Youth direction of emo. Emo youth subculture

Now emo culture is gaining momentum. It is quite possible that you have already happened to meet its representatives on the street, on the bus: strange girls with black hair, shiny hairpins on their heads and a ring in their lower lip, and thin guys with bangs covering half of their face, in black and white sneakers and “postman” clothes. a shoulder bag with a scattering of multi-colored badges and improvised patches. These were emo kids, people who consider themselves adherents of emo culture.

The emo subculture is non-aggressive, non-intellectual, with undeveloped social institutions.

The specificity of the emo subculture lies in the fact that its characteristic semantics very accurately corresponds to those mental characteristics that are characteristic of adolescence. In the case of emo, a teenager gets the opportunity to explain, including to himself, some of the features of his emotional state, behavior, perception of the world around him, through belonging to this subculture. The subculture legalizes increased emotionality, psychological disharmony, infantilism, hysterical reactions and conflict in adolescents. Also characteristic is ostentatious “childish” infantile behavior

The aesthetic forms of the emo subculture are transmitted through several main media. These include music with its hysterically emotional and aggressive sound, combined with sentimental and tragic intonation. It turns out to be a very important conductor of aesthetic norms appearance and the image of subculture participants.

The idealized norm of the emo subculture is bisexual relationships of all possible options: girl, group sex. The most actively declared homoerotic friendships are boy-boy relationships.

Emo people usually gather in parks. They don’t drink blood, don’t misbehave, don’t scream, they just communicate quietly and peacefully. However, they are forced to constantly change meeting places. Otherwise, they admit, it’s dangerous. Perhaps because not everyone is still accustomed to often seeing a lot of sad young people who, according to all the laws of logic, should be cheerful, cheerful and energetic.

You can treat emo in different ways (however, in reality this is the case, no one remains indifferent). Some say that this subculture helps “to survive in our cold and cruel world,” others consider emo to be hysterical and alarmist. Still others think it's easy new fashion, which will soon pass. But it is worth noting that there are more and more young people who, of their own free will, exchange youthful enthusiasm for despondency. And this already makes me think.

Cons: The desire to experience bright and pure emotions and express them is the main rule for emo kids. They are distinguished by: a thirst for self-expression, opposition to injustice, and a special, sensitive worldview. Therefore, all this can lead to nervous breakdown and to problems in later life.

Emo is immediately noticeable among those around him with his bright appearance; to properly understand this, it is necessary to analyze the fashion trends of this youth trend.

Emo fashion is closely related to punk fashion as well as gothic fashion. According to almost all current trends, emo clothes- these are skinny jeans on men and women, long bangs, often combed to one side of the face, dyed black, straightened hair, tight T-shirts with the names of rock bands, belts with studs, belts with plaques, sneakers, or other black shoes - often old and beaten - and glasses with thick black frames. Emo fashion has changed over time; early trends included haircuts similar to the old Romulans and Vulcans in Star Wars, tight sweaters, button-down shirts, and work jackets (often called gas station jackets). Now this is no longer in fashion.

Emo kids stand out from the crowd with their bright appearance: thin, tall, with coarse, straight, black hair (tattered bangs covering half of the face, hair sticking out in different directions at the back). Girls can have childish, funny hairstyles - two small ponytails, bright hairpins - hearts on the sides. Both boys and girls can paint their lips to match their skin color, use a light foundation, the face looks pale, and thickly black-lined eyes look like a bright spot. Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Soul - emotions. Skinny jeans, possibly with holes or patches, a riveted belt with a chain or pink. Tight T-shirts with funny children's drawings, black ones with the names of emo groups, with crossed pistols (classic inscription: bang-bang) or with hearts torn to shreds on the chest. On your feet are sneakers or Vans, on your hands are multi-colored bracelets, snaps or (snaps) of all colors of the rainbow are especially popular. On the neck are large bright beads or white pearls, borrowed from my grandmother. V-neck sweaters, jackets with badges, USSR-era sweatshirts, a vest with diamonds like grandpa’s, long striped scarves, pierced tongues, lips, ears, nose, bridge of the nose. Often emo kids make tunnels in their ears (these are large holes (on average 12–16 mm)), into which plugs (round earrings) or tunnels (donuts with a hole inside) are inserted. Emo kids carry shoulder bags or backpacks with lots of badges on them, Stuffed Toys, patches. Some wear square, clear glasses with black frames and striped leg warmers (black and pink are the most common). There is black varnish on the nails (boys often have it peeling and not on every nail), and headphones in the ears (a common occurrence among emo kids listening to music). Emo kids do not disdain clothes from second-hand stores; they say that you can often find there what is not in the most expensive boutiques.

Our emotional response to color is incredibly strong. The eye perceives color, and instantly a process begins in the brain, echoing in the peripheral nervous system.

The color of the clothes speaks volumes. Would you be aggressive if the service representative was dressed all in white or black? Will a doctor who wears a bright orange tie be trusted? Which female professional would you choose as your financial advisor - the one wearing a dark blue suit or the one in a hot pink blouse?

The colors of clothing can give us confidence, strength, or vice versa, create a feeling of awkwardness. There are no “bad” or “good” colors, we are only talking about the possibility of choosing the types of color communication.

Let's take a closer look at the emo color scheme, remember that it is black and pink.

They say that optimists look at the world “through rose-colored glasses.” It is not surprising, therefore, that pink not only provokes friendliness, but also reduces anger and aggressiveness.

The contemplation of pink dulls anger and physical strength so much that this color is actively used in correctional institutions and schools for difficult children in order to prevent antisocial behavior and reduce suicide attempts. Likewise, football coaches of the host team order the visiting locker rooms to be painted pink to reduce their aggressiveness on the field.

Pink color is passive, it calms and softens emotions, and this has been known since the 18th century, when it was believed that pink promotes digestion, and ash pink color came into fashion.

The properties of pink are also evidenced by idioms - “pink dreams”, “life in pink”.

If red speaks of passionate love, then pink is more about tenderness. This is why it is considered the color of femininity; pink underwear is chosen for newborn girls.

Pink - the most passive of colors - provokes friendliness and reduces aggressiveness, both internal and external.

The most feminine color, pink is associated with feeding and nurturing.

Pink is calming and is believed to aid digestion.

Hot pink, which has a lot more red in it, is more energetic and fun.

Men prefer pink tones yellowish tint.

Undoubtedly, black is the most authoritarian and suppressive color of the spectrum. It is associated with death and darkness, creating an unsettling feeling of the unknown. Black is the color of mystery. People fear that the world could disappear into a black hole, and if a black cat crosses the road, then disaster awaits. The impression generated by the color black is endowed with great power.

In the world of fashion, black is truly omnipresent.

If the invitations to a reception indicate “black tie”, then this emphasizes the importance of the event and conveys the message that the suit should be formal, since the meeting will be of a formal nature.

Black color is considered conservative and respectful.

In heraldry, black is a symbol of grief.

Black gives a feeling of weight and depth. People think that black figures weigh more than the same white figures.

Emo has an interesting palette - a combination of calm, romance and femininity with authoritarianism, conservatism and mystery. This combination can easily make you feel depressed.

The current of emo has specific external characteristics, a distinctive ideology, and also has its own direction in music. This needs to be looked at in more detail.

Emo is a genre of rock music. Since its inception, emo has been used to describe several independent styles of music, loosely related but with a common ancestry. Also, the use of the term has been the subject of much debate.

In its original incarnation, the term "emo" was used to describe a subgenre of hardcore punk music that first emerged in Washington, D.C., in the mid-1980s. The term emo referred to the fact that, on occasion, members of this subculture can spontaneously become more emotional during the course of a performance. The most popular bands of that period were Rites of Spring, Embrace, One Last Wish, Beefeater, Gray Matter, Fire Party, and a little later Moss Icon. The first wave of emo popularity began to subside after the collapse of most musical groups in the early 1990s.

Beginning in the mid-1990s, the term emo began to reflect the indie scene that followed the influences of Fugazi, which itself was an offshoot of the first wave of emo. The group, including Sunny Day Real Estate and Texas Is the Reason, promoted a more indie style of emo rock, more melodic and less chaotic in nature than its predecessor. The so-called “India emo” performance survived until the end of the 1990s, as many of the groups either disbanded or changed their style.

As laggard indie emo bands introduced the mainstream trend, newer bands began to imitate the newer style, creating a style of music that has now earned the moniker emo within popular culture. Whereas even in the past the name emo was used to identify a wide variety of bands, the variety of bands listed under today's emo is even more extensive, using the term "emo" more as a definition than a specific genre of music. Emo also has its own musical groups: “Bullet for My Valentine”, “Funeral For a Friend”, “Yellowcard”. Emo style differs from other musical styles in the abundance of squealing, crying, moaning, whispering, breaking into a scream. And the lyrics themselves are about unhappy love, injustice, about a cruel and violent world. Emo comes in different forms. Some people like more melodic and calm songs, others like heavy, hysterical compositions, it’s more a matter of taste and preference, so compare one emo group On the other hand, it doesn't make much sense. Everyone has different emotions and expresses them differently. The most important thing is that they be sincere. The main components of any emo band: a lead singer with a strong voice who can hit the highest notes, the frantic power of the music, the most complex parts, impulsiveness, an eardrum-bursting long cry (scream) - all this is emo.

Thus, the emo subculture is very emotional; these are people who are able to vigorously express their emotions without being embarrassed by anyone. They have a very bright appearance, representatives of both sexes paint their nails and eyes, most often black, and pink also predominates in their appearance. Emo kids are most often sad and can commit suicidal actions.

social youth emo goth

Like the vast majority of other youth subcultures, emo appeared in the decaying West. Emo(English) Emo, abbr. from the word "emotional", the transcription " Imo") Initially, back in the 80s, they began to call a direction in music - close to punk, but with more melodic vocals and lyrics atypical for traditional punk rock about unrequited love and the bitter injustice of the surrounding world and suffering on this basis. Distinctive features of this style - the manner and behavior of vocals, which often includes squealing, crying, moaning, whispering, etc. The lyrics are personal in nature - about the author’s experiences, and in some cases - about politics.

However, debates about which musical direction emo groups belong to are actively being waged on music forums. Representatives of traditional punk rock are especially active in showing their indignation, since for many of them the very phrase emo punk is perceived as an insult - due to differences that are more likely ideological and image than musical.

Emo, Emo kids (emo+ English kid- young man, child) - representatives of the youth subculture formed on the basis of fans of the music style of the same name.

Depending on gender: boy- boy, guy) emo girl(English) girl- girl, girl).

At the end of 1983, Minor Threat disbanded and the vibrant Washington hardcore punk scene began to lose steam and fresh ideas. Minor Threat's last disc, "Salad Days", released in 1984, became the final one in the life of Washington hardcore. All groups in the country began to look for something new in various directions, try and experiment with something new and original. DRI and Bad Brains started playing light metal, 7Seconds went into U2 jungle-alternative, etc. The Washington style began to change towards melodic rock with a punk sensibility.

Emo(emotional) is a subtype of hardcore punk style, so named in the mid-80s to give a new name to the style of a certain DIY group (Do It Yourself), striving to bypass all the standards of sound and performance of the Minor Threat era. They, in general, received the name emotion (moving), not thanks to promotion or PR, but to the way the texts, singing and music were performed in conjunction with emotions.

After Minor Threat disbanded at the end of 1983, still full of life and emotions, the Washington hardcore punk scene that erupted in the early 80s began to lose steam and fresh ideas within the new emerging Washington hardcore scene.

Minor Threat's posthumous CD, "Salad Days", was released in 1985. Which marked the end of Washington hardcore punk.

Groups that existed at that time throughout the country began to look for new musical styles: DRI and Bad Brains started playing light metal, 7Seconds went into U2 jungle-alternative, and so on. Washington's musical styles began to change, largely toward method rock with a punk sensibility.

In 1984, the album "Zen Arcade" by the Minneapolis band Husker Du was released; this album, oddly enough, demonstrated new sound, which combined negative but soft vocal delivery and mid-range guitars with slow rock tempos and soft chaotic songwriting.

In the spring of 1984, it was formed a new group Rites Of Spring From Former Members The group Untouchables, Faith and Deadline. This new band retained the punk speed and frenzy and added a new twist to their performance. vocal technique. Singer Guy Picciotto maintains a frantic punk style, occasionally adding personal lyrics, emotions and spiritual quests. At the climactic moments, the vocalist’s voice became hoarse, like a girl’s moan.

The summer of 1985 - became known as the "Revolutionary Emo Summer", it was at that time that the punk music scene in Washington completely rose new wave bands with a variety of rock sounds, which were dominated by rock tempo, melodic vocals and musicality: Gray Matter, Soulside, Ignition, Marginal Manson, Fire Party, Rain, Shudder to Think, etc. Some bands retained their fast hardcore sound, based on punk -rock with new vocal performances, a special exception from this list is the group Dag Nasty.

Minor Threat lead singer Ian MacKaye sings for the band Embrace (compare the band's name to more early groups Minor Threat, Void and State Of Alert), the lyrics of which were emotional, but still clear and unambiguous. If you look at musical plan, the band (formed mainly by former members of Faith) writes somewhat noisy, mid-tempo music with a lot of guitar licks. McKay's vocals retain their unique, solid pronunciation, with isolated, even rare, glimpses of emotional transmission. Ian Mackay is also the founder of the sXe movement, which has become popular among emo and hardcore musicians.

The sound of these groups became known as the "classic Washington sound", part of the sound was called " Emo" as an abbreviation for "Emotional". After this, the Washington bands received the label "Emocore". A little later (in 1986), some groups began to focus on the element " Emo" as such. The first to do this after Rites of Spring were The Hated in Annapolis, then Moss Icon appeared. They stripped the Emo element to its very core and added a large dose of arpeggiated, sophisticated guitar melody (Tonie Joy, later in Universal Order of Armageddon, Born Against, Lava, etc.) with a strong emphasis on loud and soft transitions.The vocals also captivate everyone.

By the beginning of the 90s, this style had gained sufficient popularity in the independent musical environment and resulted in separate subculture emo culture, new subtypes of this style also appeared.
-"Hardcore San Diego" (appeared in San Diego in 1992) - a mixture of classic hardcore and Emo;
"Screamo"(from the English Scream - scream) - a heavier version of the Emo direction, with a greater share of screams and harshness in the music;
"French Screamo" (eng. French Screamo - " French screamo") - a softened, much more melodic and softer version" screamo". Many of these styles except " Hardcore San Diego"exist and are still actively developing.

The second wave rolled through quite quickly. In 1994, Emo culture was restored thanks to the release of the debut disc of the group Sunny Day Real Estate "Diary". Just at this time new groups began to appear, emo began to appear on radio and television, emo style became known to a very wide circle of listeners. At the same time, he underwent a number of significant changes in terms of music - he became more responsive to the ear, which was influenced by other styles, such as grunge and indie rock. There were also many groups similar in style to Sunny Day Real Estate - Christie Front Drive, Boys Life, Braid, etc.

At the very beginning of the 2000s" emo"has become a very popular cultural phenomenon, expressed in a subculture, fashion in clothing and lifestyle, influenced by indie culture. A popular, but at the same time controversial subculture of emo has emerged.

In the music press, on radio, TV, the concept " emo" have changed somewhat. The term " emo" generally began to be called bands playing post-hardcore (such as Funeral For a Friend, The Used, AFI, Lostprophets, Origami, Line) or pop-punk (Panic! At the Disco, Jimmy Eat World, Taking Back Sunday) and the following tendencies of the emo subculture. But still in everyone special case classifying the group as emo is a controversial subject of debate and criticism, since they all differ significantly from the hardcore-corn genre.

Emo appeared in our country not so long ago - literally in last years. Completely unknown to the generation of the 90s, today emo kids (as representatives of the subculture call themselves) are gaining fame and popularity.

The main feature of the subculture: " emo"for the vast majority of those who call themselves today" emo kid" ("emo boy", "", "emoticon") is not a direction in music, but a style of clothing and demeanor. This is confirmed by an analysis of Internet forums, where discussions on the topic " who are emo" come down to discussing appearance, lifestyle, thinking and sexual orientation(and on forums for girls - to that " oh, what bunnies these emo boys are"), and music is generally discussed last.

Most prominent representatives The main directions of emocore in our time are:

A Static Lullaby
Dance Gavin Dance
Across Five Aprils
Dead And Divine
A Day to Remember
Mozart Season

Subculture (youth) - quite common cultural phenomenon, which has its own character traits. Most often its participants are young people who are characterized by unbalanced emotional state with unstable personality parameters. Having studied the phenomenon of a subculture in detail, we can conclude that its adherents see it as a way of self-expression, and the fact that most types focus on external attributes most likely means that their participants have a shallow understanding of their own spiritual needs. So they find clothing items and style in a suitable way manifestations of oneself in society.


First of all, it is a subject of study for cultural studies, sociology and anthropology. Let us turn to the definition of David Riesman, who first coined the concept of subculture, where it is understood as a group of people who deliberately choose certain values ​​and styles of clothing, behavior and thinking, which are used by a social minority.

From here we can assume that this category is not satisfied with social norms and values, therefore in the subculture there are more often people with rebellious behavior, which is associated with internal aggression, since they intend to clearly declare themselves in society with their behavior, clothing and thinking.

youth subculture- this is, first of all, a certain cultural niche, the adherents of which are determined by age: from 14 to 30 years. The specifics of youth psychology also determine the nature of most types of youth subcultures: radical values, vivid self-expression through attributes and high emotionality, division of the world into “black” and “white” and society into “gray mass” and bright individuals.

Fashion subculture

The fifties of the twentieth century were marked by the emergence of one of the most widespread subcultures, which then gave rise to several others. These were the fashions - young Britons who paid great importance its distinctive appearance. One of the most radical subcultures that emerged as an offshoot of modism is skinheads.

The style attribute of mods was initially narrow italian suits. They were distinguished by their love of music: rock and roll, jazz, ska, soul and rhythm and blues. The attitude of society towards this direction was, in to a greater extent, negative: this can be seen in the reviews of the film “Quadrophenia”, the plot of which tells about the life of a mod - a simple courier who wastes his life on drugs, pills and parties. However, in 2004, one of the rating magazines included the film in the list of the greatest British films.

The mods' main means of transport were motor scooters; they spent time with like-minded people at seaside resorts and nightclubs, where clashes often occurred between them and representatives of another subculture - rockers.

10 years after its inception, this movement became less popular.

Emo subculture

This subculture was formed from musical style. Society reacted ambiguously to the emergence of this movement; in Russia, the boom occurred in the early 2000s, and this phenomenon was often discussed in the media, and then at the state level.

  • Emo subculture and attitude. First of all, emo kids focused on the fact that they express emotions. The positions taken by emo are a struggle for justice and a sensual worldview. Most people have formed the opinion that these are psychologically weak, whiny young people who romanticize death: it is difficult to say whether this assessment is correct, but the number of suicides among the young population increased at that time, and this fact does not contradict this idea of ​​​​emo kids. Representatives of the subculture are introverted, immersed in depressive states, or, conversely, into unjustified joy. This is clear evidence of mental instability and it is not surprising that the public had a negative attitude towards the development of emo culture. They were often associated with goths, which is incorrect: on one of the sites dedicated to emo, they drew the line: “emos hate themselves, goths hate everyone.”
  • Emo subculture: clothing and image. Emo kids wore slanted, torn bangs that covered half of their faces, dyed their hair black, and had tunnels in their ears. Both sexes applied cosmetics to their faces: tinted light color face and lips. The nails were covered with black varnish. The main combination of colors in clothes: pink, white, black.
  • Emo subculture: attributes. A large number of multi-colored badges attached to clothes and mail bags, large glasses with dark lenses, bright bracelets and wristbands.

The icons were The Exploited, Sex Pistols. Metalheads honor Slayer and Black Sabbath. Grunge fans formed around Nirvana and Soundgarden. But emo has no musical base. There is no music that was part of the emo style. Therefore, among representatives of this subculture, musical preferences can be very different. Golden representatives – HIM, Bring me the horizon, My chemical romance. From Russian groups – Slot, $7000. All these groups are completely different in genres and directions. Emo fans of rap are not uncommon either.


What distinguishes emo from other subcultures is their appearance. Most preferred type of clothing – extremely skinny jeans, sneakers (Converse, Vans) and slip-ons, tight T-shirts, with a metal buckle. Their colors are black and pink, and they often feature checkered patterns using these colors. They often imitate skateboarders because their appearance is generally the same. A lot of time is spent on hairstyle. For a guy, it's a bang on his forehead, short hair behind. Smooth and black hair is considered the standard. Girls wear long hair, their hair can be dyed either black, pink, or another acidic color. Or maybe a mixture of colors. Cosmetics are also a sure marker. Eyeliner and foundation are used not only by girls, but also by boys. Clothes are covered with stripes with the symbols of favorite bands, and the messenger bag is weighted. Wristbands and bracelets – important element emo kid's wardrobe.


As for the inner world, emo is an extremely rich subculture. The position of adherents is the imperfection of our world, the absence in it true love and the desire to accumulate and build oneself according to images from fashion magazines. Emo contrasts all this with vulnerability, sensuality, depression, and glorification of death. Since the entire subculture consists of teenagers, all problems (misunderstanding from friends and parents, failures in personal life) are transferred to the world of emo perception, after which the teenager withdraws into his new world and takes depression too seriously. This is where the stereotype of emo people as suicidal comes from.

Be that as it may, this subculture is this moment almost dead. In the West, emos have massively transformed into indie kids. In Russia, this subculture was popular in the period 2005-2009, after which representatives began to leave it. Nowadays you almost never see pronounced emo. Like any subculture, it did not last long and left as its adherents grew up and lost the need to express themselves in such methods.

Modern teenagers strive for individuality. They want to look cool, unconventional and in accordance with their inner world, so they often become representatives of a certain subculture, for example, emo. What is it emo subculture, and what is it expressed in?

The emo subculture was formed by fans of the musical style. Representatives of this youth subculture are called emo kids. Guy and girl - emo boy and emo girl.

What is emo

The emo subculture (from the word “emotion”) appeared in the late 80s in the United States. Emo is primarily a type of hardcore music. These are songs about separation, unhappy love and emotional experiences.

The emo subculture is bright, positive and negative emotions that fill the world of representatives of this direction. Emo kids believe that the main thing is to be yourself and not be shy about expressing your feelings, and this is not considered a sign of weakness. Emo kids strive to receive vivid emotions, no matter whether it is suffering or joy. They crave self-expression, their worldview is very sensitive, and emo kids openly protest against injustice. Representatives of the emo subculture openly cry and laugh, not embarrassed by others. The essence of this direction lies in the ability to combine emotions and reason.

Emo kids are, as a rule, teenagers with a vulnerable psyche. They perceive all the blows of life very painfully and experience troubles acutely. Their inner world filled with mental suffering, but there is a place in it positive emotions, which emo kids really appreciate.

Emo image

The traditional hairstyle of representatives of the emo subculture is long, torn, oblique bangs, due to which the eyes are not visible. Emo kids have jagged haircuts, often short at the back. The hair is straight, hard, and sticks out randomly. Hair color is usually black. Emo girls can wear childish hairstyles, such as twin ponytails. Bright hairpins and elastic bands (bows, hearts) are often used in hairstyles. To create a hairstyle, emo kids spend great amount fixing hairspray.

The emo image requires piercings different parts body. Emo kids love to repeatedly pierce their ears and make tunnels in them. Popular among representatives of the emo subculture are piercings of the lips, eyebrows, left nostril and bridge of the nose.

The emo image is based on brightness and provocative appearance. Girls and boys use foundation light shades, paint lips to match the color of the skin, highlight the eyes, not sparing a black pencil or eye shadow. Emo kids paint their nails with black varnish.

Emo clothes

The emo subculture implies a “black and pink” image. Emo kids' clothing is mostly pink and black. Other bright colors Emo clothing is also allowed. Representatives of this subculture love combinations of wide stripe. Emo clothing often has sad designs like broken heart. Emos also prefer cheerful clothes when it comes to clothes, cartoon drawings . Typical emo clothes: tight T-shirt, skinny jeans with holes, a belt with a large buckle, sneakers with bright laces, a plaid scarf around the neck. Emos wear a shoulder bag and love bright, colorful jewelry and badges.

Meaning of emo flowers

Black is the main color in emo. It is associated with sadness, depression, unhappiness. Bright pink (or other) color symbolizes joyful moments. It is associated with romance, sensuality and innocence.