Glass tumbler with pencil. How to draw a glass with a pencil step by step

The big holidays are coming soon, New Year, Christmas. They were specially installed in winter, since it good way gather people around the table when it's -40 degrees outside. Women will cook a lot delicious dishes, men will decorate the Christmas tree, dress in suits, but what can’t be done without at any festive table, so this is without good booze. No, not vodka, but wine, champagne. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a glass. As planned, the glasses were created specifically for drinking wine. But over time, people demanded specific cups for different types drinks.

Interesting things:

  • Classic champagne glasses were made in the shape of the breasts of Queen Marie Antoinette of France.;
  • More than once you may have heard that the shape and type of glass directly affects the flavor of the drink. In fact, there is no experiment that confirms this myth. All you can do is pretend to be smart in such situations.
  • The quality of champagne is not determined by the number of bubbles. Champagne fizzes when poured into dirty dishes. The more dust or fluff in the glass, the more the drink will fizz. Therefore, responsible owners pour champagne into a wet glass.

How to draw a glass with a pencil step by step

Step one. Draw a small circle on top, an oval on the bottom and connect them with a straight line so that it divides the two shapes in half. Step two. We draw the edges of the glass using smooth, symmetrical lines. We turn the line in the middle into a leg by drawing a vertical rectangle through it. Step three. Now, in the top figure we create a glass from the lines. Everything should be as precise and symmetrical as possible, fine workmanship, these glasses. Step four. The preparations are complete. We remove all those lines that we worked so hard on in the first steps, and outline the contours with an increasingly thick line. Step five. Let's finish drawing the drink that is poured into the wine glass and add more natural shadows. It should work out something like this. I always appreciate it if you share your thoughts and comments with me. Don't forget to write me your impressions about the site

To learn how to draw various objects, animals, you first need to try to draw simple objects, such as a mug, a glass or a glass. The drawing of an ordinary tea cup will become good educational material to study symmetry and perspective, creating volume in a two-dimensional image. A mug or cup looks very simple just in the picture; in fact, when drawing these objects you need to follow the rules of symmetry, proportions, and perspective. You need to be able to use shadows to make a two-dimensional image of a mug three-dimensional. So be sure to try drawing a cup with a simple pencil. This will be a good lesson for acquiring initial skills in drawing objects using the pencil technique. To make it easier for you to draw a mug, we will perform the drawing in stages. Let's try it step by step draw a cup and learn to draw simple-looking mugs and glasses.

1. Initial marking of the cup design

Draw vertical and intersecting lines horizontal line. Make a rectangular preliminary marking of the neck at the top of the mug. The neck of the cup will be the most important part of the design, so pay more attention to this element. Draw the bottom of the mug.

If you draw a glass or glass, you also need to do the first step in exactly the same way. Only a glass can have a much longer stem, and, of course, other differences.

2. Preliminary outlines of the mug

Connect the neck of the cup to the bottom with lines that taper slightly downward. Perhaps your mug has a different shape, draw it differently. This lesson only tells you how to draw step by step and where you can make a mistake. It is precisely at this step that you need to make sure that both sides of the mug are symmetrical. Even in my drawing you can see that the left side is slightly narrower than the right. Mark the places where the handle will be.

3. Preliminary handle contours

Using the previous contours, draw the approximate outline of the handle of the cup. To prevent the handle from turning out crooked and uneven in thickness, do not be lazy to make preliminary markings.

4. Clarify the general outline of the mug

Now let’s clarify a little the neck and the basic shape of the mug along with the handle. The walls of the cup have a certain thickness and therefore you need to draw an additional outline inside the neck of the mug. Having discovered a discrepancy in the symmetry of the sides, you can correct it, for example, in the same way as I did. Complete the entire drawing of the cup handle.

5. Cup drawing, finishing touches

Remove all unnecessary contour lines and check again that you have drawn everything correctly before moving on to coloring the mug with a simple pencil.

6. Using shadows we will make the cup voluminous

Always, before applying shadows with a simple pencil on an object in a drawing, imagine from which side the light will fall. In places further away from the light source, the shadows will be “thicker” and vice versa. Pay attention to the neck of the mug. Inner part I did not shade the neck of the mug, shade it yourself if you consider it necessary. Well, after the drawing of the cup is completely completed, be sure to try drawing a saucer, teapot and other cutlery next to it.

All students take the lesson “How to draw a vase” with a pencil art school. A vase, mug or glass is a classic educational material for studying perspective, symmetry and techniques for creating volume in objects.

In this lesson we will try to draw a rose step by step. If you can already draw a beautiful glass or mug, then it’s quite possible to take on a more difficult task.

A chamomile, like a cup drawing, is not as easy to draw as it might seem. If you need to draw this flower beautifully, then try to do it in stages.

Castle drawing is good lesson for learning to draw buildings and houses. Using an ordinary pencil, you will gradually learn to draw the proportions of a building, create a perspective for the landscape surrounding the castle, and learn to add volume to the walls and towers of the castle using shadows and lines.

A house is an architectural structure, so when drawing it step by step, you first need to build a drawing of the house, and only then start adding details to the picture of the house. When making a drawing of a building, you cannot do without a ruler, and of course a pencil. The house should look symmetrical, so you need to accurately mark the dimensions of height and width using a ruler.

Nowadays, graffiti is very popular among young people, but not everyone can draw graffiti beautifully and stylishly. Let's try to learn how to draw graffiti on paper with a pencil, then color the resulting inscription with paints or colored felt-tip pens.

We all know what a cup or mug is. It's hard to imagine life modern man without these kitchen utensils, would you agree? Have you ever tried to draw a cup on a piece of paper yourself? After all, it would seem that it could be simpler - drawing its contours and giving them the appropriate shape is quite easy. And this is actually exactly the case! Don't believe me? Then see for yourself.

The next lesson can be classified as easy. Even a child can make such a drawing. Naturally, it is better for young children to draw a cup together with their parents. Moreover, it is very interesting.

So, let's take a closer look at how to draw a cup step by step. The main thing here is to carefully study the images below and follow the recommendations.

You will need:
- Paper. It is best if it is a special medium-grain one: it is much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on such a canvas rather than on an ordinary sheet of paper.

— Sharp pencils. There should be several of them with varying degrees of hardness - each is necessary to perform certain tasks. This will allow you to achieve the most realistic image possible.

— An eraser to erase unnecessary elements while drawing.
Shading stick. IN in this case you can use a special tool or take plain paper and shape it into a cone shape. With its help, you can easily erase the shading and make it a monotonous color.

And, of course, don’t forget about a good mood and have a little patience.

We draw in several stages

Household things are the easiest to draw. You can look at the cup, carefully study each of its details separately, it is always at hand. Here you don’t need to start drawing from the head - straight from life. Agree, it’s much more pleasant, and most importantly, easier. If you do not have the opportunity to look at what you are drawing, you should turn to a search engine for help and find suitable photographs. Be sure to do this before drawing the cup with a pencil step by step, otherwise you simply will not catch the essence of the image.

For creating simple drawings use a contour. You just need to repeat what our lesson clearly shows and an excellent result is guaranteed. But if you want to get something more, then try to imagine your drawing in the form of simple geometric bodies. For example, sketch with rectangles, circles, or triangles rather than regular outlines. It's quite exciting! After some time and a small amount of training in performing this technique, you will see that drawing this way is easy. Very soon you will feel like a real artist!

Note: when sketching, use strokes that are as thin as possible. Remember, the thicker they are, the more difficult it will be for you to erase them in the future. And the quality of the drawing will suffer significantly.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is to create special markings on a piece of paper. This will allow you to determine the future location of the drawing. If your image takes up only half of the sheet, then on the second part you can draw something else. Below is a photo with an example of such markings.

Well, you have already prepared everything you need, be patient and great mood? Then let's begin.

Stage 1
First of all, draw an oval and draw a vertical line down its center.

Stage 2
Then, in the middle of the large oval, create a similar oval, only smaller, that will separate the outer surface of the cup from the inner.

Stage 3
Now carefully draw the shape of the cup itself. As mentioned earlier, the design and shape of the cup can be anything. Draw the way you like best. Or follow the example we have provided for you below.

Stage 4
Carefully trace all the contours with a pencil and do not forget to erase everything at the end auxiliary lines. Work carefully so as not to remove the necessary elements of the picture.

Stage 5
OK it's all over Now! Your beautiful drawing ready. As you can see, everything is very simple. A little diligence and you will draw a wide variety of cups.

Stage 6
All that remains is to color the drawing. Show your imagination, use, for example, several shades or decorate your cup with unusual patterns. All in your hands! You can also create an original background for the picture, place it in beautiful frame and hang it on the wall. And then surprise your guests with your interesting creation.

Now you know how to quickly and easily draw a cup! It's really very simple. The main thing is desire, and a little creativity.

Be sure to try to draw a cup with your child - it will not only be very interesting, but also educational.


Place it so that it is at some distance from you and, moreover, slightly below your eye level. This way it will be more convenient for you to consider its proportions, and especially to understand some of the laws of perspective, which are especially important in this case. Consider cup. If you look closely, you can very clearly see that the top line is an oval. The lower in relation to your eye level is cup- the wider this oval will be. Bottom line cup and is also an oval, with the front line clearly visible, and the back line blurred because it is behind. If cup filled with something, the surface of the liquid also appears oval.

Get started cup With center line. Place the sheet vertically. Draw a vertical line approximately in the middle, equal to height cup A. Draw a perpendicular to its lower point and put on it in both directions segments equal to half the width cup and in its lower part. Do the same at the top cup A. These auxiliary lines should be very thin. Try to plot the segments more precisely, because cup must be symmetrical.

Draw the top line cup A. You have already noticed that it is an oval. Top line cup but is the same throughout the thickness, and it is better to thin it first. Draw an oval at the bottom. Depending on the shape cup and it can either be exactly the same as the top one, or smaller and narrower. If you are drawing cup with straight walls, the ovals will be the same. If it gradually tapers downwards, the ovals will be the same in shape, but different in size. U cup and the oddly shaped lower oval will most likely be narrower than the upper one.

Draw the walls cup A. At or smoothly tapering downwards, simply connect with straight lines extreme points ovals. Side lines in this case they will be parallel, in the second case (smoothly tapering cup) they converge downwards. If cup bizarre shape, try to convey the curvature of the lateral line as accurately as possible. Outline the visible parts of the object with a thicker line.

For drawing it is best to take. Apply the first even layer of something light - bluish, pinkish or yellowish. Make the second layer thicker. It doesn't completely cover cup, but only on the sides, about a third of the width. The middle should remain lighter. The brush moves parallel to the bottom line of the oval, alternately in one direction and the other. Apply the third layer of paint in shorter lines, about a third of the stroke of the second layer. U cup and, tapering downwards, the strokes will be longer at the bottom, and near the bottom they may even merge. Draw a thin outline.

    In order to draw a glass you need to sketch an oval on a stick, then give the oval a triangular shape and erase the auxiliary lines. Now the drawing can be colored and the glasses can be filled with red or white wine. Here's how everything looks visually:

    A a glass is drawn even simpler, first draw an oval and draw from it straight line- this will be the axis of symmetry, and then we draw the edges and decorate the bottom:

    To draw a mug, glass, glass step by step, you need to adhere to the following steps:

    1) First we make markings and draw the main contours;

    3) We detail our images and apply shading or paint.

    So, you can draw a mug like this:

    And the glass can be drawn step by step like this:

    And I propose to draw a glass like this step by step:

    Drawing a mug, glass, glass is very simple. These are familiar objects that a person sees every day. Their step by step photos no, so I’ll use someone else’s.

    Stage 1:

    Draw the axis of symmetry of the mug and outline its horizontal planes

    Stage 2:

    Limiting the width of the mug and saucer

    Stage 3:

    Draw ovals. The far part of the oval should be slightly narrower than the near one.

    Stage 4, 5, 6:

    We complete the necessary ovals and details

    Stage 7:

    We outline the visible parts of the circle, smoothly connecting the ovals.

    Stage 8:

    Erase invisible lines

    Stage 9:

    Shade the entire drawing (with light pressure)

    Stage 10, 11, 12:

    We use darker shading to indicate shadows, and apply highlights using an eraser.

    There is nothing complicated about it - simple geometry. Remember that circles are not crooked, they are made in production, so the lines must be straight. It is very important to make the correct oval at the top of the mug itself. Here's a simple and effective lesson how to draw a tea mug:

    I would like to offer the simplest example of drawing a mug; using this scheme you can easily and simply draw a beautiful mug with stripes. Here is one of the options I found for a simple scheme for drawing a mug. At the end of drawing, the mug can be painted in any color; you can make the mug red, yellow or blue according to your taste.

    In order to draw a mug, you first need to draw the base (the outline of the mug)

    That's it, the mug is ready. Good luck.

    I find it very easy to draw a mug if you sketch it as a rectangle.

    And then you just need to slightly round the top and bottom of the rectangle (like two circles at different angles) and draw an arc on the handle.

    Here's a sample, for example:

    I like it. You need to draw it using vertical line. This line divides the mug into two parts.

    This is to make drawing easier. In the same way, you can draw a glass, only in this case a pen is not needed, because the glass does not have a handle.

    The lines will need to be made soft and smooth so that, if necessary, they can be removed with an eraser.

    To draw a mug, glass or glass correctly, it is important to maintain proportions and take into account some of the subtleties of drawing.

    It is better to outline three-dimensional figures in projection, so you will see the ratio of parts, sides, places to apply shadows, etc.

    It is necessary to adhere to the given axis so that the drawing does not float.

    Use ovals rather than circles and ellipses to correctly mark the lines of the neck or top and bottom of the glass.

    It is better to mark unnecessary lines very lightly, so that you can later erase them without spoiling the overall plan.

    First, let's draw a glass.

    First stage. Let's draw two circles different sizes and slightly extended to the side. Let's divide each circle into four parts. We will also draw three lines connecting these circles. We got the shape of a glass:

    Second phase. Let's draw a few more circles on the top of the glass:

    Third stage. Erase the auxiliary lines. And also wire a series of lines so that we get a faceted glass.

    Fourth stage. Add shadows using shading.

    A cup is even easier to draw. First we draw two circles, one small, the other large. Let's connect them with two lines, remove the extra lines from small circle.. And draw the handle of the mug. That's all.

    To draw a glass, you need to use auxiliary lines and ovals. Build a glass out of them, and then erase these lines.

    To draw a mug, just make the height smaller and add a handle ;).