Russian surnames that bring good luck and wealth. The best surnames

There are many most different surnames, which can tell us who a person’s ancestors were, what they did, where they came from, and much more. Now we don’t always understand what this or that surname means and where it came from? But there are people who study such surnames and publish the results “to the masses.” It is based on their research that we can say which surname is suitable for a particular area of ​​business, or even just for a person’s appearance or character? Now we will look at the most best surnames(at least if you look at their meaning) for several areas of human life.
Of course, changes in a person’s appearance cannot be predicted in advance, but if they are long-term, or just coincidentally, then they can harmonize perfectly with the surname. So, I present to your attention short list, which includes the best surnames for a certain person's appearance. In it we will not consider such obvious surnames as Krivoboky, Krivous, Krivosheya, Krivoruchko, Krivonos, Bezbokiy, Bezrukiy, Beloborodov, Ryzhov, Chernov and others - they are obvious, they describe precisely the appearance of a person, but there are also those who which you cannot say that they generally relate to the description of appearance:
Vorontsov - well, everything is clear here, the “raven” color is the color of the raven’s wing, that is, this could be called either arabs, people from warmer countries, or simply brunettes. Therefore, if you are dark-haired, or from birth have dark skin, then this surname is perfect for you.
Kokoshkin - kokoshka on ancient Rus'- this is none other than a plump, large woman, that is, the surname is suitable for people who do not watch their own weight.
Khokhryakov - remember how they say about ruffled birds - “ruffled”, and so it is with a person. If someone is very frail, weak, or simply “grunts”, hunches over, and does not straighten his back, then the best name for him would be Khokhryakov.
Tsybin - sometimes, reading lists of the meaning of surnames, it seems that what was noticed in a person was mainly negative qualities. So this surname means slob, short, plump person, and is suitable for such people.
Charushin - in general, a charm is a three-dimensional form for dough, because of this fat people those who don’t watch their weight were called that. Such a surname, of course, carries some negativity, but it can completely characterize a person.
Shadrin is a surname suitable for pockmarked people covered with pockmarks.
Shcherbakov - well, everything is clear here - a surname for those people who once lost one or even several front teeth.
Khudorozhkov (Khudobin Khudozhilov Khudonogov Khudorozhkov Khudoshin) - but these surnames have two opposite meanings. The first, which has survived to this day, is “a frail, infirm, sick person, unfit for any work.” That is, a dystrophic person, a disabled person, or simply an unusually thin person. Read the second definition in the list of “entrepreneurial names”.
In addition to appearance, there are also surnames that are one hundred percent suitable for one or another character trait of a person. Here are a few examples for clarity:
Netunahin - literally, this is a person who speaks complete nonsense, who cannot restrain himself from commenting on any situation, often a rather stupid comment. That is, if a person fits these characteristics, then he can deservedly bear this, albeit not entirely pleasant, surname.
Neudachin, as well as word forms such as Nevdahin, Neudahin, Neudachin, Neyolov and others, denote a person whose ancestors were not the favorites of fate. Perhaps he retained this trait too?
Neumoy, Neumyvaka, Nemytysh, Nemytka - of course, today there are few people who neglect the basic rules of hygiene, but if there are any, they also wear a similar surname, then we can say that the surname fully corresponds to their lifestyle.
Gladilin - no, this is not a person who liked to iron clothes. This surname is perfect for a “womanizer,” a person for whom constant relationships are burdensome, and he is looking for new acquaintances with a variety of women.
Dolnikov - this surname is suitable for adopted children who received absolutely all rights of inheritance, or only part of the inheritance left by the deceased.
Yesenin - this surname means “born in autumn”, that is, if you were born in autumn and bear this surname, then rejoice - this is a favorable sign of fate.
Grinko is Ukrainian surname, which is ideal for people who do not like to sleep. She also has Russian analogues, like Unsleeping, Vigilant and other equally popular surnames.
Taratorkin – with this surname everything is also immediately clear. How often do you tell your friend: “Please don’t chatter”? Perhaps his last name is exactly this, or related to this one, and this quality is passed on in his family from generation to generation?
Leonov (as well as derivatives, for example, Leonardov, Leonenko, Lenko, Lenkov, Leontiev, Leonidov, Leontyev, Leonchev, Leonichev, Ledin and others) - literally “like a lion,” that is, a brave, courageous person, ready for exploits for the sake of those close to him of people. Can also be used as a description of appearance, for example, a person with chic red hair, similar to the mane of a lion, could well have received a similar surname and passed it on to his descendants.
But not only surnames can be ideally suited to appearance or character; there are also those that seem to show us the entire dynasty of a person, and specifically, what his ancestors did, and in what area a person can be successful (if at all).
Let's start with the obvious: imagine that you work at any enterprise related to the production of some materials, and raw materials in general. Undoubtedly, the surnames Karas, Fisherman, Pike are perfect for fish factory workers, and if the work is related to animals, then the surnames Rooster, Nightingale, Cat, Goat, Ovechko, Ram, Mosquito, Beetle, Bunny, Rook, Drozd will look very interesting. Swan, Horse, Elk, Magpie, Seagull, Cancer, Ryabokon, Ryabokonka and many others.
For waiters or bartenders, the surnames Otlivanchik, Sushnyak, Bragin, Nalivaiko, Nalivay, Pyanov, Nakryshka, etc. will be very interesting.
But let’s look at a few options that are ideal for representatives of different, albeit not the most popular, professions:
Aleynikov (as an option Aleynik, Oleinik, etc.) - previously, this was a person who traded or produced sunflower oil, so today, if you work at a factory that produces sunflower oil, or are somehow connected with this industry, rejoice - you have found the work of your ancestors.
Buzunov was previously a brawler, a brawler, a man who loved all sorts of scandals and fights. That is why this surname unites people of such seemingly incompatible professions as a journalist (you must admit, some of them are very fond of various scandals and investigations) and security guards (well, everything should be clear here, security guards are mostly people who like to wave their fists.
Vyurkov - yes, yes, this surname also belongs to a long list that contains the best surnames. Previously, this word was used to describe a person who is very fast, efficient, and diligent, which is why this name is suitable for couriers, delivery people of various goods, and just people whose position requires them to be fast and not sit in office chairs all day long.
Golitsyn, Golichnikov - it’s unlikely that such a profession is very popular today, but previously this was the name given to people who sewed mittens. So, if you have a talent for knitting or sewing, don’t be surprised - you got it from talented ancestors.
Zhikharev, Zhikhar is an ideal surname for a dancer, dancer, or for a person whose profession requires remarkable courage and daring, for example, a rescuer, policeman, fireman and others.
Zhur, Zhurov and word forms - a surname suitable for an unemployed person registered at the labor exchange, or someone who works, but extremely poorly, inactively, lazily. This is because in Rus' Zhur is a viscous oatmeal jelly, sour, which stretched very strongly, and by association with it, people were called sluggish, sour, inactive.
Zalomov - If you proud man If you want to achieve more and more, then this surname suits you perfectly. Zalomov and word forms are the best surnames for careerists, businessmen, etc.
Istomin is not a very good surname for working with a large number of people; usually it was the name given to those who constantly pester you and prevent you from working normally. Agree, this surname even sounds somewhat sluggish, not lively, you don’t really want to work with such a person. Better job with some items where a scrupulous check is very important - there persistence and pickiness will come in handy.
Kolotov is, to some extent, even a heroic surname, one of those that are suitable for people who dedicated their lives to serving in the army, or even once fought. In the old days, this was the name given to those who received a wound in war, mainly from stabbing weapons.
Salamatin, Sochnev - well, everything is clear here - ideal surnames for food lovers. If we translate into professions, then they come out as a taster or a cook.
Tolmachov is a good surname for translators from a wide variety of languages. Previously, interpreters translated only orally, and only from a limited number of languages, but now this surname is suitable for anyone whose work is related to translation.
Tulikov - translated as a grip, well done. Agree that such a surname is ideal for people engaged in entrepreneurship, private business, and indeed any serious activity.
Figures - no, this surname is not a geometer, nor a person who works with models (although where do models come from in Rus'), this used to be the name of people who dance very beautifully - now this surname is very well suited for those who have connected their lives with dancing, no matter , be it ballet or hip-hop.
Furmanov is an excellent surname for a taxi driver, driver, etc., back in the 19th century this surname was given to cab drivers, the ancestors of today's taxi drivers.
Khotulev is another surname suitable for entrepreneurs, businessmen, and careerists. The thing is that hotul is a bag, a knapsack in which expensive things were hidden. It is from this name that the modern surname comes.
Yushmanov is the bearer of the previously popular military armor, soldier, that is, this surname is very suitable for those who, in addition to their main service in the army, decided to further connect their lives with it.
Yakushev (Yakushin, Yakushkin, Yakush, Yakushenko, Yakushevsky, Yakushok and other derivatives) is an excellent surname that is suitable for a carpenter or carving master. The thing is that previously, “Yakush” was the name of a person who built huts, covered them with carvings, and, in general, worked with wood. From this ancestral profession the best surnames for carpenters went around the world.
Khudorozhkov (Khudobin Khudozhilov Khudonogov Khudorozhkov Khudoshin) - we saw this name again. Its second meaning is completely opposite to the first - the word “thinness” also had the meaning of “prosperous house, wealth,” that is, a person with such a surname could be unusually successful and rich. Is it possible that his descendants also adopted entrepreneurial abilities, are they simply still sleeping somewhere at the subconscious level?
There are also names that clearly say that it will be easier for their representative to start his own business. These are the names that, at first glance, are completely out of business: Kuznetsov, Melnikov, Kuznetsy, Kuznechenko, Melnik, Melnikov, Melnichenko, Melnichuk, Miroshnik, Kuznechenkovy, Kuznechonkovy, Kuznechikhiny, Kuznetsovskyy, Kuznechevskyy, Kovalevskyy, Kovalenko, Kovalenki, Kovaltsy, Kovali . Yes, yes, it was industrial, previously an industrial person was called a person who was related to any kind of industry, today the meaning of this word has changed a little, but the essence is the same. A person creates many goods or services so that other people who do not know how to produce them can use them.
Well, now a small list of such surnames that merchant dynasties used to bear, that is, it may be easier for a person with such a surname to trade in something.
Here are the Varyagovs, and the Maklakovs, as well as the Mayakovs, Baryshnikovs, Torgashovs, some Orlovs and Kulakovs, the Vatamanovs, the Maslennikovs, the Oleinikovs, the Aleinikovs, the Khrennikovs (yes, they too, because that’s what people selling spices were previously called), the Grechishnikovs, and many more.
But there are also surnames that would seem to predict trouble for a person if he approaches this field of activity. To believe it or not is an individual matter, everything depends only on the person and his character. There are doctors such as tomographer Mikhail Zloy, psychotherapist Mikhail Brednya, surgeon Nagnoyny, dentist Bezrukiy, traumatologist Mogila or Kotogryz, oncologist Rakov, even in a simple cafe there are inconsistencies - for example, the waitress Inna Nepeypivo.
Of course, with such surnames it will be more difficult; personally, such a poster caused me to a lesser extent surprise, what to do with especially impressionable people who see in every inscription a “sign of fate.” And again, everything comes down to character - if a person is strong, then things will go better for him, even if not immediately, but if he doesn’t have the strength, but really wants to work in this field, then, as a last resort, you can change your last name.
But not only industrial professions existed in Rus'; there are also those that can safely be included in the list of “The best surnames for clergy.” They were formed in different ways.
There are such surnames that were formed from the names of churches or parishes: these are Blagoveshchensky, and Kosmodemyansky, as well as Rozhdestvensky, Uspensky, Nikolsky, Pokrovsky, Preobrazhensky, etc.
For some, surnames were given already upon leaving the seminary: Palmin, Kiparisov, Pavsky, Golubinsky, Gilyarovsky, Klyuchevsky, Tikhomirov, Athinsky, Spirituality, Myagkov, Liperovsky, Reformatsky and other surnames associated with the spiritual life of society. Also, by the last name you can find out whether this person’s ancestors studied diligently, and whether he should start a similar career. Thus, good and diligent students were given more beautiful and sonorous surnames: Diamonds, Speransky or Nadezhdin, Benevolensky or Dobrovolsky, Dobromyslov, Benemansky, Dobrolyubov, etc. And, on the contrary, if the ancestors studied poorly, then their surnames are also spiritual, but with a negative meaning, for example, Pharaohs, Sauls (these surnames came from negative names biblical heroes) or Gibraltar.
Agree, these surnames already seem spiritual, and if a person with this surname has chosen to work in the spiritual sphere, then he will certainly have at least some kind of psychological advantage.
Well latest list, which I would like to provide you with is a list of the main noble families that generally exist today on our planet. Usually nobles were either successful soldiers and officers, or had their own business, or were simply lucky people, therefore, noble surnames, to some extent, are also the best surnames.
These are: Eristovs, Eristovs-Aragvskys, Eristovs-Imeretinskys, Eristovs-Ksanskys, Polyakovs, Poltevs, Poryus-Vizapurskys, Polubinskys, Przhezdzetskys, Priklonskys, Poltininskys, Poltoratskys, Przhevalskys, Primo, Proestevs, Potockiys, Pokhvisnevys, Porkhovskys, Prozorovskys, Prozorys, Prokudin-Gorsky, Polyansky, Poninsky Abamelik-Lazarev, Adlerberg, Azancheyev, Aksakov, Amilakhori, Ananyin, Anrep-Elmpty, Ash, Bagreev-Frolov, Balakirev, Baratynsky, Bakhteyarov-Rostovsky, Begildeev, Bekoryukov, Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Bobrishchev -Pushkins , Bolotnikovs, Varzhenevskys, Vasilievs, Vasilchikovs, Venevitinovs, Viskovatovs, Vsevolozhskys, Gagarins, Galitskys, Garasimovs, Gerasimenkos, Godunovs, Davydovs, Desyatovs, Dolgorukovs, Dubrovskys, Dyakovs, Toad, Zhdanovs, Zaborovskys, Zvenigorodskys, Ilinskys, Istomins and many others .
Of course, everyone noble families It is impossible to list, some were lost, some have many word forms, so the article is not enough for us even to simply list a small part.
This is where our article ends, I hope you have learned a lot about surnames and their origin. Or maybe you even found your last name, the last name of your friends or colleagues on the lists, and now you know what it means and what it’s suitable for? We, of course, cannot list all of them, but writing them will take more than one volume of the dictionary, and if we also interpret, systematize, identify what are the best surnames for work, career, etc... It will simply take forever . The concept of “the best surname” is quite flexible; it can be different - for a career, for business, for trade, for a certain trait of appearance or character. For some, the best surname is the surname of the current president (as one researcher said: “The bear is a native Russian animal, symbolizing natural strength, power, and at the same time a flexible and inquisitive mind, which is why I am calm when a person with such a reliable surname"), or some other idol, for some there is nothing better than their own middle name, in general, it all depends on the person... Including whether to trust all these studies that prove that the surname affects abilities to this or that activity, or even appearance or character. If everything is more or less clear with character, different surnames– different letters, they influence a person’s perception differently, hence the differences, then what about appearance or profession? Much unknown remains in this area, but research is still being conducted, and to you, my dear readers, I would like to say: the best surname is yours, and no one but you can take this title away from it.

Scroll popular titles The kind is endless, because as many people there are as many opinions. Each person will point out beautiful surnames that he personally likes. They can be short or long, but, according to most, the most popular are aristocratic designations of family names. Let's figure out which surnames are more common and respected, and where they even came from.

List of the most beautiful Russian surnames in the world

The word "surname" is translated from Latin language, how is the family". This means that this indicates that a person belongs to the clan from which he came. The emergence of family nicknames was often associated with the profession that the family practiced from generation to generation or with the name of the area in which the family lived, or the name of the family indicated character traits, specific appearance, and a nickname. It’s not for nothing that there is a saying “not in the eye, but in the eye” - people have always applied labels very accurately.

In Russia, at first there were only first and patronymic names, and the first surnames appeared only in the 14th century. Naturally, noble people received them: princes, boyars, nobles. Peasants received official family names only at the end of the 19th century, when they abolished serfdom. The first names of dynasties came from the names of places of residence, birth or possessions: Tver, Arkhangelsk, Zvenigorod, Moskvin.

  1. Sobolev
  2. Morozov
  3. Gromov
  4. Almazov
  5. Derzhavin
  6. Bogatyrev
  7. Mayorov
  8. Admirals
  9. Lyubimov
  10. Vorontsov

List of the most beautiful surnames for girls:

  1. Voskresenskaya
  2. Lebedeva
  3. Alexandrova
  4. Serebryanskaya
  5. Korolkova
  6. Vinogradova
  7. Talnikova
  8. Generous
  9. Zolotareva
  10. Tsvetaeva

A selection of the most beautiful foreign surnames

Foreigners believe that a beautiful surname helps the family, brings good luck and happiness. But, it’s true, a person with a family nickname is teased by his peers from childhood, and subsequently he grows up insecure with a whole baggage of complexes. So it turns out that the family name brought bad luck. People with beautiful family heritage everything turns out differently. Boys and girls know from childhood that they can do anything in this world, so they walk with their heads held high.

Each country has its own beautiful surnames, which are unusual to the Russian ear. But the origin of family designations is the same all over the world. Some took the name of their city, while others took the nickname of the founder of the clan, the occupation of the family, and their status. Among foreign names You can also often find the names of plants, birds, and animals. If a Russian person chooses foreign name, then, as a rule, he does not delve into its meaning, but makes a choice according to its euphony.

For example, modern Spaniards have beautiful surnames - not uncommon. The top guys are:

  • Rodriguez
  • Fernandez
  • Gonzalez
  • Perez
  • Martinez
  • Sanchez

Russian girls often choose generic names of Spanish origin:

  • Alvarez
  • Torres
  • Romero
  • Flores
  • Castillo
  • Garcia
  • Pascual

French surnames

All variants of French surnames are endowed with special beauty and charm. This language is very different from its other European counterparts. If it is always pronounced correctly, then French ones are pronounced differently. For example, the popular Le Pen can sound like “Le Pen”, “Le Pen”, “De Le Pen”. First French names families were granted to the highest circle of nobility in the 11th century. It was only in the 16th century that a royal decree ordered that every French citizen be given a hereditary nickname.

Since then French surnames from generation to generation they are included in the church metrics. The most beautiful family nicknames in France come from proper names, from the occupation of the family or from geographical names in which the family was born. Widespread French male family names:

  • Robert
  • Richard
  • Bernard
  • Duran
  • Lefebvre

Female generic names are not much different from male ones. French history ordered that no differences or other endings, as in the Russian language, exist between surnames, therefore beautiful generic names for women also bear their own name, for example:

  • Leroy
  • Bonn
  • Francois


Generic names in Germany arose in the same way as in other countries: first they were received by the nobility, then by feudal lords and small landowners, and then by the lower strata of the population. The entire process of forming hereditary nicknames took about 8 centuries, and the first surnames appeared based on proper names. Vivid examples are German male generic nicknames:

  1. Werner
  2. Hermann
  3. Jacobi
  4. Peters

Beautiful family designations in Germany arose from the names of rivers, mountains and other words related to nature: Bern, Vogelweid. But the most popular generic names come from the occupations of their ancestors. For example, Müller means “miller”, and Schmidt means “blacksmith”. Rare ones sound beautiful: Wagner, Zimmerman. Women in Germany, as a rule, leave their mother's surname, and the most beautiful are considered to be:

  1. Lehmann
  2. Mayer
  3. Peters
  4. Fisher
  5. Weiss


Beautiful American family names compare favorably with other foreign ones - they are very consonant, and the owners wear them with pride. If surnames are not inherited, then any citizen of the United States can change his family name to a more harmonious one. So, the 10 most beautiful surnames American men:

  1. Robinson
  2. Harris
  3. Evans
  4. Gilmore
  5. Florence
  6. Stone
  7. Lambert
  8. Newman

As for American women, as throughout the world, girls take their father’s family name at birth, and their husband’s name upon marriage. Even if a girl wants to leave the name of her family, then after marriage she will have double surname, for example, Maria Goldman Mrs. Roberts (by her husband). Beautiful generic names for American women:

  1. Bellows
  2. Houston
  3. Taylor
  4. Davis
  5. Foster

Video: the most common surnames in the world

The most common surnames in the world seem beautiful, because their bearers are popular people, which means happy. For example, there are about one hundred million people on the planet who have the generic name Li. In second place in terms of polarity is the surname Wang (about 93 million people). In third place is family name Garcia, common in South America(about 10 million people).

There is a fairly widespread belief that a change of name entails a change in Fate. And changing your last name can also make adjustments to a person’s character.

What is the difference between the first name number and the last name number?

Thanks to knowledge of numerology, you can more easily decide on such important things as your purpose in life: your date of birth will indicate it. But there is also a name number that reveals you as a person - all the character traits and inclinations that you show in your personality. Everyday life. In fact, this is how others, friends and loved ones see you. The number of the surname carries information of a slightly different kind. By calculating it, you can understand what you inherited from your ancestors and parents, what information you received from them, and what characteristics your family has endowed you with. After all, today leading psychics are talking about the power of the family.

How to calculate the number of a surname

Each letter of the alphabet is replaced by a specific number. The letters A, I, C, B are the number 1; B, J, T, S correspond to the number 2, and the letters B, K, U and L correspond to the number 3. The number 4 replaces the letters G, L F, E; the number 5 in numerology is defined by the letters D, M, H, and Y; 6 is indicated instead of the letters E, N, C, Y. The letters E, O and X correspond to 7; Ж, П, Ш - 8. The last single digit, 9, is indicated instead of the letters З, Р and Ш.

Write your last name in numbers and add them up. For example, the surname Semin will be written as 1+7+5+1+6=20. The resulting result must be reduced to a single number, so add 2+0 and get 2. This is the number of the surname.

Last name number meaning

1: speaks of uniqueness and unity, manifestations of the characteristics of a leader. Family bonds are strong enough, which is reflected in your inner feeling of connection with them. The manifestation of strong-willed aspirations is largely laid down by your parents.

2: associated with receptivity and a passive principle, therefore, of all family values you convey feelings and emotions to each other, while in communication you can strive to choose those who are able to empathize. Sometimes the influence of a surname can be expressed in the desire to go against.

3: in numerology, this number is associated with the fusion of opposites, which results in something harmonious and stable. Thanks to your last name, you have enough high level adaptation in life. It is this number that can be realized in life in the best way.

4: a conservative number that can become an obstacle to the release of new ideas. At the same time, such a surname number gives you the ability to bring things to fruition and give final result or form projects. Surely by now you are largely repeating the actions of your parents or even older family members. If 4 is your karma number, it indicates a strong attachment to your family.

5: You may have heard about what a rebel your father, grandfather or great-grandfather was. You may even discover a similar character trait in yourself. This figure is associated with development and self-affirmation in society. Your parents gave you the ability to feel and understand your body.

6: including two triplets, the number 6 can manifest itself both extremely positively and extremely negatively. On the one hand, your parents gave you such important human qualities like empathy and the ability to help people. On the other side. Giving in bad influence you can get very messed up.

7: your family almost certainly carries the ideals and ideas that it strives for from generation to generation. Such persistent struggle sometimes seems pointless, since there is no limit to perfection. But it is by striving for it that you are closest to the goal. You also inherited excellent thinking from your parents.

8: representatives of your family have passed on to you their hard work and also a piece of happy Fate: the work of number 8 always finds development and reward, and becomes paid according to the efforts made. You are also a bearer of such quality as justice.

9: A number that combines the diversity of everything possible: impulsiveness and generosity, unconditional talent and contradictions. You might think that each member of your seven is a little self-absorbed, but at the same time, after careful observation, it becomes clear that by your example you can also help others become better people.

By knowing your birth number, you can also find out who you were in past life. This and many other questions will help you answer. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

11.06.2016 05:15

Name numerology is a whole department ancient science about numbers and their energy. To every name...

NOVOSIBIRSK, March 20 – RIA Novosti. Quite a few Novosibirsk residents have “lucky” surnames. The day before International Day happiness correspondent for RIA Novosti Elena Zhukova asked how such surnames affect their lives.

In 2012, the UN declared March 20 as International Day of Happiness to promote the idea that the pursuit of happiness is general feeling for all the people of the planet. Also, according to the founders, the holiday is intended to show that happiness is one of the main goals of humanity.

Happiness is rare

There are not so many Novosibirsk residents with surnames derived from the words “happiness”, “luck”, “joy”. According to the Civil Registry Office for the Novosibirsk Region, from 1925 to the present, 169 birth certificates of children with the following names have been registered in the region: Udachin(a), Udachny, Uspehov, Successful, Schastlivaya, Schastlivtsev(a), Schastlivykh, Radostin(a), Radostev (a) and Fortuna.

Moreover, the most common of these surnames is Radostev. During this period, 58 Radostaevs were registered in the region. And the most rare surnames- Udachin, Udachny, Success.

A third of Novosibirsk residents use their appearance to be successful at workA third of Novosibirsk residents have used their attractiveness at least once in their lives in order to gain the favor of their superiors, colleagues or clients, the recruitment portal HeadHunter reported on Wednesday based on the results of a study.

“At work they believe that I really bring it (luck). With such a surname, interviews are easier. As my boss says, after reading my resume, he didn’t even have any questions about whether to take it or not. Just because of the surname it was possible,” explains Fortuna.

The interlocutor notes that unusual surname provides some benefits in other situations as well. For example, traffic police officers become softer when they study documents; customs at the airport lets you through without delay.

“I don’t buy a lottery, I took a ticket several times, but alas. The casino somehow accidentally gave me chips, I tossed it at random and won, but that’s all,” said Fortuna.

Schoolgirl Anastasia Udachina, in turn, says that her surname regularly helps in life and causes good mood from those around you.

“My new teacher once gave me a good grade just because I have a beautiful and lucky last name! Or, when I went to buy a kitten, the seller accidentally heard my name and gave the kitten completely free of charge,” says Udachina.

A Christmas tree, elephants and tickets became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness in Novosibirsk"Happy World Map" Christmas tree, a horseshoe, birds, an umbrella of happiness, elephants, exotic amulets, and toys became exhibits of the Museum of Happiness that opened in Novosibirsk. RIA Novosti correspondent Maria Kormiltseva visited him, made a wish and found out how they managed to assemble such a collection.

Her namesake Yulia Udachina, who works in the trade sector, on the contrary, believes that her surname does not bring her any success.

“There was no special reaction, but they said that with such a surname you definitely bring good luck. I didn’t notice any particular luck. On the contrary, relatives giggle that they forgot to sign “not” to the surname,” she smiles.

Another “happy” Novosibirsk resident Alexander Radostev, working in the field information technologies, says that his last name adds oddities to life.

“Curious situations happened when I walked around sad or gloomy and met someone. In general, a fairly frequent super-witty argument to me: “Why are you so gloomy, you’re Radostev!” Rejoice!” The last name helped to exchange a few words with the examiner on such an abstract topic and quickly figure out how to find mutual language", he says.

At the same time, Radostev notes that sometimes his last name arouses less interest than his middle name - Jose. According to him, his last name is his mother’s, and his Spanish father came to Russia to study at Moscow State University, then worked in Novosibirsk. They decided not to change the patronymic name so that there would be no Khoseevich.

Happiness sound

Psychotherapist Alexander Butskikh notes that all words and phrases in a certain way influence people. There are many examples when people develop complexes because of their surname, especially in childhood.

“With the surname Fortuna, Schastlivtsev, of course, there can be concessions, preferences, and a person can feel worthy. But besides the surname, there is a lot about how a person will cope with his inner feelings, because inconsistencies may arise with such a surname. For example, he is a janitor works with the surname Schastlivtsev,” Butskikh said.

According to him, changing a surname to a happier one can, of course, help a person feel more confident, but this is too straightforward a way to raise self-esteem and does not always work.

“A person is most strongly influenced by dissonant surnames that are associated with some kind of abusive words. As a child, he is usually teased and has to defend his surname. In this regard, the fighting qualities of such a person develop quite strongly. If he cannot do this overcome, then the surname will play against the person,” explains psychotherapist Igor Lyakh.

In his opinion, surnames such as Radostev, Schastlivtsev and the like can influence a person if, along with the surname, parents put into the child the idea that he is their happiness, and then psychologically the child feels the love of his parents, and through this mechanism a person can feel happier for no reason at all.

"The second option for acquiring such surnames is when a person takes a pseudonym, changing a previously unsounding or unsuccessful surname to a harmonious and more successful one. Then this act is conscious for him. The surname can influence if a person believes in it, and this is associated with positive emotions", says Lyakh.

If for one reason or another you decide to change your last name, first name or patronymic, you must contact the civil registry office at your place of residence or place of birth registration with a written application. Along with it you need to submit a fairly large list of documents. These are birth and marriage certificates, passports, and the birth certificates of your minor children. In this case, it is required to pay a state fee for state registration of a change of name in the amount of 1,600 rubles and 350 rubles for the issuance of each repeated certificate after a name change.

- Guzel Faritovna, are there any restrictions in this process?
- There are no special restrictions. An application for a name change can be submitted to the registry office after reaching the age of majority or from the age of 14 with the consent of both parents. If you are under 14 years of age, you will definitely need permission from the guardianship and trusteeship authority. In this case, only changes will be made to the birth record. As such, the change is not made due to the lack of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The minor receives a new birth certificate, and not a certificate of change of name.

- What documents will need to be changed after changing your name?
- The passport and other personal documents must be replaced: driver’s license, insurance and medical certificates, TIN. Education documents and documents confirming ownership rights cannot be exchanged.

- Can a person have difficulties after changing his name?
- Difficulties, of course, arise. For example, will a citizen who has changed his personal data be able to confirm his identity upon retirement? Will it be possible to establish a family connection with your parents, brothers, and sisters when entering into an inheritance? It may also be difficult to establish relationships with children. When making a decision to change, you must clearly understand that the family surname is lost. The identification process will be even more difficult if a person changes his place of residence, loses one of his documents, or goes abroad, where he may get married, have children, and so on.

ABOUT state registration registry office employees report name changes to the migration service, military commissariat and prosecutor's office.

- How often do Kazan residents completely change their data?
- The most popular cases are when women take their spouse’s surname or return their premarital surname after divorce. Cases of a complete change of name are very rare. They don't even happen every year.

- What are the reasons for the complete change?
- Most often this question is asked when the last name, first name or patronymic is dissonant or difficult to pronounce. Sometimes, for example, one of the spouses expresses a desire to have a common surname if he left his premarital name when registering the marriage. There are cases when, on the contrary, they want to return their premarital surname. Less often people apply with a desire to bear the surname of their mother or father, stepmother or stepfather, grandfather, grandmother or other person who actually raised the applicant.

- Do girls often leave their last name when they get married?
- Life moves forward, everything changes. And if in pre-perestroika times, when girls got married, in almost 100 percent of cases they took their spouse’s surname (then they only had to get a new passport in a timely manner), but now a change of surname entails re-registration large quantity documents. In this regard, more and more often brides leave maiden name. True, there are often cases when, some time after the wedding, people still turn to him about a change. Traditions take their toll.

According to Federal law“On acts of civil status”, specialists are required to consider an application for a change of name within one month from the date of submission. In exceptional cases, the head of the registry office may increase the period for consideration of the application, but not more than by two months. The applicant must be informed about this.

- What surnames do you choose for yourself - popular or rare?
- You have to deal with unusual ones no more than 4-5 times a year. There are times when people want to change their last name or first name, hoping that this will help change their fate. Among the interesting ones is the changed surname Shchastya. I hope that the fate of the woman who took her really changed in better side. In another case, a woman took the surname Parker in honor of her favorite actress Sarah Jessica Parker, and a man wished to have the surname Levitan, like the famous Russian artist. Most often, there are cases when a bride, upon getting married, leaves her maiden name, and after some time asks to change it to her husband’s last name.

- What names are the most popular today?
- Information about the most popular and rare names appears weekly on the website of the Kazan City Hall and on the page of the Kazan Civil Registry Office in social network. The most popular names Among the boys - Arthur, Karim, Kirill, Matvey, Kamil. Among the girls are Arina, Amina, Yasmina, Victoria. Unfortunately, such beautiful names, like Elena, Tatyana, Anastasia, are gradually becoming a thing of the past. Sometimes young parents give their children very unconventional and creative names. For example, boys are called Achilles, Veles, Gursel, Bagration, Evdokim. Among the female names there were such amazing ones as Aibulak, Durdona, Genevieve, Mane, Osya, Rugaya.