Seven worlds accessible to man. Seven levels of worlds

This standing emphasizes the adventurism of the individual. And this adventurism is a stimulus for personal development. Creative skills a person is revealed through his hobbies.
If the almuten of the 5th house is close to the top of the house (2/3), then the stimulus for personal development will be sexual sphere. Almuten 5th house in 1st house indicates that personality is revealed through raising children.

Ruler of the house in houses

Negative: constant games, pleasures and entertainment lead to unnecessary waste of energy and squandering of talent. The aspect prevents internal composure and makes it difficult to creative unfolding. Disappointment and personal breakdown may appear.
Positive: the ability to create freely and the ability to independently discover gifts and talents. Such a person is given the opportunity to be bright and shine. In life he can achieve anything he wants.
The essence of such a person’s life is to create, to create; and transform. There is a need to express various emotions in a form that is understandable to the general public. These people have a warm relationship with their children and at all costs try to firmly tie them to themselves. This often causes the offspring to be spoiled, but in any case, they receive tremendous satisfaction from communicating with their children.

Indubala. Ruler of the house in houses. (Indian tradition)

This person will give advice important people; he may have a child who will become a famous, respected person. Such people will teach others, will be educated in the field of calculation methods, will become interested in mantras, are widely known, will have a romantic nature.

Let's do a little analysis of the astrological significance of the ruler of the 5th house (children, creativity) in the 2nd house of the horoscope (money, ability to earn money).

If the ruler of the 5th house is in the 2nd house of the horoscope

Ruler of the 5th house in the 2nd house is negative: frequent losses in gambling, the danger of losing money and losing a high position. A lot of effort and money is spent on pleasure, children and loved ones.

Ruler of the 5th house in the 2nd house is positive: Players who derive income from gambling are successful in this situation. The more audacity, looseness and adventurism in the game, the stronger it becomes financial situation. The children of such a person are wealthy, and loved ones often receive rich gifts or give them gifts themselves.

the ruler of the 5th house in the 2nd house of the horoscope is found in the charts of those who earn their living from creative self-expression. The value system of such a person is directly related to his ability to show love, sympathy and romantic affection.

He can make money by investing in real estate or stock market speculation. At best development ability gets the opportunity to earn money easily and quickly through gambling. Children stimulate his ability to earn good money.

This luck requires reasonable caution, otherwise investments and participation in gambling may result in failure. Your children should be kept within strict moral boundaries. It is possible that they will be treated as property. The energies of this aspect require long-term discipline and strictly controlled use.

People who have the ruler of the 5th house in the 2nd house of the horoscope

This includes composers - this was the case with Fred Groff, conductors - this was the case with Arturo Toscanini, artists - this was the case with Marlon Brando, Farah Faucit and American comedian Jack Benny.

Your value system is directly related to your ability to show love, affection and romantic affection.

Farah Fosit has Scorpio on the cusp of the 5th house, and Pluto, its ruler, in the 2nd house in Leo, which clearly indicates the possibility of a lightning-fast rise to fame and recognition and the money she earned as a result.

However, she will always believe that the money she earns through the fifth house is not enough for her, since her Pluto in conjunction with Saturn is in opposition to Mars and the Sun. Until she learned to use all her energy correctly, this energy could create problems for her in understanding her own worth.

Seven worlds accessible to man

We go to other worlds only as an exercise. These journeys are the past of modern magicians. We are engaged in dreaming, like the magicians of antiquity, but at some point we reached new way. The old sorcerers preferred to shift the assemblage point, so they always felt themselves in a more or less known, predictable position. We give preference to the movement of the assemblage point. Ancient magicians searched for the human unknown. We are looking for the inhuman unknown.

<...>– What could this inhuman unknown be?

– Freedom from being human. Incomprehensible worlds beyond the human realm, but which we can still perceive. It is here that modern magicians have chosen a different path. Their predisposition is that which lies outside the human sphere. And outside it there are completely completed worlds. And do not forgive the spheres of birds, animals or a person, even if it is an unknown person. I'm talking about worlds like the one we live in, complete worlds with limitless areas.

“Where are all these worlds, don Juan?” At different positions of the assemblage point?

- Right. In different positions of the assemblage point, but these positions are accessible to magicians due to movement (moving) assemblage point, not its shift (shift). Entering these worlds is the type of dreaming that today's magicians do. The magicians of antiquity stayed away from it, since it requires enormous detachment and a complete lack of self-importance. The old magicians could not afford such a price. For magicians who practice dreaming today, dreaming is the freedom to perceive worlds beyond the imaginary.

– But what’s the point in perceiving them? (perceiving)?

<...>– The search for freedom is the only motivating force I know.

New seers re-creation exact copy little interest in bodies. In fact, they are not interested in copying the body at all. However, they retained the name “dream body”. This is what they call a feeling, a clot of energy that, by shifting the assemblage point, can be directed to any place in this world or to any place in any of seven worlds accessible to man.
Don Juan assured me that the displacement and fixation of the assemblage point can be done at will with the help of the iron discipline of the sorcerers. He said that the magicians of his line believe that there is at least six hundred points in the luminous cocoon that we are and with a conscious shift of the assemblage point, any of them can give us the whole world. This means that if our assemblage point is displaced to any of these points and remains fixed there, we perceive the same real world like the world Everyday life, but different from it.
  • The ordinary world (first world) is the world in which a person is born.


It's time to put into practice what I learned in the dream. Without giving me time to ask another question, he ordered me to concentrate on the foliage of a mesquite tree growing nearby. And also make it look like I was in a dream

“You want me to just look at this tree?”

“I don’t want you to just watch; “I want you to do something special with its foliage,” he said. – Remember that in your dreams, as soon as you become able to hold the image of any object, you actually hold the dream position of your assemblage point. Now look closely at these leaves as if you were in a dream, but with one, albeit small, very significant difference: keep your dreaming attention on the leaves of the mesquite tree in the awareness of our everyday world.

My nervousness prevented me from following his train of thought. He patiently explained that by looking closely at the foliage, I would effect a slight movement of the assemblage point. Then, by gathering together my dream attention by gazing closely at the individual leaves, I will actually fix the assemblage point in this slightly displaced position. And my cohesion will force me to perceive in the language of the second attention. Chuckling, he added that it was extremely simple.

Don Juan was right. All I had to do was stop my gaze on individual leaves of the tree, hold it there, and I was instantly drawn into a vortex-like sensation, very similar to the vortex (English vortex - whirlpool, whirlpool) in my dream. The foliage of the mesquite tree has become a whole universe of sense data. It was as if it had swallowed me, but I felt it not only through my eyesight; I touched the sheets of paper and felt them clearly. I could smell them. My dreaming attention was not simply visual, as in an ordinary dream, but integrated all the senses.

What began as gazing at the foliage of a mesquite tree has now developed into a dream. I was convinced that I was perceiving the tree in a dream, as had happened to me many times. Naturally, I acted with this tree in a dream exactly the same way as I always did in a dream; I moved from detail to detail, carried away by the force of the vortex, which carried me to that part of the tree where I directed my dreaming attention, covering all the senses. Vortex-whirlpools were formed not only by looking, but also by touching any part of my body.

During the course of this vision or dream, I was confronted with doubts generated by my normal rationality. I began to ask myself if, in a daze, I had actually climbed up a tree and was actually touching the leaves without realizing what I was actually doing. Or maybe I fell asleep, lulled by the rustling of leaves in the wind, and I was dreaming? But, just like in the dream, I didn’t have enough energy to think about it for a long time. My thoughts were fleeting. They lasted a moment, and then the power of direct perception completely drowned them out.

From some movement around me, everything shook, and I literally emerged from the cloud of leaves, as if the tree had ceased to exert its attractive influence on me. From my height I saw a magnificent panorama right up to the horizon. Dark mountains and green vegetation surrounded me. Another burst of energy shook me to my very bones. After that I found myself in a different place. Gigantic trees towered all around. They were taller than the pines in Oregon or Washington. I have never seen such a forest. This panorama contrasted so sharply with the arid Sonoran desert that I had no doubt that I was in a dream.

I held this one unusual landscape, afraid to let it go, knowing that it is actually a dream that will disappear as soon as I leave the dream's attention. But the images remained even when it seemed to me that I had left the attention of the dream. A terrible thought flashed through my mind: what if this is neither a dream nor the ordinary world?

Frightened as only an animal can be, I rushed back into the thicket of leaves from which I had emerged. Under the influence of my impulse, I walked through the foliage of the tree, skirting the thick branches. The momentum of this impulse pulled me away from the tree, and in an instant I found myself next to don Juan at the door of his house in the Sonoran Desert.

I immediately realized that I was again in a state in which I could think normally, but could not speak. Don Juan told me not to worry. He said that our gift of speech is subject to very strong influences, and that periods of muteness are quite common among magicians who dare to look beyond ordinary perception.

Deep down I felt that don Juan felt sorry for me and decided to cheer me up. But the voice of the emissary, which I clearly heard at that moment, said that after a few hours of rest, not only the power of speech would return to me, but also good health.

After getting enough sleep, at don Juan's request, I gave him detailed description everything I have seen and experienced. He warned me that understanding my experience on the basis of rational ideas was impossible. And the point is not that my intellect is in any way deficient, but that this was an incident that the mind simply cannot comprehend by its nature.

<...> – Yesterday you visited another world. But if you ask me where it is and I tell you that it is in the position of the assemblage point, again you will not understand anything.


Connection with the assembly point

Don Juan said that while studying man as a luminous sphere, these magicians of ancient times discovered six hundred points on the luminous sphere, which, if you fix the assemblage point in them, give access to a completely new world. His answer to my inevitable question, “Where are these worlds?” - was - At the position of the assemblage point. Nothing could be more true than such a statement, but nevertheless, for us it makes no sense.

However, if this is explained in light of sorcerers' ability to see energy as it flows in the universe, then it makes sense to them. Their position is that the assemblage point, being in its normal position, receives a flow of energy fields from the entire universe in the form of luminous energy filaments. These fibers, the number of which reaches billions, pass through the assemblage point, resulting in the creation of the world as we know it. If the assemblage point moves to a different position, then another set of luminous fibers begins to pass through it. Mages sense that this new set energies cannot give the appearance of the same world; that this world must definitely be different from the world of everyday life. Since the assemblage point is not the only place where perception is collected, but is the center at which the interpretation of sensory data occurs, sorcerers sense that it will interpret the new flow of energy fields in much the same way that it interprets the world of everyday life. The result of this new interpretation is the perception of a world that is strangely similar to ours, but at the same time significantly different from it. Don Juan said that only the interpretation of the assemblage point affects this feeling of similarity and that on the energetic level these worlds are as different from ours as possible.

In order to express this amazing property of the assemblage point and the perceptual possibilities that dreams provide, a new syntax is needed; or perhaps even the syntax of our language can explain it, if the experience can be experienced by any of us, and not just initiated shamans.

Connection with the Perception Barrier

if you intend collect another true peace, using another large strip of emanations, you need to take measures to completely release the assemblage point.
In the last part of his explanation, he described in detail the two forces that help the assemblage point move - the push of the earth and the rolling force. In addition, he explained to me the three methods developed by the new seers - stalking, intention and dreaming - and how the practice of these methods affects the behavior of the assemblage point.

Now,” he continued, “in order for the explanation of the art of mastering awareness to be considered complete, you have only one thing left to do: overcome the barrier of perception on your own. You yourself, without anyone’s help, must move your assemblage point to achieve alignment in another large band of emanations.

If you cannot do this, then everything we talked about and did will turn out to be empty chatter, just words. And words are worthless.

He explained that when the assemblage point moves from its normal position and reaches a certain depth, it passes through a certain barrier that momentarily deprives it of the ability to tune the emanations. We experience it as a moment of emptiness of perception. The ancient seers called this moment a wall of fog: at the moment the alignment of emanations is disrupted, the perception of a strip of fog appears.

Don Juan said that the problem of overcoming the barrier of perception can be approached in three ways. It can be viewed as a kind of abstractly overcome abstract barrier. You can overcome it as if breaking through some screen made of thick paper with your whole body. Or you can see it as a wall of fog.

Of course, during my apprenticeship, don Juan led me many times to see the barrier of perception. At first I liked the image of the wall of fog. Don Juan warned me that the ancient seers also preferred to see the barrier in this way. He explained that this was much easier and more convenient, but there was a danger of turning incomprehensible things into something dark and sinister. Therefore, he advised me not to put the inconceivable in the inventory of the first attention, but to leave it incomprehensible.


About the mystery of the number 7

All the peoples of the world at all times are magical, mysterious numbers paid Special attention. Of all their diversity, the number seven was and is the most popular.

This number is the most mysterious, magical number of the Universe and means the completeness and totality of the world. This number embodied main secret of the universe: “The secret behind seven seals.” These are the seven days of Divine creation, and the seven notes of harmony, the seven-day phases of the Moon and the seven planets known in ancient times, etc.

Whatever it is considered: magical, magical, and sacred (sacred is sacred, dedicated to God). Seven is a number that represents wisdom, holiness and secret knowledge, this is a sign of ancient man’s interest in understanding nature... In tradition different nations antiquity, any design, including letters or numbers, any sculptural image, had a sacred, even mystical meaning.

There is an opinion that the magic of numbers is usually linked either to the features of the calendar or to the concepts of cosmogony. The number 7 occupies a special place among these numbers. It is interesting that seven does not have any special geometric correctness, is not very convenient for calculations, but from time immemorial it has been revered and continues to be revered. Its magic has penetrated into all spheres of human life; its frequency, compared to other magic numbers, is very high.

Reasons for the emergence of the cult of the number 7

There are several versions of the origin of the mystery of the number 7. As man understands the universe, the status of the sevenfold nature of this world rises. The cult of worship of the number 7 dates back to 4-5 thousand years ago. The cult of the number seven first appeared among the Sumerians.

One version of its appearance is the number of seven celestial bodies known at that time: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, visible to the naked eye. In addition, the Sumerians had a belief that life cycle on Earth depends on the increase and decrease in size of the Moon. By lunar calendar of this people, each month consists of four weeks, each of which has 7 days. Days are added to the end of the cycles to fill the time when the Moon is not visible in the sky.

Another version is connected with the Moon. In Babylon, every seventh day, marking the completion of a certain stage of the lunar cycle, was considered dangerous, bringing misfortune. Therefore, the seventh day of the week was intended for rest and, in order to avoid facing danger, no one worked. The mysticism of this number was used two and a half thousand years BC in the calculation and construction of the Cheops pyramid.

Here, with an error of no more than 0.15% (quite acceptable for ancient times), sizes that are multiples of the number 7 are often found. So its height is 147 meters, and the length of the base is 231 meters. This is the entrance to the pyramid, located at a height of 15.61 meters from the ground. These are corridors 105 and 35 meters long, and the length of one of the burial chambers is 14 meters, and their heights are 3.5, 1.75 meters and the lining of one of them is 5.74 meters, this is a narrow hole 0.7 meters in cross section etc.

Some scientists associate the worship of the number 7 with Egyptian and Babylonian philosophy, where this number was considered as the sum of two “life” numbers: three and four. Three people - father, mother, child - form the basis of life, and four are the number of cardinal directions. In addition, the number seven is the six directions of the world: north-south, west-east, up-down and the Creator of all this is God. The version that the number 7 is heaven and earth, water and fire, birth and death, and man in the middle of this universe takes its place.

A version is also proposed that a person perceives the world(light, sounds, smells, taste) through seven “holes” in the head (two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, mouth). In addition, there is an opinion that ancient people considered seven to be the number of luck. This is associated with a farmer who relied on the powers of: 2 arms (plowman), 4 legs (horse) and God (angel).

According to Pythagoras, the sum of the numbers 3 and 4 (triangle and square) was considered a manifestation of completeness and perfection. So in one (1) square two (2) diagonals form four (4) equal triangle(the sum of 1, 2, 4 is 7). If the sides of the triangle are equal to 3,4, 5, then the so-called Greek (Pythagorean) triangle is obtained, in which sides 3 and 4 (their sum is 7) form legs, and the angle between them will necessarily be right, which is very important during construction and marking of land plots.

Some sages of the East saw the sevenfold nature of the world in the fact that the human body is renewed every 7 years, i.e. his life consists of stages divisible by seven years. These are 7 years - infancy, 14 years - adolescence, 21 years - adolescence, 28 years - youth, 35 years - maturity, 42 - fullness of vitality, 49 - wisdom, 56 - the beginning of autumn, 63 - loss of strength, 70 - return to childhood, 77 - return to infancy.

There is no doubt that these and similar facts are not accidental; obviously, they indicate the existence of some extremely important secret for humanity associated with the Creator of the universe, and the key to revealing this secret is the number 7. Frequent mention of this number in the Scriptures different religions on a variety of occasions once again confirms the sacredness of this mysterious number 7.

Apparently, these versions gave rise to the idea of ​​​​the creation of the world in 7 days, which is repeated many times in Holy Scripture different peoples, which emphasizes it magical power in the eyes of ancient people. The seven celestial bodies, days of the week and seven known metals in those days gave rise to astrology and alchemy, complementing each other and convincing people of the sevenfold nature of the world: gold - Sun - Sunday; silver - Moon - Monday; iron - Mars - Tuesday; mercury - Mercury - environment; tin - Jupiter - Thursday; copper - Venus - Friday; lead - Saturn - Saturday.

Which of these versions of the origin of the cult of the sevenfold world is correct is not known, but they all have the right to exist, and each of them made its contribution and reason to the birth of magic and magical power this number is 7. But, regardless of which version is correct, the worship of this symbol has survived to this day.

Thus, in later centuries it was determined that White light there are a set of seven colors of the rainbow, the musical octave consists of notes, the number of cervical vertebrae in humans and almost all mammals (even a giraffe) has seven vertebrae.

Seven in the world's religions

According to religious ideas, the number 7 rules time and space. By folk beliefs, the seventh son of the seventh son is endowed with incredible magical powers.

IN Ancient Egypt seven is the number of the God Osiris, ruler of the kingdom of the dead. On the winter solstice, the Egyptians lead a cow seven times around the Sun Temple in search of Osiris. At the seventh hour of the night, the serpent Apep (fiend of the underworld) attacks the boat of the heavenly sun god Ra, the dead man passes through the seven halls and seven doors of the underworld. But at the same time, the Egyptians sacred number 7 traditionally correlated not only with the kingdom of the dead, but also with the earth.

The number 7 was also associated with the earth among the Anatolians back in the 7th millennium BC. The number seven is also mentioned many times among biblical Jews. Thus, in the era of the Temple of Jerusalem (first millennium BC), the onset of every seventh month was marked with additional sacrifices. This is also the national emblem of the statehood of the ancient Jews - the seven-branched candlestick.

This includes the creation of the world by God in seven days, the seven commandments of Noah, the seven patriarchs: the seven days of ordination of priests, the seven deadly sins, the seven heavens, etc. In the Old Testament, the number seven is mentioned 700 (!) times. In Christianity, as in Judaism, the number 7 is sacred - this is the creation of the world in 7 days. There are 7 sacraments in the Christian religion: - Holy Week Great Lent - seventh week; 7 - a sign of spiritual fullness and harmony, the “seven bowls” of God’s wrath, “seven deadly sins”, seven-branch, seven-branched candlestick; Great Lent has seven weeks, seven angelic ranks etc.

The seven-branched candlestick symbolizes the seven sacraments Orthodox Church. In the Christian holy books, the number seven is mentioned many times: “Whoever kills Cain will be avenged sevenfold,” “... and seven years of plenty passed... and seven years of famine came,” “and count yourself seven Sabbath years, seven times seven years, so that in seven Sabbath years you may have forty-nine years,” etc. Lent for Christians has seven weeks. There are seven ranks of angels, seven deadly sins.

In many countries, there is a custom to place seven dishes on the Christmas table, the names of which begin with the same letter. In Islam, the place of “highest enlightenment” is considered to be the seventh heaven, where everyone pleasing to Allah goes. 7 gates of heaven, 7 steps of hell, the seventh day of commemoration for the deceased, since his soul spends seven days at the grave.

There are seven Prophets in the teachings of Islam: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jesus, Muhammad. During the Hajj to Mecca, the pilgrim must circle the sacred stone of the Kaaba seven times. In the Holy Quran, the expression “seven heavens” is mentioned 7 times, the phrase “creation of the heavens” is also repeated 7 times. The first sura (chapter) of the Holy Quran consists of 7 verses (verses). In Indian (Vedic) numerology, the number seven is the number of fate; it enhances the qualities inherent in the number of the soul and the name of a person.

In Buddhism, the number 7 is a symbol of ascent, ascent to the highest, finding the center. The seven steps of the Buddha symbolize the ascension along the seven cosmic steps that transcend space and time. Buddha was sitting under a fig tree with seven fruits. From them came the custom of giving seven elephants - figurines made of bone, wood or other material - for good luck. In Hinduism the following are revered: 7 sages; 7 worlds; 7 sacred mountains ods; 7 sacred islands; 7 sacred seas; 7 sacred mountains; 7 sacred trees; 7 deserts; 7 chakras

Among the Babylonians underground kingdom surrounded by seven walls. An interesting fact is that in the numerology of the Mayan people, far from the Middle East, South America, also the number seven was given due attention. There, the number seven is associated with death and completion. While one is the beginning, 7 is the end. Being born on the 7th day does not mean bad luck. 7 is midway between 1 and 13, so those born on the 7th day look both backward and forward. They may be indecisive, not knowing where to go. They see values ​​in both directions, which are equal for them.

Traditions, legends of the number 7

The magical number 7 was revered many centuries before our era, in the Middle Ages, and is still revered today. It appears in the traditions and legends of many peoples of the world. Thus, in ancient Indian legend, in particular, there are seven sages who survived the flood in order to preserve and pass on to future generations the wisdom of the antediluvian Earth.

Egyptian manuscripts also mention "seven wise men" who were the only divine beings who knew how to create temples. In Babylon, a seven-tiered temple was built in honor of the main gods. The priests of this city claimed that after death, people, passing through seven gates, find themselves in the underground kingdom, surrounded by seven walls.

In ancient Greece, the number 7 was the number and symbol of Apollo, one of the most important gods of Olympic mythology. He was born on the seventh day of the month, his lyre had seven strings. In legends you can find 7 Hesperides, 7 circles of hell, 7 gates, seven daughters of Astarte, 7 Cyclops, 7 children of Niobe, 7 pipes of the flute of Pan.

In mythology Ancient Greece To the man-bull Minotaur, who lived in the labyrinth on the island of Crete, the inhabitants of Athens annually sent seven young men and seven girls as tribute to be eaten; Tantalus' daughter Niobe had seven sons and seven daughters; The nymph of the island of Ogygia Calypso held Odysseus captive for seven years...

In Egypt, the number seven is a symbol eternal life, number of the god Osiris. Ancient Rome also idolized the number seven. The city itself is built on seven hills; The river Styx, surrounding the underworld, flows seven times around hell, which Virgil divides into seven regions. The seven was very often used by healers, fortune tellers and sorcerers: “Take seven bags with seven different herbs, infusion of seven waters and drink for seven days in seven spoons...”.

In many countries of the East festive table decorated with seven dishes. Thus, on Novruz Bayram in Azerbaijan, 7 dishes starting with the letter C are placed on the table. The number 7 in folklore and literature The uniqueness of the number 7 is that it has grown into a person’s consciousness and has become part of his speech, helping to more voluminously, vividly express his thoughts, some expressions have turned into sayings, proverbs, riddles, and signs.

Number 7 in sayings

Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Seven troubles, one answer.
One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
Seven spans in the forehead.
Seven Fridays a week.
Be in seventh heaven.
Seventh water on jelly.
Seven feet under the keel.
See the seventh dream.
On the seven winds.
Work until you sweat.
Know your ancestors up to the seventh generation.
Behind seven seals.
Seven deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Seven do not wait for one.
A secret sealed with seven seals.
Seven wonders of the world.

Seven deadly sins: pride, laziness, anger, lust, greed, gluttony, envy.

Seven in fiction

“The Seven-Flower Flower” (fairy tale by V. Kataev), “The Seven Simeons” (Russian folk tale), seven volumes of the novel "Harry Potter", and in them - seven Horcruxes. According to the books of Sergei Lukyanenko, “Their Seven” is a poem by K. Balmont. “Seven Beauties” (work of the Azerbaijani poet Nizami Ganjavi).

Seven Greek sages in the poem “Iskander-name” by Nizami Ganjavi. Seven volumes of “History of Religion” by Alexander Men. “Seventh Proof” is the third chapter of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita." Seven underground kings" “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” “Number 7” is a poem by O. K. Aunovskaya.

The number 7 has firmly settled in fairy tales, and is not going to leave them: “Seven Kings and One Queen”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, “Seven Hundred and Seventy-Seven Masters”, “Seven Simeons”, “The Wise Maiden and the Seven Thieves”, "Ivan - peasant son and a little man himself with a mustache for seven miles,” “The Seven-Flower Flower” (V.P. Kataev), “Seven Underground Kings,” “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”

Number 7 in modern world

In the modern world, the number 7 can often be found in various areas of human activity and, unlike in ancient times, is not mystical in nature. The number 7 and the laws of nature - 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 notes in the musical scale, 7 vertebrae in the cervical spine of humans and almost all mammals.

Gestation period: in humans - 7x40=280 days, in mice - 7x3=21 days, in hares and rats - 7x4=28 days, in cats - 7x8=56 days, in dogs - 7x9=63 days, in lions - 7x14= 98 days, for a sheep - 7x21=147 days. In birds, the incubation period lasts: for an ordinary chicken - 7x3 = 21 days, for a duck - 7x4 = 28 days. The number 7 and science In physics, there are 7 basic units of physical quantities in the International System of Units (SI).

In chemistry there are 7 periods in the periodic table. 7 is the atomic number of nitrogen, the most common chemical element in the Earth's atmosphere - 77%.7 main crystal systems in crystallography. Number 7 and architecture Seven Stalinist high-rise buildings were built in Moscow in the early 1950s: Hotel Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Main Building of Moscow State University, Leningradskaya (hotel), Residential building on Kotelnicheskaya Embankment, Residential building on Kudrinskaya Square, High-rise building on Red Gate Square

Number 7 in cinematography

“The Seventh Seal”, “Seven Samurai”, “The Magnificent Seven”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”, “Seven Brides of Corporal Zbruev”, “Seven Old Men and One Girl”, “Seven Braves”, “Six Days, Seven Nights”, “Seven Days in May”, “Seven Years in Tibet”, “Seven Lives”, “Seven Days to Death”, “Seven Psychopaths”, “Agent 007”.

Number 7 in history

G7 - G7 largest countries West. 7 Warsaw Pact countries, (1955-1991). 7 countries of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) since 08/16/2006. Seven Years' War 1756-1763. "Seven Boyars" in Russia in 1610-1612. “Seven Bankers” in Russia under Yeltsin in 1996-1998.

Number 7 in mathematics

Divisibility by 7 numbers of the form: ava, if a+b is divisible by 7. Example: 525. (5+-2=7). that means 525 is divisible by 7. (525:7=75) waa, if a + a + b is divisible by 7. Example: 322. (3+2+2=7), then 322 is divisible by 7. (322: 7=46) vaa, if a two-digit number and b+a+a is divisible by 7. Example: 4711. (47+1+1=49)/ means 4711 is divisible by 7. (4711:7 =673) aav, if a+a -b is divisible by 7. Example: 665. (6+6 -5 =7, which means 665 is divided by 7. (665: 7=95).

There are seven levels of worlds, seven cosmos created by the power of the Word, music and sound.

The First Cosmos is immersed in the Uncreated Light of the Absolute.

The second level of worlds consists of all worlds of infinite space.

The third level of worlds is the total sum of all the suns of stellar space.

The fourth level of worlds is the Sun, illuminating us with all its laws and dimensions.

The fifth level of worlds consists of all the planets of the solar system.

The sixth level of worlds is the Earth itself, with all its seven dimensions and regions inhabited by countless beings.

The seventh level of worlds is formed by the seven concentric spheres of the Hellish Worlds of the submerged Mineral Kingdom under the earth's crust.

Music, the Word, placed by the Logos in seven musical octaves, maintains in its march the orderliness of the universe.

First level of worlds, note C. Second level of worlds, note C. Third level of worlds, note A. The fourth level of worlds, the note Salt. Fifth level of worlds, note Fa. Sixth level of worlds, note Mi. Seventh level of worlds, note D. Then, everything returns to the Absolute with the note C. Without music, without the Verb, without the Great Word, the wonderful existence of the Seven Cosmos would be impossible.

Do-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La-Si. Si-La-Sol-Fa-Mi-Re-Do. The seven notes of the Great Scale of the Creative Word sound throughout creation, since in the beginning there was the Word.

The first level of worlds is wisely governed by a single law, a great law. The second level of worlds is governed by three laws, the Third level of worlds is governed by six laws. The fourth level of worlds is governed by twelve laws. The fifth level of worlds is governed by 24 laws. The sixth level of worlds is governed by 48 laws. The seventh level of worlds is governed by 96 laws...

When one talks about the Word, he also talks about sound, about music, Rhythms, Fire, with its three beats Mahavan and Chotavan, which keep the Universe sounding.

Pseudo-occultists and pseudo-zotericists mention only Microcosmos and Macrocosmos; they mention only two levels of worlds, whereas in reality there are Seven Cosmoses, seven levels of worlds supported by the Word, music, spermatic and Shining Fiat of the first moment.

Each of the Seven Cosmos is, without any doubt, a living organism that breathes, feels and lives.

From an esoteric point of view, we can affirm that every upward progress is the result of a downward progress. It is impossible to go up without going down. First you need to go down and then go up.

If we want to know the cosmos, then first we should know the two adjacent ones, the one above and the one below, because both of them determine all the circumstances and life phenomena of the space that we want to study and know.

Example: In this era, when scientists are struggling to conquer space, huge, unfortunately, incorrect advances are being made in the field of the infinitely small, in the atomic world.

The creation of the Seven Cosmos was possible only through the Word, through music.

The three forces, Father-Son-Holy Spirit, make up the Sacred Triamazikamno. These are Holy Affirmation, Holy Denial and Holy Reconciliation; Holy God, Holy Indestructible, Holy Immortal.

Electricity has three poles: positive, negative and neutral. Without the presence of these three poles, the entire creation becomes impossible.

In Gnostic esoteric science, three independent forces have the following Names: Surp-Oteos, Surp-Skyros, Surp-Athonotos; Driving Affirmative, Positive Force; Negative Force, the force of negation, the Force of Counteraction; Reconciling Power, Liberating Power, Neutralizing Power. These three forces in the Ray of Creation represent three wills, three consciousnesses, three unions. Each of these three forces contains within itself all the possibilities of the three. But, at the point of their intersection, each of them manifests only its own own principle: positive, negative or neutral.

It is very interesting to see these three forces in action. They separate, move away from each other and then come together again to form new trinities creating new worlds, a new creation.

In the Absolute, these three forces are the One Logos, the Army of the Word, within the Great Union of life, free in its movement.

The process of Creation of the Sacred Cosmic Triamazikamno began with the sexual union of the word, because in the beginning there was the Word, and the Word was with God and the word was God. Because everything began to be through him, and without him nothing began to be that began to be.

In accordance with the Holy Law of Heptaparaparshinok (Law of Seven), seven temples were erected in Chaos to create the Solar System.

In accordance with the sacred law of Triamazikamno (Law of Three), Elohim. Divided into three groups inside each church to sing in harmony with the Liturgy of Fire.
The work of fertilizing Prakriti, in other words Chaos, the Cosmic Mother, the Great Womb, is always the work of the incredibly sacred Theomertmalogos, the Third Force.

Three groups organized themselves within each temple as follows: First, the Priest. Second, Priestess. The third, neutral group of Elohim. If we take into account the androgyny of the Elohim, it becomes clear that they had to polarize themselves into will in Masculine, Feminine and Neutral form, in accordance with the Sacred Cosmic Law of Triamazikamno.

The Priest and Priestess were in front of the altar, and below on the floor of the temple, the Androgynous Choir of the Elohim. The Rituals of Fire were chanted, and the sexual union of the word fertilized the Great Womb of Chaos, and the Universe was born. Angels create with the power of words. The larynx is the womb in which the word is born.

We should Awaken Consciousness in the Word, in the Creative Larynx, in order to one day become able to pronounce the Spermatic and Luminous Fiat of the first moment. Consciousness sleeps in our larynx; we are unconscious of the word; we need to become completely Word Conscious. They say that silence is golden. We say that there is a criminal silence. It is equally bad to speak when one should remain silent, and to remain silent when one should speak.

There are times when it is sinful to speak. There are times when remaining silent is also a sin. Words are sweet, but empty; those whose actions are contrary to their words are like a beautiful flower. full color, but lacking aroma. But similar beautiful flower, full of color and fragrance, beautiful and fruitful words of one who acts according to his words.

There is an urgent need to put an end to mechanicalness in words. It is necessary to speak with precision, in a conscious and timely manner. We need to become word conscious.

There is responsibility in words, playing with words is sacrilege. No one has the right to judge anyone; It is absurd to slander your neighbor. It's stupid to whisper about the lives of others.

Words of condemnation sooner or later fall on us like a punishing ray. Slanderous, bad words always return to the one who uttered them, turned into striking stones.

From book " Hermetic Astrology» Samael Aun Weor