Anime for girls 10 years old. "Tanuki War in the Heisei and Pompoko Periods"

With the phrase " beautiful anime for the whole family” masterpieces usually come to mind Hayao Miyazaki. This is normal, after all, a maestro is a maestro. But besides Spirited Away and Ponyo fish on a cliff“There are other great Japanese cartoons that will appeal to both children and adults. We have selected nine of the most outstanding.

« Catchers of Forgotten Voices"(Makoto Shinkai, 2011) About what?

A girl, Asuna, who lives with her mother in the Japanese countryside, goes up the hill every evening and listens to an old radio with the help of a fancy crystal that reminds her of her father. One day, on the way home, the heroine is attacked by a mystical monster, from which the heroine is saved by the mysterious young man Xiong. Soon Asuna learns that Shun, like the monster, comes from a parallel magical world, the entrance to which all this time was located at that same hill.

Why is it worth watching?

The most ambitious painting by Makoto Shinkai, whose projects are famous (and we are not exaggerating here) for their stunning landscapes and attention to detail. In terms of graphics and animation quality, Shinkai's films rival and sometimes surpass the works of Hayao Miyazaki. This Very beautiful cartoon.

« The Girl Who Leapt Through Time"(Mamoru Hosoda, 2006) About what?

Schoolgirl Makoto accidentally gains the ability to travel through time and change the past. The girl begins to abuse her ability and waste her power on various little things. But at the most crucial moment, Makoto realizes that there are no more jumps left.

Why is it worth watching?

“The Girl Who Leapt Through Time” is essentially a Japanese variation on the theme “ Tsvetika-Semitsvetika» with a reservation about the location, characters and elements science fiction. An instructive cartoon about the consequences of wastefulness and irresponsibility.

« Wolf children Ame and Yuki"(Mamoru Hosoda, 2012) About what? The girl Hana falls in love with a young werewolf, and the fruit of their love are wolf children - the boy Ame and the girl Yuki. After the death of her husband, Hana takes the children to the village, where Ame and Yuki can grow up calmly, developing both human and wolf natures, without fear of the attention of others. Over the years, Yuki begins to gravitate towards human life and decides to never turn into a wolf again. Ame, on the contrary, gradually moves away from the family and becomes the protégé of the wise fox guarding the forest.

Why is it worth watching?

"Wolf Children" is considered on par with "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" the best works Mamoru Hosoda. This is a touching and multifaceted story about growing up, the importance of family and the eternal conflict between fathers and children.

“Little Witch Academy” (Yo Yoshinari, 2013/2015)

Photo: Trigger About what?

A two-part cartoon about the adventures of three friends studying at the Women's Magic Academy. In the first episode, the heroines fight monsters in a dungeon, and in the second, they prepare for a magical parade.

Why is it worth watching?

"Academy" produces as much endorphin as half a kilo of bananas eaten - this is a positive, kind and appropriately naive tale about friendship and determination. Plus, the cartoon was filmed as part of a project for training young animators created by the Japanese Ministry of Culture - both talented newcomers with a fresh look at animation and anime gurus from the Trigger studio worked on the project. The result was an hour and a half adventure, full of color palette and beautifully designed animation.

"Shinko with a Whirlwind and the Thousand-Year Magic" (Katabuchi Sunao, 2009)

photo: Madhouse About what?

Spring 1955, the scene is the small town of Hofu in the quiet Japanese outback. 9-year-old Shinko Aoki is a real fidget, a never-boring permanent leader of the local children. Shinko is curious - she learns from her grandfather that once upon a time their city was connected with Kyoto, the capital of the then Japanese Empire. The girl uses her imagination and begins to visualize images from the past, “letting in” modern world ancient life. Meanwhile, Kiiko Sumazu, a withdrawn girl from Tokyo, grieving for her recently deceased mother, arrives in Hofu. Soon a friendship begins between Shinko and Kiiko.

Why is it worth watching?

The cartoon touches on the theme of limitless children's imagination, freedom and carelessness - and there are not so many of them. In addition, “Shinko” belongs to the subgenre of so-called “summer” anime - they are always sunny, soulful, green, and cicadas are chirping around. Beauty, and that's all.

From the Slopes of Kokuriko (Goro Miyazaki, 2011)

photography: Studio Ghibli About what?

Umi Matsuzaki's father dies during one of the ship battles Korean War. Ten years later, the girl lives with her mother in the suburbs of Yokohama and raises coastal sea flags every day as a sign that her father is welcome at home. School club according to interests, in which the heroine spends time with friends, they want to demolish it due to the dilapidation of the building - Umi and a team of school activists go to Tokyo to the school sponsor to save the club. On this journey, first love is born.

Why is it worth watching?

The second after Tales from Earthsea, a more confident directorial work by Goro Miyazaki, the maestro’s son. A sincere love story with a pinch of sea romance - Lermontov would have liked it.

« Metropolis"(Shigeyuki Hayashi, 2001) About what? (Age rating: 13+)

Detective Shunsaku Ban and his nephew Kenichi Shikishima arrive in Metropolis to find Dr. Lawton, who is wanted for selling human organs. Lawton himself, under the leadership of Duke Red, the governor of the city, creates the first artificial person Tim, who is identical in appearance to the Duke's daughter who died many years ago. As the story progresses, Kenichi meets Tima, mistaking the cyborg for a girl who has lost her memory, and Metropolis finds itself on the verge of a revolution, which is being prepared by rebels opposed to the spread of robots.

Why is it worth watching?

The original source of Metropolis is the 1949 manga of the same name written by Osamu Tezuka, who is called the “god of anime” and is officially considered the founder of modern Japanese manga. "Metropolis" stands out not only for its branded artistic style Tezuka, but also with a deep, piercing plot that reveals the theme of social and racial inequality.

“Arietty from the Land of Lilliputians” (Hiromasa Yonebayashi, 2010)

photography: Studio Ghibli About what?

The story revolves around the "miners" - little people who secretly live next to ordinary people and using human things as needed. One of them, young Arrietty, despite her parents' prohibition, meets and begins to make friends with a 12-year-old boy named Sho.

Why is it worth watching?

The cartoon is based on Mary Norton's novel "The Miners" - like the 1997 American feature film ("Thieves" in Russian release), and the script was written by Hayao Miyazaki himself.

"The Cat Returns" (Hiroyuki Morita, 2002)

photography: Studio Ghibli About what?

One day, schoolgirl Haru saved a cat from a passing car. The cat stood on hind legs, shook himself off, gave the girl a deep bow and thanked her for saving her in fluent Japanese. The next night, Haru woke up from meowing and found the King of Cats in the solemn procession on the street. It turned out that during the day she saved the prince of the cat kingdom and for this she was destined for “endless graces” - as expected, also feline ones. The final touch In the list of “gifts”, from which Haru has nothing but problems, there is a new report from the king - the girl should be turned into a cat and married to the prince.

Why is it worth watching?

This is a cartoon about cats, what else do you need to be happy?

"Good full-length anime" What is the first thing you remember when you see this phrase? The answer of the majority, of course, will be the name “Miyazaki”, and this is absolutely natural. But getting to know Japanese animation only from the master’s cartoons is the same as mastering Russian poetry from Pushkin alone. A fine line, but far from the only one.

And the children here are spectators from six to eight years old. Some of the selected cartoons are rated 12+, but if your preschoolers have already watched Howl’s Moving Castle, then there is nothing to beware of. Cartoons are divided into three categories - for beginners, advanced and experienced connoisseurs of Japanese animation.

Best introduction for beginners: Miyazaki!

Of course, it’s better to start with Pushkin. That is, with Miyazaki. Since there are a lot of reviews of his work (including ), we will briefly list the main pearls - that is, what everyone should definitely watch. These are cartoons such as,. Educational program for modern people educated people, without which there is absolutely no way. This also applies to small children.

But here are more specific (and sometimes adult) works of the great storyteller, which are also very worth seeing: “Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind”, . Perhaps that’s enough - the listed films are already many, many hours, after which the audience becomes several lifetimes wiser.

Source: Tinkerbell

Interesting for beginners: advanced level

Cartoons widely known in narrow circles, which are recommended to continue, expand and deepen familiarity with Japanese animation. By the way, did you know that 2018 is the year of Japan in Russia? It's time to watch something like this with the whole family!

For some reason, many people think that Studio Ghibli equals Miyazaki, and vice versa. Not at all! Within the walls of this great and almost closed studio are full of other directors who also created great cartoons. With or without any participation from Miyazaki. In “The Return of the Cat” he acted as a producer. And we know why: such a touching cartoon about cats could not be left without guardianship.

Here the young heroine, by chance, ends up in the Kingdom of Cats and almost becomes the bride of the cat prince, along the way acquiring mustaches, ears and soft fur. Behind all the cute purrs is instructive story about the ability to plan your time. Let's also mention - in fact, the film about the cat is its kind of “spin-off”. But there it’s more about love, and here it’s primarily about adventure.

Source: Madman

Here Hayao Miyazaki is the screenwriter, and according to his good tradition, it is based on a European children's book. Perhaps you have seen the American Feature Film"Thieves" 1997, about coexisting next to people. “Arrietty from the Land of Lilliputians” was created based on the same “Getters” by Mary Norton as that good old movie. But in a completely different way, more emotional, subtle and elegant.

Let us add that this is the work of the same director as “Mary and the Witch’s Flower.” The best way form an opinion about his style and not come up with it.

Source: thelukyan13

"Tanuki War in the Heisei and Pompoko Periods"

An undeservedly unfamous work by Studio Ghibli with a script by you-know-who. Probably, not everyone has the courage to watch the fun and suffering of a people of raccoon dogs for two hours, but the truth is, this cartoon is beautiful, like young dew on bamboo stems before it is crunchingly devoured by a hungry tanuki. The fight between these funny raccoon werewolves and the humans who are destroying their home forests is inventive, fun and full of unique magic.

Beware, tanuki magic uses different body parts of these beasts, and sensitive viewers may be confused by the use of some interesting organs for magic. But not children, and especially not those children who watched Discovery at least a couple of evenings in a row.

Source: Madman

"Celloist Goshu"

A guy named Goshu always dreamed of getting recognition as a cellist. And he even played on this beautiful string instrument, but pretty mediocre. Driven by the dream of becoming hereby musician, Goshu does exactly what he should - trains hard. And the animals help him in this, who first come to see who is torturing the cello so stubbornly, and then teach Gosya to understand the music he plays.

A lot of Beethoven, the right motivations and a cat - this is just the thing for children who lack diligence in the business they are doing. Oh yes! We almost forgot to mention that this is a cartoon by Isao Takahata. This is approximately the same as Hayao Miyazaki, only Isao Takahata, the values ​​are comparable.

Source: Shark1ns Stone

"Puss in Boots"

And this is just a classic from 1969, which also has two sequels. Old good friend current parents with cable television. Of course, this retro anime cannot be compared with the technically advanced one from DreamWorks in the eyes of children, but we advise you to try it - at least you will feel nostalgic, and then the children will catch up.

After all, this is a funny, light and very wise version of the well-known cat fairy tale. How much are hired mice worth! And how affectionate they are funny songs! By the way, not so long ago the film was re-released with good dubbing and quality, so this is another reason to “watch it again with the kids.”

"The Girl Who Leapt Through Time"

A chamber drama for viewers a little older than previous cartoons, but absolutely useful for everyone. Mamoru Hosoda's work is also called one of the best animes for a reason. The story centers on schoolgirl Makoto, who accidentally gains the ability to travel through time. Limited number of times. You dare, right? Of course, like our Zhenya from “The Flower of Seven Flowers,” the heroine began to waste her magical opportunities to change the world on all sorts of nonsense. Of course, she learned an extremely valuable lesson from this. Which will be useful to you too.

Life-affirming, wise, philosophical and so on cartoon. After such films, life and time look a little different.

"The Wolf Children of Ame and Yuki"

The same director as in the previous paragraph, the same age of the audience - children who are able to perceive a complex and sometimes sad plot, and the same unprecedented degree life experience, permeating the whole picture from and to. Here a woman falls in love with a werewolf and they have children. But then the father dies, and the mother takes the cubs to the outback to raise them in both forms. The wolf children grow up, each chooses their own destiny, and all this is damn right, joyful and sad at the same time.

A valuable emotional experience for children. About the fact that you need to go towards your goal and live your life. And an even more valuable emotional experience for parents. About the fact that children have their own lives, and we need to let them live it, and not their own or someone else’s.

Source: _Snow _Kun_

Serious touching cartoon named after child cruelty. About a bully who hurt a deaf girl, repentance and kindness. In general, the attitude towards people with disabilities is a separate issue. important topic, which in Japan is given much higher value than ours. If you and your children didn’t miss the recent film “Miracle,” then you shouldn’t ignore this film. Many viewers note that “Shape of a Voice” is not very similar to anime at all; there are almost no characteristic antics and jokes that accompany Japanese cartoons everywhere. And they also say that they cried at the end and that this is a masterpiece worse than a magnificent one.

Source: Anime TV Radio

"Child of the Monster"

We complete the block of relatively well-known anime cartoons with another work by Mamoru Hosoda, on which the “masterpiece” label is hung very actively and for good reason. In the story, a little boy gets lost in Tokyo and finds himself in parallel world, where he is taken under the wing... excuse me, the paw of an anthropomorphic bear who teaches the boy martial arts. All this happens fun, dynamically and excitingly, and in the end the hero saves the world.

Some people think that the ending is a little crumpled, but even with it, “The Monster’s Child” stands out as a deep and rich film about growing up and finding oneself. For viewers 12+, but if action movies are for your tomboy younger age- it’s a common thing, then feel free to do it earlier.

Anime for children - for some who are not well versed in the topic, this phrase may seem strange, but yes - most of Anime is drawn primarily for adults. The list of the best anime for children is an attempt to collect together those few crumbs of truly high-quality children's anime. In the list of the best anime for children, of course, there are only good stories, cute characters, funny situations that teach children kindness, friendship and other right and positive things. Real children's anime is always good fairy tale, devoid of many of the elements of hardcore adult anime.

Aikatsu! (TV series) (2012)
Hoshimiya Ichigo - an ordinary student high school, which is in free time helps his mother at the bento shop, and has absolutely no interest in pop culture. But her life changes completely when she learns about pop idols and Starlight Idol Academy from her best friend, Aoi. Together they pass entrance exams, and discover new world. A world where idols live. A world where they can use Aikatsu cards to perform on stage. A world in which many challenges await them.

Aikatsu! (TV series) / Aikatsu! (2012)

Starring: Kaya Matsutani, Sumire Mrohosi, Ayaka Ohashi, Azusa Tadokoro

Tibetan Dog (2012)
After the death of his mother, ten-year-old Tianjin leaves the city to live on the Tibetan prairie, with his father, who abandoned him in infancy. Unaccustomed to village life At first it is difficult for the boy to adapt to local conditions, and his father is cold and taciturn with him. One day, a golden-haired dog, a Tibetan mastiff breed, saves his life. This dog is a stranger, he has not been seen in these places before. Tianjin becomes attached to an unusual dog. The dog often goes somewhere for a long time.

Tibetan dog / Tibet inu monogatari (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon
Premiere (world): January 7, 2012
A country: Japan, China

Pokemon (TV series 1998 – ...) (1998)
Boy Ash goes with his first Pokemon Pikachu on a journey to become the greatest Master Pokemon in the world. Along the way, he is joined by Brock, a girl-oriented trainer of rock Pokemon, and the tomboyish girl Misty, a trainer of water Pokemon, who seems to have taken a liking to Ash. Friends travel all over the country, participating in various Pokemon competitions. However, on the way they are constantly disturbed by Jessie, James and Meowth - a trio of thieves hunting for Pikachu.

Pokémon (TV series 1998 – ...) / Pokémon (1998)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy, adventure, children's
Premiere (world): September 8, 1998
A country: Japan

Starring: Daniel Nicodem, Satomi Korogi, Miki Shinichiro, Rikako Aikawa, Unsho Ishizuka, Koichi Sakaguchi, Katsuyuki Konishi, Megumi Hayashibara, Megan Hollingshead, Tinami Nishimura

Chiya's Sweet Home (TV series) (2008)
The Yamado family, where Chiya's kitten lives, lives in a house where keeping pets is strictly prohibited. Because of this, the cat’s stay is kept strictly secret, and she is limited in her actions; here you can’t walk outside, soak up the sun, or hunt for birds and butterflies. Yehei's parents even offered to give her pet to her friends so that she could live a free cat life. But the daughter did not agree to part with her pet.

Chii's Sweet Home (TV series) / Chi's Sweet Home (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, comedy, family
Premiere (world): March 31, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Noriko Hidaka, Hidenobu Kiuchi, Satomi Korogi, Etsuko Kozakura

Braveheart (2006)
Summary animated film Brave Heart." The father of 10-year-old Wataru leaves his family for another woman, and his mother gets sick from stress and goes to the hospital. And then the boy decides to change his fate. To this end, he goes on a trip to Magic world, the entrance to which was shown by his friend Mitsuru. In the land of wizards and monsters, Wataru must use all his courage to true friends overcome trials, meet the Goddess of Fate and change your destiny.

Brave Heart / Brave Story (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, adventure
Premiere (world): July 8, 2006
A country: Japan

Starring: Takako Matsu, Eiji Wentz, Miki Imai, Taro Ishida, Shiro Ito, Ayako Kawasumi, Kirin Kiki, Saito Chiwa, Rai Shibata, Katsumi Takahashi

Adventures of Digimon (TV series 1999 – 2003) (1999)
With the onset of summer, many children go to various camps, and the heroes of our animated series were no exception. But none of them even suspected that these holidays would send the children to parallel reality. As it turned out, their teleportation was not accidental, because these children were chosen to save the world from evil. Each of them was assigned its own Digimon, which accompanies its owner throughout the world.

Adventures of Digimon (TV series 1999 – 2003) / Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, action, thriller, adventure, family
Premiere (world): August 14, 1999
A country: France, Japan, USA

Starring: Michael Reisch, Steven Bloom, Laura Summer, Mona Marshall, Derek Stephen Prince, R. Martin Klein, Brianne Brosey, Joshua Seth, Phyllis Sampler, Colleen O'Shaughnessy


Emperor of the Jungle (TV series 1965 – 1967) (1965)
Brief content of the cartoon adventure anime series "Emperor of the Jungle". Story line family cartoon tells about the events that unfold in the middle of the 20th century. Fleeing from human expansion, White Lion, the emperor of the jungle, is forced to look for prey in the camp of the colonialists. However, after stealing cows, people decide and invite a professional hunter who lures all royal family into a trap.

Genre: anime, cartoon, adventure, family
A country: USA, Japan

Starring: Goro Naya, Junji Chiba, Gil Mack, Ray Owens, Hal Studer, Billy Lou Watt, Sonya Owens

Homeless girl Remy (TV series 1996 – ...) (1996)
Based on the classic children's story "No Family" by French novelist Hector Malot. Remy, a modest and cheerful girl who sings well, lives in France in a village called Chavanon with her mother and little sister. One day she learns that she is a “foundling” and was taken in by the Barberan family. Her stepfather, Jerome, leaves his job in Paris and thinks that her adoptive mother sent Remy to an orphanage.

Homeless girl Remi (TV series 1996 – ...) / Ie naki ko Remi (1996)

Genre: anime, cartoon
Premiere (world): August 1, 1996
A country: Japan

Starring: Shinobu Adachi, Mitsuko Horie, Fubito Yamano

Oseam (2003)
beautiful and touching anime telling a story little boy Gil Sung and his blind sister Kam Yi, who went in search of their mother. During their journey, they came across a Buddhist monastery. The monks sheltered the children, and soon the calm and quiet life The monastery became full of colors. Mischievous children continually kept the monks bored. The ending of this film is quite impressive and bright, unexpected, a very positive cartoon.

Oseam / Oseam (2003)

Genre: cartoon, family
Premiere (world): April 25, 2003
A country: Korea South

Monsters on the Island 3D (2011)
Far away in the ocean, covered in thick fog and looking like a ghost, the Island hid. According to legend, monsters live on it and protect the wonderful berries and mushrooms growing there. It is forbidden to approach the Island... One day, a boy from the tribe accidentally ended up on the Island and came face to face with everything mysterious that was on it. At first the monsters received him friendly, but the boy turned out to be a real imp. The monsters, tired of his antics, decided to send him back.

Monsters on the Island 3D / Friends: Mononokeshima no Naki (2011)

Genre: cartoon, fantasy, adventure
Premiere (world): December 17, 2011
Premiere (Russian Federation): February 28, 2013, “AKM”3D
A country: Japan, Canada

Starring: Sadao Abe, Shingo Katori, Seishiro Kato, Koichi Yamadera, Yu

And here comes the black witch! (TV series) (2012)
Chiyoko Kurotori is a schoolgirl interested in witchcraft, spirits and all sorts of magical rituals. One day, romantic classmates persuaded Chiyoko to call the god of love, Cupid, but the trouble was that the aspiring spiritualist had a bad runny nose that day, and therefore instead of “Cupid”, the nasal Chiyoko got “Gubidon”. And spells do not tolerate bad articulation. Gubidon-sama came to the call - and turned out to be a black witch. Now her task is to make Chiyoko-chan a powerful witch.

And here comes the black witch! (TV series) / Kuro Majo-san ga Tooru!! (2012)

Genre: anime, cartoon
A country: Japan

Starring: Yu Asakawa, Fumiko Orikasa, Park Romi

Children's anime is the kindest among other genres that Japanese screenwriters offer us. But here, too, you need to choose anime for your child to watch carefully, since not all of them are intended for young children.

All the anime we offer are included in a convenient list with brief description, so that it is convenient for you to search and select those cartoons that suit your age category to your child.

Why are anime for children considered some of the most difficult to create? Because everyone understands perfectly well that pleasing a child is the most difficult task. He is not interested in intricate plots that require a long time to think and remember - this is more suitable for children school age than preschoolers. For kids, the simpler, brighter, more beautiful - the better, and if they add cheerful music- then there will be no limit to happiness. Therefore, all children's anime can be divided into three subcategories: for boys, for girls, and general (educational), which will be of interest to everyone.

Children's educational anime

Actually educational animated cartoons not so little, it’s just that rarely anyone pays attention to them, delving deeper into the search for anime for boys or girls. Although such an anime, where we're talking about about the stars and visiting the planetarium, or about dinosaurs and animals with magical abilities, will be of interest not only to children, but also to parents. In educational anime, we will not find episodes divided into lessons - we will simply watch how the characters learn from various interesting stories - here it will be shown that friendship, kindness and compassion are very important in life. Children will learn to love themselves, their loved ones and pets, and this is the most important thing.

Anime for naughty kids

This unspoken division into anime for children or teenagers has already happened directly among the viewers, because in Japan cartoons for children under 10 years old are classified under common name"Kodomo". They do not contain violence, cruelty and other features that are already present in anime for teenagers.

For girls, the main characters are usually the girls themselves, dolls, animals, etc. For boys, these are cars, robots and other funny people or creatures. But they all have good intentions and tell instructive stories.

In our catalog you will only find best anime for children, which we select especially for you, so that your kids can enjoy watching and get the best impressions from the animated film.