All futurama heroes. List of minor characters in Futurama

At the end of the last century, namely in 1999, the management of the Fox television channel decided to try to launch an unusual animated series. It talked about the lives of people in the future, a thousand years from now, and was called “Futurama.”

However, its plot was radically different from most other projects describing the future. This cartoon ridiculed all modern ideas about a possible future. And although people don't like it when they and their hopes are mocked, Futurama's satirical characters, its unusual plot and constant self-irony quickly found millions of fans around the world.

Cartoon "Futurama"

The creators of "Futurama" were David Cohen and Matt Groening - the people who became famous for coming up with the animated series "The Simpsons", which for more than two and a half decades continues to be loved by viewers all over the planet. Futurama became their next creation, airing on the same Fox channel.

If in The Simpsons Groening and Cohen ridiculed all the shortcomings of modern culture and the American worldview, constantly playing up all the new things in all areas of life modern people, then in “Futurama” its creators applied the same technique in relation to the distant future and did it very skillfully. The name of the new series is a kind of play on words, meaning “panorama of the future.”

Like The Simpsons, the first season of Futurama consisted of thirteen episodes, and the following larger number episodes. At first, Futurama successfully aired on the Fox channel for four whole seasons. However, the channel soon lost interest in the project and it was closed. Many fans around the world protested against this decision. Due to the fact that interest in the project had not yet waned, the first full-length cartoon, Futurama, was released in 2007. Over the next two years, three more such projects were released.

At the same time, the Fox channel sold the rights to Futurama to Comedy Central, and soon the series “moved” to a new channel. At first, old episodes were shown here, as well as everything. Since the summer of 2009, the fifth season has been released, and after that two more. In 2013, Comedy Central discontinued Futurama. Despite this, its optimistic creators David Cohen and Matt Groening to this day do not stop searching for new investors ready to revive this unusual project.

The plot of the cartoon

The animated series is about an inconspicuous and lazy pizza delivery man in New York City named Phillip Fry. On December 31, 1999, while the whole world was celebrating the beginning of the new millennium, the guy was forced to work and deliver pizza to a cryogenics laboratory. Here, in the last minutes of the passing year, Fry accidentally ended up in a cryochamber and was frozen in it for a thousand years.

After this period, the main character was unfrozen and found himself in the world of the future. Trying to find one of his relatives, the guy stumbles upon the inventor and owner of the Interplanetary Express, Professor Hugh Farnsvont, who is also a guest from the past great-great and many times great-great-great-nephew.

At the same time, trying to avoid the profession of a messenger imposed by the program, Fry becomes friends with Turanga Leela, as well as the kleptomaniac robot Bender Rodriguez. Ultimately, they all get a job in the professor’s company and, fulfilling orders, travel throughout the universe, getting into all sorts of interesting stories.

Characters of the cartoon "Futurama": Fry

The main character around whom the entire plot revolves is Philip J. Fry. He is a late twentieth century New Yorker. Essentially, Fry is smart, kind and childishly trusting. However, all its advantages are negated by one huge drawback - laziness. It is because of her that Fry looks for the easiest paths, often without putting in effort where it would be worth doing.

In the past, due to reluctance to learn and develop professional life The guy doesn't work out, and he works only as a pizza delivery boy. In addition, he had a beloved girlfriend, Michelle, with whom he lived. But this beauty took advantage of her boyfriend’s naivety and constantly cuckolded him. She eventually left him.

Once in the future, Fry discovers that, despite the tremendous achievements of progress, nothing much has changed in the field of relationships.
The alien's best friend from the past becomes a bending robot named Bender. Despite cunning character robot and his love for various scams and deception, they develop a relationship with Fry real friendship, which has to go through a lot over all seven seasons. Fry and Bender are roommates, but for harmonious coexistence, each of them has to sacrifice something.

While other Futurama characters (photo below) are trying to somehow adapt to life, Fry looks at many things like a child. Having become the owner of a huge fortune of money, he spends it all on enjoying the last can of anchovies in the universe with his friends.

Despite his poor financial and social situation, Fry often has affairs with girls, but they all end in separation. This is due to the fact that the main love of the guy’s life is his work colleague Lila. Fry tries with all his might to achieve reciprocity, but for a long time the girl refuses him. Ultimately, he sincerely falls in love with his unlucky admirer from the past, and they get married.

It is noteworthy that one of Fry's passions was his grandmother during the trip of the Interplanetary Express crew into the past. After spending the night with his grandmother, Fry becomes his grandfather. This circumstance became the reason for the emergence of a genetic feature of Fry's brain, thanks to which he was able to save the Earth from the invasion of an alien race.

Futurama characters: Leela

If the entire plot of Futurama revolves around the person of Fry, then this guy's life is centered on a one-eyed girl with purple hair named Turanga Leela. The word "turanga" translated from Sanskrit means "love song". And Lila really looks like the goddess of love: she has a beautiful figure and face, luxurious purple hair gathered in a ponytail at the back of her head, and one eye. By the way, it is precisely because of one eye that the heroine constantly has complexes. She was ridiculed at the orphanage as a child because of this, so as she grew up, the insecurities remained. In one of the episodes, the girl even had surgery and inserted a second eye, but this did not bring her happiness, and she returned to her previous appearance.

At the beginning of the series, when the Futurama characters are just getting to know each other, the girl explains the presence of one eye as her alien origin. However, she never manages to find out exactly where she is from. One day, Lila meets a one-eyed guy in a chat, claiming that he is her last surviving relative, and they must revive their race. But when the crew of the Planet Express arrives on his planet, it soon turns out that he is a deceiver, and his entire story is pure fiction.

In Season Four, the creators of the series finally reveal the truth about Lila's family. In reality, the girl's parents are not aliens at all - they are mutants forced to hide deep underground in order to avoid persecution by ordinary people. When Lila's parents gave birth to her, the girl turned out to be almost normal with the exception of one eye (like her mother's). Realizing that the baby had a chance to build a normal life in society on the surface, her parents dropped her off at an orphanage, passing her off as an alien.

Despite the peculiarity of her appearance, Lila is successful with men, but she fails to find her ideal. Over time, she rethinks her attitude towards guys and realizes that true love throughout her life is Fry, who, despite his strange character, perceives her as she is and does not dream of changing her.

At the beginning of the series, Leela worked as an officer distributing professions in a cryogenic laboratory. The girl did not like this activity, but she did not change anything, since this was accepted in the society of the future. The appearance of Fry, namely his ardent protest against his unloved business, forced Leela to reconsider her views on life, and she saved Fry. In addition, the girl herself left her unloved job, finding herself outlawed. A little later, Professor Farnsworth helped Leela and Fry solve this problem.

Robot Bender Rodriguez

Among the universe of the Futurama series, Bender became the most famous character. In many ways, it resembles a hybrid of Homer and Bart Simpson from the animated series of the same name, but it has more negative sides, but it still attracts viewers.

Bender is a silver-colored robot (in parallel reality he is golden) with extremely mobile hands that are constantly striving to steal something. It is noteworthy that even being disconnected from the body, Bender’s hands still tried to steal everything they could find. In addition, the robot has a durable metal body in which it hides the loot. Interestingly, in several episodes Bender placed a bomb in the body, and it withstood the explosion.

Like most models in this line, the robot needs alcohol to exist as fuel. Over time, an alternative appeared in the form of mineral oil, but Bender traditionally uses alcohol, and much more than necessary. Rodriguez also often smokes cigars and does it in order to look cooler.

Despite all his shortcomings, deep down Bender is a sensual person (at the beginning of the series, having learned that his work was being used to make suicide booths, the robot could not come to terms with this), but he rarely gives in to emotions.

As for the fair half, the robot is greedy for beautiful robot girls. Moreover, almost all of his memory is loaded with porn. Also, throughout the series, the robot had relationships with ordinary girls (Amy, Lila). In the seventh season, Bender had a son from an affair with a soda machine.

This character's favorite phrase is Bite my shiny metal ass, which can literally be translated as “Bite my shiny metal ass.”

Professor Hubert Farnsworth

In the cartoon "Futurama", the characters (the names of the most important of them were indicated above) work for the transport company "Interplanetary Express". Its owner is Fry's thirty-times "great" great-nephew Professor Hubert Farnsworth.

This man is truly a genius: despite his origins from the bottom, he was soon able to invent many ingenious devices and gain worldwide fame. However, most of the professor's research is extremely expensive and time consuming. In order not to depend on sponsors and not need them, the professor opened the Interplanetary Express company. With its help, he earns a living and his inventions, periodically testing the latter on his team.

Among his relatives, besides Fry, the professor has a clone, Cubert Farsworth, as well as a son from the all-powerful head of Mommy’s corporations, Ignar.

Minor characters

Having dealt with those from “Futurama” who play the main roles in the plot of the animated series, it is worth mentioning the minor ones.

Amy Wong is Professor Farnsworth's intern. Despite her doctorate in applied physics, she is stupid and short-sighted. In Planet Express, the professor only keeps her because she has the same blood type as him, and therefore can become his donor. She is Lila's friend, despite periodic disputes and conflicts. IN different time met with Fry and Bender. Has a permanent boyfriend - an alien named Keefe.

Dr. John Zoidberg is an alien, a hybrid of a lobster and a human, practically omnivorous. He works as a doctor on the Interplanetary Express. However, his knowledge of human anatomy meager. Being an old friend of the professor, he continues to work for him. Due to his inability to manage money, Zoidberg is always hungry and poor. Hates other doctors.

The thirty-fourth level bureaucrat is from Jamaica named Hermes Conrad. It is often thanks to him that the Interplanetary Express manages to stay afloat, since Hermes does the accounting. Has a wife who has a lover, and a son, Dwight. In the past he was a champion in limbo, but due to the death of his fan he left this sport.

When listing the names of characters from Futurama, one cannot fail to mention one of the main villains of the series - Mommy. She is one of the richest women on the planet, as she heads the company for the production of robots and parts for them, Momcorp. In public she tries to maintain the image of a kind old lady, for which she wears a special suit. In reality, she tried to take over the world several times, but the Interplanetary Express got in her way. In the past, Hermes, Zoidberg and Farnsworth worked for her company. The woman has three sons.

The animated series "Futurama" has long become a television classic and has earned many prestigious awards, including several Emmys. It's a pity that this project was closed. However, we can only hope that there is a channel willing to breathe life into this promising cartoon, and viewers will once again be greeted on the screen by their favorite Futurama characters.

The article lists the most frequently appearing characters in the animated series "Futurama".


Fry family

Enos Fry

Enos Fry is the grandfather of Philip J. Fry, who was killed by him in the episode "Roswell That Ends Well", causing Fry to become his own grandfather.

Mildred Fry

Mildred Fry is Philip J. Fry's grandmother who seduced him in the episode "Roswell That Ends Well".

Yancy Sr. and Mrs. Fry

Yancy Fry Sr. and Mrs. Fry are the parents of Philip J. Fry. Fry's mother is obsessed with sports. Fry's father (who is also his son) was a military man, prepared for a nuclear war, hated communists.

Yancy Fry Jr.

Yancy Fry Jr. is the older brother and grandson of Philip J. Fry (as Fry is his own grandfather). I was jealous as a child younger brother. After Fry disappeared, Ensi named his son after him.

Philip J. Fry II

Philip J. Fry II - astronaut, philanthropist, entrepreneur, famous musician, and overall a great person. Philip J. Fry was his uncle. So he named his son, in honor of Philip J. Fry, him brother Ensi, after Fry fell into the cryochamber and “disappeared” to everyone. The investigation began after Fry accidentally discovered a monument to what he thought was himself in a sewer near New New York and decided that his older brother had appropriated his name after his disappearance. In the episode "The Luck of the Fryrish", it is revealed that Philip J. Fry II was the first man on Mars and was also a popular rock artist who recorded a 10-song album with his rock band, The Seven Petals. Founder of the company "Seven Petals". Probably his image is a concentration of youthful stereotypes of success. Also in Bender's Big Score, he sends Bender, who has been searching for Philip J. Fry I for 12 years, to North Pole, calling him "Uncle Phil".

Cubert Farnsworth

Conrad family

Dwight Conrad- son of Hermes Conrad. His best friend is Cubert Farnsworth, his age. They form a fairly smart and enterprising tandem, so in the episode The Route of All Evil they legally take away Farnsworth’s company and become millionaires.

LaBarbara Conrad- wife of Hermes Conrad. Tall and slender, she still loves her fat and grumpy husband, although she often threatens to leave for her ex-husband, Barbados Slim (and when Hermes’s head was cut off in the cartoon “Bender’s Big Score”), she left and even gave her son the surname Slim, but then returned , citing the fact that she fell in love with Hermes not for sexy body, but for his intelligence). In The Bots and the Bees, which begins with a parody of Batman, when the professor calls for the entire team to gather from different parts of the city by projecting the Planet Express logo into the sky, she sees her husband Hermes off to work, who jumps out the window. Immediately after he leaves, a naked Barbados Slim comes around the corner in the background, hinting at LaBarbara's periodic infidelities with her husband. Also from one of the episodes you can find out that she visited a secluded resort on the planet of the apes with Barbados.

Barbados Slim- Caribbean bodybuilder, competed at the Olympic Games for 20 years in a row, received Olympic medals in limbo and sex. LaBarbara's ex-husband, to whom she temporarily returned in the feature film Bender's Big Score.

Wong Family

Leo And Inez Wong- Amy's parents are very rich and famous people. They own part (more precisely, the western hemisphere) of the planet Mars, which their ancestors bought, according to the Martian aborigines, for one “bead” (in fact, for a precious stone of enormous size and value). They live on Mars on a large ranch, own a large number of giant beetles (buggalos), grown for a substance that resembles milk. They passionately want to have grandchildren (and often woo Amy), but Amy doesn’t care much about this. Amy's parents donate a lot of money to Mars University so that Amy won't get kicked out. They are voiced by Billy West and Lauren Tom.

Mommy Family


"Mommy"- main owner of 99.7% of shares (the remaining 0.3% of shares belong to her sons) Momcorp, the largest industrial concern for the production of robots. World monopolist in the field of robotics and their maintenance. In particular, Bender was produced precisely at her plant. One of richest people on the ground. She maintains the image of a kind, plump grandmother using a special costume, but in reality she is thin, as well as cunning and ruthless, although she can sometimes become kind and sympathetic (out of a long-standing love for Farnsworth). The bra stores the control panel for all the robots on Earth (for this they are made with antennas) and one day uses it to rebel the machines and take over the planet. Professor Farnsworth, Dr. Zoidberg and Hermes Conrad once worked for Mommy. Officially married to Wernstrum. It has three sons varying degrees of intelligence. In the episode The Tip of the Zoidberg, it is revealed that her real name is Carol.

Walt, Larry and Ignar

Ogden Wernstrum

Ogden Wernstrum- scientist, rival of Professor Farnsworth and his former student. One day, Professor Farnsworth gave him the most terrible grade for Wernstrum - five with a minus, in response to which Ogden Wernstrum promised to take revenge on his teacher at least in a hundred years, which he did with pleasure at the Symposium of Inventors exactly a century later: he gave Farnsworth's invention a grade of five with two minuses . Wernstrum is more self-centered and greedy than the others, sometimes he tries to achieve some kind of power, sometimes just to get around Farnsworth. When presented with a big bargaining opportunity to find a way to save the city, he demanded “power, a large research grant, access to a laboratory, and five graduates of the institute, at least three of whom were Chinese.” He is Mommy's official husband.

Bubblegum Tate

Captain Bubblegum Tate(English Captain Ethan Bubblegum Tate - Captain basketball team his planet called “Drummers” (another Bender’s idol). After meeting Bubblegum, Professor Farnsworth created a team of super mutants to confront the Strikers on the basketball court. This led to a time leak, but Bubblegum, who turned out to be a physics professor, helped the professor find a way out of the situation. Bubblegum's further appearances in the series are related more to his professorial activities than to his basketball career. Voiced by Phil LaMarr.

Al Gore


Linda- co-host of news broadcasts. Typical American blonde. Stupid, often laughs lightheartedly (or benevolently) at Morbo's threats to deal with the Earth. Mainly appears on television, although occasionally acts cameo role in "natural" scenes. Alcoholic (this becomes known in the episode Benderama).


Ipgi - former boss Lily, head of the cryogenics department. He is very demanding and loves his job. Ipgi plays a decisive role in Hermes's demotion; it was he who noticed Bender's cheating and started a fight, as a result of which Hermes was demoted from rank 36 to rank 37.



Sal- a surly and unshaven worker with a strong Bronx accent. Rude and boorish. Usually engaged in difficult physical work (more than ten of his professions are known). He constantly clings to Lila in order to show off in front of his friends, for which he was beaten more than once. With his impudence, he brought Lila to the point where she participated in a survival race, where she won, but crashed the ship and was punished with an electric collar. Sal is voiced by John DiMaggio.


Smitty- robosexual police officer, testing tender feelings to his partner Url. Not smart.

Waterfall Family

These are five minor characters who appear in several episodes. They are united by social activity as environmentalists, vegetarians, and feminists.

Free Waterfall Sr.- fought first against the transportation of oil by tanker past the penguin reserve on Pluto, then against the pollution of the planet and, finally, against breeding penguins. Killed by penguins. His last wish was that all parts of his body be disposed of.

Free Waterfall Jr.- fought against people eating popplers. Eaten by Lrrr.

Organ seller

Man Number 9


Doctor Who- a character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey. Appears in several episodes of the sixth season. He can be seen in his fourth incarnation in the episode Möbius Dick and All the Presidents' Heads.

Crocodile Dundee- Character from the film of the same name (and several sequels) performed by Paul Hogan. In the animated series he appears in several episodes, each time doing inhumanly hard work.

Andrew Warhol

Celebrity heads

In the future of Futurama, the heads of famous people are placed in a solution with opal powder. Thus, the Head Museum displays the heads of all US presidents, many actors, musicians, fashion models, popular TV presenters, etc., including Tom Cruise, Pamela Anderson, Lucy Liu, Al Gore, Beastie Boys, Beck Hansen, as well as Star Trek actors. .

Richard Nixon's head

Richard Nixon's head(eng. Richard Nixon's head) - a cartoon version of the head of Richard Nixon, 37th President of the United States from Republican Party in -1974 In the 21st century, his head lives in the Museum of Heads along with other celebrities.

Nixon's Head first appears in the episode "Space Pilot 3000". Nixon later intervenes in the election for the President of Earth and wins it. Represents a cruel and corrupt official. Approaches Bender's body in the episode "A Head in the Polls". Sometimes Nixon's head is carried by the headless body of Spiro Agnew, Vice President of the United States from 1969-1973. Agnew’s body, naturally, cannot speak, but follows the orders of Nixon’s head - he either carries it or demonstrates “praising trampling.” Nixon's head often gives the Interplanetary Express risky missions. He likes to pit people against each other, for example, Professor Farnsworth and Wernstrum, his former student. Works directly with Brannigan, is friends with Morbo, RoboDevil, and Amy's father, Leo Wong. Voiced by Billy West.


Turanga family

Introduced by Leela's parents, who dropped her off as an infant in the Kukiville General Security Orphanage so that she could live in the human world on the surface as an alien. Although they had to part with their daughter, they take care of her quite a lot. In the first episode of the second season (“I Second That Emotion”) they appeared for the first time, but were presented as part of the extras, and only in the second episode of the fourth season (“Leela’s Homeworld”) it became known that these were Leela’s real parents. In the episode Zapp Dingbat, it is revealed that Lila's parents have been together for 40 years.

Turanga Morris

Lila's father. One of the least mutated representatives of the mutant world. A cyclops with ten toes on each foot and a transverse mouth opening. A loving husband for Munda and a caring father for Leela. A sewer surfer by vocation, he realizes his dream in the episode Zapp Dingbat. In his youth he wore hair, then went bald. Munde forgives her affair with Sepp Brannigan, beating the latter. He is inclined towards philosophy (“If there is someone higher than us, then the whole world is a divine sewer”).

Turanga Munda

Lila's mother. A mutant cyclops with purple hair (inherited by Leela), octopus tentacles instead of arms, and a tail. A graduate of the sewer Brown University for mutants, she majored in exolinguistics (the study of alien languages). To feed her family, she changed her vocation to work in the lucrative field of stewing meat. She divorced Morris due to his lack of understanding of exolinguistics, and after an affair with Sepp Brannigan, she remarried Morris. Excellent exolinguist: thanks to a quick translation, the Karkaronians' armed conflict with Zapp Brannigan ends, for which Zapp takes her as a personal translator (episode Zapp Dingbat).

Munda's mother

Munda's mother(Lila's grandmother) appears in the episode The Mutants Are Revolting. Her with a small child Munda in her arms at the cost own safety rescues Mr. Astor by giving up his seat in the rescue vehicle during the sinking of the landship Titanic.


Lay down

A mutant consisting of a leg with a face in the hip area. Even in the world of mutants he is considered a freak.



Keefe is a very strange representative of the male population. In "Keefe Looks Like He's Knocked Up," he explains that his race can exchange genetic information even with a simple touch. This happens only at the moment of the “receptive phase,” which in turn occurs only when the amphibian experiences love for his “smismar” (by the way, it remains unclear whether this is the only method of reproductive function of the Cephas race, or a backup one). But in the episode “Infinity Amendment,” during his quarrel with Amy, there is a hint that representatives of his race still have genitals: “In appearance, I am closest to a sea cucumber! - Just not where you need it!”

But the fact remains a fact. Keefe is a pregnant man. By the way, in the same episode it turns out that Lila is the mother (or father, depending on how you look at it) of Keefe’s child. The Amphibiusan race needs to give birth only on home planet"Amphibius 9". The fact is that tadpoles are born, which must end up in the sacred lake after a certain ritual. Both “smizmars” must undergo this ritual, because doing it alone is a great shame. The ritual itself is conducted by the “Great Midwife”. His tadpole children grow up on Keefe's home planet (episode "Keef Looks Like He Got Knocked Up"). Some of them have only one eye.

Creating an image

Boris Bystrov, and in the original - Maurice LaMarche.

Nibblonians (Zubastilons)

Nibbler or Nibbler

Nibbler or Nibbler(eng. Nibbler) - a small three-eyed alien who is more than 1000 years old. The real name of this hero is not given, because “In the time it takes to pronounce one letter of his name, trillions of worlds will flare up and disappear into oblivion.” Belongs to the species of Zubastilons (Nibblonians). Leela took him as a pet after finding him on the soon-to-be-destroyed planet Vergon 6 in the episode "Love's Labors Lost in Space" and named him Nibbler (in the original Nibbler), just before I saw his ability to very quickly eat animals much larger than himself. At critical moments his excrement command Planet Express uses as fuel, since its excrement is dark matter, a fragment of which weighs more than a thousand suns. In the episode "" he reveals his true identity - in fact, he holds a high position on his home planet of Eternium and is a member of the ancient race of Nibblonians. One day it is revealed that Nibbler is actually a Nibblonian secret agent (Lord Nibbler), sent to Earth on a mission to stop the invasion of a race of giant brains (“The Day the Earth Stood Stupid”). It is also later revealed that Nibbler was the one who caused Fry to be frozen for a thousand years (his shadow can be seen under the table in "Applied Cryogenics" in the first episode of the first season and in the trash can in the fifth season). However, his real essence and intelligence are important only in a few episodes; in other episodes he behaves like an ordinary, overly gluttonous pet.

Interesting Facts

  • Nibbler is the ambassador of an advanced civilization on Earth that uses telepathy.
  • Nibbler is a lord.
  • Nibbler's home planet, Eternium, is the exact center of the Universe. Also, the name of this planet is similar to English word eternity, meaning "eternity".
  • When the Universe appeared, the Zubastilons were already 18 years old.
  • His species has been at war with brain-like aliens since the birth of the universe.
  • Nibbler's third eye has repeatedly shown special abilities. For example, in the series “The Why of Fry,” he uses it to erase Fry’s memory, and in the full-length cartoon “Futurama: Bender’s Big Score,” Toothy erases Fry’s tattoo with a laser from his third eye.
  • Toothy helped Fry get into the future by pushing his chair in the first episode of the first episode of Futurama.

In the Russian version he is voiced by Boris Bystrov, and in the original by Frank Welker.





Lrrrr (Lrrr, in some translations Lurrr or Lurrr) - ruler of the planet Omicron Persei VIII, located 1000 light years from Earth. It's a parody of the "green-skinned space invaders" cliche. He invades Earth several times, most often due to problems in his personal life: in the episode “When Aliens Attack” - because he was not allowed to finish watching his favorite television series, and in “Anthology of Interest II” he appears as the ruler of the planet “ Nintendo 64" (English Nintendo 64), who invaded the earth to get twenty-five cent coins - only they are accepted by the coin acceptor of washing machines. However, in the episode "The Problem with Popplers", he protects the children of his species, whom earthlings unknowingly began to eat. Despite his position in society, he and his wife lead a mostly philistine lifestyle. Although he looks fierce, sometimes he can cry like a child. Lrrr is also friendly towards Leela, which is shown in episode 11 of season 6, when Leela helps him win back Ndnd's favor. Leela views Omicron's ruler Perseus-8 as an annoying little brother.


Ndnd (Ndnd, in some translations Indunda or "Endeenda") - Lrrr's wife. Their relationship is not perfect. So, in the episode "Spanish Fry" Lrrr buys Fry's nose, intending to use this "human horn" as a sexual stimulant. After this, Fry, Leela and Bender try to improve relations between the Omicronian rulers and they succeed. Ndnd acts in the series according to the stereotype of a typical wife, both reproaching her husband and loving him.


Jrrr- teenager, son of Lrrr and Ndnd. Suffering from crisis adolescence and misunderstanding on the part of the father. Finds a friend in Fry.



Elzar- a popular host of the culinary television show “Essence of Elzar”, as well as the owner and chef of the restaurant “Elzar’s Kitchen”. In "The Late Phillip Fry" he also appears at the Cavern on the Green restaurant. She cooks exquisitely and tasty, but for a lot of money. He also likes to prove his superiority as a cook. Originally from Neptune. Similar to Gormaanda from The Star Wars Holiday Special. Elzar is one of Bender's idols.

Robot Santa's Helpers- these are Neptunians who once worked at his factory, now they are all unemployed. Just like Elzar, they have purple skin and 4 arms, but due to lack of nutrition they are short in stature.


Slurms Mackenzie


Glermo(Glurmo) - a snail-like alien from the race of worms who conducts tours at the Slurm factory. After Lila blew off his head, he split in two.


Grunka-Lunka(Grunka Lunka) - small orange creatures who work in the Slurm factory. They are a parody of the Oompa-Loompas from the book Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Morbo- co-host of news broadcasts on channel number root of two, which is broadcast from Los Angeles. Usually Morbo always prophesies an alien invasion, the destruction of the human race by his relatives (and does not do this only twice), expresses his negative attitude towards people, doing this in his characteristic aggressive manner. However, there is reason to believe that this is only his “ stage image”, since outside of work hours (and in the presence of his wife) he is quite good-natured.

Linda calls her colleague “human female.” Loves the song “Lipps Inc.” "Funkytown." He is a good friend of Richard Nixon: in the episode "A Head in the Polls", Morbo, the TV debate host, calls the candidates "Wicked Man #1, Wicked Man #2, and good friend Morbo, Richard Nixon" Puny Human #1, Puny Human #2, and Morbo's good friend, Richard Nixon.). His wife's name is Fawn, whom he also threatens to destroy for being too annoying about his tie in the episode s4e16 "Hundred Big Boys" Three Hundred Big Boys.

Morbo's appearance is based on the alien from the 1957 science fiction film Invasion of the Flying Saucers. the Saucer Men"). He has clearly visible expressive veins on his forehead, which, however, is the norm for his species. Information about his anatomy in Futurama is quite contradictory: in The 30% Iron Chef we can clearly see that the skull follows the shape of his head, and in Crimes of the Hot his head expands and contracts as if he is breathing it. It is also revealed in The 30% Iron Chef that Morbo has at least 2 stomachs. Fry refers to Morbo as the "TV News Monster" or "News Monster". Hosts the program "Who Dares to Become a Millionaire?"


Hypnotoad- a hypnotizing alien toad. After winning (with the help of hypnotic powers) a pet competition, he becomes the main and only hero of the TV show “Everybody Loves a Hypnotoad.” The show has no plot or events (except for the depiction of a hypnotoad), which does not stop Fry from dropping the phrase in one episode: “This show went bad after the third season.”

The original source of the idea of ​​a hypnotoad can be considered the novel (story?) by Isaac Asimov: “Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus” (see Bibliography of Isaac Asimov), where three-legged frogs with telepathic abilities (strong enough to become the main pets of the planet and, if necessary, completely subjugate several people), become a tool in the hands of a dangerous criminal. The main delicacy of local hypnotoads is motor oil, because of it they completely lose self-control, like a pack of hungry dogs in a butcher shop.

One of the variants of the mascot of the Olympic Games in Sochi, Zoich, was nicknamed “hypnotoad” for his appearance and success among Internet users. Later, the unselected mascot actually appeared in the series - in the title sequence of the episode "All the Presidents' Heads" the ship crashes into the screen with Zoich.

Brain slugs

According to the original idea of ​​​​the authors of the series, the Slugs were assigned a slightly different role. They were supposed to hang from the ceiling everywhere on Earth and, when a person was infected, make him much smarter for a while. For Futurama fans, the brain slug is a common accessory: a small plush or knitted toy pinned to the hair.


A gigantic Amazon woman from the planet Amazonia. In the episode "Brannigan, Begin Again" they met Fry. A little later in the episode "Amazon Women in the Mood" they were doing snoo-snoo. This fact is confirmed, albeit indirectly, in the episode "The Sting", where Thog mourns Fry and says that he was great at making snoo-snu.


An alien consisting of a liquid similar in appearance to sea water. His first appearance was in the episode "My Three Suns", as the Emperor's assistant on the planet Trisol. He later appears in several episodes as the host of a stand-up show or part of the extras.

Hyper Chicken

Jellyfish Nurse

Jellyfish Nurse- a sexy alien nurse with a huge bust. In one of the episodes, she operates on the wounded in the war with bouncy balls together with Dr. Zoidberg, for whom she has sympathy: in one of the episodes she left the bar arm in arm with him, in another she defended him from the attacks of the robot doctor (this episode is a parody of the typical a scene from the television series "MASH"; the jellyfish nurse herself parodies (including externally) Margaret Halligan, while Dr. Zoidberg parodies Frank Burns). Participated in the Miss Universe beauty contest.


A polymorphic character, in the original he has the appearance of a huge grasshopper, but appears in it only at the end of the episode. Throughout the entire episode he looks like a "representative" lost civilization Cyclops,” to which, according to him, Leela belongs. Alcazar accidentally meets her on the Internet, and then lures her to his planet so that she “maintains his castle and has sex with him.” Through simple and cynical manipulations, he actually makes Lila his concubine, but thanks to Fry, Lila recognizes his true face.

Lives on a lonely planet in five dilapidated castles filled with jewelry, along with a sentient pig and a pair of anthropomorphic rats. In character and aspirations he is close to Bender, which the latter admits, saying “He is a saint,” wiping away a stingy man-bot tear after Alkazar’s explanation to Lila and his four other brides.

In addition, in the same episode an analogy is drawn with the TV series “Married... with Children” (“Happy Together” in the Russian adaptation), which starred Katey Sagal, voicing Lila: the characteristic bullying of Alcazar and Lila at each other, hairstyle and gait Leela, the hooting "spectators" in the background (who are shown here, however, as a pig and two rats), the very pronunciation of the name "Alcazar" as "El" (a direct analogy with Al Bundy).

Terrible Jelly

Blik and his wife


ladybugs, having the size, color and purpose of earthly cows. The main livestock on Mars and the basis of the financial well-being of the Wong family. The word is a combination of "Bug" ( bug) and "Buffalo" ( buffalo). Outstanding (according to the value system of the indigenous Martians) people are able to fly on them. They are sacred animals for the Martian aborigines.



Planet Express ship

(eng. Planet Express Ship) - spaceship for the delivery of goods, was designed and built by Professor Farnsworth. After the update it turned out to be a female robot. In love with Bender.


In the Russian version he is voiced by Boris Bystrov, while in the original he is voiced by Maurice LaMarche.

Brother of Calculon

In the TV series All My Pieces, he is Calculon's twin brother and the lover of his wife Monique. A primitive robot model that can neither talk nor even stand up if it falls on its side.

Robot Devil

Robot Devil- the main robot in robo-hell, an unsurpassed violinist. Despite his demonic origin, he is inferior to Bender in “depravity” (however, in his first appearance “Hell Is Other Robots”, he answers Bender: “only I am worse than you”). However, when Bender, in exchange for an army of the damned, kicked his son into hell without the slightest remorse, the Robot Devil admitted that this was cruel even by his standards. Loves to make devilishly cunning deals, which caused a lot of harm to the team Planet Express. Sometimes, out of stupidity, he harmed himself. In one of the episodes he was hit on the head with a golden violin. Later in the series it turns out that he is friends with another hellish creature of the 21st century - the head of Richard Nixon.


V-GINY- in the 90s, the United States launched 2 satellites (one military “flyinG destINY”, the other censored TV channels, “V-chip”). After their accidental encounter, they were not heard from. This is how V-GINY was born. She flies through space, “censoring” planets with destruction. One time I almost blew up the Earth. The image is a reference to the original Star Trek series, the episode "The Changeling", where the heroes face a similar device, formed by the collision of two probes, which "sterilizes" the planets, destroying living beings.

Robot Santa

Robot Santa- a robot created to give gifts to those who behaved well, but due to a glitch in the program, its evaluation criteria were greatly inflated, and only Zoidberg satisfies them. This fact sends him into a frenzied rage every Christmas, and he flies to earth to kill everyone. Pronounces the traditional “how-how-how”, starting benevolently and ending ominously. This change in intonation corresponds to a mechanical change in facial expression by rotating the eyeballs around their axis. Lives on Neptune, where enslaved Neptunians have to pretend to be elves and make toys for nothing, however, since there is no one to give toys, they live in poverty, drink and scold Robot Santa in vain. Befriends his holiday counterparts, Kwanzaa Bot and Hanukkah Zombie.

Kwanzaa bot

Kwanzaa bot- a robot that looks like an African American. He is the personification of Kwanzaa and flies around the world in a canoe. He raps and is friends with Robo-Santa.


Flexo- a robot very similar to Bender, but wearing a triangular beard. An analogy is possible with the television series “Knight Rider” (1982-1986), where one of the periodically appearing anti-heroes differed from the main one, mainly by his triangular beard.

The names Bender and Flexo come from the English. bend and English flex , and, in fact, are synonyms - bend, bend.

When they first meet, Bender and Flexo become friends. One day Bender falls in love with a robot woman who turns out to be ex-wife Flexo. Flexo leaves this love triangle with his ex-wife, whom he loves again. Bender and Flexo become rivals and later make peace.

Was scrapped as an obsolete robot in the episode Attack of the Killer App.


Tiny Timmy Reverend Preacherbot). Looks like an old radio. He likes to make pretentious speeches in a strained voice. Appears in many episodes. Converted Bender to his faith, freeing him from his addiction to electricity.

Sex bomb

Sex bomb- appears in several episodes of Futurama. In one episode, Bender, Fry and Flexo go to a strip bar, where Flexo orders Fry a dance performed by the Sex Bomb. Fry is injured.

Lunar robots


Destroyer-Nator(eng. Crushinator) - a female robot, more reminiscent of a tank on caterpillar tracks with small pigtails on the turret-head. Lives on the Moon. Seduced by Bender on her human father's lunar farm. Periodically appears in other episodes and shows Bender unambiguous signs of attention. In the episode The Silence of the Clamps, she is the wife of the very retarded robot farmer Billy West, who is absolutely identical in appearance to Bender, and the mother of his children.

Billy West (robot)

Billy West- a very narrow-minded lunar robot farmer. Appears in the episode The Silence of the Clamps. The Destroyer-Nator's husband and father of her children. Outwardly, he completely resembles Bender. Speaks in a village dialect. Naive, trusting. He dies, shot by Bella (“Bell”), Donbot’s youngest daughter, who mistook him for Bender. The robot's name is a reference to actor Billy West, who voices Fry, the Professor, Zoidberg, Brannigan, the head of Richard Nixon and other Futurama characters.

Broken Eddie

Manager of a car sales company. The name parodies the American advertising cliché, which is based on the rationale for discounts, sales and bargain prices. rational reasons, which can be questioned, but solely by the “madness” of the owners of this product. Broken Eddie is a robot with loose parts, prone to literally exploding under any stressful event, both positive and negative, which he periodically does.

Humorbot 5.0

Host of an evening talk show with celebrities. He has a typical set of witticisms and a well-trained voice as a presenter.

Robot Hedonist


Female robot. Character from the series "All My Pieces". In the series, she is the lover of the character Calculon.

Robot 1-X

Robot 1-X- The latest robot model. Produced by Momcorp. Absorbs pollution from other robots and exhales ozone with the aroma of pine.

Outdated robots from the island

Sinclair 2K

Sinclair 2K- Outdated robot. It has only 2 kilobytes of memory, so it forgets everything. Appears in the episode Obsoletely Fabulous. A parody of the popular computer series from Sinclair Research in the early 1980s.

Cartridge robot

Cartridge robot- A robot that can only talk by reading a cartridge inserted into a special connector in the abdomen. Each cartridge contains only one specific short phrase, right down to the question “What?” By changing cartridges, he constructs a response or primitive speech. All cartridges are carried with you in canvas bag. Lives in a settlement of obsolete robots on an island in the ocean. Appears in the episode Obsoletely Fabulous.


Lisa- an obsolete female robot (fembot), living in a settlement of obsolete robots on an island in the ocean. Receives energy from the water wheel built into her body, so she constantly needs water. Appears in the episode Obsoletely Fabulous. Makes a worthy company for Sinclair 2K and Cartridge Robot.


Killbots is a series of military robots equipped with multi-barreled machine guns and lasers. Each killbot has a kill counter, when it is overflowed it can no longer kill. They have a serious bug in software: if, while firing, the killbot hears an unintelligible phrase (and this is exactly what happens most often, since the sounds of shots drown out almost everything), he turns to his partner with the question “What did he say?”, while not stopping fire and shooting the latter in a sieve . There are often cases when two killbots could shoot each other point-blank in this case (“What did he say?” - “What? I didn’t understand, repeat!”) and thus died in entire squads. Also, upon hearing the “fire” command, the killbot immediately opens fire from the position in which it was, regardless of where its machine gun was pointed. And even when I couldn’t hear the command well and the word looked like “fire” very roughly.

Nurse Ratchet) - a nurse in the same psychiatric hospital. The character is a direct reference to Sister Ratchet from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. In love with Perceptron.

Word Ratchet translated as ratchet. At the same time, her right hand is a ratchet (tool), and a winch is installed in her chest.


Seymour Esis

A true friend Fry is his dog, whom he once fed pizza. This dog waited for Fry from the cryogenics lab for 12 years until it died, but its fossilized remains were found during the excavation of Panucci's "ancient pizzeria" in 3004 (episode "Jurassic Bark"

Almost all the minor characters of the animated series simultaneously appear in two episodes: “The Sting” at Fry’s funeral and in “The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings” at Fry’s concert. Later, the same extras will gather in the full-length cartoon “Futurama: Bender’s Big Business” .


Zapp Brannigan- captain of the ship "Nimbus" of the Democratic Order of Planets (DOOP). Brannigan is incompetent, but overconfident and selfish. He considers himself a “ladies man,” a Casanova, and throughout the series he is proud of the fact that he seduced Lila in one of the first episodes. He is an insufferable idiot and uses his easily suppressed assistant Keef Crocker, who is much smarter than him, for everything. Their relationship is a parody of the ship's crew in the Star Trek series. Moreover, Zapp is a parody of Captain Kirk.

Richard Nixon's head(eng. Richard Nixon's head) - a cartoon version of the head of Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States from the Republican Party in 1969-1974. In the 31st century, his head lives in the Museum of Heads along with other celebrities. Sometimes Nixon's head is worn by a headless body Spiro Agnew - Vice President of the United States from 1969-1973. Nixon's Head first appears in the episode "Space Pilot 3000". Nixon later interferes in the election of the President of Earth and wins it. Personifies a cruel and corrupt official. Approaches Bender's body in the episode "A Head in the Polls" Voiced by Billy West.

"Mommy"- the main owner of 99.7% of the shares (the remaining 0.3% of the shares belong to her sons) of Momcorp, the largest industrial concern for the production of robots. World monopolist in the field of robotics and their maintenance. In particular, Bender was produced precisely at her plant. One of the richest people on Earth. She maintains the image of a kind, plump grandmother using a special costume, but in reality she is thin, as well as cunning and ruthless, although she can sometimes become kind and sympathetic (out of a long-standing love for Farnsworth). The bra stores the control panel for all the robots on Earth (for this they are made with antennas) and one day uses it to rebel the machines and take over the planet. Has three sons of varying degrees of intelligence.

Walt, Larry and Ignar- sons of “Mommy”, who often accompany her. Each of them owns 0.1% of Momcorp shares. Walt is the tallest and smartest of the brothers. Ignar is the son of Professor Farnsworth (this detail is revealed in the film “Futurama: Bender’s Game”).

Al Gore- Al Gore, US presidential candidate. In the series he appears as a head in a jar in the 21st century and as a full-fledged person in the 21st. Manifests himself as a fighter for the environment and high tech. In the full-length episode "Bender's Big Score", he works as a taxi driver after Bender, having gone back in time in search of Fry, burned his ballots. Future Emperor of the Moon and author of two books: Earth in the Balance and (more popular) Harry Potter and the Balance of the Earth and the Balance of Earth). In the 21st century, she is in cahoots with Stephen Hawking, Michelle Nichols, Gary Gygax and the supercomputer Deep Blue.

Ogden Wernstrum- scientist, rival of Professor Farnsworth and his former student. One day, Professor Farnsworth gave him the most terrible grade - five with a minus, in response to which Ogden Wernstrum promised to take revenge on his teacher in a hundred years, which he did with pleasure at the Symposium of Inventors exactly a century later: he gave Farnsworth's invention a grade of five with two minuses. Wernstrum is more self-centered and greedy than the others, sometimes he tries to achieve some kind of power, sometimes just to get around Farnsworth. When presented with a big bargaining opportunity to find a way to save the city, he demanded “power, a large research grant, access to a laboratory, and five graduates of the institute, at least three of whom were Chinese.”

Linda- co-host of news broadcasts. Typical American blonde. Stupid, often laughs lightheartedly (or benevolently) at Morbo's threats to deal with the Earth. Mainly appears on television, although sometimes plays a cameo role in “location” scenes.

Cubert Farnsworth- a young clone of Professor Farnsworth. Was created in 2989, released from the capsule after Fry was thawed. Despite the fact that Cubert is a clone of the professor, his nose has changed (the professor kept it in one of the vessels, and his nose rested against the wall), and Cubert himself at first does not want to follow in the footsteps of his “father”, to be an inventor. And although he dreams of a career " useful person(teacher, prison guard, or sci-fi cartoon writer) and skeptical of the professor's inventions, one blow to his head on the closing gate of the Death Star brought him back to the path of scientific creation.

Dwight Conrad- son of Hermes Conrad. His best friend is Cubert Farnsworth, his age. They make up a fairly smart and enterprising tandem, so in episode The Route of All Evil legally take over Farnsworth's company and become millionaires.

LaBarbara Conrad- wife of Hermes Conrad.

Ibgi- Lila's former boss. He is very demanding and loves his job.

Scruffy- A janitor at Planet Express, the only employee of the company who is not the main character of the series. The rest of the team sees him so rarely that they often don't recognize him when they meet him.

According to the original idea of ​​the series' writers, Scruffy was supposed to be a minor character who, like Sal, performed various jobs. So in the episode A Fishful of Dollars he mills Bender in Le Spa, and in the episode Hell Is Other Robots he works at a Beastie Boys concert. However, in Anthology of Interest I, Scruffy joined the Express crew for a kill scene as the number of living characters was running low. From that moment on, his profession and place of work did not change.

Most often he can be seen on the sofa or couch reading magazines, less often - doing some simple work. Scruffy looks at what is happening around him as if from the outside, refusing to accept anything Active participation, only occasionally issuing a terse comment. He strongly believes in his company and owns a significant stake in its shares, even more than Fry, Bender and Leela combined.

Sal- a surly and unshaven worker with a strong Bronx accent. Rude and boorish. Usually engaged in difficult physical work (more than ten of his professions are known).

Smitty- a robosexual police officer who has tender feelings for his partner Url. Not smart.

Leo and Inez Wong- Amy's parents are very rich and famous people. They own part (more precisely, the western hemisphere) of the planet Mars, which their ancestors bought, according to the Martian aborigines, for one “bead” (a precious stone of enormous size and value). They live on Mars in a large ranch, own a large number of giant beetles (Buggalos), grown for a substance that resembles milk. They passionately want to have grandchildren (and often match Amy with “suitors”), but Amy doesn’t care much about this.

Waterfall Family

These are five minor characters appearing in several episodes.

Free Waterfall Sr.- fought first against the transportation of black matter by tanker past the penguin reserve on Pluto, then against the pollution of the planet and, finally, against breeding penguins. Killed by penguins. His last wish was that all parts of his body be disposed of.

Free Waterfall Jr.- fought against people eating popplers. Eaten by Lrrr.

Old Man Waterfall- had several wives and one husband. A veteran of many wars and campaigns, he is deprived of almost all body parts. Defended Zoidberg in court when he ate the flag of planet Earth. Crushed by the mobile palace of oppression. When dying, he demanded a satanic funeral for himself.

Frida Waterfall- a granddaughter mourning her grandfather after he was hit by a mobile palace of oppression. An ardent feminist and the head of the "eco-feminist group Greenorite", fighting against the destruction of nature on deserted Mars. As an activist of the group, she composes chants for protests. Like all members of her family, Frida suffered a bitter fate - she was killed by the Dark One, and her last words were another chant.

Hutch Waterfall- The last known member of the Waterfall family. He could hear people’s thoughts and was a member of the “Secret Brotherhood of Crazy Men.” He was also killed by the Dark One, and his DNA was taken by the great Encyclopod to revive the human race.

Hattie McDougal- a minor character, the owner of one share of the Planet Express and the landlady of a large building where Fry and Bender briefly rented an apartment in Episode I, Roommate. She also appeared in a number of other episodes as part of the crowd.

C Randall Poppermayer- Mayor of New New York, appeared in several episodes, he was helpless in all situations. So in the episode "A Big Piece of Garbage" Fry came to his aid, who figured out how to quickly create tons of garbage. And in the episode "Less than Hero", he happily calls in the New Justice team to help solve the problems with the Trapper.

Morgan Proctor- 19th grade bureaucrat. She worked in the “Central Bureaucracy” as an inspector of bureaucrats. Also, in the episode "How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back", she temporarily worked on the Planet Express during Hermes's absence and had a close relationship with Fry due to her hatred of "pathological cleanliness" and her love for his sloppiness. Greatest effect she was affected by the yogurt in the cap (which, according to Fry, "was once milk"), as well as Fry's room (specifically the place where Fry eats and sleeps, and the owl caught in a web). She was later fired and arrested by Number 1.0 due to her mistake in one of the documents several years ago, made due to her youth and inexperience. Hermes found this oversight and reported it to Number 1.0.

Number 1.0- head of the bureaucratic center, 1st class bureaucrat. Appeared only in the episode "How Hermes Requisitioned His Groove Back", where he demoted Hermes Conrad to Class 37 and fired Morgan Proctor. His real name is never mentioned. Moves around the bureaucratic center on a flying airplane table.

Petunia- “The girl of your dreams,” as Bender introduced her to Fry, noting that she had been “travelled” quite well. A woman who has lived, drunk, smoked and walked to such a state that no amount of braces, diets or other methods will ever help. Yes, she can’t afford them. Despite everything, she is still trying to have affairs and adultery with someone who “will be worthy of her” - Fry never fits into this category.

Philip J. Fry II- astronaut, philanthropist, entrepreneur, famous musician, and overall great person. Philip J. Fry was his uncle. This is what his brother named his son, in honor of Philip J. Fry, after Fry ended up in a cryochamber and “disappeared” from everyone. The investigation began after Fry accidentally discovered a monument to himself (that is, Philip J. Fry) in a sewer beneath New York City and decided that his older brother had appropriated his name after his disappearance. In the episode "The Luck of the Fryrish", it is revealed that Philip J. Fry II was the first man on Mars, and he was also a popular rock artist who achieved all the top 10 spots on the charts with his rock band The Seven Petals " Founder of the company "Seven Petals". Probably his image is a concentration of youthful stereotypes of success.

Director Vogel- Director of the Minimum Security Shelter where Lila grew up. He has been a level 135 bureaucrat for 25 years. He still runs an orphanage and takes care of homeless children. His financial situation is at the same level as his students. He first appeared in the episode "The Cyber ​​House Rules", voiced by David Herman.

Judge Ron Vitti- The judge presiding over the trial of Bender and Fry's robbery of the Big Apple Bank and Leela and Fry's divorce proceedings.

Randy Munchnik- a salesman in the Diamonds Forever store, lives in an apartment he rents. He is homosexual, and in the episode "Crimes of the Hot" Randy built an ark, filling it with animals of the same sex. Manchinik's name was never spoken in the series, and was only mentioned in the commentary track for the DVD release of the series. The character was voiced by John DiMaggio, who stated in the episode commentary that this is one of his favorite characters. Randy's first appearance was in the episode "I, Roommate".

Organ seller- In the episode My Three Suns, Fry and company find themselves in Little Neptune, an urban area with a bad reputation. In the alley, the Organ Seller tries to exchange Fry's tonsils for gills. Fry is already prepared for the “operation”, but as always, Leela saves him.

Michelle- Fry's acquaintance and former girlfriend from the 20th century. She was also frozen in the 20th century and appeared in the episode "The Cryonic Woman". After a short relationship with Fry, they broke up again. In the future, this character often appears in the background.

Lars Fillmore- a temporary clone of Fry who appears in the film "Futurama: Bender's Big Business", his identity is not revealed until the end of the full-length film. He is smarter, has much richer life experience and better understands what Lila needs, but at the wedding he realizes that, like all clones, he will inevitably die.

Number 9 Man- An old man in a white coat with the number 9 on it, who appeared in the crowd of the first and second seasons. He did not appear in Seasons 3 and 4, but appeared two more times in Futurama: Bender's Big Score (again in the crowd) and Futurama: Into the Wild green distances as the leader of a legion of madmen.


Turanga Morris and Turanga Munda- Lila’s parents, who left her as a child so that she could live in the human world on the surface, like an alien. Although they had to part with their daughter, they take care of her quite a lot. In the first episode of the second season (“I Second That Emotion”) they appeared for the first time, but were presented as part of the extras, and only in the second episode of the fourth season (“Leela’s Homeworld”) it became known that these were Leela’s real parents.

Dwayne- male mutant. Two noses are visible on his face, and the head itself is severely deformed. First appeared in the episode "I Second That Emotion". Voiced by Dave Herman.

Violet- female mutant. She has a pig nose on her face, gills on her neck, and her left eye is always half open. Violet smokes and behaves provocatively. Like most mutants, his first appearance was in the episode "I Second That Emotion". Voiced by Tracy McNeill.

Raoul- male mutant. He has three arms, one of which is located where his right ear should be. His whole body is covered with growths and ulcers. He is the president of mutants. First appeared in the episode "I Second That Emotion". Voiced by Maurice LaMarche.

Lay down- A mutant consisting of a leg with a face in the hip area. Even in the world of mutants he is considered a freak.

Umbriel- a mermaid living in lost by people underwater Atlanta. Umbriel is a reference to the mermaid Ariel from Disney's The Little Mermaid. To be more precise, Umbriel is a man, like many others in Atlanta, who has adapted to the conditions of the underwater world. Adaptation and modification were accelerated by caffeine, which was released into the water from a bunker at an abandoned Coca-Cola plant. In addition, Ariel and Umbriel are the names of two satellites of Uranus. First appearance was in the episode "The Deep South". Voiced by Parker Posey.


Keefe Crocker- Lieutenant, assistant to Zapp Brannigan, first officer on the ship Nimbus. Excessively modest and shy. He is in love with Amy Wong, however, his parents (who brought them together) do not consider him the real man their daughter needs. Keefe, like all members of his race, once became pregnant, not with Amy, but with Lila by touching her with a bare part of the body at the time of the alien’s emotional activity. His young children are now growing up on Kif's home planet (episode "Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch").

Nibbler- a small three-eyed alien whom Leela found on the planet Vergon-6 ("Love's Labors Lost In Space") and keeps with her as a pet. It produces excrement (the so-called dark matter or "chernukha" in Russian translation, dark matter), which was used as high-energy rocket fuel before the Futurama: Bender's Game series. One day it is revealed that Nibbler is actually a Nibblonian secret agent (Lord Nibbler), sent to Earth on a mission to stop the invasion of a race of giant brains ("The Day the Earth Stood Stupid"). It is also later revealed that Nibbler was the one who caused Fry to be frozen for a thousand years (his shadow can be seen under the table in "Applied Cryogenics" in the first episode of the first season). However, his true nature and intelligence are only important in a few episodes; in other episodes he acts like a stupid, gluttonous pet.

Lrrr (Lrrr, in some translations Lurrr or Lurrr)- ruler of the planet Omicron Persei VIII, located 1000 light years from Earth. It's a parody of the "green-skinned space invaders" cliche. He invades Earth several times, most often due to problems in his personal life: in the episode "When Aliens Attack" - because he was not allowed to finish watching his favorite television series, and in "Anthology of Interest II" he appears as the ruler of the planet "Nintendo 64" (English: Nintendo 64), who invaded the earth to get twenty-five-cent coins - only these are accepted by the coin acceptor of washing machines. However, in the episode "The Problem with Popplers", he protects the children of his species, whom earthlings unknowingly began to eat. Despite his position in society, he and his wife lead a mostly philistine lifestyle.

Nndnd (Ndnd, in some translations of Indund)- Lrrr's wife. Their relationship is not perfect. Thus, in the episode "Spanish Fry", Lrrr buys Fry's nose, intending to use this "human horn" as a sexual stimulant. After this, Fry, Leela and Bender try to improve relations between the Omicronian rulers and they succeed. Ndnd acts in the series according to the stereotype of a typical wife, both reproaching her husband and loving him.

Morbo- co-host of news broadcasts. Typically, Morbo always prophesies an alien invasion, the destruction of the human race by his relatives, expresses his negative attitude towards people, doing this in his characteristic aggressive manner. Linda calls her colleague “human female.” Loves the Lipps Inc song “Funkytown”. Is a good friend of Richard Nixon: In "A Head in the Polls", Morbo, the TV debate host, refers to the candidates as "Puny Human #1, Puny Human #2, and Morbo's good friend, Richard Nixon." #2, and Morbo's good friend, Richard Nixon.) In only two appearances on the screen he does not promise to destroy the Earth. He has a wife named Fawn, who also threatens to be destroyed for being too annoying about his tie. Morbo's appearance is copied from an alien from from the 1957 science fiction film "Invasion of the Saucer Men". Has clearly visible, expressive veins on his forehead, which, however, is the norm for his species. Information about his anatomy in Futurama is quite contradictory: at 30 % Iron Chef we can clearly see that the skull follows the shape of his head, and in Crimes of Hot his head expands and contracts as if he is breathing it.

Elzar- the popular host of the culinary TV show “Essence of Elzar”, as well as the owner and chef of the restaurant “Elzar’s Kitchen”. He cooks elegantly and tasty, but only for those who pay, or in order to prove his superiority as a cook. Originally from Neptune.

Hypnotoad- an alien toad with the power of hypnosis. After winning (due to his hypnotic abilities) a pet competition, he becomes the main (and only) hero of the TV show “Everybody Loves a Hypnotoad.” The show has no plot or events (except for the depiction of a hypnotoad), which does not stop Fry from dropping the phrase “This show went bad after the third season” in one episode.

The original source of the idea of ​​a hypnotoad can be considered the novel by Isaac Asimov: “Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus” (see Bibliography of Isaac Asimov) where three-legged frogs with telepathic abilities (strong enough to become the main pets of the planet, and, if necessary, completely subjugate several people) become a tool in the hands dangerous criminal. The main delicacy of local hypnotoads is motor oil, because of it they completely lose self-control, like a pack of hungry dogs in a butcher shop.

In addition to the presence of a brain slug on the head, a person affected by the slug is identified by a monotone voice and reference to himself in the third person. Having gained control over a person, the brain slug tries to control him in such a way as to spread representatives of his species to the maximum number of possible victims. Those affected by the brain slug even organized their own political party, the main program of which was huge cash transfers to the planet of Brain Slugs and the general infection of all people.

Among the crew members of the Planet Express, two fell under the control of the Slimes. The first in the series "A Head in the Polls" was Hermes, the second, in the series "Raging Bender", Fry became infected. The slug that struck Fry, however, soon died of starvation, since, due to a genetic anomaly, he does not have delta waves.

The slugs themselves and their behavior parody Robert Heinlein's novel The Puppet Masters (1951).

Tog- A large Amazon woman from the planet Amazonia. In the episode "Brannigan, Begin Again" they met Fry. A little later in the episode "Amazon Women in the Mood" they were doing snoo-snoo. This fact is confirmed, albeit indirectly, in the episode "The Sting", where Thog mourns Fry and says that he was great at making Snoo-Snu.

Florp- An alien consisting of a liquid that looks like sea water. His first appearance was in the episode "My Three Suns", as the Emperor's assistant on the planet Trisol. He later appears in several episodes as the host of a stand-up show or part of the extras.

Hyper Chicken- A lawyer who leads the prosecution or acts as a lawyer in trials. Sometimes he confuses witnesses with grain, brings his children in a suitcase to a hearing, crows on the roof of the Supreme Court.

Glurmo- a slurm worm from the planet Wormulon. Glurmo is the face of the Slurm factory. In the episode Fry and the Slurm Factory, where he first appeared, it is said that his duties include resting, relaxing and "hanging out", from which Glurm himself became very tired, as clearly indicated by his very red eyes. Voiced by Billy West

Glab- is the president of DOOP. In the episode "I Second That Emotion", she introduced the new DOOP building located on the Neutral Planet. It may also be noted that the President is of the same race as Keefe, Zapp Branigan's assistant. Partly a parody of the Minbari from the TV series Babylon 5

Jellyfish Nurse- a sexy alien nurse with a huge bust. In one of the episodes, she operates on the wounded in the war with bouncy balls together with Dr. Zoidberg, for whom she has sympathy: in one of the episodes she left the bar arm in arm with him, in another she defended him from the attacks of the robot doctor. Participated in the Miss Universe beauty contest.

Alcazar- A polymorphic character, in the original he has the appearance of a huge grasshopper, but appears in it only at the end of the episode. Throughout the entire series, he looks like “a representative of the lost civilization of the Cyclops,” to which, according to him, Leela belongs. Alcazar accidentally meets her on the Internet, and then lures her to his planet so that she can “keep his castle and have sex with him.” Through simple and cynical manipulations, he actually makes Lila his concubine, but thanks to Fry, Lila recognizes his true face.

Lives on a lonely planet in five dilapidated castles filled with jewelry, along with a pig and a pair of anthropomorphic rats. In character and aspirations he is close to Bender, which the latter admits, saying “He is a saint,” wiping away a stingy man-bot tear after Alkazar’s explanation to Lila and his four other brides.

In addition, in the same episode an analogy is drawn with the series “Married... with Children” (“Happy Together” in the Russian adaptation), in which Katey Segal, who voices Lila, starred: Alcazar and Lila’s characteristic bullying of each other, hairstyle and gait Leela, the hooting "spectators" in the background (who are shown here, however, as a pig and two rats), the very pronunciation of the name "Alcazar" as "El" (a direct analogy with Al Bundy).

Horrible Gelatinous Blob- a green jelly-like three-eyed and six-armed alien. Lives in a private house in the Maple Craters colony. As a demonstration of strength, it can eat an opponent without chewing. Has a son, and sometimes indulges him, taking his side in children's conflicts.

Bret Blob- son of the Terrible Jelly. Classmates worst enemy Cubert Farnsworth and Dwight Conrad. Lives in the Maple Craters colony with his father.

Harold Zoid- is Zoidberg's uncle. Previously famous actor silent cinema. Now he is poor and forgotten by everyone. Harold Zoid is a parody of the famous American actor of the early 20th century, Harold Lloyd.

Ken- leader of the Nibblerians who help Leela and Fry fight Big brain and Brain Spawns, enslaving the entire universe. Ken, although sweet on the outside, like the rest of his race, is very fierce on the inside. In the episode "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid", where the Nibblerians first appear, they are shown to have cat-like behavior. They also love to sit on your hands and play with a mouse on a string.

Fiona- one of the leaders of the Nibblonians, who, like Ken, helped Fry and Leela. She first appeared in the episode "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid".

Blek and his wife- a family of signoids who opened their pizzeria opposite the Interplanetary Express office. Blik's family is not very versed in people's tastes, and also has difficulty understanding the structure of the human body. Blik's family first appeared in the episode "A Leela of Her Own"

Buggalo- Ladybugs having the size, color and purpose of earthly cows. The main livestock on Mars and the basis of the financial well-being of the Wong family. The word is a combination of "Bug" (beetle) and "Buffalo" (buffalo). Outstanding (according to the value system of the indigenous Martians) people are able to fly on them. They are sacred animals for the Martian aborigines.

Bont- Emperor of the planet Trisol. He was killed, or rather drunk, by Fry while in the royal bottle. Later it turned out that Fry did not kill him, but only moved him into himself. Soon he was removed from Fry's body through tears, through artificial stimulation and beatings. His first appearance was in the episode "My Three Suns".


Calculon- robot actor, star of the multi-part soap opera All My Circuits. He received his talent from the Robot Devil. He is all famous robot actors (including David Duchovny), and was also hit by an evil machine early in his life and became the first were-machine. Thanks to the Planet Express team, I got rid of the curse.

Brother of Calculon- In the TV series All My Pieces, he is introduced as Calculon's brother and the lover of his wife, Monique. Apparently, it is a primitive model, since it cannot speak.

Robot Devil- the main robot in robo-hell. Despite his demonic origins, he is inferior to Bender in “depravity” (however, in his first appearance “Hell Is Other Robots”, he answers Bender: “only I am worse than you”). He loves to make devilishly cunning deals, which caused a lot of harm to the Planet Express team. Sometimes, out of stupidity, he harmed himself. In one of the episodes he was hit on the head with a golden violin. Later in the series it turns out that he is friends with another hellish creature of the 21st century - the head of Richard Nixon.

Robot Santa- a robot created to determine who behaved well and who behaved poorly, and distribute gifts accordingly. Unfortunately, his program was corrupted, causing his evaluation criteria to be greatly inflated, causing him to believe that everyone (except Zoidberg) was behaving badly. This fact sends him into a frenzied rage every Christmas. Pronounces the traditional “how-how-how”, starting benevolently and ending ominously. This change in intonation corresponds to a mechanical change in facial expression by rotating the eyeballs around their axis. Lives on Neptune, where enslaved Neptunians have to pretend to be elves and make toys for nothing, however, since there is no one to give toys, they live in poverty, drink and scold Robot Santa in vain.

Flexo- a robot that looks and sounds exactly like Bender, except Flexo has a stylish triangle goatee. An analogy is possible with the television series “Knight Rider” (1982 - 1986), where one of the periodically appearing anti-heroes differed from the main one, mainly by his triangular beard.

The names Bender and Flexo come from the English. bend and English flex, and, in fact, are synonymous - to bend, bend.

When they first meet, Bender and Flexo become friends. One day, Bender falls in love with a robot woman, who turns out to be Flexo's ex-wife. Flexo leaves this love triangle with his ex-wife, whom he loves again.

Gypsy (from English gipsy, gypsy)- a robot fortune teller who came to the aid of the Planet Express team a couple of times. She lives in a circus and looks like a robotic gypsy.

Url (URL)- man-bot policeman. The manner of speaking imitates the African-American singer Barry White, pronouncing sounds low, sing-song and inserting “Oh yeah!” and "Baby!" in most phrases. In some episodes, he has a swearing loudspeaker integrated into his side, which his human partner uses.

Hair robot- a robot model designed to deliver wigs. In the episode "Insane in the Mainframe", she goes crazy and considers herself a "nice girl".

Roberto- a crazy robot prone to crime, nervously waving a knife all the time. He is so stupid that he robs the same bank three times. Loves robot 1-X. He is afraid that the “owner” will take away his knife. He is also very afraid of killbots.

Donbot- head of the robo-mafia. Stereotypical Italian mafia don.

Claws- robot gangster. Instead of both hands, he has very powerful clamps, hence his nickname. Claw has a very hot temper, and in a fit of rage he is ready to squeeze anyone.

Joey "Mousepad"- another robot gangster. He is more reasonable and often has to calm the Claws down. He has a mouse pad attached to his chest, and a two-button mouse hangs from a gold chain.

Little Timmy- a small homeless robot with disabilities. Kind and trusting. Instead of a right hand - a crutch. Reminds me of Dickens characters and the disabled boy of the same name from South Park.

Reverend Preacherbot- Appears in many episodes, converted Bender to his faith, freeing him from his addiction to electricity.

Sex bomb- appears in several episodes of Futurama. In one episode, Bender, Fry and Flexo go to a strip bar, where Flexo orders Fry a dance performed by the Sex Bomb. Fry is injured.

Crushinator- a female robot, more reminiscent of a tank on caterpillar tracks with small pigtails on the turret-head. She is seduced by Bender on her human father's lunar farm and periodically appears in other episodes and shows Bender unambiguous signs of attention.

Broken Eddie- Manager of a car sales company. The name parodies the American advertising cliché, which is based on the justification of discounts, sales and knock-down prices not by rational reasons that can be questioned, but solely by the “madness” of the owners of this product. Broken Eddie is a robot with loose parts, prone to literally exploding under any stressful event, both positive and negative.

Humorbot 5.0- Host of an evening talk show with celebrities. He has a typical set of witticisms and a well-trained voice as a presenter.

Hedonism Bot- a robot, as the name suggests, who sets the goal of his life to obtain pleasure. He constantly lies on the couch, which is part of his body, and continuously eats grapes. In addition, he has a non-traditional sexual and robosexual orientation.

Monique- Female robot. Character from the series "All My Pieces". In the series, she is the lover of the character Calculon.

Robot 1-X- The latest robot model. Produced by Momcorp. Absorbs pollution from other robots and exhales ozone with the aroma of pine.

Sinclair 2K- Outdated robot. It has only 2 kilobytes of memory, so it forgets everything. A parody of the popular ZX series computers from Sinclair Research in the early 1980s.

Doctor Perceptron- chief physician psychiatric clinic for robots. Instead of a head there is a plasma lamp. Moves on one leg with a wheel at the end. In various episodes of the series, Perceptron always has some object in his hands: a pen, a tablet, a drill, etc. He is unable to tell the difference between a robot and a person.

Cartridge robot- A robot that can only talk through a cartridge inserted into a special connector in the abdomen. Each cartridge contains only one specific short phrase. By changing cartridges, he constructs a response or primitive speech. He carries all the cartridges with him in a canvas bag. Lives in a settlement of obsolete robots on an island in the ocean.

Killbots is a series of military robots. They have built-in multi-barreled machine guns or lasers. Each killbot has a kill counter, when it is overflowed it can no longer kill. They have a serious bug in the software: if, while firing, the killbot hears an unintelligible phrase (and this is exactly what happens most often, since the sounds of shots drown out almost everything), he turns to his partner with the question “What did he say?”, without stopping fire and shooting the latter into a sieve. There are often cases when two killbots could shoot each other point-blank in this case (“What did he say?” - “What? I didn’t understand, repeat!”) and thus killed entire squads. Also, upon hearing the “fire” command, the killbot immediately opens fire from the position in which it was, regardless of where its machine gun was pointed. And even when I couldn’t hear the command well and the word looked like “fire” very roughly.


Seymour Esis- Fry's true friend is his dog, which he once fed with pizza. This dog waited for Fry from the cryogenics lab for 12 years until it died, but its fossilized remains were found during the excavation of Panucci's "ancient pizzeria" in 3004 (episode "Jurassic Bark").

(Seymour's story is based on real events- his prototype was the dog Hachiko, who had been waiting for his deceased owner for 9 years).

In the movie Futurama: Bender's Big Business, the dog's fate is different - she lived her life with Fry's double. The same film shows exactly how the fossilized remains of a dog came to be. In the sequel, a petrified Seymour Esis stands on a shelf in the Planet Express building.

Article "Futurama - minor characters." with knitted with the series

The article lists the most frequently appearing characters in the animated series "Futurama".


Richard Nixon's head

Richard Nixon's head(English) Richard Nixon's head) - a cartoon version of the head of Richard Nixon, the 37th Republican President of the United States in -1974. In the 21st century, his head lives in the Museum of Heads along with other celebrities. Sometimes Nixon's head is worn by the headless body of Spiro Agnew, US Vice President from 1969-1973. Nixon's Head first appears in the episode "Space Pilot 3000". Nixon later intervenes in the election for the President of Earth and wins it. Represents a cruel and corrupt official. Appropriates Bender's body in the episode "A Head in the Polls". Voiced by Billy West.


"Mommy"- main owner of 99.7% of shares (the remaining 0.3% of shares belong to her sons) Momcorp, the largest industrial concern for the production of robots. World monopolist in the field of robotics and their maintenance. In particular, Bender was produced precisely at her plant. One of the richest people on Earth. She maintains the image of a kind, plump grandmother using a special costume, but in reality she is thin, as well as cunning and ruthless, although she can sometimes become kind and sympathetic (out of a long-standing love for Farnsworth). The bra stores the control panel for all the robots on Earth (for this they are made with antennas) and one day uses it to rebel the machines and take over the planet. Has three sons of varying degrees of intelligence. In the episode The Tip of the Zoidberg, it is revealed that her real name is Carol.

Walt, Larry and Ignar

Al Gore

Ogden Wernstrum

Ogden Wernstrum- scientist, rival of Professor Farnsworth and his former student. One day, Professor Farnsworth gave him the most terrible grade - five with a minus, in response to which Ogden Wernstrum promised to take revenge on his teacher even after a hundred years, which he did with pleasure at the Symposium of Inventors exactly a century later: he gave Farnsworth's invention a grade of five with two minuses. Wernstrum is more self-centered and greedy than the others, sometimes he tries to achieve some kind of power, sometimes just to get around Farnsworth. When presented with a big bargaining opportunity to find a way to save the city, he demanded “power, a large research grant, access to a laboratory, and five graduates of the institute, at least three of whom were Chinese.”


Linda- co-host of news broadcasts. Typical American blonde. Stupid, often laughs lightheartedly (or benevolently) at Morbo's threats to deal with the Earth. Mainly appears on television, although sometimes plays a cameo role in “location” scenes. Alcoholic (this becomes known in the episode Benderama).

Cubert Farnsworth

Cubert Farnsworth

Dwight Conrad

Dwight Conrad- son of Hermes Conrad. His best friend is Cubert Farnsworth, his age. They form a fairly smart and enterprising tandem, so in the episode The Route of All Evil they legally take away Farnsworth’s company and become millionaires.

LaBarbara Conrad

LaBarbara Conrad- wife of Hermes Conrad. Tall and slender, she still loves her fat and grumpy husband, although she often threatens to leave for Barbados Slim (and when Hermes’s head was cut off in the cartoon “Bender’s Big Score”), she left and even gave her son the surname Slim, but then returned, citing this because she fell in love with Hermes not for his sexy body, but for his mind). Before her marriage to Hermes, she was married to Barbados Slim.

Barbados Slim

Barbados Slim- Caribbean bodybuilder, competed at the Olympic Games for 20 years in a row, received Olympic medals in limbo and sex. LaBarbara's ex-husband, to whom she temporarily returned in the feature film Bender's Big Score.


Ibgi- Lila's former boss. He is very demanding and loves his job.


Organ seller

Man Number 9


Keefe is a very strange representative of the male population. In "Keefe Seems to Have Knocked Up" he explains that his race can exchange genetic information even with a simple touch. This happens only at the moment of the “receptive phase,” which in turn occurs only when the amphibian experiences love for his “smismar” (by the way, it remains unclear whether this is the only method of reproductive function of the Cephas race, or a backup one). But in the episode “Infinity Amendment”, during his quarrel with Amy, there is a hint that representatives of his race still have genitals: “In appearance, I am closest to a sea cucumber! - Just not where you need it!”

Creating an image

Boris Bystrov, and in the original Maurice LaMarche (English) Russian .





Lrrrr (Lrrr, in some translations Lurrr or Lurrr) is the ruler of the planet Omicron Persei VIII, located 1000 light years from Earth. It's a parody of the "green-skinned space invaders" cliche. He invades Earth several times, most often due to problems in his personal life: in the episode “When Aliens Attack" - because he was not allowed to finish watching his favorite television series, and in “Anthology of Interest II" he appears as the ruler of the planet " Nintendo 64"(English) Nintendo 64), who invaded the land to get twenty-five cent coins - only these are accepted by the coin acceptor of washing machines. However, in the episode "The Problem with Popplers" he protects the children of his species, whom earthlings unknowingly began to eat. Despite his position in society, he and his wife lead a mostly philistine lifestyle. Although he looks fierce, sometimes he can cry like a child. Lrrr is also friendly towards Leela, which is shown in episode 11 of season 6, when Leela helps him win back Ndnd's favor. Leela views Omicron's ruler Perseus-8 as an annoying little brother.


Ndnd (Ndnd, in some translations Indunda) - Lrrr's wife. Their relationship is not perfect. So, in the episode "Spanish Fry" Lrrr buys Fry's nose, intending to use this "human horn" as a sexual stimulant. After this, Fry, Leela and Bender try to improve relations between the Omicronian rulers and they succeed. Ndnd acts in the series according to the stereotype of a typical wife, both reproaching her husband and loving him.


Morbo- co-host of news broadcasts. Typically, Morbo always prophesies an alien invasion, the destruction of the human race by his relatives, expresses his negative attitude towards people, doing this in his characteristic aggressive manner. However, there is reason to believe that this is only his “stage image”, since during non-working hours (and in the absence of his wife) he is quite good-natured. Linda calls her colleague “human female.” Loves the song “Lipps Inc.” » « Funkytown" Is a good friend of Richard Nixon: In the episode "A Head in the Polls", Morbo, the TV debate host, refers to the candidates as "Wicked Man #1, Wicked Man #2, and Morbo's good friend, Richard Nixon." Puny Human #1, Puny Human #2, and Morbo's good friend, Richard Nixon. ). With just two on-screen appearances, he doesn't promise to destroy the Earth. He has a wife named Fawn, whom he also threatens to destroy for being too intrusive about his tie. Morbo's appearance is based on the alien from the 1957 science fiction film Invasion of the Flying Saucers. Invasion of the Saucer Men"). He has clearly visible expressive veins on his forehead, which, however, is the norm for his species. There is some conflicting information about his anatomy in Futurama: in The 30% Iron Chef we can clearly see that his skull follows the shape of his head, and in Crimes of the Hot his head expands and contracts as if he is breathing it. It is also revealed in The 30% Iron Chef that Morbo has at least 2 stomachs. Fry refers to Morbo as the "TV News Monster" or "News Monster".


Elzar- a popular host of the culinary television show “Essence of Elzar”, as well as the owner and chef of the restaurant “Elzar’s Kitchen”. In "The Late Phillip Fry" he also appears at the Cavern on the Green restaurant. She cooks exquisitely and tasty, but for a lot of money. He also likes to prove his superiority as a cook. Originally from Neptune. Similar to Gormaanda from The Star Wars Holiday Special.


Hypnotoad wins first place by hypnotizing the organizers.

Hypnotoad- an alien toad with the power of hypnosis. After winning (with the help of hypnotic powers) a pet competition, he becomes the main (and only) hero of the TV show “Everybody Loves a Hypnotoad.” The show has no plot or events (except for the depiction of a hypnotoad), which does not stop Fry from dropping the phrase in one episode: “This show went bad after the third season.”

The original source of the idea of ​​a hypnotoad can be considered the novel (story?) by Isaac Asimov: “Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus” (see Bibliography of Isaac Asimov), where three-legged frogs with telepathic abilities (strong enough to become the main pets of the planet and, if necessary, completely subjugate several people), become a tool in the hands of a dangerous criminal. The main delicacy of local hypnotoads is motor oil, because of it they completely lose self-control, like a pack of hungry dogs in a butcher shop.

One of the variants of the mascot of the Olympic Games in Sochi, Zoich, was nicknamed “hypnotoad” for his appearance and success among Internet users. Later, the unselected mascot actually appeared in the series - in the title sequence of the episode "All the Presidents' Heads" the ship crashes into the screen with Zoich.

Brain slugs

Brain slugs on people

According to the original idea of ​​​​the authors of the series, the Slugs were assigned a slightly different role. They were supposed to hang from the ceiling everywhere on Earth and, when a person was infected, make him much smarter for a while. For Futurama fans, the brain slug is a common accessory: a small plush or knitted toy pinned to the hair.


A large Amazon woman from the planet Amazonia. In the episode "Brannigan, Begin Again" they met Fry. A little later in the episode "Amazon Women in the Mood" they were doing snoo-snoo. This fact is confirmed, albeit indirectly, in the episode "The Sting", where Thog mourns Fry and says that he was great at making Snoo-Snu.


An alien consisting of a liquid similar in appearance to sea water. His first appearance was in the episode "My Three Suns", as the Emperor's assistant on the planet Trisol. He later appears in several episodes as the host of a stand-up show or part of the extras.

Hyper Chicken


Jellyfish Nurse

Jellyfish Nurse- a sexy alien nurse with a huge bust. In one of the episodes, she operates on the wounded in the war with bouncy balls together with Dr. Zoidberg, for whom she has sympathy: in one of the episodes she left the bar arm in arm with him, in another she defended him from the attacks of the robot doctor (this episode is a parody of the typical a scene from the television series "MASH"; the jellyfish nurse herself parodies (including externally) Margaret Halligan, while Dr. Zoidberg parodies Frank Burns). Participated in the Miss Universe beauty contest.



Blik and his wife


Ladybugs having the size, coloring and purpose of earthly cows. The main livestock on Mars and the basis of the financial well-being of the Wong family. The word is a combination of "Bug" ( bug) and "Buffalo" ( buffalo). Outstanding (according to the value system of the indigenous Martians) people are able to fly on them. They are sacred animals for the Martian aborigines.


In the series, he is a friend and savior of Professor Farnsword from predicaments, particularly in the episode "The Beast with a Billion Backs", Pazuzu rescues the professor from prison, and informs him that this was his last wish. In Assyrian and Babylonian mythology, the lord of the demons of the winds, the son of god Hanbi. Portrayed with human body, with the head of a lion or dog, with lion paws and claws on his feet, with two pairs of wings, with a scorpion sting and a serpentine penis. Often depicted with his right hand raised.





In the Russian version, he is voiced by Boris Bystrov, whereas in the original, Maurice LaMarche (English) Russian .

Brother of Calculon

In the TV series All My Pieces, he is Calculon's twin brother and the lover of his wife Monique. A primitive robot model that can neither talk nor even stand up if it falls on its side.

V-GINE- In the 90s, the United States launched 2 satellites (one was military, the other censored TV channels)\. After their accidental encounter, they were not heard from. This is how V-GINE was born. She flies through space, “censoring” planets. Destruction. One time I almost blew up the Earth.

Ogden Wernstrum

Ogden Wernstrum- scientist, rival of Professor Farnsworth and his former student. One day, Professor Farnsworth gave him the most terrible grade - five with a minus, in response to which Ogden Wernstrum promised to take revenge on his teacher in a hundred years, which he did with pleasure at the Symposium of Inventors exactly a century later: he gave Farnsworth's invention a grade of five with two minuses. Wernstrum is self-centered and greedy, sometimes he tries to achieve some kind of power, sometimes just to get around Farnsworth.


Linda- co-host of news broadcasts. Typical American blonde. She is stupid and often laughs lightheartedly at Morbo's threats to destroy the Earth. Mostly appears on television, although sometimes plays a cameo role in “location” scenes.

Cubert Farnsworth

Organ seller


Glab(eng. Glab) - is the president of DOOP. In the episode "I Second that Emotion", she introduced the new DOOP building located on the Neutral Planet. It can also be noted that the president is of the same race as , assistant . Partly a parody of the series

Jellyfish Nurse

Jellyfish Nurse- a sexy alien nurse with a huge bust. In one of the episodes, she operates on the wounded in the war with bouncy balls together with the doctor, for whom she has sympathy: in one of the episodes she left the bar arm in arm with him, in another she defended him from the attacks of the robot doctor. Participated in the Miss Universe beauty contest.


A polymorphic character in the original who has the appearance of a grasshopper, but appears in it only at the end of the episode. Throughout the entire episode, he looks like “a representative of the lost civilization of the Cyclops,” to which, according to him, Leela belongs. He meets her by chance on the Internet, and then lures her to his planet so that she can “keep his castle and have sex with him.” Through simple and cynical manipulations, he actually makes Lila his concubine, but thanks to Fry, Lila recognizes his true face. Lives on a lonely planet in five dilapidated castles filled with jewelry, along with a pig and a pair of anthropomorphic rats. In character and aspirations he is close to Bender, which the latter admits by saying, “He is a saint,” wiping away a stingy man-bot tear after Alkazar’s explanation to Lila and his four other brides.
In addition, in the same episode, an analogy is drawn with the series in which the voice of Lila was filmed: the characteristic bullying of Alcazar and Lila at each other, Lila’s hairstyle and gait, the “spectators” hooting in the background (who, however, are shown here, and as a pig and two rats), the very pronunciation of the name “Alkazar” is “El” (a direct analogy with Al Bundy).

Terrible Jelly

Terrible Jelly(English Horrible Gelatinous Blob) - a green jelly-like three-eyed and six-armed alien. Lives in a private house in the Maple Craters colony. Deals with increasing the power of computers.

Terrible jelly ml

Terrible jelly ml(English: Bret Blob) - son of the Terrible Jelly. Classmate and worst enemy of Cubert Farnsworth and Dwight Conrad. Lives in the Maple Craters colony with his father.

Harold Zoid

Harold Zoid- is Zoidberg's uncle. Formerly a famous silent film actor. Now he is poor and forgotten by everyone. Harold Zoid is a parody of the famous American actor of the early 20th century.


Ken(English Ken) is the leader of the Nibblerians, who help Leela and Fry fight the Big Brain and the Brain Spawns who are enslaving the entire universe. Ken, although sweet on the outside, like the rest of his race, is very fierce on the inside. In the episode "", where the Nibblerians first appeared, it is shown that their behavior is similar to