Girls in emo style. Is being emo good or bad?

And sweet pink vanillas, strange sadboys, and completely unimaginable Tumblr girls. Along with them you can find another, quite popular subculture, which is called Emo, which means you can read a little lower.
However, before continuing, I would like to advise you to read a couple of other interesting news items on the topic of fashion slang. For example, what does a Poser mean, who is an Anarchist, what is Flex, who is called a Steamer, etc.
So let's continue what does emo mean? This term was borrowed from the English language "emo", and is an abbreviation of the word " emotion", which can be translated as "excitement."

Synonyms for Emo: emotional, emotions, emotionality.

Some people are interested in What does Emo Sax mean?

Emo sax(emo suks) - this is what they say when they want to humiliate supporters of emo culture, it can be translated as “emo sucks,” which equates the latter with gays, whores, and other equally beautiful layers of society. “The word sax” is now used to show what you don’t like, for example “gothic is sax”

As a rule, people who become EMO are mentally unstable; in medicine they are called emotionally labile. These teenagers have a very flexible nervous system; at one moment they can laugh joyfully and then cry desperately. Usually they are either melancholic or choleric, and the former are prone to depression, and the latter love life and try to take everything from it. This youth movement has its own rules of behavior and special clothing. As a rule, emo wardrobe consists entirely of clothes in exclusively dark tones. Moreover, they paint their nails and eyes in all shades of black without fail. They pretend that they don't care about anyone or anything, but in fact, they want to be paid attention to. The main rule of Emo Kids is the desire to experience pure and vivid emotions. Emos differ from others in their opposition to injustice, an urgent thirst for self-expression, and a special sensual worldview.

Unfortunately, teenagers are very wary and sometimes even aggressive towards emo. The fact is that no one likes people who indulge in depression and constantly walk around full of sadness, with their eyes wet. This is how most strangers see them emo kids. Of course, this attitude to life is quite strange, but with age people grow up and remember their bright youth with humor.

Emotions are one of the main components of human existence; each of us experiences both positive and negative impressions. Then why are people who put emotionality at the forefront treated with such hostility?
In teenagers psyche is just developing, many of them do not want to show what they feel and experience at the moment, so they hide in their shell. All this can subsequently lead to “cutting out” if parents do not pay attention to it.

However, emo kids, differ in that, on the contrary, they show their emotionality, put it on display, they are not afraid of others. Therefore, on their faces you can see both tears and cheerful laughter, everything is open to other people. In fact, sharing your feelings deserves respect, because a person overcomes himself and breaks the inner shell in which he was squeezed before.

Of course, there are many rumors around this subculture that such individuals like to open their veins, and in general, are constantly looking for ways that will send them to another world. However, this is nothing more than speculation that invented them ill-wishers, after all, they just put on insensitive “masks”.


These days, emo is practically extinct as a class, but on the Internet they are a dime a dozen. Most crowd around

They created their own subculture. They oppose the material and mercantile world. They defend their right to love - pure, sincere, unconditional. But are they capable of doing this themselves?..

Having painted their own world in black and pink colors, lowered their bangs over their eyes and put on dark glasses, they firmly believe that by doing this they can change the world and the people living in it. Emo kids are children and teenagers with large, fearful eyes that can terrify their parents. That's who Emo are.

Who are Emo: Emo kid about himself

“The most important thing for us, Emo, is to be yourself”
“We are not afraid to show our emotions. For us, this is not a sign of weakness.”
“Emo is, first of all, emotions.”

Here's what Emo kids say about themselves. They are emotional and vulnerable. They have their own style of clothing, their own music, their own accessories and even their own coat of arms - a broken heart. They openly express their emotions, do not hide joy and suffering, and the latter is always a priority. But the question: who are Emos continues to torment the parents of these children and teenagers.

Their nicknames and avatars are always bright, it’s hard not to notice them, and once you notice them, they’re hard to forget. Their social media statuses are scary, or at least confusing:
“I’ll leave, and no one will notice, they’ll only remember my dying look.”
“Let them write on my tombstone: no one loved her.”

And if the parents of these children are more or less tolerant of the predominant black color in clothing, or the unusual accessories of Emo, then other manifestations of this subculture cannot go unnoticed...

Who are Emos - the opinion of psychologists

“Emo are children who have not received enough warmth and attention from their parents. Children to whom their parents prefer money, power, and a career. Teenagers come to this subculture who do not pay enough attention and do not talk about their love for them. They feel “unloved” and deprived of attention. They suffer from a lack of parental warmth and misunderstanding. All such a child needs is to feel needed and important.
In our world, where money controls everything, such children adapt poorly. A person is judged not by who he really is, but by what he has. And if he doesn't have the latest iPad or Ferrari, he's nothing in this life."

Simply put, if a child has become Emo, it means that he just needs to pay more attention, buy him the latest model iPad, and a Ferrari. But reality tells a different story.

Not every child whose parents cannot afford such expensive gifts becomes what is called Emo. Life examples show us that children from poor families are no less likely than “rich” ones to succeed in this life, and they don’t think about who Emo are or how to cut their wrists or swallow pills. At the same time, children from families of famous businessmen can become, as they say, “true emo,” or, on the contrary, enthusiastically engage in continuing the business of their parents. And, so far, not a single psychologist has been able to grasp the line that, having crossed which, teenagers begin to dream about death.

Who are Emos really?

They really differ from many others: in their enormous emotional amplitude, desire and ability to experience colossal emotions - from love to sadness. Yes, they have values ​​that are much higher than material ones - they value love. All this is specified in them, but is not provided...

They have properties such as love, compassion, empathy, but do they realize them? And if they do this, is it right?

Those who become Emo, children with a visual vector, are born for great tasks demanded by modern society. To develop the ability to empathize and love, to reduce the level of hostility in society. To do this, they themselves need to develop intellectually and sensually in a timely manner. But the improper development of their potential from a very early age turns them into suffering children, hysterically demanding love and attention to themselves.

All their emotions, which they so diligently show, are directed only at themselves. The love they love to talk about is what they demand for themselves, but are not able to give of themselves.

As a result, instead of reducing hostility in society, they increase it.

What are parents and psychologists afraid of?

So who are Emos and why do they scare parents of teenagers so much?
Statuses, posts, avatars and photographs on the pages on social networks of these children romanticize the worst thing - death. By talking about inscriptions on tombstones, painting grisly pictures and posting photographs of people with their wrists cut, they strike fear and terror into the hearts of their parents and social workers.

"The Emo subculture promotes suicide!"- the “experts” conclude. But they don’t notice one thing - children who initially have a special attitude towards death join the Emo community.

Fear of death – this is the innate fear of a person with a visual vector. And it is children with a visual vector who join the ranks of Emo. But they do this not at all in order to commit suicide, but in order to attract attention to themselves, to become more noticeable.

Attention – this is really what children with a visual vector lack, but only those of them in whom this vector is not developed. Trying to stand out from the general background, they pursue the only goal - to attract attention. This has a deep meaning. By drawing attention to themselves, such children subconsciously begin to feel their safety: “they see me, which means that in case of danger, they will have time to save me.” Children with a visual vector in fear - that's who Emo are!

Incorrect implementation of the visual vector plunges the child deeper and deeper into fears. Over time, he does not get enough attention from his parents and all the people around him. Their appearance ceases to shock their acquaintances, and then they move on and take other, already radical measures.

Drink a tube of sleeping pills, cut your wrists, stand on the ninth floor window - this is the next stage, which often becomes the last...

Their suicide is just another attempt to attract attention. And they make this attempt with the expectation that they will have time to save them. So, a tube of pills is drunk 5 minutes before the parents arrive, and the veins are opened when someone is sure to be nearby.

Psychological blackmail is what Emo suicide is, but not the desire to die.

How dangerous is the Emo subculture really?

It will be incorrect to say that the Emo subculture carries some kind of danger, the danger comes from those children who go there. But they do this initially because they were not taught compassion and love as it is - directed outward, and not inward.

And even if such a child avoids the fate of those few who committed suicide, and then only because they did not have time to save them, then for the rest of his life he will be haunted by fears. Fear of the dark, an obsessive thought about a black hand about to poke out from under the bed, deep phobias that a non-systemic psychologist is unable to cure - this is what awaits such a child. But the global nature of the problem lies not even in this, but in the fact that all these people - those who are now Emo, will not be able to work for the good of society, reduce the accumulated hostility and develop culture in the highest sense of the word. They will never be able to adapt correctly to society and receive what they strive for - real love, and not the kind that is directed inward.

How to pull a child out of the Emo community

Neither expensive gifts nor unconditional love and attention to a child can separate him from the Emo community. Only by learning to release your emotions, directing them not at yourself, but at the people around you, and learning what compassion and outward love are, will someone who is Emo be able to dilute their palette of colors.

In adolescence, namely teenagers who become Emo, it is still possible to understand who Emo is and direct the development of your child in the right direction. And if at the age of 7-8 years literature that evokes compassion can still help, then in puberty other, stronger methods are needed - visiting homes for the disabled, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes - this is what will help a teenager with a visual vector learn to push his fears out. . Having compassion for other people - frail old people, disabled people, children with developmental defects, a child with a visual vector ceases to feel fear for himself, his feeling of fear for his own life turns into fear for the life of another person - this is the essence of compassion and pushing fear out.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan provides guidelines for understanding who Emo are, and in what direction you should develop your child in such a way that he can adapt correctly in society and get maximum pleasure from life.

The article was written based on the training materials on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan .

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I liked it - put a “heart”:

Emos hate themselves, goths hate everyone

The emo youth subculture, like the goth subculture, “hatched” from punk. And if, even if punks, who have gone quite far from aggressive rebellion to detachment from the world and purely aesthetic protest, can somehow be associated with punks, then emo cannot be put anywhere near.

The very name of the emo subculture is an abbreviation for the English “emotional”, “emotional”. The main thing for emo kids, which is what they, along with emo boys and emo girls, can be called, is the expression of emotions. A representative of the emo subculture is a vulnerable person prone to depression. Emo's favorite gestures are as emotional as they are. Emos can fold their hands in the shape of a heart, put two fingers to their temple like a pistol, or tilt their head so that their bangs hang down, which makes their appearance even more touching.

It is believed that emo was first talked about in the West in 1988. The emo subculture also began with music - namely with the performances of the group Fugazy. Other sources write that the first emo appeared in 1984 and their appearance is associated with the work of the group “Rites of Spring”.

And if punks are young people from the outskirts, goths are the middle class, then emos are initially children from wealthy families. emos in the late 1980s - early 1990s in Western countries was called alternative golden youth. The second wave of popularity of the emo subculture occurred in the early 2000s.

The main idea of ​​the emo subculture is the importance of emotions, but at the same time, emotions are also flaunted. It is no coincidence that emo kids, like no other, love to take pictures of themselves in the mirror. Emos believe in love - real and sincere, but in most cases they experience emotions of sadness and sadness, and they certainly know like no one else that life is suffering.

Clothing style and accessories of the emo subculture

Like the Goths, the style of emo boys has much in common with the style of girls, and in general, the image of young people in the emo style is characterized by femininity. Like the Goths, the main color of clothing is black. But not the only one. It is paired with pink.

A characteristic element of clothing in the emo style is skinny jeans. Girls wear tutu skirts. All emo wear tight tight T-shirts, black or pink belts, sneakers with bright or black laces, slip-ons (shoes similar to slippers, but with rubber soles), and checkered arafat scarves around their necks.

On emo clothes you can find unusual and bright designs - hearts, blades, pistols. Sometimes the pink heart may be cracked or even torn to shreds. There is also a skull and crossbones, a black five-pointed star on a pink background, and cartoon characters.

Emo clothes can be striped and checkered.

Bags with images or logos of famous emo bands, messenger bags (bags worn over the shoulder) with numerous patches.
Mittens and gloves.

Leg warmers and knee socks.
Scarves and badges attached to clothing and even shoes.
Multi-colored bright bracelets on the hands.
The beads are large and of bright colors.

Soft toys that emo people carry with them. Moreover, emos can rip open the bellies of their teddy bears and sew them up with thick threads.

Emo boys often wear glasses as an accessory.

It's easy to spot emo by their hairstyles. An emo hairstyle is a sideways, torn bang to the tip of the nose, covering one eye, and short hair sticking out in different directions at the back. Hair is better than black. Girls can wear “childish” hairstyles - for example, two small ponytails with bright hairpins on the sides, bows.

Emos wear piercings, after all, the heirs of punks. Piercing can be on the left nostril, on the lips and eyebrows, in the bridge of the nose, emo and ears are pierced.

Makeup among emo is used by both girls and boys - they apply lipstick in the color of their skin on their lips, use pencil and mascara for eyeliner, apply light foundation on their face, and black varnish on their nails.

Today there are few followers of this subculture left and their main feature is not the direction in music, but the style of clothing and demeanor. Modern emos pay most attention to the style of clothing and accessories. In general, they are doing the right thing, why bother with dubious music and depressive ideology, when it is better to live by traditional values ​​and stand out with an unusual style of clothing and experiments with images.

Emo style is extremely popular among modern teenagers. This is quite natural, since this subculture preaches intemperance, emotionality, protest to society, and also allows you to focus on your problems and cry into your vest. Since children between the ages of 10-11 and 17 (and sometimes up to 20) usually show a desire to become an emo, we can understand that they are driven not only and not so much by the desire to stand out (although this also occurs), how much unpreparedness for adult life and responsibility. After all, completely immersing yourself in your problems and depression is much easier than trying to fix and improve something!

Is emo culture for the weak?

Of course, such words may offend and even anger many young people, but this teenage movement is not at all the choice of strong individuals. A truly strong-willed person will solve problems and move forward, create a future for himself, and forge his own happiness with his own hands. Anyone can withdraw into themselves, cry, and make others feel sorry for them. And you don’t even have to mention individuality! There are whole crowds of such “special” people, all brushed with the same brush. It turns out like in the joke: “Online voting.” “I am a person!” I stand out from the crowd!" - 3000 votes. "I am an ordinary person" - 1 vote." And who is the individual after this?

It’s a completely different matter if a person simply likes the way of dressing inherent in a given subculture. There is nothing wrong with this (of course, within reasonable limits), if under the black and pink outfit hides pure intelligence, adequacy and iron willpower. But it’s not worth adopting emo’s tearfulness, tendency to self-destruction, weakness and inability to control oneself. Although, perhaps, under the guise of such youth movements, temporarily defeated natural selection makes its way into our lives.

An attentive reader from everything written above could already conclude that this subculture is distinguished, first of all, by excessive emotionality. If it's missing, trying to become emo is useless. Otherwise it will just be posturing. But, as a rule, teenagers rarely suffer from such a problem - the resentment towards the whole world overflows. In this case, you can stop holding back your emotions and just tweak your appearance a little.

How to become emo? Style selection

In order to enter this culture, you will have to replenish your wardrobe. It must include tight jeans and trousers of different (preferably non-standard) colors: pink, contrasting checkered, poisonous green. Although, of course, you can limit yourself to black and gray. Sweatshirts, T-shirts, and T-shirts should also be tight-fitting. The colors are the same. But we must not forget about the golden rule of emo: black trousers go with a bright top, and vice versa. Black with black is also possible. But both items of clothing should not be bright! For shoes, sneakers will be useful, preferably black and pink. Handkerchiefs-scarves (colors contrasting with the clothes) and various badges, bows, flowers, wicker bracelets, wristbands and so on will not hurt.

How to become emo? Makeup and jewelry

In this subculture, decorative cosmetics can be used by both sexes. The main colors are the same black and pink. You need to get eyeliner, and not necessarily of very good quality - drips on the face are welcome, and if the cosmetics cause irritation and redness of the eyes, then this is generally aerobatics. Also, we must not forget about mascara (you can use blue or pink) and powder (the paler the face, the better). Another detail of the image is piercing. You can pierce your lip, nose, cheek or eyebrow, or you can do