Population of Magadan and the Magadan region. Flotskaya street area

The total population in Magadan is very small. But the Jewish component of the population turned out to be quite high. Although now it has noticeably decreased, Jewish Magadan continues to exist. And not long ago, Magadan was a very Jewish city.
In general, the percentage of Jewish prisoners in the GULAG camps was very high (see the GULAG section). But even in post-GULAG times, the Jewish intelligentsia played a very significant role in the life of Magadan. Jews made up a significant percentage of personnel in various fields of activity - education, medicine, culture, construction and in the defining industry for Magadan - geology.
The motives for such concentration could be different - from pure romance to ordinary mercantile considerations (for some decent earnings). But regardless of the reasons, this led to a high intellectual standard of living in Magadan in the 50-70s and to noticeably greater freedom of life here than in the rest of Russia.
With the onset of perestroika, the population of the Magadan region as a whole began to decline significantly. The number of Jews in it began to fall even earlier.
All these trends are reflected in the following tables (according to the passport of the Magadan region, 1992 edition).

Population dynamics
Magadan and Magadan region (including Chukotka)

The region's population peaked in 1988, after which it began a steady decline.
In the city of Magadan, the same downward trend appeared with a delay - at the end of the 80s, the population of Magadan continued to increase. But then - somewhere in the mid-90s - it collapsed no less intensely than in the region.

National composition of the population
Magadan region (including Chukotka)

Nationality Number in absolute units (people) As a percentage of the total population
Census years 1979 1989 1979 1989
Total population 476895 555621 100,0 100,0
Russians 357745 402797 75 72,5
Ukrainians 65206 85772 13,7 15,4
Chukchi 11947 12563 2,5 2,3
Belarusians 8533 10426 2 1,9
Tatars 6791 8024 1,4 1,4
Evens 3182 3769 0,6 0,7
Germans 1727 2199 0,4 0,4
Jews 1491 1294 0,3 0,23
Ossetians 1368 1641 0,3 0,3
Eskimos 1341 1531 0,3 0,3
Chuvash 1235 1728 0,3 0,3
Mordva 1209 1364 0,3 0,2
Buryats 1140 1579 0,2 0,3
Moldovans 1132 2247 0,2 0,4
Armenians 991 1251 0,2 0,2
Poles 912 922 0,2 0,2
Bashkirs 854 1444 0,2 0,3
Azerbaijanis 552 1272 0,1 0,22

Indicated by color:

This table presents peoples whose total number within the Magadan region exceeded 1000 people, according to at least one of the censuses (or is close to this figure)

So, according to the 1979 census. Jews were in the top ten of 110 peoples noted in the Magadan region, occupying a fairly noticeable 8th place. But by the end of the eighties they had already fallen into the second ten - to 15th place. And this happened against the backdrop of a significant increase in the numbers of all (!) other peoples, some even by 2 or more times.
In general, everything is in order - Jews have always been distinguished by a significant peculiarity. This is just another confirmation of the well-known thesis.

If someone considers the above dynamics to be a random game of numbers, then here is an additional illustration of the same “Jewish peculiarity” - the number of some “very small” peoples in Magadan according to the same census data, but taken from the tail of the list of 110 nationalities (these Peoples just go in the table - one after another).

Small nationalities in the Magadan region Number according to censuses (persons) Dynamics
1979 1989
Central Asian Jews 11 1
Karaites 2 4
Krymchaks 6 2
Tats (Mountain Jews) 11 13
Crimean Tatars 2 28
Total Jews (A+B+D) 28 16 Reduction by 1.5-2 times
Total non-Jews from similar indigenous areas (B+D) 4 32 An increase of 8 (!) times.

He who has ears, let him hear: among small people the same dynamics are confirmed.

Thus, for the population of Magadan and the Magadan region, a decreasing trend is clearly visible both in the general population of Magadan and specifically for Jews. But if the total number began to decrease noticeably only from the border of the 80s - 90s, then for the Jewish contingent the decline began noticeably earlier - in the early eighties or even before that.
Well, Jews are like Jews, they sense any trend in advance (or maybe they create it themselves?!).
This was how it was at the turn of the last century, when the Jews were the first to pave the way to America, and all of active Russia, suffocating under tsarism, rushed after them. The same thing, to the point of a decimal point, was repeated before our eyes - in the Soviet state.
So, Magadan is another, but probably not the last, illustration of this.
Let us rely on the law of conservation of matter (here - people) - since it decreases here, it means that it is added somewhere!

But a trend is a trend, and Jewish Magadan still exists. And the task of this site is to demonstrate this immutable fact.

General information and history

Magadan is located in the south of the Magadan region, on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, on the Magadanka River, in the permafrost region. Also on the territory of the urban district flows the Dukcha River, the valley of which is used for agriculture and as a place for recreation for citizens. It is the capital of the Magadan region and a seaport. The area of ​​the city is 295 km².

In 1915, gold was discovered in Kolyma. In 1928, the river valley began to be studied in detail. On Nagaev Bay, where the city now stands, it was decided to build a port and from there start a road to the mines. The following year, construction of housing and infrastructure began. This is how the village of Magadan appeared, which ten years later received city status, and in 1954 became the capital, economic, cultural, administrative and scientific center of the region of the same name.

In 1932, the North-Eastern forced labor camp (other names USVITL, Sevvostlag) was formed, which existed until 1951. Its prisoners worked on the industrial development of Kolyma.

Districts of Magadan

Magadan is divided into such areas as: 7th worker, 31st quarter, Avtotek, Pea field, Zvezda, Pasta factory, Marchekan, Nagaevo, Novaya Veselaya, New center, OPRS, Pioneer, Prigorodny, Industrial zone, Prostokvashino (95- quarter), Luksa Street Area, Flotskaya Street Area, Solnechny, Staraya Veselaya, Center, Shanghai and Yama.

Population of Magadan for 2017 and 2018. Number of residents of Magadan

Data on the number of city residents are taken from the Federal State Statistics Service. The official website of the Rosstat service is www.gks.ru. The data was also taken from the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, the official website of EMISS www.fedstat.ru. The website publishes data on the number of residents of Magadan. The table shows the distribution of the number of residents of Magadan by year; the graph below shows the demographic trend in different years.

Graph of population changes in Magadan:

The population of the city in 2014 was approximately 94.3 thousand, which placed it in 182nd place in the list of Russian cities. Population density - 319.81 people/km².

In recent years, there has been an increase in the birth rate in Magadan, in contrast to the 90s, when there was a decline in this parameter, and many city residents flew to Central Russia. Then the number of townspeople fell by almost a third. It must be said that many Magadan residents who left then subsequently returned back.

Since 2008, the mortality rate has become less than the birth rate. And since 2004, the number of city residents moving to other regions of Russia has fallen. But compared to those leaving from other regions of our state, it remained high.

The number of city residents of working age is approximately 69 thousand, older - approximately 16.7 thousand, and younger - approximately 16.8. For every thousand men aged 15 to 72 years, there are 1,089 women. And if we take city residents aged 16 to 29 years, for every thousand men there are 998 women.

The average age of residents is 36.7 years.

Representatives of the following peoples live in Magadan: Russians - 84.1%, Ukrainians - 6.5%, Evens - 1.7%, Tatars - 0.9%, Belarusians - 0.8%, Koryaks - 0.6% , Itelmens - 0.4%, Kamchadals and Chukchis - 0.2% each, Yukaghirs - 0.05% and Chuvans 0.04%.

Ethnic names: Magadan, Magadan, Magadan.

Magadan city photo. Photo of Magadan

Information about the city of Magadan on Wikipedia:

Link to Magadan website. You can get a lot of additional information by reading it on the official website of Magadan, the official portal of Magadan and the government.
Official website of Magadan

Map of the city of Magadan. Magadan Yandex maps

Created using the Yandex service People's Map (Yandex map), when zoomed out you can understand the location of Magadan on the map of Russia. Magadan Yandex maps. Interactive Yandex map of the city of Magadan with street names, as well as house numbers. The map has all the symbols of Magadan, it is convenient and not difficult to use.

On the page you can read some descriptions of Magadan. You can also see the location of the city of Magadan on the Yandex map. Detailed with descriptions and labels of all city objects.

Reviews about the city Magadan (31)

Alexander School

He lived in the city in 1951-58 as a boy on Parkovaya Street, next to the park, which was called him. Gorky M., studied at school No. 1, which was opposite the city or regional party committee, then one, as far as I understand, on the street. K. Marx, I don’t know for sure.

The house was two-story, made of logs, with two front doors. Lived on the 2nd floor. Where the communal apartment consisted of 8 families, one kitchen. We lived together together, including the boys. On holidays we walked around the kitchen table, which was made there, who would set what. Life was hard, but fun.

I will never forget the blue sky over Nagaev Bay in the spring. A man from Odessa is telling you this, having seen a lot.

Don't forget fishing - on a fine day there was no time to drag the flounder off the hooks. In the summer we occasionally went to the taiga, in my opinion, to the side, then 72 km, now the village. Stekolny, in the clearings of the hills, where lingonberries, where blueberries were collected, where mushrooms were. The air is grace, the landscapes are gorgeous. This is presented to you by someone who served in military service in the forests of Latvia (Vainode, Skrunda), also brilliant, but not comparable.

It is clear that the house where he lived is no longer in sight, st. Lenin, in the photo, looks brilliant in comparison with the dirt of the end of April of those years.

The Magadan winter, especially in a blizzard, of course, it was frosty, it was freezing, but in those days they were heating, I’ll tell you what was needed and, what’s amazing, at school, at the skating rink, in the heating room, at home. I only froze to death once, when in the park in winter, I fell from a children's turntable with airplane seats in the park, it looks awkward in a snowdrift, until I got home with a broken right arm. No, I’m lying, the second time, when, in the cabin, you can see MAZ, there were no shuttle buses then, apparently, when I was sent from Stekolny, by hitchhiking, to Magadan. The driver in the sheepskin coat saw him and gave me something to drink, wild stuff, probably diluted alcohol; I don’t remember how he arrived, but he didn’t get sick. This is stated by a man who, like a dog, froze to death in the Arctic Circle in the summer in 1980-85, who went to lead construction teams for part-time jobs in Amderma, Chokurdakh, in the summer.

I was tempted to fly from there to Magadan to take a look at the city, but I didn’t.

And in St. Petersburg it was freezing in the summer, like the wind from the Gulf of Finland, you don’t know where to go.

Magadan doctors back then were competent. I remember, oh, I was seriously ill with measles. He survived, thank them and God.

I can also say the same about my broken arm; they put it in a cast professionally. The hand works according to the classics. This is explained to you by a lover of billiards and table tennis, where the hand and eye work like clockwork.

The only thing that bothered the boy in those years was the lack of fruits and vegetables, canned stew and fish, and powdered potatoes. Milk powder. I remember my father brought a piece of frozen milk under his arm - it was a holiday, especially when my mother made ice cream from it, the second holiday when my father brought several boxes of Chinese apples, outrageously large and just as green.

And I remember everything well, and I also studied in the 2nd school. We lived on Proletarskaya Street, house 34 b, now, probably, there is no such thing. They left in 1962. But I still feel drawn to Magadan, and sometimes even feel melancholy. Alexander wrote about life and everyday life, as if about me. That's how it was.

Teterin Peter

Lived in Magadan from 1962 to 1988. At this time, Magadan was quickly getting upset. During this time, the Magadangorstroy trust was built. Schools 11, 18 and 7. House of Communications. Houses near the television tower. Seaport - berths 5 and 6. Airport at 54 km. Swimming pool and much more. The trust had excellent builders and managers - Vitels, Raisky, Evdokimov. The last time we all visited Magadan was for the 50th anniversary, we were invited like old builders. I will remember this for the rest of my life. We visited our buildings, met with city leaders, and went fishing for Armani. Memories of Magadan are constantly in our minds, and every year on August 31, our Magadan residents meet at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. People our age are passing away, but young Magadan residents have great respect for those people who explored the Far North. And good health and happiness to all of them. Bloom, my Magadan!


Although I was not born in Magadan, I consider it my second homeland: I lived there with my parents from 1954 to 1979. Our house was located in Shkolny Lane, two steps from the regional drama theater. Gorky, and nearby was school No. 1, where I had the opportunity to study until the sixth grade. He left Magadan to serve in the SA, and after returning he worked at various enterprises in the city, including the regional drama theater as a recording engineer. Here I met my wife and in 1967 our eldest son, Yuri, was born. Now I live in the Altai Republic, but I still miss this unique city.

Lived in Magadan from 1991 to 2006. I studied at 14, then at 13 school. Now I live in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

How this harsh and beautiful land attracts me. Beautiful nature, cold and threatening sea. What kind of people? Kind, responsive. I catch myself thinking that I really want to go back to Magadan. Eh...

Timofeev Yuri.

I’ve been living in the city since I was 6 months old, I’m 50. I can write a lot of good things and bad things too. There is only one fact - the population is decreasing... There are very few old-timers, I like the modern look of the city less than in the 80-90s.

Natalya Toropova

She left Magadan in 1992. Having arrived in Siberia and realizing the difference in human relationships, I wanted to give up everything and go back. But having turned on their reason and overcome their emotions, they still remained in Siberia. They jokingly said that they changed one link to another. We're used to it. It was harder to get used to people than to the climate. We missed you very much. Having survived the difficult times of the 90s and crossed the line of the 2000s, I was able to save money to come visit my parents on Klepka. My God!!! By touch, somewhere on foot, I climbed not only Klepka, but almost the whole of Magadan - inhaled our sea air deeply. I couldn't breathe. I listened to the cries of seagulls sitting on the roofs of houses. They used to irritate me. The city turned out to be so close and dear that it was hard. In 2008, when I arrived, he was as if I had just left yesterday, he had not changed. It only got worse - shabby. One bus station was depressing, but in 2010-2014 it flourished and became prettier, and it was during this period that the city’s changes for the better were felt. I love you, my Magadan! I love people - a special kind of people. The North has left its mark on them. She lived in Avtotek, in a hole - block 95, in a hostel on the Magadanka embankment, in Nagaevo. There is something to remember.


I accidentally ended up in Magadan in 1916. I myself live in Stavropol; I lived in Norilsk for 14 years. And so, out of the blue, my army friend from training in Vyborg invited me to fly to Magadan - all this pleasure for us, pensioners, cost 15 thousand rubles there and back. Well, how not to use this opportunity? I'm easy on the rise, it's 20 hours to Moscow by bus - Domodedovo - meeting with my friend, waiting for the flight - and almost 8 hours of flight. Landing, Falcon. There are a lot of impressions and all are positive. Magadan residents are wonderful people, like Norilsk residents, they will always help, advise, and if necessary, they will warm you up. I was fishing in Ola, a wonderful place, and the fish was not fish, but raspberries! In general, I am very pleased with this trip and once again became convinced of how huge and rich our country is; it’s a pity that we don’t know how to use these riches to our advantage.


Born in Magadan!!! My kindergarten was in Nagaevo, and then school 21)))

I lived with my parents in a one-story barracks in Nagaevo, then they gave me an apartment on Koltsevaya. Only wonderful memories: ice slides, a skating rink, a ski slope, ice holes in the frozen sea to catch fish, many fishermen in sheepskin coats))) They made houses out of snowdrifts, dragged their toys there and played))) And nothing, they didn’t get sick with practically anything, although they came home like snowmen, mittens, knees, collar frozen!!!))) But so happy and satisfied!!!

Lingonberries, cloudberries, honeysuckle - aaaaah!!! What a yummy thing))) And when it’s a warm day (warm - meaning that the sun is shining, there is no fog, and, most importantly, there is no wind), you go to nature, to barbecue, to ski, and in the summer you run to Staraya Veselaya to sunbathe! !! What a thrill it is when you appreciate every warm day and rush not to miss it!)) In general, I really miss Magadan, we moved to the south about 7 years ago. It always seemed like we’d move and live...

But no, we lived right there, in a harsh region, and here we live out a boring life... although we are just turning 40))) Although my husband doesn’t think so, he doesn’t miss Magadan at all, he says that he’s terrified remembers this permafrost!))

In short, who cares!!!

I have been to many regions and cities of our bottomless Motherland for work. Everywhere has its own characteristics and mentality, but Magadan residents, like Muscovites, are a separate caste... arrogant and arrogant towards visiting people. I myself am not a crest or an Asian, I am from the north of the Urals, but I have never met people like here on such a scale. You live separately and stew in your own juices, that’s right - only the descendants of guards and prisoners...


“You live separately and stew in your own juice, that’s right - only the descendants of guards and prisoners...”

Unfortunately, you didn't understand. In addition to prisoners, 7.5 thousand people arrived in the region following the Komsomol conscription of 1956. Young people were sent to mines and mines, factories and car depots. Many people came of their own accord: some were motivated by romance, others were attracted by earnings. The selection was natural - those who withstood the tests of the North remained for a long time, while others, after the expiration of the contract, left after 3 years.

This is the first time I’ve heard about the arrogance of Magadan residents. Maybe you behaved incorrectly? Or maybe they hit the visitors. In recent years, a lot of people have come to Magadan.

My children were assigned to Magadan, my son-in-law was from Magadan, and we were from the Krasnodar Territory, so in the summer of 2016 I came to visit them. When I was driving, I expected to see something gray, dirty, dull, but... my delight knows no bounds, I simply fell in love with this city. Yes, I agree that the houses are old and dull, but this, it seemed to me, was the only drawback. Beautiful nature, even the seagulls don’t irritate me at all, but on the contrary, they add some kind of charm, and what fishing... Tickets have been bought, we’ll be arriving in July with my husband!!!

Golden city of Kolyma. It's better to go to the sea than to Magadan. It’s beautiful in the photo, but when you arrive it’s gloomy. Summer never happens. There is constant drizzle coming from the sea. Just horror, not a city. It's better to look at the photo. Looks more beautiful. And those who write here that everything is great there, write about food prices. Or throw out the photo with fruit. Those who live in Magadan are all shocked by the prices. Why lie. Write the truth.


Born in Donetsk, her parents brought her to the North at the age of 6. I lived here for 50 years and now I’ve been living in the Yaroslavl region, Rybinsk, for 10 years, I really miss Magadan, the hills where I picked mushrooms and berries. I remember we were on Jack London Lake, where we were fishing for grayling. And what a beautiful autumn there is, with colorful colors! I have never seen such beauty anywhere else! And what delicious, clean, cold water! In the North, strong-willed people live; weak people whine and try to escape from difficulties. And we lived there, gave birth, raised children, and now they and their grandchildren come to visit us and have no plans to leave it yet!


I want to exchange an apartment in Magadan with Lipetsk. Lived in Ust-Srednekan for 31 years. My daughter and grandson are in Magadan, I want to visit them. My apartment is in a new building, 10 years old, 8th floor, warm. I’ve been living here for 7 years, I’m not used to it, I work, but my soul is there, I want to go to the children...

Born in Magadan in May 1946. My mother and my sister Galya left besieged Leningrad in 1943 and traveled to Magadan for more than a year until they received a call from my father and arrived in Magadan at the end of 1944. My sister studied at school No. 1. We first lived on the Commune in a two-story wooden house, then, after the house burned down, we moved to a house opposite the Gornyak cinema, and since 1949 we lived at the address: Lenin Ave., 7. I remember myself from the age of 3 I walked in the yard on my own (!!!), I saw how house No. 5 (corner) was being built, I was friends with the janitor who lived in a small closet under the stairs in our first front door, I went to Magadanka, from the age of 4 I ran alone to the park of culture and recreation. From this age I began to realize that the city was being built and a lot was changing. And my parents weren’t afraid that someone would steal me or take me away. And this is in Magadan!!! In 1951, my parents went on vacation with us, first to Leningrad, then to the seaside in New Athos. While!!! Our living space in Leningrad has been booked since the war!!! And it did not disappear, despite the most difficult stage in the history of the USSR. Today this is even impossible to imagine. Ideas about honor, conscience, and human decency have changed too much.

I remember Leningrad being reborn after the war very vividly. There were still destroyed houses, craters between houses (in the Nevsky district), but the city was being revived. In the spring of 1952, we returned to Magadan and my father was transferred to work in the taiga village of Adygalakh. Taiga, the confluence of two rivers - Adygalakha and Ayan-Uryakh. About 800 kilometers from Magadan.

I still dream about that taiga. I first learned to shoot from a small-caliber rifle in the taiga, but I didn’t like fishing, even though there were great fish in these rivers. At the age of 6 I went to first grade. In one room, one teacher taught the first and third grades, each of which had 6-7 students. I knew how to read and write, so I happily studied in the third grade with half an eye. In December 1952, both my mother and I became seriously ill. After 4 months, my mother and I left “for the mainland” in Alma-Ata. My father stayed to work for another 4 years. And in 1959 we returned to Leningrad for good.

But Magadan and Magadan white nights, crabs in Gertner Bay at low tide, PRINCE berries, black and red currants, blueberries and shiksha, cloudberries and delicious northern rowan - this is unforgettable! And the rhododendrons are in bloom!!! It's forever!

By the way, teachers, drama theater artists, and many specialists who worked in Magadan came to the city from Moscow and Leningrad. And not everything is not of their own free will. Many came at the call to explore the Far North. Both the school and the theater in Magadan were, perhaps, no weaker than in the capital.

There was a lot of hard things, not always fair. But the country’s leadership did a lot to develop the distant outskirts, during the most difficult time in the history of the USSR.

Magadan is a large capital city of the Magadan Region, located on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The area of ​​the settlement is 295 square kilometers.

General data and historical facts

The first settlement on the site of the modern city was founded in 1929. At this time, large-scale construction of residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and social and cultural facilities began in the village.

In 1931, the Dalstroy road and industrial construction trust was formed in Magadan, the main task of which was the construction of roads to the mine areas. The organization used the labor of prisoners brought from other regions of the country as labor.

In 1934, active construction of infrastructure began in Kolyma: the Kolyma highway, river ports, airfields, workers’ settlements.

In July 1939, the settlement was transformed into a city, and in 1954 into a regional center. Thanks to the labor of prisoners, Dalstroy grew into a powerful economic organization of the USSR, which coped well with the tasks of developing Kolyma. In the fall of 1951, this organization was disbanded, and its powers were transferred to a new administrative entity - the Magadan economic region.

Total population of Magadan for 2018-2019

Population data was obtained from the State Statistics Service. Graph of changes in the number of citizens over the past 10 years.

The total number of residents in 2018 was 92.8 thousand people.

The data from the graph shows a steady decline in population from 100,000 in 2006 to 92,782 people in 2018.

As of January 2018, Magadan ranked 187th out of 1,113 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of the number of residents.


1.Musical and Drama Theater- this cultural institution was founded in 1941. In the post-war years, many famous people performed at the theater, including Georgy Zhzhenov.

2.Holy Trinity Cathedral- This white stone religious complex was opened in 2008. This cathedral is the largest Orthodox complex in the city.

3.Sculpture of Vysotsky- this work of art is located on the observation deck of Nagaevskaya Bay. During his life, Vysotsky visited the city several times and dedicated two songs to it.

4.Mask of Sorrow- this monument is made in the form of a cubic face. Next to the monument there is a sculpture of a crying woman near a crucifix. Inside this unusual structure are two rooms that look like a prison cell and a cemetery.


In Magadan there is an airport of international level, which provides passenger flights with major cities of Russia.

Intracity transport is represented by buses and minibuses.

From the city bus station there are regular bus services to Sokol, Yagodnoye, Susuman, Ola, Ust-Omchug, Uptar, Palatka.

Average temperature in the city by month:

Magadan through the eyes of a resident. About climate, ecology, areas, real estate prices and work in the city. Pros and cons of living in Magadan. Reviews from residents and those who moved to the city.

General information and history of Magadan

Magadan... What comes to mind for a person who hears this name, but has never been to this amazing City? Most likely, zones, the Gulag, or, at best, Mikhail Krug’s song “Magadan”, where he dreams: “I wish I could fly away from that bay with the seagulls, cry a bitter tear and sing goodbye…”; or the words, which have already become quite popular, of Vasya Oblomov’s song “I’m going to Magadan” (when he wrote this hit, he had never been to Magadan before, and only after the simple song became a hit, he visited the city).

And there are also people who, having learned that you are from Magadan, certainly remember a quote from the movie “The Diamond Arm” by the famous film director Leonid Gaidai:
“If you will be with us in Kolyma, you are welcome!
- No, it’s better if you come to us...”

So what is Magadan now and what was it like? You will find the answer to these and other questions in this short essay.

First, let's dive a little into geography. The city of Magadan is comfortably located in the northeast of our vast country, almost 7000 km from the capital of our homeland, on the shores of the Nagaev and Gertner bays of the Sea of ​​​​Okhotsk.

The municipal formation "city of Magadan", in addition to the city of Magadan itself, includes such villages as Dukcha (11 km from the city center), Snezhny (20 km from the city), Snezhnaya Dolina (23 km), Uptar (47 km), Sokol ( 54 km, there is the international airport “Magadan”, through which cargo and passenger communication takes place with others, “Golden Gate of Kolyma”).

Magadan is the cultural and business center of the Magadan region, which includes such districts as North Evensky, Olsky, Tenkinsky, Khasynsky, Omsukchansky, Susumansky, Yagodinsky, Srednekansky (each of these districts is worthy of its own story, but about them next time) .

The construction of the city began at the beginning of 1930, in connection with the development of the northeastern gold deposits and other natural resources of this region. The status of “city” was assigned to Magadan on July 14, 1939. The construction of the city and region, as well as the development of the first gold mines, was carried out under the leadership of the notorious Dalstroy (Sevlag) trust of the NKVD of the USSR, created specifically for this purpose, under the leadership of its first director Berzin E.P. (his memory is immortalized in the name of one of the streets in the historical center of the city), subsequently shot.

Basically, the construction of the city and the development of gold deposits, as well as the construction of the Kolyma highway, were carried out by political prisoners sent here from the central regions of the country, among whom were such outstanding personalities as the great designer of space rockets S.P. Korolev (it was also named in his memory one of the main streets of the aviator village Sokol) and others; as well as those captured, after the victory in the Great Patriotic War, by the Japanese and Germans.

According to one version, the name “Magadan” appeared thanks to one of the rivers flowing not far from the place of origin of the city: Mongodan, which from Even means “sea sediment, fin” (if you look at the map, you can see that indeed, the place where Magadan is located, its shape resembles a fin, a fish tail). According to another version, the name comes from the name of Even Magda, on the site of whose camp the city was subsequently founded.

From 1930 to 1950, Magadan was the control center of the North-Eastern forced labor camps of the NKVD of the USSR (this bad reputation still lingers in the minds of some residents of our huge country, unfortunately).

In December 1953, the Magadan region was formed on the territory of the defunct Dalstroy. The city of Magadan became its cultural, economic and scientific center.

Climate and ecology of Magadan

The climate of Magadan and the central (continental) part of the Magadan region differs. Magadan is characterized by a subarctic climate with marine features. If in the central part of the region in summer the temperature can reach +30°C and above (the maximum was set at Corcodon +35°C), then in the city itself this does not happen - the average temperature of the warmest month of the year July is on average +16° C (the maximum was set in 1998 - in July the temperature was +26°C).

But in winter it is much more comfortable in the city (except for the constant winds from the sea, both in winter and in summer) than in the central regions of the region. The average January temperature is 16.4 °C. (For example, in the region the average temperature is much lower. The lowest temperature, in one of the winter months, was recorded in the village of Omolon region: -67°C.).

But in most villages in the region there is no ever-nuisance wind, which intensifies the unpleasant sensations from the cold many times over, and spring comes much earlier than in the city (in Magadan the thermometer reaches the average daily plus mark towards the end of May; centralized heating in the city turned off in the last days of May or early June, and turned on at the end of September or early October). Frosts are possible in any summer month of the year.

The city is built in a seismically active zone, so earthquakes are not so rare (the last one was in 2011), although they are not as powerful (about 2 - 4 points on the Richter scale) as, for example, in Japan.

And to make it even more clear in what climate this city exists, pay attention to the following - in one of the research institutes of the city, Artika, research was carried out for the Mars-500 program. The study involved 20 volunteers from ordinary city residents, whose duties included living and working as before, and coming to the institute once every two weeks for 2 years only for a full examination and testing. The center’s task was to find out: “how the state of the human body changes in different climatic zones, including in the extreme conditions of the Far North.”

Despite the low average daily air temperatures, you can breathe quite well in Magadan! On both sides the city is washed by the sea - Gertner and Nagaev Bays of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. There is also not much transport, which also has a noticeable impact on the environment. Also, the city is surrounded on all sides by coniferous forest, which also makes a significant contribution to the ecology of the city.

Among the enterprises that pollute the environment, the only one that can be noted in the city is the thermal power plant, which provides heat to the entire city. So, whoever is tired of the gas pollution in your city - welcome to vacation or permanent residence in Kolyma!

Population of Magadan

According to a rough estimate as of January 1, 2014, the population of Magadan is 94 thousand people. It is gratifying to note that the birth rate trend in Magadan has remained good in recent years, in contrast to the 90s of the last century, when these indicators were quite low, and the outflow of population to the central regions of the country was huge. Because of this, the population experienced a catastrophic decrease, by almost 1/3.

I would also like to note that many who left “forever” soon returned back - the pull of their native Magadan, its nature, people and other factors is so strong.

Mortality rates are lower than birth rates, and this positive trend has been accelerating since 2008. Starting from 2004, the outflow of population to the central regions of the country began to noticeably decrease (although it is still quite high if we compare the statistics of the city with other regions of the country), and also, in recent years, the birth rate has increased significantly, which also had a good impact on the demographic indicators.

According to the latest population census, the city of Magadan is home to 16,887 people under working age, 69,006 citizens of working age and 16,764 people over working age. On average, for every 1,000 men aged 15 to 72 years, there are 1,089 women. According to the same statistics, for young people aged 16 to 29 years, for every 1000 men in their prime there are “only” 998 women... So girls from regions where “for every 10 girls, according to statistics, there are 9 guys” - again - good welcome to Magadan!

The ethnic composition of the city can be seen in the table below, compiled according to population census data. The share of persons of a given nationality among persons who indicated their nationality, %:

  • Russians 84.1
  • Ukrainians 6.5
  • Evens 1.7
  • Belarusians 0.8
  • Tatars 0.9
  • Koryaks 0.6
  • Itelmen 0.4
  • Chukchi 0.2
  • Kamchadaly 0.2
  • Yukaghirs 0.05
  • Chuvans 0.04

I would like to note in connection with this table that a person who has lived at least a couple of years in this city acquires either a new nationality, or a diagnosis - Kolyma or Magadan, which he will no longer be able to part with for the rest of his life.

The average age of the entire population of the city is 36.7 years, and therefore it would be hard to say that Magadan is dying out and aging. On the contrary, it only prospers and becomes prettier day by day, as you can see by reading this essay to the end!

Most of the people of working age living in Magadan have higher education, and some have two. There are also many people in the city who, in addition to higher education, also have a working profession. But this fact does not significantly affect the needs of the city - Magadan still needs highly qualified “working” hands: builders, general workers, maritime workers (sailors, ship captains, fish processors and others).

There are quite a few institutions in Magadan, for such a small city, that allow city residents to receive higher education without traveling to the central regions of Russia. Thus, in Magadan, there is the oldest in the region, North-Eastern State University (NESU), which replenishes the city and region with teachers, preschool teachers, translators, and, more recently, geologists, engineers and other specialists with higher education.

Of those that have been in the city for a long time, one cannot even mention the branch of KhPI (Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute) - which successfully fills the city with building designers, geologists, surveyors, civil engineers, etc.

Also, such institutions of higher education as branches of universities from the central regions of the country: Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow Law Academy named after. O. E. Kutafina, branch of the St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics, and others.

Institutions of secondary vocational education, which provide “working” specialties, are in considerable demand among young people. Such as the Magadan College (also the oldest in the region), which produces such sought-after specialists as electricians, geologists, etc. The Medical College successfully replenishes the city with junior medical personnel - honey. nurses, dentists and other medical professionals. We also shouldn’t forget about professional lyceums, of which there are about 7 in the city.

From all of the above, we can conclude: the city is inhabited mainly by young, well-educated people who strive to continue to gain new knowledge without stopping there.

From a moral point of view, many cities can envy Magadan residents! People live here who are always ready to help a stranger or little-known person, to lend a shoulder in difficult times. Quite polite in communicating with each other and with unfamiliar people. In a word - Northern brotherhood! And what other regions of our vast Russia have such traditions among residents? If a person moves to another region for permanent residence, he is escorted by the whole team and given gifts, as if I were seeing him off to another planet. And having moved to another region for permanent residence, for example to the Moscow region, when a Magadan resident becomes sad about his native land, he can always come to a meeting of fellow countrymen, which takes place in the same place on a certain day from year to year. All these good traditions only say that no matter where the fate takes a person who has lived at least a year in Kolyma, in his soul he will forever remain a Magadan citizen who sincerely loves his, albeit harsh, land!

All these qualities are facilitated by transport distance, isolation of the city from the rest of the regions of our vast Russia and the harsh climate that unites all people into one whole. And also, an important role was played by the fact that until a certain time the city was “closed” (as, for example, Chukotka is now) and it was possible to get here only at the invitation of the employer. That is, in those distant times, highly educated, hardworking people came here to work, who laid an excellent cultural foundation for the future residents of this harsh city by nature - Kolymchan.

Districts and real estate of Magadan

Now it’s time to talk about the city itself. Below is a plan - a diagram of the city, on which blue ovals with pink numbers inside depict an approximate division into areas, which will be discussed below. I would like to immediately note that this is an old map, and many of the designations made earlier have already lost their relevance due to the closure of those organizations and enterprises that they indicate.


Let's begin the story about the main districts of the city with its historical center, indicated on the map by the number 8. The central part of the city is located on both sides of Lenin Street, which smoothly turns into the Kolyma highway. And the street and, accordingly, the entire Kolyma highway begins with a unique, Magadan “Eiffel Tower” (in fact, a former television tower, which previously, before moving the repeater to the Krutaya hill, provided the entire city with television and radio signals). The area is popularly called the “TV tower area.” (Where does she live? Yes, in the area of ​​the TV tower...).

The streets of the historical center on both sides are bordered by houses in the Stalinist neo-Renaissance - Empire style, which was quite common throughout the country at that time (from 1933 to 1955). In houses of old construction, in addition to stucco molding and other external decorations of buildings inherent in the neo-Renaissance - Empire style, apartments have a “Stalinist” layout, and the price corresponding to today is quite high for Magadan (around 4,500,000 rubles for an apartment with an area of ​​114 m2).

You can add one more thing - although the price of real estate in old buildings in the historical center is high, it is fully compensated by the amenities that you purchase for this price. High ceilings (about 3.5 meters) in the apartment, the possibility of redevelopment for yourself, not a high number of floors in the house (3, less often 4 floors) and other advantages of this property fully cover the amount you will spend on its purchase.

I would like to say right away that the first floors of these buildings were purchased mainly by businessmen, and they house shops, banks, cafes and other city institutions. The houses that are located in this area not on the edges of the streets have mostly 5 or 4 floors and have a “Khrushchev” apartment layout, although there are quite a few “improved” layouts. The average price of apartments in such houses, on average for the region, is 1,700,000-2,300,000 rubles for a two-room apartment.

Also, in the area of ​​the “60th Anniversary of Magadan” square, the area is built up with the latest houses (they are less than 5 years old), with apartments of a “new” layout, built using the latest technologies. These houses are equipped with everything necessary in case of an emergency (fire extinguishing system in each apartment, smoke detectors, etc.) and they were built taking into account the seismic hazard of the region (in principle, all houses in the city were built with this in mind, but in these, during construction, special emphasis on their seismic resistance). In the same area there is also a small number of 9-storey buildings built in the 90s. The average cost for a 2-room apartment in new buildings is about 1,800,000 – 2,300,000 rubles.

In general, the area is populated by well-educated, well-to-do and cultured people. Crime in this area is quite low compared to other parts of the city (the building of the mayor's office of the city, the region, the regional prosecutor's office, the regional police department, the city police department, as well as other government and cultural and leisure institutions located in this area contribute greatly to this fact ).

The area is generally quite well maintained. The streets are regularly washed in the summer, and snow is cleared of snow by special equipment in the winter. Janitors of management companies regularly monitor and maintain order in the courtyard areas that are under their control. Also, the KZH (Green Economy Plant) makes a huge contribution to the cleanliness of the central streets and sidewalks of the city, whose workers regularly walk around the sidewalks and roads in search of carelessly thrown garbage, cigarette butts, etc., and remove it. And in the summer, in addition to cleaning, they also do landscaping of the city.

In many courtyards of the center there are playgrounds, front gardens, and small playgrounds. The courtyards are in satisfactory, one might even say good, condition.

In the area of ​​the television tower there is a hospital campus where, in addition to the regional hospital, tuberculosis clinic and other specialized medical institutions, a new vascular center was built, allowing high-tech operations to be performed without leaving the city and region. (True, there is a huge shortage of specialists in this highly specialized institution, but this is a matter of time).

There are enough cities and educational institutions in this area - schools, lyceums, gymnasiums. There is also a sufficient number of kindergartens and preschool institutions for the region (for example, a palace of children's and youth creativity, where any youth over the age of 6 who wants to find something they like can do this).

Sports lovers don’t have to go far either - the ice palace, in winter, is available to fans of hockey and just skating; A stadium with artificial turf in a city park always welcomes football fans. For growing athletes and others, a dozen more sports clubs and complexes will happily open their doors in this area of ​​the city - Metalist, Sparta, the Energia sports complex and others. In general, doing almost any kind of sport in this city area is not a problem at all – if you have the desire!

The area is not deprived of cultural institutions - the musical and drama theater named after. Gorky, a puppet theater, a municipal cultural center, a youth cultural center and other places of cultural entertainment are waiting for you all year round! The Buratino children's library has been operating for young readers for many years.

Also, in this area there are 4 public gardens, a couple of them even with fountains, the central park of the city, and other attractions, which we will talk about a little later. No matter how – the city center, its face!


Now let’s move a little away from the city center, to the area marked on the map with the number 6. The so-called “Shanghai” is located here. In this quarter there are one-story (rarely 2 or more), wooden (much less often brick and built from the latest materials) private houses.

It must be said that many of them were erected by the first builders of the city, as well as by political prisoners who were transferred, as they would say now, to “free settlement.”

In this area, as you probably already understood, there are no playgrounds, public gardens (and why are they there? You go outside and go up a little hill, and you’re in the forest!) and other signs of civilization. It cannot be said that the area is inhabited mainly by the poor strata of the city, who do not have enough money to buy an apartment in the city. Many people simply want to live in a private, personal home, closer to nature. Where you can maintain a farm, dig a garden without leaving the city, not breathe exhaust fumes from cars scurrying back and forth all day, etc.

Recently, quite wealthy people of Magadan have been buying plots of land there and building their houses. Of course, it would be hard to call some of these buildings houses - castles.

Among the disadvantages of this area, one can note the lack of asphalt roads, dirt on them in spring and autumn, as well as the absence of schools and other educational institutions in the area (the building of the only former school No. 11 in this quarter, closed in 2000 due to the small number of students, is now occupied by Ministry of Emergency Situations). Whether there is such a person as a janitor in this part of the city is also a big question. A wooden house with a plot of land in this area will cost the buyer from 700,000 rubles and more, depending on the location of the house and plot, as well as its condition.

I would also like to note that almost all the houses in this area of ​​the city are connected to hot and cold water supply, as well as to the city’s central heating system, which is an undoubted advantage of the houses built on this territory.

The area is inhabited, as I said earlier, by people with average and higher incomes, cultured and well-educated. Also, there are quite a few in this area whose standard of living is below average, and whose education, if it once existed, has long since burned out in the fumes of alcohol fumes. Because of this, there is a corresponding, rather high, level of crime in the central parts of this area, remote from the city (drunken fights, thefts and other offenses committed, mainly, under the influence of strong drinks). Although, “what family has its black sheep?”...


Behind “Shanghai”, which stretches to the Kamenushka River, if you move away from the city and further along Rechnaya Street, there is one of the city’s residential microdistricts, called “Pionerny” (at the beginning of this area, the map given here breaks off, and therefore it is not marked on her number). When talking about this microdistrict of Magadan, I would immediately like to note one interesting fact - the air temperature and other weather factors of this microdistrict are noticeably different from the city ones. So in the summer it is much warmer here, thanks to the absence of the wind that always blows from the sea in the city. This is its undoubted weather advantage in relation to other neighborhoods located directly in the central or coastal parts of the city.

There are drinking reservoirs in the area that supply water to the entire city. In the summer, there are quite a lot of people from all parts of the city who want to get a tan for the winter, and just take a swim, although this is strictly prohibited.

The microdistrict is surrounded on all sides by coniferous forest, which significantly reduces the “harmfulness” from such an enterprise as the Magadan Thermal Power Plant, also located here. There are no other harmful objects from the point of view of environmental pollution.

The area is built up with five-story panel buildings with apartments of “new” and “improved” layouts. There is also a school here, which educates not only children from Pionerny, but also from another nearby microdistrict, which I will talk about a little later, Solnechny. There is also a kindergarten here.

The area is not deprived of cultural institutions - there is a recreation center "Pionerny", where young people can occupy themselves in their free time from school.

Getting to the city center is also not a problem for residents of this microdistrict - minibus No. 52 departs every 10 minutes, the final stop of which is located in this microdistrict. Also, when traveling from the Solnechny microdistrict, there are minibuses No. 19 and No. 20.

The crime situation in this area is calm. Crimes occur even less frequently than the city average, which is due to the small size of the neighborhood and the fact that “everyone knows each other.” In general, it is a rather attractive, calm and clean “sleeping” area.

The average price for a two-room apartment, as of the beginning of 2012, is slightly less than the city average (meaning its central districts) - 1,400,000 rubles.


Behind Pionerny, if you move further along Rechnaya Street from the city, at a distance of approximately 5 kilometers, another “dormitory” microdistrict of the city is comfortably located - Solnechny. It most likely got its name due to the fact that there are many more sunny days here than in the city. It often happens that it is raining or foggy in the city, but in Solnechny there is sun. The average summer temperature, just like in Pionerny, is higher than the city average, and there is practically no wind.

In the area there are food and household warehouses that supply entrepreneurs and city residents with various goods at a lower price than in retail outlets in the city. Previously, in Soviet times, according to local residents, there was also a poultry farm here, supplying the city with chicken and eggs. In the 90s it was closed due to unprofitability. Also, among the previously operating enterprises in this area, it is worth mentioning the only distillery in Magadan and the region that existed until 2004, which supplied its high-quality alcohol not only to the Magadan Distillery (also closed in the 2000s), but also to the city’s medical institutions and regions.

The area is built up mainly with five-story panel buildings with apartments of “new” and “improved” layouts. The price for a two-room apartment in this area is lower than in the city - you can find it for 1,300,000 rubles or less. Minibuses No. 19 and No. 20 go to this area regularly (every 15 - 20 minutes), on which you can easily get to the central parts of the city in 20 - 30 minutes.

In winter, in this microdistrict you can watch competitions of “flying” skiers, as the oldest ski resort in the city is located here, equipped with jumps, lifts and other equipment necessary for this sport.

Children go to school by “Pionerny”, due to the lack of one in the area. There is a kindergarten here. In general, the area is inhabited by completely normal and adequate people with average incomes.

The criminal situation in the area is comparable to Pioneer. In a word – a fairly green, environmentally friendly, cozy, calm “sleeping” area of ​​the city!

If you move further from the city along the road, which back at Pionerny was called Rechnaya, and here it is Armanskaya, you will find yourself in the villages of the Olsky district of the region - Arman, Talon and others (we will talk about the villages of the region another time, if you, dear readers, it will be interesting).


Now let’s return to the central part of the city again and talk about the area indicated on the map with the number 9. It is popularly referred to as “Nagaevo”. Let's begin its description from Nagaevo Bay, the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to the city center.

In the immediate vicinity of the shore, there are still wooden houses built by the pioneers of the city, but these can be counted on one hand. In the area, on the seashore, there is one of the favorite summer vacation spots for townspeople - Nagaevsky Beach. If previously there were rusty ships that had served their time on the shore, now this problem is almost solved - almost all of them have been disposed of and do not interfere with the townspeople’s admiration of the sea. There is also an observation deck above the beach. Binoculars are installed on its territory, allowing you to see the surroundings of the bay in more detail. The observation deck is equipped with a parking space for personal cars. The beach itself is quite clean and is regularly cleaned in the summer by KZH workers, children spending their holidays in labor camps at schools and other people who are not indifferent to the cleanliness of the beach.

The area is mainly built up with five-story panel buildings, with “new”, “improved” apartments and “Artika” type layouts in them. Houses with 9 floors are also not uncommon here. The average price for a two-room apartment in this area is from 1,400,000 rubles and above, depending on the distance from the city center, layout and other factors. In the area there are several kindergartens, schools, and a lyceum, as well as a youth library named after. Kuvaeva.

Also, in this area of ​​the city there is one of the oldest (not that old!) hotel complexes “Ocean”, which includes not only upscale rooms for accommodation, but also a bar and a pretty good restaurant. In addition to all of the above, the complex organizes trips on the sea by ship, hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities.

Among the disadvantages of this microdistrict of the city, one can note a decent amount of gas pollution in the areas adjacent to Portovaya, Transportnaya and Portovoy Shosse streets. They carry the main traffic of heavy vehicles transporting various types of cargo (including coal for the Magadan Thermal Power Plant), which are delivered from the Commercial Port to Magadan and remote villages of the region. And also, a huge drawback, especially in summer, is fog in the mornings and evenings, wind from the sea and the low greenery of the quarter, in comparison with other areas of the city. Crime in the neighborhood is slightly higher than the crime rate in the central parts of the city. In general, it’s a pretty good area for people who are not bothered by the “freshness” of the sea to live.

Flotskaya street area

Let us now consider the area marked on the map with the number 19. It also belongs to Nagaevo. It is built up with five-story buildings, as mentioned earlier, with apartments of a “new” and “improved” layout. People often call it by the name of the street that runs here - Flotskaya. The area is quite clean and well maintained. The disadvantages are the same as for the entire region as a whole - gas pollution in areas adjacent to the Port Highway, and others characteristic of Nagaevo. There is much less wind here than in the Nagaevo region as a whole, since this area is located not in a lowland, but on an elevated hill, and it covers it on one side.

Also, one of the disadvantages of the microdistrict is the dirt that flows down from the hill in the spring and ends up on the sidewalks. But in the summer, the location of the houses on this site, directly on the hill, turns into a small advantage - you want, for example, to eat raspberries or breathe fresh, forest air. Local residents don’t have to go far - a few minutes, and you’ve had your fill of the coveted berries in the forest, and you’re breathing in the fresh, fragrant air of the forest!

Real estate prices are the same, maybe a little lower than in Nagaevo as a whole. Crime in this section of Nagaevo is on average the same as in the entire region.


Now let’s plunge into the atmosphere of another coastal area, indicated on the map with the number 10. This area is popularly called “Marchekan”, and the adjacent hill is also called Marchekanskaya. Let's start our description from the side of Nagaevo Bay towards the city center.

The area from which we will begin the description is not on the map given here. It is located a little further if you move along the Marchekan highway towards the sea. On the shore there is the Magadan Fishing Port, where the catch of fishing vessels is mainly unloaded. In this area, near the port, old wooden two-story barracks are still preserved, one of the last in Magadan, as well as private, well-worn, one-story houses. But if the barracks are expected to be demolished already this year (according to the city mayor’s office), and the people will be resettled in comfortable houses, then the fate of many private properties is still in question.

In addition to the barracks, there are also five-story buildings with “Khrushchev” and “improved” apartment layouts. In general, housing in houses adjacent to the Fishing Port is not in great demand in the city. This is affected by both the remoteness of this area from the city and the moral character of the people inhabiting the coastal part of this area. Among the citizens living here, especially from the private sector, there are quite a few drinkers.

Of the new buildings that have been actively being built throughout the city in recent years, there is nothing to note on this site, except, perhaps, the Marchekan sports complex. But its construction is taking place on a hill, far from the port, and it has nothing to do with residential buildings. There is also no school in this area of ​​the district. The five-story buildings contain “improved” and “Khrushchev” apartments. It must be said that the appearance of these houses leaves much to be desired - repairs to the facades of the buildings were probably done for the last time about 30 years ago, during their construction. The average cost for a two-room apartment near the fishing port is 1,100,000 - 1,500,000 rubles. On average, the calm criminal environment of this area is spoiled, as mentioned earlier, by people who are not indifferent to alcohol.

If you move from the fishing port along the Marchekan highway towards the city, then after the section described above there is an old cemetery where burials were stopped in the early 90s. years of the last century. The cemetery is quite well-kept and, if I may say so in relation to a cemetery, even beautiful. If you enter it from the Marchekanskoye Highway, you will see a memorial alley where the deceased who lived in Magadan and the participants of the Second World War found their peace. Looking at the photo, we can conclude that the city’s residents do not forget about their long-dead heroes. The graves of WWII participants are regularly looked after by caring city residents, cadets of the military-patriotic club “Podvig” and others. At the burial of the WWII participants, the most ordinary residents of Magadan also found their peace. There are also very old graves here, in which lie prisoners who worked on the construction of the city and region, Japanese and Germans, as well as their own Russians, political prisoners.

7th worker

Not far from the cemetery, towards the sea, if you move further along the Marchekan highway into the city, there is another small microdistrict belonging to Marchekan - the 7th worker. There are a couple of dormitories located in five-story buildings, there are private houses, and there are also quite a few old buildings, “barracks” type buildings. All that can be said about the morals of hostel residents is that it is not worth moving into them. Unless you like shabby, dirty entrances, uncleaned yards, cheerful neighbors who have a holiday every day - then, on the contrary, this is the place for you!

On the territory of the 7th worker there is also a cement plant, a large-panel house-building plant, and a couple of woodworking shops in the city. The roads inside this microdistrict leave much to be desired. There are also several parking lots for large vehicles. In the same microdistrict there is also a large KAMAZ auto center, which is the official dealer of the truck manufacturer of the same name, supplying its products to the city and region. Also, in its workshops, it is possible to carry out high-quality repairs of almost any truck.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude the following - this microdistrict cannot be classified as comfortable for living - on its territory there is quite a lot of gas pollution from heavy vehicles passing along the highway. There are no educational institutions (schools, universities, etc.) on the territory.

To be more brief, the territory marked with the number 10 is a kind of industrial area of ​​the city, unsuitable for comfortable living with all amenities. Crime in this area (especially drunken fights, thefts, etc.) is quite high. Housing is represented mainly by rather dilapidated private houses and hostels. In the same five-story buildings that are present in this territory, the average cost of a two-room apartment is from 900,000 rubles as of the beginning of 2012. There is no need to talk about the improvement and cleanliness of the surrounding areas.

Luksa street area

Now let's talk about the nearby area, marked on the map with the number 11. This territory belongs to both Marchekan and the city center. Local residents, when explaining where their home is located, most often rely on nearby streets. “Where do you live? And, according to Luksa...” Or at nearby large stores, institutions, schools.

The area marked with the number 11 is built up quite densely with brick, and mostly panel five-story buildings (although there are also 9-story buildings). The courtyards here are quite clean and well-groomed, with sufficient landscaping. Quite often they contain small play forms for children. Lyceum named after Krupskaya, a gymnasium with an English bias, and a regular school allow the younger generation to receive decent knowledge without going far from home. Also, in their free time from classes, children can spend time at a club at their place of residence.

There are also sports facilities in the area, such as an indoor football field and others. At the intersection of Boldyrev Street and Karl-Marx Avenue there is a square, popularly called “Antenka”. It most likely got its name from the nearby building of the former GTS, through whose antennas long-distance communication was carried out in those distant times. There are also enough kindergartens in this area and their number is still sufficient. But, due to the “baby boom” that has befallen the city, premises for new kindergartens may soon be needed.

On this site there is also one of the oldest institutions of higher technical education in the city - KhPI (a branch of the Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute). At the intersection of the street. Boldyrev and Gagarin and one of the mini squares of the city - “Cosmonauts”. In the same place there is also one of the private medical institutions - “Oriental Medicine”, which appeared in the city quite a long time ago and is in demand among the townspeople.

There are quite a large number of large grocery and manufactured goods supermarkets in the quarter, and there is also a large grocery market. At the intersection of Gagarin and Koltsevaya streets there is an administrative building of the traffic police.

The area, like its historical part, is inhabited by fairly educated and cultured people. Crime here is just as low as in the city center. The average price for real estate in the central parts of this area is 1,700,000 - 2,100,000 rubles and more for a two-room apartment (depending on the location and layout of the apartment).

Now let’s summarize all of the above - the quarter presented at number 11 is suitable for a comfortable and quiet stay for your own pleasure. The exception, perhaps, are houses built in close proximity to the street. Koltsevaya and Marchekansky Lane, since heavy transport traffic passes through them, and hence gas pollution, noise and other inconveniences caused by this fact.

New center

Let's now look at the section of the city marked on the map with the number 12. We can say that this is the second center of the city, although it is not historical. Here, near the intersection of Karl-Marx and Yakutskaya streets, the city's central library is located. Pushkin. In it, every reader of the city, even the most sophisticated in his literary tastes, will find any literature to his liking, will be able to attend creative evenings of local writers, literary critics, writers, read a book in the reading room, and also take advantage of many more services provided by the library. In addition to the library, this quarter of the city houses a couple of schools and kindergartens.

In this microdistrict of the city there is also a maternity hospital, which is now equipped with the latest equipment so that the birth procedure for Kolyma mothers will be a joy! Children's somatics is also ready to open its doors to its little patients from all over the city.

There is a local history museum in the area. There are quite a few different grocery stores, as well as industrial and construction stores in the city. The area is built up with five- (mostly) and nine-story panel buildings with “new” and “improved” apartments in them. The average price for real estate in this quarter is 1,700,000 - 2,300,000 rubles for a two-room apartment.

The area, like the central parts of the city, is inhabited by balanced, fairly educated and polite people. The quarter is quite well landscaped, clean and well-groomed. In a word - a rather attractive place to live almost in the city center, with clean and tidy courtyards and not shabby houses in them. Crime in the area does not exceed the city average. Local residents, speaking about their place of residence, are guided by nearby large objects: in the area of ​​the library, somatics, etc.


Under the number 13 on the map there is an area popularly called “Yama”. It got its name because it is located in a valley, the bottom of two hills, in a “hole” between them. When talking about this quarter, it is also necessary to immediately note that due to its location, being covered by hills on both sides, the climate here is much softer and warmer, less windy than in the central areas of the city.

“Yama” is quite densely built up with five and nine-story buildings, with apartments of “new” and “improved” layouts. Yard areas, almost everywhere, are well-groomed and landscaped. There are also enough small children's play forms in the courtyards. The average cost of real estate is 1,700,000 – 1,900,000 for a two-room apartment.

Several kindergartens and a school allow the younger generation of Kolyma residents of this quarter to receive a poor education. At the intersection of the street. Proletarskaya and Yakutskaya there is also a branch of a higher educational institution, “... management and economics”.

There are more than enough grocery and hardware stores here. There is also an entertainment center in this quarter where you can play bowling.

This “dormitory” area is inhabited by the most ordinary people, the same as in most other quarters of the city - educated, cultured, with average and higher incomes. Among the advantages of this place of residence in the city, in addition to weather conditions and the absence of gas pollution from the movement of heavy vehicles, can be attributed to the close location of site number 7, or, more simply, to nature.

Pea field

Under the seventh number on the map is marked what is popularly called a “pea field”. It most likely got its name from the fact that quite a lot of wild peas grow there. Every winter, a ski track is laid in this area so that city residents can enjoy skiing to the fullest. Winter skiing competitions also take place here. In the summer you can see a lot of people who come here for picnics from the city, to be in nature, sunbathe, without leaving far from the city. There is also a small area for training dogs, with exercise equipment and sports facilities for “our little brothers.”

In the coming years, it is planned to build a new road through the field, which will connect the 31st quarter and the street. Yakutskaya, which will significantly relieve the central streets of the city from traffic flow. A plan to build cottages in the pea field is also at the design stage. Also, city residents have vegetable plots in the field area, in the “Yama” area.

Prostokvashino (95th block)

Now let’s turn our attention to the city section number 14. The 3rd microdistrict is located here, or, as it is also called, after the name of one of the public transport stops, the 95th block. Also, local residents also call it “Prostokvashino”, like the village from the famous Soviet cartoon.

The area is quite densely built up with five- and nine-story panel buildings, with “new,” “improved,” and “Artika”-type apartments in them. The yards are kept in good condition. There are also play forms for children living in this quarter of the city. Not long ago, a beautiful park was laid out on the territory of this residential area.

Quite a calm and warm (the climate here is the same as in the Yama area) residential area, for those who want to live in close proximity to the city center. There is no school in the microdistrict - children go to classes in educational institutions in the nearby area, Yama. There is a kindergarten and a community club here.

Of the large enterprises in this quarter of the city, it is worth noting the oldest, and still successfully operating, Magadan Dairy Plant, which supplies all school and preschool institutions in the city with its products. Many of its products can be seen in retail outlets in the city.

The microdistrict is inhabited by ordinary city residents, no different from residents of other districts of Magadan. Crime here is at the same level as the average throughout the city - low.

The average price for a two-room apartment, despite the relative distance from the city center, is the same as in its central quarters: 1,600,000 - 1,900,000 rubles. There are a sufficient number of retail outlets in this microdistrict.

Industrial zone

The city site at number 15 housed various business offices of gold mining companies, a sausage factory, production facilities of a dairy plant and other industrial buildings, and trading firms.


At number 16 on the city map there is a microdistrict with the name “Prigorodny”. The area is built up with five-story panel houses with “new” and “improved” layouts. The yards are cleaned, but not often enough, as the residents living here would like. There are no schools, kindergartens, clubs and other leisure institutions for both young people and older people in this quarter. The average price for real estate is lower than in Prostokvashino - from 1,300,000 rubles for a two-room apartment. Not far away, a little further from the microdistrict along Proletarskaya Street, one of the region’s correctional institutions is located.

Old and new funny and OPRS

If you move further along Proletarskaya Street, towards Gertner Bay, you will come across a couple more small (5 - 10 houses) microdistricts: Old Veselaya, New Veselaya. As well as food and household wholesale warehouses, popularly called ORPS (after the name of the organization that previously owned these warehouses).

Before reaching the wholesale centers, you can come across a fish factory, and, going down to the sea, relax on a fairly good and well-kept beach and swim in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. But this is in the summer. And in winter you can see a huge number of winter fishing enthusiasts (smelt, navaga). Also in summer on this coast you can catch pink salmon, chum salmon and other salmon fish.

In the area at number 17, there used to be a leather factory in the city, which was closed back in the 90s of the last century. Before reaching the plant, along the road leading to the well-equipped Gornyak recreation area, there is an autodrome where all novice drivers of Magadan can practice their driving skills. In this area there are well-worn private dwellings. The people who live in them, let’s put it politely, are far from being the middle class of the city. The moral character of these people leaves much to be desired. But there are also quite well-kept summer cottages here. As mentioned earlier, on the seashore there is a well-maintained recreation area “Gornyak” - a favorite summer vacation spot for most residents of Magadan. Representatives of the small peoples of the north living in the city also like to meet and celebrate their national holidays in Gornyak. It must be said that in the near future, investors from China plan to begin construction there of the most modern recreation complex, equipped with all the latest designs for it: a water park with attractions, campsites for recreation, etc.

Number 18 houses the garden and dacha plots of the majority of citizens living in the city. It should be noted that a fairly good, and most importantly warm, territory was chosen for them. There are well-maintained, beautiful, solidly built country houses and outbuildings necessary for gardening activities. Summer residents, basically, themselves monitor the cleanliness of the streets that run near their site. And, I must say, it’s not bad at all! Here you rarely see cans lying around, bottles underfoot, unlike some urban areas where janitors of management companies clean up after residents. In a word - a paradise for those who like to dig in the garden in the summer and grow their own supplies of vegetables for the winter! You can buy a small, nice house with a plot here from 150,000 rubles (everything will depend on the quality of the house located on the plot, the presence of outbuildings, and the size of the plot itself).


Now let's turn our attention to the city section number 5. Here is an area created in Soviet times for motor transport workers. It is still popularly called “Avtotek”, although the huge motor transport enterprise that was on its territory in those days no longer exists on its territory. The only reminder of this enterprise now is one of the first trucks in the region installed on a podium on the territory of the former motor depot. Now on the territory of the former large car depot there are hardware stores and private car service stations.

The area is built up mainly with five-story panel buildings, with apartments with an “improved” layout in them. You can also find a couple of three-story brick houses here, with “Stalinist”-style apartments. The price of real estate in this microdistrict of the city is slightly less than the city price - from 1,400,000 for a two-room apartment and above (depending on the layout - Stalin buildings are more expensive, Khrushchev apartments can be found cheaper). There is a school and kindergarten in the area.

The air temperature here is slightly warmer than in the city center due to the lack of wind. The courtyards are well landscaped and cleaned regularly. Management companies also do a good job of monitoring the condition of the entrances and the houses themselves. There is also a children's clinic in the area.

On the outskirts, towards Pionerny, there are greenhouses that supply the townspeople with cucumbers and tomatoes all summer, as well as the city with flowers for flower beds.

Avtotek also has its own cultural center, where you can go to various concerts, find a hobby you like, or listen to performances by local rock clubs. In general, it is a rather compact and cozy microdistrict of the city, inhabited by quite sociable and friendly people. The criminal situation there is calm.

31st quarter

Now let's look a little higher, at the area number 4. There are as many as 2 ovals with this number on the map, but both are the 31st quarter, or, as people say more simply, the 31st. In a smaller area, on the right side of the street. Lenin (and here is the Kolyma Highway) in the courtyards there is a city pre-trial detention center. This area is built up with panel and brick five-story buildings, with housing layouts in them: “Khrushchev”, “improved” and “small family”. The area is not so well landscaped, and the courtyards are less clean than across the road, on the other part of 31st. The area is quite calm, probably due to the presence of a pre-trial detention center, the appearance of which, even to tipsy people, reminds one simple truth: “don’t swear off money or prison.”

The second half of the area, which is located across the road, is built up with five-story panel buildings. The layout of the apartments in them, for the most part, is “improved”. The courtyards are well maintained and landscaped. There are also children's playgrounds and small playgrounds in them. The cleanliness of the entrances is satisfactorily monitored by the district management companies. On this site there is a gymnasium, a kindergarten, and a children's club at the place of residence. There are enough grocery stores and hardware stores here.

The people inhabiting this territory are not much different from the bulk of the inhabitants of other microdistricts of the city. The crime situation is calm. The average price for real estate in this microdistrict is from 1,500,000 for a two-room apartment as of the beginning of 2012.


Further, at number 3 on the map, is the Zvezda microdistrict, named after the cinema of the same name, which previously operated in this area during Soviet times. It is built up with five-story buildings, although there are also old two-story barracks, some of which people still live in, waiting to move to more comfortable housing. The small area is built up with well-worn one-story private houses. On the site of the previously standing barracks, in one of the parts of this microdistrict, there are also a couple of modern low-rise buildings, recently built using “Canadian” technologies, with apartments of the most modern layout in them.

Many five-story buildings are former dormitories, which ceased to be such after the privatization of the rooms by residents. Many of these houses have a “small-family” apartment layout, although there are also houses with “improved” apartment layouts. Accordingly, the cost of a two-room apartment in this microdistrict is very different - from 1,000,000 and below, and up to 1,600,000 rubles and above, depending on the house, layout, etc.

Overall, it’s a rather cozy, warm, one might even say “neighborhood” (where everyone knows each other) residential neighborhood. It is inhabited mainly by people with average incomes and well educated. Although there are quite a few, especially in the private sector and hostels of this microdistrict, lovers of “hot drinks”, which affected their physical and moral appearance, and spoils the appearance of the entire area as a whole.

To the best of their ability, the janitors of the management companies of this part of the city try to monitor the adjacent areas and cleaning of the entrances, although sometimes their work becomes invisible very quickly... To the credit of the district, it must be said that in some courtyards you can see quite good, well-kept playgrounds , and the area is well landscaped. On the hill, local residents have planted vegetable gardens where they grow potatoes.

There are no schools, kindergartens, clubs or other similar institutions in the microdistrict - children go to educational institutions on 31st or in other quarters of the city. There are quite a few grocery stores for this small area of ​​town.

Now let’s summarize - this residential neighborhood with a fairly good and warm microclimate is excellent for people who want to live in the city, but do not have enough money to buy housing in the central parts of the city. The criminal situation in the area is quite calm, even in the hostels, if you compare the people inhabiting them, even the drinking people, with the hostels of the same Marchekan...

Pasta factory

At number 2 on the map is the area of ​​the “Pasta Factory”, which previously supplied the entire city with pasta. It still operates now, but not to the same extent as before, and it belongs to a private individual. The only residential buildings here are one-story private buildings. They are mostly inhabited by fairly decent people with average incomes, who, for one reason or another, do not want to move into “boxes” (apartments), and, like some from “Shanghai”, they like to have a vegetable garden near their house , plot for farming, etc. There are no asphalt roads in the area, except for the Kolyma Highway. There are no towns, schools, shops, etc. in this area.

Other settlements included in the municipality

From the section marked with number 1, we will briefly go through the description of settlements, also included in the concept of “municipal formation of the city of Magadan”, located further along the Kolyma highway (M56 “Kolyma” highway).

To begin with, it is necessary to say a few words about the microclimate of the areas located along the route. The temperature in them is much higher than in the city - an average of +19C in summer, but also frostier in winter - an average of 19C. I am glad that there is no constant wind from the sea. The trees are much taller and more voluminous than in the city. And the settlements themselves are much “greener” than urban ones. The air, accordingly, is much cleaner here than in any of the urban areas. Morning and evening fogs occur only where the river flows. In general, the climate is almost the same as in the continental part of the Magadan region.

Despite all the advantages of the microclimate, it should be noted that when coming to the area in the summer, for a leisurely walk along the streets of the villages, you should not forget to apply some kind of cream - a repellent against insect bites - there are enough “greedy” for human blood, quite well-fed mosquitoes that fly in "dine" from the nearby forests. Unlike urban ones. Which in the summer, if they occur, are small and “gentle” (they will bite and you won’t even notice). But, as they say, this is a matter of habit: a couple of hours on the street - and you begin to not pay attention to them (or do they look at you, having had enough?) ...

At the 4th kilometer of the highway there are many household and manufactured goods warehouses, where city residents can purchase suitable goods and furniture. In the area of ​​the 6th km there is a city landfill, where all the garbage from the city is removed. Approximately at the 12th km you will come across a populated village – Dukcha. There is a functioning poultry farm here, supplying the entire city with local chicken eggs. There is also a small airport, which previously provided air connections between remote villages in the region, and an aircraft repair plant located here. Now, from the port territory, small aircraft of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and forest protection are flying. The village is built up mainly with five-story buildings. There is also a school there. The average price for a two-room apartment in this village is 700,000 rubles. There are also plenty of private, quite good-quality houses here, where people live who, for the most part, are engaged in raising livestock, poultry, and gardening.

At the 14th km you will meet a traffic police post, located at one of the forks in the road. If you stand with your back to the city, then to the left there will be a bypass road, not of very high quality, to the city district of Solnechny, driving along which, not far from the post, you will see a new city churchyard on one of the hills. The burials of the city's deceased citizens were and are still taking place there, after burials within the city limits were stopped, in the old Marchekana cemetery. To the right is the path to the village of Ola, Magadan region; Well, straight away - a continuation of the Kolyma highway.

It should be immediately noted that the road surface of this federal highway is asphalt. This type of road surface ends much further along the highway, after the regional center of the Khasynsky district, the village of Palatki, where the gravel surface begins. The road surface that belongs to the city is well and regularly looked after - it is cleaned in winter, and any defects that appear are patched up in summer.

The next village you will meet along the way will be Snezhny, located at a distance of approximately 21 km from the city. This settlement received its name, most likely, because of the abundance of snow that covers the nearby hills in winter, and does not always have time to melt completely during the short summer. The village is built up with five-story panel buildings, with the average cost of a two-room apartment in them, as of the beginning of 2012, 800,000 rubles. There is a kindergarten and an elementary school in the village (older children go to school every day in the city). There are about a dozen grocery stores. There are no large industrial enterprises in the village.

After about 1 km along the highway, you will see another fork in the highway - to the left, approximately 2 km from the Kolyma highway, you will come across, in popular parlance, the 23rd - a complex of medical institutions for mentally ill people. After another couple of kilometers along this branch you will reach the village of Snezhnaya Dolina, where children's summer country holiday camps are located. In winter, on the slopes of nearby hills, there are ski slopes where sports competitions for the city's skiers and training sessions are held for guests from other countries and skiing enthusiasts.

If you go to the right, from the main road, after 5 km you will find yourself in the holiday village of Orbita. The next village along the Kolyma highway, after Snezhnoye, at 46 km, will be Uptar. It is considered a settlement for power engineers, since on its territory there is a production base of the KolymaEnergo organization, which, among other things, is engaged in the construction of the Srednekanskaya hydroelectric power station. Another correctional facility in the region is located on the territory of the village. Uptar is built up with both 2-story barracks and five-story buildings. Last year, the most modern two-story residential buildings, built using the latest technologies, appeared. The village has a primary school, a music school, and a kindergarten. In general, it is a very “green”, well-groomed, clean and compact village, the average price for a two-room apartment in which is 400,000 rubles. It is inhabited mainly by KolymaEnergo employees and correctional facility workers.

Well, at 52 km of the highway there is the last settlement included in the municipal formation of the city of Magadan - the village of Sokol. It is named after this beautiful, bird of prey, because here, as stated at the very beginning of the essay, is the only international airport in the entire region, providing air communication with other regions of Russia and beyond. The village is built up with brick and panel five-story buildings. On its territory there is a school, a swimming pool, a kindergarten, and a club. The average price of a two-room apartment is 500,000 rubles. Since the only large enterprise that provides employment to local residents is the airport, the village is populated mainly by its employees.

So the description of the blocks and districts of the city of Magadan has come to an end. Finally, I would like to say that in recent years, new, bright residential and industrial buildings and sports facilities have been actively erected in the city, using the most advanced technologies. New parks and squares are appearing. Sidewalks and local areas are being actively landscaped and landscaped. As you may have noticed from what you read above, there are almost no old barracks left in the city, and in a couple of years there will be none left at all. In general, the city is becoming more beautiful and modern day by day. Welcome to everyone who is not afraid of cold winters!

City infrastructure

With housing and communal services in Magadan, things are the same, maybe a little better than in other cities of vast Russia. The city also has its share of dilapidated water and heat supply communications, outdated power lines and other problems. But, to the credit of Magadan, it will be said that here the replacement of outdated pipelines, both main and intra-house, is in full swing. Old wiring and electricity meters in apartments in the regional center are being replaced and communal meters are being installed, which is planned to be completed this year. The city mayor's office also did not stand aside - in connection with new federal standards and rules in the field of housing and communal services, in those houses where HOAs, management companies, and the homeowner have not yet managed to install common house meters, the mayor's office helps install them at their own expense, and the owners residential premises will then be able to pay in installments.

Recently built houses in the city already have all the necessary devices, both for general house and apartment accounting, and they are equipped with new pipes and electrical wiring. Despite all the work that is going on now, and most of it in the summer, the city does not have any problems with the uninterrupted supply of cold and hot water, electricity, and even more so heating to the citizens. Of course, there are planned regional outages of both water and electricity, but they are notified in advance through the media and they last no more than 2 times a year for a maximum of 6 hours. And in the event of an accident, in addition to the emergency services of management companies, citizens can always contact the unified emergency service at the city hall by calling 123.

In the middle of summer, there is a planned shutdown of hot water - for two weeks, in order to prepare the Magadan CHPP and main pipelines for uninterrupted operation in the winter. Also, not far from the city, the latest treatment facilities are being built to purify sewage water collected there from all over the city. The price of electricity in the city for consumers (individuals) was 3 rubles 39 kopecks per kilowatt/hour as of January 2012. Sewerage cost per person/month 178 rubles, cold water (at a rate of 6 m3/month) - 69 rubles 12 kopecks. Centralized heating costs approximately 2,300 rubles, with an apartment area of ​​45.40 m2 (an ordinary two-room Khrushchev apartment). Hot water, when consumed according to standards (3.70 m3/person per month) - 561 rubles 40 kopecks. Management companies charged for cleaning entrances, areas adjacent to the house, garbage removal, maintenance of common property and other services at the prices recommended by the mayor’s office for the entire city - about 650 rubles/month. In general, the situation in the housing and communal services sector and the prices for their services in the city is consistently normal, one can live.

The road surface of the main streets of the city is in satisfactory condition. The reason that it is not “good” is the permafrost, which is located on the territory of the city. Even if new asphalt was laid this year, it lasts for a maximum of 3 years, then it has to be patched, or a new one laid. Now, the company producing road surfaces has switched to new technologies - maybe now the new surface will be enough for a longer period... Yard areas, in almost all quarters of the city, are also in satisfactory condition. (The exception is, as you may have read earlier, the Shanghai microdistrict). In general, every summer in the city you can observe, first in one area of ​​the city, then in another, the work of road enterprises renewing tired road surfaces.

The city has a sufficient number of cars for its small territory, but it is growing steadily every year. There are no traffic jams yet, but it’s a matter of time... The main type of personal transport is Japanese jeeps (here a jeep is not a luxury, but a necessary means of transportation) and their own passenger cars. There are enough cars from the Russian automobile industry in the city, mainly UAZ, Gazelle, and other high-performance vehicles made in Russia. The almost complete absence of well-known European brands in the city is explained by transport distance and inaccessibility, as well as the lack of service centers for these manufacturers. And the prices for used jeeps and foreign cars from the Japanese automobile industry are not high, and it is easier to deliver them by sea than a car from Europe.

Public transport in the city is represented by new Gazelles and small buses made in Japan and Korea. Communication between the villages of the region is carried out on new buses, Korean and Japanese assembled, and there are also quite a few representatives of the domestic automobile industry - KAMAZ, ICARUS and other brands. In general, the bus passenger fleet has become significantly younger and updated in recent years; almost all of the “old ones” have already been written off, since they do not comply with the new rules of passenger transportation. Also, we are actively equipping urban and suburban routes with GLONAS systems. The price for travel in the city, for all minibuses - 20 rubles, for suburban buses - from 120 rubles, depending on the direction.

I would like to note that now a railway line runs from Yakutia to the city. So, the times are not far off when air transportation will cease to be the only type of communication between Magadan and the region with other cities of Russia...

The city (as can be judged from the district description) is well provided with schools and kindergartens. But, in connection with the “baby boom” that has befallen this city, the creation of new groups in kindergartens is actively underway, and new ones are being built. The premises of previously closed kindergartens, given to other organizations, are being vacated due to the small number of children at that time. Huge queues for places in kindergartens and schools in the city have so far been successfully avoided.

Also, speaking about the infrastructure of Magadan, one cannot say anything about the city’s provision with the Internet and cellular communications. Cellular communications appeared in the city only at the beginning of 2000, and until the end of 2004, the only cellular operator in the city and region was Dalsvyaz (now Rostelecom is the successor to this organization). The prices for connecting the first cellular handsets were prohibitive for those times - 25,000 rubles for connection and around 4,000 rubles per month for the connection itself (albeit unlimited, but without any mms, internet and other functions that are already familiar now). Only wealthy people or businesses could afford such a “luxury”. In December 2004, MTS appeared in Magadan, and in May 2005, MegaFon, which forced the until then monopolist Dalsvyaz to significantly reduce the price of its services, so as not to be left without any clients who had been flocking to queues for SIM cards from new operators. And in November 2008, Beeline appeared in the city.

Now the city is well provided with high-quality cellular communications and the Internet. Communication prices are the same as throughout Russia. But the price for the Internet is several times higher. This is dictated by the lack of fiber optic communication channels and the insufficient (only one) number of satellites covering the territory of the city and region. The speed of the Internet via a mobile modem, and the telephone too, leaves much to be desired - on average about 1 MB/s, and often many times lower. Now local authorities are actively involved in this issue - they, too, in connection with the implementation of the “public services” portal, need fast Internet.

Enterprises and work in Magadan

Speaking about the city’s economy, perhaps it’s worth starting with an indication of the minimum wage established in the city and region. So, from March 1, 2012, its size is 9,500 rubles. As stated at the very beginning of the essay, Magadan is the cultural, business and economic center of the Magadan region, which is famous for its gold mining. It is one of the main areas that contribute to the economic well-being of the city and region.

So in the city itself, gold is not mined or refined (for this there is the Kolyma Refinery, located in the Khasynsky district of the region). But on its territory, next to Shanghai, is located the oldest in the city Magadan Mechanical Plant (MMZ), which produces the necessary equipment for its extraction. The plant's products are purchased not only by gold miners in the region, but even by some African countries. Work at this enterprise often requires technical workers - turners, foundry workers, metal forgers and others, as well as engineers. The average salary (including northern allowances) of workers at this plant is 16 - 25,000 rubles per month and above.

We must not forget the fact that the city is located on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, which is rich in its biological resources. And therefore, fish processing and fishing is also a significant area of ​​activity in terms of its importance for the economy of the region. Crabs, salmon fish (chum salmon, pink salmon, coho salmon, sockeye salmon and other types of “red” fish), pollock, herring, halibut, smelt and other types of fish are found in the coastal areas of Magadan. Accordingly, the city, especially in the summer, requires fish miners and fish processors. The average salary of such specialists is from 20,000 rubles/month. Every year, vacancies appear for maritime workers - captains, sailors, motor mechanics and others. Their average salary is from 25,000 rubles/month.

The city is in dire need of highly specialized medical personnel due to the opening of a vascular center. For such workers who wish to come to work in Magadan from other regions of Russia for permanent residence, the city administration is even ready to provide comfortable apartments. The average salary of a highly specialized doctor in the city starts from 35,000 - 45,000 rubles/month.

Now, in the area of ​​the city of Nagaevo, a new workshop has been opened that produces insulation, similar to mineral wool, from basalt fiber. The average salary of workers in this workshop is from 19,000 rubles. As you could read earlier, the city is under active construction. Therefore, specialists such as builders, civil engineers, electricians, plasterers, painters and other construction workers are also in demand in Magadan. The average salary for this category of workers starts from 20,000 rubles and goes up to infinity - as you work, you will receive as much.

In educational and cultural and leisure institutions, the average salary is 22,000 rubles (don’t forget the northern coefficient). If we talk about education workers in more detail, we must take into account that the figure indicated above is an underestimate, because thanks to the Russian government, the average teacher’s salary has risen to the top, and, taking into account the northern coefficient, is about 40,000 rubles.

Well, you can’t ignore trade workers - the average salary of a store salesperson, of which there is an exorbitant number in the city, is from 20,000 rubles. Mid-level workers in various offices of gold mining enterprises and other companies also earn about this amount. Workers in the service sector earn around 25,000 - housing and communal services, thermal power plants, minibus drivers and others.

Looking at these wages, which may be “huge” for residents of the central regions of the country, we should not forget about food prices in the city. For example, a kilogram of well-known potatoes in winter costs about 50 rubles, and a loaf of white bread costs about 30. Local pork can be purchased at weekly fairs of local producers at a price of 400 rubles per kilogram.

Speaking about the large office enterprises of the city, it is necessary to mention the numerous office premises of gold mining companies. In which you can easily get a job in the field of gold mining if you have such a sought-after specialty as a driver of modern heavy loaders, graders, mining and washing equipment. Although such specialists are trained in one of the educational institutions of the region, this does not reduce the need for such personnel. The average salary of such drivers is from 35,000 per month or more.

Young people can try themselves as sales consultants in the network of large retail stores of the V-Lazer or Tekhnomir company. Salary – from 21,000 per month. Or get a job in one of the companies of the three large cellular operators known throughout Russia (Beeline, Megafon, MTS); or sales salons, also known in Russia as the Euroset retail chain. The salary there starts at almost the same level - 20,000 rubles.

Also, if you wish, you can get a job as a salesperson in one of the city’s large shopping centers, of which there are already more than 4 at the moment.

In conclusion of this section, I would like to say that in Magadan you have to try not to find a job based on your skill and knowledge with an appropriate salary. For information, the unemployment rate over the past year was less than 1% in relation to the working population, and it is the lowest in the Far Eastern Federal District. As of January 1, 2012, 611 people were registered as unemployed. As before, the most popular professions are car driver, electric and gas welder, cook, plasterer, bulldozer driver, grader operator, mechanic, junior teacher, doctors of narrow specialties, teachers and other specialists.


Speaking about the crime situation in the city, we can say that it has been quite calm and even quiet in recent years, in contrast to the 90s, when people used to say: “Magadan, Magadan, a wonderful planet. I went around the corner of the house and there you were... This is due, to a greater extent, to the fact that for a relatively small number of the city’s population, there is a fairly decent staff of law enforcement officers (in other cities of the Russian Federation, in criminal circles the city is considered “red”). Not the least role in the low crime rates in the city and region is played by the mentality and upbringing of Magadan residents.

High-profile crimes that would be included in the reports of Russian news agencies do not happen in the city itself - they happen either in the region (for example, a case that occurred not so long ago, which was shown on almost all central channels of the country - a kindergarten teacher used unique methods of education minors), or with residents of Magadan, but in other cities of the Russian Federation (the high-profile murder of the governor of the Magadan region, Tsvetkov, in the center of Moscow), or even with residents of Magadan, but in other countries (the abuse of an adopted child from Magadan by US citizens.).

The most common types of crimes in the city are theft, domestic crimes committed while intoxicated (fights, hooliganism, etc.). In general, walking along the streets of the city at night is not so scary, unless, of course, you go into such poorly lit areas as Shanghai, and what can you see there, especially at night...

Sights of the city of Magadan

If we talk about the sights of the city, then perhaps it’s worth starting with what is the reason why many people return to the city, having moved, as it seemed to them forever, for permanent residence in other regions of Russia. Namely, from the nature surrounding Magadan. So many residents of the city, in the short Kolyma summer, prefer to sunbathe on the beaches, although not so warm, but still the sea. A favorite place for such recreation for townspeople is the Gornyak recreation area (it has already been described in the regional description of the city), located a short distance from the city on the shore of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Those who don’t have enough time to travel to Gornyak enjoy summer picnics without going far from the city. Nagaevsky Beach, located within the city, is at their service.

We must not forget about winter fishing. And there are plenty of avid fishermen in the city who love to stand with a fishing rod, despite all the prohibitions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In summer, salmon fish begin their migration to rivers to spawn. And there are always enough people in the licensed summer fishing areas! Fortunately, there you can rent a net and other gear for catching “red” fish if you don’t have any on your farm. In autumn, the “hot” time begins not only for harvesting from vegetable gardens, but also for collecting the generous gifts of Kolyma nature in the nearby forests, which will help you get enough vitamins throughout the long winter. Lingonberries, blueberries, rowan berries, honeysuckle, shiksha and other types of berries will always lift the mood and general well-being of Kolyma residents, being present on their table in the winter season! For residents of the central regions of the country, I would immediately like to clarify: rowan berries, lingonberries, honeysuckle, in addition to the fact that they contain a bunch of vitamins that are so lacking in the winter season, they do not taste bitter, as in the central regions of our country, but sour - sweet and even very tasty, whether in jam or simply frozen. Nature is generous with mushrooms (white mushrooms, boletus, boletus, boletus, russula and others) and dwarf cones (tasting like pine cones, only smaller).

To summarize, in the summer, most Magadan residents spend time in nature, sunbathing, harvesting forest crops, fishing, and simply breathing fresh forest air. Various cafes and restaurants in the city are not very crowded with visitors during this period.

There are plenty of visitors in the city park and numerous public gardens in the city, where you can just sit and relax. And for lovers of beautiful views of the city, in the park, in addition to various attractions for children, you can ride a Ferris wheel and admire the views of the city from above.

There are also large restaurants, sushi bars, Korean and Chinese cuisines in Magadan. The only thing that is not in the city is McDonald's and other well-known brands of fast food cafes. There is a similar fast food establishment in the city, but the prices there leave much to be desired. But this is also a matter of time.

There are plenty of entertainment clubs in various areas of the city, where you can have a nice dinner or lunch, go to a disco or play billiards, bowling "COSMOS" - a night club with bowling alley, located on Proletarskaya street, entertainment center "Boeing" - bar, billiards, a billiard room, a nightclub, a nightclub “Fonar” and others are always welcome to their visitors.

For children's recreation, as already mentioned in the district description, a whole complex of summer health camps has been set up in the Snowy Valley, where they will spend their holidays with great pleasure. Also, within the city itself, there are such children's recreation institutions as the children's entertainment complex "Tilimilitryamdiya", located on Koltsevaya Street and others.

All year round, museum lovers will be happy to open their doors to such institutions as the regional museum of local lore on Karl-Marx Street, the Museum of Natural History of the North-Eastern Scientific Research Institute of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, located on Portovaya Street, as well as the memorial museum-apartment named after V. Kozin, located in the same building, the same as the Buratino children's library, on Karl-Marx Street.

One of the city’s attractions is the “Mask of Sorrow,” a memorial monument to all political prisoners of Kolyma exiled here during Stalin’s times from all regions of the country.

It is located at the top of the Krutaya hill, not far from the Zvezda urban microdistrict. On the site where earlier, in Stalin’s time, there was a transit prison “Tranzitka”, from which prisoners were sent to all GULAG camps. The sculptor of the monument is E. Neizvestny. “Mask of Sorrow” is a 15-meter monument in the form of a person’s face, from one of whose eyes tears flow, in the form of human masks, and instead of the other there is a window with bars. The reverse side of the sculpture depicts crying women. Inside the monument there is a semblance of a prisoner’s cell of those times, with household items. In the area around the monument there are ordinary stones on which the names of the Gulag camps and various symbols are carved: a Jewish star, an Islamic crescent and others. Excursions inside the mask are held regularly at the request of everyone.

We must not forget about such a place of cultural pastime for the townspeople as the Magadan Musical and Drama Theater, located on Karl-Marx Street. Here, lovers of beauty, every year from October to May, can enjoy an operetta, some kind of dramatic or comedic performance, staged not only by local directors, but also invited from other regions of the country. It is not uncommon here for theater troupes from other Russian cities to come on tour to the capital of Kolyma.

An attraction that appeared not so long ago in the city (construction began in 2001, on the site of an unfinished multi-story council building) is the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity).

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