Romantic anime about vampires. The best anime series about vampires

KinoPoisk: 7.97 1 534

IMDb: 8.3 3 374

WorldArt: 8.6 1 393

Description: Soma Yukihira is a young culinary fanatic who dreams of surpassing his father, a famous chef. Joichiro, Soma's father, is an excellent cook of simple and hearty oriental dishes, which is why their family restaurant is popular among office workers - but, alas, you can't make money from such clients. It is difficult to experiment without money - and the rare unusual (and usually unsuccessful) experiments of father and son are tasted only by Yukihira Jr.’s classmates. This means that the guy has only one way to improve - go to the culinary academy!

Totsuki Culinary Academy is a legendary high school where many great chefs graduated, including the protagonist's father. The class spirit in Totsuki is strong - but a gifted simpleton can always prove that he is worthy to stand next to the descendants of famous dynasties. This is exactly what Soma did when he moved into the Polar Star Dorm, a school haven for poor but ambitious talents. The Academy encourages rivalry by staging real “culinary wars” - this is where Yukihira will show everyone, especially the local boss, the director’s granddaughter Erina, whose chef’s knife is sharper, her taste is more subtle, and her imagination is richer!

Director: Noriyuki Abe and Kino Abe

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 8.59 12 935

IMDb: 8.6 3 763

WorldArt: 9.2 13 245

Description: How are you not familiar with Eikichi Onizuka, the new class teacher escaped from the hands of class three or four? The private “Academy of the Sacred Forest” encounters such a teacher for the first time - and he, it seems, is not very familiar with his immediate responsibilities and is ready to demonstrate very radical pedagogical methods!

Director: Ohashi Yoshimitsu

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 5.75 85

IMDb: 6.2 52

WorldArt: 7 318

Description: In that strange world Superhuman capabilities are provided by the possession of wonderful stones that are “related” to the owner’s body. A piece of such a mineral once went to 17-year-old Aruma Tandoji - and it did not bring him happiness. Due to explosions of violence and rage, the guy maimed many people, left home and is now in prison. probationary period. At school, everyone avoids such a distinguished hooligan, and the hero himself does not want to get close to anyone. Only classmate Wakana Ito believes Aruma and tries to involve him in her “gem club”, however, without much success. So Tandoji would have lived as an outcast if one day a red-haired baby, accompanied by a butler, had not knocked on the door.

The guest named Ruri turned out to be the head of the Aiba corporation, and at the same time the coordinator of the fight against Asi - stone demons that have long threatened humanity. Conventional weapons are of little help against demons - we need warriors of Light who draw strength from magic stones. In the subsequent whirlwind of events, Ruri gives Aruma his own Stone - as a result, the hero manages to curb his anger and rage and receive enormous power, becoming one of the Sacred Seven Chosen. Now Aruma is doomed to fight the forces of evil in the close company of Ruri, the combat butler Kagami, an entire army of maids, the defector demon Onigawara and other members of the Seven. But the hero finally joined the “gem club”!

Director: Suzuki Yohei

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.96 1 103

IMDb: 7.1 713

WorldArt: 7.5 899

Description: In the past there was a country where “there was no sex.” And in the gloomy Japanese future there can be nothing “indecent” at all, for one mention of “it” or viewing funny pictures you can rattle on the bunk. For control, each citizen is put on a collar with a device that automatically detects any forbidden words and gestures. Most people, like, for example, high school student Tanukichi Okuma, live and do not worry, but there are still freedom fighters who do not allow the authorities to sleep peacefully. And in the front row there is a girl in a mask made of panties, a violent sex terrorist, a dangerous beauty Blue Snowball!

The authorities have reached the point where exemplary children do not know where they come from. Because in the elite high school Okuma, who had previously studied in a working-class area, was recognized as an expert on sensitive issues and “came into authority.” Anna, the student council president and an old acquaintance of Tanukichi's, signed him up to hunt for Snowball, not knowing that the culprit was her deputy, Ayame Kajou. But Ayame instantly recognized the bird by its flight and through dirty blackmail (she was supposed to!) persuaded the poor guy to join her organization. And even if there are only two of them so far - the school is large, there is a lot of talent in it, but human nature still cannot be overcome!

Director: Nagahama Hiroshi

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.29 594

IMDb: 7.7 590

WorldArt: 7.5 379

Description: Takao Kasuga, an introvert and a bookworm, lives in a town among the mountains and attends the second grade of a government high school. Awareness of one's own inferiority and unrequited love to his classmate Nanako Saeki, the guy drowns out, devouring books, intensely studying Baudelaire's “The Flowers of Evil.” Alas, the seething of hormones and the flickering of various thoughts cannot be calmed down by half measures - Takao lost control and did not understand how, staying after classes, he stole the physical education uniform of his beloved Nanako. Only Kasuga was not truly scared right away, but only later - when he realized that he had fallen... into the web of a sadistic blackmailer, another classmate named Sawa Nakamura.

Nakamura just wanted to be loved, and for this, no matter what you say, you need a partner who understands you, who is ready to throw you away false values and completely surrender to the uh... call of the subconscious. Kasuga, of course, is a mattress, but there are makings - we need to work! And so, under the sensitive guidance of his mentor, Takao began to understand that by cultivating real, and not bookish, “flowers of evil” in his soul, he himself became stronger, people were drawn to him, and the beautiful Saeki seemed to notice him for the first time. What is the price of such a transformation and what will happen next - we will soon find out, although, in principle, it is not difficult to guess. If, in Baudelaire’s words, “the mind is whirled by a whirlwind of madness and passions,” you will definitely not become a human being!

Director: Noriyuki Kitanohara, Taichi Ishidate and Yasuhiro Takemoto

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.88 2 682

IMDb: 8 5 553

WorldArt: 8.7 3 999

Description: Tomoya Okazaki, student graduating class, disappointed in life. After the tragic death of his mother, his father became an alcoholic, and he himself gained fame as a hooligan. Instead of studying for his final exams, Tomoya hangs around school, skipping classes and doing whatever comes to mind. But everything changes when in the spring he meets Nagisa Furukawa, who has returned to school - a sweet and strange girl who loves buns, talking to herself, and also dreams of reviving the theater club. Helping Nagisa, Tomoya realizes that life is not over, and his heart begins to thaw. In addition to Nagisa and an old friend, Sunohara, Tomoya’s life includes the sisters Kyo and Ryo, the strong and purposeful Tomoyo, the school genius Kotomi, who is absolutely helpless in real life, and the very strange Foucault - a lover of starfish and school weddings.

Gradually, Tomoya notices that the lives and destinies of many people revolve around him... and realizes that this is no coincidence. The answer lies in a strange world beyond dreams, where a young girl, somewhat similar to himself, awaits.

Director: Nishizawa Nobutaka

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 8.13 216

IMDb: 8.6 3 046

WorldArt: 8.7 541

Description: Hanamichi Sakuragi is an ordinary middle school student, a braggart and a bully, the owner of a loud voice, tall and red hair. The guy's trouble is that he has no luck in amorous affairs - about fifty girls have already rejected his advances. Having transferred to Shohoku High School, he meets the girl of his dreams - the beautiful Haruko Akagi, with whom he falls madly in love. To impress her, Hanamichi is even willing to enter into basketball team school, although he has no idea about this sport. But soon after joining the team, the captain of which is Haruko’s brother Takenori Akagi, the guy realizes that basketball is his true calling. On the same team is the tall, handsome Kaede Rukawa, Hanamichi’s eternal rival both on and off the sports field. The fact is that Haruko is unrequitedly in love with him, and Rukawa doesn’t even notice her. But the boys' rivalry motivates them to achieve new achievements in basketball, and together with other guys from school, they are able to turn Shohoku from a little-known outsider into the champion of Japan!

Director: Masaya Kawamo, Shin Onuma and Yutaka Hirata

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.31 572

IMDb: 7.5 1 148

WorldArt: 8.4 1 204

Description: They are not childhood friends and have not known each other for ten years. No, three girls and two boys met already at Yamaboshi High School, where they met and became friends. None of them managed to find a club they liked, and so the “Society of Youth Culture” was born. The cheerful and sociable Iori became the president, the strict and sensible Himeko became her deputy, and the pretty fashionista Yui rounded out the women's team. With the guys, everything is also clear: Taichi is everyone’s helper, and Yoshifumi is the local “macho” who is not shy about declaring his love to Yu twice a day. But poor Taichi is drawn to Himeko in his mind, and to Iori in his heart, but he himself cannot decide anything. Yes, understanding yourself and people is one of the skills that you need to learn on the way to adult life. But is it possible to somehow help here?

Help unexpectedly came from a certain creature - a god, a demon or an alien, who for the time being hid under the mask of teacher Goto. The members of the club suddenly began... briefly switching bodies, and the exchange took place unpredictably, in pairs or three. You can imagine what the guys endured, suddenly finding themselves in the most delicate situations... But after a few days of such crazy swinging, they suddenly realized that they began to understand each other better and could portray anyone from the company without any problems. That's right - memory and knowledge are inaccessible in someone else's body, but it is enough to evoke any image, and it will become clear what a person really feels. Now the heroes know almost everything about each other - all that remains is to understand how the strange experiment will end!

Director: Nawa Munenori

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.11 224

IMDb: 6.7 104

WorldArt: 7.9 827

Description: The main character is Ayase Yuto, an ordinary guy, without any special talents. He goes to a private high school, does not stand out from the crowd, until he accidentally reveals the secret of the School Princess - Haruka Nogizaki. This discovery changes his life

Director: Kamegaki Hajime

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 8.05 1 736

IMDb: 8.2 1 457

WorldArt: 8.9 4 128

Description: What is the series about? What are almost all shonen anime about? Once upon a time in distant Japan there lived a young Kenichi Shirahama. As they say, no skin, no face, no strength, no friends. At school they bully me, they give me offensive nicknames, my self-esteem is nowhere lower, my complexes just creep in... Out of grief I went to the local karate club, and there the hazing is worse than in the army, and the poor guy either serves as a punching bag or as a janitor. And the guy would have completely disappeared, but one morning he met a beautiful girl, who, when she foolishly attacked from behind, “automatically” threw him three meters with the back of her head on the asphalt. By pure chance, a girl named Miu turned out to be the granddaughter of an old master, the owner of the Ryozanpaku dojo, which translates as “Shelter of Heroes.” Realizing that he had nothing to lose, Kenichi mustered up his remaining courage and went to ask to become a student...

That's how it was. So the main thing is to be in in the right place V right time, and you will get one of the best creations of the genre!

Director: Kishi Seiji

Time: 85 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.71 155

IMDb: 6.6 44

WorldArt: 8 358

Description: New high school student Ichiro Sato forgets his notebook at school one day. Returning for the loss, he encounters a beautiful but strange girl there. She is dressed in an anime robe, armed with a staff and claims to be a sorceress from parallel world!

Director: Inagaki Takayuki

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7 488

IMDb: 7.1 244

WorldArt: 7.6 708

Description: When you hear voices, that's a diagnosis. When God calls on your cell phone, it’s a state of mind. 17-year-old Kanade Amakusa knows that he is completely ill, because unknown forces constantly present him with one worse choice than the other: for example, publicly grunt at a pig or go and kill himself against a wall. Refusal or delay entails unbearable pain, so the guy gave up long ago. Even the regularly chosen lesser evil has earned Amakusa a reputation as a frostbitten psycho, and only classmates Oka and Furano consider Kanade their friend - because a real man in their understanding, he must definitely be a cheerful original and a bit of a pervert!

Kanade would have dropped out of school long ago if the mysterious loli-sensei Utage-chan had not covered him. But even her capabilities were not enough for long, and then God intervened. To begin with, Kami-sama sent a pretty blonde with a sweet tooth to help the sufferer, and then began to personally set tasks, which, if completed, the guy would get rid of the curse. But the messenger, named Chocolate, is of little use, and it is impossible to complete tasks due to constant “arrivals”. In general, Amakusa is clearly waiting for an analogue of the Twelve Labors of Hercules, only he fought with all sorts of hydras, but here he will have to fight himself!

Director: Kaburagi Hiro

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.4 2 420

IMDb: 7.4 1 975

WorldArt: 8.1 1 467

Description: 16-year-old Shizuku Mizutani loves to study and think about her future. She doesn’t need anything else, which is why the girl even in high school builds the image of a “nerd,” limiting her interactions with others to simple politeness. Only, as luck would have it, the teacher asked the heroine to take the notes to the mysterious guy Haru Yoshida, who was supposed to sit next to Mizutani, but was still suspended from school for fighting. Having shamelessly promoted the young teacher for a new textbook, Shizuku nevertheless took the printouts and went home to a mysterious neighbor in the class. This is what ruined her!

The terrible bully Haru turned out to be a big child - strong, kind, naive to infinity, ready to hurt himself for the sake of his comrades. He regarded the visit of a classmate as an offer of friendship - how can a girl’s heart not tremble! “Ice Girl” Mizutani herself did not understand how she began to spend more and more time with Yoshida, crawling out of the shell under which she found herself normal person, whose desires are by no means limited to first place in exams. The guys seemed to exchange energy: Haru, having started going to school, turned out to be almost a genius, and Shizuku knew the feelings that come only in the spring of life. Now the heroes have friends and rivals - meet the new romantic comedy!

Director: Kuroda Yasuhiro

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 7.07 308

IMDb: 6.7 259

WorldArt: 8 692

Description: Sana Hikada returns to his hometown after five years living in Tokyo. And he notices that during his absence the city has changed little. On his way home, he sees a girl dressed as a temple priestess watching him. The next day, at school, Sana finds out that this girl is his childhood friend Nanaka Yatsushiro, and that she still wears the hairpin that Sana gave her before leaving...

Director: Takamatsu Shinji

Series length: 25 min.

KinoPoisk: 6.47 77

IMDb: 7.6 82

WorldArt: 6.7 90

Description: The high school of the town of Binan, that is, “handsome,” lives up to its name - there are many nice kids studying there who love to rest and relax. For example, best friends En and Atsushi love to go to the bathhouse, where one day, in the middle of a philosophical conversation, they met a powerful galactic wanderer and defender of the worlds. But for some reason the interstellar paladin appeared before earthlings in the form of... a kawaii pink wombat!

Of course, being a hero with such a sensei is somehow not comme il faut, but the furry animal instantly won the heart of the impressionable Yumoto, and then (experience is experience!) masterfully captured the body of teacher Tawarayama. Realizing that things were going well, En and Atsushi themselves recruited the financier Io and the playboy Ryu to the team - and thus the club of handsome defenders of the Earth was born. From whom - it doesn’t matter, the main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the bosses from the School Council have become so narcissistic that they can already see green hedgehogs!

Anime about vampires is perhaps one of the most interesting topics in the animation industry. Add school or romance to the genre and the list doesn’t get much shorter. Although, it must be admitted, among all the top anime about vampires, the most popular and recognized are those that have little to do with romance or school. Although the latter could not be avoided.

Anime about vampires - Hellsing (Hellsing)

One of the first top anime about vampires, where romance and school had no place. But there was a place for the brutal Alucard, Kota Hirano, unique in his style, and two film adaptations from different studios. The eternal question of which adaptation is cooler (as in the case of “ Fullmetal Alchemist"), I leave it to the discretion of other readers. The taste and color as they say. However, if we talk about picture quality, the anime from the MadHouse studio is clearly superior to the Gonzo series (this is understandable, given the time spent and budgets).

In any case, the premise is the same for both Helsings. To combat supernatural and inhuman creatures in Britain, a secret order is created to guard order. One of the “agents” of such an organization is the ancient vampire Alucard. Bound by a treaty, he serves the head of a secret organization.

It's difficult to choose just one piece. Both vampire anime are decent.

Shiki (Deceased)

Next on the list is a rather unusual anime about vampires from the Doumu studio. There are schoolchildren at Shiki, but teenagers are not an absolute thing here (thank God). They didn’t bring romance, but it’s not needed here. But there is a lot characters and some pretty interesting ideas regarding vampires.

The story takes place in the Japanese outback, where time seems to have stood still. There are no big highways or high-rise buildings, life flows slowly and serenely. Families live for entire generations and only young people sometimes try to get out of this web of everyday life. But the quiet and calm atmosphere changes when he arrives in the suburbs mysterious family and settles in a house on a hill. And after some time, people in the village begin to die inexplicably...

Vampire Knight

A two-season anime about vampires, belonging to the Sezde or Reverse Harem genre (whatever you want).

Within the walls of the prestigious Cross Academy there are two streams of students: day and night. The first stream is ordinary students. However, the school's evening class, which includes the elite, is made up of vampires.

For the sake of maintaining the secrets and safety of ordinary students, two students (a girl named Yuki and a guy named Zero) play the role of guards who keep order and prevent any situations that could lead to the exposure of the school's secret.

The film adaptation of the manga of the same name from the Deen studio ranks among the unfinished works. There is a lot of romance in the series, and the main target audience is girls.

Tsukihime: Lunar Legend (The Tale of the Moon Princess)

An anime about vampires and romance, which is an adaptation of the visual novel of the same name from Type-Moon. From the entire list of top games developed by Type-Moon, “Fate/Stay Night” can be highlighted.

Once upon a time, Shiki Tono was expelled by his own father. The Tono clan is very ancient, and its rules are strict for everyone. Eight years later, seventeen-year-old Shiki, now a high school student, returns to his native land.

After Shiki's own sister becomes the leader of the clan, the hero again becomes part of the family. Having grown up in a relaxed environment and not accustomed to strict and uncompromising rules, Shiki initially feels uncomfortable. But then, thanks to the support of friends and family, he overcomes difficult adaptation.

And there seemed to be nothing special in all this everyday routine. But the hero sees the world with his own eyes in a special way. And soon he meets a mysterious girl who utters an equally mysterious phrase...


Humanity does not even suspect that in our the world is coming war between humans and werewolves. main character- Saya, studies in a regular school and lives with her brothers and father. For some reason, she cannot remember any events before the last year, except for those moments when horrifying images pop up in her head. Having forgotten her past, the heroine will soon have to realize and accept her “self”, no matter how terrifying the truth may turn out to be.

Dance In The Vampire Bund

Anime about vampires from the Shaft studio.

Vampires are fiction. This is what most people think and are mistaken. The reason for this misconception is the bloodsuckers themselves, who for centuries did everything to prevent the human race from suspecting the existence of superbeings. This was the case until recently, when a descendant of Count Dracula himself, Mina Chain, revealed the secret to the whole world, at the same time erecting an entire island in Tokyo Bay.

The news excited everyone, and there were no fewer dissatisfied among the nonhumans than among mere mortals. And from that moment on, the list of Mina’s serious enemies increased tenfold. But it’s not at all easy to defeat Mina, and among her servants there is a werewolf who swore an oath of allegiance to her as a child.

Trinity Blood

An anime about vampires from the Gonzo studio, which is an adaptation of a series of light novels. Perhaps the work does not reach the top, but it can be safely included in the list of must-see series, at least for review.

Several centuries ago, humanity made an irreparable mistake, which resulted in Armageddon. Part of the human race sank into oblivion, and the survivors did not experience joy, because with the new post-apocalypse others came to earth. Those who are called vampires. But if there is someone for whom humans are only food, perhaps there are also those for whom vampires are nothing more than food?

Vampire Hunter D (D - vampire hunter) and Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (D: bloodlust)

An anime about a vampire hunter that came out in two feature films. No school or romance. Everything is serious and gloomy. The first film is quite old (1985) and was made by the craftsmen from Ashi Productions. The second one was released by MadHouse in 2003. At least the 2003 film is worth checking out. Among its neighbors in the genre, it can easily be considered one of the top anime about bloodsuckers.

Rosario + Vampire (Rosario and Vampire)

Anime in the harem genre, where there is both romance and comedy. The main character is a guy who failed entrance exams to one of the high schools.

Already upset parents receive an invitation letter to some ghostly academy, where grades do not play a role in admission.

Going to something new educational institution on a school bus, the main character finds himself in another world. And the very school that our protagonist enters is nothing more than an academy of inhumans. Vampires, Succubi, Werewolves - only a small part of who the hero will meet.

Like most film adaptations, anime is not a complete work (unlike manga).

Black Blood Brothers

A decade passed before the flames of the war between vampires and humans went out.

Jiro and his brother head to the “Special Zone” - a place where the parties who recently killed each other have reconciled and are trying to forget the past. Involuntarily, the brothers find themselves in a dangerous situation in the center of which a new flame of battle between humans and vampires may flare up. Anime from 2006.

People's interest in creatures from the other world arose much earlier than anime. It is not surprising that after the appearance of this genre cinematography and its entry into the general public, the theme of vampires has become one of the most sought-after and popular. Anime about vampires is characterized by spectacular battles and rivers of blood, mystical stories, fear and horror, and sometimes outright scenes of violence. There is love in them, there is loyalty and passion - everything that audiences from all over the world love so much. Coupled with an exciting, twisted plot and colorful characters, the result is a truly exciting movie, and if you are also a fan of it, a selection best anime about vampires you will definitely like it.

1 Vampire Knight

In first place in our rating is a fascinating romantic drama about vampires, released in 2008. The plot centers on a story about an elite school with only two classes. One class studies during the day and is called Day, the second is Night, which means it studies at night. The prefects of this academy are Zero Kiryu and Yukki Cross, they are responsible for maintaining order. This is not so easy to do, considering that the students of the Night class are all vampires, and also the elite, and the students of the Day class know nothing about this.

The situation is complicated by Yuki's love for the head of the Night Class, as well as Zero's deep hatred of all vampires without exception. Will the heroes of this picture - humans and vampires - be able to coexist peacefully, at least within the walls of this educational institution?


An exciting anime about vampires with spectacular military battles and colorful characters was filmed over the course of 6 years - from 2006 to 2012. The plot is based on an organization called Hellsing, which protects people from night creatures - vampires and other undead. We cannot even imagine what passions flare up on the planet when night twilight falls on it. Under the leadership of the current head of Hellsing, Integra Farbrook, creatures that could lead to the death of humanity are destroyed. All of her fighters are strong and skilled, but they all pale before the magnificence of Alucard, because he himself is a powerful vampire...


The creator of this masterpiece is famous director Shigeyuki Miya. The animated series will introduce viewers to a fantastic city and its inhabitants - vampires. The city is divided into quarters, each quarter has its own leader. One of the leaders is the main character of the series named Staz. He, unlike his other relatives, does not desire human blood and is interested in Japanese culture. Staz's life changes when he falls in love with a young Japanese woman, Fuyumi Yanagi. Having lured his beloved to his side, the young man loses her, and then does everything possible to resurrect the deceased who has turned into a ghost.


The anime introduces viewers to an orphan boy named Yuichiro Hyakuya. After the enslavement of the world by vampires, he, like other children, was captured. Despite the terrible living conditions, the hero is confidently moving towards his dream, and he dreams of gradually destroying all evil spirits on this planet.

5 Blood +

Each of the 50 episodes of this animated series will feature a bloody war between the Red Shield organization and immortal werewolves who feed on human blood. The main character of the film is an ordinary, at first glance, schoolgirl who turns out to be one of the most powerful agents of the anti-vampire organization.


A romantic fantasy about Tsukune Aono, who by the will of fate ended up in the Phantom Academy. This academy is not easy - all possible and impossible evil spirits study here. The hero was about to run away, when he met the eyes of the prettiest girl Moka. She is not just a vampire, but a higher vampire, strong and powerful. And in order for a cute girl to turn into a real monster, all you have to do is remove the rosary from her neck...


An intricate story about the cheerful girl Komori Yui, who is able to see spirits and always fall into the clutches of otherworldly creatures. Because of her father's work, Komori is forced to enroll in a very unusual school, where classes begin late in the evening. Rumors are circulating around the school that vampires are hiding among the students. Who do you think will be “lucky” to expose these bloodsuckers? True, to be exposed, you first need to at least stay alive, and this is not so easy...


An adventure anime about the descendant of one of the most famous vampires in the world - the daughter of Count Dracula, Mina Tepes. The girl decided that it was enough to feed humanity with guesses and force people to invent all sorts of nonsense about vampires. She settled next to ordinary people and constantly “delights” them with new details of her life. We’ll find out what came of it by watching this exciting romantic animated series.

9 Helsing

The plot is based on the Hellsing organization founded by the legendary Professor Wang, which has been waging war against vampires since time immemorial. Now at the head of Hellsing is the great-granddaughter of Van Helsing, the smart and cold-blooded Integra. She is the one who has to destroy mysterious creatures, which infect people, turning them into ghouls. The epidemic is spreading so quickly that it threatens the existence of Hellsing itself.


Mystical romantic animated series about Karin Marker. The girl comes from a vampire family, she is a vampire herself, but not like everyone else. Firstly, Karin cannot navigate in the dark and loves sunlight, secondly, she does not know how to cast a spell on those who have been bitten, and thirdly, the girl suffers from nosebleeds. It turns out that she does not consume blood, but produces it herself!

Anime cartoons are so diverse that they even creepy stories about vampires intertwined with romance storylines, and in the list of the best projects you can find unique symbiosis genres. Here people coexist with bloodthirsty creatures, love polygons begin, characters seek revenge and get involved in adventures. Glorious rescuers deftly deal with vile powerful antagonists, conquer women's hearts and fulfill cherished dreams. Take a good look at the list of the best anime about vampires and love and don’t miss the chance to get to know the mysterious characters better!

Hellsing: War against the Undead (TV series 2001 – 2002) (2001)
Since the time of the legendary vampire hunter, Professor Van Helsing, the secret organization of the Royal Protestant Knights, which inherited the name of its founder - “Hellsing”, has been successfully fighting vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits on the shores of Foggy Albion. Now the organization is headed by the cold-blooded Integra, the great-granddaughter of Van Helsing. It is she who will have to wage a real war with the creatures of the mysterious enemies of humanity.

Hellsing: War against the Undead (TV series 2001 – 2002) / Herushingu (2001)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, action, thriller
Premiere (world): October 10, 2001
A country: Japan

Starring: Joji Nakata, Yoshiko Sakakibara, Fumiko Orikasa, Takehito Koyasu, Craig Robert Young, Nachi Nozawa, Isaac S. Singleton Jr., Takumi Yamazaki, Akiko Hiramatsu, Akure Wall

Vampire Princess Miyu (TV series 1997 – 1998) (1997)
The human world is closely connected with the Dark World, where the Sinma come from - a magical race that feeds on the emotions and life force of mortals. People, in principle, know about them, considering some to be gods and some to be demons. The worlds mirror each other so closely that even Shinma have cultures and nationalities - there are Japanese, Chinese and Western, for example. Like human society, the Shinma are organized beings.

Vampire Princess Miyu (TV series 1997 – 1998) / Kyûketsuki Miyu (1997)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy, drama
Premiere (world): October 6, 1997
A country: Japan

Starring: Miki Nagasawa, Miki Shinichiro, Megumi Ogata, Yemi Ogata, Asako Shirakura, Chiharu Tezuka, Mika Kanai, Kokoro Shindô, Ryan Alosio, Dorothy Elias-Fan

The Tale of the Moon Princess (TV series) (2003)
17-year-old Shiki Tono returns to his home after an 8-year absence. Once upon a time this decision was made by his father - a tough and unyielding head ancient family Tono, and his sister Akiha, who became the new leader of the clan after the death of her father, canceled the exile. Although Shiki, who grew up in the care of his aunt and uncle, is a gentle and sickly young man accustomed to a quiet life, even he is surprised by the strict rules introduced by his sister, which are more suitable for a besieged fortress than for the mansion of an influential family.

The Tale of the Moon Princess (TV series) / Shingetsutan tsukihime (2003)

Premiere (world): October 9, 2003
A country: Japan

Starring: Kenichi Suzumura, Hitomi Nabatame, Fumiko Orikasa, Shizuka Ito, Yumi Kakazu, Kana Ueda, Sakurai Takahiro, Kaori Tanaka, Akiko Kimura, Daisuke Ono

Karin (TV series 2005 – 2006) (2005)
Karin Marker is the daughter of vampires, the sister of vampires, and a vampire herself. But there is a black mark in a family, and this freak is, alas, Karin. Firstly, she loves daylight, is poorly oriented in the dark and enjoys going to school. Secondly, she does not know how to cast a spell on those bitten and make them forget that they have become victims of a vampire. Thirdly (and this is the most inconvenient thing!), poor Karin does not so much use as she produces blood: she is a vampire-producer!

Karin (TV series 2005 – 2006) / Karin (2005)

Genre: anime, cartoon, melodrama, comedy
Premiere (world): November 3, 2005
A country: Japan

Starring: Hillary Blazer, Sayuri Yahagi, Katsuyuki Konishi, Janpei Takiguchi, Chelsea Curto, Paul Pistore, Hiroshi Matsumoto, Inokuchi Yuka, Junichi Suwabe, Yemi Shinohara

Brotherhood of Black Blood (TV series) (2006)
The full moon is shining in the sky. The red shadow in the darkness is like a gust of wind... With a katana in his hands, he easily jumps from one building to another. He runs to bring his brother back, to fulfill his dream... When he sees the enemy, he grins, and his fangs glisten in the light of the moon. He knows that now he can defeat anyone. The Secret Zone is the only place where supposedly exterminated vampires and humans can coexist. The destinies of two vampires and a human are intertwined, changing each other.

Brotherhood of Black Blood (TV series) / Black Blood Brothers (2006)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, fantasy
Premiere (world): September 8, 2006
A country: Japan

Starring: Michael Tatum, Lucy Christian, Hisao Egawa, Jun Fukuyama, Mami Kosuge, Motoko Kumai, Takashi Matsuyama, Omi Minami, Mugihito, Ryoko Nagata

Impact of Blood (TV series 2013 – ...) (2013)
The action takes place in an alternate reality where the existence of demons has long been recognized; There is even an island in the Pacific Ocean - “Itogamijima”, where demons are full citizens and have equal rights with people. However, there are also human magicians who hunt them, in particular, vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Kojou for some unknown reason turned into a “purebred vampire”, the fourth in number. A young girl, Himeragi Yukina, begins to follow him.

Strike the Blood (TV series 2013 – ...) / Strike the Blood (2013)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, action, melodrama, comedy
Premiere (world): October 4, 2013
A country: Japan


Devil's Sweethearts (TV series) (2013)
Yui Komori is the young daughter of a priest. Due to the departure of her father, the girl has to move to a mysterious mansion with her distant relatives. There she meets the six Sakamaki brothers, who turn out to be real sadistic vampires. However, the brothers immediately make the girl understand: Yui is just a blood vessel for them. At first, Komori tries to escape, but it immediately becomes clear that this is impossible. Moreover, if this happens again.

Devil's Sweethearts (TV series) / Diabolik Lovers (2013)

Genre: anime, cartoon
Premiere (world): September 16, 2013
A country: Japan

Starring: Daisuke Hirakawa, Takashi Kondo, Katsuyuki Konishi, Kosuke Toriumi, Yuki Kaji, Hikaru Midorikawa, Rie Suegara

Kurozuka (TV series) (2008)
Escaping from his brother, who has just ascended the throne, Yoshitsune, along with his servant, comes across a house in the middle of a deserted mountain. Strangely, in this godforsaken place lives a lonely woman who seems to have a very dark and sinister past. This meeting becomes the starting point of a 1000-year story in which Yoshitsune loses his memory and begins a search for answers - why he became immortal and who was the woman he met in the ominous house...

Kurozuka (TV series) / Kurozuka (2008)

Genre: anime, horror, fantasy, adventure
Premiere (world): October 7, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Mamoru Miyano, Park Romi, Joji Nakata, Hoko Kuwashima, Keiji Fujiwara, Miki Shinichiro, Irino Miyu, Kazuhiko Inoe, Choru Okawa, Banjo Ginga

Dance on the Vampire Coast (TV series) (2010)
For centuries, the relatives of Count Dracula secretly ruled the world and hid their existence, leading people's interest towards folklore and fiction. But nothing lasts forever, and the distant descendant of the count, Princess Mina Tepes, the young ruler of all vampires, decided to open up to the world and settle among people. To do this, all that was needed was to pay off the national debt of one Asian country and quietly, without naming the customer, erect a huge artificial island in Tokyo Bay.

Dance on the Vampire Coast (TV series) / Dansu in za vanpaia bando (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon, action, adventure
Premiere (world): January 7, 2010
A country: Japan

Starring: Yuichi Nakamura, Aoi Yuki, Yuko Kaida, Yoshi Tanaka, Kitamura Eri, Akeno Watanabe, Asuka Tanii, Jin Urayama, Iho Matsukubo, Chiba Isshin

Rosario + Vampire (TV series) (2008)
15-year-old slob Tsukune Aono failed the entrance exams to the high school where all his friends were admitted. Would have disappeared from the guy whole year, but my father received an invitation to a certain Phantom Academy, where they accept students with any grades. The happy parents immediately got their son ready for the trip, but it would have been worth thinking about it. Tsukune realized this when the bus emerged from a long tunnel into a world worthy of Lovecraft, where the sky is red, there is no cell service and talking mice fly.

Rosario + Vampire (TV series) / Rosario + Vampire (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, melodrama, comedy, fantasy
Premiere (world): January 3, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Daizuke Kishio, Nana Mizuki, Misato Fukuen, Kimiko Koyama, Rie Kugimiya, Kikuko Inoe, Tomokazu Seki, Saeko Chiba, Takehito Koyasu, Haruhi Nanao

Monster Stories (TV series 2009 – 2013) (2009)
Once, graduate Koyomi Araragi was walking up the stairs at his home school, thinking about his own things, and then, out of nowhere, a beautiful girl fell on top of him. Since her flight was long, Koyomi managed to recognize her classmate Hitagi Senjougahara, who was unsociable and silent in life. Raising his arms, the guy tensed up, thinking that he would be slammed into the floor, but Hitagi turned out to be no heavier than... a school textbook. And soon Koyomi realized that Hitagi was keeping quiet not out of natural modesty, but because his character was painfully cool and harsh.

Monster Stories (TV series 2009 – 2013) / Bakemonogatari (2009)

Genre: anime, cartoon, melodrama
Premiere (world): July 3, 2009
A country: Japan

Starring: Hiroshi Kamiya, Kitamura Eri, Yuka Iguchi, Saito Chiwa, Sakurai Takahiro, Yui Horie, Emiri Kato, Miyuki Sawashiro, Kana Hanazawa, Fumihiko Tachiki

Vampire Knight (TV series) (2008)
Cross Academy is famous for its strict and strange rules: students attend classes in shifts. During the day - ordinary students, after sunset - an elite night class, sleek handsome men in dazzling white uniforms. Of course, schoolchildren should not know that night students are vampires. In order to maintain the secret and ensure the safety of the day course, the adopted children of the academy rector (adopted Yuki and adopted orphan Zero) act as prefects.

Vampire Knight (TV series) / Vanpaia naito (2008)

Genre: anime, cartoon, fantasy, melodrama
Premiere (world): April 7, 2008
A country: Japan

Starring: Daizuke Kishio, Bryce Papenbrook, Yui Horie, Mamoru Miyano, Susumu Chiba, Jun Fukuyama, Hozumi Goda, Soichiro Hoshi, Kitamura Eri, Junko Minagawa

Deceased (TV series) (2010)
The village of Sotoba, lost in the Japanese mountain wilderness, does not surrender to the advancing civilization at the end of the 20th century. Yes, the old people are leaving, and some young people, like tenth-grader Megumi Shimizu, dream of escaping to the metropolis right after school. But there are others - for example, 32-year-old Toshio Ozaki returned to his homeland and headed a rural clinic, and the Natsuno family generally moved from the city closer to nature. Life in the outback is quiet and serene, but the appearance of inhabitants shook the area.

Departed (TV series) / Shiki (2010)

Genre: anime, cartoon, horror, thriller, drama
Premiere (world): July 8, 2010
A country: Japan

Starring: Kayla Carlisle, Brian Massey, Teru Okawa, Kazuyuki Okitsu, Nozomi Sasaki, Wataru Takagi, Aoi Yuki

In the world of Naruto, two years flew by unnoticed. Former newcomers joined the ranks of experienced shinobi at the rank of chunin and jonin. The main characters did not sit still - each became a student of one of the legendary Sannin - the three great ninjas of Konoha. The guy in orange continued his training with the wise but eccentric Jiraiya, gradually ascending to a new level of combat skill. Sakura became the assistant and confidant of the healer Tsunade, the new leader of the Leaf Village. Well, Sasuke, whose pride led to his expulsion from Konoha, entered into a temporary alliance with the sinister Orochimaru, and each believes that they are only using the other for the time being.

The brief respite ended, and events once again rushed with hurricane speed. In Konoha, the seeds of old strife sown by the first Hokage are sprouting again. The mysterious Akatsuki leader has set in motion a plan for world domination. There is turmoil in the Sand Village and neighboring countries, old secrets are resurfacing everywhere, and it is clear that bills will have to be paid someday. The long-awaited continuation of the manga inspired new life into the series and new hope into the hearts of countless fans!

© Hollow, World Art

  • (51336)

    Swordsman Tatsumi, a simple boy from the countryside, goes to the Capital to earn money for his starving village.
    And when he gets there, he soon learns that the great and beautiful Capital is just an appearance. The city is mired in corruption, cruelty and lawlessness that comes from the Prime Minister, who rules the country from behind the scenes.
    But as everyone knows, “Alone in the field is no warrior,” and nothing can be done about it, especially when your enemy is the head of state, or rather the one who hides behind him.
    Will Tatsumi find like-minded people and be able to change something? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (51746)

    Fairy Tail is a Guild of Hired Wizards, famous throughout the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, having become one of its members, she had found herself in the most wonderful Guild in the world... until she met her comrades - the explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in his path Natsu, the flying talking cat Happy, the exhibitionist Gray , the boring berserker Elsa, the glamorous and loving Loki... Together they will have to defeat many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (46156)

    18-year-old Sora and 11-year-old Shiro are half-brother and sister, complete recluses and gambling addicts. When two loneliness met, an indestructible union was born " Empty place", terrifying all Eastern gamers. Although in public the boys are shaken and distorted in ways that are not childish, on the Internet little Shiro is a genius of logic, and Sora is a monster of psychology who cannot be fooled. Alas, worthy opponents soon ran out, which is why Shiro was so happy about the chess game, where the master’s handwriting was visible from the first moves. Having won to the limit of their strength, the heroes received an interesting offer - to move to another world, where their talents will be understood and appreciated!

    Why not? In our world, nothing holds Sora and Shiro, and the cheerful world of Disboard is ruled by the Ten Commandments, the essence of which boils down to one thing: no violence and cruelty, all disagreements are resolved in fair play. There are 16 races living in the game world, of which the human race is considered the weakest and most untalented. But the miracle guys are already here, in their hands is the crown of Elquia - the only country of people, and we believe that the successes of Sora and Shiro will not be limited to this. The Earth's envoys just need to unite all the races of Disbord - and then they will be able to challenge the god Tet - by the way, an old friend of theirs. But if you think about it, is it worth doing?

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (46218)

    Fairy Tail is a Guild of Hired Wizards, famous throughout the world for its crazy antics. The young sorceress Lucy was sure that, having become one of its members, she had found herself in the most wonderful Guild in the world... until she met her comrades - the explosive fire-breathing and sweeping away everything in his path Natsu, the flying talking cat Happy, the exhibitionist Gray , the boring berserker Elsa, the glamorous and loving Loki... Together they will have to defeat many enemies and experience many unforgettable adventures!

  • (62531)

    University student Kaneki Ken ends up in a hospital as a result of an accident, where he is mistakenly transplanted with the organs of one of the ghouls - monsters that feed on human flesh. Now he himself becomes one of them, and for people he turns into an outcast subject to destruction. But can he become one of the other ghouls? Or is there no more room for him in the world now? This anime will tell about the fate of Kaneki and the impact he will have on the future of Tokyo, where there is a continuous war between two species.

  • (34897)

    The continent that lies in the center of the Ignola ocean is the large central one and four more - Southern, Northern, Eastern and Western, and the gods themselves look after it, and it is called Ente Isla.
    And there is a name that plunges anyone on Ente Isla into Horror - the Lord of Darkness Mao.
    He is the master of the other world where all the dark creatures live.
    He is the embodiment of fear and horror.
    The Lord of Darkness Mao declared war on the human race and sowed death and destruction throughout the continent of Ente Isla.
    The Lord of Darkness was served by 4 powerful generals.
    Adramelech, Lucifer, Alciel and Malacoda.
    The four Demon Generals led the attack on the 4 parts of the continent. However, a hero appeared and spoke out against the army of the underworld. The hero and his comrades defeated the troops of the Lord of Darkness in the west, then Adramelech in the north and Malacoda in the south. The hero led the united army of the human race and launched an attack on the central continent where the castle of the Lord of Darkness stood...

  • (33383)

    Yato is a wandering Japanese god in the form of a thin, blue-eyed youth in a tracksuit. In Shintoism, the power of a deity is determined by the number of believers, but our hero has no temple, no priests, all donations fit into a sake bottle. The guy in the neckerchief works as a handyman, painting advertisements on the walls, but things are going very badly. Even the tongue-in-cheek Mayu, who worked as a shinki—Yato’s Sacred Weapon—for many years, left her master. And without weapons younger god no stronger than an ordinary mortal magician, you have to (what a shame!) hide from evil spirits. And who needs such a celestial being anyway?

    One day, a pretty high school girl, Hiyori Iki, threw herself under a truck to save some guy in black. It ended badly - the girl did not die, but gained the ability to “leave” her body and walk on the “other side.” Having met Yato there and recognizing the culprit of her troubles, Hiyori convinced the homeless god to heal her, for he himself admitted that no one can live long between worlds. But, having gotten to know each other better, Iki realized that the current Yato did not have enough strength to solve her problem. Well, you need to take matters into your own hands and personally guide the tramp on the right path: first, find a weapon for the unlucky one, then help him earn money, and then, you see, what happens. It’s not for nothing that they say: what a woman wants, God wants!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33280)

    There are many dormitories in Suimei University High School of the Arts, and there are apartment building"Sakura". While hostels have strict rules, everything is possible at Sakura, which is why its local nickname is “madhouse.” Since in art genius and madness are always somewhere nearby, the inhabitants of the “cherry orchard” are talented and interesting guys who are too far out of the “swamp”. Take, for example, the noisy Misaki, who sells her own anime to major studios, her friend and playboy screenwriter Jin, or the reclusive programmer Ryunosuke, who communicates with the world only via the Internet and telephone. Compared to them, the main character Sorata Kanda is a simpleton who ended up in a “psychiatric hospital” just for... loving cats!

    Therefore, Chihiro-sensei, the head of the dormitory, instructed Sorata, as the only sane guest, to meet her cousin Mashiro, who was transferring to their school from distant Britain. The fragile blonde seemed like a real bright angel to Kanda. True, at a party with new neighbors, the guest behaved stiffly and said little, but the newly minted admirer attributed everything to understandable stress and fatigue from the road. Only real stress awaited Sorata in the morning when he went to wake up Mashiro. The hero realized with horror that his new friend, a great artist, was absolutely out of this world, that is, she was not even able to dress herself! And the insidious Chihiro is right there - from now on, Kanda will forever look after her sister, because the guy has already practiced on cats!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (33564)

    In the 21st century, the world community finally managed to systematize the art of magic and raise it to a new level. Those who are able to use magic after completing the ninth grade in Japan are now welcome in magic schools - but only if applicants pass the exam. The quota for admission to the First School (Hachioji, Tokyo) is 200 students, the best hundred are enrolled in the first department, the rest are in the reserve, in the second, and teachers are assigned only to the first hundred, “Flowers”. The rest, the “Weeds,” learn on their own. At the same time, there is always an atmosphere of discrimination in the school, because even the forms of both departments are different.
    Shiba Tatsuya and Miyuki were born 11 months apart, making them the same year in school. Upon entering the First School, his sister finds himself among the Flowers, and his brother among the Weeds: despite his excellent theoretical knowledge, the practical part is not easy for him.
    In general, we are waiting for the study of a mediocre brother and an exemplary sister, as well as their new friends - Chiba Erika, Saijo Leonhart (or just Leo) and Shibata Mizuki - at the school of magic, the quantum physics, Tournament of Nine Schools and much more...

    © Sa4ko aka Kiyoso

  • (29550)

    The "Seven Deadly Sins", once great warriors revered by the British. But one day, they are accused of trying to overthrow the monarchs and killing a warrior from the Holy Knights. Subsequently, the Holy Knights stage a coup d'état and seize power into their own hands. And the “Seven Deadly Sins”, now outcasts, scattered throughout the kingdom, in all directions. Princess Elizabeth was able to escape from the castle. She decides to go in search of Meliodas, the leader of the Seven Sins. Now all seven must unite again to prove their innocence and avenge their expulsion.

  • (28370)

    2021 An unknown virus "Gastrea" came to earth and destroyed almost all of humanity in a matter of days. But this is not just a virus like some kind of Ebola or Plague. He doesn't kill a person. Gastrea is an intelligent infection that rearranges DNA, turning the host into a terrible monster.
    The war began and eventually 10 years passed. People have found a way to isolate themselves from the infection. The only thing that Gastrea cannot tolerate is a special metal - Varanium. It was from this that people built huge monoliths and surrounded Tokyo with them. It seemed that now the few survivors could live behind the monoliths in peace, but alas, the threat has not gone away. Gastrea is still waiting for the right moment to infiltrate Tokyo and destroy the few remnants of humanity. There is no hope. The extermination of people is only a matter of time. But the terrible virus also had another effect. There are those who are already born with this virus in their blood. These children, the "Cursed Children" (Exclusively girls) have superhuman strength and regeneration. In their bodies, the spread of the virus is many times slower than in the body ordinary person. Only they can resist the creatures of "Gastrea" and more to humanity there is nothing to count on. Will our heroes be able to save the remaining living people and find a cure for the terrifying virus? Watch and find out for yourself.

  • (27481)

    The story in Steins,Gate takes place a year after the events of Chaos,Head.
    The game's intense story takes place partly in the realistically recreated Akahibara district, a famous otaku shopping destination in Tokyo. The plot is as follows: a group of friends installs a device in Akihibara to send text messages to the past. A mysterious organization called SERN is interested in the experiments of the game's heroes, which is also engaged in its own research in the field of time travel. And now friends have to make enormous efforts to avoid being captured by SERN.

    © Hollow, World Art

    Added Episode 23β, which serves as an alternate ending and lead-up to the sequel in SG0.
  • (26756)

    Thirty thousand players from Japan and many more from around the world suddenly found themselves locked in the massively multiplayer online role-playing game Legend of the Ancients. On the one hand, gamers were physically transported to a new world; the illusion of reality turned out to be almost flawless. On the other hand, the “fallen people” retained their previous avatars and acquired skills, user interface and leveling system, and death in the game only led to resurrection in the cathedral of the nearest large city. Realizing that there was no great goal, and no one named the price for exit, the players began to flock together - some to live and rule by the law of the jungle, others - to resist lawlessness.

    Shiroe and Naotsugu, in the world a student and a clerk, in the game - a cunning magician and a powerful warrior, have known each other for a long time from the legendary “Mad Tea Party” guild. Alas, those days are gone forever, but in the new reality you can meet old acquaintances and just good guys with whom you will not be bored. And most importantly, “Legends” appeared in the world indigenous people, which considers aliens to be great and immortal heroes. Involuntarily, you want to become a kind of knight of the Round Table, beating dragons and saving girls. Well, there are plenty of girls around, monsters and robbers too, and for relaxation there are cities like hospitable Akiba. The main thing is that you shouldn’t die in the game, it’s much more correct to live like a human being!

    © Hollow, World Art

  • (27825)

    The ghoul race has existed since time immemorial. Its representatives are not at all against people, they even love them - mainly in their raw form. Lovers of human flesh are outwardly indistinguishable from us, strong, fast and tenacious - but there are few of them, so ghouls have developed strict rules for hunting and camouflage, and violators are punished themselves or quietly handed over to fighters against evil spirits. In the age of science, people know about ghouls, but as they say, they are used to it. The authorities do not consider cannibals a threat; moreover, they view them as an ideal basis for creating super-soldiers. Experiments have been going on for a long time...

    The main character Ken Kaneki faces a painful search for a new path, because he realized that people and ghouls are similar: they just eat each other in literally, others - figuratively. The truth of life is cruel, it cannot be changed, and the one who does not turn away is strong. And then somehow!

  • (26931)

    In the world of Hunter x Hunter, there is a class of people called Hunters who, using psychic powers and trained in all manner of fighting, explore the wild corners of the mostly civilized world. The main character, a young man named Gon (Gun), is the son of the great Hunter himself. His father mysteriously disappeared many years ago, and now, having grown up, Gon (Gong) decides to follow in his footsteps. Along the way he finds several companions: Leorio, an ambitious medical doctor whose goal is to get rich. Kurapika is the only survivor of his clan, whose goal is revenge. Killua is the heir to a family of assassins whose goal is training. Together they achieve their goal and become Hunters, but this is only the first step on their long journey... And ahead is the story of Killua and his family, the story of Kurapika’s revenge and, of course, training, new tasks and adventures! The series stopped with Kurapika's revenge... What awaits us next after all these years?

  • (26528)

    The action takes place in an alternate reality where the existence of demons has long been recognized; There is even an island in the Pacific Ocean - “Itogamijima”, where demons are full citizens and have equal rights with people. However, there are also human magicians who hunt them, in particular, vampires. An ordinary Japanese schoolboy named Akatsuki Kojou for some unknown reason turned into a “purebred vampire”, the fourth in number. He begins to be followed by a young girl, Himeraki Yukina, or "blade shaman", who is supposed to monitor Akatsuki and kill him if he gets out of control.

  • (24816)

    The story tells of a young man named Saitama, who lives in a world ironically similar to ours. He is 25, bald and handsome, and, moreover, so strong that with one blow he can annihilate all dangers to humanity. He is looking for himself in a difficult way life path, simultaneously handing out slaps to monsters and villains.

  • (22674)

    Now you have to play the game. What kind of game it will be will be decided by roulette. The bet in the game will be your life. After death, people who died at the same time go to Queen Decim, where they have to play a game. But in fact, what is happening to them here is the Heavenly Judgment.
