What is the name of this group? How the names of famous musical groups appeared (16 photos)

When planning a trip to distant countries, many tourists try not to think about possible problems with the aircraft during the flight. However, no one is immune from accidents, and although during a plane crash the mortality rate of passengers is extremely high, certain places In the cabin of an airliner, the chance of surviving an emergency landing is greater. Experts from the world's leading airlines and aircraft manufacturing holdings have been collecting crash data bit by bit for several decades. various models passenger planes and conducted numerous experiments to find out which seats on the plane were the safest.

Admittedly, statistically you are much more likely to be involved in a car or train accident than to be involved in a serious airborne emergency. Air transport is constantly being improved and today is almost the safest way of transportation of all possible.

Seats at the front of the airliner

First and business classes are usually located in the bow of the plane, and for quite a long time it was believed that it was the safest place to fly there. Located at a sufficient distance from running engines, these places are considered the most comfortable and convenient.

However, according to recent studies and statistics, they can hardly be called safe, since in almost any hard landing the collision with the ground occurs at the nose of the airliner, and passengers sitting immediately behind the cockpit are at greater risk of serious injury or even death than tourists from economy class.

Representatives of Boeing, the largest American aircraft manufacturing company, deliberately crashed one of their models in the Nevada desert and found that the chances of survival for those occupying the front seats were approximately 49%. This is slightly less than other potential passengers.

Seats in the middle part of the airliner

Seats located in the middle of an airplane's passenger cabin have been the subject of ongoing debate among various air transport researchers and experts. The fact is that this part of the airliner is closest to the aircraft engines, and in the event of a sudden fire, the possibility of survival of passengers in this section is reduced to a minimum. However, if fuel ignition was avoided, the percentage for rescue increases and is approximately 56%.

Locations close to emergency exits

In cases where the emergency landing was successful and the plane was slightly damaged upon impact with the ground, passengers occupying seats near the emergency exits find themselves in a very advantageous position, since they have the opportunity to be among the first to leave the airliner. On the other hand, in the event of a fire in the engines, the smoke screen will reach this section of seats first, and then the chances of getting out of the plane unharmed are significantly reduced.

Seats at the rear of an airliner

According to statistics compiled by ICAO ( International Association civil aviation) After analyzing the majority of serious airline accidents over the past 50 years, the safest seats on an airplane are at the back of the passenger compartment. More than 69% of the tourists sitting there survived the emergency landings. The phenomenon of such a large gap in survivors compared to other cabin sections is that in most cases the impact of a collision with the surface falls on the nose of the airliner, and the force of the impact reaches the tail last. The same thing happens when crashing into a building: passengers occupying last places will be less injured than airline customers seated at the front and middle of the passenger cabin.

Window or aisle seats

If the safety of the seats is in different parts the plane is more or less clear, does it matter how close you sit to the window? Basically, the location of the seats is a factor in the event of an emergency evacuation from an aircraft after an unscheduled landing. A lot depends on emotional state passenger. If a tourist is prone to panic and excitement, he should not choose an aisle seat - in a force majeure situation, he may hesitate, and other people will simply trample him, but if the passenger is self-confident and does not experience aerophobia, problems should not arise, especially if he follows all the instructions of the crew.

Important! If there is a panicking passenger next to you, try to calm him down. During an emergency, this can save not only his life, but also yours.

Wherever you sit, always adhere to the following rules:

  • Leading experts recommend flying direct flights, without refueling at an intermediate airport - more than half of plane crashes begin during takeoff and landing;
  • Large airliners have more advanced navigation systems and are considered less prone to malfunctions than medium and small models;
  • The safety instructions presented by the aircraft crew should not be neglected. IN critical situation passengers must clearly understand the procedure for their actions;
  • When seated, you must always remain buckled. Even with mild turbulence, there is the possibility of serious injury;
  • If possible, it is best to avoid taking sleeping pills or overusing them. alcoholic drinks. In an emergency, passengers need to think clearly and make quick decisions;
  • In the event of a force majeure situation, you should remain as calm as possible and strictly follow the crew’s instructions. Panic among passengers creates chaos and makes rapid evacuation much more difficult;
  • During the flight, it is preferable to wear comfortable, comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. IN extreme situation You may need to move quickly, and heels or formal suit will interfere with this.

Each emergency situation with an aircraft is unique in its own way, and it is not possible to predict the development of events in a particular case. It is impossible to say with absolute certainty where in the airliner there is a seat that precisely determines the fate of the passenger who occupies it.

What is the conclusion? If a passenger is afraid of flying, then it is better, of course, to choose seats in the rear of the aircraft, where survival statistics are significantly higher, and, therefore, the flight will be a little calmer. In the absence of pre-flight phobias, where you sit is not that important, since survival depends on many factors, and sometimes passengers in the back of the cabin are more seriously injured. During a flight, don't think that something can go wrong, and remember: the more often we fly, the less nervous we experience.



05/12/2010 17:41, Nomad

Do you think we should go to the mountains? I think so too.

07/13/2010 11:53, Guest

Why is Altai always forgotten?

With this in mind, in almost all cases, security is not guaranteed anywhere. Well, yes, you can live 100 years in a bunker, but is that really life?

09.10.2009 21:08, Guest

It is probably wise to rely on the predictions and cards of Michael Scullion. You can easily find it on the Internet.

After the occupation, the USSR is DIVIDED INTO OCCUPIATION ZONES:

1. West Side Russia.

2. Caucasus - Ukraine.

3. Ural - Western Siberia- Turkestan.

4. Eastern Siberia - Transbaikalia - Primorye.

OCCUPATION ZONES are divided into 22 SUB-AREAS of responsibility

It is determined that AFTER THE OCCUPATION, NATO OCCUPATION FORCES are stationed on the TERRITORY of the USSR to carry out OCCUPATION FUNCTIONS in the amount of 38 ground divisions of 1 million people, of which 23 divisions perform their functions in the Central part of the USSR.


Two divisions in Moscow. One division each in: Leningrad, Minsk, Kiev, Odessa, Murmansk, Gorky, Kuibyshev, Kharkov, Sevastopol, Rostov, Novorossiysk, Batumi, Baku, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, Tashkent, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok.

The occupation forces include 5 air armies, 4 of which are dispersed on Russian territory.

They are introduced into the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea via an aircraft carrier formation.

To the above, the expression of the ideologist of the colonization of the USSR B. Brzezinski is appropriate: “... RUSSIA WILL BE Fragmented AND UNDER GUARDIANESS.”

1991 NATO is preparing for military actions on the territory of Russia and other Eastern European states.

One of the NATO documents says: “We must be prepared for military intervention in this region.”

“There may be a need to intervene in the affairs of Arab world-world Islam." The question of intervention in the Mediterranean is being considered: “In Algeria, Egypt, the Middle East - in regions where we must be prepared for military actions.”

“NATO must be prepared to intervene anywhere in the world.”

Preposition: “Terrorist activity of a particular state, accumulation and storage of chemical weapons, etc.”

The need for preparation is emphasized public opinion, its processing by means mass media, conducting propaganda preparations for the intervention


NATO was opposed by a powerful military bloc of the Warsaw Pact countries,

with its mighty army, vast territory, reserves of manpower, which in turn:

1. It did not allow a lightning war to be carried out, even in the event of a treacherous attack.

2. In 20 days, the USSR was able to occupy all of Western Europe.

3. In 60 days, England would have been destroyed along with its bases, which were of paramount importance for the attack.

4.The United States would not be able to protect its territory from retaliation.

5. The unity of our people in all respects was frightening.

6. Our enemies remembered the courage and heroism of our people in all wars to defend our Fatherland and in fulfilling their international duty.

7. The enemy understood that partisan warfare would be organized in the occupied territory, and only a few would be lackeys and traitors.


The NATO countries, knowing that they would receive a retaliatory blow, still did not abandon the idea of ​​attacking the USSR, constantly improving their plans.

The so-called “brothers” imposed on us have already achieved a lot from their plans. “new strategic partners”, all that remains is to buy up everything (including land) for their own papers or to fool them for consumer goods, put their soldier on our necks, leave the required number of slaves, reducing the population according to the principle: a slave must make a profit or die (Who needs a slave who will eat and not work?) Will something change in the actions of the occupier, in his attitude towards us, towards our children, grandchildren, if we let him go voluntarily, “entering” NATO?

***Map of nuclear war against Russia***

02/03/2010 11:17, remix

what is prescribed by mother nature, then it will be, only man is trying to bring it closer, the age of technological development contributes to this approach to the imminent end, the era of dinosaurs lasted hundreds of millions of years, the era of humanity lasted for several tens of thousands of years, while without hesitation throughout their development they destroy themselves until now, by any means, without thinking about the consequences, and apparently as an individual he can disappear, only an animal can remain on earth and natural world, but at the same time, I think the scientists of the earth have decided this and keep as an option in space an incubator of the human gene, or something similar, after the completion of the catoclysm on earth, the so-called pioneers will be discharged from space for the so-called next colonization of the earth, and so the closed loop turns out to be repeated circle (spiral).


Regarding the project "CNL-000/1"

We would like to inform you that the Department of “Analysis and Strategic Decisions” has completed the formation and preparation of the “CNL-000” project.

In the territory Russian Federation There are only three places that have the required security status.

In this regard, within the framework of the CNL-000/1 project, an auxiliary (subordinate) special object is being prepared for the continuation of life on Earth.

The object is intended for the creative, successful and purposeful middle stratum of the Gene Pool of humanity, whose families can provide the prerequisites for the revival and maintenance of various technologies of civilization and production processes, as well as its protection from attacks by other organisms.

At the same time, we inform you that the life activity of the specified object “CNL-000/1” is carried out at the level of a modern village with all amenities.

The village has universal protection, the details of which are copied from the main object “CNL-000”.

Please note that the level of passive and active safety of the CNL-000/1 is almost at the same level. Comfort is lower.

Applications, in free form, from employees and Participants of the Foundation are accepted in the prescribed manner. Other persons are required to undergo appropriate registration.

Individuals and legal entities included in the staff structure of the FPSM are included based on the following standardization: 1+4 (employee + 4 people).

The rest are based on 1+2.

Applications are accepted by fax, special postal address or E-mail (SSL protection).

After consideration, conditions for inclusion in the specified project are sent.

Please note that persons who are members of the “CNL-000” project have the opportunity to additionally include any people they need in the “CNL-000/1” project, without a review procedure.

If preconditions for the onset of a cataclysm (disaster) arise, prompt notification and delivery to a new place of residence are carried out.


The Foundation, in addition, invites individuals, its employees and Participants to long-term cooperation, the purpose of which is to maintain well-being

and the security of the gene pool of humanity.

One of the main directions in the implementation of the Foundation’s statutory activities is support in the implementation of the tasks prescribed in Federal laws and other current regulations regulating the activities of divisions of the relevant Government departments.

In addition, the structural divisions of the Foundation are studying

various kinds of interethnic and earthly relations, as well as the reasons for them


Currently, the Department of “Analysis and Strategic Decisions”, in

within the framework of the “CNL-000” project, it is preparing a special object for the continuation of life

on the ground.

The above object has the following basic characteristics:

1. Safe constant environmental conditions;

2. Safe, extremely durable sedimentary cover of ancient platforms;

3. Complete absence of large and small deflections and faults in the earth’s crust;

4. Availability of a reliable supply of fresh (drinking) water;

5.Maximum resistance to global natural and man-made disasters.

Analysis of incoming information from our independent foreign and Russian sources indicates that a global natural disaster will occur in the near future. This cataclysm will provoke several man-made disasters chemical and nuclear nature. In this regard, there will be a large-scale, in terms of power, strengthening of the natural component of this cataclysm, in several directions at once.

The characteristics of these directions are as follows:

1. Earthquakes, all over the world, from 6 to 15 points, depending on the foundations of the earth's platforms and the proximity of mountainous areas;

2. Tsunami, across all continents, with water heights from 310 to 645 meters;

3. Igneous faults will appear on all continents, some of which

will cross central cities;

4. The activity of active volcanoes will increase tenfold, extinct ones will awaken and many new ones will appear in different places.

5. Accidents at chemical and nuclear enterprises will lead to the release of large amounts of toxic and radioactive substances into the atmosphere, as well as into earth resources (water, soil).

6. Almost everywhere, there will be extremely heavy rainfall for 4 to 15 days, depending on location. Vylets

I from 1 to 5 annual precipitation norms.

Relatively less than the rest of the others, the continent of “Eurasia” will suffer, and among the states - the Russian Federation.

The Russian Federation will remain the only state that survived the global catastrophe with minimal material, technical and human losses.

However, on the territory of the Russian Federation, the city of St. Petersburg will completely disappear within a short period of time as a result of flooding.

A fault in the earth's crust will pass through the territory of Moscow, which will subsequently fill with water and divide the city into two parts.

Most of the East European and West Siberian plains will be covered by water for a short time (from 5 to 27 days). On these plains, earthquakes up to 7 points. In the vicinity of mountainous areas and faults in the earth's crust, it is 2-3 points stronger.

On the East European Plain there will be a very large fault in the Timan Ridge region.

A giant magmatic fault will open in the territory of the Ural Mountains; volcanic activity, earthquake and rising water will lead to the complete destruction of settlements located from the mountains at a distance of 50 to 500 km.

Territories of the following divisions of Russia: Altai region, Altai Republic, Khakassia Republic, Tyva Republic, Irkutsk region, The Republic of Buryatia, Chita region, Amur Region, Sakha Republic, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk region, Sakhalin region, Magadan Region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Koryak Autonomous Okrug and Kamchatka Region will pass along large magmatic faults.

Some areas will be destroyed mainly by earthquakes, which are especially strong near mountainous areas.

Other areas will suffer mainly from water damage.

European countries will suffer greatly. States such as Italy, Greece and France (southern part), including Turkey, will completely disappear. Along with them, the Mediterranean Sea will gradually, almost completely disappear.

After the cataclysm, on the site of these territories there will be mountain system altitude from 3000 to 8000 meters.

Due to an unusually strong rift under the Atlantic Ocean and an unstable platform most of South America plunges into the water element.

North America will suffer the most from earthquakes and tsunamis with a height of about 645 meters. The impact of this wave will be taken by the Eastern part North America. The tsunami height on the coast will be about 65 to 132 meters.

The energy of this tsunami, over 20 - 30 kilometers from the ocean, will destroy hundreds of settlements in the USA and Canada and destroy a large number of human lives.

The western part of the continent will be greatly affected by earthquakes and magmatic faults and eruptions.

In the United States and Canada, there is only one place each that provides an almost 100% level of security and the necessary normal living conditions.

In addition, as a result of this catastrophe, large and small islands, as well as peninsulas, will completely disappear for a long or short time.

This circumstance will lead to the almost complete disappearance of some nations and nationalities.

As a result of a strong earthquake and tsunami, the state of Japan will completely disappear within a few days (from 2-4 days), which will lead to the loss by the earthly community of many developed and also developed modern technologies future.

Within a short period of time, Great Britain will suddenly disappear under water. However, after a few days, a small part of it (about one fifth) will emerge from the water.

The population of the state of China will decrease significantly, almost by half. A tsunami with a height of 100 to 194 meters will hit its East coast.

The energy of this tsunami, over a distance of 35–50 kilometers from the ocean, will destroy hundreds of populated areas in China and destroy, almost instantly, a large number of human lives.

The northern part of China will be hit hard by earthquakes and magmatic faults. After the disaster, severe famine and disease will begin in China.

There are 2 places in China where an almost 100% level of security and the necessary normal living conditions are ensured.

Australia will suffer moderate damage. However, global cooling will occur on its territory in a short period of time, from -10 to -35 degrees below zero. This circumstance will put life in Australia in an almost hopeless situation.

tion. After some time, Australia will be characterized by a complete absence summer period. The minimum temperature is -7 degrees below zero.

In addition, space and settlements that are in contact with seas, oceans, large lakes and large rivers will be the first to bear the blow of this global natural disaster.

The above situation, with increasing intensity, will last about 10 days. On the 7th day there will be a peak of activity that will last 1-3 days.

This circumstance practically excludes the usual life activity on the surface of the Earth.

In addition, we inform you that the life activity of the specified object CNL-000 is carried out in several modes:

1. Standard regime – living conditions at the level of prestigious cottage villages. The territory of the village is open to external influences.

This mode only provides for limiting the territory of the village from various types of atmospheric phenomena(heavy rain, hurricane). The sun and air have an unhindered impact on the village and nature.

2. Extreme regime – living conditions of clause 1.

However, the territory of the village is protected from any natural air or ground disasters (earthquakes, heavy rain, hurricanes, tornadoes). The sun unhinderedly heats the village. Air is sucked in from the atmosphere and forcibly circulates throughout the village and nature, simulating the characteristic components of air flows.

3. Ultra-extreme regime – living conditions, clause 2.

The village and its surrounding nature are completely isolated from any penetration from the outside. Air is produced and circulated in a closed cycle. If man-made radioactivity, water levels or sun radioactivity allow it, then the village residents live “seemingly in an environment familiar to people.”

However, if one of the conditions is violated, then a completely artificial daughter “planet” is created, the life activity of which is autonomous.

For persons ready for the specified cooperation (interaction), please send to our postal address, fax or E-mail (SSL protection) a short information sheet, in which indicate the following parameters:

Installation data;

Methods of direct communication (telephone, mail);

Education and existing professional

level (experience in a particular activity, including organizational, in what areas);

Work experience (in what areas);

Level of health (what permanent diseases you have, the more often you get sick, the presence of allergies, the presence of surgical operations on organs);

Mental health (are there any abnormalities, what kind of nervous system);

We remind you that the questionnaire should not contain attached files.

The specified information sheet is necessary for drawing up a medical record for inclusion in the CNL-000 project.

Employees and Participants of the Fund are provided with the following Social Security:

1. Preparation, submission and normalization of almost any Tax violations in the Russian Federation and abroad (including very complex cases);

2. Settlement of banking violations at the level of deputy heads of the Moscow State Technical University of the Central Bank and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation itself;

3. Settlement of issues with the heads of regions and local authorities self-government on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad;

4. Settlement of issues in the Court and Arbitration Court (Moscow, Region, Supreme Court and Supreme Arbitration Court), including regional authorities in the Russian Federation and abroad;

5. Settlement of issues with units under the President of the Russian Federation and other states;

6. Prompt solution of other specific issues.

We draw your attention to the fact that the Foundation has the opportunity to provide effective support, on a non-commercial basis, in relation to Social security in the activities of organizations and their employees leading entrepreneurial activity for the transportation of goods, on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond its borders.

The Foundation carries out work aimed at strengthening the internal as well as external well-being and foundations of the Russian state.

The Foundation offers:

1. 1. Reduce product delivery costs by almost 2 times.

2. 2. Reduce to a minimum the risk of transporting goods.

3. 3. Reduce delivery time due to various bureaucratic delays.

Applications, in free form, for non-commercial cooperation, should be sent to a special postal address, fax or e-mail.

Please note that the email should not contain attachments.

Best wishes


Director of the Foundation

06/01/2010 16:28, MIsto

What are the chances for the town of Kandalaksha?

On the one hand, a small half-extinct town that no one needs,

and on the other hand there is a port, a railway, the Kola Nuclear Power Plant nearby, military bases and an important strategic location.

06/01/2010 18:24, MIsto

Since there are military mines, I think this is more good than bad, because they need to be protected, and so should we (bare theory)

06/10/2010 01:43, Guest


06/02/2010 06:57, Guest

What are the chances of N. Novgorod surviving? Or will gifts fly there first?

06/02/2010 10:50, Guest

As for NN, there will be a lot of gifts... for sure

06/03/2010 06:17, Guest

What is there to bomb there anyway? Is it a plant?

02.06.2010 10:49, mannolo

it will be safe in the grave IMHO)))) but in general the question is not where it is easier to survive a large fur-bearing animal... it all depends on the form in which it arrives. but those who slip through will definitely have to reach for water sources or roam nearby. Alas historical experience and metabolism forces you to do so)

06/04/2010 15:06, Ksandr

It's best to go to Taiga. And don’t forget that radiation does not make a 3-meter monster out of a squirrel, but rather kills the squirrel =)

06/16/2010 09:48, Guest

The military does not protect missile silos. The dacha is next to these very mines, all the garbage is thrown out behind a fence made of wire, and not a single one (not even a camouflaged missile or anti-aircraft gun) is visible.

06/18/2010 21:44, Ksandr

Yes, all this is nonsense. NO one will survive!

Well, think for yourself: 1) Half-life 50 years? No matter how it is. I’m not an expert, of course, but I remember that a physics teacher said 20 years ago that this very period for some isotopes lasts a couple of tens of thousands of years. Have new textbooks been released? Apparently not, physics too.

2) Everyone wants to eat. But what to eat? Mushrooms? Feed? Stew? xD. And this means vitamin deficiency, cholera rachid, etc. and so on. What about vitamins? It seems to me that the modern pharmaceutical industry does not think about producing tablets for 200 years in the future =)

50 degrees cold means Russian latitudes. But in general, the source made more sense

As I understand it, the source meant both volcanic eruptions and the resulting glacial “perid”.

But if you lower the temperature to, say, minus 10 -15, then it’s hard to avoid this, and this is the minimum for “optimists”.

The fires are so widespread from poisonous explosions (cities, forests, agricultural fields) that a lot of oxygen will be burned by fire, which means oxygen starvation. It can be avoided if electrolysis plants, splitting water and dividing into two components, will act as oxygen in the breath completely autonomous (this is also useful from chemical and biological threats and does not require very complex filters), but as hydrogen mixed with the surrounding water (cleaned of ash) to heat heating pipes. This cleavage has 3 times more temperature (2000 Gy) than the network gas! After cleavage, the resulting water will probably be the cleanest from radiation and bacteria, since at high temperatures radiation disappears.

If the gas source is so powerful, then a flame cutter can serve as a good construction tool, and an object aimed at a radioactive object can eliminate it (i.e., by melting it down). In principle, such sources are cheap, but their performance is questionable even though they exist a lot of am. and grew up patents.

87% of adults experience fear when flying. 13% completely avoid airplanes as a means of transportation. Most often, the phobia develops in people over 20-25 years of age after entering a turbulence zone. The desire to make travel less stressful leads to the question: which part of the plane is safest to fly in?

At first glance, it may seem that the places most protected from an accident are located in the business and first class zones. According to research, this is a misconception. It’s a paradox, but the safest places are in the rear of the liner. Let's find out why first class is more dangerous than economy on an aircraft.

Note! In turbulence zones, it is more stable to sit in the nose of the plane than in the tail.

The safest seats on a plane: an assessment

To identify safe seats on an airplane based on survivability, an American publication published statistics on airplane crashes from the National Safety Council over the past 35 years. The following results were obtained:

The side roll during landing can be either to the left or to the right. The chances are equal, so you should not choose a place based on this criterion.

Based on US aircraft crash data since 1971.

When looking for the safest seat on the plane, do not forget that window seats will make it difficult to quickly exit in the event of an accident; it is better to focus on the seats in the aisle.


An experiment by American specialists who decided to lift an old Boeing into the air and simulate a plane crash in the desert helped us understand the results.

The pilot accelerated the car to a speed of more than two hundred km/h, which guaranteed significant damage. He then ejected with a parachute. Upon inspection of the scene, experts found that the least affected were the mannequins located in the rear of the aircraft. During the fall, the nose of the plane took the full force of the impact, which is why business class has the lowest survival rate.

Middle of the cabin

Considered relative safe places. The middle doesn't count best place in case of an accident due to:

  • In the event of a collision, it still takes on a significant part of the impact, although less than the nose;
  • Close proximity of engines. Often, a disaster occurs during takeoff or landing, after which the fuel tanks, which are designed near the central part of the vessel, may catch fire.

However, in 1974 there was an accident in which only four passengers from the central section survived. The entire train remained intact after the impact, but a fire immediately broke out. Only four were able to escape unharmed.

It later turned out that these passengers read the passenger memo before the flight and then listened to the flight attendant's briefing. It was mentioned that the doors at the rear of the plane would not open for some reason. Knowing this, people climbed out of the emergency hatches, while everyone rushed to the end of the cabin in panic.

Bottom line: the safest places will be those near emergency exits. It doesn't matter if they are in the middle or at the end. By purchasing tickets at the emergency doors, you can get off the plane before others without being crowded.

Places in the tail

They are considered to be among the safest, although this category of seats cannot be called 100% so, since each plane crash can follow a unique scenario. There were cases when the plane tilted in such a way that the entire impact fell on the tail.

So, in 1976 in Philadelphia, due to strong wind changes, the pilot was unable to land the car the first time and received data from the dispatcher about a change in the wind course. He decided to land on the second try, raised the nose of the plane a little up and gained altitude. From about 30 meters the plane suddenly crashed, still in a nose-up state.

On that day, more casualties were in the rear of the ship: 36 seriously injured people. These places are considered to be the most reliable due to the fact that landing with your nose into the ground is statistically more common.

Air crash statistics

According to figures, a plane crash occurs approximately once in a million flights. Deaths per year vary up to 1000 people. This is 60 times less than in road accidents and even cyclist accidents.

Aviation has existed for almost a hundred years, and during that time less than 150 thousand people have died.

The phobia of flying is associated with the wide media coverage that a plane crash receives. Many people believe that traveling by train is much safer than flying and deliberately avoid air transport.

Referring to data from 2015, the opposite result emerges: 474 people died from plane crashes in the world, and in the EU, railway accidents claimed the lives of 1,739 people.

Statistics in favor of the aircraft:

  1. Since 2000, the mortality rate in plane crashes in the world has decreased by approximately 2 times;
  2. IN last decade people die in about 17% of all crashes;
  3. The number of passengers transported has increased to 4.5 billion. In relation to the number of passengers transported, the mortality figures are significantly lower than 60 years ago.

Dear visitors of the Aviawiki website! There are so many of your questions that, unfortunately, our specialists do not always have time to answer them all. Let us remind you that we answer questions absolutely free of charge and on a first-come, first-served basis. However, you have the opportunity to be guaranteed to receive a prompt response for a symbolic amount.