What fairy tales were in the Brothers Grimm film? It's scary, it's creepy

Even those who do not like fairy tales are familiar with the plots of Cinderella, Rapunzel and Thumb. All these and hundreds more fairy tales were recorded and revised by two linguist brothers. They are known to the whole world under the names Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm.

Family Affair

The sons of lawyer Grimm, Jacob and Wilhelm, were born a year apart. Jacob was born in early January 1785. The second son in the Grimm family, Wilhelm, appeared a year later, on February 24, 1786.

The young men were orphaned early. Already in 1796, they came under the care of their aunt, who did her best to support their desire to study and new knowledge.

The university for lawyers where they entered did not captivate their inquisitive minds. The Brothers Grimm became interested in linguistics, compiling a German dictionary, and from 1807 they began to write down tales they heard during their travels in Hesse and Westphalia. There was so much “fairytale” material that the Brothers Grimm decided to publish the stories they had recorded and revised.

Fairy tales not only made the brothers famous, but also gave one of the linguists family happiness. Thus, Dorothea Wild, from whose words the stories about Hansel and Gretel, Lady Snowstorm and the story about the magic table were written, later became Wilhelm’s wife.

The tales turned out to be interesting to a wide range of readers. During the brothers’ lifetime alone, their collections of fairy tales were translated into more than a hundred languages. The success kept Jacob and Wilhelm interested in their work, and they enthusiastically looked for new storytellers.

How many fairy tales did the Brothers Grimm collect?

The initial publication of the collected material by the Brothers Grimm included 49 fairy tales. In the second edition, which consisted of two volumes, there were already 170 of them. Another Grimm brother, Ludwig, participated in the printing of the second part. However, he was not a collector of fairy tales, but skillfully illustrated what Jacob and Wilhelm revised.

After the first two editions of collections of fairy tales, 5 more editions followed. In the final, 7th edition, the Brothers Grimm chose 210 fairy tales and legends. Today they are called “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm.”

The abundance of illustrations and closeness to the original source made fairy tales a subject for discussion and even debate. Some critics accused linguists of being too “childish” in the details of the published fairy tales.

To satisfy young readers' interest in their work, the Brothers Grimm published 50 edited fairy tales for children in 1825. By the middle of the 19th century, this collection of fairy tales was reprinted 10 times.

Recognition of posterity and modern criticism

The legacy of the Grimm linguists was not forgotten even years later. They are read to children by parents all over the world, and performances are staged based on them for young spectators. The popularity of fairy tales has grown so much over the past century and a half that in 2005, UNESCO included the work of the Brothers Grimm in the Memory of the World list.

Screenwriters are playing with the plots of Grimm's fairy tales for new cartoons, films and even TV series.

However, like any grandiose work, the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are still subject to criticism and various interpretations. Thus, some religions call only a few fairy tales from the brothers’ heritage “useful for children’s souls,” and the Nazis at one time used their stories to promote their inhumane ideas.

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Information sheet:

The exciting fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm stand apart in the world of fairy tales. Their content is so fascinating that it will not leave any child indifferent.

Where did your favorite fairy tales come from?

They came from German lands. Folk tales collected and processed by language and folklore experts - siblings. After several years of recording the best oral tales, the authors were able to improve them so interestingly and beautifully that today we perceive these tales as written directly by them.

The heroes of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm are kinder and better than they were in oral folk art, and this is the wonderful meaning of the work that learned linguists have done. In each work they put the idea of ​​the unconditional victory of good over evil, the superiority of courage and love of life, which is what all stories teach.

How they were published

A man whom the brothers considered a friend tried to steal the fairy tales, but did not have time. In 1812, collectors were able to carry out their first publication. The works were not immediately recognized as children's works. But after professional editing, they were distributed throughout the country in large quantities. Over 20 years, it was reprinted 7 times. The list of works increased. Fairy tales from the category of simple folk art have turned into a new literary genre.

The Brothers Grimm made a genuine breakthrough, which was appreciated throughout the world. Today their work is included in the international list of the great heritage of the past created by UNESCO.

What is modern about the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm?

Adults remember the names of many fairy tales from childhood. Because the works of the Brothers Grimm, with their magical narration style, variety of plots, preaching love of life and perseverance in any life situations, delight and attract unusually.

And today we read them with pleasure with our children, remembering which fairy tales we liked best, comparing with interest with those that are popular today.

Almost seventy percent of all adults on Earth love to read fairy tales. Reading fairy tales, you seem to be immersed in another magical world, escaping real realities. Each storyteller had his own style of writing fairy tales: Charles Perrault wrote in a romantic style, Andersen wrote vitally about the life of ordinary people, and the Brothers Grimm had a slight mysticism in their fairy tales, and some of their fairy tales can confidently be called frightening. Let's talk today about the brothers Grimm: folklorists, linguists, researchers of German folk culture, and then storytellers from Germany Jacob and Wilhelm.

Briefly about the life and choice of profession of the Brothers Grimm

Brothers Jacob (1785-1863) and Wilhelm (1786-1859) Grimm were born eight years apart into an ordinary family in the German city of Hanau. The brother storytellers' love for folklore manifested itself in childhood, when their mother told them old legends and tales, and in adolescence their interest grew first into a hobby, and then into the meaning of their lives. The strange brothers traveled all over the country in search of surviving witnesses of ancient folklore, collected eyewitnesses and recorded information valuable to them from their words. Throughout their lives and creative activities, Jacob and Wilhelm created and published several collections called “Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm,” which very quickly became popular and reached our ears. Now let's remember the most famous, most interesting and most terrible fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

"The Tale of the Frog King, or Iron Henry"

This tale is the very first story in the first volume of their collection of fairy tales and legends. The story is about an ungrateful princess and a kind frog, who took pity on the crying girl and believed her promises of eternal friendship, and took her golden ball from the bottom of a deep well. But as soon as the princess received her ball back, she immediately forgot her promise. The frog turned out to be a real enchanted prince, but this will become clear much later.

"White and Rosette"

I wanted to put this fairy tale at the very beginning of our list, since it is my favorite. A fairy tale about two sisters Belyanochka and Rozochka with kind hearts who fell in love with a bear and a falcon, not knowing that these were the bearded prince and his friend enchanted by the formidable forest sorcerer.

One of the most instructive fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm is that pride and arrogance are bad allies and friends. The proud princess could not choose her betrothed and simply ridiculed all the contenders. And one day a real king came to the palace to ask for her hand, and in response he heard offensive speeches. And then the wise king decided to teach the cruel princess a lesson, pretending to be a poor musician.

The most famous and popular fairy tale of the storyteller brothers, who knew how to tell life stories in a fairy-tale manner. The beautiful princess, nicknamed Snow White for her snow-white skin, was born too beautiful, which crossed the path of her evil stepmother and part-time witch, who wanted to be the most beautiful in the whole kingdom. The king's father could not destroy his daughter, but also leave her in the palace, so he abandoned her in the forest, but even here Snow White's kind heart found refuge and joy among the little gnomes - the inhabitants of this wonderful forest.

This fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm can be called the most beloved and popular not only in the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world. Traveling animal musicians to the city of Bremen travel around the world, singing songs and performing in the open air for curious spectators and onlookers. But one day, a donkey, a rooster, a cat and a dog stumble upon the hut of bandits and with their singing force them to leave their house and run away wherever they look, and the cunning musician friends forever remain the masters of their house.

And about the best, read on our website by clicking on the link.

A magical tale about a king and his curious servant who poked his nose into everything. The king always ordered another dish to be brought after a long meal. No one could know what kind of dish this was, not even the servant. But one day curiosity overcame the guy so much that he could not resist and opened the lid of the dish. He was very surprised by what he saw; there was a white snake lying on the dish. The servant could not resist trying such a tasty morsel. As soon as he put it in his mouth, he heard outside the window not the usual singing of birds, but voices as thin as a ray of sunlight. He realized that the snake's meat was magical and now he could hear the voices of animals. From that day on, the servant no longer wanted to serve the king; he decided to wander the world in search of a better life. And as happens in fairy tales, after many dangerous (and not so dangerous) adventures, he found his princess, married her and became king.

A very instructive tale about the wanderings and dangerous adventures of a brother and sister who were betrayed by their parents and left to die in the forest. What helped two small children survive in terrible, impassable places where there are many wild animals and evil robbers? This, of course, is friendship and trust. And also the fearlessness of his older brother Hansel, whose goal and great desire was to protect his sister Gretel from the terrible hands of the evil sorceress. The fairy tale was created for children, but we, parents, should read it and rethink a lot and learn a lot from these persistent and not childishly sensible children, and most importantly, understand that there is no greater happiness and wealth in the world than our own children. And no sorrows or misfortunes should force us to abandon them in trouble.

By the way, on our website there is an interesting article about, which should be on every child’s shelf.

From the first lines of the fairy tale, we learn about the difficult fate of the little stepdaughter, about the evil stepmother and the lazy daughter, who was cherished and pitied when the stepdaughter got all the dirty and hard work. Once the stepdaughter dropped a spindle into the well, confessing this to her stepmother, she heard an angry answer: “Dropped it yourself and get it out.” The poor girl had no choice but to jump into the well. When she touched the bottom with her feet, a magical land appeared before her eyes. Walking past the windows of a beautiful house, the stepdaughter saw Mrs. Metelitsa. She liked the girl so much and invited her to serve with her. The stepdaughter stayed, she was hardworking and did her job conscientiously. When the time came to return home, Mrs. Metelitsa generously presented the girl with gifts. Seeing this, the stepmother burst into anger, envy overcame her heart. She sent her daughter into the well and ordered her to bring even more gifts. But the lazy and clumsy daughter only deserved a cauldron of tar that overturned on her. The stepmother was never able to wash her away from her daughter. Laziness and envy are bad travel companions, it is better to be kind and hardworking - this is the moral of this fairy tale.


A fairy tale about a beautiful princess who, by the will of fate, had to herd geese. Through the deception and slander of the evil maid who took her place, the princess was left in the castle out of pity and allowed to help the goosekeeper. Over time, they began to call her that - Gusyatnitsa. But the girl was so beautiful, sophisticated and aristocratic that everyone who saw her did not believe that she was a commoner. The princess had a talking horse named Falada. The maid, who pretended to be the queen, was very afraid that Falada would expose her and ordered the horse to be slaughtered.

The princess was very upset, but there was nowhere to go, she asked the flayer to nail the horse’s head under the gate leading from the castle. So he did, and every morning the princess spoke to the horse's head as she drove the geese to pasture. Time passed, and the princess would have herded the geese like this for a long time, but the old king found out about it, and everything became clear to him. He took the real princess by the hand and led her to the prince, and ordered the maid to be executed. Good always defeats evil, if not in life, but at least in a fairy tale.

The most terrible fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm

One day, Lucifer himself came to the miller and demanded that for all the wealth that he had once given him, he now give him what he had behind the mill, and at that time the miller’s daughter was sitting there spinning yarn. When the miller's daughter refused to go with Satan, he ordered her father to cut off her hands and drive her out of the house. So, the poor girl wandered through the forest for a long time until the king met her and fell in love with her, despite her injuries.

The shortest fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm

"Three Spinners"

The plot of this tale is indeed quite laconic and short. One day, driving past a village, the queen heard a girl crying and stopped to ask about the reasons. The girl’s mother could not tell the queen that her daughter did not know how to spin and lied that she could not tear her daughter away from the spinning wheel; she spins so much, and since she cannot do what she loves, she cries bitterly. Then the queen wanted to take the girl with her, because she had enough yarn for the whole kingdom and if she spun all the flax in a short time, then the queen would marry her to her son. Three spinners came to the aid of the girl who did not know how to spin...


Each storyteller has his own style and manner of writing fairy tales. Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm from old Germany, for some reason, all their stories and retellings turned out to be quite dark, mystical, and in some places even scary, but no less intriguing and interesting. Today we remembered the most beloved and famous fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm; each of their fairy tales, as you may have noticed, has its own morality and science.

The first collection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm was published in 1812 and was called “Children's and Family Tales.” All works were collected from the German lands and processed to give literary quality and some wonderful magic that children liked. It makes no sense to read all the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm at the same age. The list is long, but not all are good, and not all of them will be useful for small children.

Publication of the first book by the Brothers Grimm

In order to publish their book, the Brothers Grimm had to endure many hardships, events unfolded from a completely unimaginable angle. Having printed the manuscript for the first time, they gave it to their friend. However, it turned out that Clemens Brentano was not their friend at all. Having considered a gold mine in the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, he simply disappeared from the sight of his friends and, as they subsequently began to suspect, decided to publish the fairy tales in his own name. The manuscript was found many years later, after the death of the authors. It contained 49 fairy tales, unique in their kind, heard from the storyteller of Hesse.

Having survived the betrayal of their best friend, the Brothers Grimm came to their senses and decided to publish the book without any extra frills or expenses: illustrations and decorations. So on December 20, 1812, the authors’ first book was published, the first volume already contained 86 works - this is how ordinary people read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm for the first time. The list of fairy tales has increased after 2 years by another 70 children's fairy tales.

Everyone started reading fairy tales!

Absolutely everyone began to read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, the stories were passed on from mouth to mouth, and gradually the author-storytellers became widely known people, respect and love for whom grew by leaps and bounds. People came to them, helped in whatever way they could, and thanked them for the piece of joy they brought to their beloved children. Inspired by the idea of ​​collecting as many folk works as possible, adding a little magic and educational nuances useful to children, the brothers worked tirelessly until the end of their lives. So, over another 20-odd years, the brothers released no less than 7 editions, with abundant illustrations and high-quality covers for those times.

At all times, both children and adults loved to read the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, although some people did not consider them suitable for young children. Too adult plots and sometimes deep reasoning frightened parents. Therefore, the Brothers Grimm were not lazy and edited some fairy tales, reorienting them towards the youngest children. This is how they came to us. On our website we tried to add fairy tales in the original children's version only in the best translations into Russian.

And it also happens...

The fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm seriously influenced the attitude towards fairy-tale creativity; if before them fairy tales were often too simple, then the stories of the brothers can be called a literary innovation, a breakthrough. Subsequently, many people were inspired to find wonderful folk tales and publish them. The authors of the site also decided to make their contribution to the development and entertainment of modern children.

Among other things, let's not forget that the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm appear in the UNESCO International Foundation in the section dedicated to memorable, great works. And such a recognition says a lot and cost a lot to the two good storytellers of Grimm.

One evening a young drummer walked alone across a field. He approaches the lake and sees three pieces of white linen lying on the shore. “What a thin linen,” he said and put one piece in his pocket. He came home, forgot to think about his find and went to bed. But as soon as he fell asleep, it seemed to him as if someone was calling him by name. He began to listen and heard a quiet voice that said to him: “Drummer, wake up, drummer!” And the night was dark, he could not see anyone, but it seemed to him as if some figure was rushing in front of his bed, first rising up, then falling down.

What do you want? - he asked.

Once upon a time there lived a poor shepherd boy. His father and mother died, then his superiors sent him to the house of a rich man, so that he would feed and raise him. But the rich man and his wife had an evil heart, and with all their wealth they were very stingy and unkind to people and were always angry if anyone took advantage of even a piece of their bread. And no matter how hard the poor boy tried to work, they fed him little, but beat him a lot.

Once upon a time there lived an old miller at the mill; He had neither a wife nor children, and he had three servants. They stayed with him for several years, so he said to them one day:

I have already become old, I should now sit on the stove, and you go wander around the world; and whoever brings me home the best horse, I will give the mill to him, and he will feed me until I die.

The third worker was a filler at the mill, and they all considered him a fool and did not assign the mill to him; Yes, he himself didn’t want that at all. And all three of them left, and, approaching the village, they said to Hans the Fool:

In ancient times, when the Lord God was still walking the earth, it happened that one evening he was tired, night overtook him, and he had nowhere to spend the night. And there were two houses along the road, one opposite the other; There was one big and beautiful, and the other was small and unsightly in appearance. The big house belonged to the rich man, and the small one to the poor man. The Lord thought: “I won’t bother the rich man, I’ll spend the night with him.” The rich man heard them knocking on his door, opened the window and asked the stranger what he needed.

A long time ago there lived a king in the world, and he was famous throughout the entire earth for his wisdom. Everything was known to him, as if someone was sending him news about the most secret things through the air. But he had a strange custom: every noon, when everything was cleared from the table and there was no one else left, a reliable servant would bring him another dish. But it was covered, and even the servant did not know what was on this dish; and not a single person knew about it, for the king opened the dish and began to eat only when he was completely alone.

This went on for a long time, but one day curiosity overcame the servant, he could not control himself and took the dish to his room. He closed the doors properly, lifted the lid from the dish, and saw a white snake lying there. He looked at her and could not resist trying her; he cut off a piece and put it in his mouth.

Once a woman with her daughter and stepdaughter went out into the field to cut grass, and the Lord God appeared to them in the form of a beggar and asked:

How can I get closer to the village?

“If you want to know the way,” the mother answered, “look for it yourself.”

And if you are worried that you won’t be able to find your way, then take a guide.

A poor widow lived alone in her hut, and in front of the hut she had a garden; There were two rose trees growing in that garden, and white roses were blooming on one, and scarlet ones on the other; and she had two children, similar to these pink trees, one was called Snow White, and the other was Scarlet Flower. They were so modest and kind, so hard-working and obedient, that there were never others like them in the world; only Snow White was even quieter and more gentle than Scarlet Flower. Alotsvetik jumped and ran more and more through the meadows and fields, picking flowers and catching butterflies; and Snow White - she mostly sat at home near her mother, helped her with the housework, and when there was no work, read something out loud to her. Both sisters loved each other so much that if they went somewhere, they always held hands, and if Snow White used to say: “We will always be together,” then Scarlet Flower would answer her: “Yes, while we are alive, we will never let’s part” - and the mother added: “Whatever one of you has, let him share it with the other.”

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful queen. One day she was sewing by the window, accidentally pricked her finger with a needle and a drop of blood fell on the snow lying on the windowsill.

The scarlet color of blood on the snow-white cover seemed so beautiful to her that the queen sighed and said:

Oh, how I would like to have a child with a face as white as snow, with lips as scarlet as blood and curls as black as pitch.