Fun for Halloween "Japanese style". Manga for Halloween

Season. Children dress up in costumes of their idols from parallel worlds, callously insulting the sensibilities of vegans by chopping up pumpkins, and stealing neighbors' candy supplies to meet Uncle Diabetes.

And at this time you ask the picture outside the window a silent question about when this atmosphere of wretchedness with a touch of inferiority will finally end (spoiler: never). Briefly speaking, this Western fun is still not about us, so we survive as best we can. For example, look atmospheric anime that somehow brings us closer to Halloween.

1. Soul Eater

Gods of death, evil entities in the form of gnomes and a peaceful banana in a hat are the perfect start for a Halloween marathon. On the scary scale, “Soul Eater” barely reaches 3/10, but the world is damn well thought out and well simulates a real Halloween: you go to the store for a loaf of sliced ​​meat, and there are witches, gods and other evil spirits around you.

2. "School of the Dead" / Highschool of the Dead

Sticking on the sofa continues for a couple with an army of zombies. According to research results, the series increases the level of adrenaline in the blood and is recommended for use by those who live like a stone in the forest (boring and very boring). Just imagine: you wake up, brush your teeth, eat some toothpaste because it’s delicious, get ready for school, go to the science room - and there everyone suddenly became zombies who want to bite you.

3. Paranoia Agent

If even after this, life still seems to you like honey sprinkled with powdered sugar, behold psychological thriller . There's not a lot of blood and adventure here, but This series puts a lot of pressure on the mind. There were no vampires, zombies or mummies, but due to the tense plot and the rather unhealthy atmosphere, it turned out to be as creepy as possible. There will be goosebumps, we guarantee.

4. Corpse Party

Hardcore horror story for those who like it meatier and redder (by the way, if this sounds like you, get checked: you might be a bull). Talking to ghosts, extrasensory perception, parallel dimensions, suffering and tormented souls- main guests" Dead parties". A special fan is that some characters can be mocked with all their might. They go where no sane person would go, are shamelessly stupid, stand still when they need to act, and the list goes on. But Be careful: it’s really not for those whose nerves are like strings. It is tough.

5. "Hellsing ULTIMATE" / Hellsing Ultimate

In our dimension for now there is no more Halloween TV series. "Hellsing" is just a c-c-combo breaker: there is vampires, zombies, ghouls, blood, psychological tension and frightening depth anything and everything. If we were sent to a desert island on October 31 and were allowed to take only one series with us, it would be Helsing Ultimate.

Halloween is almost here! While you are carefully preparing for the holiday, we present a list animated films, whose atmosphere is filled with fear and horror, just like on All Hallows' Eve. Vampires, black cats, spirits, ghosts and other evil spirits are waiting for you!

  1. Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

Dee is a famous vampire hunter who is entrusted with the mission of finding the missing daughter of one rich family. Gothic style, the creepy atmosphere and scary creatures make it the perfect Halloween movie.

In the film, there is a kind of parallel dimension connecting our and the demonic worlds. In the story, an ancient treaty that preserved a fragile balance of power expires. Now unknown enemies want to find out what happens if you combine a person and a demon into one. The film is very exciting, but at the same time heavy due to bloody scenes and scary monsters.

Kirigoe Mima leaves the industry with the goal of conquering the stage and becoming an idol. But soon strange things begin to happen to Mima. Gradually, the girl ceases to distinguish between reality and the world of her fantasies, which leads to a mental disorder.

After the Third World War, Neo-Tokyo was built on the ruins of old Tokyo. As a result, the country found itself on the brink of chaos, with various terrorist organizations and gangs operating in the city. Kaneda leads one of the gangs and tries to live ordinary life until his friend Tetsuo begins to develop psychic abilities.

5.Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade

On one of the missions, special forces soldier Fuse from the elite “Cerberus Armored Squad” unwittingly becomes the cause of the death of a young terrorist. The girl blows herself up in front of him. And soon he, seemingly by chance, meets her older sister, and they begin a romance... A romance similar to a scary fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood, an old book that Fuse gives him new girlfriend. With every page they read, the world around them begins to change and crumble. A whirlpool of events: deception and truth indistinguishable from deception, betrayal and political intrigue, dreams and hallucinations, predators and victims - all together spills out into tragic ending, once again proving that the most dangerous of all animals is man.

6. Little Witch Academy

A colorful and very humorous children's film about a young girl, Kagari Akko, and her difficult journey of becoming a real witch.

How many mortals are given the opportunity to rewrite the unsuccessful page of life? How many people are given the chance to go back to the past and act differently in situations for which they are then painfully ashamed? The young mangaka Nishi was given such an opportunity. When a couple of crazy yakuza entered the family restaurant of his beloved Mion and demanded old debts, main character couldn't resist them. As a result, the guy dies a miserable, humiliating death, but Nishi’s soul, who ascended to heaven, managed to convince the Lord to allow him to relive his last minutes. Returning back as a new person and vowing to radically change his former life, Nishi recaptured his girlfriend from the bandits, and together with her and her sister they set off on a surreal journey full of surprises towards great challenges...

8. The Cat Returns

Yoshioka Haru finds himself in the cat world by a completely stupid accident. She saved the life of the prince of all cats, in return he demanded her hand in marriage. Haru is not happy with this situation, so she goes in search of her real self, because this the only way go back home. And if the girl does not make it in time, she will forever turn into a cat.

9. Spirited Away

Most famous movie Miyazaki Hayao, whose plot is known not only to every anime fan, but also to ordinary cinema lovers. Chihiro and her parents arrive in a strange town, where, by coincidence, mom and dad turn into pigs. To save her loved ones, the girl goes to the world of spirits.

10.Boy and the Beast

Ren, a 10-year-old boy who wanders the streets of Shibuya to escape the horrors family life, where only fear and hatred await him. One day, Ren gets lost in the tangled alleys of the area and ends up in mysterious world animals. And so begins his new adventure.

11. Kakurenbo: Hide & Seek

Children in creepy masks play hide and seek on the streets of an abandoned city. But during the game, strange and frightening events occur, during which the guys begin to disappear one after another.

This year, the holiday weekend in our country miraculously coincided with parties on the occasion of All Saints' Day. In today's article I will tell you how to have a fun and interesting time without even leaving home. Time to relax, invite your friends over and enjoy Halloween, Asian style!

This review will cover various aspects, you need for quality, varied leisure. These will not be so much my assessments of specific works, but rather recommendations for reading, listening or watching them. So, get ready to experience a cocktail of top-notch ambiance creations.

Manga for Halloween

If we are talking about a horror manga, which is required to set the mood of the entire evening, not only by intimidating, but also surprising the reader in some other way, one cannot help but remember the good old .

A collection of his stories called "" is an excellent way to kill sadness and boredom. Knowing at least the name of the creator, it is easy to guess that the spectacle will be extremely non-trivial and unpredictable.

For those who are not familiar with the author and his masterpieces, I can briefly explain. Ito is a special mangaka whose work skillfully combines insanity, amazingly unique graphics, comedy and horror, and often, things that make you want to vomit.

Reading both The Horror Collection and the rest of Ito's manga is very convenient, since each chapter is a separate story. Thus, the reader can interrupt at any time without being tormented by guesswork, and can also change the order of reading chapters at his own discretion.

The collection offered to you includes 16 volumes containing about 5-6 chapters in each. And this means that those who like Junji’s style may not read the rest of today’s article - having been “drawn” into the world generated by the fantasy of this mangaka, you will not be able to tear yourself away and will read everything to the end, without interruptions for food and sleep.

For those who have decided to saturate their brains with horror films and mysticism to the limit, I advise you to move on to the next component of a good rest.

Halloween movie

Celebrating Halloween at home won't be the same if you break the tradition of millions - watch horror movies after sunset. Perhaps it’s no secret to you that the Japanese make horror films in a very unique way, and for Russian viewers such films seem funny and not exciting. However, in this situation, no one will forbid us to find a good korean drama. I have prepared one of these for you.

It's called "" and it's about a famous web comic author. It all begins with the death of her publisher, and his cause of death is the same as that of the victim depicted in the heroine’s comic. The artist is suspected of murdering a colleague, and an investigation begins that will lead the hero investigators, as well as the suspect herself, to a sad and wonderful end.

The film is worthy, and it makes sense to watch it in order to admire the director’s experiment - combining video footage with pictures from the heroine’s comics. This interaction creates tremendous tension.

The plot is constructed very well, you will definitely have something to think about after watching it. Not every European horror film can boast of a story of this level. None of the victims die by accident, we are shown that the terrible things happening to them are the result of their own bad actions.

An undoubted advantage is the amazingly good acting for an Asian film. Especially Lee Si Young, who played main character, Stanislavsky would believe it. Overall, this horror is very frightening, harmonious and interesting. I would give it 10 out of 10.

Full-length anime for Halloween

If, for one reason or another, you don’t have a particular love for bloody and tense horror films, I would advise you, again, to turn to the classics of the genre, for example, Miyazaki. This is something that can be watched by any company and at any age, without wasting your nerve cells. I suggest you look " ". The anime is quite cute, interesting and relevant to the theme.

Music for Halloween

To create a magical atmosphere, any soundtrack from fantasy anime about wizards, demons, vampires, and so on is suitable. I highly recommend listening to the music written for the anime." "(I will definitely tell you about it in subsequent reviews), it is both strong and bewitching.

You can also indulge in nostalgia and listen , let's say "Trick and treat". The song is dedicated to Halloween.

download dle 12.1

Happy Holidays! (if you want more photos I can insert ^_^))

Russian name: Halloween in anime style!
English Name: Halloween in Anime style!


Halloween is a very fun day!

What do we know about the holiday Halloween, which in our country began to be officially celebrated only a little over a decade ago? Black and orange colors, October 31st and November 1st, pumpkins and lanterns, costumes and masks, fun and horror stories, “Trick or treat!” - approximately these associations arise when we think about the holiday Halloween. In fact, over the 2000 years of its existence, this holiday has managed to acquire numerous legends, stories, traditions and even names. For example, few people know that in some countries it is called Reformation Day, Celtic New Year, Day of the Dead, etc. Americans, who began celebrating Halloween more than a hundred years ago, consider it the most fun costume festival, which both adults and children look forward to, perhaps even more than Christmas or New Year. Since ancient times, the Celts began to celebrate this holiday with religious overtones, seeing off the bright side of the year (summer) and welcoming it dark side(winter).

Traditionally, Halloween is celebrated around a bonfire, with songs and dances, and scary stories and legends about spirits, sorcerers, witches and all other evil spirits. Currently, the commercial approach to the celebration of any celebration has led to the fact that in many countries Halloween has turned into a holiday of sweets that children beg from their neighbors, dressing up in carnival costumes. According to statistics, more than $2 billion worth of candy and other sweets are sold each year on Halloween. In some countries, giant varieties of pumpkins are grown especially for Halloween, since the demand for this garden vegetable on the holiday is very high, because everyone wants to carve the most original pumpkin lantern with their own hands and display it outside their window so that it wards off evil spirits from their home.

It is not surprising that over its 2000-year history, the Halloween holiday has accumulated so many amazing and original, and sometimes even ridiculously absurd, facts in its arsenal. For example, the most common facts about Halloween are: - The practice of lighting bonfires on Halloween night is almost universally a thing of the past, with bonfires replaced by lights light bulbs, decorating their houses. But scary costumes and masks have accompanied this holiday for more than 2,000 years, although more and more often on the participants of the fun carnival you can see not vampire fangs or witch wigs, but costumes of clowns, princesses and sexy kittens. - For the tradition of celebrating Halloween in North America European emigrants were responsible, who in turn adopted it from the Celts.