Presentation, Slide No. 15,16)

M.Yu. Lermontov wrote:

“How I loved your storms, Caucasus! Everything, everything in this region is wonderful. The air there is as pure as a child's prayer; and people are like free birds; war is their element; and in their dark features their soul speaks.”

A few years ago,
Where, merging, they make noise,
Hugging like two sisters,
The streams of Aragva and Kura,
There was a monastery. From behind the mountain
And now the pedestrian sees
Collapsed gate posts
And the towers and the church vault.

(Presentation, Slide No. 17)

V. Mayakovsky was born in Georgia and had an excellent command of the Georgian language. He considered his homeland to be a paradise.

I know:
stupidity - Eden and paradise!
But if
sang about it
must be
joyful land,
the poets meant...

Mayakovsky about Georgia.

From the poem "Vladikavkaz - Tiflis"

Monument to Mayakovsky in Georgia

(Presentation, Slide No. 18,19)

For S. Yesenin, the trip to Georgia was marked by creative growth and friendship with Georgian poets. They remember that he loved to wander the streets of Tbilisi and talk with ordinary people.

The land is distant!
Alien side!
Georgian flint roads.
Amber wine.
The moon streams into your eyes,
Deep into the eyes
Like blue horns.

Poets of Georgia!
I remember you now.
Have a nice evening,
Good, good hour!

I love you,
Like a noisy Kura,

I am your northern friend
And brother!
Poets are all of the same blood.
And I'm Asian too
In actions, in thoughts
And the word.

And therefore in a foreign country
Are you close
And they are pleasant to me.

The centuries sweep away everything,
The days will pass
Human speech
It will merge into one language.
A historian, writing a work,
He will smile at our discord.

He will say:
In the abyss of time
There are research and signs...
A host of tribes fought,
But the poets did not quarrel.

Prophetic sign:
Poet to poet
There is a kunak.

Russian oppression
Squeezed all the best by the throat,
We finished it -
And so
Freedom has spread its wings.

And each in his own tribe
With your motive and dialect,
We are all
We sing in our own way,
Giving in to feelings

A wonderful thing has happened
Rock of fate:
We are no longer slaves.

Poets of Georgia,
I remember you now
Have a nice evening,
Good, good hour!..

Comrades in feelings, in writing,
Verbal rivers boil and rustle,
I love you,
Like a noisy Kura,
I love at feasts and in conversations.

“To the Poets of Georgia” S. Yesenin

(Presentation, Slide No. 20)

Boris Pasternak, Bella Akhmadullina and Bulat Okudzhava loved Georgia madly.
Dreams about Georgia - what a joy!
And in the morning it’s so clean
grape sweetness,
overshadowed the lips.
I don't regret anything
I do not want anything -
in golden Sveti Tskhoveli
I put the poor candle on.
Small stones in Mtskheta
I give praise and honor.
Lord let it be
forever as it is now.
May they always be news to me
and they cast a spell on me
homeland native severity,
the tenderness of someone else's homeland.

“Dreams about Georgia” Bella Akhmadulina

Vakhtang Kikabidze’s video for Bulat Okudzhava’s poem “Georgian Song”

(Presentation, Slide No. 21)

The Georgians sang MravalzhAmier,
Standing all around in the middle of the yard,
And the sleepy valleys smoked,
And the muddy Kura sparkled.

Tired, thin arms
Laying on each other's shoulders,
The old and the young sang,
They sang with inspiration, from the heart.

Was there anything more wonderful in the world?
Was there anything more dear in the world?
This soulful, sonorous song,
Messengers of bygone days!

And it seemed to him like the roar of Chonguri
The basses and tenors echoed,
And it seemed like storms were raging,
It's a crazy game of the elements -

How much heartache there was there
And inexpressible warmth! The grass sparkled in the lush field,
And the Kura flowed faster;

And the soul in love wanted,
Listening to these sounds in the morning,
For myself - a sublime matter,
For people - freedom and goodness:

So that thunderstorms stop in the world,
All the recent battles have fallen silent,
To make people shed tears
Just listening to your own songs!

to your peakswhite and blueDaryal and Terek,to your rivers,to your horsemen,stately and strong,as well as womenfaithful to them -Mravaljamier, many summers!

to your streams,gray streams,to your frowning glaciers,to your ancestorsand to your descendants,their songsdancingand dark hands -Mravaljamier, many summers!

To your heroestheir military affairs,their eternal memory on the ground,to your different languages ​​and dialects,fly,autumn,springand winter -
Mravaljamier, many summers!

Festival national cultures"GEORGIA"

(1 slide) music sounds - “Lizginka”, guys in suits and the presenter come out.

Presenter: Hello, friends. Our class represents the country of Georgia.

1st reader: Poem

I love you my country!

Your forests, fields, lakes,

But most of all I love the mountains,

They have a lot of strength, a lot of will,

They contain a lot of memory and pain.

They've been standing for hundreds of years,

Clutched together majestically,

Like a mighty row of warriors,

For enemies, a wall has been built up.

Presenter: (Slide 2) On the world map, Georgia seems completely small country, the size of Holland. However, this is an optical illusion. Georgia is not a country, but rather a continent, which contains mountains, rivers, steppes, deserts, tundra, glaciers, beaches and taiga.

(Slide 3) Flag of Georgia

One large red cross and four small crosses on a white background are a common Christian symbol, personifying Jesus Christ the Savior and the four evangelists. Silver (white) color in heraldry indicates innocence, purity, purity, wisdom, and red - courage, courage, justice and love.

(Sly4) Coat of arms of Georgia is state symbol Georgia, adopted October 1, 2004. It is a red shield with an image of a silver figure of the patron saint of Georgia, St. George, on a horse, slaying a dragon with a spear. The shield is crowned with a golden royal crown of the Georgian royal family of Bagrationi, and is held by two golden lions. Under the shield there is a ribbon with the motto"Strength in Unity" .

(Slide 5,6) In the clothes of Georgians, both luxurious and refined, for the nobility, and simpler, for artisans and poorer people, there was both the strict elegance of masculinity and the gentle grace of femininity; it clearly highlighted the character of a person, his occupation, and habits. And she brought people joy and peace, because no one was indifferent to their appearance.
(Slide 7) Women wore long, tightly fitted dresses, with a tight-fitting bodice trimmed with beads, gold braid, and pearls. The belt was made of velvet, silk or moire ribbon.

(Slide 8) Traditional men's clothing consisted of an undershirt (perangi), made of chintz, silk or canvas, lower trousers (sheidishi), wide outer trousers (sharvali). The outer clothing was girded with a narrow stacked silver belt with a buckle. A dagger was hung from the belt. The headdress was a tall, black sheepskin papakha; among the nobility it was made from expensive astrakhan fur.

(Slide 9)Dishes of Georgian cuisine- this is truly the food of the gods. Not in any national or traditional cuisine other nations do not have such an abundance of food, such mind-blowing smells and such a desire to eat everything that is on the plate... In Georgia, a meal is not just the absorption of food, but also a leisurely conversation. Because it is simply impossible to imagine a Georgian feast without peaceful communication. Georgian food is the same attraction of Georgia as the mountains, the Black Sea, parks and fountains. In order to taste real Georgian food, feel all the tastes of khachapuri, the aroma of khinkali, try unusual cheeses and soups - you should definitely visit this country.

( Slide 10)Georgian traditions

Anyone who has not been to Georgia does not know what hospitality is. But not just hospitality, but hospitality in Georgian style. And it is not just words. This is what this small but very beautiful country In fact. And this is something that is not customary to be proud of or boast about. Georgian hospitality as one of the traditions of Georgia is a symbol of the country, without which it is difficult to imagine not only the residents of the capital or other big city, but also residents of villages and towns.

A wedding in Georgia is not just a wedding. This is the real event. After all, with this event, two huge families become real relatives, and there simply are no small families in Georgia.

It is customary to invite all relatives from the bride and groom to a Georgian wedding, so there can be an incredibly large number of guests at such an event. And this doesn't bother anyone. But not coming to a newlywed’s wedding in Georgia is considered great disrespect. At Georgian weddings they don’t shout “bitterly”, but there is a lot of singing and dancing. By tradition, like at any other wedding, gifts are also given here. And if the gift turned out to be very expensive or a lot of money was given, then the person who gave it is recorded in a special family book. And his name remains in it for a very, very long time.

(Slide 11,12,13,14 ) Georgian dances are complex and very diverse. Each dance of this country has its own own techniques and features that will never be repeated in another dance. In every dance, women move incredibly gracefully and proudly. It’s as if they want to show the audience all their beauty and the beauty of all their national clothes.(Slide 9)And men in dance show belligerence, strength and courage.(Sounds quiet ethnic Georgian music)

(Slides 15,16,17,18,19,20,21)

(Poem against the background of a melody)

Bloom, my Georgia, with a colorful garden,
Bloom, my dear, with a fairy tale,
So that the sun plays with the pattern of the valleys,
Bloom them cheerful paint!

I want Kura to run faster
So that its roar echoes
Above the mountain tops and beyond the seas
It echoed loudly and madly.

I ask you, God, give your heart love,
So that my native land, immaculate
To protect and save forever from war,
From the bloody and oppressive night.

You lull her to sleep, let her rest,
Raise her to free heights,
And let her sing a song to you there
About the great and ancient Tbilisi.

I could talk about this for hours beautiful country. About how fascinating the music is, how magnificent and unusual the architecture is, what great people Georgia has given birth to.

People of different nationalities live in this beautiful and proud country: Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Greeks, Assyrians, Kurds, Avars, Udins, and even local blacks have been spotted.

Six types of Christianity, two types of Islam, and mysterious pagan cults coexist here. Even those people who call themselves Georgians bear little resemblance to each other.

The language, the cuisine, the psychology are different, everything is different.

(Slide 22)

Georgians are a proud and freedom-loving people. But like all people Globe they want to live in peace and harmony with other peoples.