France Loto: history of the state lottery. French lottery

Kauri (France)

The story of one win

Dear Olga, dear girls and ladies, I decided to do my bit and amuse you with a story.

My hero, let's call him Michel, is an ordinary accountant in his early 30s. He lives in a Parisian suburb, works in small company in Paris itself. Michel has a 29-year-old girlfriend. For already four years Michelle plays the Euromillions lottery weekly, which covers 9 European countries. The lottery draw is on Friday, and Michelle registers her numbers on Monday morning, at the tobacco kiosk next to work. The numbers are always the same - these are the dates of birth of your beloved girl and your own. It must be said that Michel is quite absent-minded, sometimes he buys two identical tickets for the same draw, and sometimes he forgets to check the numbers. And sometimes both at once...

So, on one of the wonderful spring days The French National Lottery (FDJ) announces an upcoming jackpot of €35 million. Michelle, as usual, registers her numbers on Monday morning, and then again in the evening, after work. I'm completely overearned... On Friday the draw takes place and Michel's numbers come out... That is, the FDJ computer determines that two absolutely identical tickets were registered in one of the tobacco kiosks in Paris. This is a rare case (this happened only once in Austria) and, according to statistics, occurs once in 76 million...

On Saturday morning, the FDJ alerts the tobacco kiosk manager (the bureaucrat) that his kiosk has landed a big double win. Good news, since the beralist will receive a sign “35 million was won here,” after which an influx of players is guaranteed.

Well, on the Monday following the draw, our hero comes, as always, to the usual tobacco kiosk to check his tickets. He hands them over to the bureaucrat, while he gets distracted and chooses some chewing gum and cigarettes. The bureaucrat checks the tickets on a special machine and sees the inscription “ Big win. Contact the central office of the French National Lottery” and realizes that in front of him is the same lucky person who won 35 million euros last Friday, and that he is holding in his hands those same winning tickets. Without flinching, he calmly hides these tickets and says to Michel: “Eh, nothing again. Better luck next time."

Our accountant, not at all surprised (he’s used to losing), thanks the bureaucrat and calmly goes to work. And the bureaucrat hastily closes the kiosk, grabs the winning tickets and, not believing in his luck, runs to share the great news with his wife. It must be said that in France, government officials and members of their families do not have the right to play the lottery. In addition, during a conversation with FDJ representatives, our bureaucrat confirmed that he had no idea about the identity of the player. Therefore, it is impossible to explain how miraculously the winning tickets ended up in his hands...

After a long sleepless night, the bureaucrat and his wife come up with a wonderful plan. They have one friend - let's call him Jean - who receives unemployment benefits, constantly needs money and is not particularly distinguished. moral principles. It was decided to offer Jean a deal - he would say that the winning tickets were his, receive the money, give it to the bureaucrat, and leave 5 million euros for himself as a commission. Jean likes this plan :)).

Here small retreat. In France, when a person wins large sums, a small investigation is carried out. FDJ representatives study the player's habits (how long he has been playing, how often, etc.) and try to find out his plans for the future. Starting with a win of 1 million euros, the lucky winner winning ticket he is given a gala reception at one of the best restaurants in Paris and offered free luxury tours, during which financial advisors teach him the ins and outs of investing and owning untold wealth. Over the course of a year or two, FDJ maintains contact with winning players (those who want it themselves... many people get lost from the abundance of money, start giving out “loans” left and right, move away from family and friends, in general, need support ). Some, however, prefer to be anonymous and disappear from the sight of the French National Lottery.

So. Jean applies for “his” winnings, when asked about his relationship with the bureaucrat, he answers “I don’t know, I haven’t seen, I don’t know” and receives 35 million euros in his current account. There is only one thing that worries FDJ representatives. Jean told them that winning numbers he took it out of the blue (twice in a row!), that is, he was just very lucky. How does the poor fellow know that this combination of numbers is registered at the tobacco kiosk every Monday for 4 years! The Lottery representatives were very surprised and decided to be on the alert.

A month has passed. Michel worked tirelessly, Jean believed that the money was his, and the French National Lottery stated weekly that the same winning numbers were consistently registered in the same tobacco kiosk on Mondays... It should be noted that the owners of 35 million winnings usually do not go to tobacco kiosks early in the morning at the beginning of the work week (statistically, winning players generally take a multi-month break from lottery games).

FDJ contacts French Service Security... At the same time, the management of the bank contacts the Security Service, in which one of the clients made a transfer of 30 million euros to the account of a stranger... That's how the trap slammed shut.

Jean could not explain why he transferred the money to the bureaulist, and the bureaulist could not prove that he was “white and fluffy” in this story. The bureaucrat, his wife and Jean were taken to the police station, and the Lottery representatives had only a little left :)) - to find a real millionaire.

I will omit the details of how Michel was “calculated.” It took several weeks. One fine day, when he went into his tobacco kiosk before work (to play...), he was surrounded by guys in civilian clothes, representatives of the Security Service, who wanted to check his ticket and reached into his pocket. Michel was very scared and tried to run away. And when they explained to him what was wrong, he had a heart attack. No serious consequences, fortunately...

Epilogue. Michel put the money in the bank and receives one interest of 100,000 euros per month. And the bureaucrat, his wife and Jean were tried last week. Sentenced to a suspended sentence (20 to 24 months in prison). This funny story shows, in my opinion, that you cannot escape fate. Or better yet: happiness will find us anyway! :))

P.S. After the events described above, more than 25,000 tobacco kiosks were installed in France. special devices, which allow players to check their tickets themselves.

The first lottery games appeared in France in 1936. Then their goal was to raise funds for the country's budget. The population liked the idea, and now France is famous for its lotteries, among which FranceLoto is one of the most popular. According to 2012 data, almost 100% of the population has heard of this game, and about 40% of the French have bought a ticket at least once. This French lottery has up to 15 million participants and was founded in 1976.

You can try your luck on the World Wide Web. There are now online versions of the French lottery on various Internet sites. You can also use a lottery generator.

The French lottery is a typical lottery game, as is the Super Lotto. The two pools contain numbers from 1 to 49 and from 1 to 10 respectively. 5 numbers are selected from the first pool, and only 1 from the second.

French lottery jackpot

If all six numbers match, you will win the jackpot. Each draw that does not result in a jackpot win increases its amount by 1 million euros. The maximum value of the grand prize is 36 million euros.

The largest French lottery jackpot was hit on June 6, 2011. The winnings reached 24 million euros!

There was also a curious case when the same person - a Frenchman from the south of the country named Montpelier - won the lottery jackpot twice with a fifteen-year break for a total of five million eight hundred thousand euros. Those who are lucky are so lucky!

French lottery prizes

It is noteworthy that the French lottery has a multi-level prize system, where the grand prize is an analogue of the jackpot, and the fifth level prize is the minimum win, for which you need to match only two numbers. Three numbers will allow you to win the fourth category with a larger amount. Four and five numbers make you winners in the third and second categories respectively. The sixth category is the lucky number from the second pool. If it lands, you will also receive a nice reward.

The smallest grand prize in the history of the French lottery was 2 million euros, and today this amount can be won during each of the three weekly draws - on Monday, Wednesday or Saturday at 20.30 local time.

The National Lottery is operated by the Francaise des Jeux Groupe. This organization is half owned by the state. It was founded about twenty years ago - in January 1993. Its purpose is to monitor the legality of the situation in the country related to lottery games and implementation sports forecasts, but this does not apply to lotteries. The state owns more than seventy percent of the company's shares, which means you can be sure that, unless something supernatural happens, your prize will be paid to you.

In this article we will tell you about the EuroMillions lottery and how to play it from Russia.

Not only employees of institutions involved in statistics, but also ordinary people noticed one interesting nuance: as soon as economic situation in the country is deteriorating, the number of lottery players is increasing. And they buy tickets not only from domestic operators - they are increasingly trying to place a bet in. Great sympathy Among our compatriots, the Euromillions lottery is used - the winnings there are simply sky-high, and in hard currency.

Such interest among Russians in foreign lotteries evokes mixed feelings. On the one hand, you are happy for the people who find the opportunity to participate in such popular projects, and those who are especially lucky also win. But on the other hand, it’s a shame that they don’t play out of a good life. Without the opportunity to receive a decent salary, they hope for a big win.

In general, pessimism is not our thing. And, I think, not yours, since you are reading this post and find information in it about where and how to play EuroMillions from Russia. Let's assume that playing is not about making money, but, above all, about excitement and pleasure - regardless of the result. By the way, it is people with such thoughts and such a sense of the game who most often become winners

I think it’s logical to learn a little about the history and traditions of the lottery before you start playing. And in EuroMillions, financial traditions are especially interesting - the distribution of funds. I'm sure they will pleasantly shock you.

But let's start from the beginning - from the very beginning, from the origins of the lottery.

It was not so long ago - the first draw took place in 2004 in Paris, announced Grand Prize was 15 million euros and was won by a participant from France.

Initially, EuroMillions was established by three countries: Great Britain, France and Spain. Later they were joined by other participants, and now the number of co-founders is 13 countries.

The lottery jackpot is cumulative in nature with a limit “ceiling” - that is, when the amount of the main prize reaches a certain point (190 million euros), the increase stops. If this a huge amount no one wins, the founders begin to increase the prizes of the second and third categories. And if the results of the Euromillions draws do not please the Jackpot, then they will certainly inspire the owners of secondary winnings, because then the entire amount is evenly distributed between them.

But this is not the most interesting thing about the lottery. It turns out that the founders of the project are very altruistic people. They keep only 0.5% of the proceeds from ticket sales.

The rest is distributed as follows:

  • 50% - for prizes for winners of all categories;
  • 28% - to support charitable foundations;
  • 12% - to the state treasury;
  • 5% — commission to ticket distributors;
  • 4.5% - for current expenses.

Rules of the game

The organizers use two separate reels for the drawing: for the main numbers (the player chooses from 1 to 50) and for additional, so-called star numbers, in the original - Lucky Stars (the player chooses two numbers from 1 to 11 - they become decisive when winning the jackpot ).

The main numbers are “responsible” for winning medium-category prizes, but if the player guesses two “star” numbers, the main prize is in his pocket.

By the way, the chance of winning at least one of the prizes in this lottery is quite high: 1/13. In European lotteries, the average prizes are quite high, so those who play Euromillions from Russia, and even manage to win, are happy with them.

When do the draws take place and how can I find out the results?

Time allotted in Europe for gambling, equal to 21.00 GMT. For Russians living in different time zones, it varies depending on the region. If you focus on Moscow time, then you can watch the broadcast of the Euromillions draw at 00:00.

But why sacrifice sweet dreams or a night out at the club when Euromillions results are available online?

You can see them on the intermediary's website– they update the information in a timely and accurate manner, or you can search for “Euromillion results” last edition» – and you will be taken to several resources at once, kindly providing not only the results, but also all the news from the lottery world.

For example, the June 2017 draw (June 27) gave great hope to all players - no one lost 79 million euros, and now all ticket holders are waiting with trepidation next edition with a round Jackpot of 100 million euros.

How much does the ticket cost?

The pleasure of taking part in one of the largest European lotteries costs 2 euros per ticket. This is the price of the standard rate in most domestic lotteries, at the current exchange rate - at the level of 125-130 rubles.

There is, however, an unpleasant moment for Russian players: they are not available additional option for one euro Millionaire Raffle, which allows you to increase your chances of winning.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the intermediary’s price may be inflated, since he also takes a commission for his services.

Taxation nuances

Future millionaires, and possible owners of more modest cash prizes, before purchasing a ticket, it is useful to familiarize yourself with the nuances of taxation of winnings in force in your country.

EuroMillions lottery winnings over €2,500 are subject to a 20% federal tax rate. Tax is charged only on the difference between the winning amount and € 2,500. You will not have to pay tax in your country, since the winnings were received outside its territory.

How to play EuroMillions from Russia?

As we already said at the beginning of the article: we will have to use the services of intermediaries to play, that is, we will buy a ticket from “outbidders” who have their own agents in all countries where the events are held. foreign lotteries. Russians and residents of all countries of the world can place a bet on the next EuroMillions draw through them

We have already said more than once that resources distributing lottery tickets Among foreign players, one must choose carefully and carefully.

Agentlotto is the best intermediary of international lotteries

The first question that should arise in most readers is: “Can he be trusted at all?”

To answer this, let’s look at what guarantees this intermediary gives us and generally find out how it works:

  • You go to the intermediary’s website (we recommend this one) and register
  • Next, you select the lottery you plan to play
  • Then top up your balance and pay
  • After half an hour or an hour, you get in your personal account scanned copy of the purchased ticket
  • After the drawing, if you win, you will be notified in your personal account
  • If the winning amount is small, then the money can be withdrawn to any electronic wallet, if it is large, then they will send you your ticket and you will go to the country where the lottery took place, or you can issue a power of attorney to a service employee and he, having received the money, will send it to you.

Actually, from this step-by-step description you should have understood that the main guarantee of the service is receiving a scanned copy of the ticket. This is the only guarantee. Also, a big advantage of this particular service is the fact that it has been working stably for 5 years.

Why don’t people play this lottery enough in Russia?

It would seem that it should be the other way around - knowing the reverent attitude of the organizers of European lotteries towards each of the real and even potential players, queues will line up for Euromillions coupons from Russia. But no, such a trend is not observed.

We decided to find out on our own why? And here are the conclusions we made:

  1. Despite a large number of resources covering lottery topics, information about foreign draws still not enough.
  2. Russian players are somewhat alarmed by the need, in addition to paying the bet directly, to also pay for the services of an intermediary (although this is normal practice, because they also have to earn money from their services).
  3. Low level of trust in the intermediary on the part of the players - not everyone will risk playing without the certainty that they will receive their prize if they win.

But the main reason for unpopularity is still lack of awareness.

Even if one of the gamblers has heard out of the corner of his ear that such a lottery exists, then no one really knows the exact answer to the question: is it possible to play it from Russia. Also, players do not know how and where to place bets.

Therefore, it is so important that comprehensive and detailed information is available on one resource - a potential player could quickly study it, analyze it, compare the cost of bets on several lotteries, and choose the best one for himself.

Conclusion and conclusions + video instructions

It’s always nice to talk about pleasant things (sorry for the tautology, but, in our opinion, in this case it does not spoil the text). So I'll start with the positives:

  • high chances of winning
  • frequent circulations, which also, to some extent, increases the chances of winning
  • large jackpots
  • honesty of the organizers

Now about the disadvantages:

  • availability of taxation on winnings of all categories (in some countries the percentage is very high)
  • short deadline for applying for the main prize (for some countries)

We advise gambling people to try their luck in Euromillions at least once. Firstly, you will gain experience in the game, secondly, you will provide yourself with adrenaline for several days, and thirdly, if you are lucky, you will significantly replenish your budget.

This concludes our review of the Euromillions lottery. If you have anything to add, write in the comments.

U instant lottery Paris Paris has a good reputation. Because its organizer is the Russian Cultural Foundation, and tickets are distributed through Sberbank branches. Those who don’t gamble have still heard about its super prizes: prestigious cars and trips to Paris for two - you can’t escape the advertising. And just imagine, there are lucky ones who actually win these fantastic prizes. The other day in National Institute press journalists saw such a darling of fate. It turned out to be our colleague, correspondent of one of the St. Petersburg newspapers Alexander M. Having bought a lottery ticket at the Frunzensky branch of Sberbank on Kupchinskaya Street, 32, he scratched it with a coin and... oh, miracle - his heart began to pound with joy. "You won a luxury car!" _ the inscription on the front side of the ticket next to the colorful Renault Laguna RT model sounded like music. The ticket, as expected, was sent to Moscow for examination. March 16 from Russian Fund culture, the Paris Paris lottery participant was informed that the results of the examination were positive and were congratulated on his win. However, at the RFK directorate, where the lucky winner turned to find out how and where to get his winnings, a surprise awaited him. Instead of a prestigious car, Alexander was offered to receive 106,250 rubles, explaining that after the August crisis, cars and vouchers are no longer given out as winnings. 106,250 rubles is, of course, an impressive amount, but significantly less than the cost of a luxury car. Our hero is in no hurry to take money. He believes that in in this case the law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the law “On Advertising” have been violated, and intends to defend its interests in court. On what basis were the lottery conditions changed? September 10, 1998, according to a letter from the Ministry of Finance Russian Federation# 5-404, the lottery organizers were allowed to pay the cash equivalent of the cost of the car in the amount of 106,250 rubles in exchange for winning a “car”, and instead of traveling to Paris for two _ 18,750 rubles? “Since on the lottery ticket,” says T. A. Tsepota, Deputy Chairman of the St. Petersburg Savings Bank of Russia, “it is stated that “the replacement of in-kind winnings with cash is not made,” the car owner has the right to demand a in-kind prize from the lottery organizers. Responsibility for violation of rights The owner of the winning car ticket is fully borne by the lottery organizer." And today a Paris Paris lottery ticket can be purchased at any Sberbank branch. on his back side detailed information about the rules of the game. The population is informed that in addition to cash prizes, 20 prestigious cars and several dozen trips to Paris for two are being raffled off. And that the replacement of in-kind winnings with cash ones is not carried out. So it is possible that Alexander M.’s experience will be useful to someone else. "St. Petersburg Gazette".

The first lottery in France appeared in 1505 thanks to Francis I. However, the attempt failed: lotteries in the country were banned for two centuries. At the end of the 17th century, the lottery came back to France as a national game Loterie de L'Hotel de Ville.

In the 18th century, lotteries became an important resource for maintaining religious communities. The proceeds were used to build and restore 15 churches in Paris, including Saint-Sulpice (the church appears in Dan Brown's novel The Da Vinci Code) and historical monument Pantheon.

In 1754, on the initiative of the Marquise de Pompadour, the Loterie de L'École Militaire was established. This was the first attempt to create countries to finance the construction of a military academy. Subsequently, Napoleon Bonaparte would study at this academy. In 1776, the lottery was renamed Loterie Royale de France (Royal Lottery of France). In the same year, the Main Directorate of Lotteries was created.

In 1933, the French National Lottery (Loterie nationale française) was established, considered the successor to the Royal Lottery. The first draw was broadcast live on radio in front of thousands of citizens gathered at Trocadéro Square. The jackpot of 5 million francs went to Paul Bonoir. For a resident of Paris at the beginning of the 20th century, such a sum is a huge fortune. When asked by reporters how he felt, Paul replied: “I am already 50 years old, and I have devoted 32 years to hairdressing. My earnings were small, but I always felt happy. Of course, this amount will change the life of my family.” Subsequently, Paul acquired a car and a residence of 50 hectares near the town of Beaucaire.

Heir to the French national lottery became the game France Loto.

France Loto era from 1976 to 2008

On July 10, 1975, French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac signed a decree creating the national game France Loto. The first circulation using the “6 out of 49” formula took place on May 19, 1976 at the Théâtre de l’Empire. Then the numbers came out: 31, 15, 33, 27, 36, 48 and bonus ball 34. The lottery was held according to this formula until September 2008.

Lottery logo in 1976. Photo from the site:

Draws were broadcast on TF1 twice a week - on Wednesday and Saturday. Initially, lottery tickets could only be purchased in Paris. But since 1977, the distribution of tickets has improved throughout the country.

Modern times: France Loto from 2008 to the present

Today Loto is one of the popular national French lotteries, run by La Française des jeux (FDJ).

In October 2008, the organizers announced a change in the game formula. From now on, to win in France Loto, you need to guess 5 numbers from 1 to 49 and a bonus ball (numéro chance) from 1 to 10. The cost of the bet is 2 euros. Draws take place on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Logo of the French lottery from 2008 to the present. Photo from the site:

The minimum jackpot is 2 million euros. If the jackpot is not won in the draw, then from the next draw it will increase by 1 million euros. The maximum jackpot amount is 36 million. If by this time the winner has not been determined, then the entire amount will be divided among the winners of the next prize category.

To increase the chances of winning, participants have the opportunity to use the expanded bet option. In this case, you can mark all 10 bonus numbers at once, and select 6, 7, 8 or 9 numbers in a bet from 1 to 49. The cost of the bet, as well as the probability of winning, will increase. For example, you marked one bonus number and chose 9 numbers out of 49 in the main combination - the cost of such a bet will be equal to 252 euros.

Participants Russian lotteries Detailed rate is also available. The option is used both when placing bets on the Stoloto website and in retail outlets sales For example, in Gosloto “5 out of 36” you can make a classic bet by choosing a 5-digit combination, or you can make an expanded one - marking from 6 to 12 numbers in one lottery ticket.

Stories of French lottery winners

Statistically, most winners in France prefer to remain anonymous. Photo:

Approximately two million people in France buy lottery tickets every week. In 2009, 41 lucky people became millionaires thanks to France Loto, in 2010 45 people became winners, in 2011 - 47, in 2012 - 41, and in 2013 30 people became millionaires. In 2015, 42 Euro participants hit the lottery jackpot. The record win happened on June 6, 2011: the winner received 24 million euros.

In Montpellier, a town in the south of France, a unique case occurred - a participant in the national lottery managed to become a winner twice. In 1996, the lucky winner won 18.9 million francs (the equivalent of today's 2.8 million euros). The second victory happened in 2011 and brought the same participant 3 million euros. "Chance to Win Twice" a large sum in the lottery - this is a fantastic case. Probability 1 in 363 billion! Such stories inspire all lottery lovers,” the organizers note. The two-time winner, who chose to remain anonymous, still plans to play - and intends to win a third time!

The following story is about a win that happened in 2015 in the Hautes-Pyrenees (a department in southwestern France). The couple had been buying lottery tickets almost from the very start of the national game. And at one point they were lucky to become record holders in their region: the winners received 14 million euros.

In February 2016, a family from Côte d'Or was lucky enough to win €17 million in Loto. The winners followed the lottery strategy: use the same number combination from circulation to circulation. Eventually lucky numbers- 5, 24, 25, 28, 44 plus bonus ball 3 - brought the long-awaited jackpot. “Our plans are to buy a house for a more comfortable stay, and also to give our children real estate. Now we have this opportunity thanks to winning the lottery. Moreover, now we can afford to go on a trip,” the winners share their plans.

French sociologists Michel Panson and Monique Penson-Charlot spent two years interviewing people who suddenly became rich thanks to the lottery. The study formed the basis of the book “Les Millionnaires de la chance” (“The Luck of Millionaires”). This is a real guide for future winners. “The lottery gives everyone a chance because it pure chance. For ordinary people it's always happiness because it's an achievement financial well-being brings the satisfaction that many strive for,” says Michelle Panson.

Play and win Russian state lotteries

The Stoloto lottery supermarket gives you the opportunity to take part in online lotteries. To register on the site you will need a SIM card with the number of Ukrainian, Belarusian, Tajik, Kazakh, Moldavian, Uzbek, Armenian, Azerbaijani and Georgian telecom operators